r2-(Spc. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., FrL, July 13,56 I J t Dash O'Bluo With Potato Salad, Cakes Potato salad is American favorite. Spark it with American Rlu ttime. serve H tt your Kurth-of July picnic and it's ell-W American. Unce you aiacover how well American Blue Cheeie and potatnei team together you'll 'want to combine them often. The tanfy American Blue cheese five substance and Interest to , the bland fruir-of the earth whe ther crumbled into cold Miad or a hot croquette. AMERICAN BLUE CHEESE EGG POTATO SALAD (Makes 4 to 6 aervingi) cup crumbled American Blue eheeae (about I ounces) V cup chopped parsley 1 medium-sited green pepper, chopped 1 French Recipe Glorified Bread .1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon salt ,H cup Trench dressini ', cups sliced cooked potatoes 5 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 'Combine cheese, parsley, green ' pepper, onion, salt and French dressing: mix well. Add potatoes and eggs; toss lightly but thor oughly. Chill 1 nouT. oarmsn with hard-cooked egg slices, is desired. AMERICAN BLUE CHEESE POTATO CROQUETTES (Mikes 0 servings) cups seasoned, mashed potatoes y cup crumbled American ' Blue cheese (about I ' ' ounces) Tin dry bread crumbs 'l egg. beaten 1 tablespooni water 'Fat Combine potatoes and cheese; mix well. Shape into croquettes and roll in crumbs. Combine egg and water; beat well. Dip cro quettes in egg mixture and again in crumbs. Fry in hot deep fat (330) 1 to minutes, or until browned. Drain on absorbent paper. VY I" W' - . - V Look very close snd you'll note that this Pain Perdu or "Lost Bread" la glorified French toast, to be served as a dessert. Pain Fere's) 6 slices white bread 4 cup milk . . 1 tablespoon sugar y teaspoon vanilla S egg yolks 2 tablespoons butter. Cut bread half-inch thick and remote crusts. Bring milk, sugar and vanilla just to a boil and pour into a flat dish. Cool a lit tle and dip bread into it. In and out quickly so they won't get soggy. Lay on a plate to drain. Beat eggs, dip bresd into these, using a spatula to handle them 1 1 or they'll break. Drain on paper f : towel, when butter in frying pan mm to amoce, aaa oreaa sucr snd fry quickly on both sides to a pale brown. Sprinkle with sug ar and serve piled up and wrapped in napkin to keep warm. :-V- The bland flavor of potatoes .In sated or other foods, takes well to the livelier taste of blue cheee. American blue cheese here goes generously over potato end herd-cooked egg saled for beauty es well as flavor. , Sour Cream Sauce on Franks Canned franks end sour cream go together in this dish: Fraaks in Sear Creaai Saace U-ounce can frankfurts, cut into tt-inch pieces ' I tablespoons butter or margarine ' K cup chopped onion k 1 tablespoon flour Vi cup water cup commercially soured cream tt teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon paprika Melt butter in a skillet. Add onion and cook over medium beat until tender. Stir in flour. Gradual ly add water and cook until thick ened. Stir in sour cream, salt, and paprika. Add franks to sauce and heat slowly for I minutes. Serve hot Serves 4. Cheese, Salmon Roll Delicious Chocolate Pie is Creamy Dessert Chocolate cream pie Is usually welcomed, and here's a food re cipe for one: . CheraUte Creasa Pie t squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cups milk 1 cup sugar tablespoons flour , teaspoon salt ' ' 1 et yolks, slightly beaten -1 Uuiespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 baked t-inch pie shell , , ; erg whites . . ? 4 tablespoons sugar Add chocolate to milk and beat la double boiler. When chocolate is melted, beat with rotary egg beat er until blended. - Combine sugar. flour, and salt: add gradually to chocolate mixture; cook until thickened, stirring constantly: then cook 10 minutes, stirring oc casionally. Pour small amount over tti vo ks. stirring well; return to double boiler ana cook x nunuia looser. Add butter and vanilla. Cool. Turn Into pie Men. neat egl whites until foamy: M sugar, i tablespoons at a time, beating un til blended; then mm unui mix ture stands la peaks. Pile on fill Ins. Bake In moderate even (190 F. II minutes. SIMPLE ENOUGH Add almond extract te plain Bavarian Cream for piquant fla vor. DAILY CROSSWORD llEnv. ' ACTUM I. Weary . Roughen, -1. Long-eared rodents 19. Filaments 13. Incite IS. ramous eomposer 11 Male . descendant 11 Property 14. Father IT. Forestall II. Plump to. Half tms H. Terrible 13. Wound 'j marks gS. Pieces of Ik sit too, .34. RaMXt IT. KindofroQ 41. Frosty ,,S. Plunder 13. Hawaiian . . bird ,14. Division a a hospital 19. Hawaiian ' food 34. Observe 'fet. Young bear . Cam Wr4 ,49. Dentist's , drills (var.) .4L Hastened 41.Seop . DOWX 1. Small drum t. Goddess of peace S. Soak flax 4. East by ' south (ebbr.) 0. Inton .Terminal part of arm ' T. Help S. Make read .A book clasp 1L Writing tablets IS. Mane name IS. Part of a camera IS. Extremely It. Paddle-like process 3L Tutors (Oxford) S3. Detached shoots (Hon.) T of same S3. A a?onfeoV eracyef state. (Oer.) IT. Unadorned M. Moved with speed SO. River Van.) 31. Snake S3. Touch lightly Tesawdar's tmmm 34. Rub off moisture ST. Gratuity St. Mongrel 40. Bachelor of arts (abbr.) m i' I' r m I-1" rw. zzz w zr Cheese snd salmon are a sum mery combination. In this recipe the cheese is in the sauce, snd the salmon ia blanketed in a crusty brown biscuit dough. As with sll dsiry foods, cheese is rich in calcium, protein and ribo- f.ivln. Same is true of salmon, so that mskes this Salmon Olive Roll a nutritious dish one that looks mighty appetizing with col orful biu of green pepper and parsley, snd shiny black olives m the pinkish-orange filling. Tastes as good as it looks, tool SALMON OUVE ROLL cup ripe olives 1 (7-ounee) can salmon 2 tablespoons chopped green sweet pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley H cup finely chopped celery 1 teaspoon grated onion , 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Salt Pepper tt to i cup milk 2 cups biscuit mix 1 tablespoon melted butter or . margarine TOMATO-CHEESE SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 2 tablespoons flour teaspoon salt I cup strained canned tomatoes 4 cup grated American cheese Cut olives la large pieces. Drain salmon and flake, removing akin and bones. Combine with' olives, green pepper, parsley, celery, onion and mayonnaise.! Season to taste with salt and pep-1 per. Stir milk into biscuit mix 1 to make a soft dough. Turn out ' onto floured board and roll to rectangle about 9x12 inches, j Spresd with salmon and roll as for jelly roll to make 12-inch roll. Place ia baking sheet and make S diagonal slashes about tt way through roll. Spread butter over roll. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees) about 30 minutes. Serve hot with Tomato Cheese Sauce. Tomato Cheese Sauce: Melt butter and ' blend in flour and salt. Stir in tomatoes, and cook and stir until mixture boils and is thickened. Add cheese and stir over very low heat until cheese melts. Makes about 4 servings (2 slices each). Whole Breakfast In One Recipe Your whole breakfast is In this one dish: Egg aad Teast Special 4 slices bacon, chopped fine 4 thick slices bread.with 3-inch holes in centers 4 'Efts Salt and pepper Cook bacon in a fry pan until half done; push to side of pan. Pour off fat. Brown bread slice in pan while bacon continues to cook. Break the eggs into the holes, and season.. Sprinkle bacon over eggs and bread. Reduce heat, co ver pan and cook until eggs are done. Serve with creamed onions. sliced tomato and cottage cheese salad for needed protein, and a fruit dessert. 100.00 REWARD for th best answtrs in 25 words or less to the) qut$tion:-WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT Delergenl! Enclose a piece of the label from a bottle of BESS. Mail answers before midnight, July 31, to: "BESS", 201 S. E. Washington, Portland, 14, Oreg. 1st prize . . . $50.00 2nd prizo . . $25.00 3d, 4th & 5th prizes, each a year's supply of Delergenl "Maid for your Dishxcashing9 T50 N. Commercial WUZniUM e) UI "We Feature U.S. Govt. Inspected Meets" Phone 3-556J Hi, Folks . . . Mert and Fred are back at Hoffman'sl Remember, this is not a self-service meat market. We have 4 expert journeymen, meat cutters to serve you . . , Cal . . . Fred . . . Mert , . . Norman Good Grade Boneless FoTTrying eTTaTmg, "OorOwn Special HAM i a a r (0 LUttr ib. Defatted .- Boneless - Rolled ma ma: IS 'StraWborrloa j fit hi "r t a two CAN f fiwsfceCwWiwS 4 ' nsrr -4 tAMl.UO -? fspocant art) available at jper Markets, Lacker Hants ?ery where." Sl 2 - vs. V fc7' 7y. ) 1 MfrzEi-wrKt, 1 i,jr, I YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOP ALL OVER TOWN TO SAVE MONEY jwu m EL 1 SAVES YOU MONEY WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE 1940 Mission St. Ph. 2-7661 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Thousands of Dollars Worth of Free Groceries and Merchandise During the mi w Sell-A-Thon. Stop in either place and get the details. Also listen to KSLM from 1:30 to 2:30 Friday and Saturday aftrnoon. FREE FREE FREE: FREE FREE FREE BORDEN'S SAVE 20c LIMIT Quart Jar BORDEN'S SAVE 20c '0 LIMIT Quart j Jar NALLEY'S SAVE 24c LIMIT Quart Jar 46-OZ. Orangeade U LIMIT tin C&H BRAND CANE LIMIT POMPEIAN SPAGHETTI Pkg. IUY 1 PACKAGE GET A REGULAR 20c PKG. . PORTER'S SPAGHETTI FRE! SUNSHINE LG. BOX CRACICERS FRESH LARGE 50-lb. FREEZER SPECIAL 10 LBS. RIB STEAK 10 LBS. T-BONE STEAK 10 LBS. ROUND STEAK 10 LBS. GROUND BEEF 10 LBS. BLADE ROASTS Select All Above Cuts From Our Meot Case Locker Wrapped Ready to Freeze FRESH TASTY Dozen All For Only $00 FRESH CRISP mm RIPE RED f TOMATOES L Ib. SOLID HEAD f0 Ib. SWIFT'S SWEET RASHER Ib. SWIFT'S PREMIUM ib. mums c LOCKER BEEF ic oj v7 ici: TRT Classified Ads for Quick Results Phone 4 (Sll Vt ot Whole Hind 14 WMVO(rT P , VASUVtW I , SNSa0V4uMI ' - m 8E' i, PAN READY Each Ib. o. ... wttrt 1 r . .