Negotia Hons Con tin ue in Steel Strike 'State Fishery PITTSBURGH Wl Steel ne gotiators Thursday resumed ef forts to end the 12-day old na tionwide steel strike and recessed nearly two hours later without word of progress. However, an other negotiating session was scheduled for Friday morning. . . The session "appeared to end on if)ore amiable note than was ev ' fenced before it began when un ion Pres. David J. McDonald said the industry "has no intention" to work out a new wage .contract "at this time." The industry's top spokesman : Immediately - denied - McDonald'! statement. And when the meeting ended neither industry nor union leaders had any further comment. Left Alone The Federal Mediation Service's three-man team sat in on the meeting for only 45 minutes, then said it was leaving the two par ties to "bargain in good faith." Shortly before the meeting re cessed, the mediators were sum moned back to the negotiating room. Joseph F. Finnegan, direc tor of the mediatinp service, then told newmen another session will be held Friday. He said he felt the spirit of collective bargaining was evidenced In the meeting the first negotiation session held since the- strike of 650,000 steel workers began July 1. N Plant U 811 la Finnegan said he and his aides Wcnzell's DuajRole Voids Dixon-Yates Damage Plea would be standing by ' Friday morning when the meetings are resume. But he declared the gov ernment has no plans to sit in on the session. the exchange of statements by McDonald jnd John A. Stephens, vice president of U.S. Steel Corp. WASHINGTON I - The Jus tice Department said Thursday the dual role played by Adolphe H. Wenzell voided the 1954 Dixon Yates private power contract, and the government owes nothing for cancelling it. On this and other grounds, the department asked the U.S. Court of Claims here to dismiss the action brought-by the Dixon-Yates Interests, through Mississippi Val ley Generating Co., to recover $3, S43.77S.4S from the government. The company claimed it had spent that much on preparatory work for a proposed 107-million-ftollar private power plant at West Memphis, Ark., before the Eisen hower administration pulled out of the contract. " la TVA Territory The plant was to supply private power in Tennesses Valley Auth ority territory because of large withdrawals of TVA power by the Atomic Energy Commission for AKC installations. The Justice Department's reply to the suit echoed Democratic charges made before cancellation of the contract that a "conflict of interest" was involved. "Null and Veld" The department told the claims court the agreement was "contra ry to public policy,, unlawful, and null and void" because Wenzell at the time the contract was be ing drawn was a consultant to the Budget Bureau in relation to ex pansion of electric facilities in the TVA area, and was also a sal aried vice president of First Bos ton Corp. of New York City which became financial agent for the Dixon-Yates interests. Money Relumed But Pair I WW For Robbery " COMPtONrCalfCi " -Police have arrested two brothers on charges of holding up a cafe, al though the victim says they gave back the money. Officers booked Ellie Lee Hud dleston, 28, and his brother, Billy, 22, Wednesday on suspicion of rob bery and identilied them as the men who entered a cafe operated by Mrs. Margy Gillingham. She said they told her that she was being held up and that they want ed $20. "I can't afford this." Mrs. Gil lingham said as she handed over the money. , - She said one man - ordered the other to give her back the $20, which he did. They walked out. and top Industry negotiator, came shortly before the goverrtmcnt ar ranged peace talks began. Affer McDonald said he believ ed the industry had no intention to work out a new contract im mediately, Stephens said: ."I can assure von that I and my associates will our utmost to reach agreement," Stephens said. Tarzan Fined on Drunk. Charge HOLLYWOOD im Actor Johnny Weissmuller has been fined $210 as the result of a collision between his car and another on Hollywood Blvd. The fine was imposed Wednes day after Weissmuller, 52. was convicted of drunk driving. The former screen Tanan is now Jun gle Jim on television. Chief Named PORTLAND I - Milton C. James Thursday was named Ore gon state fisheries director start ing Aug. 1. He was appointed by the Ore gon Fish Commission to succeed M. T. Hoy, director since 1954. Hoy, who has been with the com mission 33 years,' is to be assigned other duties. James is now research coordi nator for the Pacific Marine Fish eries Commission here. A grad uate of the school of fisheries at the University of Washington, he is a former member of the Inter-' national Halibut Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission and held fisheries posts with the federal govern ment; At the same time the commis- i sion announced that J. C. Clausen had been named supervising engi neer to direct the Lower Columbia Rocky Beach Dam Start Forecast Late This Year WENATCHEE I Construc tion of the 200 million dollar Rocky Reach Dam near here probably will start this fall, offi cials of the Chelan County Public Utility District said Thursday. The statement followed, word from Washington that the Power Commission had granted the dis trict a license to build the 644.000 kilowatt dam. It will be about nine miles above Wenatchee on the Columbia River. - ; Statesman. Salrm, Ore., Fri., July 13, ,1956 (Sec 1)T Santiam River Work Planned PORTLAND I Bids were called today by the Portland Dis trict Army Engineers for revet ment work' at three locations on the South Santiam River. The projects are east, northeast and southeast of Albany. Bids are to be opened here July 26. ENGINEERS TO TRAVEL NEW DELHI - India is sending eight drilling engineers and six geologists to Russia next month (or training under the U.N. technical assistance program. River development projects. He took over the post July I. ' HlwHTTSshCir ut M im SmIm4 11 U Op oity ii:Ot m m r.m. II . CUm4 Mwi4y )1 ! CtuMrM't MM-Air-C4MMM4 I ' M HvnftriM 0wUtk 11 ff iKMimk N.w PMMtM, ft SUw, SrMtk rW, QC fftxtar .....v.-. W:HICK(N MrtlAT"l traml. 1 (fix CI. lliw, FfMcli $1 LCI Ivttw ... I Wj M ' am cmr;i it f At the same time, the engineers announced award of a $70,36$ con tract (or three other bank protec tion projects on the river. They are at Katcham, Eagle and Pape locations, all near Crabtree in Unn County. - . The contract went to the Floyd point or view ; NAPLES (INS) Gaetane Ail Ice, a postal elcrk jailed for opes ing mail and removing money, lamented that he never stole money addressed. to individuals, but only that addressed to char ity. Anlce explained that he clas sified as "needy." Grahra Construction' Co., Lcba" i non. ' If Fish is Your Wish , , ... - W Hay Your Dish ... Halibut Stak . . 75c (With All the Trimmings) THE SAN SHOP ,h XX2r'm Portland Road at North City Limits For Ordars to Co Phono 2-6791 VESSEL DONATED FIGUEIRA DA FOZ W - Por- tugal now has a new 329-ton coast guard vessel, U.S. -designed but built here under the U.S. offshore procurement program and turned over to the Portuguese navy. Mrs. Forest Sherman, widow of Adm. Sherman, was among the guests at launching ceremony, along with her son-in-law Capt. John Fitzpatrick, U.S. naval attache in Lisbon. Pemey's A O Wl whtn you can realty utt them . . hundrtdt of warm tctather buy$l MBIIIBII mm SUMMER DRESSES Now Reduced! Second Floor... o Many Styles j o Most all sizes, too . . 2 for 9 Summer styles now reduced . . . sparkling prints and plains in several fabric type . . , easy tc care for cottons, rayons and others . . . your opportunity to buy several at this price. Misses, juniors, half sizes-. SECOND FLOOR ENTIRPrSTOCKlOSr SWIM SUITS NOW REDUCED . . . v Many, many styles and colors to pick from . K . SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S COTTON SKIRTS REDUCED . Clean-up of summer cot tons ... Good coor and style assortment ... Al most all sizes SECOND FLOOR 1 .88 Basement Drees Clearance!:! THREE RIG GROWS ... GROUP 1 . . . Cotton Prints and Plains . Wonderful assortment of fine qua lity washable cottons . . , Misses, juniors and half sizes , . . Over 200 to pick from . , , 2 44 GROUP 2 . . . Cotton Prints, and Plains'. One big price range in this group topirk from . . . All much higher priced cottons . . . Most all sizes, too. 3 .33 GROUP 3'. . . , .. Daeron Sheer Prints... Prints for every mood, sil-' nineties to stand out on nearly every fieure. Fabu lously full skirted, these beauties wish perfectly, re quire Just a once-over lightly .with the iron. 5 .00 JW. 4 : miey' AT0 Wl when you can really use them ... hundreds of warm tveather buys! STORE HOURS: Mon. and Fri. 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Otber Days 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. For Your Convenience! ! lbv, .v.v.. i Women's Rayon Knit Gowns ... Ha (mm Women's i Embossed Cotton -Vz Slips 1 .00 Sixes 32 to 44 Dresm-in gowns youll love U live in! Penney's wisp light rayon beauties! Three neck line styles in flower fresh hues . . . Penney priced so low you can pluck an armful! MAIN FLOOR 1 .00 Site S, M, I Help yourself to savings on Penney's peak proof half slip. Embossed cotton arrow-narrow, slips unnoticed . under your sheathiest sheaths. Ma chine washable, little or no ironing necessary. MAIN FLOOR - r.'vf a- . ',.. . s A I . . . 1 1 ... ? fTonH With Krnfit..: r3 ISemi-Sheer Rakashan As frost-cool as It looks, this :omfort-conscious Wrinkl-Shed cotton by Dan River will be many a man's sport shirt fav orite this summer! Penney's Towncraft styling and thrift price will have a lot to do with it, too! MAIN FLOOR 1 .33 $, M, I Sixes 1 I'j p a . a ."I' i' Savel Open ( Weave Men's Straw Hats . 1 .50 IV v. - i i i r i Air-cooled, yes sir! Penney's open , mesh-weave toyo hat Tastefully ttylefi to keep, you looking your best MAIN FLOOR Save! Women's 10-oz. Blue Denim Jeans ' 1.50 -iL" Siios 10 h 20 Sturdy 10-ox. sanforized vat-, dyed blue denim . . . Machine washable . . . Sixes 10 to 20. SECOND FLOOR SavehGirlV Collon Shorts Sizes 3 to 6x Chonse from ehnmhrays, pliss es, crinkle cottons, nylons, col ton poplins, denims. Hurry in. SECOND FLOOR ilk GirlV Cot ton Swim Suits, Now $11.33 JL Sixes 3 to 6x Good looking prints are set off with a solid color bra top styled with shirred front, and shirred elastic back for good fit , SECOND FLOOR V i Toddlers Cotton Sun Suits 7 Sixes H to A Frosting-colored ruffly charm ers of no Iron rotton . . , that washes and dries while your tot is still napping. SECOND FLOOR :? 1 . ' . . aT t 1 FcaturcHJettcr ar C Cotton Yardage I An Inch Crease-resistant cottons, ever glaze cottons, printed lawn, poplin, chamhray, many, many more! MEZZANINE v'--JVwewpv.'r v-msJ Gold Print Draw Drapes $0.00 48"xM" Florals! Provincials! Sccnlcs! Moderns! Small to large prints! 36-inch cottons, cotton-rayons. Bright fade-resistant color. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Save!-36-Incli Drapery Ydge. 50 c Yard Compare Penney's price for gold-print draw drapes of sliky ravoa acetate. Wide, beautifully tailored. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Downstairs Store Clearance! ! Aft i'l.tlmr Women's Cotton Plisse 1 (Ml Oil lilliy sunback Dresses l'JJ 10(1 PoSi Cafe Curtains, Plastic Showers, 1 (U 1 Sash Curtains. Only . pr. 900 Y.ifle M" Lightweight Plastic yds. $1 MM IdTUS Yardage. Now, Only for 1 20 Only 5. TTl Vi,cose ' 2-77 2 Only ugs . . , Now . ..... Pxl2 Ft. Frost Tweed Viscose $ Rayon Rurs . . i Only Ea. ' JL. Entire Stock of Matchstick Itamhoo Drapes and Blinds Now Drastically Reduced! ! Shoe Dept. Clearance! Women's ami Children's Styles 1.00 JL Good selection Of women's and children's sandals . . , Asst. colors, most sires. DOWNSTAIRS STORE YOUH CHOICI PAIR f ! Shoe Dept. Clearance Two Rig Assorted Groups 2M rr J-80 Main Floor Clearance! I .... 1 .! . 1 . 1 Big, nig selection m m-ucr g sandals and dress shoes . . .0.00 Most ill sites and colors. DOWNSTAIRS STORE OA If-!- ak..l.r Walking Shorts.. I till viii, Assorted Fabrics I 'IT VlnJ For Walking Shorts Pr i,iVl 1 ILCt.S Assortment . . . Now Only.. for 1 2.33 Mezzanine (Clearance! ! Rayon Flannel Suiting Yd o o m i: at - I It .1.1 n liarrnir Sheers and Dots 11 P;,,,,, 80 Square percale Prints . . . II I Ul Yur choice . - i, Famous Name Cotton Dish 'UMUJIliy c,n!l , , . As,t. (llr, ... 1 - a I., I .r Miniature Terry Towels , . . !.. I . ow onlv ' fi..lf Famous Name Terry Hand ,tU lllll V Towt,,, , , , A,st colors ' 1210 Only IT?:7.... 6 21 Hnlir S8"x58" Lace Table Cloths ... O vi . IJllIV Ynilr rhot., 0nly . .. . for o. aye f.r for Second Floor Clearance! ! 21ft I..!.. Women's Shorts . . . Assorted 77f HI 1 air stJ.e, , , , washable Denim . .... Pr. u .I'd fk.,1.. Women's Better Cotton Print 9 JMl ZM) Ullly skir(, ... Now Only Ofk f ,l.r Sub-Teen Girl's Summer 4 It Zi) Ullly presses ... Now . H 1 1) ii,,K, Infant's Cotton Plisae Boxed ,' 1 1)1) IU '"V Sleeper Sets . Now ....... 1 00 Only S !::... 50c 9nll1l, Famous Name Strollers Q J9 U,UV Collapsible Frame . . Save yt t I I.. Kr B"v BiiBKies . . , Bed Lifts Out Q . Ullly Rubhrr wh,.,.,, .M 9n., 6 Year Size Hardwood' (ribs 151I.J! ' "u ,7 Sizes 1 to 6 . . . Your Choice J " iViJt P'lir fiirl's Denim Jeans .. . J io i air Now 0niy o, "!l l.,! Women's Bermuda Shorts "I rn . I tlir Now Only . J..'