Blue Days are. Here-Those Glamorous Berries . 19 T 1 11 ii 1 1 imii it 'i ii iimwwhI m ww'M' muy.'r t"mmmmm v w " "w w'Mwwwr 1 r :'. ' ..-".,.-";-,. 2-- .... . -: 1 .. f'K " x - J; : ' ll 1 i-'.p. -. p -v ; 4 7. - ' a-) i ',- Nov hr'i vummv concoction for vou-blueberry 1rti with vanilla pudding btse the pudding it a packag of pi filling with blueberries and topped with currant jell more color. They're called Blueberry Cream Tarts. Here for Colorful Berry Makes Good Pinch Hitting For Popular Apples By MAXINI BURXN b aot midSt Mr Ke Mtafnl and rtiiable apple to steal bow that M a tanporanqr um a oacc seal, put we re Sander apple recipte, using blueberries instead and maun something quit tumorous of inem. Though of course apples and blueberries aren't any relation, they seem to go well in similar dishes, so here goes for some sugges tions for using those beautiful blue berries that have such a distinctive flavor. And by the way. it wasn't too many yars ago that so few were sold in these parts, that most of us were un familiar with the berries. Now several acreages produce neough to furnish the local markets with fresh berries. First let's look at apple crisp, which becomes Blueberry Crisp before our eyes. The producers af a well-known brand of instant non-fat dry milk powder have worked out a recipe replacing apples with blueberries in a fine dessert. BLl'EBERRY CRISP dry V cup butter 4 cups fresh blueberries, washed and drained V4 cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice k cup Instant non-fat milk powder V cup flour Vi cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 teaspoon cinnamon Combine instant milk powder, flour, sugar, and cinnamon in bowl; cut in butter with 2 knives or pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Place about i cup of the blueberries In each of 6 individual baking dishes or place berries in 8-inch square bsking dish. Combine orange and lemon juices; pour milk mixture over top. Bske in moderate oven 3J0 degrees F.) about 30 minutes or until crumbs art browned. Scrva warm with Orange Sauct. Makes I servings. ORANGE 8AITE m cups water H cup Instant non-fat dry 2 eggs milk powder 3 tablespoons sugar H teaspoon orange extract teaspoon salt Nutmeg, optional Combine water, eggs, sugar, salt and instant milk powder in top of double boiler; beat with rotary beater until just blrndcd. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens "and coats a spoon. Remove from heal.-Chill; Add' orange ex- tract. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Makes about 14 cups. Really stealing the thunder from apples, blueberries make good old Brown Betty into: BLl'E BETTY t cups breadcrumbs li teaspoon nutmeg W cup melted butter Crated rind and juice of 1 large box blueberries half a lemon H cup sugar H cup hot water Mix crumbs and butter lightly with a fork. Cover bottom of a buttered baking dish with crumbs, spread half the berries on this and sprinkle half the sugar, spire and lemon mixed together. Repeat, adding crumbs as the top layer. Pour wster on and bake 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Cover at first so crumbs won't over brown at first. Serve with cream. Regular custard or creamed pies can take a topping of blue berries to make a fine and glamorous dessert. Use the prepared custard fillings for speed, following the rrgulnr directions. Allow mixture to cool for 5 minutes, then pile blueberries in the center and pour melted currant jelly over the berries. Chill. Molasses Makes Crisp Cookies Chicken Soup Extends Fowl Inexpensively A can of chicken soup can ex tend the amount of leftover chick en to make excellent main dishes for the second day. Here ar several auggestions en how it's done: The first k, a topof the-stove dish: CHICKEN; FINALE I tablespoons -finely chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 can (IV4 cupr) condensed cream of chicken soup i cups cooked noodles i lo'l tup diced cooked chicken Cxk green pepper until ten der in butter in a saucepan. Add soup, noodles and chicken; mix well. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Serv on a warm platter. Garnish with green, pepper rings and addition al slivers of chicken if desired. 4 servings. ' This mixture is served in patty shells: ESPECIALLY GOOD CREAMED CHICKEN Vt cup finely chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1 can (lVs'cups) condensed cream of chicken soup Vs cup milk 1 cup diced cooked chicken V4 cup chopped pimiento . t flaky patty shells (or 8 slices of tosst) Cook green pepper until ten der in butter in a saucepan. Stir in soup, then milk. Heat slowly, stirring constantly. Add chicken and pimiento; continue cooking about 10 minutes. Pour creamed chicken into patty shells or over (i slices of toast, csrnish each with sprigs of parsley. 6 serv- Here's a broiler dish: CHICKEN SLICES IS CHEESE SAUCE 1 lb. aspsrsgus, cooked (fresh, frozen or 1 No. 2 esn) 6 slices rooked chicken 1 can (Hi cups) condensed cream of chicken soup -H cup shredded American cheese Place aspsrsgus in a flat bak ing dish or pan; too with sliced chicken. Stir soud snd cheese together; pour over chicken. Place under broiler, or in hot oven (450 F.). until lightly browned. 6 servings. Molasses cookies sre usually either very crisp or the drop kind that's soft and rich. ' Here is a recipe for one of the crisp ones. CRISP MOLASSES COOKIES 1 cup shortening 1 rup molasses 2 eggs, bested 1 cup sugsr S's cups sifted flour . tt teaspoon sslt 1 teaspoon soda t teaspoon cinnsmon , tt teaspoon cloves tt teaspoon' ginger ! ' - Heat shortening and molasses In a saucepan until the shorten ing is melted. Stir constsntly: Slowly pour this mixture over the eggs. Add dry ingredients snd mix thoroughly. Plsce in refrig erator. Chill thoroughly. Roll 118-Inch thick; en a floured board or pastry cloth and cut with a 2-lnrh cooky cutter. Plsce en a cooky sheet Bskt in a mod erate oven (3M F.) 10 minutes. Molasses Bslls: Prepare dough a for Crisp Molansea Cookies. Form dough Into l iner bslls and bi ke in a moderate oven (350 F.) 15 minutes,' Molasses Refrigerator Cookies: Prepare dough as for Crisp Mo Kisses Cookies. Shape dough in to a roll, chill, and cut into Cl inch slices. Bake in a moderate oven (350 F.) 10 minutes. SPECIAL TREAT Scoop out small balls of hard Ice cream and roll first in thick chocolate aauce and then In chop ped walnuts. Put in freezer im mediately for an hour before serving. COMPANY FARE Layer sponge cake with sugar ed sliced strawberries and top each serving with a scoop of van illa lea cream and a few whole berries. Ham Roll Uses Tomato, Cheese Use cooked ham slices to make thiq interesting picture-food. Ham Roll Treats I thin slices cooked ham 1 about lb 1 ' I Ihin slices American cheese (about tt lb.) 1 can (1U cups) condensed ' , tomato soup Top each slice of ham with a slice of cheese. Roll and fatten with a toothpick. Place under broiler nntil cheese melts and ham is lightly browned. Heat soup in a saucepan; pour over ham rolls. I servings. BETTER TASTE ' Adding acid Ingredients such as olives, pickles, lemon juice, cat chup and chili sauce to salad-type sandwich fillings increases the keeping quality of the spread. -J (ilmw Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri.. July 1358 (Sec. 1II)-17 ALSO DUPE You've probably made a milk shake with mashed banana and milk. But to maka this drink ex tra super, add honey to taste and a dash of nutmeg. STRONO REASON A French wire lettuce basket the kind that does aot collapse makes a useful and decorative holder for your kitchen store at onions. . A luscious summertime dessert is the blueberry version of apple tha blueberries lends Itself to cobblers and pies ut crisp, and it's topped with orange sauce. Tha rich flavor of lappies. Blueberries compine wun crumps tor Blue perry too, Fish Salads Good Food For Lunches Fish jellied in nicely seasoned jjpic is an excellent dinner dun for warm weather and serves ell as the main part of the company luncheon. Here's a sug gestion for a jellied fish aalad suitable for company or the fam- JELLIED FISH SALAD 1 tablespoon unfavored gelatine tt cup cold water tt teaspoon salt tt teaspoon celery teed ' tt cup vinegar tt cup water ' ? 2 eggs, beaten ; 2 cups flaked cooked or canned fish Soften gelatine on top of water. Add seasonings, vinegar, and water to eggs. Cook over boil ing water until thickened stirring conatantly. , Add gelatin and stir until it is dissolved. Add fish and mix thoroughly. Pour individual molds or large ring mold and chill. Serve scalloped potatoes with chives, cooked carrots, and have floating island with s topping of a bright, tart Jelly for dessert A Hearty BaUd Place cold flaked cooked fish In lettuce cups. Surround with slices of tomatoes and cucumbers (In sea son), and very thin slice of cold boiled potato dipped in french dressing. Garnish with hard cooked eggs. A Cold PUtter Serve chilled salmon which has been boned snd cut into serving-sis pieces. Sur round with slices of tomstoes snd mound of tossed green salad. . FOR HOT DAY Fill balloon-lik crtsm puffs with a drained canned cling peach half, cup side up, and a scoop of almond Ice cream.- Top with melted raspberry jelly. LARGE ECONOMY Stock up en the larg economi cal 4f-ounce cans of apricof whol fruit nectar for the warm weath er. You'll enjoy the full rich fla vor of thi refreshing beverage. NEW TWIST The beat way to remov the stem from a fresh pineapple is to protect your hand with a cloth and twist off the top. Wonderful Ifederful ft I k fit I. ... M A I I CT'T Fit III! . I'l.l. I 1 I NOTJCARBONATIO iin pjinnfo) m m ivy mm- u KJIYg i W)lWf DELICIOUS HEW W? TT T W ""k" HONEY FLAVORED J !2 r V, TOtf l rfV CEREALS ' ' sassassssssass-aanss Look for (&j3&QJi on every package! V