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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1956)
New York Closing Stocks Reported by Merrill Lynch. Pure Frnnn and Besn Admiral Corp .... Al Chem At foy 'Al'led Strs ... Allli Cham ........ Alcoa ..... Aluminum' Ltd .... Am Airlines ........ Am C,n ..., Am Cyan '...... Am Motor m Stl Tt Am T ft T A m Tobacco .. Am Viscose Anac Copper Armco A-mour . AtfhMon Top Avco , II PerdiV A"a P,et Foods eth Stl Air Porrien '. Pore Warn ... Pncvni. Purro AdrJI-e C ftllf rV C.ntpH 0"n Can Psr Rv C J T Cs'frn Trac Celsnese Clntrx Crtslnteed Ch.j A o By Chi f A t'p Cil W Chi R In Ry Chrvsler Cllle Serv Climsx Mol'v cinetl p. .; Cora Cola Colr1 Com Credit Cnmiv Fdlson Cons Edison Cnn'aler Conl Cn Cn Oil Crsne Co Cron 7"ll Curtlss Wr D Tleer A- Co Tiia Match Tinug Air . Dow Cham Du P da Ne , Tsst Air 14 Fast Kodak . El Paso Gaa Fmer Radio Ex Cello , r Fairrhild ...117 :.. so', 17 ... 1131, ...144 ... 2b ... .... 13 ... .... 47 .JSP, ... 7P, .. , 77, ... ... 1", ... 1 ... !'. .. si . 4t; .. . 4tt; .. .. 0". .. 17". ' .. .. ?l", . ". .. ""' . I' a .. , -" .. II'. . 4"'. I'. .. I'S . ' I 4i. I sis; ! " '7", : ! . ', .. M's ; .. ! .: 4it .. ". 7m, I 111', ' - "s ' . 7 . Ia 's . n . s rilntkota Ford Motor .... a nan Dynamic Gan Elec .. Gen Food, Cen Motors . Ocn Tira Ceo Pac Ply .. Oll'ette . . C.lldden Goodrich noodvear . Craca WR C.rt No Ry . Cri Wnt Rug Cravhound Gulf Oil N Homrstake I Tnf W.rvr.t . . nt Nickel Int Paper 1 Johns. Wen,' Jona, A M tl It "als.r Alum .. Kenneentt , Kern Land I. I.lhby MrN t.l" Mers Tr r,,s Tjjckha1 Air . lyww'l Jnr ... I.nn p.ll A ... Lorlllard M Vaanavox 7amh Fitd M M Wood . Merck. Co . Mon Chem ... . Moot Ward Motorola . V ULcult Vatl rh Rcf nii n-i'v . viti ni.tni wti Gvo.urn . l ead 'mi Rmnlv VY Central .... Vo Am Avia . No P,c Rv NW Airline .. O Olln Mjth Out Elrv P Pahco . Pac G 1 El .. Pac TAT Pan Am Air Pennev J C . Pcnn Rv Pepal Cola - M'. . i'. - 4a', 47 .. 7i . 7l', .. 47'. .. SI", .. .V. .. 7i . 7, .. 4V, .. Jl IS .I3i; i l.tS'i .. 4, . 1-w .. 4U .. aa . a?i, . 'a ya .. m. 4", . j .. 4S'k 1 " I .. 4", I aas; -' ". ; . 1" I .. 7a . aa. 41', :ri'i ; .....I .. 'i .. 50, .. Jn'i .. fli .. J4'i . 23". Phalpa-Dodfa Phtlco Corp Phil Morris , ., Phil Patrol , Plll.bury Proc tt Gam . Pu 8H P fc L, Pura Oil . a. Radio Coro Rjivonlrr Inc Hepub Stl Reynold, Met .... Reynold, Tub . Richfield O Royal Dutch . , I Safeway Strs St Joa Lead . .... St L A ST Ry ... St Rrilt Paper , Schenlev Ind Scott Paper - Seara Roa Shall Oil Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil Soconv-Mnh ........ Sou Cl fdl Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Snerry Rand Std Brand, Std Oil Cal Std OH Ind Sid OH NJ Stude-Pack Sunray Oil Sun, nine M .......... Swift A Co Sylvanla El T Texa, Co ... Texn, Cull Textron Tlda-Aaao ., Tran, Wo Air Twen Can Fox .... V I'nlon Carb Union Oil Vmon Pac Ry ... llnl Aircraft I'ni Air Linea llnl Corn ... I'nl Fruit lis Plwood t!S Rubber US Steal W Warner Pic . Wah Water P Writ Br Western Air Wentrrn Elec ,. Western Union . Wooiworth ' r. Zenith , ... 4'i - 22 .. 4', .104 . 4i ... ', - '. .4!, .. 4', .. 3, .. 47', .. 71, . IV, .. II .112', .. 17', .. 44', .. mu .. M .. 19'. . IV'm i . ', .. .. 14 .. W'i .. II ' i . l'a . 44', .. Jt'i .. J!", .. S.V. ,. !'. .. M", .. 7', .. 2S", .. ' 41', M. . M'i . ', .. 2!, .. 4.1 .. .1'l .. .. 14( IflO'i .. 1', I7"'J Wheat, Rye Moves Higlier CHICAGOT rWUfaTSiifTTi' moved up on the 'Board of Trade Friday, rye particularly showing iharp gains. The rest of the market was mostly lower. Wheat closed 2'-2i higher, corn a -IS lower, oati H lower to 's higher, rye to S centi higher, soybeans J', lower to 14 higher and lard S cents lower to IS cents a hundred pounds higher. There was nothing particularly new in wheat during the day but after the close it became known the National Grange had endorsed the private trade's grain export plan in a letter to the Department of Agriculture. Jhis put all three of the farm organizations ocnina tne plan, which would boost exports from this year's wheat crop and reduce the amount being exported from government stocks. Chioaso Grain CH1CACO (API Grains: WHEAT July September December March Mar CORN July September .. 4(1 - ', . SO', . 4B', .M', . 0', . , . 37'. .. J4, . it . sv, .. 10', .. 47S, !12i i December Mirch OATS July September December March RVE July September December March Soybeans July September November January March JiivestmentTrusts (Zilka. Smlther r Co. Inc I Bid Aiked ' Affiliated Fund a. :7 ) 79 Candln Fund ... 20 7 J '1 Century Shares Trust . 23 02 25. S. Chemical Fund IS 12 1910 Delaware Fund II M 124 Diver. Invest. Fund .. 70 10M Dividend Shares 2 91 3 20 Eaton & H. Bal. Fund .. 23 0.1 24 13 Gas. Ind .....14.7(1 IS. 13 G roup Tobacco 4 32 4 7S Incorp. lnveators 10X3 11.08 Key Cust. Funds: B-3 17 H 19 SO B-4 10 9.1 119.1 K-l M 10 30 ! S-l .It M 14.1.1 S-4 1 10 90 Man. Bond Fund 7. 90 I 72 I Mass. Invest. Trust .. . 12 OS 13 04 Kill See. Series: I Income Series S 31 S 90 Stork Series ' a 1 1 Tref. Stock Srle, 04 . Nail. Div. Series 4 79 5 23 Natl. Growtlj .fit 1.23 . Pioneer Fund .. 14 OS 1.1 to Tel -Elec. Fund 12 3 13 50 , Value Line Inc. Fund ... S.1S 72 Wrllmiton Fund 14 07 11.34 Metals Pace Stock Market Portland Produce PORTLAND i - Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality deliv ered in Portland, 60-M lb; first quality 57-M); second quality 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk , cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score, S9'-: A Rrde. 92 score, M't: B grade M score 57; C grade 89 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-46 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, 4.V-.VI. Ksgs To wholesalers Candled f ob. Portland. A large 4M8's; A medium, 42-43' i; A small, 28 29',. Eggs To retailors Grade AA, large. 52 5.1; A large. 48-50; A A medium, 46-4"; A medium. 44-45; A small. 30-31. Cartons, 21 cents additional. j Eggs To consumers AA large, 57-62; A large. 54-59; AA medium, Sl-SS; A medium, 50-i5; A small, 36m. Live poultry No. 1 quality, fob. Portland Fryers. J's-4 lbs, 2.1; at farm, 22 234: light 'hens, I 16 at farm: heavy hens. 17-18 at. farm: ol droosters. 11-12. ' Turkeys To producers Live weight, fryers. 27-28; young turkey hens, live weight, 28; eviscerated, young hens. 3. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 34-4', lbs. 20-23; 5- lb. 15-18; old colored pelts 4 cents less; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56 58; cut up, 60-6.1. Wholesale Dressed Meals ' Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 26.50-29 00; good, 35 00; 37 50; standard, 3100-35.00; com mercial cows, 25.00-2900; Utility, 22 00-26 00; canners and cutters, 20 00-23 00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 47 00-51 00; rounds 4.100-35 00; full loins, trimmed, 67.00 74 00; forequarters, 27.00 3000; chucks, 30.00-32.00; ribs, 47.00-52. Tork 'cuts Loins, choice, 8-1 Ihs. 50 00-53.00; shoulders. 16 lbs, 31 00-34 00; spareribs, 43 00-35.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs, 51.005400. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights. 3000 38 00; commer cial, 26.0-33.00. Spring lamb Choice and prime, 4.100-4600: good, 38 00-44 00. Wool Nominal clean basis, Wood, 1.00-05; H blood, 1.03-08; 4 blood, 1.12-18; fine, 1.17-23. C'ocntry-dressed Meals, f.a.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 22-24 lb; cut ters, 19-20. , . Veal Top quality, lightweight, 26-28; rought heavies, 18-25. Hogs-Best light blockers, 26-27; lean light tows, 18-22. LambsTop v grade springers. S6-38; good yearlings, 25-30. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12. Fresh Produce Onions-Calif. Yellows. No.l, 50 lb sk, 8.00-50; No. 2s, 4 00-50; Whiles. 600-50; Wash. Yellows, No. 1. 6 00-50; No 2s, 4 00-50. Potatoes Calif. Long Whites. No. IA. 100 lbs, 10.00-25: special brands 11.5O-I2.00; Ore. Boardman 8 00-50; local Reds. 20 lb lugs 2 40 50; Wash. Reds. 100 lbs, 50-7.00. . Hav New crops No. t green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, nominally ton. New crop prices not established. NEW YORK ( Coppers, steels and selected issues paced the stock market to a smart re covery Friday from Thursday's mild decline. On average, the market more than made up Thursday's drop, the only one of the week. Kennecott, the nation's biggest copper producer, raced ahead 4 perils to 130. The steels advanced as negoti ations resumed but the strike situ ation still remained deadlocked. Bethlehem, the no. 2 steelmaker, gained V to close at 159', . Trading amounts to 2,020.000 Thursday. Tht Associatd Press average of 60 stocks rose 11.30 to 1187 80 with the industrials up 12 40. the rails 70 cents and the utilities 30 cents. Open Close toj , J01,-, 2 07V 2IO',-, 2 12 2 3 13', 2 1ft',-', 2.1PJ . 2.14',. I .12', 1 S!'a-, 1 4',.', 1 '-, 1 3V I.TO'.-'a 140 V1, 140', .71', .7:', .7:i-'i .74'. -H .78 V, .7SI, .77',-s .71, 1.10 l.ll'.-'i 1.31'i 1 35-341. 1 35', I 3SV, 1.37 1.40',-J, I 2M-SS 23-64', 2 5?-51 2 50V', lt.l',.1, 2 44-44'. 2 47-4S', 2 4S-471. 2 49', 2.50', Cliicapo ButtfrEpga CHICAGO (AP( Butter steady: wholeaale aajling prices unchansed; A A 9.7 score 59 00-59 25; A 02 59 00 5S25: B 00 57.00-37 25: C S 55 25-5S 25. Fags firm: wholeaale aalllnff prices unchanged In 1', hisher; extra large 40 00-42 00: 40 per cent A 34 00-37.50; extra medium 35.00-35 50: atandards 33 50-33 00: checks 23 50-29 SO. Chicago Onions CHICAGO (API Onions: Open Hih Low Close Not. (old) 190 Nov.. (new) 2 17 2 17 2 12 i 13 January 2 45 2 44 3 3 2 41 February 2 55 2 59 2 55 3 54 Chicago Livestock Stocks and Bonds Camptlrd y Ths Associates! Frnl July II t:A.KI 30 1.1 Ind Roils Dl I D 4 A2 4 A 7 271 9 209.1 2R 7 257 3 242 5 275 2 214 0 257 S 203.1 IS Ml T'tll Sicks Dl DS STOCK AV Net Chant Net change Friday Prev. day ... Week aao ... Month ao . Yesr ao ... 195 Hirh .. I "ISA Low 19M Hlh . 11)55 Low .. BOND AVF.BAr.FS 30 10 10 Net chanf Unrh t'nch Vnch Friday 94 9 95 7 94 4 Prev. day ..... 94 9 95 7 04 4 Werk ao 5 0 MS 94 5 Month o "5 1 9 1 Ml Vear ajo 9S t HI 7 S 1950 H sh 90 3 97 7 M 0 1H.V1 Low Ml 95 4 94 4 1955 Hun P9.S 99 S 1UO I 1055 Low Ml St.4 6 0 141 4 140 7 140 I47..1 134 B 155 I 129 0 H2 4 114.1 A3 74 7 744 74 2 132 745 132 71 J 15 7 7 2 Al 3 ir7 a IMS IMS HI S 174.3 191 5 171 t 1HI 5 I48J CHICACO I API (USDA1 Hnjs 4 000; 25 to SO lower: most No. 1 to 3 1X0-2(10 lb. butchers It 00-10 50; top 17 IX.: No. J and 3 270-300 Ih. 13 25 16 00: 160-190 lb. 14.00-1(00; sows 11.25-15 00. .Cattle too: calves 200: not enough steers or heifers offered to 'test prices: cows active; strons; bulls weak: vealera ateady; few food and choice steers mixed yearllncs and helfera IS 00-21 .00: few head alandard and good ateera 14.00-17 00: cows 10 50-13 50; canners and cutters t to ll :50: bulls 14 00-1(100: good and choice vealera 10 00-23 00. Salable sheep 300; sheep study: good to prime spring lambs 30 00 2.1 25; most cull to low good 1400- 10 00; slaughter ewes 3:50-4 w. Markets at Glance 10 A I 544 8 3 S4! 15.7 l S52 S17 54 3 40 NEW YORK . (API- Siocka-Higtier; coppers and steels lead. Bonds Htgher: ranse narrow. Cotton Steady; evening up oper ations. CHICACO: Wheat Strong: commission tiouse buying. Corn Easy: more rain In midwest. Oats Mixed: July strong. Soybeans Mlxd: July weak. Hon-Down 15 to SO cents; top 17 on Cattle Steers nominally strsdy; top 121 00. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK (API Dow Jones closing stock: averages: Stocks Open Close .10 Inds. 57S .VI in 20 TtR's M7 2I ISS03 15 t'liL US 21 "9 31 5 Slks. . 179 SO ISO 77 Western Securilics (7,ilka. Smlther tc Co. Inc. I Portland Liventock PORTI AVn itu-ll'SDA) Cattle salable for week 4,275; market active on increased supply; fed; steers and heifers 50 higher; cows closed strong, instances 25-50 up; j bulls slw. weak; choice fed steers under 1.150 lbs 22 00-23.00. lalter fn- RA hoarl 10.14 lbs: pood steers 20 00-21. 50; standard 17.00-19.00 but most grass tteers 18.00 down: utility unevenly 11.50-16 00; cutters down to 10.00: good fed heifers 19.00-21.00: choice scarce: stand arC 16.00-18.00; utility 10.50-14.50: cutters down to 90; canner and cutter cows 7.00-9.00; large lots beef type cutters 9 50; utility 10.00-12.00; mixed utility-commercial mature cows 12.50 with yount. commercial to 14.00, mixed with standard 14.5-075: utility bulls 14 00-15 00, few 15 50 and one at 16.00; caner and cutter light dairy type bulls 8.50-12.00. Calves salable 775; market strong on increased run; good choice vealers 17.00-20 00. couple 21.00; above 350 lb calves 17.00 19.00; utility-commercial calves and vealert 11.00-15.00; culls down to 8 on. Hogs salable for week 2.&-S5; market closed 50-75; lower on butchert; tows, feeder pigs about steady: late sales U.S. 1-2 180-2.15 lbs 18 75-19 00. early sales to 19.25; few N. S downward to .SO; sows 300 -500 lbs 12.00 -15 50; choice under 100 lb feeder pigt to 17.00; heavier 16.00-50. Sheep salable for week 6.715; market closed 1 50-100 lower on nrin slaughter lambs with feed ers mostly ateady; old crop lambs 1.00-50 lower; ewes weak-58 on; supply thit week largest since lime IOM nhen . OM head Int was diverted io Portland on Friday tinder strike tnrest: mie sales choice spring 1 mbs, 19 50-2000, early sales to 21.50; good lots late down to 17.00; good old crop year lings and lambs 12.0O-13 OO; ewes 2.00-4.00; gnoti-choice feeoVrt 15 00 1600; torn fleshy feeders 16.50 17.50 for Midwest shipment. These hid and ask quotations rep. recent nrices at which one or more dealers, members of the National As sociation of Security Dealer a Inc would trade with the general pub lic at the time the quotations were gathered at 3 p.m. yesterday: Pid Asked Calif -Oregon Power 31s. .It's Cascade Plvwood .ifl Consol Freiaht 15', 17 Iron Fireman 13 . I ' a Janten Inc. Com Z2', 24 Meier Frank 15', IS Morrlson-Knudsen 42 4S Ore -Port. Cement OS 7:1 Pac. P. A L. Com. 2'i 30', Pope Talbot 28', 31', Portland Cos A Coke 3' 37', Port. Gen. Elec 25', 37' B4NKt s Bank of America 38 'j 41', Bank of California it', 7', Chase Manhattan Soa K'l First National . 5S'a St, First Nat City N. Y, S4'. t'. U. S. National 73', 71 Portland Grain PORTLAND OP Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No.2, 38 lb white 57.00-50 Barley, No.2, 45 lb B-W 47.50-48 00 Corn. No.2, E-V shipment 72.00-50 Wheat bid i to arrive market, tin sis No.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft White . 2.07 Soft While (excluding Rex) .. 2 07 White Club 2.07 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 07 11 per cent 2.14 Friday's car receipts: Wheat 43; barley 4; flour 2; corn 7; oats 2; mill feed 8. NOTICI OF FINAL ACCOI'NT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVF.N, that the undersigned, as Executrix under the Last Will and Testament ot T. H WOOD, deceased, has filed her Final Account In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Marlon County, and that Monday. July .10. 19SS, al the. hour of Ten o'clock A.M. In tht court room ol said court. In tha coun ty courthouse. In Salem, Oregon, haa been appointed by the court as tna time and place for hearing of ob jections thereto and tha settlement thereof. . Dated and first published: June 30. 1954. Data of last publication: Julv 31. 1M IRENE ROEMHII.DT Executrix under Will of F. H. WOOD, Deceased w c. wmsi.ow Attorney for Executrix Masonic Building -. Salem, Oregon June 30: July 7. 14. 21 To place classified adt PHONE 4-6811 1 T T I PLAGE TIB m Salem Quotations I At of lata yesterday) sirrurAT Prtmlum No 1 ,. BUTTER lf ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 403 Part Retail er.r.s-tnuyini) (Wholesale prices range from t io cenis vtT vuyiiig pricei'Ce A Medium A .... Small FOILTRY Colored Hent ... Leghorn llena . Colored Fryera Colored Rnas'ers Did Booster. .40 .36 .23 .18 .It .?' id .u ONLY $13900 Nice If clean, t apt. house. Near halcin utn. hosp. Has good net income. Olaf Thonttau. Hllr., tul N.Capiiol. Pn. J-.uuJ WASH. SCHOOL Owner lale 3 bdrin. turn. 370 ticuuna Ave. ; SPECIAL: 13 7l. Snasur S5o". I Huirjl I Lana Lane. 1V40 Lana Ave. DACHSHUND pup. female, blk A tan. 12 vks old. Immunised, reg. Ph. 3-4AM. . FOR SALE BrlttfnTPanlrl JKlinter- puns. Registration pa pers available. See Derrel An ucimiii. Hrid Motel. Mill City. r'' C ' FI1KE. kittens; part ptrslan. lmit Kir St. ' 450 N. 24th- Street Statesman, Saloin, Ore,, Sat., July 14, "58 (Sec. 4.)0 Merchantlise 4SS Hoist Goods for Salt 450 Merchandise BE NOTICI OP HE A 111 NO ON FINAL ACIOI'NT NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that Shirley Cvni. Executrix of th E Utt of Zilpha M. Kellv, deceaved. Estate No. 1M7. hat ftled h?r final aproimt, and report nf auoh tdmlni slratlon, and by order of tha Circtilt Court of lh State of Orenop for the County of Marlon, the Sth day of August, 1P56, at the hour of V IS or lock am., haa been fixed at Ihe time, and the rnu r t room of aa I d Court haa b?en fixed aa tht pUt", for, the hearing of objections to aaid final account and the aetllement of aaid estate. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thit 12th' day of July. Shirley Coont, Executrix of the Estate of Zilpha Nf. Kelly, deceased. DeArmond and Sherman, Attornevi for Executrix, Salem, OreRon. KirM publication: July 14. lf)M. aUtat publication: Auk 4. Itt.Uf. J M.21.M.A 4,'5. VOUN-. traKtvia. oaiea leKia Micney t. M2a ft Cum. U-U 410 Stedt nd Plonti IN THE CIRCUT COl'BT OF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR MR. lOV mi NTY. PROBATE DE PARTMENT Na. IMN In the Matter of the Eitate of FRANK M. NEWTON, a mentally 111 person: GUARDIANS NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Laure B. Newton, guardian of tha estate of Frank M. Newton, an In enmpetant pemon, will on and after the hour of 10 a.m., Auirutt 13. IBM, at the office of Clvde Prall, Realtor. 154 S Hifh Street, Salem, Oregon, proceed to aell at private sale for cash, in the manner pro v tried by law in the sale of real property in pro bate matter, the following described premises, to-wit: Beginning at an iron bar on the North side of a Countv Road which it 0 45 chains North nf the South- east corner of the William P. Pugh Donation Land Claim, In Section 1. Townihln 7 South, Range 3 Wet of the Willamette Meridian in Mar inn County, Oregon, thence North lft .Mt chains to an iron stake set by County Surveyor, John Newtome. , April IS, 1884: thenct South .58" IS' East 3 73 chains to an iron bar; thence South 14 83 chains to an Iron bar in the North Itne of aaid Coun ty Road: thence West 3 30 chains to tne place of beginning: being sit uated In Section 1, Township 7, South. Range 3 West, and In Sec tion 36. Township South. Range 3 West of tha Willamette Meridian, In Marion County, Oregon; Said sale will be made pursuant to an order made and entered In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Marlon by the Honorable Val D. Sloper, Judge, tn proceedings oending therein entitled, "In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of Frank M. Newton, an Incninpetnnt person, Clerks reg istry No. 16800. Dated this 14ih day of July, IBM. Latu-e B. Newton, Guardian of the Estate of Frank M. Newton, an Incompetent person. George N. Gross, 117 Pacific Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Guardian. last Publication. August 11. 1958. J 14.11 .u. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR! Sealed proposals for furnishing ma te rials and constructing three rein forced concrete bridge with columns and foalinea will be received at tht office of the City Manager. City frail. aaiem. uregon, until :4s am. on Monday, July 33. ir5. and will be publicly opened at 10 00 am. on the same date by the City Manager in nit oince. , v Thit project includes removing three existing timber bridges and constructing the following: HIGH STREET BRIDGE: Length: 183 feet i.W - 70' M ) I.EE STREET BRIDGE: Length: 78 fret (14 - M" - 14') 14TH STREET BRIDGE: Length: 78 feet 14' - M 141 Plans, specifications and other doc uments required for bidding mav be inspected at the office of the City Engineer and copies may he ob tained by qualified prospective bid ders upon a deposit of 1 10 00, which amount will be refunded in esse tha documents are returned, but spther wise will be retained. Attention of biddrra Is directed to Section 179-0 11. OR, providing for pre-qua It fixation. All proposals must be upon reg ular blank forms furnished with the specifications, and must be accom panied by a certified check for an amount equal to or , exceeding five per cent (5) of the total bid A 100 , corporate surety bond will be required to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract, togeth er with inKiirance in such mm at may he ne?Marv to protect the Cltv agamt In a or damage hv reason of injuries to person or property. The right la reserved by the Ctty to ret ret any or all hid, or to ac cept the proposal which appears moat advantageous IHAHLrJ A. BARt leAY. City Purchasing Agent. J.14.18. 33 FT. HOUSE Trailer. lft&2 all metal, sleeps 4. BuUne oven stove. Oil heat. Picture win dows, electric Ret, Toilet, Shower, brakes, New Awning. Light interior. Jn excellent Condition. (1550 KANNIEN USED CARS West Salem. Oregon fWM FOHnVictoria, radio, hea er, 0 drive, prem. tires. This car is like new, Will trade. Ph. 4-7206. Tl CADt 'epe., low mileage, 1 owner. ph. 3-3MB. 3 BDRM, homa V day nursery, good Income,, business toned. , Ideal set-up for other type business, mown by appoint ment. Sia.ftH) cash. Ph. 3-7U7S. FOR SALE: By owner, mod. I bdrin. home, fenced yd.,' trees, ahiubt. 3-4..60. 674 Try on Ave WANT to rent or buy S bdrin. hse., prefer rent. Responsible parly. PH. 4-8644 allrr 4 p.m. FOR KENT: 3 or 3 bdrm . So gai 1U36 AlbertDr.3-84a. 3 BDRM. apt. 3 befit, near W. Salem Cannery. Pit. CABIN F?TS specialties." 2?H2 ilvergreen. Ph. 4-tMMJi, 4-ioo6 titrr 6 p.m. , SIGN writer, prefer someone with experience . Ph. 4 -32 Ad for tppl. WANTED: dinner cook. Wood burn Coffe Shop, Wood burn, O.-e.. BOY'S 34" Schwinn bicycle, lift" 783 Sunset. Ph. 3-M73. BEGONIAS, Gloxinias, Fuchsias. Copley Gardens, 3686 Chemawa FUCHIAS," I for SlMerriU'6 Greenhouse. Brooks. BtMINGiraruchTa. iSe. Burnett Gardens. Rt. 4. Box 33. Ph. 4-2451. Closed Sunday. FOR SALE: Boat, motor at trail er complete with controls. I1 mi. W. Kelzcr school to end of rd. 885 W. Chemawa Rd. 14 FT runabout, traTler, 32 H steeling control. Ph. 4-4811. USED upright piano, reasonable. . Ph. 4-37H8. KENMORE Gaa Range. 1968 model, 30" oven, electric clock, light In oven, pilot light, oven thermostatically controlled, equipped with vent flpe and flexible connecting ose. 6100 00 complete. 684 80. Liberty St. LG. k SM. press, cookers, cop per boiler. 1735 N. Church. BLACK Lambert cherries Sprayed. Ph. 4-6377 or 3-6106 FOR SALE: A K C. reg. Labra dor pupa. 4 mo. old. 3-8341. , FOUNOTstrayed Hereford. Ph. 4-20O0 eve. SALE NITRSERY STOCK INVKNTOHY Rtdurtlon. All shrubs aV trees wholesale or less. Many Hems tl ea , t for tt Over t.noo Items to be sold. Nelson's Nursery next In Salem Golf Course on S River Rd. All ssles rash, all sales final, no guaranteea. Ph. 1-S4I1. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sal FOR 8ALC No. 1 Guernsey milk row t years old Emery Kile, Rt. 1. Box 7M. Salem. Ea glt Crest Rd. Ph. 1-1104. roil SALS or mot, gentle (WiaivBsj aws viiiiuisiu, fjuiew saddle horees. Boh Frank, tot n. want l, ciirtrxom ra J-4IJ4. EXTRA good genu milk cow. Ph. t-310t after I p.m. SALEM Meat Co, locker beef. Custom killing, rutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free 412 Fruil 4 Form Product BLACKCAPS. U-plrk. Sat. Sun. only lOr lb. P. J. Rlakr, Windsor Island Rd. l' ml. W At N. nf Keiser St h. rOR SALE-rescue hay, 111 ton in the field. Don W. Muell- hauph. III. 1, Box 140, Slem. Ph. -4-8122. . ... . PASTEURIZED whole milk ?Jc gal. Homogenised. ?tc, ga Ion 40r. L'leary Dairy. S-303S. Canning Tillon Apricots From The Dalles Polehn Orrh. artts. Hill arrive Monday. 797 Kdgrwaltr St., W. Salem. Fit J-5J57. Good Clover Hay $27.50 DAVK RAMSEYKR 41364 U-P1CK black cherries Sc. t795 l.ardon Lane. Ph. 1-8J67. CANNING aprlrota from The Dalles. Ped's Product 92.70 Portlsnd Rd. Ph. 4-4071 U-PICK Willamette raspberries tl per flat. Bring rontalnera. J G. rsrlcy, J74J Brooks Ave. Ph. 4-3SM. PIE Cherries. U-plrk. Marleay H1. Myrtit Martin At. t, Boa, 473. U-PICK Irrigated Northwests. across from Knight Pearey Nursery, tc lb., your rontstner. Hnlcomt ai Duffus. 2-12M, J-ltM. GOOD clover hay. hasn't been rained on. o. r. Andrtsen. 4S4S N. Lancaster. -lvn. Montmorency Pie Cherries J. W. HANNAH, 4-E43 TILT0.N APRICOTS Tret ripened from The Dalles ureen Apple Hit. aoua i-ort land lid. FINE PIE CHERRIES U-Pick. Ph. J-J124 U-PICK Northweat Strawoarrlea. Liava namstytr, RL a. Box 2au. Ph. 4-114. 413 Ftrtiliitr BARM yard rotted fertilizer. It per ton. minimum t ton load. Ph. 4I3J Independence. FOR SALE: good rich horse manure. U-haul. Ph. 4-031S. CHICKEN manure delivered, tlO truck load, sack toe. Ph. 4-204W or 4-MElt. ROTTED SAWDUST II yra old. ITsa It like peet mosa for mulcntng flower beds or lawns. Call for price and delivery. Phillips Bros., Rt. t. Box 160. Ph. 4-3041. PETE Moss from chick trays. Ttc sack, valley f arm stars. ITT Form Equipment ONE ft. Cast combine with pick-up fingers, ttM. Burns Chrlstofferson, 4440 Hoodvltw Dr. Ph. 1-1171. WANTED to rent: up to too ft. 3 to S" aluminum Irrigation pipe for I to t days. Fn. 1-JJM. PROFESSIONAL korseshotr Lee tnsoa, 4-t7t4 or 4-ton 403 Livetteck Wontetf CATTLE buver. A. T Sommtr. I2M Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-1017 LIVESTOCK buver Clsudt Ed trsrds. Rt 1 Box IME 4-11 IS CATTLE nuvera 17 SUtt. E I. as H. Bncuien. 1-1.M3. 1-43B0. CATTLE norses at your fsrm E. C. McCtndllsh, Rt, J, I-eitl 404 Poultry trntl Kobbiti FOR. SALE' Rsbhlts. Callfor- mans a N Z. whites. IMS Leo. Cherry Ave., turn right on Alder, then left on Gary, than right on Leo. I YOUNG serviceable dot rab bits. Ph. 4-1421. BABY Chicks hatched yr. round Vslltr Earm Stora. 4-4C24. CO LORrD dressed fryers. Call evening. Ph. 4-1090. CUSTOMDRESSINC. Of pnultrv. Wt buv rabblta. Wings, JS! Slats. Ph. 4-jiii. .300 Personal 312 Lett and Found LOST; Fawn msle boxer, ltlt Davidson. Ph. l-4Mit. ' FOUND; CerTlna yellow guld watch w expansion brsrelet. on S. Salem ball field. 1-tMS. FOUND: ruernseyCowTcialm for price of pasture It ad. Ph. 1-W2 Turner, tves. LOST: mens bifocal glasses, gold fremc's. Ph. J-.m LOST: Mon. eve personalised check book. Iteward. Ph? 1-SM4. STTT rttmportolion LEAVING for Texas, between Tues. July 17th A Frl. loth. Will expect pasatngers to shart txpensas. Ph. 4-M44. 316 Pertonol At.S BAKERY 1040 MARKET Frnren tamslle, chicken St beef pies, 12 2S dni Plra Pie, 3Sc, large bread 1 for 4tc, Ph. 3-7.171, . AI.COHOL1C& Anunymuus gruup No I. lOSl U Com ! l-4Mf Al.COHOl.irs Annnvmnut. tat S Commercial 1-llOt 400 Agriculture 402 Livttoch lot Sola 4 YR. eld blk. Msre. ssddlt tt bridle, gl.V Ph. S-tW2. MILKING Shorthorn bull I miles E. ol Totem Pols. Max Wood ' JKHSEY bull, 10 mos. old, SM? Ph. t-!M t . FOR8AI.E or trade for what have you: Shetland ponies, srddle. work A- psk horses Ac also saddles. U7S Sllverlon ltd. BFAUTIFUL 16 mo." torrel horse, white fret, blared lace trnke to drive or rids. Ph, 1-MI.14. ONE l-yr'nlduddlrhred gsldlng chestnut color with blare face, also 4-yr.-nld Shetland gelding, well marked. 110 Plymouth Drive, Salem. RIN-TIN-T1N Tht III tired by his son Reg. AKC German pups I2S At up. I2t Evans Ave. Ph. 4-t2t. PUREBRED Springer Spaniel pups. 3490 Bunnyview Ave. MUSTTellTt mo Bid male Dai". matlan. reg. AKC, Iives chil dren. Sllverlon, ph. 1-7131 days or 1-ttvu eve. MALE Lab. Retriever, 1 yra. eld' Make offer. 1-OI3I. PUREBRKD golden Cocker Pups, 110. Ph. 4-72tt. FREE Kittens 1 wks. old lOtl N.JSth after t pjnjk Sat REG Schlpperke puppies, Ph S-IOM Fret kittens. Ph. 3-MM. SrillPPERKA Ph. pups lor salt rOR SALE: beautiful blond Pomeranian pupoies A K ('. reg SM Shipping St. Ph. 4-S7S4. BEAGLES, t wks. "res'. tM." lln- reg. 123. Ph. Empire 7-J4M Sweet Home. FOR SALE: Pedigree Norwelgan Elkhntind puppies. 7 weeks old. Esc. rhlldrens net end fsrm dog. 1731 Arnold Way, Cnrvallls. Plara 3-S2S3 FREE KITTEN t!5 N. ltth . Ph. 4-4IS4 I MO. OLD reg. Golden Cocker Spaniel, house broken, ear. pet. Ph. 1-74.70 Sea St 1775 N. S41h. ' , KITTENS to give sway. Th 2-ftSIS after 1pm. KITTENS, mostly' Manx. 1105 Msclesy Rd, 4-&7S0 eves. 1 MO. Old Reg. Germsn short hslred Pointers for ssle or trade;ISI0 8. Capllol. Ph 4-0SI3 ATTEN: huntera. for" sale A K C. registered English Springer Spsnlel puppies. ISM N. 13rd Ph. 3-SS04. COCKER pups, purebred, blonde & rea. l white msis Pes., also I white Collie. J4I5 Williams. FOR ' SALE: A K.C.'Reg. " red Cocker spaniel puns. t,vnn C onk, 1002 Hrown St., Dallas. Ore. (MA 1-.HW7I MOORE PETS llampsters. Cocker puppies, birds boarded. 4iiS Stfte DACHSHUND puppies, minia ture, long hair, black At red. AKC. reg. Ph. 4-7.104. BIRD Psrsdtst tot xrds, cages auspuea tit uruujstoa a-isu. 42 S Auction Soles AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 4S4t CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise 454 Stwinf Mochinet SEWING MACHINE PORTABLE elee.. completely guar, for only S17 so, terms, toe per wk. Ph. 4-7101 (dir.). SEWING MACHINE LATE mdl Necchl Slg-ssg port able only SM VI. Liberal trade In. no dn. pm't. o a.c $1 per wk. Ph. 4-7101 tdiri. BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 00 dn.' buy com plete household of furniture including AiTLIANCES. 1 PIECE 90" rurvod sectional, green. l:sed very short time. Cost $33.00, now only $199.50. RADIO-PHONO combination, $39.30. WE have a good selection of reconditioned . guaranteed APPLIANCES. WANTED, good used furniture and appliances. We pay - casn. 458 luiiaiwf MoUrlolt 450 Merchandises 462 Sports touipment rrooDny- it VFUraNITUI 515 S. COM'L. PH. 4-3319" VACVl'M CLEANER NEARLY new Electrolux, ea Cond., new gusr.. tl 50. Eisy terms, liberal trade la allow ance. MORSE SEWING CENTER S007ralrgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-7IM GENERAL ElectrlcAT,Weshlng machine. Used Mdae. Mart 171 8. Liberty. Open Frl. til t. No down payment on (o.t.c.l RANGE At refrlg. Ac furniture. 28.0 noger lane. s. Salem. UNFINISHED furniture. hTT iin rurnuure. nt n. Hign ARMLESS davenoa tlttt. Used Mdse. Mart. 174 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-0371. Open Frl. nights til t Ko down payment Ititl INLAID Lino., tl st per sq. yd. n. u. aiisirora ve. zee a us erty FOR SALE: good t ear garage tn be moved. See at t7 N. Collate. It felt At craft paper tils 3 tab 115 lb. roofing. Cheap Cedar Shingles 11 u, II New Iron roofing per sq tit Outside white paint, gal UJt siz-l wire, roll at 4',e Garate doors, all aires, cheap Barb wire SO rorls tats, t? 4A Ctl In tile 11x14. lOe so ft 4x1 plaster bd tl 40. I to. 1 15 no. I Asbestos siding til 80 so New Water heaters, sell eut. Csst toll pine 75c ft i," tslv. pipe lie, 4,-ltc. I'.-Itc. Pb-.Kc. 900 gal. ateel aets. tsnks tSI to 300 ssl steel sep. tanks U N New bath tub complete HiJt Toilets with seats I2I.M Wash baa. with trim lt tt Iron, steel, stainless steel sinks. Drain-hoard revering tor ft I" Celling fans ... SH.7I Deluxe 14x14 mad. cshlnets ,. ..;' tt tt Osk llrg. randem etnglh Cheep t) New window sashes, choice tioo t) Windows Is frames, large atock t) Mahf. plywood 4x1, 1C Sq. ft. 4) l.oou doors, hardwood as glass STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. O. LONG SONS PH 4-5051 I Ml. N. KEIEEH 34JU.00U KtKl New. fresh-milled old as aeeoiio Irowth lumber. 1x4 to txll In to 14-foot IsosMha. Delivered prices Salem. MO ear thou minimum Ted Milller t-lioa b?dg.Jples INLAID Lino., tl per rq. yd it. u. s.irssrem it. awe a. 1.10-erty STORE type. It ru. ft. freeser. Must seu by ssl, cheap. Ph. 4-0313. Unfinished Chests, New I Drassen M M I Drawers MM Mo Phone Orders Plesae HOGG BROS. 24t Mate St SMALL lounge and chair aet. birch top dinette with buffet G. E. refrlg. and 1 burner top unit like new. Phone 4-4253. INLAID Line 11.51 per sq ye n u uiatrons be. got . Liberty Oil Burners, conversion romp with stl controls ..... tM Thin lube Radiators with metal enclosures lit At up 1 Office filing vault cabinet S hr. tire rating tS 1 4-dr. filing cabinet tll tt Office lights . .Sllt as up Reiect hardboard SOxlOO" ll.TI sht Used Fir-Te .4e sq. Used Plaster board 1c aq. ft. Used Ceiling Tile Se sq. ft. All kinds used Lumber t4t-tl per M. ALSO Windows, Doors, Elec, txipplles E. S. RIHER '& CO. 0740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-M1I 4 Ml. No ol Salem. Ml. No. of Totem Pole on tnE Open All Day Saturday FOR SALE; M HP. Evlnrulte boat sntr. perfect cssnsL Ph. 4-U25. II FT.r:EWrinshut. snaC center deck. It H.P. Johneoe, t2S5. Ph. -772t or t-1047. UKI.LeVHOWEUl "readers' l4 M M. acreen Is protector, would like to trade for beat A motor. Call 1-7704, Flo4 MrNall. CLOSE-OUT display guns, big savings. 1st come 1st served. S At H Green Slsmpa (Termsk, BatdorCt HAA, 1430 Slate St l-tSM. 464 icyclet - GIRLS ZENITH BICYCUC IIS. Ph, 4-9M3. WANTED tn buy or rent to Sept. 1, boys small 10 bicycle. -437t. , 46S Per Rant, Mit. FOR RENT sw ige ware, house space eeuteni floor, brick bidg downlown In ouire L Stiff Eura l-t:M, 470 For $, Mite. USED washera tit At up. Mod ern Appliance center, iisi uq. Com'l. Ph. 4-D5. Slmmona day bed. Used Mdse. Mart. 170 8. Liberty Ooen Frl. nlchts Ul t. No down payment ( Ph. Ph. 4-4371. DINING room set, exc. condl- tlon. Ph. 1-7753 mornings. 1 CU. FT. refrlg., 15; Walnut bdrm. set, t40; blonde din. rm. Set. 130. Ph. 4-W04. GAS Servel refrlg. is Tappan range, excellent condition, 1I3R.99 for the pair. Easy terms. 8 A H green stamps. Master service station, jea n. com i. G.E. STOVE IBM model, excel. cond., alao elec, ironer. Ph. 4-iHUi or 1-St21. BOTTLE gaa stove top I0"xl4" oven IS1 alt ', broiler It xit Ph. 4-.HI07. HURRY on this slightly used Hotpolnt custom auto, washer A dryer, only f.'ISO Guaran teed. Eaay terms. RAH green sumps Master Service Sta tion. 3tt N. Com'l. GUARANTEED Reconditioned tutomatle wash ers, drvers. rsnfrs is refrigs. fit II At up. .. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Fit Chemeketa St 4S6 Wont) Hout Goods 45S Houto Goods for Solo MAYTAG 154 wringer type washer, top shspe. Reasonable. 4.11 McKay Dr. MOVI NCT Wllf seHsever ar". ttrles of ftirn., alao elec. stove A refrig. Very ress. Ph. 1-7417. t PC. Mshogsny Duncan Phyfe dining, room set. In excellent condition. Burns Chrlstoffer son. 4440 Hoodview Dr. Ph. 1-1171. 1 SWIVEL fireplace ohsirs. brown tt gold tweed. Ph. 4-tMO. ROSE wool frelre Davenport A chair, no algn of wear. Coal KK) will sell for SIZS. Ph. 3-520R after 130 k diyi. ROSEWOOD jtmahfgany furri lure, choice. ' Frank s Csblnet Shop, Iims N. Com'l. FOR SALE: ixll broadloom rug. Jamee portable dishwash er, blond end table: Simmons Beauty rest matt. A roll spss : ovrr.tuff.d srm c hslr. Ph. 1-U76S. llOL'SEIIOLD Et'RNITTJRE" I'll. 3-3431 LATE model Es.y spin dry. Ex cellent condition. See st 315 Bonham between t a.m. and 1 p m. ' NEW t pr. Douglas chrome sets iw.s.v used Muse. Mart. s.u R. Liberty. Ph. 4-4.171. No down payment Open Frl. nights til t ' N'ORGR Rrtrig., aealrd unit. I'H.V Used Md-e Mart. 270 S l.lherly. Open Frl. nights til t No down payment in a.c. I MOVING, must sell Crosley Shelvsdor refrlg. (iihsnn range, drsperles it blonde corner tihls Rl. 3. Rnx 370, Molalla. Ph. 3771 Moialla. SK.I.l., severs! good kitchen csb lnet unit,. Ress. 1-1151. HOT Point spt. size rsnge tvsns Vsrd Mds Mart, no s Liberty. Open Frl. nights III 0. No down psyment lo.s.c I FOR SALE: G E. Wringer Ws.her, like new, IMi. l-h. 1-4503. VACUliM clkan'er LATE mdl. upright, complete w sttachments 114 M) MORSE SEWINfi CENTER M07 Fairgrnurda Kd Ph. 4-710 :ki" Ele-'tric range., floor model Reg. prue SJ'i'lOA Reduced P'lre tlsflM II 75 w k HAH Green Slsmp. HATDOKF H A A. 1420 Stale Street, 3-05SJ USED refngerstors fully gusr- snteed many sires-129 93 up ROBERTS BROS. 140 Court Sk 110.000 CASH To spend for High grade Used Furniture at Applisncea. rn 1-5110. Paying Top Prices for Better Grsds. Glen Woodry. ItoS N. Summer WE NEED fUHNITURE Valley JFurn Co.. 1-7471 WANTED nmNlTl'RE k MISC. PH. 1-609 USED tflre recorder tit tl Vie, Used tape recorders S4IM up. Tshle radio-phono 3-speei 12905. New tspe recorder 1114. up. Regular tt SO I MO ft tape al 12 It CE IL. FARSr:.S CO. HI-FI SPEC. 1AI.ISTS. 44t It, Church. Ph. 4-328H. HEAVY iuty ' a.elelerieoutflU garden tractor with t hs, Wisconsin motor, Se al ttt Plymouth Dr. COLEMAN floor turn., gool cond.. 100 gal. oil tank there mo, tat. rea,. Ph. 1-OI51 LARGE hdwd.'play pen M. Get) Liune a woods, I Iran, com psrtment bag. loot cond. tot. Ph. 4-7100. SEVERAL doors, window n4 door fretnes, other snssretlany from old house. "Winner takee II" for tlv 42t N. 14th tt. FOR SALE: IS sal. propane tank 1 H P. McCuHeeh chat saw. Fender elec. guitar with amplifier, pint o.t. trust Jars. 40c dot.. 4 si ply. wood. s. 141 S. 14ih St. WALL heaUrs: Meier Nu-Air. new. t.OO watt 31'. die. l-OfSt UPRIGHT piano ndl wheel trailer, rea,. Ph. t-ltlo. GUARANTEED Rtconditlonetl utometle waste, era, dryers, ranges is rtlrlt. t3t.ll At up YEATER APPUANCE CO. 17 Chemeketa St. VAN HEUSEN dress shirs slightly soiled. Reg. tatt val ues, only tl J ARMY it NAVY SURPLUS, tm N. Com 1. Ph. 460 Musical Instruments CLOSE out on ene I roup west ern shir's. Values ta tt. Only tl Tl er 1 for tt. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS, til N. ComJ.Ph. 1-4343. BEV'S rummage, everyday. 4Tl N. Cottage. Ph. 4-130. AUTO, gas Hr. furnace, exceT cond. t'O. Ph. 1-ooaz. BUSH it CURTE upright pleno. good cond, 150. cU l-tato eves only. UPRIGHT Plane for eale. S-52t. Ph. KURTZMANN mahogany up right piano, Rooa tone is i tlon tlao. CaU l-t5tt days. I-173I eves. FOR SALE Homart I to 7 room ceo let Ph. I-I7M. MASONITE canopy tot plekufx rnone a-a.aa. USEO' OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-T3U PIANO CLEARENCE . GRANDS tf Stelnway ' freee Sl.lnwaw.llMl.t f. t4" Knano In light walnut UPRIGHTS Small upright by Baldwin. Richmond Ivory A gold finlah Several other good upright I used electric organ. MORRILL ORGAN SALES A SERVICE ORGAN DEPT. HEIDER'S 363 N. HIGH PH. 4-2271 EXCE. Cond. Kaufman upright piano, rn. 3-7117. 462 Sports iquiumont CASH paid for .used guns, mod em and amuqite. iare4)e Mere. 1230 Broadwsr 14 FT. CEDAR boat A trailer. 1 H P. motor 290 1141 Lone Oak Road. Ph. 4-4331. IUH CASH PHILS, - FllH.NI. TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. VSr.O MERCHANDISE MART :70 S lIHERTV PH 4-4371 WANTED: Good clean furniture A appliances. Will pay top cash price. Ph. 4-4371. 457 Radio end TV 11" MOTOROLA TV Console model. 1'VK5 Used Mdse. Msrl. 170 8. Liberty. Open Frl. nights til t. No down payment loan Ph. 4-1371. 458 Building Motoriolt FOR SALE: 1x4 studding,, fir or cedar 15c earh. Cedar ship lap t.'.y per M. C'ssh end Csrry. Northwest Products. 40 Psc if ic Highway, Wnodburn. Dir ect from mill to you. Overhead sleet gerage with hardware. I.lese in islled tat SO. OsKsnued eve trough ll'.k per It EPPJNO LUMBER CO. PH. 44123 S740 SILVERTON RD. LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 H I, 1S Boards t Shiplap Bran Pnlrs, w Wood rll Alpine S-43.71. Ihsnnn $$$SAVE$$$" 4xl-, in Cansdisn birch plvwood 30c aq. ft. 4t-', In alieating plywttod 13 33 Sheet Ht-f'lr shiplap . ;' M Fir Casing -J 4r Foot IM3-(lar . 1120 M Ixlo -Inverted cedar bostd. -n,l - - SI23 M Slrrl RtMilln . 410 50 Sq ft Ot:l si7t pivwtM.d cut to your otdrt. no chaise. 'Vi-', in pins pong lops tt rs "A rra''e bitch doors 17.70 es "A" gtatle mating doots 14 55 lkl-1 Dir. shiplap . t7S M OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yard Lanratter A Center Pti. Salem l-15ot RiyER FUN FOR EVERYONE CAI.KINGS dtst "D" utility K. G. I. 40 hp. with quick silver lower unit, tqu mev tcr. ill hrdwre k propt, ready to rorr, will do over 90 m p h. Full prfct 148J. ISAHAM sport boat, 14 ft. with center deck, hardwire, windshield k steering, com plete (or $349. 13 FT. fiberglass boot, double bottom, t yr. old, excellent condition, $325. 1-g FT. FRAME 60 la FT. BURCHCRAFT . $325 with trailer, excellent shape. 14 FT. RUN A BOUT ... $90.50 with center deck. 10 FT. RUN-A BOUT .. $185 steering, crash throttle, k qua meter. OPEN SUNDAYS CREDIT GLADLY PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.2$ A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIX.' ML 1-4110 TOP SOIL Phone HITI, t-tCl rYPrwRlTtSS siding ate. ehlne. east rsrssera, ajueis. caters, desks, rhslr. file sop. eliss Keen's. 4t Court 1-477 Top Soil Orehsrd Lesusi River Lea "a Oial 1-174 Prem pi DellverF fteiset Sani is Gravel Co. 472 WTitod. MitC. LOGS WANTED: Top prices pels S-in. SO evin. i.mi.i. tn e-ti. er multiples pf l-ft. W ale buy stumpage. Burfcland Lum ber Co . Turner. Or. Ph. Tue ner ll?t. Evenings phone Tuf ner 1.VI1 or Salem 1-7SJ TAG-AXLE In good rend, te fit , It51 I hev. irura. aaerie uitn. ens. Shedd. Oreg. t NEED late model refrigerator and ppunce. Top casn pew right now. Ph. Clen wnodr 1-511 or bring to 1505 . Summer. "WE buy"scrap iron. Ph. 1-2341 ANTED seveiel Ihousana cvrft of wood ell sneelss PH 1-7711. Nights 4-M31 474 MiMollonoout 151 fa 2H0 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2476 SCOTT-AT WATER Outboard, Sales A- Service. ".lake-Craft boats. Shrock 1171 Highland. DENTAL PLATf REPAIR t HA t-ERVICE rSrsMOtT CASES OR (LARRY SEMLER. Oentist Adoly.1 Pl.ig. Stale a com i sss SALEM rn i-aaii ADDING machine, eesh rest. Clary ins rasrarmino s-at s Holes & Scratches . REPAIRED We can rroalr boles It acratche on your furniture In your home or office. We now handle furniture refine Ishln aunpliee. Cond polishes, waxes, etc LEE BROS. 4010 Stat St. Phone 1-7001 . 47. FimI ANDERSON'S slabwoosl. PH. 1-7751 or 4-iM . . . Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHINO) Planer. Ends Choice slsb and block mixed 1410 Broadway Ph 1-I7tt OREGON FtlEL CO. Old fir Illy pad SAWDUST RAH Green ftsmp Ph. l-ttll Mt7 Broadway 500 Bu. & Finance 500 Bus. & Finance SIS InvoitmenH SIS Invottmontt YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN A BETTER RETURN BUY 1st mortgages on improved real estste In Salem hd vicinity. Your money nets !',. Examine the aecurlty yourself AO dfalls and collections taken eara of without obligations. MnrW gases available from 11500 to tuioo We are now servicing tt. SOO0O0O0 of 1st moitgsgea for Institutional and Individual. In vestors Just lik yourself. Over 11 yesrs saUsfsrtory aervir for the Willamette Valley. STATE FINANCE COMPANY 1ST S. High St.'- rhCM 1-3151 ls Orsat opypri I