32 (Sec. IV) Statesman, COO Real Estate CSS Horn For SU I BDRM. HSE. mi 2210 JRob erta. Ph. g-iasg after 2:20. CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS Exceptionally we.il built I bdrm, modra horn Full tMtntnt. parly mm wilh br, dble. . plumbing, hdwd. floor " place. Well landaraped $0x101 corner lot, bumlant ehrube, fruit (nd shade trees. Nu merous torae and closet paces. Convenient end oom- fortabla living provided by ! practical floor plan. Reduced fo IJ.1 for quick iale. Ph. I-3M4. lOlt Electric Avt, ' Eiiglewood ' District with doubl plumbing and full basement with oil fur, float to arnoeU, bua and walking .. dutance to ttata buildlnga. Ex '. eellent tarmi can ba arranged. liJ-A. Call Al Rooms, Ave . . 4-241$. k. , ' $7800 South In fart growing district, a nice . I yeer old t bdrm. noma with rirenlaee. Mav C. I. with email down payment. Owner trana ferred end must eell, open to m f f .r a eooo but. Liu Huth Morrison. Eve. 4-1444. m amaiv -. I sTa Jhvs no. d tote near sew Jr. High. North ' en x 12a. A top notch buy. Call Hoy Goodwatsr, Eve. . 4-947, Joe L Bourne, Rltr. 1144 N. Capital Ph. 2-22U ONLY $1,000 DOWN I Bdrm. home, attic 1 fl replace! Bemt, oil furnace plue nice : A. Rental Prle llo.eno. ' mum i iinnmi ului inu a I a . t M . 1 M ' llllliH I IH1111 n I Ml I I 111 . ng N. High Phone 4-3442 : DRIVE BY Co to 4 Corner, then to the corner of Macleay M. and Munkert St. I bedrooms. dreem kitchen, clean well " kept home. Owner hevlng ' OPEN HOUSE. Price I11.IM Closing and terma arranged v. . u n a urnnc.H REALTOR. Ph. 2-472 day or eve. TOH SALE BY OWNER HOME WITH PERSONALITY St BY U ft nvtrvf-dlnlnf room Mri.lt humal r. 1 1 In . mwA raised hearth fireplace, French doora off dining room lead to patio. Three ample bedroom with apacloua cloaeta. Two ink bath with tub and enower. Comfortable kitchen with garbage disposal and breakfast bar. Automatic forced air oil heat. Double garage and many other won derful feature. lacy to get to Just go eouth of Strong on Prlngle to 432 Battle Creek Road, Salem. Leaving enon Come out and aee this "Home we hate to eel)". THE HOMESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. IWTTT SHOP Ideal apot for retired ooupkl. Smau eonfec tionery and aopeom atand. ftext Roor to theater. Onlv Silt, call Fay SeeJ, eve. MrKTNITY SIBT. top tn at SAl Waldo Ave. and set its show you thia lovely 1 bdrm. home. L. $V with fireplace. D . ., delightful kttrtum. Full oaeement with party room 14 J I 24 v plr !. with fireplace and knot- plne fmuh, well landeaaped A lot of value for onlv I2.$M CsU HarUu) Thieeaa, eve, e-MSJ. . NVTT0 LOOK lhaad. moet uaeiy piece of land w crveaa fn value around Salem. 'uil Mil earn (Ire. Prtce $!. v). Terms cen be arranged. - CaU Al Bonder, eve. 2-7S44. A PERFECT ENCLEWOOD BOMB Lge. Hvlng rm. with flreplara. Dinette. Compact kit. with eating epeca. 2 bdrm., bath and shower. Unusual room In full basement with . number of built-in. Finished economical sawdust aut. heat. Beautiful bark lot Price til.. 1w with terms. Call Lloyd Rica, avt. 2-4M4. t02 N. High St. phono 4-4441 PLENTY OF ROOM : INSIDE & OUT tea this new 2 bdrm. suburban home, over 1401 an. ft. of mod ern uving space excluding large double garage. Has many other fine feetures that will tnake thie your dream home. Priced $12.tM. Aik "Rudy" Klundt to show It. 4-44M COLBATH LAND CO. SULTOIl Exquisite Ms finer workmenihip thsn when built by PADE A KEEN Mew home, new development. nothing but the best. 2 bed rooms, beamed celling family , room, double gerage with gtelra to overheed etorage, hobby room, 2 baths with cer amic tile, built-in oven, range, dtihwaaher. IIKOO. Eva. Ted Morrison 2-6046. Ted Morrison, Realtor ISO N. HIGH PHONE 4-7V77 JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS EAST) This fine I bdrm. modern home with large garage, nice shade nd nut trees, psved St., lot IM I IM k excellent buy for . (7RO0. $13N down, Aak lor An. Jereoo. IN TURNER I ML FROM SALEM fl good oldor type 4 bdrm. fiomea, nice snaae irees. line has I largo Iota. Asking 64 WW each, low down payment I bdrm. unfinished but livsble, malarial on ground to finiih. S lota for $jono. it down. Call Anderson j. 4-4404 2IT Court It. Eve. Ph. 4-2714 oa-iiLte ru"t rear tveaa. well construct d clean, nearly now, 4 big bdrm.. choice quiet lor. v ,..wu1 Hta.. lovely ti n.il bdrm . din. rm., roomy t... .nonk. 2 flrepl hatha, flnlahed dry bam't. to appreciate. $ 7,ave, an., bal. Uka font. Ph. $1,600 2-7213. Immecllaie p"""; bdrm.. din.rm. flrepl.. ga- r.ee Inrloeed yarn, reoecorat JVVre" woo OIt- ". Aav 4-7JU4. Salem, Ore.. Fri., July 800 Real Estate 806 Houtd For Sol A. E. BECKETT, REALTOR. ' "NEELON ACRES" ID.mn. New I Br. home. Double plumbing, t Car garage, nepers te dining mom. Large lot, on paved atreet. Not many homes left la this lurj-aivision. iau ua looey "i """ w McKINLEY SCHOOL DIST. $1200 6wner tranaferred. and ' "v.,. .,1 t k.i i. k.... . r . oia. 11 diw. w ...... : buy. Very good termi can be arranged, can today, , SMALL RANCH EAST a, a im 4mm und finnd 1 Br. home. Some outbuildings. Land lave nice and could all Salem. Terms. . We Need More Listings 11 I. High Eve. A. Beckett Ph. I-4.SM RENT BEATER: SSOOMI down, dandy lit l Iw home, Ideal for couple, plaatered, yrs. tld. hardwood floora. aeparate 'I'll Ity rm. for washer end drv er. Total price 6.300 00 Call Edna Morgan, eve. 4-4031. MAKE AN OrTEB: New I bdrm. homo witn lorcM air an neai. drtve by 42U Liberty Rd. and then call Mr. Klgtini to aeo too inside, eve. phone 4-6494. ill MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M K. Church DeWITT & BEAUTIFUL ABIQUA CREEK LOTS ISO1 river frontage, phone. elect, water, avauaoie. w mi. arive w oeirm. a, a t-raumui t bdrm. homo a I bdrm. summer cabin on Abiqua. Call Bon. Kraui, eve. S-ges. 3,lft9 cash buya ap 16 A. fenced Co. roea, j a. wiui iprma. na " mj .. K' of cut over timber k pasture land. I live ereeka, some young fir timber, eultable for a tree farm. I ml. east of Sllverton. Just off Silver Falls Hl-way. Call Bill or Ceo. Sea this nice I bdrm. home, large Hv. room, large kitchen, dble plumbing, elect, heat, parquet hdw. firs., paved St.. on , acre. 7 era. on, paiio in rear, nuu m nu, un, , bua. hv business In Corv.lln. seU now 1,400 dn. 4', loan con ba assumed. Call Con Pedwell. COMFORTABLE, WELL. BUILT HOME with I bdrml.. large II v. room din. room. dble. plumbing, dble. garage, full base ment. room for a garden, shade tree. Owner needs smaller S bdrm., priced right, 111,600. 63.600 dn. WiU take car as part payment Call Bill Fldler. Eva. 4-744. ONLY SS.aOO. For this t bdrm. shake home, plastered, only I yrs. old. in wast naiam. uau m ran REAL ESTATE 111 N. Church St. ATTRACTIVE Wall constructed new I bedroom en, (amlly room, large living room, r. n. urni, ....v.. double garaga. FHA or CI financing. Ask for Hicks. Eva. ph. 2-4404. iSM DOWN FURNISHED Tjmiiiint t bedrooms with ertre side city near eiienmona ncnooi. inmw iot. d o7 wam. uwn or enxloua Us leave auto. Only 6,7M. CaU Johnson. Eve. pb. ENGLEWOOD UwlMar mmm . aallns anaca. hardwood floor. T. A. fur. Meeeeslon. Total price ta tSO. atfaatM ainia. larn Call Uicaa tall Lucaa. Eva. ph. Mat, EEIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml South High St. Ph. I-WM A LOOK Or LUXURY Some of the beet thlnga In lite A RENT free I It will take appx. tt.oot to move Into thia new 2 bedroom homo but the beauty of the mellow, nature) colors and the sound construe tlon will give lasting val ue. Delightful family ream and beautifully practical kitchen with built-in oven A dlahwash. i . tm it VMM O KMART er. Easy walking distance to Morn In glide SchooL Make appoint ment to see with Adrlenna Sercomb. STOCK AND GRASS Mostly aeeded to frass, good set cross lencea. loeei tor aneep or awn-it, unrr-w nr wmw quipped with sheep, cows, poultry and full line of machin ery. Price complete $MJ00 Terms, or will consider home In Salem as part paymentCall Henry Torvend. MR. BUYER JUST $500. DOWN 2 bedroom homo rn Keiier Dlst move right irk run price gonu see iron uouinun. ALL COMPLETED J BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME Located at 714 Meadnwlawn Drive 00 x 126 lot, paved street Bldewslk spacious rooms l1, dishwasher. A well built home $14,600-Call Louis Lorens. BARGAIN HUNTERS ATTENTION!! Here's real buy In I lovely with view ille nam, epacious uvina - room wnn pancim round fireplace, built-in range and diahwaiher, also has large family room a dandy bargain for $16,600. Call Ralph Maddy nd set for yourself. IF YOUR HOME IS f6r SALE OR TRADE CALL US n 4TI Cout St Eve.: Adrlenna Serrombe 4 - Don Doughton 4-1414, Louts 2-14M ANXIOUS TO BELL Excellent 2 bdrm. home, piaie giaae pic ture window, overlooking val ley and mountain, lge. cov ered patio, dble. attached ga rage. See this fine home today price now $n 75. CALL I t. LAW NORTH 2 bdrm. with unfin ished upalaira. mil naaemem with par'v rm., 2 fireplace, dble garage. Oil heating. 1.250 eq ft lot floor. Urge lot 1.10 x IM. Clsrden spot with I fruit trees You must see this one at $13 000, CALL RAIJ"H BRUCE COLONIAL STYLE 4 large bed rooms, central naiiwsy wnn open itairway. Lsrc, modern kitchen. Well to wall carpet ing, full besmt, dble. garage. Immediate poasealon. $16,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON BDRM. HOUSE In Ruslneea Zone located lust off SoUtn 12th Street Lot 7 X 60. Good lnvetmnt or rental CALL RICHARD1 1. GRABEN HOR8T DOWNTOWN BUSINESS BOOM FOR LEASE New Mdg. ground floor, huiy street room 2 x to. Paved parking In rear for I cars FOR DETAIIJI CAM, RICH ARD E. ORABENHQRST GRABENHORST 180 60UTH LIBERTY ST. F.venlncs A Sundsva call Raleamen H. K. Lsvmon 2-tlM Ron Hudkin 2-1712 Walt Socnlofskv 3-M1 Mr Rirhardeon 4-IOM Ralph Bruce 2-MI J. t. Law 2-tlll BY Owner: will aell er trade our equity of $000 in I bdrm.. home at Ml Rliler, Total price $.0M Ph. 4-HM7. JOE HUTCHIrrsOrOEALTdTi Let u solve your home needs To Bur. SeU or Rant Cell Ph. 4-A742 . 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-774 Comm l FOR) SALE, email haute, garage, garden, W. Balem. Ph, 2-0)72. 13, 58 800 Real Ettate 906 Houtos Ft SU mutt aell thla I Br. home. About j...t Antaifi fl, limit. A sood . - .... v be cultivated. pnly JI Mtu to Ph. I MII Helen Lewls-Ph. 1-H04 TP HICH QUALITY I Mrm. home, large Jiving rm. with Wee flre plece, excellent location near schools, bus and shopping Price fll.tM.M. Call Stearns Cushlng. eve. 1-M4I. IT'I DITFERENT: I bdrm. mod ern home on Its acres, garage. brooder house, priced at u. too 00. Terms. Also 10 acres with modern home, chicken house, family fruit. Will trade on city home, call Mr. Mav ens, eve. J-47JS. Phon 4-2393 KRAUS oir I sides. A. home alto on urwun, ... -' Ph. 4-6S71 SETTING home with fireplace, birch kitch room In basement. Carafe. In DISTRICT ' an. m iDDiiim. uiiinn.i,i. Take offer an dowa payment. Wlkvafasasl RUDY CALABA FARM 138 ACRES of farm buildings, all fenced and ' acre walnuta and filberts cams, extra nica aurnen aim throughout Vou can't mlsa at new family home In "Hlllendale" Phone !-4llSt-4ll. 2-4I1T 90M. Henrv Torvend 3-.W12, Loreni 2-6S60, Ralph Maddy BRICK HOME Needs little at. tentlon, new roof git yrs. ago, oil ftirnare, 4 yr. Has 2i bdrms. Nice enclosed beck ysrd. Variety of fruit and mite. $11,750 CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY REST BUY IN SAI.EM-Owner mint move, l.5:Mt sq ft. floor space, plus dble. garage. 2 brlrma . hv. rm.. fireplace, din rm., kitchen. Imlde utility, to gal. etec; water healer, hot wa ter radiant heat All tnit for only fl W5. CALL BON HUDKINS NEVER. BUT NEVER, SUCH A BARGAIN! An excellent op portunity to get a business nf your own. Popular downtown rale seats 3 rent $160. A sleal price Don't fall to In veatlgate this! CALL MRS. RICHARDSON 367 ACRE FARM Fine strict. Iv modern 4 bdrm. home. baiement, dhlo. garage, fine barn. 40 x. to ft., 40 stanchion machine shed, milk house, 270 arre farm land balance pas ture, roiling lana. aarx son Miller Creek runs , through farm, located on the Jeffer son Hlghwsy about 12 miles south nf Salem. Price $190,000. X down. CALL C. H. CRABENHORST, JR. BROS., REALTORS . PH. J-M71 BRAND NEW. $MM down. 2 bdrm. ranch type home near Slate hospital. I1.V. Pay ments like rent. C: W, Reeve, Realtor, lt60 Mllnn St. Ph. 2-4.111, Eve. S-DM4 or t-OMII. 2 BORM. Englewood Diet. Pi nathai Fun haaement. Sawduat furn. Paved t. A beautiful home for $4,200. . y. Reeve, Realtor, lt0 Minion St. Ph. l-0as$ or l-tua. 800 Real Estate 106 Homot For Sl STEVENS 4'1 ACRES ON WALLACE ROAD. Older I bedroom houie with apartment rentes tor sjs month. Bom in excellent con dition. S wslnut snd 100 Cher. ry trees. 30x30 mernme thed, noultrv house. I14.f0. Terms. Aik for Don Will. Eve. phone 4-eB7. LARGE FENCED YARD. I bed room home, good sized living room nlus dlmne area. Locst. " sd Northeast. Will trsde SauK equity for car or trailer home. I7S90 total price. Call Kelly Owens. Cve. phona a-eaae. S32M. IJ00 DOWN. ENCLE wood. Mew peint ouuiae ana In 1 bedrooms up. 2 story older home on small corner lot. Comfortable economy buy. 14(00 month on balance Call Bill Estill. Eve. phone 4-(3. SEE US FOR FILBERT ORCHARDS: a acres located snutn. su,sw 14 acres In Independence 114.000. It acres In Independence, 110.000 M acres loested North 123..0M Stevens Realtors 971 N. High St. Tel. 4-M 5 Acres AUBURN DISTRICT, ft, acres of good strswoerrles, family orchard, good water system. good well, drained land. pvd. r snd close to school, $12 VKV EVE. call RAY DAVIS 4-9917. days 2-0M0. ED. LI'KI.NREAL REALTOR. 4.13 N. HIGH. 1 Ranchstyle-McKinley i smart looking house in good location, close to Mc Klnley. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, kitchen with nook, utility room, enxiM fenced !ot, paved street. $12,750. Eve.: John Van OsdoL' 2-7341. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 4-CORNER DISTRICT BY BUILDER, new 2 bdrm. house, l'i baths, flrepl , dble. (larage. $11,500. Approx. 2 blks. b school. Ph. 4-4073. 1 ACRES CITY RETREAT MADE FOR COUNTRY LIVING 4 bedroom clean modern home. Carage. small barn. Irri gation well and system. Fenc ed, plus crop. A reel buy for $9S6. GOOD TERMS. Local, ed on F.at Vista. CALL T. T ANDERSON, 4-4464, eve. 4-2714 T REALTORS 61T Court St, Dial 4-4464 OWNER tranaferred to Portland' must sacrifice 2 norm. home, appraised at $tJAS. Will con st oar any reaa. offer. Near bua. school and churches. Ph. 4-7M. $5950 Special LESLIE School blit. 1 bdrm. home tn good condition on jmall lot, located at 176 . "Capitol St Out of town own er anxious to sell, may take less for fast cash sale. Eve. call 4-206, davs t-M. ED LUKTNBEAL, REALTOR, 432 If. HIUH. fl57 Apt'.. Curt, lag Sal. INCOME PROPERTY f furn. apt. A hv. ouartera. Altr. axe. loc. F. A. oil heat. By owner, lag g. summer. 08 Lots For Sola $l,rM. t city lots with tmsll Ding, and snaae trees. iHurrv I C. W. Reeve. Beeltor, l$M Minion St. Ph. $-4590 Eve. ShM or 2Qajg. CHOICE ocean front lot in Tatt Heights. Csll 2-4677. BUILDERS LOTS Ceglh Ave. $7 ft. 150 ft Sewer and Water Available Price for at one sale $1.260 00 Choice Lnte Madrona OS' x lid' water A Paving $1,630.0$ (terms) Orchard Heights Onlv 2 left inr x 160' Citv Water $1600 00 to $2.10000 Klngwnod Dr. among the tree. corner, water sewer $2.250 00 Business Lot across from W Stlrm Bank IM ft. FRONTAGE $13,900 00 (Include 2 bulldlngtl 23AO Blk. So. 13th St $1 X IM Creek on rear. Treat Vista His. Water $1. too 00 $300,000 Dn. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 1111 Edgewater 1710 So. Comml Ph. 4-9743 Ph. 4-7.74 Eve. 2-4769 Eve. 3-6046 LOT, $7x9.1, Terrace Drive, City wster A sewer. Lot innxiit Suburban, Eait. Ph. 2-70. 810 Farmt Far Sala it A. LAND. It A. under cultl- vatlon, 10 A. bottom land, hel anre woodland A pasture. Highway frontage on school nil route. Creek thru lowlend. $!.oorj. Reasonable terms. George Towle. Hl Bog 231. Aumsvllle, Ore. 40 A. $ A. excellent onion land. Mod. onion storage houae at farllltlee. N. i. Kurth, Rt. 1. Box IM, Brooks. Ore. roR SALE or trade 44 acres. All In cultivation, mod. 2 bdrm. house, lge. Hv. rm., 12 stanch. Inn barn, hog house, wster piped to huldings. 4A clover Ir rigated ny good wen, small or chard. Phone erhonl bue, milk A mall routes by door, 12 ml. So. Will trade for small acre age up to H OOD. Close to Re lem. Ed Fllh, Rt. A Box 110. Balem.Ph. J-'- 1 ACRE. $100 dn.. $22 per mn. 1 mile E. of Lancaster St. Price $t00, C. W. Reeve, Real tor. Ifnui Mission Bt. Ph, 241VO, r.ve.2tif4or JsiiM. 1 RM. mod. home, $ A. Irrl- Ialrrf, between Grants Paae A ledford. Write Rt. I, Box 14 Rogue River. Oregon. 22 ACRES, New well, some tim ber. 14 A. barley, new aned. some sheep. $ Ml. South. 111. no, terma or will trade. J. tC. Cloyd, tut s - 12th. ill) 7SO. 2 bdrm. house. It A". cnicaen nae.. lou x 2. nam, theds, will trade. R. S. Miller, Buna Center. Ph. 1-MM. SMALL acreage, modern home. Cloea) to Church, arhool, bus Una. 27111 Liberty Rd, 24't A. FARM between Oak drove A Bethel. Rt 1, Box 112 Bickraall, Frank Stevens. 800 Real Estate 10 Farms For Sal OWNER 6 acre tract close East with good dsrk eoll. Will Join tha new ucirou dmi nwr. e,ww. Terms. vo. rn. i-saee. IIS A. for aale. "t mile from Brooks. Ph. 4-38M, galem, M ACRES near Rosedale. Make offer al Pioneer Trust Co lem. BY OWNER: 4 A.. N. Santlam free water, good summer or retirement Home. Ph g-iasg. 812 Eich. Real Ittofd MOD. $ bdrm. ranch style A. cloie in E. for larger farm or trade equity for livestock nr machinery A rent grade A dairy. Sale price $12,600. Ph - t-W4, eves. LARGE ocean view lots, N. of Newport. Water, elec., terms Will trsda aa down payment on older type Salem home. T39 Breya. Salem. Ph. 2-6342 SALE or trade by owner, $ unit apt house close In en So. Coml take lale car or trailer home as. part payment will consider coast property pn 4-3MI. ; ... 816 Retort Proparry" LARGE ocean view lots, N. of Newport. Water, elec. terms Will trade as down payment on older type Salem home 736 Breya, Salem. Ph. 2-6342 850 Automotive 8S1 New Cars 50 MILES PER GAL! YES A MORE WITH THE NEW RENAULT 4 DOOR SEDAN $1395 Fully Equipped RENAULT SALES SERV. 3O40 Liberty Rd. Ph. 4-7505 851 U..J Cars Per Sata 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion Starltte coupe. Radio, heater. overdrive, $496. McCaU'a. 1297 State. 1950 NASH Statesman 4 door sedan. Radio, heater aeat cov ers. Very good condition, $342. McCall'a. 1297 State. 31 MODEL 2-5834. "A" Ford, $76. Ph. 51 MERCOMATIC Sport coupe, In superior cond. Ph. 2-4037. 193S Norway. 40 BUICK, must be sold by Sat $33. 4140 Fierier Rd. FOR SALE or what have you to trader Good running cond. 41 Chew. Ph. 4-2S04 eve. 61 ROVER. 4 dr. aed. auto, clutch, heater, leather uphol.. exc. -cond., economical. 676 or best offer. Ph. 4-0994. jseo 12th. 854 Trucks, Trail, far tela I960 STUDEBAKER 1 ton pick up. 2496. 2043 Kappahan Rd. TON trailer without a box. Heavy construction for heavy uee. Can be seen at Shoppers Car Park at High A Ferry. $60 or best offer. FOR SALE '441 Chev. 1i ton truck. Iron bed, good scape CIS Brown St., Woodburn. Ore. INTERNATIONAL 'i T. panel 100',. rubber. Less than lo.mo ml. on motor. New transmis sion, pans It bushings. New pring shackles A bushings. 1941 model. Ph. 2-7242. 266 Mc Nary, W. Salem. '44 FORD. ! T. flat-bed, 60 ml. on motor over-heul. vacuum 2-ipeed plus 2-ipeed Browning g 16 rubber. 70. New paint. Wk. day. after 2 pm . all day Sunday. 1116 N. Liberty. FOR SALE: 1944 Dodge pick-up Ph. 2-Z906. ALUMINUM hone trailer or trade for 30 Chev. or Plvm nulh club rpe. 4132 N. River Rdafterjf INT. K B 2 and Frauhauf 24' single axle van air. Good Condition. Can finance. 1230 N. 17th. 4-9292. FOR SALE. 1954 Ford pickup F. ino aeries V1 excl. cond a steal at $1,050. Ph. 4-6XM, orseetjl4 S. 4h. FOR SALE: 1926 ffhevle pickup Original good shape, spare parts, wen ttuisey. iTFORIV pickupntonTm77 Box 202. Brooks. 1963 Pickup 4 T. long wheel base over load sp. $700. 3-7601 19.1 PANEL Chev. $126. See at 1212 N. 6i h after 2 p.m. 85 Warrfd, Cart, TrucTt ATT. STRAWBERRY GROWERS Would like to contract your idle bus for a wki. for mv t a beans. Mutual safeguard. W Petlv. Poplar farm, Sllverton. 2-4600 eve. , CASH for I960 A 1961 cars. Mc Call s 1297' state. 3-snm. WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Csrt Ptld 'or or Not Bob k Bill's Uted C$rs Union 4 High Sit 1954 Chev. Bel Air Spt. Cpe Hardtop. V-6. Radio A heeter pnwenltde. tinted windshield W W. Tire. Power Pack. 2 000 mileage. Mud eell within a month, going overseas Call after 2 p.m. weekdays. 602 N. 2nd St. Sllverton, Ore. wTThEVROLET sedsn. fiiTl price $7$, terms. MrCallb. 1297 State. 858 Mofercycle$ WHIE7.ER rele Al Is $2S Her lev Devldmn 71 A Is $.12 Shrock's. 1372 Highland . 1042 HD motorcycle Good, cheap tranapnrtaUnn. $7t. Ph. 2-51N. Rt. I, Box 79J. Salem. CUSHMANitotor scoffer, good cond., reas. Ph. 4-1 480. 'U ARIEL. 20 M, cond. $21)2. Ph. cam, good 2.4741, 2274 Trade. FOli "SALE: 44Harlev.bvlrt on II. Good cond. Ph. 4-19.14. (No Sunday calls.! RrriAI. motor scooter, lge. size. $M. Ph. 4-lritt. 862 Hou4) Troilort SEE the beautiful 23' Flamingo waatln tinlah. Ah Interior. Lena Lane. 1V40 Lena Ave, Good paint, gal. $1 to. Glen woodry, 1003 N, summer. irMDI,rirfiKir7rallarhouse, $500. Ph. 4-2IIM. $.1.10 DN. 2.1' Pscemaker, modern. Ph. 4-2317 after 2 pm. week days, anytime weekenda. M REAUT1FUL 2 ft. "Rollo home" Mod. Sea at Lena Lane l40 Lena Ave. 1017 ANC.PI.US II' metal trailer houae. $520 rein. P. O. Box 232, Turner. ONE nf Salem's Better Courts- Center street Trsiier Court, 41tt CENTER ST. TRAILER TOWINd JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 214$ Portland Rd Pit 4-WI4 VACATION aire trailer house for sale or rent. See Earl Malm, 403$ Sllverton Rd. 4-7127 850 Automotive 852 Utosf Cars Far Sale NO DOWN PAYMENT M VoUti Warm porta car '$4 Che. 2 -door '62 Nash Rambler Its. Wgn. $ $1 Ford V-g Clb. Cpe 4 '11 Chev. 4-door. Radio A heater $ 65 PLENTY OF '4-'4T A '4 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM USED CARS 'Tho Workinfmn'$ Frirnd" 1346 Broadway Ph. 2-7972 "FOR. A WHALE : OF A DEAL" IT'S '55 CADILLAC CPE. ... M100 Jet black. El Dorado engine, this beautiful Cadillac ha 13 000 miles A shows the ex cellent care it haa had. '55 BUICK SITER .. $2695 Hardtop Cpe , very clean. '55 OLDS. SUPER SDN :.. .. $2495 .. $2695 '58 CHEV. SDN. V- Overdrive. '54 FORD VICTORIA ..$1795 . $ S95 .. $ 395 ...$ 295 ...$ 395 Sharp. '51 STUDE. V- SDN. Nice. 51 KAISER SDN. ... Overdrive. 41 OLDS. 90 CONVERTIBLE - 50 NASH SDN And bedroom. 54 FORD 4 TON PICKUP $1095 4-epeed. WE HAVE SEVERAL 'go-'U MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM . ' $1$ TO $150 125$ Broadway Ph. 2-6404 OPEN TILL i :00 P M. Ti 520 HOOD ST. PH. 4-0909 52 Pontiac Station Wagon $1195 Radio A Heater, dual range. Hydra. 52 Hudson Home. 4 dr. $ 995 Radio A Heater, overdrive. 50 Chc-v. 4 dr. S95 Radio A Heater, like new. SO Dodge, 4 dr $395 Radio A Heater, A-l. '50 Kaiser. 4 dr $195 Radio A Heeter. 49 Olds "78". 4 dr t 395 Radio A Heater, Hydra. '49 Ford, 2 dr. .. ...$ 295 Radio A Hester. '48 Pl.vmouth Clb. Cpe. -. 295 White aidewalls. sharp. 47 Olds. Sdnt $ 175 Radio A Heater, Hydra. '47 Dodge. 4 dr $ 175 Radio A Heater, aharp. '47 Buirk Sdnt $ 95 Radio A Heater. 48 DcSolo C1b. Cpe. $ 295 Radio A Heater, Fluid Dr. 41 Buick, 4 dr. ... $ 95 Radio A Heater, sharp. 35 Ford, Radio 2 dr A Heater, . $ 125 aharp. .... $ 50 '29 Model "A" OPEN 'T1L9;00 POST Auto Sales '55 FORD ( Customline $1695 clb. cpe . rsdlo, heater, and overdrive. 'SO OLDS M 4 dr $695 sharp, rsdlo, heeter, A hydrs '52 PONTIAC $ 4 dr. .. radio, heater, hydra $793 51 DODGE 4 dr. $95 SI BUICK SPECIAL ... $795 Hardtop '30 BUICK R0ADMASTER 4 dr . i $595 Radio, heater A Dyna 5 FORD CROWN VICTORIA Tu-tone. continental kit. ra dio, heater. Ford-o-Mtlc power steering. Save $000. FOl'R '55 BUICKS TO PICK From. All colors A body styles. FOUR '54 MF.RCURYS TO PICK FROM. 4 Tu -doors, hsrdtops. 54 OLDS 4-DR. "M"... $1695 Heater A Hydra. '54 PONTIAC SDN. ... $1295 Radio, heater. 53 FORD CLB. CPE $995 Radio A heater. 'S3 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR $1295 Radio, heater A dyna. '52 BUICK CONVERTIBLE .... $995 Radio, heeter, dyna.. power eteertng. power windowa. power seals. '52 FORD 4-DR. $793 Overdrive heater. OPEN EVES. TILL I P.M. Post Auto Sales 1103 SO. 12TH PH. 4-6231 850 ' Automotive v 852 Utod Cars Far Sala 5 PLYMOUTH V-l 4 DR. 1795 Low Mileage, real value. '55 FORD V- 4 Radio, heater DR.:" 1393 A 'overdrive. '55 PLYMOUTH SIX-TUDOR Best buy of the year. 1395 ANOTHER Tirrifc S M EI si s r's Many More Good Buyg In AU Makes k Models Shop It, Compare. ELSIES- CORNER CENTER Ic HIGH I00"t WARRANTY ON PARTS NATIONAL drill Mi fen NO MATTER HOW FAR YOU CHIVE. BACKEU BY NATION AL BONDED INC. '55 Buick Super Riviera ............ $2695 Radio, heater, dynaflow, A power steering. '55 Buick Special Riviera Sdn $2595 - Radio, heater, dynaflow, A power steering. '56 Ford V-8 Customline Clb. Sdn. ...$2395 Radio, heater A Fordomatlc. '55 Chevrolet V-8 Clb. Sdn $1695 '53 Buick Super Sdn .$1395 '54 Chevrolet Bel-Air "52 PONTIAC SDN $895 '51 PONTIAC SDN $695 '51 HUDSON SDN $495 49 OLDS "88" SDN. ... $245 OPEN FRIDAY EVES. TILL I P.M. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CAN'T BEAT i 660 No. LIBERTY BETTER AT No Down Payment on Approved Credit 55 CHEVROLET 4 dr. . $1793 '54 MERCURY SUN VALLEY $1995 $1895 54 OLDS "W 4 dr '42 PLYMOUTH Conver., $145 $harp. 50 OLDS "M" 4 dr $595 50 FORD 4 dr $295 OPEN AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AT 3995 Silverton Rd. PH. 1955 PONTIAC CATALINA Hard top heeter. Auto. Radl, P. steering ... $2495 1955 COMMANDER 1 door sedan. OD, heeter $1792 1954 CHAMPION Station Wagon, OD heater . $1MI9 1953 FORD Victoria Hard Heater. Radio 1953 CHAMPION 4 Door Sedan, Top, OD $11 J Auto, Heat $095 1953 INTERNATIONAL i, Ton Pickup, 2 speed, heater $" 1951 LAND CRUISER 4 Door Sedan.'Auto, Heat er, Redlo $595 1931 COMMANDER a Door Sedsn. OD. Heat er. Radio $495 1951 CHAMPION 4 Door Sedan. OD. Heat er. 495 ! 1951 KAISER 4 Door Traveler, OD neat. er $.195 1950 LAND CRUISER 4 Door Sedan, OD Heat er 4 $295 1948 BUICK 4 Door Road Master, Heat er. Radio $19$ 1948 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan $195 BONESTEELE'S 34S North Church Rt. Salem, Ore Phone 2-1113 or 2-9277 49CHEVwlth" '$2motorriood shape. 2ti units steel dump hod. 2 sp. rear-end. elan 2 P Brownie llrsvlng ststel Ph 3-7271. Will party who plared this ad please call Statesman-Jnurnil Claaslfled Dept. with correct Ph. number? '41 FORD 2-dr. orlg. paint, new tires, n'drlve, other extra 1122 Hlnea. 830 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale '54 WILLYS ARC0 SEDAN 795 Reel clean car, plug . economy. '55 CHEVT "JIO "--"- FOUR-DOOR .1595 Equipped and real value. '50 DODGEORONET FOUR-DOOR 345 Real good second car. CO. UNION It HIGH AND LABOR FOR ONE YEAR. .$1395 52 STUDE V-8 Clb. CPE. $695 '50 PONTIAC SDN $695 '49 PONTIAC SDN. .... $295 '47 CHEV. AERO ....... $145 47 FORD V-8 Clb Cpe. . $145 PH. 2-4113 BUYS THE 47 NASH 4 dr 49 FORD 4 dr 49 STUDEBAKER 4 dr. 49 OLDS "" 4 dr. ... '46 DODGE Pickup $125 $145 . $295 $395 , $195 46 OLDS CLB. SDN. .. $95 41 OLDS 4 dr. $65 EVES, THE at Lancaster Dr. 4 - 9114 1955 TRIUMPH TR-2 Electric overdrive, tonneau rover, wire wheels, a real - sports esr, only... $2191 1955 STUDE PRESIDENT CPE. Autnmstir Irani., a beauti ful low . mileage only .,22100 LOOK!! '49 FORD 4 dr. Sdn .... $200 Real Nice 47 Mercury 4 Dr $295 Perfect condition '54 Chev. Pickup $995 A steal. British Car Sales )tS N. Capitol Ph. 1-4402 1951 BUICK Super hardtop, dynaflow, very clean A In ex cellent mechanical condition, $795. MrCall's.l297Stale. h "l-TON 15-paenger chev. panel wilh crew conversion. excel, cond. Ph. Dallas MA 2-43M. 1952 NASH Rambler nation wagon, 1 owner, low mileage overdrive, $795. McCain. 1297 State. CLEAN '55 Ford Victoria. Ha everything. Rank financing Consider trade Ph. 4-92-71 . 54 FORD Victoria, excellent. Will take older car in trade 4-052. 1944 MERCURY club coupe good. Radio, heater, $15., easy terms. McCaU s. 1227 State, in ha So Train 850 Automotive 93 utoa -ars rer mm FiW -.THE m Run under a Udder -rua circles around a black eat -boll , your mirror open your umbrella ia yovr bernt thotl M n iftf ti mm 465 CENTER ST. , VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TONIGHT AND ENJOY A RE-BROAD tirai ur inc aAl-lM senators VERSUS EUGENE ZM ERALDS BASEBALL GAME OVER KSLM. WITNESS AN AC TUAL BROADCAST. 2:20 P. M. T : EVERYONE WELCOME - Refreshments for Young & Old , BRING THE FAMILY TO Mir Irei 465 CENTER ST. PH. 4-BM CP FOR YOUR NEED . . . YOUR PURSE YOUR SATISFACTION A FEW MONTHS AND A FEW MILES HAVE BROUGHT THESE NOT QUITE NEW CARS WITHIN YOUR PRICE REQUIREMENT, Here you will find the best transportation carefully serviced . . . Sparkling . . . And '55 Buick Century Sedan .$2795 niviera. we sold new, only ll.tti miles, seieetronle radio, heater, dynaflow, 22$ h.p. V-$, EZI f lass, whltewalls. 5 Buick Century Coupe .'.$2695 Riviera, wa sold new, only t $11 miles, radio, heater, dyna flow, 22$ h p. V-t, EZI glass, whltewalls, turquoise and white. '55 Buick Super Coupe Riviera, we sold new. complete eervlce record available. power steering and brakes, and white. '54 Buick- Special Coupe ..$1995 niviera, love it oeep nnsn dynaflow, EZI. whltewalls. 54 MERCURY SEDAN t953 S3 BUICK RIVIERA ..$1495 'S3 FORD TWO DOOR $ 895 50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ 49S 51 HUDSON SEDAN .. $ 395 '47 BUICK SEDAN .. $ MB '47 PONTIAC WAGON . $ 145 For Over Half A Century Bringing Driving Pleasure to the Commercial at Chemeketa Phone 4-5711 WE ARB NOT OPEN THE best ua OH 1W ISA fetiiii liralil Our CAPITOL CHEVROLET CILLAC 1956 Chevrolet V-8 BEL-AIR HARDTOP 4 DR SDN. RADIO. HEATER, 2 TONE PAINT. UNDERCOAT ED. TWIN PIPES. POWER C.LIDE TRANS. A REAL BEAUTY AND ONLY $.200 MILES. 1955 Chevrolet V-8 REL-AIH 4 DR. SDN. RADIO. HEATER. E7I GLASS. WHITE WALL TIRES. A REAL BUY. ONLY $1895 1955 Buick V-8 , SPECIAL 2 DR SON . RADIO. HEATER. DYNAFLOW, 1 OWNER, 12.000 MILES. $2145 - .' CHOICE 1951 Studebaker, V-8 ....$445 Starltte coupe. 1949 Ford V-8 4 dr. sdn. "-" 45 1949 Chevrolet Clb. Cpe.' ........... . .$395 1949 Studebaker Champion .$295 Convertible coupe. , 1946 DeSoto Custom 4 dr. sdn.........$ 95 1948 Ford V-8 Dlx. 4 dr. sdn $95 Radio A Heater. USED BEST DEAL Union & Commercial 194$ CHEV, 2-dr, sdn. radio heater, new tire, excel, velue $2A5. Owner. 1475 Evergreen. Ph. 4-7270. '49 DODGE conv. cxreL cond. Ph. 4-1.725. '49 NASH, radio, heater, over drive, by owner. 123$ Wallace Rd.. WANTED: clean 'M-'tl cpe. No dealers. Csll morn. 4-20:t$. rMOUStonvert. $2857Ph. 2-4745. 2274 Trede. 1940 DODGE I dr, good ond. Ph. 4-3007. - 850 Automotltt 132 use un rer etw S-797S waiting to delight you. i $2695 dynaflow, EZI, washart, cameo re ana wnue. radio, neater, BUICK SUPER SDN. (Power Steering) . $1495 '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ (93 '50 BUICK SEDAN .... I 495 '48 CHEV. SHARP ... $ 295 47 OLDSM0BILE $ 143 41 CHEV. SEDAN $ 93 People of Salem EVENINGS OB SUNDAYS 1955 Chevrolet 6 R EI.-AIR 1 DR SDN. RADIO, HEATER, POWEROLIDI TRANS. 1 OWNER, LOW MILEAGE. $1895 1954 Buick V-8 ROADMASTER HARDTOP COUPE. FUU. POWER. RA DIO. HEATER. TINTED GLASS, 1 OWNER $2095 1953 Chevrolet 4 DR. SDN, DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS. HEATER, AND DE FROSTERS, WINDSHIELD WASHERS. VERY CLEAN. I $895 2nd CARS CAR DEPT. ' BEST DEALER Ph. 3-3175 Oregon's Oldest Desior , BEST BUY Used Cart Cam: merrlal A Chemeketa. Ph 44711 40 PLYMOUTH 4-door. mecnan Ira 11 y good, good tires, new paint M. fk. 1-7724. ORE AT I 1 SOUS J