Senators NWL Braves Snatch 6 to 2 Victory , Srrien With Eugene I i Open Here Tonight I KENNEWICK (Special) The Salem Senators dropped their Northwest League baseball series finale here to the Tri-City Braves Thursday night by a 6-2 score, as Dave Kostpnuk who was knocked out of the box in the first inning of Wednesday's game, returned to pitch the distance for the vic tory. Young Arlic Alderman hurled seven hitter to match Kosten uk's but was the victim of three unearned runs as a result of two Salem errors. Krause Hits Again The Senators broke even in the local aeries it 2-2 and now move to, Eugene where they open -a five-game stand with a double header Friday night. Salem went 1-0 ahead here in the third Thursday when Mel Krause, who has apparently shak en his batting .slump, singled to eenter and scored on Jack Dunn's double. Essegian Belts Homer The other Salem rim came in the eighth, quickly. Chuck Esseg ian cracked his 10th homer of the season over the right field fence his opposite field at the 360 foot mark. Tri-City scored twice in the fourth and twice in the sixth. Danny Holden's double and Ray - Webster's throwing error contrib uted to the two runs of the fourth, which were tripled in by Tom Perez. Holden hit a homer in the sixth with one on for the next two tallies. , Krause and Dunn each had two of Salem's hits. King Does Catching A change was made in the Sen ator lineup by Ronnie King, who has been pinch-hitting as club manager for absent Hugh Luby. King inserted himself in the catching position and got one hit In three trips. Salem had men on bases often, but no clutch hitting was pres ent in most instances. Alderman's record is now 4-5, RosienuK s 7-8. Holden snd Kost enuk each had two of the seven Tri-City bingles. George, Cade Named Andy George M) and Lefty Jerry Cade (4-8) are to pitch against the Eugene club in Fri day's twin bill. A single game is set for Saturday night and anoth er doubleheader for Sunday aft ernoon at Eugene. Salem then moves home to play Eugene in four games, starting Monday Bight Sad Finish: Krause. I Laursn.3 XHinn.m Kaaeiln.l Rotbrt.t Siekla.r king e Webstr, Aldmn.p Weklyjc Tom u i 7 a Tout ita x Walked for Aldermin In Sth. Salem noi ono bio ill Tri-Clty 000 20J ll 7 S IP AH H I ri f fl Aldermin llllll 3 Koitnuk S 31 7 3 2 3 4 Winner Kostenuk 17-91. Loser Aldermin (4-Ji. Left Silem a. Tri Clty J. HR Holden, Essenan. .IB Peres. 2B Dunn. Holden. RBI Dunn. Perei 1 Holden !. Scramajjlia. Eweirian. Mulliney. S Rosbura; iBi. SB Glrdley, DP Alderman lo Web ler to RoiburK. Mulliney to Scra nillli to rimholi. T. 1 40. U Amnions and Kelly. A-I.J73. Bevos Blasted By 194 Count Portland Beavers' new man ager Bill Sweeney's debut with the club was wrecked last night at Portland as the Los Angeles Angels belted the Bevos 19-4 on 26 hits. In other Thursday games Holly wood won its 21st game in the last 23 starts with a 5-4 not over San Diego in 11 innings. San Francisco downed sacramenio 4-2 knocking the Rainier nut of the and Vancouver spilled Seattle $-2, loop lead. Los Angeles is now leading the circuit by a small margin over Seattle.' Portland 0 10 (100 (121- 4 114 L. Angeles 12 23 020 000-19 20 0 Drott and Tappe; Darnell. Field Icr 1 1 1, Martin U and Caldorone. San Diego 100 000 002 01 4 13 3 Hollywood 101 010 000 025 t 1 Erautt, Hoskins (91 and St. Claire, Astroth (9); 'Trimble, Green (9) ODonnell (U) and Hall Kravlti (10). Seattle 000 010 0102 3 1 Vancouver . 000 330 OOx 6 9 1 Schallock, Podbielan 5 , Dickey (7) and Orteig; Besanda, Hooper (.1) and F.omano. Sacramento . 000 101 0002 8 0 Son Francisco 020 200 OOx 4 1 1 Osenbaugh, Stanke if) ' and Baich. Kemmerer and Sullivan. Senator Swat (Uo to date): lb n 2b 30 nr rm pet ' Esian Dunn .... Webster Rrekul Kins ..... Kraus Ijiunien 148 ... :m ,..341 .-.237 SO -.33.1 4S 71 S3 97 IS 54 40 sa 10 1 10 fl 10 .is .3. 0 IS .13.1 1 31 .21 4 3 ."SI 1 in 9AH j;l .240 , 180 ft 1.1 .22' ilia . (I) Trl-Clty HUHK n b u III riuh.! soon mmmW '" " "' 4 0 0 0 Senile 1 1 9. el -" 1 TIATk " 2 110 Helbi.m III! ' -jS-fM VW 3 0 0 0 p,re.l 4 0 1 o . aaWT . TV 4 9 O Girdly.r 1 I 0 &Tw 1 1 1 1 Va J..1 J! tWi i . Ki.,k,P a.,,, iy - Koeol , . ........IIS Rnsbtirff . 4S Weekley 1... U , Pltchlnf: Daly 30 Georfe 1.1 2712 J1S S 12 .WW 9, 9 0 .077 : J : lj 41 i S4i, S1 hb f r i 10 12 42 21 w.ish ..1S Alderman . 19 .16 40 : 5M 42 42 Calallch ... .17 139i Cade 31 102( Kln( ..H 3'i Kraut 4 11 'a S2 49 70 61 31 26 f 11 Bow in Final ' Clash at Tri-City (jDtejsontalesmati Statesman, Salemr Ore., Fri., July 13, '56 (Sec, IV)-27 By DON HARGER The latest and most interesting "big fish'1 story comes to us from Bunny Mason, Salem golf pro. Mason was spending a few hours on the Metolius river earlier in the week and noticed a young fly fisherman working one particular piece' of water for over' an hour. During that period the angler had caught and released, several have pleased ured twenty-two Don Barter result ( a planned campaign. The young angler; ion ( the resident ranger ra the Metolius, had seea the fiih feeding about a montl. earlier and had watched him day after day. He figured out the rainbow's feeding cycle and then went to work an that ne fish. It took a month of casting hut the cancentrated effort finally paid elf. ; ... . We never did hear all of the story as we don't know yet whether Bunny Mason was fishing the Metolius or looking for a golf ball which may have strayed over there from Prineville, where he was playing golf . . .. , Newport Salmon Fishing ' Salmon fishing has been hot past week with numerous angler and few. catching anything on the following day. The weather has been fair some of the time and short of a full gale the remainder of the time. The fish are gathered at Newport and it appears likely that anglers will do well from now on. Silvers are out-numbering the chinook salmon at the present and although they are not as large IConl. en page Some Will, Some Game Commish Yields Forecast for Anglers Tb Oregon Slate Game Commission Thursday released its week ly report on angling prospects around the state for the weekend. Covered in the report are the northwest, southwest, central, north east and southeast portions of the state. The report follows: NORTHWrsT I. EAGLE W L Pet. W L Prt. Vaklmi 4 1 .ano Eugene 3 3 .400 Wenatch 3 2 tm Lewlitnn 1 4 2KO Salem 3 2 ..wo Spokane 0 0 .000 Trl-Clty 2 2 S00 Thursday reiulti: At Trl-Clty . Salem 2. At Euisene S. Wenatchee 1. At Yakima 7, Lewiiton 4. COAST LFAGt'E W L Prt. W L Pet. Seattle SS 38 .604 Sn Fran 45 91 .469 Loa Anj 60 .IS .613 Portland 44 SO .416 Hollvwd M 43 .54.1 Sn Diet 4.1 5.1 .446 Sirtn 49 36 .464 Vincvr 3.1 60 .316 Thuridiy reiulti: At Sin Frinclaro 4. Sacramento 3. At Vancouver 6. Seattle 3. At Portland 4. Lo An gelei 19. At Hollywood 5. San Diego 4. AMERICA V LEAnl'E WLPrt. WLPrt. New Yk S3 26 .672 Detroit 3.1 43 .4.11 Chlrago 43 31 .S61 Baltmre 34 43 .442 Clevlnd 44 32.S79 Wah(ttn 3151.378 Boston 41 33.539 Kan Cty 39 49 .364 Thursday reiulti: At New York !. Cleveland B. At Bniton 3. Chicago 1. At Baltimore 4. Kansas City 0. At Washington 2. Detroit 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE1 W L Pet. W L Pet. Clnclnn 44 SI .587 St Lou 36 39 .494 Mllwlllk 42 30 .SSSPhllad 33 4.1 .434 Broklvn 4J 3.1 .SHOChlr'go 31 43 .431 Plltsbrgh 37 37 J00 N. Y rk 30 42 .417 Thursday resulta: At Chlrago 1-4, Pittsburgh 3-S. At Milwaukee 3. Brooklyn fl At St Louis 5. New York 3. At Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 1. OhltiWrs Drop Tilt To Spokane IiHiian 9 SPOKANE ( A band ol base-; bnll plavers, former Indians all. turned in a gallant but losing game Thursday night as they dropped a 9-4 tilt to the present Northwest League Spokane Indians. . The exhibition game drew some 1,400 fans to the park. Among the Old Timers were pitchers Leo Fitterer of Walla Walla, Duke Windsor, Bob Cos tcllo and John Conant. Old Timers 020 000 020-4 10 4 Spokane 101 010 60x 9 12 0 Fitterer, Windsor 2. Costcllo (51. Conant '). Schulmerich 9l and Hack, Sheets; R. Jackson, Rossi IS) and Carlon. National league Pllthurjh ..; 001 100 000-2 19 I Chlrao 000 0O1 0001 6 1 Kline and Rhepard: Kaiser, I, own (Si and Landrtth. Home runt Pitta bursh, Vlrdon. Chlcnao. Banks. Plttshursh 00.1 ion 010 9 7 0 Chlraao .110 000 0004 9 0 narwnin, race iji ana roues: jones pnn 1.H111. ni"e mm riiisnuran. Follcs, Lonf. Chlcaso, Moryn. Chltl. Brooklyn BOO 000 000 6 6 2 Milwaukee 000 110 Ofl'-J 7 1 ick (7) and Camp.nel- Cralr. Boehurk la: BuM and Rice. I. Crala. Home runs Milwaukee. Adcock. New ork . 020 100 0002 S fl 91 Louis . . . 201 0110 2105 9 0 Gome md garni; Poholsky. Liddle (41 and Smith, W Llddl. Home runs New York, Thompson, Mays. St. Louis, Mutlal. - i fish, three or four of which would any angler . It appeared that! the-young fly caster was enjoying himself only in the taking and releasing trout. But such was not the ease. Bunny soon heard an excited whoop and holler and could see the youngster's rod bend - tog dangerously. He wandered up close to see what was eoing and got in on the landing of the fish, m fact, Mason aided considerably in tossing the fish out on the bank alter it was tired. The young angler had hooked and landed one of the terxilic Metolius rainbows. It meas and one-half inches and weighed four and one-half pounds. . The rapture of the large rainbow was the Hot and Cold and cold at Newport during the taking limits of fish on one day tS, ral. 2 Won't NORTHWEST Trout angling is slow along the north coast. Not many sea-run cut throat are in yet. Steelhead and chinook jack salmon fishing is fair along the Columbia sand bar. Trout angling has been slow - in streams of western Lane and Lin coln counties. A few blueback have been caught in tidewater. Salmon angling has been good on Yaqiiina Bay and Depoe Bay when weather permits crossing the bar. Trout angling has been fair on the Clackamas river. The road is not yet open to the Rock lakes and Serene Lake (Clackamas county). McKenzle river and tributaries are good to excellent. Willamette trib utaries fair to good. Lookout Point, Dorena, and Dexter reservoirs fair from bank and. fair to. good on troll. Clear lake is good with quite a few large fish being taken. SOUTHWEST In the Florence area, Mercer lake is producing fair catches of trout on troll and flies. Angling is slow at Sutton lake. Bluegill and perch fishing is good at Tahken itch, but trout fishing is slow. Silt coos is producing fair catches of trout and good catches of bullhead catfish. Perch fisluae is slow. Suc cess of the trout Tisnermen varied from slow to .good throughout most of the North and South Urn qua areas. Best catches are re ported to be taken on flies in morning and evening fishing. Bait angling is very poor except in the power impoundments in theupper North Umpqua where worms are taking brown trout. Summer steel head angling is very poor. Fish are moving slowly, ant! the river is generally too high for proper fishine. Some tnrhid water still rrsulls from upstream construe- lion work. Cutthroat or salmon trout are moving in fair numbers over Winchester dam: some fish ing should he available below that point, but reports of catches so far are sketchy. Salmon ang ling at Winchester Bay has been good when it is saje to cross the bar. At Coos Bay striped bass angling has been fair, and salmon angling has been poor lo excel lent depending on weather. Trout angling in the main Rogue river is slow during the hot daj'S when me serin ig ue iayin in urru water. Early morning and late evening periods best. Catches are fair to good in streams and lakes at high elevation. Chinook salmon season closes after Sunday July 15. CENTRAL East and Paulina lakes have slowed down considerably the past two or three days. Catches have just been fair at both lakes. Bait fishing is still good for rainbow at Blue lake. Ochoco reservoir has been excellent for rainbow with short troll best method. Best i U .. t )ru.u ChuI,. I.I,. nhi.inprl with snlnnera and irov "m" n.otl W) ,n "P'" n" "y i imiian I'll null, niisii I aim i u- not drive all the way into the lake because of a snowdrift short dis tance from lake. Some nice catches have been reported from (Cnt. ea page 2S, ceL 1) Net Program Announced The City Schools and Reel-ea-Dm Department's simmer ten I program fer the varUus eemmanlty playgraaBdi hat beea aasMiced by .direct? Vera Giltnore and Instructors Del RanudeH and. Ray Myers. All events and lessras are free to the public. On Meadays through Thurs days the iastracters will be at the following ptaygreuad courts: Eaglrweod S to II a.m., Rich mond It a.m. to It p.m.. Oils ger 1 to I p.m., Fairmount I to tl a.mVi Leslie II a.m. to II aeaa aad 1 to 4 p.m., West Salem 4 to I p.m. (Meadays and Wednesdays enly). Fridays will be reserved for tournament play at Leslie and Olinger erarts. Today's tourna ment, at f a.m., will be la the Junior Boys Doubles class. Huge Quinella Paid at Races A $1,266.50 quinella was paid last night at Portland Meadows during the night horse racing program. In the third race, at five furlongs, Miss Gadget paid $27 to win and I Double Fusser was worth $100.90 I in the place spot. The combination ! of the two was worth the $1,266.50 quinella. j Another big quinella was paid in , the sixth race when My Put won. paying 1144.60, and Uncle Posey was second, paying $7.10. This one was worth S344.40. , Five winning tickets were paid off on the 11,266 50 quinella last night, and it was the largest of the season at the Meadows track. Eugene, Yaks Win Clashes The Eugene Emeralds downed the Wenatchee Chiefs 5-1 on Russ Penfold's four-hitter, and the Yak ima Bears clobbered the Lewiston Brbncs 7-4 in Northwest League baseball games played last night. Rookie Jerry Exley hit a home run for Eugene in the 13-hit attack at the expense of Gene Shortlidge. takima got 19 hits off Gene Schclich and Dick Doric of the Broncs, while Arlie Downs was limiting the Broncs to eight. Wenatchee took the Eugene series 3-2.' and Yakima won the Lewiston series 4-1 to take com mand of the league race. The teams change foes Friday. with Salem - moving to Eugene. Wenatchee to Lewiston and Yakima to Spokane. Tri-City wiU be idle wiui the bye. Lewiiton : 600 on3 611 4 6 4 Yakima , 260 420 01 t 19 t acneiicn. dmoi m ana Donanu: Downs and Neal, Vender ((). Eugene .....109 269 610 13 1 Wenatchee . 100 009 OOOl 4 renfold and Dapper: Shoruldi ana uinaoerg. Rules Waived In Fistic Go TACOMA ( The three-knock down rule and the mandatory t- count will be waived when heavy weighkf Ezzard Charles of Cin cinnati and Pat McMurtry of Ta coma tangle over the 10-round route here Friday night. , Chairman Howard R. Smith of the state athletic commission said, however, the referee or chief sec ond for either -man can halt the bout the latter by the old towel tossing system. Most bouts are stopped in this state if a fighter is knocked down three times in one round. Smith said the rule was designed to pro tect "young and immature box ers" and . that both Charles and McMurtry could be regarded as experienced fighters. For McMurtry, however, this is only fight JS'o. 22 and his first ap pearance against a topnotch op ponent. He is unbeaten but fought one draw wjth Bob Albright of California. The former world champion Is expected to outweigh McMurtry by about 11 pounds, weighing in at around 195. MEADOWS RESULTS Portland Meadows, Thuridiy, July 1.12. Clear and fa First race, .150 yard, quarter horses, all aaes, purse 1400. Sorrel Sammv I Boas I 20 SO. 4.90. 3.6ft: Fahulnus Joe IKnawlesi 320, 3 11: Miu Ntiht Stir (Hldil(n) 4.60. Qulnlella 1 16 BO. Time :I6 6. Second race, ft1! furlonsa, 2 up, puree $600. A p p e al i n a Dame (Knowlesl S 69, 4 10, IN; Jewel Of fering iDixon) 2.10. 140: Flint Rock (Duncan) 2.90. Qulnlella $11.90. Time 1:07.1. Third race, B furlnnKs, 3 up, purse 9600. Miu Gadjret lEarll 27.00, IS 10, 6 80: Double Fusses ( Dixon 1, 21.10, World Affair (Phillips) 9 00. Qulnlella $1,266.90. Tim 1:00 1. Fourth race. 1-116 milex, 3 up. pure $700. Bullrells iDalei) 7.00, 2 60, 2 Ml: Cancancier iColllerl J Ml. 2 611: Speed rurv iKnowleti 4.S0. Quln rifth - , m(1 , up Dur, oil ..aniDie. Simomsi 7 20. 4.10. i.uii; Minmond icoiiiari 4 90, 2 no. Colon! H A. iHnhwl 190. Quln lella S16. Tim 1:4) 2. Sixth rac. 9 furlonss. 2 up, purs S600. My Put (Breckonsl 144 60. 3 20,'; i! 00; Unci Poscv I Dixon I 7 10, 210; I Happy Lancer (Miller) 2 90. Qulnlel- 1 la 9A44.40. Tim 1 13 J. Seventh race, 6 furlongs, 2 up, Furs 9609. Dlcr IDuncani 4 90, 3.60, 60; Brlolelt (Milieu 1060. (KP. Bob'a Reward (Collier) 2 60. Qulnlel la 946.10. Time 1:12 3. ' F.ixhth Race,. 9', furlongs, 2-up, purse 9600. No War llanottll 174 Ml. S24 SO, 912 90. Bav Sidney (Knowlesl! sa jo. ouinieii sus 40. Tim l -oa. 4 2A, 9.I.W. Wire Trouble 1 01 ion I K'lnlh Race, ft 1 furlnnes. Ii-6 nurft VM - n" 'Hnpklnai. 9100. . '" n Chief (Knowlesl 96.70. I.U1 96 40. Hlh Summit (SlmonUl Qulnlella .T0n. Tim 1:06.1 Tenth Race, !' miles 3-up. purs 9600. Best Wav I Phillips) (2 90 92 60. 9260. So Right (McDowell) 9660. 94 90. May's Last iHenshaw) 14 10 Qulnlella 92030. Time I Ml ' Attendant 2.009. Hindi 9136,921 I sill (Sow Braves Yanks Extend Marginto7,5 Pirates . Bark in 4th Bosox Top White Sox By JOE REICHLER Aisoelated Treis Sports Writer Bob Buhl pitched the 'Milwaukee Braves within a half game of the National League leading Cincin nati Redlegs Thursday night, shutting out Brooklyn 2-0 while the Recs were bowing to the Phil addphia Phillies 7-4. In the American League the New York Yankees jumped into their biggest lead of the season a 7'4 game bulge on both Cleveland and Chicago by beat ing the Indians 9-S as the White Sox lost to Boston 3-1. Pirates Win Pair Pittsburgh's Pirates climbed in to fourth place in the National with a double triumph over Chi cago 2-1 and 5-4. The St. Louis Cardinals dropped into fifth place by a half game despite their 5-3 victory over the cellar-dwelling New York Giants. Buhl limited the Dodgers to six hits in the opener of a scheduled twi-mght doubleheader. The sec ond game was rained out and will be played as part of a twi-nighter Friday night. Adrock Hits Homer Joe Adcock paved the way for Buhl's fifth - straight - success against the Dodgers by slamming a home run in the fourth. It was his 13th of the season, and his 100th in the big leagues. Milwau kee got its second run in the fifth, off loser Roger Craig, on singles by Danny O'Connell and Eddie Mathews. The Phillies rallied for five runs in the ninth against loser Art Fowler to overcome a J-2 deficit and cut the Redlegs' lead over the Braves to three percentage points. Marv Blaylock doubled in two runs in the big ninth and Elmer Valo followed with a two- run single to give Harvey Haddix the victory. Muilal Provides R Stan Musial drove in three runs with a home run (No. 1(1 and single to help the Cards down Ruben Gomes and the Giants. Don Liddle, former Giant,, picked up the victory in relief. Dale .' Long, homerlesa since June t, slammed his 18th homer and triple in the nightcap to give the Pirates their sweep. Bill Virdon's homer in the opener helped Ronnie Kline chalk up his eighth success. ' In other American League games, Detroit defeated Washing ton 4-2 and Baltimore blanked Kansas City 4-0 behind the six-hit pitching of Bill Wight. Vie Werts Injured - The Indians, who trail the run nerup White Sox by two percent age points, suffered an additional blow by the temporary loss of Vic Werti. The slugging first baseman had to leave the game with a groin injury in the fifth inning (Coat, on page . el. 4) Major Leaguo Leaders AMERICAN tBAOVB GAB R H PH. .371 .366 .3.19 J24 .323 .321 .320 .316 .314 Mantle. N. Y. Maxwell, Detroit Keuenn, Detroit Vernon, Boston Sknwrnn, N, Y. Kell. Baltimore IS 276 11 103 66 222 SO SO 99 261 .19 92 96 207 21 67 67 201 20 60 209 24 67 Niemin, Haltimor 99 201 26 6.1 Lnllir, Chicifo 66 Ml 30 12 Mlnnso, Chicago II 265 tl SO Rosen. Cleveland 62 214 41 67 .313 Horn runs Mantle. New York, 29: Werti Cleveland. 19; Bauer, New York, 19; Berra. New York, 16; Max well, Detroit, 17; Slevers Washing ton, 17. Runs bitted In ManUe. New York, II: Wert7, Cleveland. SI: Simpson, Kansas City, 61; Lemon, Washington, 97; Kailnc, Detroit, 95. NATIONAL LEAGUE CAB R H Pet. .3.13 .320 .312 Jli .306 .307 .309 .30S ..101 .209 Bailey, Clnrln. Boyer, St. U Musial, St. U Aaron. Milwk Robinson, Clncln, Schndnst. N. Y. Moon, St. L. Iyti, Pittsburgh Ashhurn. Pblla 96 166 31 11 309 97 H 2B4 44 10 269 43 19 261 99 91 176 94 13 239 44 12 216 41 16 312 47 Walla, Pittsburgh 11 2.16 46 It Horn runs Banks, Chicago, 22: Klusr.twskl, Cincinnati. 22: Bnyr, 81 Louis, 20; Snldr, Brooklyn, IB; Kot tnnn, Cincinnati. IS. Runs battrd In Bovr, St. Louis. 41; Musial St. Louis, 61; Kluszvwskl, Cincinnati. 96; Lnn( Pittsbursh, 24; Binki, Chicago, SO. Bradley's Bicycle and Sport Shop Home of Quality Products REASONABLY PRICtD 50c Arrows Special 35c SCHWINN Bicycles Bike Repairs (In Todoy Fini9hed1 Tomorrow or Sooner) Nothinf Down on Approved Credit Phone 3-3844 237 North High Street 0 Yank Star Makes Like Bridge ! . .... : i. .... . V W4 (tl t T V NEW YORK New York Yankee second baseman Jerry Coleman was Making like a bridge en this play during Thursday's game with Cleveland la Yankee Stadium. Coleman bad Just forced sliding Vic Werts at second and bad te jump U avoid being taken out by Werts, Coleman made the Jump, got th relay throw away and doubled batter ,A1 Rosen at first base. Tbe Yankees won the game 5. (AP Wlrephote.) Schmidt Makes Reports To NCAA on PCC Mess LOS ANGELES l Commis sioner Victor 0. Schmidt of the Pacific Coast Conference disclosed Thursday that he has turned over to the National. Collegiate Athletic Assn. all reports involving the athletic violations Involving UCLA and Washington.- ' . , Similar information on the situ ation at the Universities of Call fornia and . Southern California will be given to the NCAA. It is not unusual, said Bcrnie Hammerheck, Schmidt's assistant, for the NCAA to request such in formation when it has appeared in the public press. Schmidt issued a prepared state ment which said: 'As do other conferences which r- "i' m, Ik , 7 '" vii1!' ' ( i ?, , 'i Twin Car Rugs Fine Quality Heavy Rubber , . ,1.111. 1 '1. .',l''',' ' sfk Chase 1 erf J ' are members of the NCAA, the Pacific Coast Conference submits to the NCAA, upon Its request, reports on disciplinary action and information aupportinf such ac tion. "Consistent with this policy, and upon the NCAA request, it has bees furnished the identical Infor mation in the Washington and UCLA cases which was released to the press. "This was done by the commis sioner upon direction of the con ference. "Both involved Institutions were advised that this was done. . "The same will be done with respect to the California and Southern California cases." 1.98 SIDEWALL RINGS i Scuff 'distant Easy to clean Snug fit no cementing ' Both IS" and 16" sites SET OF 4 ... STS Value U IPOS Would Dissolve 9-Tam Loop, Put Four California Schools In New, Private Conference LOS ANGELES UA-Gov. Goodwin J. Knight suggested Thursday night that the Pacific Coast Conference be dissolved and that Stan ford, California. Southern California and UCLA form a California conference fur jnteratllegiate athletic competition. The governor wrote Ned Cronin, Los Angeles Ttlmes sports writer, he was acutely irritated over the wholesale bans on athletes and Prall Downed In PNCA Meet Yost Wins Way Into Golf 'Semi' Round . VANCOUVER, B.C. Ur Pre cision golf kept Seattle's Dick Yost out of trouble . with two slightly-younger opponents Thurs day ss he advanced into the 36- hole semi-finals of the Pacific Northwest Golf Assn. champion ships at the Marine Drive course here. In the afternoon quarter-finals. he defeated 22-year-old John Rus sell of Vancouver I and 4 "after disposing of Rod Funseth, British Columbia amateur champion from Spokane, 2 up during the morn ing. Yst 1U1 Champ Russell had given line displays of golf until he met Yost, a cool 26-year-old who also won the tour nament in 1953 at Portland. Erv Parents of Seattle. Wash ington state champion for the last two years, also became a semi- finalist by defeating John Lynch of Tacoma. I and 4. Earlier Thurs day he had a narrow 1 up margin over Kevin Riley of Vancouver, a 20-year-old. Two Canadians Bob Kidd and Len Morgan, both of Vancouver also entered the semi-finals. Kidd, Vancouver city champion and low amateur In last year's $15,000 British Columbia open, eli minated Dick Williams of Blaine, wasn., ana . Morgan Downs PraU Morgan, at 29 the same an as Kidd but nsuceessful in any big (Coat, ea page H. aol I) ROYAL HOUSE PAINT THE FINEST-MOST DURABLE-SELF CLEANING HOUSE PAINT AT ANY PRICE! Brilliant whit Titanium gives out standing coverage and hiding power Magnesium Silica prevents checking Pure linseed oil gives smooth working body Zinc Oxide combats mildew No cheap substitutes are used in this pure formulated, guaranteed paint Compares favorably with outside paints selling for $6.65 and more FOR ONLY ONE PENNY MORE, you may have a big 4" nylon, all purpose brush that sells regularly for $2.98, when you buy one or more gallons of Royal Outside White. IN WHITE ONLY Just... Open Monday and Friday Nights Until O:00 it ft GEORGE lT 236 North Commercial SI. 141 Alire Ave. mm Miim&x ua ' aa universities for alleged violations the Conference's purity code. "1 am wondering if it might not be a good plan to consider the forming of this conference." Knight wrote Cronin, "leaving out the two universities In Washing ton, the two in Oregon and the one in Idaho." ' Referring to the eligibility bans, the assessment of fines against tour universities and the barring of Southern California, Washing ton and UCLA from ' playing in the Rose Bowl for a few years. Gov. Knight said: "This whole ivory tower busi ness raises the hackles of my red-blooded American neck and) I Join with you in the sincere hope we can tio something. "I played rugby football at Stanford when the game was much smaller and public interest much less. However, I can assure you that It some prominent alum nus had approached me with aa' offer of modest assistance in my tuition or expenses I would have assumed that this prominent alumnus wis a man of character . (Ceat sa paf 2, cat. S) Loop Prexies To Hold Meet BERKELEY. Calif. U Pres ident Robert Gordon Sproul of the University of California la nearing a decision on calling the presidents council of the Pacific Coast Conference into session. ' In a preliminary report on the results of his poll as head of the presidents' council he said Thurs day afternoon that aucn a meet Ing "now seems likely" and that the problem Is finding a vacation (Cent, ea fue H.99.II .