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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1956)
Ill) Statesman, Salem. Ore, Fit, July 13, ,"38 F':;. Creed cf Sc-a-Vincgsr Ccrribination Surprise l ipice. of We. Iff always tua to caught newre wMhnethin: M, something nice:! This hold true lor meali and hen you add the new, the HiffeVrnt to tht menu, the fan I1v 1 eager to let to th table. Here?' we hivt two recipes that rou-ian iorinf m rprisei for luncSt or dinner. They're made the good old-fashioned wsy wttB baking sods, but tbeyVe been modernised. Buttermilk, erea or milk which have iw table-: acidity wa used as the ImuiJ Ineredient ia the old day. They; did aot lwaya release the mim amount of leavening gai from.' the tod. Now assurinj erM 1a aew soda-vinegar form ula which i bawd on the fact . that .1 he acidity ia commercially bottKd vinegar varies eery slight ly. he vinegar ia used with twe milk. , Srve theae surprises with toad or aalada or erea the main eourfe. and watch the family'! reacgoa. : FLAT MEAD I 'rep aifted all-purpose flour v teaspoon bakiag aodt , Vr.'teaipooa aaH. ttableapoon sugar Vt-eup yellow core meal 3' tablespoon! butter or ' r margarine , Vitcua water ' I'Ublespoon vinegar S together flour, baking todfl aait, and sugar. Blend la eorn;meal. Cut la butter or mar garine until mixture is line. Combine water and vinegar and add in at ence to flour mixture. Stir-until just blended. Chill. Form dough into small balls, to 4 inch ia diameter. Roll each into; paper thin rounds, t to -4 Inches ia diameter, on lirtlly floured board. Plat rounds ea aa Teased cookie sheet Bake la 171 F. (moderate) oven about minute. Cool Store ia tightly eovared eaa or Jar. Yield 4 doz en jMecee. I MAN COKN BREAD tK tablespoons lifted ill- purpose flour l teaspoon baking sods teaspoon salt V tables poon sugar , tablespoon! fat Veup bran cereal t cup yellow corn meal X egg. beatea euo milk . t tablespoons vinegar Silt flour, baking soda, salt, tnd urr together. Cut in fat Blend bi bran cereal tnd corn mel Combine egg and milk a ad idd;a11 at once to dry ingredl enlI Blend. Stir In vinegar. Do not .? beat Pour batter into a greyed i I Mnr baking psnuBak In 423 F. (hot) ovea about 23 minute. Serve hot cut In teuare. This bread Is an In teresting taste and texture treat Serve 6. A(!d Tomato to Bc;2f Hash Dish A.)dash of tomato aoup will add aorrtethtng extra to this corned beef hash. TOMATO-CORNED BEEF IAS0 t large onion, sliced k (tablespoons butter or K margarine f 1 -pound can corned beef hash r.can (Ui cups) condensed tomato soup Vrup buttered bread crumbs Conk onion until tender in t tablespoons butter in a skillet. Bredi corned beef hash Into small pirCes: place half of it in a l-ouart euwrole. Pour over it H can our) add onion slices and remain ing orned beef hash and soup. Eprlukle top with buttered bread cruinb. Bake la a moderate even (350 degrees) for 20 minute. 4 ervfaigs. It''. ' .-, . . I i .,-.'. .1 " " " C ' - 1 1 ii i lit I t- , ' v- . f i ii 1 1 ' ) III V , ' l- - AO V ( - 's I II . e 117 ' tt S d "V- . . ; . - .sT w r j w m . f ( ii ' -I . 1 a 1 ' f II II f . . lit V - A - I T . I I I - Rice, Chicken lfckL a-.:- n:.L ITIUIVO IT1UIII 1111 Serve this dish with apinach and hard-cooked egg. celery and carrot sticks, fruit pickle, and apple or peach dumpling or pie. RICE WITH CHICKEN 14 cups diced leftover cooked chicken Chicken bone Salt 1 onion, chopped fine 1V tablespoons chicken fat U "cup raw rice 1 Grated cheese This dish may be made with more or less than m cups chicken, but this amount is needed to give enough protein for a main dish for four person. Cover bone with water and sim mer an hour or longer. Drain off the broth. Add any leftover chicken gravy and water, if needed, to make 1 quart broth. Add salt to Uate. ' In a Urge fry pan, cook onion a few minutes In .chicken fat, add broth. When it bolls up rapidly, add the rice (lowly. Cover the pan. Simmer rice about 25 minute or until the grain swell and become soft. Stir with a fork from time to time to keep the rice from sticking. By the time the rice ia done. It wiU have absorbed the broth, and the grains will be large and sep arate. Then add the pieces of chick en and more salt if needed. Turn mixture onto a hot platter, and sprinkle generously with grated cheese. I.OT or n avow paste to a couple of threeunc package of cream cheese; blend well. Use the mixture as a sawU wich filling along with paper -thin slice of cucumber. a I! through aectioi WITH SOl'P Split (an roll markings; spread each small sec tion with butter and toast under the broiler or in a hot oven. Delicious with aoup! QUICK fll'PPER A can of tomato spaghetti, auc (meatless) with mushrooms serv ed over cooked rice and sliced' hard-cooked eggs. , r.njoy the Extra (fVodness ( the Northwest's Very Owe Brand BulAWaifJ MARGARINE &-j Produced in Salem A mart wisp of a wafer it this Flat Broad, an Intriguing accompaniment for soup or lad, which you can maka easily. Corn me'al, white flour soda and a little vinegar are important Ingredi ents. '-,' i 3 3 4 V i ...-".--... o-vh v " V iff r i - , ej Shrimps, cottage cheese and grapefruit sections (just as they come from the can) make this very excellent salad. The dressings made by combining 1 cup mayonnaise, V cup chili or catsup, juice of I lime and V teaspoon Tabasco. Here it's served with ice tea. GENTLT Like garlic bread when it doesn't have overpowering garlic flavor? Then cream butter fo( spreading on the bread) in a bowl that has been rubbed with a cut clove of garlic. - thin strips 3 tablespoons shortening I Va cups water h cup instant dry milk powder 1 tablespoon flour t teaspoon salt U teaspoon pepper H teaspoon marjoram Place onions, rice, salt and boil ing water in medium-size sauce pan; cover. Cook over low heat about 23 minutes or until all of the water is absorbed and the rice and onions are tender. In or brazier, saute' beef to skillet; simmer about 20 min utes or until beef is tender. Com bine instant milk powder, flour, salt, pepper and marjoram; stir into remaining water. Pour into skillet. Cook over' low heat, until thickened. Arrange rice mixture in a ring around cooked meat in skillet or brazier. A LA CHINESE If l I' J Heat that leftover roast pork In a noma IVIUUV IMIIU Of Dressing Good little fat ia skillet with drained canned mushroom, thin celery crescents and drained canned bean sprouts. Season with a tiny bit of sugar and a little toy sauce. Add thia brown gravy and aerve ever cooked rice. YUMMY Turn that creamed chicken Mo an especially delicious dish by cooking sliced mushroom and thin (trip ef green pepper in the butter you are using for the sauce; then tdd flour and milk or light cream and proceed as usual. LOTS OF PROTEIN There' the lame amount of pro tein In i rounded half cop - of creamed cottage cheese as there is In three ounces of cooked leaa meat or poultry. Home made mayonnaise I some thing one should make ence la a while. Its quit unlike the kind one buys in Jar. Here's a recipe for the dressing. Mayeaaaiae Dreeslag 2 egg yolks i cup vinegar H teaspoon pepper 1 pint salad oil 1 teaspoon salt Beat egg yolks and add few drops of vinegar. Drop oil, drop by drop, into egg mixture until v cup is used. Then gradually In crease the amount of oil added, beating constantly. As mixture thickens-, add the rest ef the vine gar a little at a time. Add salt. Lemon juice may be used la place of vinegar, if preferred. FRESHI lb. Mr lh Wheh) FUk-Wrjl sao:i 7rjh IT Ike Fleci ?u;:g cod :Trj Pit at II1EDSI3AFPER 'friill Beef Sea CATFISH .ft. ;i'.vkH . d;:g crab Fresh Oven Ready HENS C9c lb. Fresh Fan Ready FRYERS 59c lb. Favorite Sea Feed Recipe From Mr. Ira J. Fltt! e SHRIMP CURRY 2 eups shrimp Cut Into bite site piece H cup) butter' 'A cue flour 2 cup light cream Z tease, turry powder Melt butter, add flour, stir until blended. Add S cup light ertsm and cook until thickened. Add t tesspoon curry powder. Stir Into mixture S cup of cooked, peeled shrimp In bit size piece. For ad ditional flavor H cup of mush room! may be added. Serve ever cooked rice. r' OCEAN FRESH . SEA FOODS u u Fresh Seafood and Poultry 214 N. Commercial Fh. 3-4424 - v; v f - .f Oj2J tea Kali? Ftf2!c!33dM O'dinory cot foods vory In telle and odor. Thoy con be wnpltos. onl to feed, lock oppol to your cot. friikioi glwgvi hoi top op pool for your col, ojwqyj It pltot onl In opptoranco end oromo. &k&&r$$eompetec$t&ofmQcfe exclusively of costlier -teble-quQlity -fish fbrioD-iQSte Gpee ' tom cat wiu Mini Mtistoit-tettt prove it! And you'll prefer to feed It, too. For Friskies baa a light, mild, plesslng aroma-aever a strong, "fishy" smell, vout cat wiu lovi raiSNiis iviav ear... won't turn away from It the way It doea from ordinary cat food. That'll because even the most widely aold brand are made of whatever Bah la moot plentiful. But FrUklea aftroyi five your cat coitller flan. eoviatt coasptm nouiismmint. Even the finest not enough fqr your cat. So Friakiei adds vitamin B B, and E, plua rereala and vegetablca. Get Friakie, made to the high atandard of the Carnation Company, today. From ifiQ Makers of the kestb Lezcfrng Dog food NICE SAt'CE Acd prepared mustard and any pared horseradish to mayonnaise; serve with hot or cold ham loaf. A simple meal here-simply delicious) Savory Beef and Rice, with instant nonfat dry milk. Is ac companied by crisp salad and crusty French Bread. Rice-Beef Dish on Menu With ' Chilled Salad, Dessert Good Here' a gold-star special dinner suggestion Savory Beef snd Rice! This recipe combines four of the foods on the plentiful food list beef, rice, onions and instant nonfat dry milk. What's more this is a top of the range dish. It is an especially good idea for warmer weather menus for you simply can't keep the lamiiy on a aiei oi saiaas ana coia iooas aripue me waring oi me thermometer. This Is I simple recipe the family will call it simply deli cious. The meat is prepared with aa herb gravy. And it' just as good for you a it tastes, too, for the gravy ia enriched with nutri tious instant nonfat dry milk. which is top-quality pasteurized milk with only the fat and water removed' and is an excellent source of the important milk nu trient protein, calcium and rib oflavin. It mixes immediately, even in ice water. Use it as you use milk for drinking, cooking sa't TJrti.nlnr7 Mi' in hot shortening until well J" miZ 5. f!! browned. Add 1 cup of the water Beef and Rice. SAVORY BCEF AND RICE 1 pound email 'whit onion, peeled 4 cup rice teaspoon salt I'i cups boiling water 1 pound beef cubes, cut in CRISP, TOO Leave the covers off your plastic containers when they are not in use. No odors developed this way! Featuring , . . Eastern Oregon Feed Lot Hereford Beefl BABY BEEF 5) (5)1, 1 Whole Half ready for I I W J g jf locker. Avg. $45 to $50 LD. J' ' tSsr lb'3 STEAKS From Lb. je EFnd S Ib" W We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 1211 Stat St. Fhene J-4489 Ml Fay YW know how good C-20 i for both regular and W' V automatic washers! We want YOU to know, tool "V Buy C-20 Now at the REGULAR Price fVV we'll pay you 25c' to try it! fiw: I!mVi:h STr000' rs V G20 brtrigs out the best in any washer regular or automatic! Every ounce of G20 works for you regulated suds take care of every washing need from work clothes to baby clothes! Wash comes out bright and fresh almost like new! Be good to yourself! Let C-20 work for you on washday! BOYS and GIRLS ... EARN VACATION MONEY! is i Earn yer awn meney h' easy! We'll pay yoe 25 h casSi for every C-20 bexlop ye sen! sl Get Mom, GrawfiM, y the Mighbort, tvtryitiy le serve C-20 koxf ops for yesj I " Mail bextopteMt. Heed $eop Ce., 321 N. W. Ghscsv Partial)! f, Ortgec AVAILABLE AT ALL GROCERS! 9 C-20 I ianS !.