eiI2-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem. Ore.. Frl., July 13, farewell Party for t?i krA-..L: T f-'Mr. Caldwell inp TO VYUMIIIiyiUM U IICUI IUI j Entire Farpily During, Summer 1 Br JANE EADS . ,'!r WASHINGTON Our city father! ire ballyhooln; Washington, D.C en of tht Mtioo'i best tummertime family vacation spots, wits ' bargain rain, blgtime entertainment and air conditioned lodging a ''"come-on. They're calling thif wason "summer Jubilee" with aa -'exciting packaga ef historic tight, bright lights and brilliant tun for v everyone. ,..-iYBet of an; t -J r ' t k J promise, "whatever your budget, year can afford a I a b u : lou tiiM in an ' ah conditioned hotel." The best ( hotel offer ape- J j,c!al family rates J I with children un-' - I der 14 free, guar-! ' I rnteed reservt-1 y- tiont and ample This new bid toTure tourists to the capital In the ummer i pro claimed In pamphlet issued by the Greater National Capital Com mfttet and the Washington Conven tion and Visitor Bureau. fhirinf th summer months the visitor will find Washington less crowded and the parks and tree- lined avenue at the pew of loeir splendor. Tht wonders that only the capital oiler-the White House, the shrines, monument, and gov ernment buildings are all open to . the pt'Mie a usual. Jn addition visitor will be able to- see Broadway playt and musi cals during the third season of fntertainment Under the Start" at. Rock Creek Park Amphi-thea-tec. ' A.!so billed are the "world' big fA Breworkt display" for tht lourth of July m tht Wathingtoa Monument grounds, free military bnd eoncerts m the capital steps and musical program at the Syl van Theater and Watergate cruises down the Potomac; and acquatic aportt highlighted by tht Presi dent' Cup Regatta, which annual ly attract more than 100.000 dur ing August and September. - Big League baseball, including tht AD -Star Game,, amusement park, the too, even (port fishing , en nearby Chesapeake Bay, arc, being touted aa among tht, "won-, dors that only Wathingtoa offers tp fill avery moment of your vacation with thrill and excite- went." I iMocbrn Etiquette By Btberta Lee I Q. It H proper for a girl to borrow another girl' lipstick? i i. While this is frequently done, 1 -Still think that lipstick Is Just a bit too personal aa kern to borrow.' - "' 4. Are thert any kinds of food tV t one may convey to the mouth win tha knitt when eating? JL Moat certainly not I The lnife Is-vwd only lor cuiiuig anyuung thr ' vn f" &.; Q. is it all rlit U a bride to carry a bouquet if ah la being married ia a traveling dresa? A. It would be better V she wort a corsage. Alarricd j . . .. 'a 4 , - J C - , " AArt. Richard Edwin Bthnten.j the former One Mat Sche- berg before her June) 30 ; wedding at the Evangelistic l Temple. The bride it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Scht berg end Mr. lahnten it the ton of Gutttv Ithnten. Tha couple will live n Salem. (Steimonti Studio.) nzr.cn folitiie ;aQn UvJili n. i 'Tut li'ttlt ia Vtter. Cleta .cleaner, faster, etiaiafcctt, de !' edoriaet leivet clean, fresh frt- rnce of whit Live Ten Picnic A no-host picnic and twimming are tht activitlet scheduled by tht Uve Vers tonight. The picnic will be held at the Dallas park and transportatioa will leave the YWCA at .1$ p.m. All single men and womea are cordially Invited It tttend. The committee In charpe of the evening includet Sonja An derson, Carol Kaufmaa and Millie Tower. A surprise farewell party waa given ia honor of Robert Caldwell, head Jailer at the Marion county court bouae Monday at the home of deputy sheriff Leslie R. Chand ler and Mrs. Chandler, Fisher road, with Sheriff Denver Young and bia ttaff m guestt. Master Sergeant Caldwell waa retired from the army, but haa beea recalled back into active service duty. Attending the affair were the honor guest and his wife, Mr. and Mr. Robert Caldwell. Sheriff and Mrt. Denver Young, Mr, and Mrs. George Malstrom, Mr. and Mr. John Zabinskl. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cross, Mr. and Mrt. James Paint er, Mr. and Mrt. Harold Fox, Mary Strayer, Blanche McDonald, Ellen Goode, Amos Shaw, Ernest Clark and the bouts. Deputy and Mrt. Chandler, and Matthew. Betrothal of . Visltort From ft mm lUUI'OI I UWII duo ioia Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Strode art announcing the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Ann, to Max Ruaaell Brammer, aoa at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brammer, all of Salem. No date baa beea let for tht wedding. Mist Strode it employed at Moore Buainesa Forma and her fiance ia with Butler Construction. SILVERTOlf Mr. and Mr. Harry Riches entertained at a buf fet supper Sunday night following a family reunion at th Robert Richet home. Present for tht tup- per - were Mr. and Mrt. John Richet. Paula Jo, Mr. and Mrt. Ted Richet and Jane, Mr. and Mrt. Robert Riches, Robert and Nancy, Misses Winifred and Lois Riches. Herbert Heubleia, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richet, Hacjm Wayne and Cathy. FOUR CORNERS - Mr. and Mrt. Milton Reed of Arcadia, Calif., are bouae guest of Mr and Mrs. C. R. unborn.- Visitor in the Glea Sacb home are Mrs. Selma Johnson and San dra Sack of New London. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slater of Paradise, Calif., are visiting bit brother'! family, the William Slaters. Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Thompson and family have moved from M0 Beck Ave. to Molalia. Mr. Donald Brant and daugh ter. Deborah and Kathy. lelt Sunday for their home in Kodiak,' Alaska. They have been visiting tht Al Brant and Ben Gialer fam ilies for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Gisler drove the visitors to Se attle, where they continued their trip home by air. Legion Unit Installs New Officers An elephant will drink about SO gallons of water a ay. SILVERTON -Mrt. T. P. Heidenstrom was Installed at unit president for Delbert Reeve Aux iliary of American Legion on Mon day eight. Mrs. Fred Lucht, ML Angel, waa' the installing officer. Other officers installed were Mrt. Harold Roth as first vice president and Mrs. Edith Kurd at second vice president. Mrt. Bruce Billings it the secretary, with Mrt. May Higinbotham, treasurer; Mrs. Lewia Hall, historian; Mrt. C. H. Dickerson, chaplain; Mrs. Glad win Ham re, aergrant-at-arms; and Mr. E. A. Kern. Mrs. T. P. Hei denstrom, and Mrs. 8. A. Pitney, executive committee. Assisting Mrt. Lucht la the In stallation ceremony were Mrt, Rote putsch. Mia Loretta Dayler, Mrs, Dora Gores. Mrs. Lois Rua- cher, Mayme Holler, Dorothy Be senilis. Mill Theresa Dehler, Mrt. M. iroworr, urn neruora ana Idaho Hotter. to attend the state of Oregon an nual convention at Albany, July J5-M, art Mrt. II. Roth, Mrt. F. M. Powell, Mr. George Hubbs. Mr. Edith Kuch. Mr. Higinboth- To Leave on Motor Trip Leaving Saturday on a three weeks' vacation trip by car will be Mr. and Mr. Hugh McCain. They will make stops in Salt Lake City, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Park and will spend ' several days in Las Vegas. In Lot Angeles the traveler will visit ! at the home of Mr. McCain's brother-in-law and fitter, Mr. and Mrt. C. W. Handley. On the re-1 turn trip the McCains will visit Lake Tahoe, Reno and San Fran-: cisce. Mrs. 1. L. Prenninger and ' daughter. Gloria and Linda, of Wil- liston, N. D. arrived in Salem Thursday to visit with Mrs. Cor ant. " Mrt. ' A. 3. McCannel, and Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg. The unit president and secretary are auto matically delegates. Mrt, Victor Howard, unit atcretary, and also terving at unit sewing chairman, reported credit from tha Portland veterans' facility for $33 for the month' tcuffs and ditty bags from i the local unit. delia lirrrlnelon at the McCain Delegatea and alternate named , home during their absence. EASY INCOME ....', Of approximately $1,000.00 per month. Fine telf-operaf-ing i p a r t m ant house in center of Salem. WiH trade In house in . Salem or farm. Term. Phone 3-5:41 Evet. Rafael Cueto, father of time children, wat presented with prize aa the millionth visitor re cently to the International Fair In the Dominican Republic. He wat awarded a aingle teat motorcycle. SCHAEF Eft'S Diuretic Tonic A ceaabiaatiaa ef approved remedies which Influence the aecrelloa ef tha kidneys, hence useful in cases where the urine it tctnty. high colored, turbid or anduly concentrated; sa at' le produce Irritationi ef the urinary passages. If rvaiptoas persist let your Doctor. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally 7:3e a.m. to I p.m. Sundays, t a. m. to S p. m. 131 N. Commercial OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9:00 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 140 Court Street emiGir! Electric TV goves: 1. FULL YEAR GUARANTEE ON ALL PARTS, TUBES AND PICTURE TUBE . 2. UNEXCELLED PERFORMANCE AND PICTURE CLARITY; Loo Buy Note While Quantities Last 1. . Reg. 239.95 u?tG8 Deluxe 21" table model TV In lustrous Bermuda Bronze finish. Features GE't aluminized Black Daylight picture. ube light , absorbing : bhick,, tinted filter and Mfaty glaslr with et-and-forget volume control; plut all-chtnnel nationwide 100 mile plut tuner. 2. Reg. 144.95 ,0Q t-J I U Enjoy tha enciting wBrld of good entertainment and sport in your own backyard with this eaiy-to-handla portable. Extremely lightweight, weight only 22 pounds. Hat nation-wide all channel tuner; and equipped with carrying handle. 13 3. Reg. 359.95 Co) .00 (2). Gitnf 24" Console mounted on a twivel bite for etiy viewing in any part of your home. The cabinet 4s hand-rubbed genuine mahogany, Aluminized picture tub with light-absorbing teftty glass for clearer pictures; set forget volume; all-channel tuner, 4. Reg. 349.95 Co) .QQ (2) 21" console' in beautiful cabinet of hand-rubbed mahogany; with concealed casters for easy mov ing. Top' controls for easy ttand-up tuning; auto-, matic clock that twitches set on and off auto mttictlly. This powerful Ultravition TV mtirv ttim good picture and sound constantly. 5. Reg. 359.95 CO) .00 .0 25 13 CO) Deluxe 2Jv Ultravition Console In blond oak cabinet with concealed casters. CE't Blav Day light aluminized tube insures a picture w h more depth end clarity. Designed with the new top tuning; 62-channel nationwide tuner. Outstanding : in value, performance! this summer- enjoy the pleasure of a General Electric portable .. UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC II ' 'J 1 ' J', - ' -S- J ii i ! w (s) Stt thctt and ether CETVs in our Television Dept.," Downstairs Cofftt and Cajct Served in the Housewares Dept. 3-VVAY PORTABLE Take this lightweight portable with you on vacation jauntt and enjoy the wonder ful entertainment radio hat to offerl Streamlined model with distance Circuit and clear, rich tone qualify. Operttet on AC, DC or batteries. Available in these color combination: ebony-white; tur- , quoue-ivoryt luggage-white. 31 plut barter! . t " X 1 it , t - . e Y . V -"OS W0'J ptnnj pinet. Non-acid. tat aiifia. IIIIIIT SIMM . aiRI-ftt W0MO. 9 Mav- Mte! We Sive & Redeem S & H Green