The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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oyment Pa
Contributions Climl)
Employer contributions during those without Jobs were tll.3U.t3C
the second quarter of 1958 havt in-j which wm slightly under the an-
creased mora than 1 .000,000, the; Dual average for the most recent
State Unemployment Compensation
Commission reported Thursday.
Increases due to higher average
tax rates and mors extensive cov
erage failed, however, to overcome
five-year period. Receipt-- how
ever, were the highest sines 1948
49 which Include tl.2SO,000 in fed
eral interest payments.
There are indications that con-
v .. - - i
v si
a deficit that reached t3.7U.07 for i tributions for the coming benefit
the 195S-M fiscal year. year would be considerably higher.
Receipts High Average rates on current payrolls
Unemployment taxes amounted j are estimated te reach l.JJ per'
to tl3.2tl.35t for the It months cent as compared with 1.115 on '
just ended, while payments to wages paid in 19SS.
Whirr Coverage
Actual effect of the wider cover-1
age (employers with two employes i
Instead of lour) has not been felt'
fully as yet and receipts during the
remaining quarters of 185 may ;
j rise even more, officials said. An- i
other provision of the 1955 legisla-'
:tive changes extends the individ
ual workers annual pay coverage
i from taooo to 13600.
! Although payments to the unem-
I ployed, 3,87,35J, during the quar
ter just ended declined more than
60 per cent from the first quarter
of 195, they were second highest
i for the benefit year and within
t6M.0OO of the amount paid to the
fund by employers.
Marines Display Rifle Trophy Elene Woman
Xiamen ViUiiiuui;
Mother of Year
PORTLAND I The Catholic
Daughters pf America Thursday
night named Mrs. Nellie Franiwa,
75. Eugene, Ore., .as Catholic
Mother of the Year.
A gold medal was presented to
her at the closing session of the
organization's national convention.
A native of Carroll, la., who came
to Oregon shortly after 1900, she
established a unit of the organiza
tion at Eugene In 1906,-the first
west of Nebraska.
Now widowed, she brought up
five children, three of them still
The award went to her for her
service to the organization and for
setting am example for others.
Harold La if, was wea gradaate
scholarship from New Yark Lai
vertdty. Scholarship
Awarded to
Salem Youth
Visit to Jail
Expensive to
Salem Youth
A Salem Air Force man's leave
was interrupted Thursday when he
was Jailed for Inability to pay $75
in fines on charges of falsifying his
drivers license, speeding, and
failure to pay previous traffic
violation fine.
James John Burke, Jr., 19, 725
S. 18th St., had been arrested by
state police July 10 for speeding
along Highway 9SE. Thursday
Burke happened to visit the sher
iff's office in the company . of
another youth who was te be oues-
i . , . . . ....
The New York University school ii00 concerning another incident.
uepuiy anerm noy umg, wno
was conducting the interview de
cided also to ask Burke a few
questions which led to the disco v-
ly1"""1-" " '."I'll iJ.hi miii. nm. 1-111 i in- .
m His,., . ' ' ' ' ''' '
-S . -V'-J v' it 4. l . i1 , .. , 1 ' 1 ' j'C
, y f
nWe TV
Paul Newman New
Summer Show Star
Building Pace
High in June
PORTLAND - The Pacific
Northwest building pace in June
maintained the lead set in May
and was 30 per cent ahead of the
dollar volume of June 1955. Eo.ui
table Savings It Loan association's
statistical department reports.
i Permits were It per cent ahead
of a year ago. The valuation listed
Marine reservists of Salem wea third place hosMrs la rifle match 10r June !" W.143.350. embracing
eempelitisB among anils. Team trophy and one ef the individual lne ' c'uc, m laano' Oregon
trophies are displayed here by U. James L. Marable (left), anil
Inslrurter. and I WO Harold Shoberg, the rifle team captain.
i.Mairsmaa rhote.l
of retailing has Informed Harold
Lang of Salem, 195t graduate of
Willamette University, that he is
the recipient of an academic tui
tion scholarship to that graduate pry that the Air Force man's
school this faU.
An economics major while at
VVU, Lang will receive his master
of science degree from the retail
ing school after one year's study.
Obitunrio j
Mrs Klnrr AbuIin
Lat midrnt ef S-ilS rrlnl Bd,
at a hotpilal In Altxandria, Vs.,
July 4th. Survived bjr hit wilt. Mrs.
Greco AmundMit of Salem; daugh
ter. Mr. Barbara Blumerutein o(
Salem, Mn. Eileen Clark of Salem,
M n Kuthflla Barry of Ihverslde,
CaUl.i eoni, Elmer Amundxon ot Sa
lem and Marvin Amundson nf
Sprlnffield, Va.: brother, Lawrfnra
Arnutulnon. Cheterk. Wifronain. Serv
Ire will be held Saturday, July 14.
at S-flO p m In the Chapel of the Vlr
fil T. Golden Co. Interment. Bel
ereet Memorial Park. Dr. Char let
Durden el Tidewater, Ore, will ellic
Ut.. Weed Clboin Rlmnitl
Late rendrnt of ISIS Hlnes St..
Salem, at local hotpilal July loth.
Survived by parents,. Mr. and Mri.
Bob Kimmtl. Salem; brother, Jef
fery Klmmel. Salem: trandparent.
Mr. and Mn. 1. E. Mills Woodburn,
Ore., Mr. and Mra. Wood Klmmel,
drivers license was not only re
voked, but also altered to make
him 22 years old. Furthermore,
Burke was being sought for failure
to pay a $30 traffic violation of
several months past.
Later, in District Court. Brke
pleaded guilty to the July 10 speed
ing charge, admitted having failed
to pay all but 2i of the old fine,
and confessed to altering his li
cense to obtain liquor. District
Judge Edward O. Stadter re
assessed the old fine, and fined
Burke $25 on each of the other
Man Fined on
Liquor Count
A Portland man was fined tM
in Marion County District Court
Thursday after be pleaded guilty
to a charge of driving while in
toxicated. Peter Andrew Buller. 21, Port
land, was srrrsted by state pohce
on the charge July 7 at Woodburn
on Highway 99E. The following
r.nni, Ky. private ravrid lervicea i day Bulli r entered an innocent
will be held Saturday. July 14. al 10 1 , harln before District
a m. In Belcre.l Memorial Park tin- PMa ' nearing Deiore UlsiriCl
juage cawara u. siaairr, ana was
released on $250 bail pending a
Jury trial.
Thursday he returned to Marion
County to enter the guilty plea.
der Uie direction of Virstl T. Golden
Mia Sarah K. Levre
At the renldenper' S.T0 N. ?4th, July
imh. Survived by maters, Mr. Julia
Johnaon. Salem. Mli Ele lvre. Sa
lem, Miss Bertha Lovre, Salem;
brother. Mr. John tovre, Sllverton.
Mr. Harry Lovre, Brook. Ore.: five
nierea and three nephew. Funeral
service will be held Friday, July
1.1th. at 5 p m in the Vlreil.T Gold
en Chapel. Interment at Belrreit
Memorial Pr. Bev. John Caublc
will efliciate.
Harold F Smlther ha neen appoinl-
Man Hurt in
Roof Tumble
utesmaa News Servire
RICKREALL - John Tobler, 79,
of Route t, Box 1S7, Rickreall, was
takes to Salem General Hospital
about t:30 p.m. Thursday after
he received possible neck injuries
in a fall from the roof f o his home.
Willamette Ambulance. Service
attendants said Tobler was paint
ing the roof of his house when he
feU. Hospital attendants said Tob
ler was resting comfortably.
Y Day Camp
Picnic Today
, Boys at the YMCA Day Camp
Crestwood wilt play hosts today
to their parents for combination
picnic supper and crafts display.
Parents have been requested to
bring food for their families and
one extra boy to take care of boys
whose parents caa't come and
"hungry counselors." The evening
progrsm will begin l:M p.m.
Some M boys are attending the
camp daily. It is reached by way
of South Commercial Street and
Sunnyside Road and is about six
miles south of Salem.
Salem Marine
Rifle Team
Places Higli
Salem's Marine Reserve Rifle
team has won third place in the
12th Marine Corps Reserve and
Recruitment District Rifle League
which includes the Marine Re
serve Units In Oregon, Washing
ton, California, Arizona, Nevada,
Utah, Idaho and Montana.
The tth Engineer Co. in Port
land took first place.
The third place team awards
and individual awards will be pre
sented to the tesm members by
Mai. Faltyn, commanding officer
of the 3rd 1S5MM Gun Battery,
on Monaay at tne regular drill.
Members of the team'are CWO
Harold Shoberg, team captain:
Capt. Cornelius Bateson, 1st Lt.
EmU Veer. M. Sgt. Ted White,
S. Sgt. Delbert Ditter and S.Sgt.
Stanley Thompson.
Army Officer
To Visit on
Recruit Trip
Opportunities for professional
training in dietetics, physical ther
apy and occupations! therapy of
fered by the Army Medical Corps
will be explained by Capt. Mar
garet E. Radke during a visit
NEW YORK lit Because of
the Peter Weinberger kidnaping.
all of New York City's 2.500 de-. Tuesday to the Salem Armv re.
tectives have been ordered to cruiting office.
take a special course in kidnap I n,rik. ,. Mnl1,.
investigation. The course, at the I Armv Snerilit rrn.
city's police academy wil include ( from Sixn A headquarters,
handling of confidential informa-; c.- pry.i r.iir
.. A - -I..J I 1 i "f" - -"- '.
nun enu eiuujr u wwa iiivuitvu
in kidnap cases.
Army hospitals have a need for
graduate dietitions and occupa-
linnel thereniata f,nl D
I! THE COUNTY CtU'BT Of THI i '" j .,.i;fitj l'.l T
aTATE of oar.noN ron ths i k" x"" ""n. wwiirn
count tir makion who have completed their training
In the Matter of the tnmrpnraUnn in one of these Drnfeuinnal (ieMi
of a municipal corporation to be , - i,,i,l- - . -
known aa SUBURBAN EAST SALEM . iw vunuiiiaaiun m
Washington and British Columbia.
It was ihe commcrcial-indus
trial-civic construction which car
ried the dollar volume high.
dwelling dollar, volume being down
14 per cent in June from a year
ago and dwelling permits down 24
per cent.
Salem permits of $363.3!iS In
June were 24 per cent over May's
t455,894 and 38 per ctjnt more than
the $413,585 listed for June of last
National Life Has
New Agent for 4
State of Oregon
Holden of Oswego, Ore., has been
appointed by National Life In
surance Company of Vermont as
its genersl agent for the State
of Oregon with headquarters in
Portland. He succeeds William
J. Smith. C.L.U., head of the
agency for nearly 23 years, who
is relinquishing his managerial
duties because of ill health. He
will revote his time to his per
sonal clients.
A graduate of McMinnville,
Ore., High School, Holden re
ceived a B. S. degree from the
University of Oregon in 1991. He
snd his wife, the former Gloria
Ana McChntock ef Salem, Ore.,
have two children.
Two to Receive
Insurance Award
R. W. Strebig and G. W. Hunt
er, staff manager and agent, re
spectively, of the Prudential In
surance agency of Salem, will re
ceive the National Quality
Award, one of the highest honors
accorded in the life insurance
profession. It was announced this
week. The award is conferred
Jointly by the National Associa
tion of Life Underwriters snd
the Life Insurance Agency-Management
ihe Circuit Court o( ih Wale of
Orcein for Marion Couny and Let
ter of AdmlnUtratlon have ben :-
In Hli. All nr,.in, hjvint
Wlllhua Mltrhrll strnbmryer ci.irr araimi alri etate are hrre-
tte rninnt ot 19(1(1 N. ISth St .. i bv noimed (o pretrni unit duly
July 11th, at Walripnrl, Ore. Husband verified an with proper vouchir
of M. Irn Slrohmcver of Salrm: I to tnr said dmimlrtur jt !ht "re
tainer of Mr. Carol Drnten of Port- inn Rulldins.' Salam. Oreson. with
the Army, the captain said.
Also, a 12 month course and
commission as a second lieutenant
i evailaKle Ia ft.ta.
ed idminntntor of the elate rf) order Brevtoulv entered herein. andl.,, l j T 7 j
Bertha Farnn. deceased, by ei-icr c.r the Court being fully ad viae d la thai""'" " iiiajoit-j in looua
This matter bavins come on for
final brartns on the lain day of
June, IflM, pursuant to the Court'
premier. I ana nutruion, or in institution
IT ! HriltV nnnnrn thai Ihelmananoment A haehaW'a aanu
County Court of Marion County ap- I wi coursei in the hmlneir.l mtui
prove the smltial Petition flled w"n ,rauw l"e Biological arid
land. Ore ; grandfather of Ofbra
Dcnaen. alo of Portland: brother of
Chria R. Strohmeycr and tenuis C.
Strohmever, both of Oregon City.
Ore., Mrs. Rose Srhlnll o( Portland
and Mr. Louise Hersert of Vtata,
Calif. Service will be held Saturday,
July Hth. at 1 MO p m. In the Chapel
of the W, T. Rildon Co. with con
cludlns service at S:.10 p.m. at Ml.
View Cemetery at Orefon City. Ore.
n sin monlhs from the dale of tint
publication of this notice
Administrator of tne
Eilate of Bertha Bamn,
Attorney for Estate.
Date of first publication: June IS,
Dale of lat publication July 17
rein, and
there be submitted te the legal voter
of Ihe Slate of Oregon who reside and
have cnntlnuouftly resided In Ihe
area below described for three
monlhs immediately preceedlng the
date of the election which has been
petitioned for In the area deernbed
as Inllows, te wit:
Beginning at the Intersection of
the East boundary line of the Sa
lem Bi-Pasi Highway and the west
erly extension of the North line of
Section JO. Township 7 South.
Range t West of the Willamette
Meridian In Marlon County, Ore-
Jon; thence East along the North
ine of said Section as to the North
east corner of said section; thence
South along the Eaat line of Sec
tion SO ana 31 In said Township
and Range and the Eaat line of
Section S. Township S South, Range
1 Went to the Intersection of the
Easterly extension of the South
line of May Brothers fruit tract:
therm Westerly along Ihe South
line of said May Brother fruit
tracts and the Easterly and West
erly extensions thereof to the Went
line of Lancaster Drive; thence
North along the West line nf Lan
caster Drive lo the Intersection
State Highway Interchange at Lan
caster Drive and the North Santlam
physical sciences and psychology
is required for the Army's 12
month physical therapy course.
Students selected for this pro
fessional training are commis-
A range of mountains under
the Atlantic Ocean extending
from the Arctic to the Antarctic
is the world's largest, says the
National Geographic Society.
PORT; New York--It is not often
in fact, it is practically never
i that new
, summer show
turns out to be
a major event,
but NBC has
one Tri the "Kai
ser Hour." Re
placing "Play
wrights 56," on
Tuesday nights
and alternat
ing with the "Armstrong Circle
Theater.'1 the new dramatic
show would appear to be top
drawer In every . sense , of the
For the opener, executive pro
ducer Tony Miner chose young
Paul. Newman to star in a story
about what happens to a star
athlete who tries to buffalo his
way out of the army by faking
mental illness. It wss strictly
adult fare and done with the pro
fessional touch from start to fin
ish. This Nrwmaa Is quite a lad.
Younger thaa be appears ea the
scaeea, he knows his Job and
exudes a quirt confidence. Right
now he's riding the wavt at
MGM's "Somebody Up There
Likes Me." He has done a M
of television, notably 'The Batt
ler" for Playwrights M" last sea-
sea aad "Our Town" with Frank
Sinatra. On Broadway he has aa-
-peared la both "Picnic" aad
"The Desperate Hoars." Aad his
sasvles lnclnde "The Silver Cha
nce" aad the still anreleased
"The Rack," which MGM Is
holding back mtU "Semebody
Up There Likes Me" makes
Newmaa a still bigger star thaa
be already Is.
. , Paul is a Cleveland boy, a
graduate of Kenyan College and
the Yale School of drama. In 1949
he married Jackie Witt and is
now the father of three young
sters, Scott, Susan and Stephanie.
They make their borne in Long
Island, N.y. -
In truth, television hasn't de
veloped too many genuinely fine
actors. But when it does develop
them, it doesn't fool around.
Marlon Brando was one. Grace
Kelly another. Eva Marie Saint
a third. And now Paul Newman.
All four of these are cut from
the same cloth, actors rather
than just personalities, acton
who can play any part.
So the "Kaiser Hour" Is off to
a flying start. Let's hope they
can keep it up. Television needs
THERE IS (or aoaa witl-be)
new pktare of sae elatterlag
this space. This 1a hardly
news, except far the fact that It
was taken by Hollywood photog
rapher Tom Kelly, the aaaa wbe
discovered Marilyn Moarae and
aid her a rwatlae M for a roa
Uae sitting for a calendar pie-
tare. And gaeos what bappeaed
to that aae. I rather doabt that
the same thing will happea to
me. Tom doabts M too. In fact,
having hH Ihe Jackpot with Mari
lyn, he has -sensibly tnraeo his
atteatlsa mere aad mare to pho
tographing products for maga-
sine ads aad Is one of the top
Hollywood haads at the baslaess.
And after he got a good look at
ne, he weat right back to the
preeheis agaia. Let's rare N,
glrlthere Is oaly oae Marilyn
CHALK UP TWO "firsts" for
ABC. The network's three "Red
Goose Kiddie Spectaculars" will
be the first "specs" designed
specifically for children; and the
first one, on August IS, will be
the first telecast of the world
famous animal shows from the
St. Louis Zoo. Plans for the two
succeeding shows, on Oct. I and
Dec. I, are still in the making.
Channel Chuckles
r... By BIL KKANI -
s-iS . I
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., July 13, 1958 (Sex;. II)-15 ;f
(fSHer'i aetei Tee Stalessaaa pnetlihes lo see faith Ota semen
ar.4 tisee aa peevide by raatw ajsd TV eutiasse, bat bsa s awtmea
let programs are change without eatiriraUen this oewepape eeaae
be respeaaikle fer Ike accuracy ketela
: ,
SSJjaJJXl aSSSJaaaSaaiSkSWSWseiye- lSWWaaggeSJa m PeMSSll-SMMSV-aMSsajfJJltSlf jt ' nifc,
11:M ajaNBC Matinee Theatre-"Tbt BiaaMa MlsbiAa-jes'l
story of an English bishop by professloa who walks bur a put ' '-
find himself in the middle of a mysterious rrjbeery.
I:M o.m. Cavalcade of SportsRocky Castellan vwrsua Joey
Glambra in a tea round middleweight bout 1,. ' ,
1:11 a.m-Playhouse 17-J. Carrol Naish as Mark Twain takes, . . ..;
you on a reminiscent trip back to the "Mississippi Rtver" daysv. ' ;
1:M a .sl Armchair Theatre "The Shattered Dream", atatrin , 1
Douglas Kertoedy and Aurellvo Galll. ; 1
l:M suaiTurninf Po.ot-Sc.itt Brady stars La "Nim el ViolenceV :'
a story revolving around a day ia the We of cyrtkal eopv ,; p.m. Showtime en Six "Fonr JDay Ltnf, witlr Cornel ". .
Josette Day. Two girls compete for the attentions of a sailor. . .' ,
II :M a.m ARrrnooa Film Festival "The Amaaing Mr. Bet
cham", with Cecil Parker, A. E. Matthews and Dwvief TrwtUinooir ;,,.'
a story e a Duller ho enters poimcs.
t:M p.m- Crou Roads St. George aad the Dt" airs', witht-c.".;-)
Richard Arlen as a Catholic priest who retriesea a tang tt teturfe -
teenagers. '-'-i
11:90 p.m Hometown Theatre "Try ami Cot He, witlh Fras, '' "f
Lovejoy, Kathleea Ryan, Richard Carlson and tlnydj BrMget. 5 .
New Try Underway to
End Long Salem Strike
Possibility of renewed contract
negotiations in the 1 month-old
machinists' union strike (gainst
sioned ss second lieutenants in the1. Brothers, Salem ear dealer,
Army Medical Specialist Corps-after
graduation and before they
begin their course, the captain
was hinted Thursday when the
company postponed its Suit (or an
der employes were union members
Holt said. Twenty-two went on
strike, and four "former" union
members returned to the car firm,
Holt said. Thus, according to the
union s first demand. Loder would
Johnny Otsen will emcee the
orjerrari which will feature the
famous chimpanzee show in
which the chimps csvort, among
ether things, as "Liberchlmpski"
and his brother George. That
alone should be worth the price
of admission.
Jack Beaay geta
the ran Friar. Club Roaslataster
Dinner treatmeat Oct. M In what
promises U be oae of the biggest
aad ntoot saecetsfel of these
events la years. It will be held
at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on
the Coast for the beaeflt ef the
Heart Association . . . Dean
Martin, who's dowa AUantle City
way playing a club date, with
Jerry Lewis, has signed with
MGM to star la his first picture
wlthoat his eld partner. It will
be "I. Btodraome." a pletaro
for which I a net waat the rote
of ehaasberaaassl.
ABC comes up with a new
show starting July 10. Called
"Bold Journey," it will deal with
the adventures of ordinary people
who become extraordinary by
abandoning their usual orbits and
reaving to far-elf places armed
win movie cameras va r
what they see and do ... . A
saspense story, "Forbidden
Area," will mark 'the premiere
of CBS' new "Playhouse M."
which takes te the air Oct. 11
SHORT SHOTS: Richard Baoae
Is beading East to do summer
slock la Westpert, Cona.
NBC comic Paal Gilbert has
turned writer, with two scripts
being considered by "Climax
aad "Matinee Theater' ... Es
ther Williams' Aqua Spectacle,
which speas m London July M.
la already sold eat lor Ihe entire
first week . . . NBC tells sae
that the Mrs color kinescope la
TV history wlir be seea oa the
West Coast whea the Sept. 17
"Predaeers Showcase" is sired
here. That ascans that we Holly-
weodHes will be able te see H afl
I p.m. In color Instead of at I
la the afternoon . . . ABC here
tells me that mere thaa .tM.iM
people from all 41 states have
attended "Grand 01 Opryf broad
casts m the Rymaa Anditariam
la Nashville, Teas., daring the
show's M year history. Yet a net
work show that reaches ' aaiy
f.oee.MO la a single eight is eatv
sMered worthless. What aa age
we Uve In!
(Copyright 19JS,
Ceneral Fee lures Corp.)
7 KPTV! Home iHmm 'Homo iHoaao
KOIN Panorama Pee. IPanarama Pee. rpanosama Pae. IParseeama Pac
C KPTV! reather Nest IPeether Keet Could Be You CouM Be Yoe ,V ' "J"
KOINVenaiiLiny ILewoof Ufo Weerch Tosaor. tCukWrn Light '' V ' '
Q KPTVlDlnSirntaeh. IDtngD-ngSch. (Toetay n. Weat rTsaSny 1 eNo . s', j
KOIN! Leonnettl Iteonnsttl I As Wr!d Turns As Wrld Turns .,.,. t
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KOIN! Ble PavN
I Q MTV To(j,, in wt IToday In West
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KOIN! Jo,. Canea
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KLOR! Film festival
g Pay-off
trim reettvel
ITOm PwWyel
1 9 KPTVI Queen lor Day I Queen lor Day IQueen for Day Mod. Romances
KOIN1 Brighter Day ISecret ttoran dMgoof stlgr mre ef Klfk
KLOR! film restlval film festival film reotlvol PeetleeJ
IKPTVt Comedy Time IComrdy Ttmo (Etnae Koewo "Jtreje Keveje
KOINlArmrhalrTha. lArmchaltThe. IKOI.IJCUctjen IKQIN Kitchen
1 .
KLOR The rturi lea Tne ugg'e intiabetsi
KPTV'MatlneeTheaL I Matinee Theat Us tl nee Thee i. IMattaee Theat
KOINIcarry Moore (Carry Maoro luarry Ma sew iCaa-ry Sis are
KL0R!Lady ef House Hady of House lOlamour Girl . IC.Iemour r.irl
KPTVI Matinee Theat. lY.W.CJt. how IN W. Home INV Merao .
KOINIr-..,.. saa. llaara Btrlke It nick lairlke It ttleh
KLORiMld-Day Mat (Mid-Day Mat Mld-Dey Mat. M4-De Mat '?'
rKPTVtcoloramatf tCelorama tl "r Corral "Sag W Corral '.
SrnttUI.. . . ., . .- ' Uifc
nviiiinr.MfKni ivsnosa lims iraraanaajiing; tara uuaninf
KLOR! Mid-Day Mat tPvirple Sage rfBA tTBA
K KPTVI Harper' Jamb. (Harper's iamb. I Sews Central INtwst
ROINI , rjunnlne Dom Edwards IPrtend ftrrlro tFllsed
sLUR Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse
t KPTVne,)ni IBewtM IBeurlnaJ IKewe Catevwa i
Weather. NewalChuck Toater iPantomlme IPantnnum I
KLOR Annie Oakley Annie Oakley Pln-Ttn-Tln tfttn-Tta-Tw .v
m wsvrvi. ' 'L"1TZ. 1 ."a. r
KPTVlTruth or Cona, ITrulhorCoae. iCrunee Dee Kw tea
KOIN! Mama (Mama IMtae Brooks IMtas Barents
KLOR' Mickey Kooney IMIckry Rooney ICroesrosds ICrossroade
KPTV Beet In MyaaerylBest la MyetearylSUr iaoe tasStae , -, -, T
KOINICruaaeVan ICrusaOars SUr Plnjhaea. , ISUg Ptajhok k -. a.v.
KLORUl aBeee-sg ' tSl a Seconal ITXTlw meTa-e ' . ....
SKPTVlEddy Arnold Eddy Arnold lajhaaae n Playhouael
KOINIOndercurrent (UneWmirrent iTurntng Polnl ITwrsnng Peta
KLOR! Bo penrtan
1 1 KPTVI Badge TI4
IBadge f 14
KOIN! Port. WresM. IPort Wrotl.
KLOR! NEW g. i INtW .
I KPTVI Tonight ITonight
JOnarli Jubilee IQsark Jubtleo tt,
rrnnlfM rTnolftit
IPort Wrestl. IPort WreatL
IThe Hunter IThe Hunter
t -
IPml Ford IPatd For
V. -re
44 I
II KOINI ahowilma aaa g nhowtlme on S SJIiowtJino eas eShe-etiase on j
KLORI Homefwa The.iHomei'wn The.iHomet wn The iHomet'wn Tnet -'. '
us " ' 1 "-' " - .
ksLM use Kocol4seiioAi in Koiw si's now sm kx ins ' '. ; .
rMTMeiaTytWKoiw im.I) nnx SSJl kw ies., ... . ,
uni'D an aa sens "
nwa. -
KSLM VaU'Vansieoet VaU fanncart 'li rt N.-v -
KltAY rarm New rouniam ' ; - ;
KOIN World Hews IKOIN Kioca twin nioca ". -
KOW Mutc IWoria ews i ouraesy t r,"""I.." .,1a
U.... V. Tla. KM, lima a.aan 1 1 1 1 1 W ' 1 W , aniw t ,
Preakf Cant Hreakf Gang News sV uet-
f .
. . , aiataf Rraast uns r-nmni.,. - . - u a. .
sot'O Tunes Si Time runes as lime iiunc
! KOAV Fountain Show ifountaln Snow irounlain nnow uni news , ,
IOIN KOIN Kleea News , r."J". ' ,....-.. - .
now Listen i-i'n. I - ' ''TJ "r
KSX New Keep Tlmo lime nw nan
iFamllv Al'ae Bible Institute IBtble Inetttuo ;
a u r 11 , Vnala
sKOf'O News-Sporta Tune at 11ms L'u"" " ,m i"nTr, , ""
iKtiAV Fountain snow irounuun BIWW nua, aiwa
Ikoin Consumr NewolVaiiie news
lnr.W Listen il-isteo
SIX Keep Time I Keep Ttmo
ikeep rtme
Itelwv Sere,
S Time
KOCO Slews-Sporta
KflAY noea snow
Nca Ipaator's CatT Bargain Cnlr.
I4M Tune II4M Tune S4 flees Tun St
iRnaa Show IRosa Show
KOIN Wendy Warren'Mowara Miner neien irens
atiW' Listen Listen
e .KfX Breaktst CluO ITeaHfn
aaj as news
Midmoro News
l.lslen (Listen
ClublRreakrst Club 'BreakM C'luO
injunction in order to review abe compelled to offer Jobs to II
new anion offer. liormer employes.
No negotiations have been con- Right lo Jabs
ducted between the two parties To thil situation Wayne Loder
since the beginningiif the strike on, relied; r'VVe feel our present env.
Nov. 17, 1954, Milo O. Holt, union ployes, most ot whom have worked
business representative, said in a tor us for a year and a half now.
Police Report
Missing Tent
A green 10 foot by 12 foot tent
was taken from the parking lot
of the G. I. Surplus Store, 1983
N. Capitol St., Salem police were
uu -ru I - .. -1,
"""y eH'erm-ji-, ! enmnanv nffir-iala iu.t a. a rnnlin. 1 nffer "aela tin a completely new
Los4 nf Ihe knt was discovered uation nf a Circuit Court injunction set of demands." Holt, however.
letter to the firm
Crux of the union's latest offer
appeared to be its willingness to
drop s demand that the car firm'
employ only union members, pro
viding five other new demands
are met. The offer wss contained
in a letter from Holt received by
have a right to their jobs. We are
studying the problem with a view
to working with the union and still
respecting the rights of our em
ployes to join or refuse member
ship in a union organization."
Loder declined to amplify his
statement that the union's latest
Entire Slock
of Short Sleeves
Special Group
Long Sleeves
Sites S,M,l,XL
lea. I5 to 10.00
In tho Capitol Shopping!
Lots of Free Parking
W Give 2C Green i
Open Monday anJ
Friday 'til 9 P.M.
nr Mid line and the North, line ( ny William McrJhinny, a sales- hearing was getting underway
man ai ine store, ponce sain, ine, Thursday murning
icni. wnicn naa a S'i loot wall,
had been mounted in the lot as
a display.
Police said the lent was appar
ently taken sometime Wednesday
night or early Thursday morning.
thence Weaterly and
Northerly aloni said Interrhanae
and North along ihe Eaat line ot
Salem Bl-Pass highway to the
point of beginning.
The question ol whether or not
the area shall be Incorporated as a
municipal corporation to be known
as Suburban East Salem Water Dis
trict and lo elect live commission
ers to carry out the puraoee ot the
Incorporation In accordance ' with
ORS Chapter SS4, an election shall
be neld upon the list day ol Jul
Ift.W, the election poll to be
Ing place
block l.a Branch street, within the
above deiu-rlherl area, and
Youth, '20, Pleads
Ihe election poll to be opened M fy . . SI .r n Tmriii i
I 00 am. to S00 pm.. Pacific llllly lO lrylllJI
srd time, on said date, the poll-1 f
lace to be at Ihe rour-Corners r WlagL- T Villi
lumty Hall located In Ihe .1800 1 H Tl I h ITtlMl
Motion Granted
The company is requesting an In
junction to prevent what it calls
"illegal" picketing of the firm by
the union. Circuit Judge Val Slo
per granted the firm's motion for
a postponement until Sept. 24,
Commenting on the latest union
said of the offer, "the Items are
the same, but higher. There is no
change except in an economic
sense. Times and the cost of liv
ing have changed considerably
since the strike began."
Demands Listed
"Wage rates based upon the
amounts provided in the last col
lective agreement between us
ii is run i urn oriut-riicu ini , nm-. i i
ih. m.hoo r,mv ci.rai .h.ii ..:t?Ui"y maoe Thursday in fed-
point three judge oi election tnr j eral court by Dale Philip Corn-
move, Wayne Lodt-r said, "Early I (which as 12 per hour) plus 37
In July we re-informed the union cents per hour In each ctassllica
that the only issue between us con- tion.
tlnued to be compulsory union "Health and welfare coverage
nwmhftrchin Tnrlav I Thnrcrlav I I linrtor Ihe Marhintwl' nrlhwest
' . .r . . - . ... ... -lhara l.lahl- S:ee The News and
was presentea wim a it'iier over tteaun ana wenaro nan tor aii : :,k a'rr-i.. fnrt.- an
a nia ol ,ne "ignature ol a union official, employees covered by the contract, ym Never. Knwt, lea window
t "Thi lotlnr eota nn a com nletolv;nd u.hih umilrt renuirn emnlnver on the World: t:IS Evenlne rarm
: , . "'"- '"'' -" " - i Hour; Summer ftrama restlyal:
new set ol demands snd expresses payment- of $14.10 per monlh (or , eMii.ii- That Endure: s .u
El dKNE: It V At. -TV. Channel 11
(t'riday): I:S p.m., Stop, Look e
Listen: Ill-Ill fun to Hrdurt-:
J:Je Matinee Theatre with Charlie
Chan in Tho Golden lye" Charlie
tatiKlea with gold smuggler
1:4a Modern Romances: 4:JJ Com-
ariv Time: :Je Tor Your Informs
tlon: se Bir Roundup. S:W It's
A Faet; !: Tho New; l:SO Sports
Headlines; s:a weainer nepon;
: Cavalcade ol Sports with 10
round middleweight bout between
Joey Glambra and Rocky Castellan!
t ea Crunch and Drst t le Let s ,s
Fishing; ': Sportsman's dun;
S e Susie: S:le Croaarnads present
Richard Arlen. Gloria Blnndell,
Tommy Cook and Sue Warner in
n. uisiRf lira ui . . ..a
Mavor o' the Town: S:le Htihway
Patrol: la:S The Pnwerland Story;
10:15 Industry on Parade: la:Ja
Tomnrrows Headlines; 10:41 The
KOAC, .'eaO k.c.
KOAC (Friday)! ISM am. The
New and Weather: l:is Kaperiaiiy
(or Women; !: Summer Slory
Time; ll:S The Concert Hall.U:
-The News and Weather; 11:11 f as.
Noon Farm Hour- l:S0 Melony
Lane: Ittf Proudly We Hall: J es
MacDnnalds Anthology: :10 Mem
ory Book o( Music; J:es Oregon
Reporter: 1: IS Music ol the MaMrra:
4 0 The Aging In Europe: 4:l
On the Vpheat; :4J News (om-
mentaryj S:e Children's Theater:
t:J .Dr Tim. Detective; :4.V-Lt
aald polling places, said judges to be
electors within the said district, and
IT IS rl'RTHFn ORDFRr.D thai a
copy n( this Order hall be posted
tor lour successive weeks prior In
the election In Ihree public places
within the proposed corporation and
shall also be published once a week
for lour successive weeks prior te
the election In a newspaper ol gen
eral circulation in the proposed cor
poration. II there Is no such newa
naner. the notice shall be ouhll.hed
1 1 in some nets spanei published and ot
general circulation in the county in
which the lariest area ol Ihe pro-
po.crt corporation lies.
DONE at Sslem, Oregon, this SOth
day ol Jupe, ISM.
( nunly Judge.
J J2.IJ.,1,1.M.
n .. :li . . j - k. I
.nil M Cnaaa .kaanat ullh " WIMIII;iB IU UIIISIULr UUI UU- CBV 11 fl 1 1 yiuy It .
roLr.J!....i!ig. "Jo n'"r'ly h'4 ol1y on
.,a-.i ' ii.. Vii o. iii . i DcrsnP " we r"n"K other, length of service trom beginning
"i o .i.'j i consiaerau
The News and Weather, la as-Slgn
1 aot'O New-Rporta
Hi; AT Rosa snow
aa KOIN Happiness
JKtlW Wecknay
WSEX Coflre-K
, RStjS-" Tune Test
HTelle Test
KM Tune It
IRnaa Show
1 Aunt Marl
ig living el BonT ' '. f
Wirgs of S'-ng iWmgs el Bong
teps Tune ni. lawi rune ak
ISuider's Hits JKGAY News
INorah Drake Pat Buttram .
Weekday Weekday
(True Story True Story
Queen A Day tteen Day
1 arni o New-Snorts MHO Tune ht ,I40 Tune St
RflAY Dinner Winner I Dinner Winner ISptder s Hito
IKOIN Road ol Lite Aunt Jenny Dr. Melono .
KCW Fred Waring IFred Waring r ariiee
HFX f.lrl Marnea Sts'Geo. Pulnam
iTop Trades
Noon News
Fenner News
Buss Conrad
SSI.M Matinee
snrn News-arjorts
KdAY Bplders Hits
KnlN mII'h Time
gnw courtesy car
KSX New. ConraO
. KSI.M Matinee
goto New-Sports
KDAY Kelrer Kwis
KOIN nnrMrev limo
ar.W New-McA'Hy
SIX News. Conrad
"KSI.M Wlllam" Mat"
kKOrn News-Snorts
' KflAY Herb's Show
KFX New.Cenrad
KSI.M Fulton Lewis
t'O News-SoorlS
KflAY lne Rsych.
IN Art Klrsnam
Courtesy tar
rations, discharge all pres-'dste of. employment in any Job
ent shop employes and re-hire classification.
Vacation benelits ol one week
for one yesr's employment, two
weeks alter Iwo years of employ-
of Portland passenger train.
Judge Claude MoColloch delayed those Who went out on strike."
sentence pending a check on Lorn- ijRioa Demands
well I background. , i Loder'a remark about discharg
Cornwell lirst tossed scrap iron ing "all present shop employes" ment and three weeks after en
on the tracks and later used rail- was his interpretation of the lirst years of employment."
road ties in the attempts near of five union demands in the let- f f :'
Boardman last May, Asst. U.S. ter which stated, "reinstatement CANDIDACY TOLD
Atty. James W1orrcll tolrt the of all striking employees without I PORTLAND the vice
court. There sss no damage, to prejudice to their seniority rights chairman of'the Clackamas Couri-
the train either time,
It rnsts sn average SIVX) year
In nperate the average U. S. farm
or other benefits, and a guarantee
that such erriplnyees will not he
discriminated against in the fu
ture.'" At the time of the strike all Lo-
ty Democratic Central Committee,
Mrs. Keulah Hand, Milwaukie.
said Thursday she is a candidate
for a similar office with the Stale
See terytee CaHs
Deiiy I4ISI llm
tynelay tervite Sresa
' I M m
7 HA
Oiieen t De
H90 Tune St
IRpider Hilt
IGuiding Light
To I "diea
Paul Karvey
iVal PemcaaA
"StflllW Cirls
I.awr'nre Welk IDr s WKe Woman In Hag,
I Rum Conrad I Rue Conrad. IFeul Harvey
"Matinee MaUnee Matinee
Ladies Une Col. StoMt ICol. Moods
IRpider Hits I Herb Shew IKGAY New
fodcev Time Codtree Time Cn1(r Time
ICourtesy Car Hastening Mus. McAnulty
Russ Conrad Russ Crnred Rue Coeraa
1 BOt'tl World New Slulwtlm Camera Clu
Hiav ur.iv Maa.a iSnldarl lilts
Tome uer 11 ,1,7
Tows Crier
Home Show Mew
Col Moods ICol Moods
iKelrer Kwlg llierb't Show
Cod trey Tim Goed New
IMus-MrNulty IMus.McNulty
Rust Conrad Russ Conrad 1
K'ni Monde
Ruth Ashtna ,
!im ConraO
'iTelle '"
ICol Moods
Kathy Codlrey !Our Cai Sundy Take Thirty Take Thirty
Mu M' Ariilt) Mu MrAnuny Mut ncnuny aius ssrnnuiry
Run ConraO ansa cenrao bus cenrao
p-ing-vav Here' Snswer -m Hves
West. Rhvthm West. Rhythm West. Rhythm
I one psveh. In Pwhy. lone Paycti,
Alexanders 'Newspsper Atr Newspaper Alt
ICnurtesy Car iMua-M Anuity wus-M Anulty
Wlltam Mat.
Col Mood
Herb Show
Wlllam Mat,
Col Moods
Herb Show
KSX News-Rltckb'n Bob Blarkb'ra Be
"iTsi.X Roh A Ry rlob a Ray Boh Sr Ray
ISong Sund'n
, KflAY KOAY Newt IHerbg Show
i 1
RlaeahVa, Mob Blarkb'ra
ftlll Rrundar
KOCO News-Spnrts
Vnnr Sund'n I Wally't Sports
Herbs Show 'KG AY New
tttllN Ed R MurryiwNews Tom Harmon (Frank Goes
KfiW Miis-M'Anult New-rdllor Jen Maon rimer Reters-a
KRX News-HlarSna Bob Bltckb'ra Bob BlachhurR Bob Blackburn
KSLM fihriet'Heater""FldgOregon Ikcws" eTm-M.y. '
koto News-Snorts Bong sunn wa songs ounawn songs aunawa
KflAY Herh I Show iHerb't Show ,Hnht Show w n Olt
KnlN Sportt Newt ll.ntvell rhomea'Amnt at Andy Amot Aady
K)iw rignt Eights Ei-nts Stock Rent.
Kf.X Hoh Blackburn Bob Blackburn Boh Blackburn Bob Bleiknura
KSI M Counter Spy , Counlet Sny Pakehall iRehll
OI'O News-Sports Hhvinm-ruue nnyinni-riiuee nnyinm-isiue
ois Melodv MeJoo wine crnsbv johnne Dollar
i.W S-Star Xtrs Miitnnf.s Yeair Schools Mneew
t Mel Alien lAdkin Show AdklnRhow Art kins Show
KSI.M Baseball
SOt'O Newa-hportt
SOIN Eddv Arnold
SflW Wortrt Newt
t. Bob Adktn
.KSI.M Baseball
IklMO Nrws-hoortS
IKOIN Son Jeen
FKtiW ivne ruirhy
KM Roh Adkins
1 KSI.M Flaseball
KOlo Sports
KfllN S Btar final
OfiW Richlld Ro'tf
Kg X. Newt '
1 KSI.M Newt -""-
Koco New-flporta
KOIN Musle
Iar. w Dam e Tim
REX Danreland
i Baseball
Raaehall iBasehall
Rhythm-Blue Rhythm-Blue
Eddy Arnold Radio Wrksht) RaHio Wrkshp.
I Mans ramllv rtadio rans inanio rant
Roh Adkins Bob Adkins Bob Adkina
1 rvn Snow ,
t-eitnie funny
Tioh An kins
Rhvth -Rtues
Guest Start
, (,' e I'' me '
Dance Tim
! Raaehall
S 1 lie hay
Dante Time
Jimmy Eldler
flood Evening ood Evening
risn- a I ima
Rhyth -Blue
Thev bey
Dane Time
tdw R Mnrgea.
Rawhall "
th. R'uea '
Melodies '
Dance Tim p
IDanceland C
tV-lM e 1 ifflf . t
ence Tim