1 i'(Zcc ID statesman, Ealem,Ort, Fit, July U 1053 ;3NculniI!d: I . tELGBADE. TTugMUvU W ' , Exyptiaa preaMent Ctnwl Abdel - Nmtr. Mnf thenmoa of nb Independence el aat-Wet bloc, cam to Yugoslavia Thure- , iv tnr rnnfevaneet with two ! j n.her world exponents ot aeutrai- . It?.. Hi elghtday etay in Ymrnila- ' ; via will be .concluded -with . neetina with President Tito of : Vagoalavia tnd Jndiaa Prim , Miniater Nehru at toe neeludod - ; Idand of Brioni, Tito'i Adriatic Wreat.. iTolitital Infonnanti predicted , it talk will product mum aort ot agreement aimed at aapend i ing nd promoting their own neutrality bloc among natiooe, . Public eutemenu of 1he three leader already Bve indicated a r cmuidenbW area of agreement , en a policy of "active coexis tence" with both fast and Weat : power grouping, .hut hidrpen done from them. afceri iim Egyptian P 'diapatehe eaid ',. a top aubject of dtaeoeeion will he the cfforM f eourrtrte tiU , dar fereiga domination H eahleve dull Jndejwmdenee, and that -"einrtflualy lht Algeria ; problem will lgure prominently : aa the amnda." ! The iayptiane predicted that j a warning would t teeoed to I Franc. whkh ha .thoueawd of j traopa fighting Aljretlaa awtraaal-1 tula, that hr policy la Worth : Africa -in a -NUroct iiwqat world peace," , Many ether Internal ionel wrob- Icaif mrm ennoctod a iixuro aa . Naaeer sal , JAYSON'S Comer iWfy ood Cawrt fas. WASHABLI IIWW eVIAVl D3ESS SLACKS Re,. $755 Greeted f IM piaster wat fneetad ptraoaally by President Tito aa fee stepped from hi plan i the Sataink military airport A sqaadrcat f Yagoeliv military planes e corted the Egyjitiaa hxd exeeu tia over Yugoslavia, and th airport waa decorated with hun dred 4 Yugoslav and Egyptian flags. A baaa earpat eta epreod la frant ed a aener svud ad Tito crack divxtan. The arte ere iperted by the two ttadem alter military hand ted played the t n ludiojul intiems. Ddv a IVnae . 1 After a lew word af froetind, tpakea fart aaierajihea, Kaaaer inwd Tit hi am aaea cmr tar th 20-aule ArV t (h ld V ac, eaw th bmm Ynsoaia royalty, where tlaaaar la tMt nul w. Crowed chaatad THa, NiMtf" all tbe ruU. wrfckh ' waa decanted with aay fiaaa and pwten welenntm t yittar in th Arabia aad Yttcaalaw lanf are. - --- v fiefar arrivia( kere. Kaiwer -hard meaaaan f iriead rShi with Tit. TjI unija pnadictod th alka watdd v'd tor further dwaaaaiaid af rrirndshia and aH-jWHod ation" kctwaaa (he t Maaer ii aeaayin a w i a i t ' which Tit mad t lot- aut Oerember. faaaer WU h aeaoapaaied by Nahni when h retorm t Cairo by air next Thanday. fl 1W, W M-Mlh, Wi,l- TIM emiiy fttor 2M, PL Ubaetf 1L CLEARANCE! Smzrrr f.cniiy Firry arczr 25 b 33 C:i:di:d t ' PJIOOL'I C:.0S. JEITOEB anav fMhf aaaf Uaarty lata. Or llatioactly Axlvartisexl feom Brandt FASHION JEV'ELRY PRICE At The Sarlnfi Bay Chrbtau CMIa New! MudForccs CircusCrotcd ToStimdUp MEADVUX. Pa. w) SUa lias Brother aad Baraiaa A ftaii ry Circu pUyed acre Wdaedy far the drat tune la 41 year. Aad f or th brat lima ia ka M wear o th read, the ewxaa said, k played U apertater wh dhdat have aay place i ok Wa. Vwd i th cwwnty faargrayadi made at Impeaeihw lor ky eeuipotMt I brmf la the aeala. Th apectatar eaiber ataod ar at o th pound. About SAM at tended th fUraea perfaranaace -which didal get aadtr way aati! I:M p en. , Aaather I JO were a kaad for the ' eocene! aertaraiaac which waa rw fcoar late fettiag way. 1MN. Caauaeretel (Sfea a 'hot ma tor HOT ' WEATHER wr Ota. nituwry Cir-&-Qut - Rtg. 1.19 Mint Catrd-Frre In Tokyo Section TOKYO Iff There i mint la Joky empUyktf to warkara that aa atkhar guard aor enrky aotic. "A diihaacal worker would have it carry the roia away by the bucketful U make k worth while," a mint official aaid. Th rolit tarn aut only akimhwm one-rm piece. And at af them art worth only a dim. PERC4LEYARD AGE Machina watKabl . . . Aaaortad print . Wonderful value . . MEZZANINE Ch 1 Yd. 7 ELECTRONIC SIGNALS Dl'E . NEW YORK W-hKi qutat (a keep the trafiic moving. New York City la planning t use elec Ironic aignal light eentrol begin ning next year. $lff a RECTAL 0I!ITf.!!IT Seethe, lubrkate, Attringent Cantalnt CKaulmgr Oil, Witch Haael, Kaolin ' Ralieva Pain , Shrink Hemorrhoid . SCI!AEFES;S C.-.U3 STOSE Cra Dally 7:1 a.M. U t p.i aeye, a aja. I i au 13S N. Commercial ARDUCKLE'S 411 Stat St. MOVING OUT SALE Every Shss in Our Entire Slock on Sale! K-!ur2!izcr Busier Brown Rcblee aad All Our Other 'aaraua Brandt Savings up to 50 Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Jett Acre from UpmaaVI Cbeaaeketa 8t fh. 4-SUS 20 CU. PT. WISTINOHOUSI UPRIGHT FREEZER 101 La. Capacity w I2M.H Feed Warranty Plan V HJ. Sealed VH SAVE 240.001 Reg. 39.5 $095 ej if it M MONTHI TO PAY We Civ and Kedeeai Trading Btaaipa LES NEWMAN'S Mont'a Sewea 179 M. PAttT WOOL ATHLETIC SOHIS ) Pair $HC3 V & OrJf ii' i GRILLED FRANKS OW Fathienwd Potato Solod Rod-Rip Half Tomato 1 Q'i2fti HALF PRICE SALE Regular $77$ STEP-EHD TABLES i r" iwws ear a"T ;..' waWwed . by akaM r JJ i ;.J puuv euaaANTtn Rtg. 2.95 . IViH. Oven Proof Casserole and Ifaun Cover X g'Vtt With wrought iron fx fx ffC.I j "1 e"dl I "U ' warmer. JL WEISFIELD'S 3C5 M. LaVeety Sr. Seletw fclc:::3 PC2T-A- mm I4-X"81 Reg.fl'US COAST TO COAST STORES 333 Newrli Ceevmercial St. Phwne 3-7957 Oweei A.M. t P.At-Wdey, A.M. 9 PJA. PAL PLAY GYMS MODEL S14 r. Ma H l mim, akdwk f MODEL r4tm ka WAOINO POOLS. a trie 1.99 34.95 ' Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Jan) Aereat front Liaana a" Tit Chiaiikiat II PV 4-03S Now Famous Wostinghouto ' Steam and Dry Irons t!6. FRIDAY $(95 17.95 o:ir J W Crr aad Bedeeai Tradiag r lMKIAerty r 'is SSL. Fben X-HJl SLIP COVERS REDUCED Mcka your choir loo, lik new four pottems to choose from. Wa con fit morry stylei of choirs and sofas reofly mad to fit. Aw'Aa hcp Comer Sear A Liberty Svr.' Faihlamd Klajtat ALL WOOL er NYIOJI TOPPERS AH Slate . . . Al ISateriala Uberty FINAL OEARAHCE1 ALL WOOL SUITS Sniirt Styiet . . . Ptatftrlaf Color aad Katerlnla, ILL1D'S' T CHILDREN SHOES Washable, evfwrda, etraa ar puwiw. Navy, red and whit SPECIAL FOR FABULOUS FRIDAY. Pair $095 for THE PIKE lea Cieeat ewd Sherbet 131 S. Liberty-Al the Bue Step-Ph. 3M2B Tu-Fer Ice (ream Sale One Round Half Calloa tj ia Beatable Cartoa 2 ,., $1.69 Wt tr i-C Irtet Hamas wlftj ii crr hatat let otiej, gttarwaf 1 wi la lit ktata dttsart OPFN DAILY AN StTTDAY TIL 11 P.. 177 H. UBERTY DOLLAR DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Fitted MUSLIN SHEETS Double Bed, Fitted I IS Twiw Bod. Fitted 1.77 Pillow Caea '. 39c Roberts famous "Slumber Maid" mad by world famous mill-all perfect crjljy cellophane peckaoed. PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES 335 Center St. TELEVISION 12 CU. FT. HOTPOINT DELUXE REFRIGERATOR" Separate Freezer and $' Refrigerator Reg. $459.95 HALF PRICE r a. r OMLC U 2a' Mahogtny er limod eak F ' I inian. rvvua ri v i n kakal w IraM hme 4-J I mi norm. II tatiaaii'iil F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. Liberty aad Srafa St. THICK, THIRSTY CANNON BATH TOWELS White -Blue Pink Gold Aqua Rote Turojaohie Mi Greea Reg.- 79c Each 2 fcr MATCm WASH CLOTHS iS 12 , 97c 7zdZZZi 241 N. Liberty LUNCHEON SPECIAL CHICKEN ALA KING On Hot Biscuit. Salad, Vegetable, Hot Roll and Butttr STRAWBERRY PIE wMi Whipped Cream - - 20c A SALEM HARDWARE 120 North Commercial Power Mower Close-Out! 64.50 74.50 Beth equipped with 4-cyclo engine! 1 ONLY ir Beel Type Power Mower Regular 117.5 ... NOW 1 ONLY 11" Brel Type "'ower Mower Regular 124.5S NOW Tht Family Ston 260 N. Liberty St. LADIES SKIRTS Our rogulop stock YdN 17 cottons - linens - gay prints. Reg. 3.98. C-3 Sponsored By Downtown t Salem MerchoMts AssUo