30-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri.. July 13, '56 Business News . . . : 1 Babton Report t , Stock Losses Said I Due to Selfishnecs 't By R00 BAMflW Cyrlf1ifr-lS PiblWwri riac d axae-a., mcmp BABS0N PARK. M-ss.-Msnf pwpto are rh avtr ttm wwjr t the dock market hat acted durinf the pant few weeks. '"'" Industrial Averages dropped from a high of 521 U) low of m- Tiles-; ! however, who have read this column during the past month arr no I TKOnM AKt WO MMLTtim ' LoMes b the stock market art due primarily ta selfishness. Thir applies to even- the aaiwarvauve investor, w caUed. He tries to get a higher rate ol return than his investment deserves, or else he tries to avoid paying income taxes by buying second-grade revenue bonds issued by "authorities" of turnpikes or of small nmmuMm, MtxU.jr Itr tho Smth. Unless the Investor supplies something along with j his money, be is headed lor trouble. Thia la aat erttJetam of small town- and cilia. I much pre "fuel Wiajrtion" banaVoi such i New York Closing Stocks Merrill Lynch. Plere. lumr an Sunt . - Admiral Cora 1IU Al Chm Dy.ll Allied Sir. Aim Cham - M Alcoa Ill' Aluminum' Ltd 14 Am Airue-- . Am Can JM Am Cvea . 71 At Movw " Am Stl For 4 ATT ..-.ll1 Am Ti itrM 71' Am vts- ; Am Copper Atmeeew Thej . necnttx Avi . Hmi rida mh mi Fleetmr- Air (lest Dmasnlc . Gm Elee .. Ores Fined . Gees Motor Gen Tlra- ... Gees Pea Ply ciiiieftw Gltdamr- . Sl'i S't . 6sU - '. ...... . .1 .... HI. a"- . ae 11 139'. Bars Warn Btievrue Burro A owing .. O Calif Wet Cacnpb soup) Can Paw Hy Cuam II . Ciuro Traa . Celaneew Crlotex Cerlalnteed . Cnes 4 O Rv .. Chi M Si St P . Chi NW Ry CM R la W ..... 4f, Chrv.lrr Clllaa- St t Climax Moly 7JM ClurW Pea 44', Coca Cola lll'i J mall communilles 10 ine oonos a Dig ciur. nr cm Credit l.iter usually both suffer kmv now goviTnmero cmw F-dit- aj'i - er alaa i i i i. t. uf)ri t one mmo a Sna AIM worn a we -unseras-c . i Container Coeit Can . Com Oil . f'r.na Co Crown Zll tx'i Ol- World nr.. iit ni.nm" I. na mora a lood measure of a community's credit than of a man i character, mere aiso are guou m . but I like to buy them after the electric, gas, or water plant has been Installed, or after the pike Baa neen num. WE CANT CHEAT NATURAL LAWS Statistics show that the nation is Inereaslrrg; Its wealth only about ..z . v i. arcbr km ma iawaator M art safety man than 4 per cent a must render aama real amice: ft addition, let mo add that the small eitiea arc growing mora kealtmiy thani the b cities. i.-... ,iA iu Mfle al th acnuibla ayaduatle from collete this June hava Insisted upon taking Jobs In amaller cttle. Such' place arc having the soundest growth, are ine oem in wnicn io ormg up temily. and should be the safest kn ease ef Warl War- HU Tk RihU tHa ua that the frofta w fet eut el Bfe equal only what w. put into It Surely, in the long run. we reap only what we bow. Action and Reaction applies noi oniy io mecnanic., ramiw try. and all the physical sciences, bui io cnaracier rjunumg wm All natural laws apply t auceessfut tnveittng Mtwelr av to- svecemful living. Money can temporarily be secured thrwifelT beirglnjr stealing or speculating, but usually such money is lost, or the soalled owner dies ol a heart attack. Very seldom does such money do the children and grandchildren much good. TOO MUCH EDUCATION? I believe in Education; we probably cannot get too much of the right kind. This especially applies to Atomic Engineering and Busi neaa Administration. Education as It la passed out today by High Schools and Colleges will never help the graduate te build up an estate and keep It. The honest and savceaaf ul way to creaOa a fortune is by rendering service. Te do so requure that yen an I star op caatt during those boom time so as to help the nation wheel it again; "goee through the wringer." But should we expect a coBrg professor whe has not done successful Investing for himself to teach it to others? ' Those of ua who will then have the cash to buy, build, and invest, during the next period of depression, will render great service. For this service we will be richly rewarded. The savings which we are holding today to Invest then should be multiplied two or three times In a short period. K educators would give more attention to character building and econemie lawa, and arena am sffikn-S students a toare foe service, I forecast that unemployment could be eliminated and w would have a much happier world. Curtlaa Wr n Drrr Af Co Dia Mateft Dou Air .. Daw Oirm .. Dr 9 d ' Ear Air LI Caar Kodak R1 Paw, Gaa . Emer Radio tx Calte - P fWirriild 33!i On 1 rmr Grar W Orl ln BV Ort'WM Su(. Giwrnvune Ouif' Oil .. H HeapaaUk M . 3S', I Itrt Harvmt W IM NirIM on', Hit- Papar las I Johna-Man, W' imli M 8U ' K Kalirr Alum !''.. Krnnrcott K Kern Land ...... - 4'l I.lhhy' McN ! ! I.1M nvrrl LOf C.I.M Lorkhrrd Air Loew'a Inc 2V Long B.ll A IU Lorillard . is'i M Magnavnx ,. Marnh fir Id M ft M Wood Mrrrk fi Co .. Mont Chnn .-. Mont Ward Motorola ai'i ,5s' . .. 4S', .... est io 47 SS'b ""'I. U0'r Natl Burult Natl C.h Rrg . Natl Dairy , Natl Distill .... Natl Cypum" ... Natl La ad Natl Supply ..... NY Crntral No Am Avia .. No Par Rv . NW Alrllnra O Olln Math Otta Krv r Pabco n .SS'i 41!-, ..... 2S. 11 ..iniV 74i, ..... .w. ..... '4 .. 41'. IS Pac G At Rl Wi Par T 4 T 14! Pan Am Air . Pannrv J C . Prnn Hv I4'i Prp.1 Cola Pfialpa-Dadar Phllao Corp Pint Mnmt PMI Patrol Plll.bury Proe Gam Pun M p A, L .. Pur Oil . " Ridio Corp .. Rayontar inc Rrpuh ml RfAnolrta MM1 Hwnnlrta Too Riariflvld C . Royal Dutch a Safrwav Sir. Jf, at l T At' st l sr ny n1, m- Rnrl. Pann- ..... OT'i Srtiml In 11', Smtt. Papar . 71', Srara Rna . . 33t Shrll Oil .. .. 4 Sim-lair Oil: no Skrllv Oil 4 Soronv-Moh . omi Cal Rdl SI i Sou Pac Hy Sou Ry nrrv Hand Std. Brand. m.. Std Oil Cal , Sid OH' Ihrf Std OH NX , Sluda-Park Siinm OH . Siinimin NT , Swift Ai Co Sylvanla El t Tama Co Sfl 1xa Gulf Twxtron . 22 , Tldii-Aao r . ' Tranaam rV Trana Wo Air 21", Ton Can o S4 v V Hnlon. Carb. 13' Union OH . Union Par Ry 17S'i Unl Airerarf 7 Unl Air Unas - 3S' t;nl Corn "2 . Unl fruit ua- Plywood 4'. tT Rlihhw , . !M H aiavl Wimtf Pie IS. Waeh Water P 37'e Wert Air Br M Wetem Air JO WeeteVn tier S. Went em Onion , 21 Woolwnrth 4T 81' 4 . J4; .mi, ...... m aarv 7. '. ... 'W .. 47. - k I T I. Zenith .113 StockMarket Prices Slide NEW YORK I - The stock market's run of aiar straiRht daily advances was broken! Thursday with a moderate1 decline era aver age. But the? strength la selected issues wasr as great that new high for DM outturn bered new tow by a four to one raft a. The Associated Press average Meet Called To Avert Air Pilots' Strike WA3HTHET0TC tT The Ka tional Mediarion Board Thurs rtay called another meetma; tar Fridas aimed at avertina; a strike of some IS pilots against the West Coast Airlines. Robert O Boyd, board chair man; said" Ttlursday's openins; Portland Prodare McstGrains Qcse tower. of 60 stocks declined 60 cents W-1 u: m matter el rj. $186 50, with the Industrials off I r,"r- "P mgres. but ati $1.10. the rails 60 cents and the,fd: utilities 10 cents. "There ia always some prmr- Volume tntalad" lino.06 shares, ress as tong s we continue talk- eompare with 530.00 yester- mg. day. Western Securities rzinea. SMIMr It Cav Km.) PORTLAND a-tuttertat Tentative, subject t imniedlata chants Premium auality dU end la Portland. SS- lb; rst It4 M AM. .uaa.4 aWemasl iat to-HA Sue.my ai-y., -"y- l'-'"' "7 I mrirn , -n. Butter Wholesale, I e.. suia , -V" -j . aav 1 closed Inwer ar the Boar at iraee i nurmuryi- ooyuean tered) the worst drop. Wheal closed H lower t higherv esta- . kwe..eata,M lower to W higher, rye unchanged ta 1 cent higher, soybeans 1H-61! lower and lard t to W cents a hundred DeuMda towar. Hedging pressutw and mill buy ing about offset ene anooier at wheat. The hedgin lad the sxtper hand early, but larer milt buying helped rally the market. Kenarts were heard at rtogced space for wheat at Southwesteni terminals. ) tl score. ts4: A arsde. M MH; B grade 90 score fJ.C grade as score. Chetae-lTa" whotsa1ers--Oretet singles, 41-tt lb; Oregon S-Ib loaf, 43H-J0. Eggs-Ts wholesalers-Candled f ib. Portland. A large. 4MI: A medium, 414M; A small. Eggs Te retailers Grsde AA. larse. U-S3: A large, 48-50: AA medium. 4M7; A medium, 4 A small 10-31. Cartons, M cents additional. Eggs To consumers AA large, 17-42; A large. 54-59: AA medium, 11-56; A medium, 10-55; A small, 9641. .Live poultry-No. 1 quality, f.a.b. Portland-Fryers. J1- lbs. 2 at farm, 22-23U: light hens. Id at farm: heavy hens, 17-11 at farm; old roosters, 11-IX Turkeys To producers 1 1 e weight, fryers. 17-28: young turkey hens, liveweight, 2S; eviscerated young hens, 38. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, Jl.-4' lbs. a-U; M Iba. 15-18; old colored pelts 4 cents less; old does, 10-12, tew higher. Fresh killed fryers te retailers, 56 U; cut up, 10-63. rVheletale Dressed Msats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 00-700 lbs. M.50-1000: good, 35.00 17.50; standard, 31.tt-3S.00; com mercial cows. 15.00-28.00; utility, lloo-MOO; canneri and cutters, M 00-23 00. Beef cuts (choice stem) Hind - onsrteri, 47 00-51.00: rsuads 4 43MM5.M: full farint, trimmed, e7.o . 74.00; forequarters, 77 00 ! MOO: chucks, SOOa-33 00; ribs, 47 00-52.. Pork cuts Loins, choice, t-t lbs. MJO-53.00; shoulders. It lbs, 3t.0o-34.00; sparerihs. 43MM6M-, fresh hams, 10-14 Iba. Sl.Ot-M.M. Veal ana calves Coed-choice, all weights, 30.00-38.00; commer cial, 24.tO-J3.00. Spring Umb Choice and prims, 4J.00-4t.IO: good. 3I.OO-44.00. Woop-Nominai clean basis, H bfeod, 1M; blood. 1 03-08; H blood. 1.13-18: fine, 1.17-23. Csaalrj ssissif assets, f.e.b. Partlaadi CMstry-dretsrd Meats, f.a.b. Perttaadi Beef-Cows, utility, 23 21 lb; cutters, ll-. Veal-Top quality, lightweight, 2S-28; rough hesviet. 18-25. Hogs-Beat light blockers, 24 27; lean light tows, 18-22. Lambs Top grsde springers, 34-31; good yearlings, 25-30. , HfuttonLtRTit weight ewes and ' wethers. 10-12. Fresh Predaee Onions Calif. Yellows, med. 50 lb. sk. 4.00-73; Whites. 4 50-5 00; Arix. White, amall, 2.50-to; Wash. Yellows, J.75-4.50. Potatoes-Calif. , Long Whites. No. 1-A, 10 ot. wilt. 100 lbs., mostly 7.80430; No. Is, mostly 03-7.75. i , Hay-New crop No. f green 5faira. baled, f.a.b Portland. -mlnallv 1400-3.C ton. NSW Portland Llrmtork PORTLAND taWCSDAU-Cattle salable 200; fed steers and heifers steady; truck lot high "hoice 1148 !b fed steers 22.75; 2 losds a er ase choice araund 1,120 lb steers 23.5s. Bghthr sorted at 22.00; few good steers 21.00-27.50; few good heifers around 75t lbs 20.50; can ner and cutter cows mostly 7.00- .tt; utility cows 10 00-11.50; can- ner and cutter dairy-type bulls l.tt-U.M with cornmorclals up to 14.71, Calves salable 50; fed good and choice vealers 17.00-20.00; utility and commercial vtalers 11.00- Thar Md an aak quotatterei rw reient snoa at which on ar mere dealer member of the KaOeaul Ae loci.tlor Serulity Dea4ea Ine.. would trade with the srnemt buMM at ine time me quotatione m area ai e p.ok yeaiaraay C.llf. Greene Pnwer caacade PtTwnod Contol, Pietalrt Iron rtremeak .. Jantzen Inr. Com, Mrler Ar Prank . MorrlMin-Knuditrn Oiw.-Port. Cemrnt Pac. P. It L. Com. Pope St Talbol Portland Ga. At Coke Part. Ce. SJee. BNKS Ban: of Amertei Senla of CaMromia Chmm Manha4bje Plret Natione rirae.Nat. Clrr ST. Y. S. a Natireuar era Sara, Tift AekMl sw ante M' 37 le 17 S3". 24'. 15'-, l. 42. 4t 87', - . IS'. , 9ft3. 91 a. .15', 37', ' XV Ti4 S St J". SB'i a.Tr 73'e 7a The AiV Line Pilots Assn. post poned a walkout scheduled to be gin at midnight Wednesday at the request of the mediation board. Issues involved are retirement benefits and a demand for a $40 month wage increase. Pilots now receive $1,031 monthly. Company representatives pres ent Thursday were Vice Pres. E. aV Code and John Beard and G. D. Leonard. Union conferees included K. Mc Miarray, ALPA vice president; Gesrge Castle and Joseph Joby. ' At ' the outset of Thursday's meeting.sBoyd said he expected the sessions to last a "couple days or longer." Sfajcks gtastl Bonds Ceell ky TSe ArtMlatad) tut? 1 MvCK AVBBA4.FS IS item If Of. Hogs salable 200: butchers about steady with yesterday's average ; mixed lots U. S. 1, 2 and 3 grades 18.00-18.75; mixed 1 and 2s sorted at 19.00: 3 grade butchers down to 17.50: 160-175 lbs l3t-M; sows 350-SOt lb 12.00-13.50. Sheep salable 350: .spring slaugh ter lambs steady with Wednesday; few small lots choice spring slaughter 19.50; with 1 lot 19.80: tew mostly good 18.00-19.00; cull ta good shore slaughter ewes 2 00-4.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND 11 Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bark, meet dettr ery: Oats No. I. 341 lb white 57 M. Barley No. 2. 4.1 lh B W. 47.50 48 oo. Corn No. 1 E. Y. shipment 7273. Wheat (bid) te arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 27: Soft White in ch ding Rex) 2 07: White Club 2 07. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.07; It per cent 2.07; 11 par cent 2.14; 12 per cent, 2.31. Car receipts: Wheat M; barley 3; flour 1; corn 3. Salem Quotations I A. of late eert.rday) nurrtarAT Premium Ne. 1 arms Whnleaale Retail ., Si (COS mar ml) fWheieaale srtrea ranpe from, t cents ' ever Buying prleel terra A Medium A Small POUttM Colored Hrnl Leanorn H.na Colored fryers Colored fenaitars . AM Jooaten .M M J3 .IS .IS Xt J M Net Chann Thuraday Prev. day Week aao Mont ago Vrar ago I9M hifh ISM low 1S.V1 hih 19M low noNo AvrRAora Nrl Chanea Thurwlay Prrv. day Wcrk an Month ago Year ago IMS high ISM low HISS high 1A5) low D I 54 9 (ISO 55 0 99.1 m i IWS Ml in SSI ts an TJtll Strka DS Dl DS 140 7 74 4 IM 3 141 3 74 5 1S7 I 1X3 t3 IS4! MS.J Til ISI s IK 4 74 S I TIT nl 75 1 IMS is f i s ut a M l TS 7 ISI S 114 S7t 14S.S re is is Unrh llnrh A 1 S 7 04 4 S4 .1 94 4 MS IMS B7S sas Ml inn I at BLOW TO SPEED? PHOENIX, Aril. (P) When two state legislators introduced a novel proposal to cut the auto accident rate, their rnlleagnes called it a sound idea. They srov posed that all cars be equipped with a device to sound a car's horn after It reaches the 70 mile-an-hour mark. The bora would keep on blasting until the csr slowed down. Chicago Livestock W7 9.1 9 9SI 984 97 T MS MS S4 54 I MO S.1S 55 7 sss 37 IMS S4.S Investment Trusts (mha. Smlfher It Co. I nr. I Mid Akrd Afllllatrd Fund n 1 77 C.aadiae Fuad K St IS fmtury Share. Truit .nan i 73 Chrmiral Fund IS OS III M Delaware fund 1144 KM Diver. Invrst. rund 9 4 K M Dividend Sham .... 2 'm a ;q i Eemei A H. Bel. Fund ... tim tl 11 On. Ind ....I4 is 01 Ormip Toh.n o 4 .11 4 74 Incorp. Invritnra 10 IS lo ss Krv Cu.t. Fundi: B-3 , 17 M 11 SO B-4 .i.,. 10 9.1 11.9.1 K-t us loss n-t its m t-4 9 91 10 S3 Man. Bend Fund 1 97 S Tl Mau. Invest. Truit 13 01 12,9s Natl. Ar Serin: Inran te Srrlra 39 S 97 Storll Serlr. 1 9J 1 74 Pref Rlorli Srrle. S S3 9 4 Mali. Dir. Rerle. 4 7 S 20 MaU. browtli SSS 13 Pioneer Fund . ... . ..14 on ls:2 Trl -Kler. Fund .... 13 .1.1 13 44 Value Line Inc. Fund . . 14 S1I Wellington Fund : 14 04 11 ja Markets at Glance i CHK'AGO (APl-lWSDAl Hciea one: slow: rtradv hulk No t te 1 30-4B Hi. butrhrrj HSO-17 00: 1TJ; Ne f and 3 :VI-2:m lh. IJTV HS-190 lb. 14 5O-1S50; -xra ii.m-is Cuttle S.aso; ralvr. no: .laughter rattle eteanv to itrong: vealera ate.dy te 1 no higher; ntorker ind feeder, steady; prime 1,0-1.1 lh. tern 2.100; good to choice .term ISIIO 22 00; average choice heifer. S.KI ib. down 20 00-20 SO: good Io low choice heller. I.eiMI.V); utility and mm mental row. IS S0-1.S0; canncr. and ruttrrn 9.00-11,50; bulla 14 00-14 . V); toed and choice vealeri 19 00-2.1. ra. ad 1 good to low rholcr 4.15 lb stock steer calve. 19.25; choice S33 lb feeding steer. 19 SO. Sheep 700; spring l.mb. 50 or more lower; yearling, weak, sheep .tradr: aoeal te prtme spring lambs 2. ae 2100: cull to low good 14 0A-: mostly choice 11S-14A lb. ve.rhnc. tsae-is.sn; .horn .laughter ewea 3.SS- 4.50. Chicapo Grain KKW YORK (AP)-Stock.: Ijiwer; profit Uklng hit. Uai. Bonda Irregular; governmentt Im prove. Cotton Quirt; evening up opera tion.. CHICAC.O: Wheat Mixed; small price change!. Corn Easy; gone) crop weather. Oete ray: rallied toward finish. - 'Snybeane Weak; July down most. Hogs Steady; top 117 25. Cattle-8teer. steady to .trong; top US 00. Dow Jonet Average -r.w vonK iapi Dow i r losing aterk averagea mil 111 oft m Ind. 20 MRS IS Vila. SI 81k. Open SHI leans ins m sas aa 41 1S0.J3 IS0.it Tnw Close SOS 24 107 44 IM SS 1ST IS aa 94 S 31 179 03 17B7I WHEAT July 3 05-04 . 1041, September ' 3 07'4-ea IWi I December S ItVU'. Mr's-'i Msrrr. 1 14 1 ll-1s May 3 12'.-13 Ill's rrmw July 152', -52 1 52',-5.1 September ' 150', 149'.-', December 1 371,-', I .'W1s-37 March 1 4IS-'s 1 '. OATS July Tl", 71',-TJ September II',-1, 71J,-' December 74',-', 74'.-', M.rch 77', 71', RYE July I 34', t JP', September 1 131', Decrmher 1 3.1', -31 131', March I yt 1 3d1, SOYRtAKS ' .Tulv 3191,-111, !47,-4g Jleptrmber f 91-54', 2SO' ,-,- Noremher I4S1.-", 4.7'j-, January 140', 3 47-47', Marrh 15l',-, 3 411',-', Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO I AH Buttrr ateadv: wholesale .riling price, unchanged to ', higher: A A 93 score 59 00-50 25: A 92 59 00-59.25; B 90 57 00-57 25: C SO 55 25-54 25 sg" steady to firm; wholesale sell ing price, unchanged to higher; extra Urge .19 00-40 50; extra medi. urn H.ao-otaO: aundarda U IO-li ao, checks 2S 50-39 50, Chicago Onions CHICAGO (AP Onlona: Salr. Open High Low Cloer Nov (nlri) 1 I 90 I 90 I 90 1 90 Nov I new I ITT 19 119 Ins I IS Jsn SIS S3S 149 S3S 344 Feb 31 154 I lia 154 I SO YOUR TOOT Mi' TO PLACE AD m mi for Courteous . Ad - Tate Assistance ; 300- Personal 31 ( Perseii Woodburn. Oregon ,t. Br. Cmrsa R Axlrrl aUturopathic - Chiropractic Pfcvatcien 4 4IS Gar Held ACS 9AKBB1-1S40 MABHJtT Froaaa) tamalka, chicken St beef plea. Ki ll dm, Ptxw pie, 3Sc. laraa bread 1 fac ale, l"h.-7jrc. eXcOUOLJt'S Aaamymoua group ! I. MSS M Cnm l 3-4531. XCOHOLICS Cammerctai. S-l 10S 400 Agriewlmrg sV02 Livestock (or Sale ADS I THIS CDLCMTi HECETVED ... Too tate to Classify GROCERY fc MEATS Ntoe alean store. Walk-In cooler Is complete equip. 4 rm. liv. quartan. Price only (2.198 for all etnek Ai equip. CENT BR STRKKT RBALTT 1748 Canter. 4-4SUI Eva. 3-7811 RUGGED BUT LIVABLE 3 room house, foundation, well with tank. Sinn. J-arge kit. S3..1SO f!85 Down 147 SO a Month. r.. A. MrGLAIirUN. RLTR 33S N. Hish -all tee.J-all BOYS t VETS " free to travel, to represent na tional apart periodical. No ex perience necenwry. we train Ai fiirmah. tranaoortation. Av erage cannings SHI St. up per wk. wltlt immerttate drawing account. See Crt. Cheeabm, Marion Hotel 1U.09 am I 09 p.m. MOORE PETS Hem peters. Cocker puppiaa. birda boarded, cms State. Goex) Cltnrer Hay t27 S0 DAVE RAMSEYEJt E.WLEWOOD DISTRICT BT OWItll. tadrm . paneled den, knotty pine din. rm., Ite ms rm. wfrpl.. full dry bsm't. wparty rm.. pine pan eled iirntair., outside freshly painted. IS. earner let. Ph. 4-9195. Wanted: Piano to store. PH. 4V3B67 roe SALE ar trade tot a ' Irrl gattna pipe-. 3 yeerllas Guern sey hetfere. from exceptlenally nod nws, arrJIiciaily bred. are dandys. ssa ea, if all are taken tm rtioice. St. 1, Bait S3. Brenlsa. Ph. Carvels 7272. JERSCT buU, 18 nn eld, i Ph.3-5IJ8. POP! SALE or trade fer what have yeu: Shetland ponies, anddle, worig A paclc hor.es St alee sadiUee. 3378 Sllverton ltd. 3 YOUNG aMIk.cows reives ta let eut far tfieir keep ta anod home. Ph. 4-29B3. BFAUTirirL IS mo. Sand hocMv white feet, biased are hnike ta drive or rae. Ph. ONE l-yr.old aaddlrhred arlillng chestnut eolnr with blaze fare, also e-yr -eie afeetland gelding. rlt marked, lit Plyeaouta Drix-e. Sslrm. rOR SALS No. 1 Guernsey millt cow 8 ear old Emery Eire. St. L rmx 788, galewa. 1 Sl Creat Sd. PP. l-laibt. rOH SALS nr trade, gentle poms s far rhHdrea. aleo seed saddle haiasa Bob franke. .ml N halee SC. Sirrertoa. Ph. s-aiM EXTRA soeat ph. s-aias gentle Basils cow. I p an. SALEM Heat Co, locker beef. Custom kilnsag. cutting and wreppitas. trailer leaned free. RortSAiONAL harsaehnar Lea Meneea, 4-4734 as t-va. 403 Liassswch Weeite-J '3S FORO 4 PH 4497 2 WHEEL THAILEX Ph. 4-7093 Eves. WBW 4-C O R N t R TRAILER COtJTtT. MODERN, Claea Outer, visitor. Welcome. 4040 STATS' ST. 5 crTJTV. DeluA power glide. Radio, heater, excel, renal Ph. .2374. FOR SALE: raw land, any amount up to 5A. Ph. 1-12:10. r ibdrm7 ss.sio Near new. Low dn. pym't. S.10 mo. to -vrtrran if you qualify A- are renting cnll 1-3R50 or srr at SCO Clarmont Dr., near KNLM. FOR SALE by ownrr new house." .1 bdrms. plus den. Low dn. pvm't. Consider trade. Ph. 2-9H65. CATrtF buver A P Samrrer. 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-9047. LIVKSiotK Buyer Claude Eav wards. Rl 3. Box 8MB, 4-1113. CArtX'E buvers 4U7 Stata. I at H. Snethen. l-CKS. S-4.HS. CATTLE, norses al yeur farm. E. C McCandlish. SX X S-leS. 404 Poultry essl WmhM. BABY Chirks hatched yr. raund. ' Valley Farm Store. 4-4ST4. COLOR ED d reswd fry era. Cell evaamg. Ph. 4-1088. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buv rabbits. Wings, 39M Stfta. Ph. 4-3918. SMALL 1 bdrm. ha ail alec., I.B plut atiL except water. MIS 70s. S-KMS. See. 1-8971. SrSAT na. Ap. bath alec. Utll. sera tar Cpi. SSS Sa, 18th. (CUTaXT fure. Ire. (-ntlsaian aaiy. kssiait. Apt. S3S M. Wuv wTCMALS day sum- 3'. yre. It elder. Lie. St Stata hiapsi t edL S3S K. XOelSf.. Soadtnev yard up. II i ileal ft Slur-be tnraiwad. 1-.14SS, BEAM e -kers wanted 3s Irons PalrgraandB. Tree, form. J. P. AeOeft. Ph. 4-397. rrrxL rnnntiOGrs formerly Mrs. toaa lesusteilna foe keen and them arse Markbarrles. Plckmg at Harold Whita Jb Art Wain yards. Iteene at rung July 33. uletkkei xs Aug. lath Bua traeprtete.Ptv l-a43. GIRL freen 15 to IS as Mother's helper, email salary, may live ns. 4-7177 8 am. la 8 p sa. rO SALE: 3S (al. pcaaaiia tank SUP. MeCallarH rhaia saw. Pender elec. guitar with amplifier, pint at. fruit jars. 4r dee . 4"nS , ply wood. So. M6 3" St. I 174 girl's bike, enc rand. 898 or will trade tor 14-38 in. Bike. I.TP1 Market. BF1.L It HOWE1X camera IS MM. arreen pieleitriT. would bke ta trade for boat A motor. Call 3-7784, pinyd McHaii. HfeRY ea tbi slightly need I lot point rusteea aula, washer eryer. aaly S-t8. Goaran teedu Ease ansa , I A I green stamps Master Service Sta tion. 318 M. Cmw'L GAS Serrel refrlg. A Tappan range. excellent condition,. 8138 98 far the pair Eaey terms. 8 a M greea atampa. Maater Service StaMBei. 388 N. Com I. CI STOVB 158 model, excel. rood . alee etec inner. Ph. 4-982S as S-K23. Iirtate Liquidators. JuM rer'd. I huge bets at aaed furniture St MiacL Sock bot tom prtcee. Glen Woodry. teas X, Summer T CU rT.rerrit.ri8ar WaltHst bdrmraet. 848: hennde din. rm. art IO Ph 4-PA FOR SALS: A K C Reg. red- Corker spaniel pupa. Lynn Cook. 1MT2 Broem St, Daikaa. Ore. IMA 3-3987) Free Kittens 4A8 M. 14th Street 8 YOUNG servireeble aoe r.b- blts. Ph. 4-3423. MILKING Short Korn bull 1 mnee g. ol Tosem Pole. Max Woods. TAKEN from dinger dressing rm. Jury 13. "Ira gold watch, expanason bracelet. Reward for Information. Ph. 4-Mna 300 Penwnal 312 Los erHJ FewrW FOUND: Guernsey Caw. Claim for price eg pasture Ac ad. Ph. 1-50J Turner, eves. LOST: mens biforet slssses, gold tramee. Ph, 3-9:0.1. LOST: Mon. rve' persnnallred check bonk. Reward, rh. 1-S5'I4. . 408 Pets PI'REBRFD Springer Spaniel pups. ..1490 Sitnnyvirw Ave. MUSTsell 14 mo7eld 'maaa" DaT matian. reg. AKC. Lusse rml dren. Sllvertnn, pa. 3-73-1 da4 or 3-M.13 eve. MALE Lab. Retriever, S yrs. aid. Make offer. 1-0138. PUREBRED ( o I d e a Cocker Pups. 10. Ph. 4-7288. FREE Kittens 7 wka. old. 105 N. 15th after 8 pja. A Sat REG. Schlpperkt puppies. Ph. 4-1038. IS PUPPIES: Wire Fex Terrier., Cockers. Prkingeaa. Pedurreed, Low price.. Dnugl.s Kennels, Seotts Mills Take Hwy. 213, etejn I ml. N. Sihertnn. 5ACHSHUNDpup7"female. bik Ai tan. 11 wk. old. Immunized, re. Ph. 3-4SRS. V3jW In Gdtu-j kzt Fer Desti$tiy M-vie JLmkmvt H0SMFR. C0VIM6T0N, LOltSlAHA 4DIHIA1. PLias" Iwcaps, euC 7e.eJpr.ee, eaaaead atxA C SwIAUegsaemer eeUfusesam, I ted-e lees tin nrwd ak ft C 1 1 ! srereeelaa wasted. C Ta sscsss aaceaaarf lasaa tar dacaasasarr (Qa aa dkt aiaiiri ol aVasiaary, Ckarleg Feed, ekicf "fees" barer far severs! wafer Hellr-eeed atadiaa, alacea Claeaaied Ada ia aaaj aewspaeers. 78 IWrflMlMNisl1at telJsVPf-es-W, 'kk. 1M 2 ssv-i"l 1 NmlSMias 400 Agriculture 410 Seeili smJ Plo-ts TOP QUALITY pleats far lew at Middle Grove Nursery. 4B2U Silv. HO. We Sive UAH Greea SI, mi" rUCHIAS, I for 1. VterrUla Green heues. Brooks. BlibOMING-jrisT" FucrTlaa, 35c7 Burnett Gardens, Rl. 4, Box It Pa. -45L Closed Suadars. 41 i .ifi Perm Produce U-PICK black cherries Sc. 8781 Lardon Lane. Ph. 1-S3S7. CA NNTNG aprlcata from Tht Dalle.. Ped'a Produce 5110 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4078 U-PICK WUIametta raspbemee SI per flat. Brtnf rontainers. J. G. Farley, 3748 Brooks Arc. Ph. 4-.T1U1 ME "Cherries. U-ntrk. Marieay Rd. Myrtle Martin Rt. A, Bex 473. freezing carrots. CAWING St Ph. 2-1102. U-PICK Irrigated Northwests, arroaa from Knight Pearry Nuraery. 8e lb., yaur cantainrr Iliilromc It Dutfui. 2-125, 2-I3S8. 450 Merchandise 45S House GtMtls fee Sale BOTTLI gaa stave top Jrrxlf, avea l"xlS', broiler 14'xll". Ph. 4-xnri. ANTKJUES: Two. beautiful, raund front, chuia cebtnets. Lambert a 2.11 Sa. Catrun. t CU. FT.-Phlliw" Wftiaarator, aealed unit, .t5. Phillips Appliances .158 Center St. ANTIliUS furniture mats na mare than modern, and what a differenre. Viatt 1 aiaaert'A 2.1S So. Comm. Itermal. VACUUM CLEANER LATE DidL upright, complete w attarhmenta, 814 59. MORSE SEWING CENTER War Fairgrounda Rd. Ph, 4-7 IM A NTIQl'K maple poster spool bed. dresser ta match. Lam- bert's, Zlh So. Comm. 450 Merchandise 4SS Hearse Gee fee See HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PajMBW HOUGH Rerrts, aaeled auut. SW 95. Used Mdae. Mart 278 S. Liberty. Open FrU alghlg ul A Ma dawa aaymant I a.a.e.1 IMPFRIAL coffee 'tsble" ITS, ceeta . sole table 111. Ph. 3-U50. j3o"DOWNBuys complete aoaecheld nf furniture and aptsllaneas at Sajem'g lawrit ever heed atnre. Glea TVood'-y 1605 N. Summer. MOVING; must esll Croalee Shelyader refng., Gibeon range, arapafias It hloada corner table. Rt. 3, Baa 138. MolaUa. Ph. 3778 Molalla. SELL, acveral food kltchea'cab Inet units. Reas. 1-1252. ESTATE SAUL scads af items to eerrlflre aa sol lows: Bill wen Davenport and chin chair 145. large rocker 15. 9x11 Ax minister rug 111, 7'x rug 11258. old drewcr K saw 12, level 1 odd tools cheap, mat trerses 1.1 to 110, gslvanlred tub (I, plane ISO, puna stool 15. vacuum cleaner tt. bed springe 83.5. t. . WM.Kr recker K Many ether rtems movstl tu Glen Woodrys for your convenience. 1698 N Summer. Salem. HOT Point apt. alw rangw 879 98 Uaed Mda. Mart 378 S. Liberty. Open FrL nlghu til S. No down payment lo.a.r.l FOPt SALE: G." r.fln"trer Washer, like ate, $58. Ph. 1-4583. BE BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $3 00 dn. will buy a com plete housefiold of furrtirtire Includinf APPLIANCES. 3 PIECE M' curved sectional, Itreer). I'sed very short time. Cost $33t.OO, now only fim.M. GOOD clover hay. hasn't been rained en. l. r. Andre.cn. 4eN.liwaater4-197 1. Montmorency Pie Cherries J. W. HA.NAH.4-824J mfONPRlCOTS Tree ripened from The Dallas oreea Apple M utt. auua rort- land Ho. FINE PIE CHERRIES L'-Pick. Ph. J-J124 U-PICK Northwest Strawberries. Dave Ramsey er. ml s. Box 210. Ph. 4-1.T04. STATE Inspected milk S.V Ph 4-1 HI. m. E 4 Cnr. on state U-PICK strawberries, 18c lb. Albert Scharcr. Ph. 4-4017. 413 Fertiliser FOB SALE: good manure. Uhaul. rich hers Ph. 4-A31S CHICKKM manure delivered. 118 truck load, sack sec Ph. 4-2088 or 4-eroa. 38" Elertric range, floor model. Reg. pni-e I2U943. Reduced prue 1149 95. SI TS wk. S A H Green Stampe. BATDORF H Ar A. 1420 State Street. 3-8892, NT.Wl.Mr7end Mra. bed", room art. I7'l 58: new 1 pc. Mr. and Mrs. bedroom set SIM M. Save at Salem's lowest over head store. Glm Wood.?, 1605 N Summer. VACUUM CLEANER NEARLY new Eleclrolux, ex. rood, new guar, 119.5. Esey terms, liberal trad la aliew anre. MORSE SEWING CENTER 1001 Fslrgrouruis Rd. Ph, 4-711 185S PHILCO deluxe aula. JB-nI range.- ISISa. Phillipa Appliance 355 Center St. SET of six antique wat. chairs martole top tables, dmp-kaf tablr. rnc.ta. Lambert's. IM So. Comm. GENERAL Electric A-l washing machine. Used Mdae. Mart. 278 S. Liberty. Open Frl. til S. No down payment en te a.r.l RADIO-PHONO $39.3. t?ofnbiMtka, WE have a good selectioa of reconditiosed k guaranteed APPUANCES. WANTED, good used furniture end appliance!. Ws pay cash. is. J altU. 515 S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 USED refriferators fully guar an teen man v sire gzts.so ar up. ROBERTS BROS. 34 Court St FTNE, chest type frccacc, only 8.00. HeMer a. 33 N. High. VACUUM cleaner aale; ly top buys 1 1 Glea laaS N. Summer. abeolute-SVeedry ROTTED SAWDUST I yre. old. Use It Ilk Beet moaa for mule-rung flower beds ar lawns. Call for price and delivery. Phillipa Bros.. Rt A Box ano. Ph, 4-3881. WANTED: Good heme for male kitten- Ph. 2-4404. Free kitten. Ph. 3-98M. Free kittens. Ph. 4-138S. SCHTPPIRKA Ph. 3-3W12. pups foe aale. FOB SALE: beautiful blond Pomeranian pupoics. AKC. re. SSI Shlpping Sth. 4-5795. BEAGLES. 8 wks rrg. Xt fn re. S25 Ph. Eaiptr 7-3849. Sweet Hnme. FOR SALE: Pedigree Norweiga Elkhmind puppies. 7 weeks old. Eve. childrena pe. and farm dog. 27.11 Arnold Way, Corrallit. Plara 3-628:1. FREE KITTEN 815 N. 19th Ph. 4-4194 FOR SALE pupmes. 2-1! Rrg. Dachshund S. Church. Sit. PETE Mors from chick trays. Tee sack, valley I arm store. 4TT Form Equipment WANTED to rent: up to 508 It. 3 to 3" sluminum Irrigation pipe for 3 to I days. Ph. 3-27.12. FOR SALE: a side-mount mow er, fits a Ford tractor. 9x 1', milea S. al 11 St Junction. Sunnvside Rd, Rt. 4 Box 198. SaiesB. Jo Porter. Ph. 4-43S8. 450 3Irrrhaniiis49 451 Machinery aV Tools RANGE A refrlg. St rurntture. mo soger lane, a. Saiem. MODERN f-pc. dlalng aulas, bleach, extra nice, real value at 871. Glea Weodry 188 N. Summer. USED refriaeratora, 111 38 A up. . Al Lane. A pp. 138 Stata St riNE baby crib full panel birch - save , at 819 50. Glen Wood ry 1003 N. Summer. UNFIN1SHKD furaltur. Stiff Furniture. 173 N. H L High. CONTOUR chair 129 50 Glea Woodry 1805 N. Summer. CUT rUTarpres7GU New at Used Furniture. 18N N. Summer. ARMT.ESS daveno. tf 95. Used Mdae. Mart. 17 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-4J7I. Open Frl. night, til S. No down payment loar.i Fd. Ua- JTG saw and motor, lath and motor. Ph: 2-U81 after 8. 454 Sewitte; Mechirtes SEWING MACHINE PORTABLE dec, completely guar, for only 117 50. terms, 50c per wk. Ph. 4-712 (dir.). SINGER verto. after 8 PJa. PTt. 3-8H33 : rmvre r-.k.: , Al.. Sllvertnn. I'.' .1 r"r ur" neaa wun Dunonrtoirr. Golden Cockrr broken, exc. See at 1771 N. I MO. OLD re Spaniel. Tinu pet. Ph. 1-74.10 34th. KITTENS to give away? Ph. 1-asil aftrr 8 pm. HEALTHY "l wrrkoid Hamp strrs. Ph. 2-7027. 148 Ml. View Dr. KITTENS, mostly-Manx" Slot Marieay Rd. 4-5780 evea. 1 MO. Old Rrg. German short haired Pointers for aale or trade. 1118 S. Capitol. Ph 4-8813 TINY registered Chihuahua pups. Ph. S-4001. ATTEN: hunters, for sale A K C. registered English Sprinter Spaniel puppies. 198 N. 13rd Ph. 3-asoa. COCKER pups, purebred, blende ai reel. 1 unite male Pejc, also I white Collie. 3415 Williams, DACHSHUND puppkraT" minis tore, long hair, black It red. AKC. rrg.Ph.4-1384. ilRD Parsdis for ptrda. cages iMpellri 3iao Uvtagsson f-1942 YOUNG parakeets, cage feeds Mk-xeys. 3825 8 Case, I-I7M Take nvrr pavnicats. ER SEWING CENTER 3-3512 Woodburn 2-791 SEWING MACHLN'E LATE mdl Necchl zlg-rag port able only MS 59. Liberal trade tn, ne dn. om't a .c. 1 per wk. Ph. 4-7102 idlri. Singer Portable S27.40 SINGER SEWING CENTER 3-3911 Woodburn 1-TSI2 TO PLACE AD call Mil. .400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Soles 425 Auction Seilos 100 Disploy Clonified YOU Can SURVEY Accurately With . No Experience! I SEARS Budget Priced Surveying Instruments f Start as low aa 159 91 As Little As .0 rrm i Sears Roebuck & Col SCOUTS AUCTION HOUSE : & FURNITURE CO. At 4840 Center St., Salem On Sat, July 14, 10 a.m. Si 7 p.m.; Our retail store price ar rut rate to a vr low mrk It all high oualitv uimitur. nltis aur ble Aatunlav auction nf hiah grade lurnltuic from several nice Salem heme Look liere 19.10 Hnlpolnt elec range. KIM Coldspot S ft, refrigerator. 1949 rire. stone elec. range. 149 Frlgidalre S ft. rslrigerator, 7 piere red foam chrome sat. I piece green chrome set. I piece mapie air. ana sari. Deri rem set, nox springs At matts.. I drawer maple chest. I drawer maple rheit. 3 drawer maple chest, high maple utility stool, ael of I maple rap chairs, I occss. chairs, maple 1 arras maple rockers. 3 swing rock ers. 2 piece red sleeper living room ael. rose davenn. lull sire mspie nesK. 7 rear crin ft mstt . yrat crib St matt. Large rirepiace mirror, picture mirrors, step, end, cocktail tables, tahir and floor lamp Sxll American oriental rtig A pad. I a. wnee) dinette set. garden tools A hose, powrr circle mower, lawn cirt A wheelbarrow, (nam rubber box sp. At matt.. 9 pc. walnut dining room ael, bedding, mier. email tools, alee chain saw. Implement trailer sbsllnw well water pump, paint spray er, chain aaw, luggae carrier, step ladders, many misc. Items. LIVESTOCK SEEL 2 P.M. Cows. uillt, veal bane calves, weaner pigs, chicken A rabbits, frvrrs, diirk, lutkeys A p. Wt get better than the lop price, Why not erll It at Scolty i. PH. 4-64.13 - AUCTIONEER COL. ERNEST E, SCOTT ; INLAID Lino. 11 99 per so PL L, Ilritrera C. sse rty 1. SS pero, yd. ra a uo- LINCOLN rocker SIS. Glea Woodry, isns N. Summer. INLAID Uno' R. L. Ilfitrom Co. erty GOING last: Maple bunk beds Inc. springs St mattresses. 144 M. Glen Woodry 1S03 N Summer. 456 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FURNITURR VALLITY FUSN. CO. Ph. l-T4Ti l ca CASH To spend for High grsde Uaed Furniture St Appliances. Ph. 3-81 lft. Paytng Top Price far Batter Crade. Cera Weeetrr. laS N. Suanaaee WANTED rURNTTURE k MISC. PH. Mm TOP CASH PA1CI - rUMNV- Ttmx, appuancis, rrc. I'SIQ MTRCHAMDISB MART 27 5 HBT.lt TV Pi. 4-41371 WANTED: Good clean furaltur At appliances. Will pay top caah prtr. Ph. 4-4J71. 457 ctowie ond? TV STORK tvp. 3 cu. ft. freerer. Must sell by Sat, cheap. Ph. 4-O.IS2 Unfinished Chests. New I Drawers 1144 , I Drawer M 99 ' Ho Phone Orders Plea HOGG BROS. 14 Dtate St. FINK Msytag washer discount XT , . See this bargain 1 1 Glen woodry 109 N. Summer. SMALL lounge and chair ael. birch top dinette with buffet G. K. refrlg. and I burner top unit llke new. Phon 4-42SS. S1MPLKX Ironer A-irt-TaTGicn Woodry IDS N, Summer. INLAID Lino. SI. SI per as, yd R L Uf stroa Co. 260 . Liberty ir MOTOROLA TV CoiunI mooeL 99j. vaed Mdsa. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open Fri. ntghta til S. No down payment ea.cl Ph. 4-STII. DITK to Illness good ruetomer re turns 31" console TV. Assume amall bal. 13 dn. "Your down, town" rireston Store. 393 N. Liberty. RADIO with 3 speed phonograph reg. ajs gj Fine ronsol model Ilk new, I13S0O. Haider's, Jl N. Hlgr HI-FI. 40 off on many models. rletrter s 33 rt. nign. r'CA. Victor TV. Regular S2flT9 repoaaeaeed. Ral. due, 112500. HrirterJ. SS3N. High. DO fr YOURSELF Tea your TV nd radio rue free at Dickson's Mkt.. Id's Mkt , State St. Superette or Del-Mar-KrL 45 Buildirxj Moterlolt USED washer III A up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l Ph. 4-9.194 Simmons day bed. .r9.9S. Used Mdae. Mart. 27 S. Liberty. Open Frl. nights til . No down payment (o.a.cl Ph. Ph. 4-MTl. GOOD used Coldspot refrlg. Only nne. i.fliN si per wk. "Your down town" Firestone Store. 3S N. Liberty. PAINT by the rase 17 54. Glen woodry, lew N. Summer. Just received large tot used rugs, buy now and save at Salem's loweat overhead ator Glen Woodry. tens n. Summer. DUE to tranafer good customer returns new l ru. ft. rerrig. Assume Bal. 119 dn. New guarantee. Save 175 here. 1 mos. old. "Your down town" Firestone Store. 309 N. Liberty THIS week only Necchl rsb- Inel Kl sawln fmachtne. 4)ueen Anne rablnet A-l. I79.M. Glea Woodry ISO N, Summer. DINING tlon. room set. exc, eondl- Ph. S-7733 mnrntnga. IMPORTKD ORIENTAL 4x8 Hardwood Plywood LIGHT AND DARK WOODS 16 FT. W ALL COST $19.20 TO $29.44 CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG SONS PH. 4-S0S1 I Ml. N. KEIZFll FOlT SALF.: 1x4 studdlngs. fir " or cedar 1.1c each. Cedar ehlp lap SSS per M. Cash and Carry. Northwest Products. 494 Par tite Highway, Woodburn. Dir ect from mill to you. Overhead steel garage dear with hardware. 131 J In stalled 14 Ml Galvanized v trough. 11', per ft EPPLNG' LUMBER CO. PH 4-6123 S740 SILVERT0N RD. 500. 000 FEET New. fresh-milled old St second growl h lumber. 3x4 ts 1x11 In I to 14-foot length. Deliver prtcee Salem. .T0 per thou, minimum Ted Mitller S-119. RED hot rug 13 wp. New 9x11 tweca rugs, szh ipj. tticn wooa ry, ISM N. Summer. HOUSETjouTTURNTtURE PH. s-si BABY stroller 14 M: Ice cresm freeser 12 08 croquet set 13 59 redsr chest 122 50. , hp motors , 15 (Ml, rskes. hoes, pilchlorks cheap, mine chairs ll.no up, and inn other bar gains. Glen Woodry. 10 H Summer. LAT1 model Faay spin dry. Fx- reiient condition, see at Jinn Bnnham between I a.m. and 1 p.m. NF.W I pc, Douglas chrnm sett. I.MI95. Used Mdte. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-S.171. No down payment (n..cl Open FrL nlghlg til I. BLDG. SUPPLIES Oil Burners, conversion romp, wllh all conlrols IM Thin tub Radiators wllh metal enclosures 111 St up I 1 Office tiling vault cabinet 3 hr. fire fating IU 1 4 -dr. filing cabinet .. 127 M Office lights 11.50 it up Rrlrct hardboard Sflxino" 11.75 sht. I'srd Flr-Teg 4c si. ,' Used Plaster hoard 3c sq. ft, I'sed Celling Til c sq. ft. All kinds used Lumber S4I-IM per M. ALSO Windows, Doors, Eire. Supplies E. S. RITTER & CO. 1740 Portland !M Ph 4-9.711 4 Ml. Nn. of Salem, Ml. NO. of Totem Tot cm Mr. Open All Day Saturday '