The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1956, Page 28, Image 28

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    3(Sec. TV) Statesman.
, The Vista Market Clan B
League leaders were upset 14 by
Salem Rotary Qub in Thursday a
Junisr baseball action, and the de
feat dropped the club tnta a flrat
place lit with the Idle Berg's Mar
ket Each team baa six wins, two
losses. ,
Tht Labish Center squad downed
Salem Lions 11-4 ia their lame
and crept to within ball a fame el
tha leader, wits, a M record. Js
Prive la downed Truax Oil 7-e
and Ma a t c r Service Stations
tripped Four Cornera Merchanta
15-1 in other Thursday games.
Master Service aow baa a M
record. -'.. i
Publinx Golf Tourney
f.lovos to
SAN FRANCISCO UK Two California!, a Florida Sailor, and a
Memphis buaineasmaa Thursday won their way to the semi finals of
tha national public links golf tournament. .
Turain in double victories were fireman Ovid Seyler of Saa Fran-
rrtriav. nnat time S a.m
First race, elaton. puree fM Tear
Ida and up, saoo), nve lurionas,
1 Unbroken. S. McDowell ...
. i Prittr PlttT W. Phillip 114
I. rmby. A. Bherman .!!
4. Dalnly May. H. tarl 107
I. Twlnbronk. T. imotbera
f. Kitty 0 Day. G. Slmonla 114
1. Hia Aisle. T. Hid. Ho 114
I. Tannic,. D. Henihew IPS
S. Celle Cells, J. Boa .114
10. Countereult, X. Miller ..l4
;, leeeae taea.'elalm, aura Sees. I
year ends and up. ISSOS), ilea lur-
lHVatt Can. . Miller 110
1 Mela Gal.
J. Robertaoa
. i. Better Manser, w. Phillips .
4. rat Chance. G. Dixon
S. Peanut Brinie, j.
4. Gray Sue. W. Collier
f. Oil a( Silk. A. Sherman
I. Silent Menace. P. Hidalgo .
S. raateet, D. Hen, hew
10. Cast loll, L. Know lea
Third race, rlaim. auree SSOO. mint
I year ekM and up. Hanoi, one anile.
1. An reman.. a. McDaweu
I. Itrannia. U. Dalea
J. Btimtul Bay. W. PhllUpa .
4. Evil Lou, 1. Sloaertaon .
S. Mciwooo. L. X now lea
f. Bock Hanwy, W. Collier lit
V. Booter Oreaon, G. Blmoeila ..IIS
t. Boea Wransler, A. Shermaa 114
. wheeUUM, O. Heaahaw .114
Too rib race, claim, purwe fsos,
year oMi and up. tsen, on milt.
1. Twa Color. J. Robertaon ..-.119
t. Cunea. L. Dale . ll
a. Double Dnam, 0. Dixon 1IJ
4. Audaeleua Boy, P. Hidalao 111
S. Tooermorey, a. Mrunwell ,u
S. Sidney Chief. W. Collier
1. Bendy n D. Heaahaw
a. v
Velle Van. A. Shermen
S. Art's PaneMt. L. Know lea 1
rttth race. urn t70S. t year eld a
nd ae. lour turbansa, la, wwraush.
rtr. hunt ttarw.
Fabulous Jo. L. Know lea ,
Notation. St.. Weooe ' .
a jo
1. I Sue. W. Collier
4. 'lrta Duety, O. Dlx
a. rfc
a aita,r Vauaiiot. A. Iharnaa
1. Cat Clam, . McDowell
. Puddins Foot, P. Hldallo
a Poar.Packar. O. ammonia tit
Mi Harm O.. J. Boag , ISO
i ntirnt reee, riaim. pure vow. ywar
. (Ida ana up. (aaooi, six rurisaia.
C 1. Slick Puteon. . PhllUpa 111
( $. Prtnceea Paula. A. Duaeaa 118
I I. Omlcran, D Henahaw 114
J 4. Rotor, L. Knewan . Ul
. I. Idaho Prince. T. SnMhra III
S. Bnow Pome, i. nooerteoa .li
T. Bunbef, t. Hoaf IZ1
. Croaaed A fain, 0 Dtaon 111
. Clad Punch. A. Shermaa 121
10. Amorto, C. BlnTonla . US
Bereeith yard, claim, puree teas, I
f year aide and ap, tSSOSI, S'i lur-
! I. ?enua 4e Hoaa. T. Smathar 1U
j. 1. Sidney UahU I. McDowell 111
! 1. Doran riewot, P. Hidaisa 1M
4. Ready to &n. J. Baa 10
I. Alden, W. Phllllpe .Itn
5. Frank Welles, G. Blmoals ISO
1. Botl Curl. R. Hopkins 116
(. Miat Boa 8 . D. Henahaw lis
t Maade, O. Dtaon . ire
ia. Penny Buater, K Holtey 1
T.if hth race, claim, puree sans, I year
aide and up. isaooi, l-liath.
l. van Heatner. w. pnuups in
I. Aapen. A
1. Din. hill. W. Collier
4. Coldlana d Or, I. Miller
I. Carton flower, P. Hidalra
111 S
a novel carlo, o. Simon la
1. Blipatltch, U Know lee
elalm, aura (SOS, t
veer alda and up, ll,0M), five fur-
i 1. Eood Joe, H. Hopkins 111
1 2. Anns, O atmoni, t"
j S. Blue Mink. P. Hldalfn 111
. 4. Dancer Looee. T. Smothers lis
i. Borel, W. Phllllpe Bl
(. Boltown Lad, A. Dunean 171
7. Good Judia. W. Collier 111
' I. Betherforifau, D. Heaahaw 111
' S. No Boota. O. Dlmn ' lia
1. Raae Bow. S. McDowell lis
I Tenth rae. etaian. purae Sass. S-
, year aide ana up, itsoih, one mile.
1. Leeeamor, P. Hlrtaleo I1A
. 1. Aerurate Gueaa, S. McDowell 11
. S. Colonel Nick. L. Know lee ..lao
J 4. poollih Law, W. Phillips .I1S
,. Markmer. i. Bohertaoa
I ia
S. Beau Alax. O. Dixon
t. Kadlddle. B. Hopkins .
! I. tlallaa. A. Duncan
S. Masnum, D. Henahaw
I 10. Bky-O-Maaaa, (. Miller .
: Jvelirli Leading
j In Shoot Meet
i PORTLAND - Al Krhrlt.
; Portland, took the lead In class
A ss the four -day Oregon tour
I nament of tha Ameriraa Trap
; shooting Assn. opened Thursday.
! Kehrli shattered lot targets ia
the first day of class events. Orley
Milllgan, Rosebtirg, had 7,
The second half of clasa shooting
in follow Friday,
) Oregon shooters topped all class
as, except the handicap shoot. V.
t. Stevens, Kalams, Wash., took
tha trad there with aM, followed
by John Mills. Sandy, Ore,, tl.
Class A Pete Schmltt. Cottage
Grove, 1M: Krnie Patton. La
Comb, 09; Herman Morltt, Albany,
Class D Wally Stone. Salem,
92; Ralph Johnson, Portland, 17,
juniors Wally Stone, Salem, .
lIeuloic$ Selection
Friday, paa time f m.t
L Hia Aisle. Dalntr Mar. Tannic
f. Oil a atjk. rat Chant. Better
S. Bock Harney, ltranrwn. Bnoter
4Tlnhermoear, Band? ft., rtunea.
a r'fnrta Pttv. Norm O., flecha.
a' P.mhe, Cred Afatn, Omicrnn.
1 barter Uaht, rrank Wallea, Spit
Car,pihiU, Btleettteh, Aapen
J , ,. I Borel, Good Judfa.
its feaau Aj. Marnum, Accurate
C" v e,..ttirl afei ...
Salem, Ore., Frl., July 13, "5d
Vista Market Upset 1-0;
Lanca Haielbaker hurled (ha 14
aparkler aver VUta, yielding three
hita and tanning 14. Tha loaer waa
Vance Young who yielded the run
In tha third inning, one that waa
acared aa three err era and a wild
pitch. Young and Cava SeRine
pitched four -hit bail. . . .
Dick Burkland, Dick Lundgren,
Pete Melin and Del Sheldon got
the four bits for (be Rotary team.
Dick Lett. Jim Clark and Derrold
Hopkins bad tha three for Vista.
Labish had a five-run first in
ning and acored four mora In the
second to win la easy fashioa.
Gene Biggins and Dean Westling
each had three hits for the win
ners, and collected la the two big
I cues, James wuoen oi oouia aan
Francisco. Bill Scarbrough of
Jacksonville, Fla., and Junie Bux
baum, a featherweight . slugger
from Tennessee.
Buxbaum during the afternoon
quarterfinals bad putts dropping
with regularity to give him a 1-up
victory over George Gains of
Monterey. Calif. And It was Gal
ios in the morning round who
eliminated the tournament medal
ist and favorite, Scotty McBeath
of Palo Alto.
Buxbaum. 37, needed only 11
putts on the final I holes of his
afternoon match. The 37-year-old
vaa and storage . representative,
who says he weighs "121 soaking
wet was Memphis city champ
ia 1953.
Miserable weather, a wind driv
en mist that kept the greens wet
and the spectators shivering.
hampered the publinx play over
the 1,(83 yard Harding Park
course, a par 3S-36-71 layout.
Friday tha semi-finalists meet
fa M-hole matches with Scar
brough facing Seyler and Wilbert
battling Buxbaum.
Columbus Club
Issues Blast
Columbus Jets of the Internation
al League will sever connections
with the Kansas City Athletics of
tha American League, it waa an
nounced Thursday.
Jet president Fred Jones critl-
cixeo ai luetics atnciau aa "a
bunch a schemers," sad Jets
general snanager Harold Coooer
wired we Kansas Clly baseball
nuu mat a vwo-year aareeem
will sot ba renewed this Dacem-
TlifWexplosioa apparently
steminetT tram a series of player
transactions thia week. One deal
recalled Al Pilarcik, the JeU'
leading hitter, ta Kansas City.
Jones crUicised this aad ether
transaction which aaw Denver
and Richmood. two New York
Yankee farm chiba, receive help
tram ine Athletics. Ha said "they
have (tha A'sl kicked tha baseball
fans af Columbus ia the teeth. :
AUMSVILLE - (Soeciai) The
Aumsville American Legion Junior
baseball team last night defeated
Woodburn for tha district cham
pionship. 7-6. in a game that ended
around 11:30 p.m.
Meier & Frnntfg
is first with
the newest!
Swiss 'made
I . Ta :V e V
See and try tha sensational rvaw and dif
ferent Staro reel-exclusiva with Meier &
Frank's. Made with fina watch precision.
Entirely naw drag system, positively no
lino twist. Two reals in ona with auto
matic pickup. Ona lightweight spool for
light line, ona heavy duty, largo capacity
spool for iteelhead and salmon. Drag ad
justable on scale, lantitiva friction brake.
Unconditionally guaranteed.
Mail and phtme orth n.
Plus thlpping cost to
area outside our regu
lar frwck delivery routtt.
J's, Labisli, Master Teams Post
innings along with Chris Horns
cbuch. Bill Lowery and Warren
Zulinskl. Ned Darling pitched the
win, giving four hits. The four
blnglea by tha loaera were gained
by Lanny Ycoy, Glen Vanderhoof
(2) and Pete Hanley. Ha nicy drove
in two oi tne inree runs.
Twenty-five basea on balls by
the Four Corners pitching aided
tremendously in the 1M win by
Master Service. Rhett Partie.
Doug Ritchie and Rex Campbell
got tha only hita for tht winners
while Larry EtseJ and Chuck Al-
dermaa collected tha two Four
Corners safeties, . ' ,
What turned out to be tha win
Start HAM-TwwrT Rarrpatva
TMUaASI Af0 rHDPa6aiPi, aatAAW
KAJ mTH SBC Aa7 am MHftearS
4TM pwt6eis fop) usa at bm
In PNGA Meet
(Ca. fraas peweedlag page .
tournament to date, edged Bob
Prall of Salem. Ore., a and 1.
Williams big moment in the '
lournamrm came an ine tn noir i
in the afternoon after Kidd had,
driven within IS feet of the. pin. !
Wlllias, 25 and lust out Of the
army after a 15-month stint, sank
his 215-yard tee shot with a No.
1 iron for one af two holes-in-one.
The other was made by PNGA
vice-president Ray Zint of Spo
kane ia a ninth-flight game. Zint
seed tha 147-yard Hth with a 6-
iroa but lost tha match to Gene
Dilloa af Seattle at tha 19th.
Morgan started as low man in
hia match with PraB who waa
up after seven holes. A birdie and
par fM4organ at W next two
left him 1 down at the turn. Mor- hps and Al Kaiine. miiiips- uou
gan drew even at the 11th with a ble helped the Tigers get two
par 3 and then Prall won the
13th with a birdie 4. Morgan had j
the match all squared With a bir-
die 2 at the 14th and won with 1
pars at the 16th and 17th.
An An-Americaa final was as-'quarter finals. Carole Jo Kabler,
sured in the women's division of; the United States junior women's
the championship when the last champion from Sutherlio, Ore.,
twa rounds are played at Marine defeated Ruth P. Wilson of Van
Drive Friday and Saturday. Up'couver 2 and 1. The western jua
till Thuraday, the women played, ior champion JoAnne Gundersnn
at the nearby Point Grey Golf
and Country Club.
Mrs. Kdean Andersoa Ihlanfeldt
of Seattle, PNGA champion in
IMS and 1951 and current city
champion in Seattle, disposed of
OTHER DAYS t:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.
I ( ' i 1
:! .- i 1
i, , a . ,JSaaw. V, f
J 1,. tj.'A'.--90r "'iiwn ,i ......
fim'- .. ' "' ""
e tje v 4
B v 1. ,: Ami . - . - ' ''
Staro reel
See our complete' new itock
Vf Pastor spinning, ft miff
trif roth, tltt to $24.
I jdl ja eiewti a o-"
ning run In the J's-Tnias Oil game
was engineered by Chuck East
ridge, who tripled in the fourth
inning, and Don Waller who
singled Eastridge across.
Rod Berg, Dory McCormick,
Jim Johnson and Mike Fenimere
provided the blnglea ia two, -run
innings for J's earlier, truax had
a 5-run inning, with Gene Gilbert
son. Dennis Burright and Gerald
Gettis providing tha timely hita.
Burright had a triple, double and
single in three trips.
In today's Class C League games
(I p.m.). Berg's Keiier vs. Four
Corners JO-JO Club at Barrick No.
J; Dickson Market va. West Sa
Braves Slice
National Lead
Yankees Hike Lead
To in American
. (Coat, frees preecellBg' page)
after a collisioa with Bill Skow
ron. A grand-slam home run by
Hank Bauer off relief pitcher Don
Mossi waa tha big blow. Mosai
had Just relieved loaer Bob Lem
on with the basea full. It was
Rauer'a first erand-slam in am
eight-year career.
Johnny Kucks waa the winner
although he w rocked by a
three-run homer by Al Smith in
In. l,Hh and waa knnrked .,!
the fourth and was knocked out
of the box in the eighth when the
Indiana pushed over two more
runs. Kucks' record la now 13-4.
Jimmy Piersall staged a one-
man show to lead the Red Sox to
victory over Chicago's Jack
Harshman. After making a pair
Of run -saving catches ia the
lourtn ana nintn, ine Kea mi lle -
two-run homer in the bottom Of
tne nintn 10 win n. tteiiei piicner
Leo Kiely got the decision, break
ing Harshman's five-game win
ning streak.
Harthmaa Tapped
Harshman was the whole works
for Chicago up until the ninth.
-It was his eighth Inning homer
that gave the White Sox a tern-
, A l..,t TV,. .nnlkftaM i.mA
r,wLhtt ThnaTuX" la-
half of tha riehlh when Dinch hit-
ter Norra zauchin singled and his
i;r nmnnr
on . double by Billy Goodman.
A three-run homer by Boh Nie-i
mar, wa. more than enoUBh f0r;$a.lO.
Wioht he fanned five and
walked one for his fourth victory
against seven defeats and his first
shutout of the season. 'Art Ditmar
was charged with his loth loss. .
Billy Hoeft limited tha Senators
ta four hits including Jim Lem
on's 12th homer as the Tigers
handed Washington its fifth
straight defeat. It waa Hoeft'a 11th
triumph against six losses. The
Tigers scored twa off lefty ' Bob
Wielser in the first on a pair of
walks and singles by Jack Phil-
more in the fourth.
.Cue DeVne Medford. Ore . 4 and I
Tha Lt Canadian honefuls
wfre eliminated In. Thursday's
of. Seattle overwhelmed Mrs. W
Knox, Vancouver, and 4.
The other match saw Grace De
Moss, of Corvallis. Ore., a form
er litlist, defeat Tacoma's Shirley
T. Baty 2 up.
lem Lions at West Salem; Fields
Master Service vs. Steinke's at
Barrick No. 1, and Legion Post
136 vs. Nameless Market at Leslie
Vlata Market .; NX) 008 S I I
Salem Hnlary . .,.0Ol 000 1 4 I
Vane Youril. Dave SeRine (41 anal
Marv Bridge. Bob Kimball 1 41; Lanca
Hazelbeaer an Al Nlchole.
Truax Oil ...0OS aio-S I
J Drivt-ln ... 0.13 10' 7 1 4
Larry Penrod and Gene Gilbert
urn: Dou( McCormick and Chuck
Lablah Center M OS 11 IS
Salem Liom 120 00 9 4 i
Net Darltns and Gene 'Btjslne:
Glen Vanderhoof and Scott Goidon.
Feur Cornere - OSO 82 1 1 B
Maater Servlre l.H IV-IS II
- Harry Seharf, Chuck Alderman III
and Dwaln Hofatetter: Dou fiilrbJe
and WUIIe Chrtatianeoa. .
Thursday scores in the Pee Wee
Northern League: Hoover Lions
20, Highland Leopards Winger
Wildcats 10, Hoover Woodpeckers
I. Pea Wee Southern League: Les
lie White Sox 7, Richmond Rockets
Candalaria Cougars 7, Wast
Salem Beavers S.
Today's games (LIS p.m.): Pee
Wee Southern League Leslie Red
Sox ya. Leslie Black Sox at Leslie,
Candalaria Cowboys vs. West Ss-
i.m Tornadoes at West Salem,
' " , , , . .
P W Northern Lfague-Wash-
ington Bearcats vs. Barrick Pan
thers at Barrick' No. 1; Barrick
Tigers vs. Highland Whirlwinds at
Barrick No. i.
Richmond BJorketa . ... ISO 00-4 I 3
Leslie Whlteaox 001 31-7 1 1
Dan Vittnne and Dnnli Yminekln:
Mark Etzel and Dave Trent.
w.SarenVBeavera :.aia Ol-J t T
;Nollainer; Mark CtuUlaon and Cra-
i uennorst , i
Hoover Lions 11 41-10 10 S.ljOCal leal IiaVC, lieW
Hifhland Leopards 003 OS I 11 m v' ' c?
Frank Collelte. Gary Wiatt and 1 I eani . natllf, ?OnOr
Mar Stewart: Fred Underwood, ' 1
steva Coiiette (i) and Jim Winuode. A new name and sponsor has
Hoover WoodDcckera 430 30 1 3 3 v.... fn,,,f ,k. u.
Bob Stainbrook and Charles Walte:
Lee Cobb, John Hofert ill and Rick
ia Query. Foekel (4).
SEATTLE Ifl Daring Mo
ment, the prohibitive favorite,
won by two lengths in Thursday's ,
featured six-furlone race at Lonf-
acres, paying $3.76, 12.50 ana
. .
KJ 111 VAX
ib v n i ii m . m
4f W
W t I
v : m a pi --"aaj .
weights, $1-40 per wheel if Beaded
Ann? ft? flffifi toi
USA Decathlon
Trials to Open
CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. or Three American contenders for
I ha Olvmnic Decathlon Championship. I VJ6. monopoly since 1931,
... 7 j " ... .u- I
WUI DO grounu OUI rrinay am
for the athletic jaci-ot-all-iriies
The record 43-man field also in
elude masters of specialties, such
as The Rev. ,Bob Richards, No. 1
pole vaulter on the U. S. Olympic
team; decathlon favorite Rafer
Johnson, a team member In the
broad Jump, hurdlers Milt Camp
bell and Aubrey Lewis and high
iumoer Ernie Shelton.
Richards, three times national
rlwathlon chamo won only the
pole vault in capturing the 1965
AAU title over the same Wabasn
course. UCLA sophomore Bob
Lawson. from Aberdeen, Wash
was runner-up last year to Rich
ards and is tabbed to place high
in most ei-ents this year.
The 30-year-old Richards faces
much stronger field this year.
Injuries, "staleness" apd other
reason kept Johnson, Campbell
and Lewis off the entry list in
The ( foot ii Inch Johnson won
the Pacific Coast and Pan-American
Games decathlons last year,
setting a world record of 7,983
points In the former.
Johnson, an outstanding sprint
er and hurdler as w-11 as a crack
broad jumper, will be a UCLA
junior next year.. He was third
behind Richards snd Lewis in the
19M AAU decathlon.
Lewis, Notre Dame football
halfback, and Campbell. Indiana
University back now in the Navy,
were New Jersey's prospects for
the regular Olympic track and
field squad, but both missed in
the Los Angeles tryouts.
Owen Huntsman, Wabash Col
lege track coach who is running
the show, believes Johnson is cap
able of scoring 1,000 points. He
might need that total at Mel
bourne, where Richards rates
man ta beat. The Soviet star has
chants Girls Softball tram, it was
announced last night The team is
.. ... i
Food Market club, as it is to be
Sponsored by that Arm.
The girls play Hubbard tonight
? T .
in a Silver Falls League game at !
Olingrr Field.
6:30 0 Clock, and
travel to Portland Saturday nlehU
tor a game wim lonso mated ,
. . ' . , " .
ri-eight, at Westmoreland Field,
0 V
m m
y j
n&ecC n pout ff&tuy focA"
C.....J. - l 1L. ...... ,if .
eaiuiu, in wi irvTTit nw im
Cascade Meats
Win 5-0 Tilt
Cal Bonney'i two-hit, 13-strike-out
pitching led the Cascade
Meats to a M Capital League
Softball victory over the Meier t
Frank team last night at Phillips
Field, the only action of the night.
The Leslie Junior High athletic
coach faced 24 men and gave only
one walk in seven innings. Wimpy
Carver, losing pitcher, , got the
only hits oft Bonney. I
Cascade nicked Carver In the,
fourth whet) Ray Busby doubled
and scored on an error. Four runs
came acrosa in the sixth on hits)
by Tom Warren and Tom Pickens j
and five rousing errors.
In tonight's games Prison Of- i
ficers play Keizer Electric at)
7 o'clock, "and the Randle Oils j
play L k R in another of their
City League games at eight. Each
team has a 4-4 record. I
Meier-Frank ... ono ooo o 0 1
Cascade Meats 000 104 xi S 9
Carver and Hansen; Bonney,
and H. Husby.
Jacobaon Downed
PORTLAND -(Special Top
seeded Art Kono of Seattle Thurs- j
day eliminated Salem's Bill Jac
obson, t-l, 6-1 in their match la1
the "Oregon Tennis Tournament .
here. Play entered the semifinals, :
which are to be held Friday.
American League
Cleveland Tux) joe 020 i I I '
New York 010 034 lex S II
Lemon Moaal ie. MrLlah ill.
Aguire (T). and Narafon: Kurki,
Mnorean isi and Berra. Home runa!
Cleveland. Smith. New York. Bauer. :
Chlraio 000 OMI 8101 S a,
Bcwton om oos eia a a a
Hanhman and Lollar: Sullivan. ! 1 1 . .nil Ufhll. Ul ICi.l I I
JJ"-"; r- Chic...J
Kanaaa city , Onfl 000 000 a S 1
Baltimore jia oos 001-4.T 1
Dltmar. Herriae ill, Gorman I Si, j
VC. ' i' ",,n ,r"
TTiandoa. I. Dltmar. Horn run,
Baltimore Nieman.
Detroit . too too OOO 4 S 1
000 100 010 X 4 1
U., 1U t . . II. r. i I-
,r'Bove,i v" s ".d '.rV J".
- -
o High-tensile, 4 ply rayon cord body
Woven sfaal beads giva super strength
Troad is 35 deeper than most tiras
Guaranteed 24 months . , , proof of their
dependability. Tough, lonf mileage ALL
STATE Premiums feature extra safe rig tag
tread that digs in for safe braking. Don't
take chances , . . drive in now ... put a
set on your car!
Lopez Praises
NEW YORK on - It's not the
New York Yankees' power -
Mickey Mantle's tape measure
home runs and Yogi Berra's rat
tling doubles - which keeps
Cleveland's Al Lopes awake at
nights. It's the Yankee speed and
oviense, ma senor says.
For soma reason we have
coma to associate tha Yankees
with attack the Bronx Bomb
ers. Murderers Row, and - so
forth," tha swarthy Indian man
ager said Thuraday. "Personally,
I think the success oi the team is
due to its great defense.-
Lopes quickly modified his ap
praisal of tha American League
that this doesn't mean the In
dians are conceding an inch in
the race.
Lopes aald ha hoped superior
pitching with Herb Score,
Early Wynn and Bob Lemon as
Special Group
From Regular
Stock Rag. i French
Cuffs-Whltas I
Rag. 3.9S to 7. IS
., i, i m- i
12 Mo. Nationwido Service Card Guarantee
'. .
Fully retreaded In original equipment traad depth
from sidewall to sidowall
Similar ssvings on other lira siias . '
Yank Def enso
mainstays would pull the In
dians through. -
Tha Cleveland Manager said tha
main Ingredients of the Yankees'
winning formula are: (1) defense;
(2) speed; (3) bench.
Asked if he saw -any sign of
the yankeea wearing out, lopes
replied Dolefully:
"No, unfortunately, I don't,,
They're a young ball club now.
There's a lot of mileage left in
them too darned much."
Srhoendienst Figures
lle'i Now Ready to Go
ST. I.ninS Ifl Karl Schrven.
dienst, bothered by arm trouble,
feels he'a ready to go for tha
New York Giants and If he Is
manager Bill Rigney thinks hll
last-place club can "make a mova
in the race."
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