BiSeo. I) Statwman, Salem, Ore., Sat, July 14, '58 SATURDAY BROADCASTS rartara natei TIM IWMui taaHeaee la w4 Mtk Ik (ihiim 4 tieaee aa er.eldea ar reaie aa V lUilm, ka aeeaaaa aituaiee IM aregraaae arc ikaii'l wrtkeal aetlltcaUaa Ule Bew,paer eaaaet aa inui kle im Um aaearaxf keieia.) SATURDAY'S TElEVISION HIGHLIGHTS. KPTV (ATVRDAT'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Dl t:M .Double Barrel Pbyhouse "West of tha Divide", lUr rinf Joha Ways and "Market lor Jlurder", Urrin Tex Rltter nd Dirt O'Brien. ' . I:N p.aa. Encore Tbeatrt "Exk umgiunf starnni i-ai O'Brien. ray Wray. John Baraip-ey. Larry Blake and Arthur Hnon. . . ja-Stiirday Nit Owl Theater "Sundown", atarrinf Gene Tierney. Bruce Cabot and George Saunders. KOIN-TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I):. . t:M .k-Armcbalr Thestre "Mr. Cinderella", with Jack Hsley, Betty rumen, and Arthur Treacher; "GenUemea from California', ' atarrinf Rirardo Cortez. I:M p.n. Rusa Morgan Show Recording atar Johnny Detmond win join with Hum band an loveiy iieien uumneu in presenting, 'favorite tunes. lt.ii p.m. Showtime on Six "Maytime la My(lr ",,with Anna Neagle and Michael, Wilding. KLOR TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL UU '. t: j.-6potlite Tbealer-'Leven of Toledo", with Alido Villi and Pedra Armendaiia la a story at a young woman's effort to free " her lover from orison, 4:M, Gardening for run Dean Collins tells how to prepare voir garden for your absence during vacation. - f:l bjbu Stars of Tomorrow A group of students from Rich- mmul School. Salem., will Dresent a number. it:M B.toClnema Showcase "Ghost of Berkeley Square": with Robert Morley and Felix Aylmer Jn the story of a general and a colonel who fall victims to their own trap to catch a ghost. T SUNDAY'S; BROADCASTS (Celtafe aetei re atatiaeaaa raMteaws ta gee rank ska i aa Umh aa arerMea ar reaie aa V V eutlea,, eat aeaaaae i Ska regraeaa ara rkaagea wiiaeal aeetneaaea tale aw SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS SATURDAY'S TElEVISION KTTV. LHf n; KOINTV. VHF I; KLOR, VHP It mm N:M Mill M:M M:4I s f u KPT VI KOINI 1 -I Mighty Mouaa IMIfhty Moum KPTlHrlawdy Doaa IHawtff Deed It Maniad Joanll Married Joaa KOINI It rP Teai Hainan ITexas Hanger. IBaecball KPTVIf-ury irury KOINI Be.eD.ll- Bajebatl I Uncle Joha IBaerbaH KPTVIcapL Gallant KOINI BaaabaU (Capt Gallant IBaeeball Wa Believe IBaaeball lUncle Joha JBmeball Wa Ballava IBaatball KPTVI (Hence Barm. I Bete. BarmoM Chrlatophars IChrletopeieri ' I KOINI BaaabaU . I B aw ball IBaatball ISparU Cluk KPTVIataa to Maa ICeuatry Camp IBraadbaakat IBraadbaakrl ... KOIN Armchair Taaa.lAnmhalr ThM.IArmchalr Thaa.lArmchalr Teas. XUB.I Ttttrattern ITHl t-ariern i 1 .A KPTVI dm. Flvkee. roMe. Pljhaa. IDkla. Flyhee. IDbla. Ptyha - at KOIN Armchair The. (Armchair The). I Armchair The. lArmchair Thea. KLORI Blf Picture IBIg Picture iBpatltte THea. ISpotIHa Thai, 9 KPTVlDMa. Ptyhaa. IDbla. Plyhaa. l-Gun Plyhat IDbla. Plynaa. aOrVGana Aytry lOane Aulry KL01 Spotllta Tbaa. potllla Tbaa. ISpolllto Thaa KPTVIitr. WUard Ikfr. Wltari BIU Rickok KOINIa-Gua Plybaa l-Cua Plyhaa (Ihawtt KLORI OarOwnni OarOniiH Gbby IDbla Plyhtai IS-Gun Plyhaa Spallna That. IBIU Hlckok atmalShawttma aloal Hayaa IGabby Haytt It KPTVIcka Kid ICIaca KM , ITraublad YmithTraubkd Yauth KOINI Blc Plrtara IBlf Plclura IBaal tha Cloa iBaat tha Clack - KLORlLaurl at HardylLaarl Jc HartylEthal a. Albart Itlhal fc Albarl KPTVIladuatrr Morta MuMum I Down You Ga IDowa You Ga KOINlGuaat of Hona IGuaat at Hanor IHUh Plaanra HIh Ptnanca KLORI AraOamy Tbaa lAcadamy Thaa lAcadamy Thaa.lAcadamy Thtt. 7KPTTIjullu LaRoaa IJullua URoaa IJullua LaKoaa IJutlut La Rom KOIN1 Jackie Claaaoal Jackla Glaaaoal Blafa Shew ISIifa Shew KLOII Acadamy Thaa.Acanamy Tbaa 'Aptdamy Thaa.'Acadamy' Thta. S"KPTVIwalarfnmt IWalarfront rrt. at Start irttt. at Bun ' KOIN Two lar ManaylTwa far ManaylRut Marfaa IRuaa Morgaa ' KLORI Lawranra Walk!Lawranca WalkiLawranca WaHilUwranca Wlk i KPTVItneare Thaat. tencara Thaat. Advanture Advantura KOINI Guaemaka .' ' KLORI Maaauarade IGunamaka IMaiquarada (Daath Vallay ITalant Bcauta ITalant Scant ITomor, Btara ITomar. Blan jPaopla Funny IFtopla Funny IfiKPTVlDaatk Valla li KOINI Joa at Mabtl Joa A Mabal IBhawUma aa I. Showtime aa f ' KLORI Clnama Bhow (Clnama Bhaw ICInama Bhow glnama Bhaw 41 KPTVIlfita Owl INIto Owt IKII Owl INIIa Owl II KOlNhawllnia aa )ghwllwa a IJHtwllim aa SiShawllma aa I KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Dl l-M Big Picture "Escape", with based an actual experi ences ot American soldiers held prisoner in enemy camps. I:M a.m. Color Spread Hal March, Carol Haney and Jayne Mansfield star in, "The Bachelor", a musical comedy composed by Meva Allen. S:W sj. Meet the Press With Sen. Warren Msgnusson ID- Wash). :M pjaGoodyear Playhouse A small town girl risks a dull future for excitement and romance In "County Pair Time", starring wnnony rranaoaa ana rauicia oarry. M:Sa pja -Sunday Star Time "Passport to Heaven", starring Awert Basserman, trie more, and Mary Brian. KOIN-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHUGBTS (CHANNEL 1)1 11: IS pjav Bandwagon 'M An excursion in American politics, to give the nations voters a better understanding of the Presidential conventions and election. 1:M p.m. Armchiir Theatre "The Tall Lis", starring Paul Hen- !J I . i i icia ana Aauurra nujinea. l:St p.m-G. E.. Theatre Ethel Barrymore and Ronald Reagan ara starred in "Prosper s Old Mother". A group of miners decide they need a mother's Influence in their camp life. pas. First Run Theatre "Hannah Lee", with MacDonald Carey. Joanna Dru. John Ireland. Tha story of aa effort to scars homesteaders from western lands. KLOR-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 11)1 lt:H p.m. Collns Press Conference A oanel of colics students fire questions at guest leader Don Thornton, former Governor of Colo rado, head of the National Farm and Ranch Campaign for the Repub lican national committee. I:M pjn. Imperial Theatre "Counterfeiters", starring Foseo Giachetti and Saro Uni. An inspector of the police step-by-step works his way into the set-up of a counterfeiting organization to lain iniormauon lor ine ponce io close Its net. . (:M p.m-Famous Film Festival "Whits Corridors". Starrtns uoogie wuners ana James uonaid. A drama of young doctors and nurses. t:a p.m Coronet Theatre "Four Faces West", slarrlnf Joel Mccrea, r ranees Dee and Charles Birkford. A stranaer rides into a New Mexican town and robs the bank. . SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. CW 17s KOIN-TV. VHP ; KLOR. VTtf 11 OUR MM M:U Mil Mil HKPTVl 1 . 1 KOINI I Paraoa C'a Da fYour Trouble t KPTVIr.ith Tod. KOINlFtllh Today pTalth Today IFalth Today Thlt It Ufa (Bill Rlckak fThli It Ufa IBIU Hlrkok 17'''l7lta PranL Faith Front. Amar. forum A mar. Forum w KOINI l.u r . iff m . rmM I I 1 1 wm m WW lb.NI, WWW US l.U r' WW lINI..,Wn trw KLOR Camp. R'ndua ICamp. R'adup ICollcga Pram Callaja Praaa 1 KPTVIzoa Parade KOIN'rece NaUoa KLORLlfhtad Wind. Zoo Parade IFaea NaUoa Llfhtad Wind. Outlook lOuUook a ISunday News ISunday News Bids. America IBIds America KPTV'd, ipock KOINI Lena Jtanfar KLORI Chrtttoohara Dr. Spark iChurrh In HomaChurrh In Home ILone Rtrwjar iTho Wty I Tha Way IChrlttoph are ITrantltian Chrltt Srlanco KPTVI BIS Ptrtura BI Plctura IColor Sprttd Cokr Spread K01N Armchair Tha. lArmchatr Tha. lArmchair The. lArmchair Tha. KLOR Imperial Thaat Bmperlal Thctt. Imperial Than, arrmarlil Thaal. KPTVI Color Spread IColor Spread Coler Spread IColor Spread KOINI Armchair Tha. lArmchair Tha. Teleph'ne Time rTeleph'ra Time KLORI Imperial Thaat Imperial Thaat. Pioneer Theel. IPIoneer Theat. KPTV Itieet tha Praas fMaat tha Preai IPerapacUva Penpectlve KOINlYan Ara Thara rVou Ara There PUaala ILaatla - KLOR! Pioneer Theat Pioneer Theat Oral Robertt fOral Roberta KPTVlTopper prop per Roy Roiert IRoy Roeara KOIN!prtvata Sac'y.' IPrivata Bac'y. IWhtfi Mr Line IWhat'tMyUna KLORIU Atkad for It U Atked For It If amout fllma irtmrntt Fllma KPTVlcroaa Currant ICroaa Currant IMyttery Thaat IMyitery Thaat KOINIrd Sullivan Cd Sullivan Cd Sullivan Ed Sullivan KLORlFtmaut Fllma IFamout Fllma iFamaut Films ITamoiit Fllma KPTVIcoodrr Pyhet ICaAdyr Pyhta IGoodyr Pyhaa ICoodyr Pyhaa KOINIo B Theater 0 B Theater Alt Mltehcaak lAlf Hltchcorkl KLORlTed Mack t Wr. fTed Mack t Hr. ITed Mack t Mr. Ted Mack'a Hr. Qiannel Chuckles By BIL KEANK . o ooe "Remember tbaee old faahloaed raaad-sereea sets?" - Experts Fail To Find Hell In England MILAN, Italy Of) Italian ex- pens nava announced alter a painstaking search .that there is no hell in England. Thus attractive Giovsnna Fer rsra, JJ-year-om coed and quit whix on American history, may have another chance to win the big prize of I million lire W.- 000) on Italy s top TV quix pro gram. Giovanna appeared to flunk out Thursday night when the quiz master asked her to give the three-H motto of British General Howe's troops when they retreat ed from Boston in 1776. He said each H stood for an English town. He was right about two. The answer, which Giovanna said she didn't know, wss "Hell. Hull and Halifax." The chemistry student from Pa- vis appealed to the program di rectors. Where in England is hell? she asked. A committee from the local touring club looked over maps carefully and couldn't find one. SATURDAY'S RADIO IILM US KOCS) la KAS SMS ROM ST W SIS KBX UN FM! Mtfacydee ROM M il KBX SSJi BOW let I HOUR Mill M:M M:4S ' -ItLJtf Mewe Sua Tlmkar F BOAT Farm News . Salute Ta Bat I Wm Hewe-Amer. KOIN Kleek WirsW Monitor Monitor as Newe-Kp Time Keep riwa Break Gang TH Mua. Tlmkar. Salute Ta Bat KOIN Klerk Courtetv Car ,Newa iXGAY News KOIN Klerk fCiMirteey Car Ski-Keep fimalKeep Time ftl.M Mamtnawav nf -A Ca ta Tawa Tunee A liiAT Gime Comm. Salute Ta Sat OIN KOIN Klack Newt am Monitor Monitor BSS H.t Keep Time asl.M Bible Rnur CUB Time ot o Bport Snate Local Neat iAT Salute la Bat MM Siory Matter Kt.W Monitor X Krap Time KSI.M t-H .hnw S as ROt f ROt km riiil o Newa. Bparl kliV Salute Ta I Sat Storv Maater Monitor BSX Na Bchaai Breakf Canf Newt rrunea A Tuna ITunee A Tint ISalule Ta Bat KGAV Nawa Gnat Newt Contum Slaws WthrMonitae Monitor Keep Tuna Keep Time Haven ef Raat Haven ef Real Tunaa A Time iTunea A Time alute Ta Sat Btluta To Sat KGAY Nawa Guaat Sura . Guntmoke Gunimaka Moniior ' Monitor Monitor Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time Firm A Home Pailor't Call Bargain C'nt'r Tunaa St Time ITunea A Time ITunea A Time Statute Ta Sat ISalule Ta Bat IKGAY Nawa Muale Galen Drake Galen Drake Monitor . Monitor Monitor Na Bchaai No School iNe School "Mmle" Baaeball IRaieball 14m Tuna Bt. I4W Tuna St. Itaoo Tuna St ISalule Ta Sat Salute To Sat IKGAV Nn, Amar. atuaic uanre urcn. xianca urcn. Mua fMrAnurtv Mua.f' ua HOC 1BSI.M Nawa Rot o Newt-Bporta RtiAT ramara Cluk AliHN Nawa Ilnnw MrAnuity Mut MpAnulit a I X Start Tomer'ew Stars Tomor'aw Start Tomor'aw'Sttrt Tomor'ew li 1: RSI.M BaaabaU IRaeeball IRaarball IBaatball ot o Newa-Sparta , KM Tuna Bt. I14wt lune Bt II4W Tuna Bt. OAT Salute To Sat. rtalirte Ta Bat. ISalule To Bat. malutt Ta Bat. KOIN Store Matter Robt. Q. Lewis Robt. Q. LewttiRnbt Q Lawla I) McAnulty Mua MrAnuity Mua. MrAnuity Mua MrAnuity Mua SX Feauval Veatlval iretllval iFnllval Iaa KO KC KSI.M BaaabaU toro World Newa KO AT KGAY News 2SOIN Noon Newt SOW Farm A Mama RSK ' Feattval .SSl.M Baaeball Mit Q Newe-Sparte K'lAV Sat. Hill I (OIN Newapaper SOW Manllor KSX Ruaa Conrad 2 XX o KOAf I KOIN I SOW I Baaeball Bat Matlaaa IRat. Hill Weath'r-rarm Farm A Home re.llval Merty-Round1 Bat Matlnea ptat. Hilt Newipaper Monilor Ruat Conrad Baaeball Bat Matlaaa Bat. Hit, Garden Gate Monitor Frttlval Merry-Rnund Bat. Matlnea st. Hue IBaatball B,l Mattnaa IKGAY Newa (Farm Facta iMnnilnr S'ettlval KPTVI Man va. Crime Man va. Crime IMoate Crltte IMorte Criete KOINIsm.SOS Ch'll'nie S4 soschll'nia KTltr DetacUva (City Detactlva KLORI Coronet Theat IToronet Theat rCaronat Theat. (Coronet Thaat. II KPTVI Bowline fBawlIng ISunday Star ISunday Star lKOINFav. Hutband IFav. Huaband I let Rub Thaat Hat Bua Thaat. KLORI Coronet Theat Coronet Theat IRel. Town Htll IRel. Town Hall 1 1 KPTVIsunday Star ISunday Star ISunday Star ISunday Star II KLOR Bel Team Hall IRel. Town Hall IRel. Town Hill IRel. Town Hall SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM IJM KOCO ISM BOAS MM KOIN BIS BOW SJS KBX IISS FMt Meaaryclee ROM IS1.I; BEX SSJi BOW lee I a:M at: IS a:J S: ROW t:ia Ckarch Byau BOIN-:JS Ckarek af Ska Air ZBOIN Inv to Learn Unv to Learn iBalt Lake Tak. (Salt Lake Tab. BOW Radia Pulpit Radio Pulpit Bible Stud I Bible Study ktx iama Com. Join Navy lYour Buiincat I Bob Croibv .... A 4 W-.k 4. - Ktl.M CI OXH'O N KO A Y W KIIIN H BOW Bi KtX Bl kTi.m bi 9K1M O Mm KO A Y Robi KOIN Jaw HOW Bean Church Bella kii.M Cam'v Baptlat Salem ever Know 4-H riuo Waflfe Club IWeflfe Cluk Newi-Muaie rplorer Sun. Muaw Sun. Muale Ktx Bible Bludy Bible study "iTl.M BlblaC1aat Bible Claet"" for Bua. Mut tnr sua Rack ta God Back ta God Nazarene Bar. Mua far' tua. IWaflfe Club IKGAY Newa iFor. Af Rrpt. Bt. Frincit IVolce Proph'cy IVolce Proph'cy l.illit A Lilt jUfrit A Life Voice at PrephiVotce of Proph. Mua. for sun. imui. for sun. Robertt Or, an Roberti Oran Hit Review IKGAY Newa vlah rallh iweainer iaot in acirnre i newa Bcandlnav. Hr. Scandinav. Hr. Srandlnav. Hr. SVandinev. Kr KKX aluaker Hour yuaaer nour inoeon reopie rime, uwn. Agt. "Vi I M Newt Chrlatlin-Bet Prank A Era'ttlMuiic HtM'O reanvtertea praahvtenan Manh. Mel . Songa ta Rem, BOAT Hit Review IHlt Review Hit Review KGAY Newa .KOIN Muile Fett iMutle Fait. IMuate Feat iMuila Feat. ROW Muale for Sua Muair for Sua Mnair for Sua .Mnair for Sua. KfX Sewi-Branrh Branch Branch Branch Merry-Round Rat Matlnea IKIiAY Neua Way for Youth IWiy for Youth ourlrar Car It ourleay Car iRuaa Conrad IKiim Conrad Ktl.M Merry-Round Nvwa-Soorte Merrv-Rnund Merrv-Round Merry-Round Rat Mallnee Hal Matlnea Sit Matinee Maa Bitet Ree.tMan Ritet Reel Man Bitea Bee IMan Bitat Ree, Bat. Chaaa Bat. Chaee Good Newt Treaanrv Bhow MrAaultr Mua McAauliy Mua. MrAauliv Mua.iMrAnultv Mut. Ktx Newa-Conrad Ruaa Conrad Suae Conrad Ruat Conrad Merry-Round Merry-Round Merry-Rnund Matlaaa sat Matinee Hi IKGAY Nawa Bitea Bet. Man Bltaa Rat. Monitor Monitor BSX Nowe-Conrad Ruaa canrtd Ruaa Conrad Ruaa Conrad H(LM Marry-Round 3 Kit! n Newa-Bparts Bat Matlaaa Bat Mi KGAY Bat. Hlta IRat. Hltt IKat. Hll oih Maa Bltaa Ree.iMaa Bitet Raa.iMaa BH r.w McAaalty Mua MeAauity Mua. Monitoi BtLtl Guaat Star Jl'ilO - xirla rf)AY Sat Hltt oih Kirkham Maw ar;w Courteay Car . RSX Newe-Blkbra Newt Show Boat IMuila J my tnta Jaat Jrny Inta Jaaa Jrny lata Jaas ISat. Hltt Bat. Hlta . IKGAY Newa i V N. Becard 'Danger Ahead ILonk ta Bklee Courteay Car (Monitor Monitor Bwk Black aura iRok Blackburn IRob Blackburn n 5: HUM News tii (if n ' . K.4T Bat. Hltt oil Newe-Weather W Monitor ktx Nawe-Blkb're Country Style Pop Tunas - Bat. Hilt Man In Haute aioruwir Jack Klnlik Pop Tunaa lBaf Hltt Harmoa Bote. )Monte Bellott Jack KtrrJeh Wtlly't ISnn Off Goat New IMonta Ballna Bok Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn . HM HawH Calls Hawaii Calls Thle Be You I Thlt Ba Yaul kino Newt : Pop Tunea Rhvlhmalraa Rhrthmalraa H Ft. Lartnua IFt. Laramie Indictment Indictment '.t Monitor Monlinr Gr Ole Opr Or Ole )orv . act Bob HlarkbwrniHob BltrkburniBob UlarktMirn Bob Mlarkbum Blaehall riiH .a'n Serenade1 Wee'r Beren'ee - i" (, r nnnniiirr, J a- t ue Hoapital S t. !- Harper . A'Ulnt Bhow I ' - r ..Newa t'ol. Feature f ' y HrW Siarper Bhvthmalret idly Hoapital Heck Harper Adklnt Bbow nance fartv Bat. at Chaaa Heck Harper Bob Adklnt in.aeball Kanca Party lat. at Chaaa Heck Harper Bob Adkine a .l.'4 I O .if h I- A. tftaaeball IBaaeball Haaeball Dance Ptrty Dance Parte Dance p Ol Fratura (Bat. Nile ISat. Nlta IHeck Hamer . I n 1 1 K m tw,mm .rmih - HaportlN BA. Baport lAoklot Show Udklni Bhaw 1 c If 1 Jiaecball Newa-Boorta Treaa. Muaia X Minua One Rob Adklnt "p.aeball Nawl 'onrtt Bat Finil Danca Time IRaeeball Danca Partv ITrraa. Muale X Mtnuatlna Bob Adklnt "Baaeball Dii, re Parte Good Fvenlnf lience nr IBaaeball Danca fart New Orleans Danca Time Mankind Wan a ( Ofrtrinf Party Danceland I 4 PrM.a Party Danca Parly IBaatball Danca INtw Orlaans Danca Time Mankind Wirt 1 Bawblll Dance Party Good Cvanlnf . Dance Time Danceland . Nwe-Rrmrla Iwewe-Muate Dance Time Danceland Danca Party Mua MMnltht lanca Time Oaaaalaad IRaaehall .tine, Parte Good CveninS Dance Time Dapceland iDanre Partv IDanre Party Danca Party Danca Party Mut Mlrtnlfht Mut Midnight Dance Time Danca Time Oanealaad Dancaland I It IKai.m nee sm o Woi BOAT KG 2 KOI' BOH Krx KSI.M Join Navy Concert Mm tr Flrat MathodittiFlrat Methodlat K O Flrat Baptltt Flrat Baptlat Flrat Baptlrt Ftrat Baptlat KOAY l.armin a Hour H ayman Hour 'layman', Hour l.avman'a Hour KOIN Muile Feat. Muale Fett. Bun. Aftem'a .Sun. A f tern a Klernal Light iF.trrnal Light rilhntie Hr. K allinllt Hr. BX lewi-Branch Branch Branch Branch KSI.M Newt Muale orld News Bun Matlnea KGAY Newt IKerenarie KOIN Percy Faith Hr. ipercy Faith Hr. Newt-Monitor Monitor Revival Hr. iRevtval Hr KSI.M Medicine ISun. Serenade ttnee e.t,n. Matinee Serenade Bun. Bereuada IWaahmglon Monitor RKK Sammy Kara IBamnty Kaya KSI.M Sua. Serenade Bun. Serenade Bun. Matlnea Serenade Bun. Berenada Bar ll.lttenlng Ear Monitor KBX Hr of Derteloa IHr of Deri at on Mother Joins Runaway British Envoy in Moscow LONDON ( The mother of runaway British diplomat Guy Burgess has Joined her son in Moscow in a new instalment of the cloak and dagger "Burgess snd MacLean" story. The forein office, pressed by newsmen s Inquiries, revealed Fri day night that Burgess' mother told them in March she wss plan ning to visit the Soviet Union to see her son. She arrived there in the last two days," a spokesman ssid. Burgess, 45. along with Donald MacLean. another foreign official, turned up in Moscow in Febru sry after a firs years' disappear ance. MacLean already has been Joined in Moscow by his Ajneri-csn-born wife, Melinda, and their j two children. They were spirited across the Iron Curtain from Swit- serland in 1953. Concubine 7 Plot Brings Guilty Plea SAN rRANCISCO OH Wealthy Oakland Chinese dairy products distributor William YV. Fong, 49, Friday changed his plea in mid trial to guilty of violating immi ration laws. Charged with connpiring to bring a Hong Kong girl into the country, illegally to make her his concubine, Fong changed his pies sfter his motion for a directed verdict of acquittal was denied by Federal Judge 0. D. Hamlin He will be sentenced July 27. He faces a maximum penalty ol 20 years In prison and a $16,000 fine. Still on trial, their motions for scquittal also denied, are his wife, Helen, and their attorney, Robert L. Levy of San Francisco. Fong pleaded guilty to One count of conspiracy to violate the immigration laws by bringing Chin Bick Wan (who later be came Mrs. Fong and changed her name to, Helen) into the country illegally, and to two counts- of making false statements to obtain her entry. The government charges Fong got her into the country by per suading another Chinese, Jona than Yee, to divorce his own wife, go to Hong Kong and marry the prospective concubine, return with her to the United States and di vorce her so she could become Fong's No. 1 wife. Testimony st the .trial, howev er, has stated that she refused to become Fong's concubine, but insisted that he divorce his first wife and marry her instead, which he did. Yee testified that after divorc ing Mrs. Fong-to-be he remarried his own wife. Salem Obituaries 150 at YMCA Camp Picnic Some ISO guests turned out Fri day evening for a picnic marking the end of the first period GfU KUattf AUslsd - Lat rrr.dent of r.23 Prlnfl HA.. at a hoapital In Alexandria, Va., July 4th. Survived by hu wile. Mrs. Grace Amundvon of Salem; daugh ters. Mr, fiarbara Blumenitein . of Salem, Mrs. Eileen Clark of Salem. Mrs , Jtutheila Barrv of Riverside, Calif.; sons, Elmer Amundion of Sa lem and Marvin Amundaon of Springfield, Va : brother, Lawrence Amundion. Cheterk. Wisconsin. Serv ices wilt be held Saturday. Julv 14. at 1 no p m. in the Chapel of the Vir gil T. Golden Co. Interment. Bel crent Memorial Pafk. Dr. Charles Durden of Tidewater, Ore , will offic iate. Jim thlnpidia In thta city, July 12. at the age of 6.t year. Late resident of Porilani, Oregon. Shipment hat been made to Portland for services and interment under the direction of the W. T. rtig don Co. WhI GIbfcea KiMsnel Late resident of 1035 Hlnea St , Salem, at a local hospital July 10th. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimmei, Salem; brother, Jef fery Kimmei Salem; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Mills, Woodourn, Ore.. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Kimmei. Ennis. Ky. Private graveside services will be held Saturday. July 14. at 10 a m. in Belcrest Memorial Park tin der the direction of Virgil T. Golden Co. Mkhael Pick In Portland, Ore., July IS, at the age of J years. Late resident of Sa lem. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Pick of Salem, Brother of Keith Den nis Pick, also of Salem. Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Pick of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dennis of Portland. Great-grandson of Mrs Margaret E. Bennett of Salem, and Mrs. Gllee of Portland. , Also surviv ing are 3 aunts and uncles. Serv ices will be held Monday. Julv 1. at 10 .10 a m., in the Chapel of the W. T Ritrton Co. with concluding services at Belcrest Memorial Park. Street Numbering System Ready For Planning Commission Study " Detail work on tha proposed new I Tuesday night to Salem Planning street 'numbering and designation Commission. system (or Salem and suburbs will Both city and county planning be presented In completed form I commissions are now expected to MOMMY By THI MOSSLERS I'M' r l1e. Me- IM lac !V!tV 1 I I MM, Meat Set I O. AttfTrl. M' J "Okay, out with it' What did you brtok while Mommy wot ihoppingr"' DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Melodies . Performed 11. Run away and marry II. Norse god of poetry -11 Co back IS. Incite la. Levels It. A wing II. rirst 25. A fault il. Poem 28. Sheeplikt 39. A boreal mammal 1 31. Through 32. Succor .. 33. The clover 36. Weep 37. Silk scarf (Eccl.) 39. Jewish month 42. The East 46. A ball 4. Timing ' device 49. Change 69. Like slste DOWN 1. Thrice (mus.) t. Rubber tree 4Mex.) I. rail month (abbr.) 4. rencinf 9. A slss of cost 10. Perish 14. Shelter 17. Nickel (sym.) 18. Take u one's own i 19. A pry 20. On Bra 22. A styls of architecture 23. Snaks 24. Abounding- . in leaves 26. Hslf sn em 29. Small balls' of medicine SO.Mul- v berry 32. Persian coin 34. Coerce 33. Cold (Hr.) 38. Wicked 39. Girl's Bna A 40. Any split V t ' pulse India) 41. Insect 43. Receptacle for . wine Teetere'ar'e aVafwar 44. A anara 45. Attempt 47. Excla mation of hesitation Jeaaaaa Branla At s local reit.home. Thunder. July lJth. Late rraident nf Rt. S. Box 151, Salem. Survived by arm. Ar thur L. Brhuli of Salem: grandeon, Fdwiril fichiilv alan nf ftaUm- fiv. of arandrhtldren, Mra Bov Flake of Sa- YMCA day camp at Capt Crest-1 il"?-uEdwfrd ,H'lnk' ' '"". ..... nruiHv di fiflirm, r.uwaru ntnuii 01 Wood south Of Salem. Salem and Mre. John Wnaht. alao ol A Stunt show. Songs, inspection Salem. Eleven ureal-drandrhlldren . nI. t1M a i.o aurvive. stervicea win De ne a of camp craft projects and stories . Mund,y Jllly ,M p m ln ,n, by Vncle George Vrall, owner andirhanei of the ciouih-Ramck Funeral nialndian nf lha pnmo featured I Home Rev. H. W Croaa will offlr. 8. Benefit . Jewurt month '7. Outside of bread .Sailor (Brit.) S .a 20 3i 15T Ij 41 aa "Mil mA 1 1 1 1H Mogan Leaves for Military School State Police Lt. Farley Mogan. who is a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, left Friday for two v. J? "" -" i Daiad and lint publiahed June SO. iiiidiai j auvc mwvi w . tya. Camp Roberts. Calif. I Macdaiena Bmolnlaky, Mogan. with the district office ot wim. Kvl, K rmmon. State police here, is chief of the Firit National Bank Bldf. public safety section of the 364th Military Government Headquart ers unit at Milwaukie. NOTICB TO CBSD1TOBS Notlra la hereby given that the un deraigned hai been appointed artmin latralor nf the estate of Carl Smnl niaky. dereaaed. All peraona having claimi aiainat the eatata nf aaid de ceased are notified to present the aame to me at 3M Harriaon Street. Woodhurn. Oregon, within aix mnntha after the data, of the firet publication of thl, nntire study tha proposal which makea a geographic districting of, Salem streets by north, south, northeast, northwest, southeast and south west areas. All street names would bear the appropriate prrfil of direction Initials, like NW or S. New Prefixes Present use of East and West prefixes would be discontinued. The new system Is based on tha area of city in which street la located, not on tha direction tha street goes. Southeast area would ba annih of State Street and cast of a lint aiong river, wuiamet e riouirh. Commercial Street and Libert Road; South would be between river and Commercial south of Mission; North would ,be small area between North River Roar! and river north of sewage plant. Northeast would embrace all else north of State and east nf river; Northwest would ba west of wiiiameite River and north of Dallas Highway at a point whera it turns west to tha south of city limits; Southwest would be tha area south of that on west sida of river. , Some Changes Uniform numberins would ha adopted, requiring some chansea of present numbers. This plan was given nreliminare form by Planning Engineer C. A. McClure several months ago, and later given tentative annroval hi the commission. Since then, con ferences have been held with various public and business offi cials interested and details hava been worked out by a planners' -- committee headed by Robert T. Stanley, Valley Rodeo Prizes High PORTLAND OP Fourth of July week rodeos in the Pacifie Northwest proved bonanzas for some cowboys, and in the next few weeks they'll have a chanca to corral more silver in five sched- led Oregon burkeroos. The new bureau of the Rodeo Information Commission in Ksn- sas City reported that Northwest rodeos offered the major cash awards during their recent holiday. The St. Paul. Molalla. Klamath Falls and Toppenish iWash.) events were outdistanced only by the Reno rodeo in prize money. St. Paul offered tt.40. Molalla $7,500. Klamath Falls 36.250, and Toppenish $6,000. The five Oregon rodeos in tha period between July 21 and Aug. and purses offered are: Emerald Empire Roundup. Eu gene, Aug. 3-5. 35,400; Lebanon Roundup, July 27-29, $5,100; Elgin Stampede Rodeo, July 21-22, $1, 000; Chief Joseph Days. Joseph, uly 27-29, $.1,000; Roseburg Hap py Valley Stampede, July 28-29, 1.300. IMennonltea Mennnnltea Sun Matlnea un Matlnea IKerenarie IKGAY Newa ipercy ratth Hr. rercy ralth Hr. Monitor Monitor (Revival Hr. (Revival Hr. Bun. Serenade Bun. Berenada Bun. Matinee Bun. Matlnea iSun. Berenane iKriAY Newa iBrdwy. Pelade I Brdwy. Parade Monitor Monitor tlllgrt Moment (High Moment IBvmphnnlei IBymphonlee' Bun Matlnea Bun Matlnea ISun Berenada IKGAY Nawa ll.tatening Ear ll.laiening Far IMeet the Preaal Meet the Preaa IHerald of Truth iHerald of Truth BSI.M Bymphaniea IBymphonlee Svmphonlet Bvmphonlea lot " Teenage lunea Teenaee Tunea Teanaaa run T n run (BOAT Bun. BVrenade ISun. Serenade Bun. Berenada KOAY Newa KOI Mltrh Millar IMItrh Millar IMItrh Miller IMItrh Miller KrlW Monitor IMnnltor Mnnltnr UmiIm Bob Scott Shw I Boh Scott ghw I Bob Scott Bhw I Boh Scott Bhw IBllt'O Sun. Matt BOAT Bun. Bar S.OIN Newa Bif Monitor BKK Sammy B 2. . an,, arni K ('! Nun Matin BO AY Bun. Be rem KOIN I. Iitanlng aw Monitor BB 3BS 1 BC BC sr 4 KSI.M Sunday Con. ISunday Con. undav Con. IBundav Con. SOTO Teenage Tunaa Teenaaa Tunaa Teenae. Tum. T h r..- BOAT G't'wn. Forum KJ'fwn. Forum lAirtime lAIr Time KOI DJ-USA. ID J -US A. ' CBB Neva ICBS Nrwa BOW Monitor MomtM Shirley Thomaa Mhlrler Thnmaa BSX Bob Brotl Show SSob Brorl Bhaw SVih Bratt Show Btnh Scott Bhow KSLM Newa IMuale ll.utharan Hour i ittberan Hour 5 KOCO Teanege Tunaa Teaaaga Tunea Teaaaga Tunaa Teen, re Tunaa KOAY KGAY Nawa Men. Neuherger Wun. Berenada IBign Off OIN Corllae Archer rorllaa Archer (Tera for Money Two for Money Brief rlewf-Montne Monitor Monitor (Monitor 6 BBS Bob Scott BO awl Bob Brotl Shawl Bob Scott Shew I Rob Brett Show BSI.M Wall Winched front Pare Bob Conaldlne riewa ' loi n Teenage Tunaa Teenage Tunas Teenage Tunea iTeenaee Tunea rni irni uiunamnae wiunmoae Monitor Monitor ' Amer. rorum lAmer. rortim Drew Pearaaa Jlmmv fldler Gueal Star IMere'l In Veta Muale KOIN JW Krx Peareon nr-anare Tunea ncna Tunea Maeter'e Mel dy IMaater'i Mel dy Juhe Boa Jury' Juke Bov Jure K a I.M Memory Boom Memory Boom KOf'O Teenage Tunee fTeenage Tunea KOIN BOW Monitor I Monitor IMua Peatlval .Mua reatlval BKX Paith Our Time lralth Our Time Growing Palne'GrowIng Patna SI M Muale IMuelc IMuale IMuale KOIN Juke Bmr JuiyUuke Bra JuryiBllly Vtti (Hilly May BOW Muale Peat. Muaie Feet Mua Peat Bt ljuia (X Hl-ri Time (HI-FI Tuna HI-ri Time HI-fi Tuna BSI.M Nawa Dave Hom OIN Freddy Martin (Freddy Martin OW Muale Feat Muaiv Feat KS.X Kath Kuhlman Kath Kuhlmaa BSI M naaahall inaaehalf BOIN Bun N'te Fin Mua MtiMr. R'W Blrh Reonrtee Vete Newa KKX Final Kdltloa Flneal Muaia Peace In Valley IPeaca In Vallay I race Nation IS a-e Nation Meet Preai Meet Preaa larael Meaaaga larael Mearage IBaaeball ' iStaaehall rhurctiofAlf ChurcnnfAIr Hr of Oeriaioa Hr of Derlaloa Rrvlval Time R-vival Time the evening entertainment. Second session of the csmp starts Monday with a new group of 73 campers and a new Westerner theme. The program will include making of lean-tos, western hats, lariats, and exploration crafts. There ara Still places open for registrstion In the last two-week period for boys between six and nine. Both Indian and Western themes will be csrried out snd the period will include a camp-out over Friday and 'Saturday of the first week. KOAC 550 k.c. KOAC (Murtlay,: U:M m, The Ntvi and W father; U:1V-Amsyrit r. Mardlral Aisovialion, "Rntumatlam and Hhrurnattc Heart"; Muiic: ll:4-Siimmrr Stnrr Time; :at The Concert Hall; I2 M-The Newa and Weather; II:. J a m Noon Farm Hour: l:M Children's Con cert.: I ta Music or the Maiteni; J: Cvnlutlon of Jart; life Chil dren'! Theatre "Sloriea n' Stuff; I ja Over the Bark rence; :V French Prea Review. : The New and Weather: :IS Urhan Frontier: :49 The Beit of the Week: T:l Ufht Opera Tnnlfht; 41 The New and Weather; U Sim Off. Interment City View Cemetery, Mrs. Wlletta ttelncrube Late resident of Unlonvale. Dallai, Texas, Julv 12ih. Survived by hus band. Howard Steingruhe, tTnionvalt?, Texas: 3 dnurhters. Elise Stelngmhe, Gail Steinvrube and Jean Slrlnjrub. all of Union vale, Texas; mother, Mrs. La Verne Taylor; 3 sisters, Mrs. Worth Wiley ot Davton. Ore. Mr. Emllv Wood nf Salem and Mrs. Mai lt Miller " nf Portland, Ore.; one brother, Henry Taylor of Amity, Ore. Member of Unlonvale T. U.R. churrh. Services will be held Monday, July 16th at the Untonvale E.U.B. church at 110 p in. with the Rev's. Clyde Dollar and George Miller officiat ing; Interment, Hope well cemetery, under direction nf the. Huwell-Ed-waid Funeral chapel. Wlltism Mitchell ttrohmeyer Late resident of I9W N, IRth St., July llth, at Waldport, Ore. Husband of M, Irene Strtihmever of Srilpm; father of Mrs. Cam) Denscn of Port land, Ore.; grandfather of Detora Iensen, aluo of Portland: brother of Chris R. Strohmeyer and Louis C. Strohmeyer. both of Oregon City, Ore., Mrs. Rose Brhlnk of Portland and Mrs. Iconise Herfert nf Vista, Calif. Services will be held Saturday, Julv 14th. at 1 'in Dm. in the Chapel of she W. T. Risdon Co. wit ri con cluding services at 3:M p.m. at Mt. View Cemetery at Oregon City, Ore. The U. S. government sets about 54 million dollars in royal ties a year from about 500 mil lion dollars worth of minerals mined oft federal land. t Albany, Orejron Attorneys for Administrator Publish June 30. July T, 14, 21 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOHS: Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of District 2J. Lyons. Orejron. at the Mari-Llnn Sthonl building, Lyons, Oregon, until Tues day, July 24, i:56, 8 00 p m.. PST, for the construction of classrooms and office addition to the Marl-Linn School building and will he then and there opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time of opening: will not be considered. Plans, specifications and form of contract documents may be examined or obtained at the office of Architect John Grimmer Groom, 2.11B State Street Salem. Ore eon. unon a deoosit of I2A.00 for each set of documents. ! No proposals will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check, cashiers check or hid bond made pay- hie to the District tn an amount of ' not less than ftr of the amount of the bid. Surety bond will be required tn accordance with the terms of the contract documents. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour aet for the opening thereof or before the award of the 1 contract, unless said award Is delayed for a period exceeding 30 nays. ALICE HUBER. Clerk. July 7, 14. IL FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS -HEREBY GIVE If that we have filed tn the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Marlon County, Probate Department, our duty vrrified finat account as execu tors of the estate of LEONORE 8. PKUITT. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, August 13. 19:. at the hour of IS am. and the court room nf said Court as the time and place for hearing said final ac count and objections thereto RALPH LAWREVCE SCHARF MARGARET S SCOTNEY JOSEPH P. MEIER ' " Executor. , JOSEPH P. MEIER Attorney for Executors .ISO Court House Salem, Oregon. July 1, 14. 21, 2fl, Aug. 4. ACRES OF NEW FORDS 1952 Merrury MoMnry Fordor Mrrr-O-Matie Hadia Hrstrr WSW Tirrs. -One Owner and beauty! AUTO ACRES Jfij Portland Raad Virgil Parle Sam Houter- K. Smith Phone 4 053J rv SERVICE STATIONS. INC. 4 KVAL TV, VHF 13 1 BOI Muale iMuale Senate (Muale Br.w Newa Nlgtitraa Cltv Cmiarfl Ctv Caimrtl i Civ Cmmrll 1 BBS auir raham BUlr Orahaea Paul Caraea r-aul Csraaa Bt'r.rNB: KVAI.-TV. rkaanel is (SalorSay): S:M f m. Star, of tha Weatern Range; l ea Baturdar Mat inra Theater; ( - Watrh Mlatar wirard: 4 Je Furv; S ea The Mnv :; S:tS Curlmn Camera; S:M Bm-Tin-Tln; T:e lwrenre Weik; :ea People Are funny: S:1S Guy tmbardo; Stag Rnrnra Theatre; lie Adventure Tlieatre- Itae r.rnie Knvaca Bhow; 1 1 ;Sa Requrat Playhouae; rinrvr: KVAI.-TV rhanael II (Suada)t t ie a CtiriXian Brl enre; S IS Puppet Itibl Stnrr; le aa -Oral Bohart.- Il lat.lahlrd Wm- dnw; Ilea Champion. hip Bawling: ll:S rronttera ol faith: U:S m Ameriran forum: I ee 7oo Pararte; I le Outlook; l ea Sunday Matlnea Theatre ith John Rarrvmora In "Bulldog Drummonrl Cornea Back"; 11a Sunriaf Spectacular preeenta "The Barhelor". a muaica! rnmedv. with Hal March, .lavra Manjfleld, Julie Wilwn. Carol Hanev; S:aa Me't ,1. Prea t- e.natnr tvp.r.n n Magnuann (D-Waahi. gurat arwaker: l:Wpnv Ror-r See Tonne.' S- -Tie to-e "'nlf. l ea Oram rlr ,.. n.l-..e- a Waterfront: S Man Aglnt Crime: aje r,rn: IS:i Talenhone Time ith ' Beverly Weahoum In "The Kev" the atnrv of a rleef . Mind and rntite girl- IS:Se -Sunrta'.' JhwiHtma antn "TtsS Uaeanatn eellng". ) '. I n Dr. Sam K.Hughes OPTOMETRIST New Location 1128 Center St. Across From Owl Drug PH. 4-0767 Dr. Sass K. Hughes Complata Opflcsl Sarvica Eya Rafactlens Examinations ,' Framas for His or Har latost In Eyowaar Fashions C'Mact Ltnsas Cornaal Lansas-A Microlens Invlsibla j Undar Normal Conditions-Repairs of All Kinds Lsntss Dupllcalod Sunglassas Mada :00 to 1:30 Week Dss Credit If' t.M to 1:00 Ssturdsys Desired f If m Thtre'a more to Pharmacy Servict than pilli and drugs Ou policy Is to offor MORE, much mora than ax part fill. Ing of proscriptions, fino drugs, and quick delivery. To all of theso, we add friondlinass and Sarvica. Saa us soon! CAPITAL DRUG STORE t Itstloni to Better Serve Yow Mala Store: 405 State, Corner of Liberty Prescription Shop: (17 Chemrketa, (irlffla Bld(. WE GIVE -C CRKEN STAMIJS . OUll STORE IS AIR-CONDITIONED BY KRIGIDAIRE SHOP HERE COMFORTABLY (ftinnl tTifeii m w tern