Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frl., July 13, "58 (Sec. (Mm Three Popular Ham Dishes For Summer 'J. Mam appears often tn the aver age family menu, and it'a especi ally handy during the summertime aa a quick dish or one that' espe cially designed (nr outdoor eating. Here are aeveral suggestions for using it, two take dices, one ground. The first is with sweet potatoes canned during the summer months, but still wonderful In flav or with the ham: CREAMY HAM WITH SWEET POTATO TOPPING - 1 cups diced cooked ham S cups green peas, cooked 1 can (lVt cups)' condensed cream of mushroom soup 4 medium-size tweet potatoes, cooked H teospoon cinnamon V teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Mix ham, peas and soup; pour Into lightly gtfased 14 -quart cas serole. Mash not tweet potatoes; season with cinnamon, salt and but ter. Beat until fluffy. Heap sweet potatoes on top of ham mixture. 1 Bake in a moderate oven 3M de grees) for 30 minutes. Six servings. Second is a casserole dish for family meals Indoors or out. CELERY-HAM CASSEROLE 1 small onion, chopped 5 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can UU cups) condensed cream of celery soup H cup milk J tablespoons chopped parsley 1 cups diced cooked potatoes 1 cups cubed cooked ham Cook onion until soft in butter. Add soup, milk and parsley; mix well, then add potatoes. Place 4 of this mixture in a greased quart casserole; add 1 cup of ham in a layer. Repeat layers, ending with potato mixture on top. Bake la moderate even SS0 degrees) 30 minutes. Six servings. I Condensed soup furnishes the moisture and adds flavor to this bam loaf. HEAVENLY RAM LOAF 1 pound ground veal 1 pound ground smoked ham 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs Apoon salt V teaspoon pepper I tablespoons minced onion I tablespoons minced green pepper S eggt, beaten k cup ketchup W cup water 1 ran (lVi cups) condensed tomato soup Combine Ingredients in order giv en; mix thoroughly. Pack ham loaf bghtly into a greased loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven 1S0 de grees) for 1 hour. Pour off Juice, loosen edges, and Invert en platter. Garnish if desired with green pep per or pimiento or sliced stuMed plives and sprigs of parsley. Eight servings. Mint Filling in Chocolaty Cookie A soft mint filling between rritp refrigerator rookies pro duce an excellent small cake for parties. COCO-MINTS m cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 esg 2 cups aifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder t teaspoon soda teaspoon stlt 4 cup roroa V cup milk to teaspoon vanilla Cream butter. Add sugar and beat until Iicht and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Sift flour, biking powder, soda, salt, and cocoa together. Add with milk and vanilla. Shape the dough Into long rolls, l inch in diameter. Wrap each roll in waxed paper. Chill In the refrigerator. Cut chilled rolls into V-inch slices.' Bake on cooky sheet in a slow oven (325 F.j for 10 minutes. Remove from rooky sheet while warm. When cooled, put cookies together, sandwich style, with Mint rilling. MINT FILLING I tablespoons butter IV cups powdered sugar I tablespoons milk 4 to S drops mint flavoring Green food coloring Combine all Ingredients and beat until smooth and creamy. Chop Suey All Round Favorite This Chinese dish, one of the most popular, it I aummer spec ial at well aa a winter favorite. CHOP 8UEY 1 medium-sized onion, sliced tiiin 1 green pepper, cut in slivers lVi tablespoons cooking fat or oil lVs cups celery, tut in silvers 2 hard tart apples 1 cup thin gravy or broth lVa cups cooked and diced lean pork Soy sauce Brown onion and green pepper In fat or oil. Mix in the celery and the apple cut into small thin slices. Add gravy or meat broth. Cover and cook 3 minutes. Add meat and season to taate with soy saure and aalt. If desired, thick en with a little cornstarch mixed with water. Heat thoroughly. TO KEEP Store English muffins in a plas tic bag In the refrigerator. Twirl pa elastic band tightly around tie rtmr 22 r t- JIFFY BISCUIT MIX lce.2tflb. y)(oV Cof f 60 tid" w,ldi' Drip or regular- Spry Shortening Finest pure veget Strawberry Preserves Mb. cis 89c Drip or regular Delightful and fragrant 3 91c Prices effective Friday, Sal., Sun. , Holde'r "Scott train" . . . Erickson's Troinload ... Sale Starts Today . . . Extra Special Savings ... Ex tra Values in Every Department . . . Come on in Today You'll See . . . You'll SAVE! Canned Shrimp LOO Nola broken Ideal fee salad . i nana 49c Finest pure vegetables Save Ic Urse 2041. Sunny Jim New crop case 12 jars 4 59 Urea 20-ti. Jtr Peanut Butter Sunny Jim-creamy or Crunchy 39c 55c WAX PAPER CUT HIT! 2 Rolls Book Matches Diamond Paper Plates Diamond Luncheor Paper Cups Diamond 50 to box 2 25c 33c 1 49c Kraft Miniature MARSHMALL0WS Perffect for salads and desserts Ige. lOVi ox. pkg. AW Paper Towels ScbnOWILS-150 SHEET RUN Rolls PRAISE 49 Salad Dressing Quart Jar ill Minute Pie Mix Lemon Angel pie or Cocoannt Cream Complete with pie crust mix and free pie plate. Pkg...3Si Picnic Treat cold- cups lb. pkg. f 41 bag pkg. 1 L 1 Portland Punch A Delicious Beverage Base bottle 40 bottle 7 Angel Food Cake Mix Dromedary 0 Q sj lT-of.pkg. W7 dm erer FROZEN! TISSUE SCOTTISSUI Fradelis Frozen Dinners Fried Chicken Dinner Roast 'i Chicken Dinner Roast Beef Din nerHam Steak Dinner Veal Cut lets Dinner Swiss Stesk Dinner libby's Meat Pies Beef Chicken Turkey 4 u. 1.00 12-u. Pkg. libby's Frozen Peas lo-oi. EC W pkBS.Vsf Pkg. I v Canned Salmon t Cottage brand Spaghetti & Meat Calls 2 . 43c 1 " Ubby'a-lSHt. cant Corned Beef Hash 2 55c IMa-le!. can ' " . ' Deviled Tongue 3 - 29c Hermet'e-Ne. U cam Chopped Beef 29c . KingaiM ClrcU K Spiced Luncheon Meat 2 - 55c Klngans Circle K 12-ex. cans Chopped Beef 2 55c Prey Rentes for quick, economical meal saseasseasoissseaeaBSJSsossssse Per bettor lams l Mlloa 4 i.oo Certo Pectin 2 !Q' Vi PRICE SALE Sai -one i 2 Chase Sanborn Instant Coffee. Buy t jars one at H price. Jars Duncan Hinet Cake Mixes Devils Food and White 17 ox. pkf. A Dromedary Honey a Spice cake , mil 11 oc. NAPKINS - SCOTKINS leal Cojd Beverage Base Orance-Grape-LemonMde tot. cam 3 Pkg. 49 flyj in8 Regf. t4o. cent 4 Sj No. Va cans 4 M-. 69c Soda and Pop Mixers Old Colony Orange Crape Straw bnry Cola Sparkling Water Gin ger Ale Quark BotUn. X Bottles 33 NEW! QUICK FROZEN GROIVM Sit KVUUUvuuuhu SAVE 50c For a Limited Time . . . Swift will pay you 50c for frying 2 Pk(js. ol Fryers. 1 Lb. 8 Oi. Each Only Two for 1.75 Papular Bread Smoked Ham Whole u Half gQ Morrell Frontier Sliced Bacon u. 39- Fresh Ground Beef Lbs. ,T Fsnry Spring Lamb Boned It Rolled Shoulder Roast Lb . S9T Fanrv Spring Lamb Shoulder Steak Fancy Spring Lamb Stew ib. ; Our Own Fresh 4 mW sf PORK SAUSAGE 3 79f U.S.' Choice Boneless POT ROAST ,.65' U.S. Choice Beef ' SPENCER STEAK 1.29 i h. U.S. Choice Beef Semi-BuneUas CHUCK ROAST ,55' Thriftwise T-BONE STEAK lb. 79 Thriftwis . 1 RIB STEAK ,69' U. S. GOVT INSP. VACUUM PKG. 1 1 inn I MEAT Olive Loaf Pickle & Pimento Loaf LUUUl HEM I Veal LoaMted Hani . . Pkg, ,'2' CLEANSING TISSUES sconns - 400 SHirrs The very tenith la quality ate finer aaallty oakery preelorU for aalc aavwherel Chocolate Angel Food Ca!ccs99 ; The 4rnua far these hsve keea se great, we pre running them again! Meg. 1.11. Bakery Cookies 4 1.00 t sUffersat varieties reg. let slef. Plum Rolls 49c Deilciosisly "lfferet sweet roils. leg. Wk iea. Now I Canning Time The Dalits Tilton-The Best $.79 2 lb. Box Rod Havn From Rd Bluff PEACHES . fmi Hf One Pound Cello lags Ucal-Telephon Jumbo CARROTS PEAS Cantaloupes Hero's health, ejuaflty, and flavor Prosh preen, and full pods- Top ejuality-deliclomly ripe mmm i 1 'V ' i f I M3(WrJ33SSi grans Ria3VRi 0 n i m . : flXt r