ftatesman, Salem, Ore.. Frl., July 13, '56 (Sec. IV)-29 Hollywood Boicl Hard Toppers 33 Drivers are Named For Saturday's Races The Capital Auto Racing Association of Salem hat released the name of 33 pilots who are to collide in Saturday night's stock hard tops program at Hollywood Bowl, a speed card tnat will also be highlighted by a special "Powder Puff Derby" leaturing female 1 drivers. FISHING REPORT (Cat. from page 17) Meek lake, Crescent lake Is good for rainbow and blurback. Fly fishing has been good on the Little Deschutes river. Crescent creek Is low, and fishing has been good, Davis lake is only fair. Odell lake has been good for mackinaw. Ang lers can now drive into Toc'd lake. Big lake road is open by way of Santiam highway, but it is in very poor condition. ' NORTHEAST Spinner and worms are produc ing some good catches of rainbow at , Wallowa lake. Salmon eggs Sunlit July 1 4 11 a.m. Julv M .. 4:ia a. m. Julr IS'...- 4:.lt am. July IS 4:4 a.m. Julr 11 4:41 a m. July IS 4:42 a.m. July IS 4:4 a.m. July I 4:44 a.m. Sunset 1 :.M a m. .... :3T pjm. . 1:5 a.m. a.m. 1:55 a m. 1:54 a.m. 1:51 a.m. ..... 1:51 a.m. - fished deep are- also taking good catches near the south end of the lake.- Wallowa county streams are falling and clear. A few of the high lakes are producing limit catches of eastern brook trout, but snow still blocks higher trails. Anglers are urged to contact For est Service for trail information before going to the high lakes. The Grand Ronde river has pro duced large rainbow on bait and flies income of the lower riffles. Lookingglass creek has been very good. A few large dolly varden trout are being taken. Small rain bow are readily taken on Cather ine creek with flies. Grande Ronde and Anthony lakes have been pro ducing good catches on both bait and flies. Fish lake continues to be excellent. Eastern brook up to 11 inches are being taken on both bait and flies. Streams in the Half way valley have only been fair. rainoow nave Saturday's meet starts at 7:43 p.m. with the usual time trials. Two trophy dashes, four best races, the Class B and A mainers and the girlie derby make up the card. These are the named drivers, with car numbers: 1 Dale Collie; 2 Don Rick- ard; 4 Fay Ladd; 5 Duffy Weitman; 6 Rav Hiebert; 7 Roy Vibbert; 7C-Frankie Mc- owan; 8 Ted Howe; 0 G 1 e n n Shedek; "10 Us McBerh; 11 Chuck Gregory; 14 Tex Has. kins; IS Moaris Gilchrist; 17 Rick Simons; 1 Mike Ramp; 21 Larry Will; 22 Wayne Moore; 24 Harlrn Jackson; 23 John Nordel; 27 The Gunk; 30 Clifford Thompson: 31 Woody wodzewoda; 33 Rich Lawrence; 35 Larry Beck: 3ft Buck Ros sow; 39 Arlo Erickson; 44 La- Verne Davis: 45 Alan Bruce; 49 Wes Smith; 5S Roy Kennedy; 64 Henry Lamh; 63 Monte Gust: 66 Stan -Pielr; 70 Ralph Field. The names of the women driv ers have not yet been announced by the association president. Top favorites in the regular men's field will be Hiebert. Ladd, Collie and Diet who are run ning a close 1-2-3-4 in the CARA driving point standings at the present time. They'll Do It Every Time By Timmy Hatlo j ' rvii SO wo UP wrrrt OUR DUU. '""'I on rrikiai I Mat cno nc-ru itvc Om the business trip "to the home office , mi7. 4 mo mrs. cowslip op "we silo center br4nch looked for vv4ro to a hig4-life week N the Bkscrry- mi OUR ONB FUMS I PERSOWLLV-ME- I TO SEC A COUPLK OF M4JOG. LEAGUE BALL if If lUK) -TMitW0PSfN'BRO40W4y.' IS ili THI SHOWS REST4UR4KTS7 So YVUEPE does the BIS WHEEL THINK HE'S THEM FOR 4 RE4LTJ5E4T? you GUESSED n-TO MIS WEEK-END PUCE IN THE COUNTRY BUM" BUM' vBUT- no Btrrs aboxt it- YWRB NOT GOING TO ' SPEND 4 WEEK END IK A STUFFY HOTEL YOU'RE COMING UP TO MV F4RM 14 HORSECHESTER.' 1M , YOUR BOSSf TUrS AH ORDER YES-YOU C4N HELP (JUNIUS Fit INT THE . B4RW AMD ELLIS CAH HELP ME POT MY GEWNIUMS j t riTnn wyTt. ' iri kvtp LoopPrexies To Hold Meet from page 17) satisfactory to all Tag Title Go Next on Mat As promised them prior to win ning this week's Armory tsg scrap with Henry Lent and Bull dog Bud Curtis, the duet of Huge Herbie Freeman and Pep per Gomez will pet the shot at the Northwest tar. title held by the Donovan Brothers. The championship affair will highlight matchmaker Elton Ow- card next Tuesdsy k- r.,rt.H Fasii crepk en Armory T irr.it. r kainff rennrtrrl from n'ght. Meacham creek and the upper The Donovans, Doug and Red Umatilla. McKay rservoir is pro- have held to the title for quite a ducine a few larse rainbow on , spell, and in all their defenses of (Cent. period date presidents. The emergency -session to re view the heavy crackdown im posed by the conference on lour universities for under-the-table payments to football players has been requested by the University of Southern California and by the University of California at Los Angeles. An Associated Press survey shows that, besides Dr. Fred ffagg, president of USC. and Chancellor Raymond B. Allen of UCLA, at least two other Pacific Coast Conference member presi dents think such a meeting should be held. UCLA, USC. the University of Washington and California have been penalized for payments, UCLA, Washington and USC have been put on athletic proba tion and barred from Rose Bowl participation for from two to three years and fare the loss of athletes through ineligibility pen alties. troll. SOUTHEAST Lake county: All streams in Lake county arc producing good catches of trout. Chewaucan river, and Dairy, Twenty Mile, and Deep creeks have been good. Drews reservoir. Lofton reservoir. Heart and Campbell lakes are Door. Deadhorse lake is good for eastern brook. Dog lake is fair for , perch. Harney county: Emigrant and silver creexs, muzen river, and Fish lake are good. Delint ment lake is slow but producing excellent fish. All small streams are poor to fair. Malheur county Excellent catches of rainbow up to 12 inches are being taken from Malheur reservoir. North fork Mal heur is fair to good for small rain bow. Beulah reservoir Is poor. The Snake river is fair for channel catfish and smallmouth bass. Owyhee reservoir is fair for bass In the late evening or early morn ing. Crappie fishing is poor. Owy hee river is fair with some trout ever 12 inches. it probably haven t met a more formidable twosome than the power boy Iron New York's Bronx and the dynamic Pasadena pepper pot Freeman already holds the Northwest heavyweight title belt and would like to add the tag bauble to the collection. Owen will announce his full Tuesday card later this week. Bird Seasons Set Py Federal Group WASHINGTON l - The Fish and Wildlife Son ice Thursday set Sept. 1 through Jan. 10 as the outside limits for hunting sea sons for rails, gallinulrs, and mourning and white winged doves. Individual state game depart ments must pick dates within these limits for their local sea sons. - - Included in the basic regula tions was a slight liberalization permitting an extra five days or 10 half days hunting of mourn ing doves. This would extend the season to 40 full days or SS half days in states east of the Missis sipping River including Arkansas and Louisiana, and to SO full days in the Western United States. The lone exception to this would be Texas where five additional half days hunting would be per mitted if, as last year, the state is divided into two zones. The added hunting could be applied to either zone or divided between the two. Other basic regulations by spe cies include: Rails and gallinules No sea son was set for Pacific flyways Cal Chieftain Asks New Loop Governor Suggests PCC he Dissolved (Ctni. tram page tl) and standing in the community and that 'this proposition had the tacit approval of those in author ity." "These present day booster clubs have been composed of all the commnity leaders with whom the professors fraternize, and the community leaders from whom they ask university financial sup port.-. -,J..I-. . "Without burdening you with my extensive views, may I ask you this: 'Where do we go from here?" I heartily endorse yur carefully drawn distinction In your letter of June 29 when you say that these men are not being aid ed to obtain an education while they do play football. ' "Apparently the University of California at Berkeley is accept ing the Conference edict without a struggle. This complicates the situation very badly. And. in cidentally, while we are on the subject, the rule that there could not be a "repeater" in .the Rose Bowl, regardless of merit, is. in my considered opinion, unrealistic and unsportsmanlike." Meanwhile, . presidents of ' the Pacific Coast Conference . schools were polled Thursday to deter mine if they will meet for a re view of the athletic scandals and a revision of the purity code. . because of hunter interest. Daily bag and possession limits un changed. Woodcock A season of 40 consecutive days between Oct. 1 and Jan. 20 with a daily bag of four and possession limit of eight. BOTH ITJEWS 8 You'rt 'way ahead of them all for action when you dtir this ' glamorous fo-ftetter . . . : And you're away ahead In value, too for, believe It or not, you can own thla bit and brawny beauty for lea than you'd have to pay for 43 models of the three small cars! Here's the perfect way to break the small-car habit. Drirt) It-price It-today! THI CA SAYS 0 AND JHt MfCf WONT STO VOlf o aj4 I ri M0 Nerth Liberty St. Taggosoll Pontiac Co. Tide Table Tines ron TArr. om (Compiled br V. S. Cnait and Geodetic Survey, Portland, Ora.) JILT ItM Rich Waters Time Heidi! July ft. IS 1ST a.m. 14 4:S4 pm. 4 SOS am. 4 7 S 43 p m. 4 4 '24 a.m. 41 S 33 p.m. 4 4 7 SI a.m. SS 1:17 p m. 4 4 Law Watara Tim Htlfht ft WIS a m. 1I SS p.m. II 11:04 am. SI MM ll is 1 SI ISM am. am. a.m. p.m. St I 4 4 19 Patterson Hand Injury Healed NEW YORK Wl Tha broken right hand of Floyd Patterson was pronounced fit and almost ready for action Thursday. Cus D'Amato, manager of the big Negro boxer, said "if Archie Moore meets him then we will have a new champion and a worthy successor to Rocky Mar ciano as a fighter and a person." Moore and Patterson are the principle claimants to the heavy weight title that Marciano re signed April 27. . A plaster cast was removed from Patterson's hand Thursday. He broke it in winning a split decision from Hurricane Jackson June S - your Auto Heeds FILTOREG CMtMM 1 run eiissun KIOULATOR a mm fiLT O Hm Improve mtfM eMM-v ml ntm civt aat mra isrnW II sir frvinf MditmM. C)s fuel i Ml. m ful ItsM. Harea (Mt tr.VI mtm tMtIUlas. Mat Wv As Eenrara ttopmrtmrnrnm 4 Csrsvtesk CMsft) I f.acll stops ndim9. tflllng. Vapor lock Ifc 1 t lit iMSeattM t Cat. It - Goin' After 'Em .'. (Caat. freia sag ? as they will be in another month they are still hill of dynamite and afford the light tackle angler a lot of excitement. The talmea aagllag at Coos Bay aae! WuKhester Is reported ta be holding exeeptioaally wel a at shoaM bold hot for the simmer. The ehlaooks are the aredomiaale fish at Winchester and are raaalng la the tt lb. class. The silvers art still la the I lb. class with a few hitting It lbs. . . . Word from Fred Snider reveals that Detroit reservoir is producing well again with several limits hsving been taken during the past week. Detroit reservoir lias been up and down this season but it is about time that the fishing there reached a stage of reliability. The one draw-back has been the driftwood hazard. This is being cleaned up and boomed in an operation still under way and in time the lake waters should be free of debris. Also, according U Salder. the water la to be trapped agala la reservoir starling a beat Jlv 17. This will eaable the erews to bar, the debris which It rafted la the shallows. It win also raise the water level of the Saatlam river a ad eaase mart thai a few aaglers to antmblt aad gramblt aiala. Santiam Yielding to Fly Fishermen The Santiam river below the Big Cliff dam and on down to the confluence with the Willamette has been turning out some nice catches of rainbow snd cutthroat to the fly fishermen. However, with another water fluctuation due in late July the fishing could be a lot more difficult. The Santiam Is a touch river to wade moat of the time as H carries a tremeadeas amoaat of water at a rapid pare. A raise of a few laches meats that aaslers will tat he able to reach moat of their favorite waters. Tata asajally oerar rich! at Iht time of setsta whea ftyiag flshlag Is reaching Its test. f33 r 10 V auxfs esoiNi Mama mm umm TERRIFIC JULY CLEARANCE SALE! f '-jri- FROZEN HERRING For Salmon Mooching The Finest Available We Give and Redeem Peany Saver Stamps IXAMPII SAVINGS' 125 PAIR CORDS US FAMOUS I RAND PEGS OR REGULARS IF PERFECT 7.50 'HUNDREDS OF OTHERS- In the Capitol Shopping Center Lots of Free Parkin Wo Give 2tC Graenl Stomps Open Monday end Friday 'til P.M. Trade I High Phone 3-4201 TIRE STORE Irani fit' 1 kK, ' v4 j mo 6.70-15 Tube-type Blackwall No-Tradt-ln List Pric 26.15 6.70-15 Tubeless Blackwall No-Trade-ln List Prict 30.95 SUPER DELUXE NYLON "at blow out freo at s tlrecan be"; proved to give the avorogo motorist 7000 extra miles. Zig-iag rib tread with deop-cvt sides penetrates road moisture tor top enri-skld protection. Tht tubolets relaxed tinor turns potentially dangerous blow-out to safer slow leaks. Guaranteed to your satisfaction. 'E SIZE Q.70.13 7.1Q.1S 7.60-1 S 1.00-1 S No-Tradt-ln list Prict Super Dtluxa Blackwall ' ' 36.1 S 2I.9S 31.65 S4.I0 YOU PAY ONLY 1.60 21.70 2375 36.10 No-Tradt-ln list Price - Super Deluxe Whittwall 33.05 35.45 31.73 42.65 YOU PAY ONLY . 24.00 26.60 29.10 31.f3, No-Trade-In list Price , Super Deluxe Tubolets Blackwall 3095 33.05 37.35 41.43 YOU PAY ONLY 22.15 24.25 26.60 29.60 No-Trado-ln list Price Super Dtluxo Tubolets WMtewall 37.90 41.60 43.60 50.71 YOU PAY ONLY 27.15 29.70 32.60 36.2S . f Nus heist Tax and haMn 7lr. Pfus fxclso fox r " NO PARKING PROBLEMS WHEN YOU USE WARDS FREE DRIVE-IN SERVICE. HAVE YOUR TIRES CHANGED BY EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICEMEN. SHOP EVERY MONDAY STORE ... TRADE AND ftlGH STREETS. AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. AT WARDS TIRE 1 t