Alpha Phis Moot at Convention Statesman's HOME A anorama ... -4 Women ... Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Bashful Heroine JmML Statesman, Sajcm. Ore., Fri July 13, 1956 (Sec. II)-11 Around Town . . . By jerywz English COFFEE. TIME ... on Thurs . day when Mrs. Robert Steeves eotertiined t a delightful, in formal party for the pleasure o( ber new sister-in-law, Mrs. Thom as Steevei, the former Gail tip dike of Portland ... the couple's marriage took place in Portland in June ... for the summer they are at the Delta' Gamma house and in the fall Lt. Steevei will enter the U. S. Air Force ; . . Gail, an attractive brunette, wearing a blue and white print frock ... and Shirley Steevei in a turquoise cotton theath . . . Unusual ... the striktnf bou quets of ereMuri la a brilliant yellow ihade combined with a few white chrysanthemums la the llvlnf room aad centering the coffee Ubl . . . The Steevei1 contemporary atylo borne la Can dilaria most attractive and de aigned for modern living ... the fireplace la the center of the boaso opealag lato the living ai well ai the dlnlnf room . , wun a aeann ail around ... a balcoay off the dining area with a grand Hew of the west . . . Greeting . . . guesti at the door waa Lisa Steevie, young daughter of the hoittu, adorable in a blue plaid frock with pink lash . . . Mrs. Jay McMurren being wel comed borne from a month'! atay in New York City with her par ent, the Thor Smiths , , . ihe flew both wayi and was accompanied lui - C fk- W W plan to move to Portland later in tho summer, where Mr. McMur ren hai been transferred by IBM . . . Mrs. Richard Laird of Port land who is viiiting her parents, the Oliver Hustons, coming to the party with Mn. Hubert William son .. . Mrs. Rodney Hofstetter enjoying a morning coffee, ai when a career woman parties were not Included in her day'i agenda ... Dinner hosts ... Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gray have Invited a few friends to their Caadalarta home Training School at Camp Magruder Camp Matruder. between Gari baldi and Rockaway on the Ore Con Coast, will bo the meeting place for the training school for missions of the Methodise Church of the Oregon Conference. The Woman's Society win open courses on July IS and the school con cludes with the weekend confer ence of the Wesleyan Service Guild. The second school will be held la Ashland, Oregon, on the eam- us of the Southern Oregon Col ge of Education from July 23-27. Daily classes on the study book Southeast Asia will be taught by Dr. Dorcas Hall, -executive secre tary of education and cultivation of tho New York office of the Wo man's Division, Dr. Hall has served in India and comes highly qualified to present this course. Miss Evelyn DeVries. Salem, head of the African Girl's Hostel at Umtali, will be the guest mis sionary. Miss DeVries will speak of her work. The faculty also in cludes well known and requested teachers ai Dr. Gertrude Boyd Crane, Mn. W. W. Geiger, Mrs. Eugene V. Hsmblem, Mrs. Paul KiUmiller and Mrs. Wayne C. Stauffer. An added course this year Is "Adoration Through Music". The staff has been especially trainel to teach the study books for the year 1954-7. tonight . . . Dinner will bo served oa the patio with bridge la play following ... F.atertainlng . . . guests at.dia ner tonight will be Mrs. Elmer V. IVootoa and ber daughter, Miss Marjorie Wooteu of Portland . . . la the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mrs. Thomas Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Steeves, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Da vis, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loorks and Col. aad Mrs. Wilds Vin cent . . . Come fall Mrs. Wootoa will be the aew house another at the Sigma Alnha Epsilon fraterni ty oa the Willamette University campus ... Fete a visitor . . . Miss June Lochridge, who has been making her home in Chicago and is cur rently visiting in Salem at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert C. Gragg, was the guest of honor at a supper party Thursday night, when Mrs. Len ard Kephart entertained in the garden of her Silverton home . . . Miss LochridKe, who plans to make her future home on the West coast, is leaving in early August on a cross-country trip . . . Bidden to the get-together were a group of the visitor's long time Salem friends including Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Mrs. Hall Standish. Miss Hattie Bratzel, Mrs. Ray Lafky, Miss Marie Dare, Mrs. Carleton Roth and Mrs. Kephart ... Honor guest . , at a shower Tuesday night was Mrs. John Ricketts, when Mrs. Richard Bur son entertained at an informal party at her Liberty Road home ... A late supper was served to Mrs. Ricketts and a group of ber longtime friends. Romantic aews ... Aaaoanee heat was recently made of the engagement aad forthcoming mar riage of Miss Marjorie Abb Hy att; daaghter of Mrs. John J. Hyatt of Norton, Vs., to James D. MrCormack. too of Mr. aad Mrs. F. D. McCermack of Salem , . . the wedding will be an event of August 21 In Richland. Wash. . . . Miss Hyatt Is a graduate el Mary Washington College la Vir ginia and Is now with General Electric la Richland ... Mr. Me- Cormark Is a graduate of Oregon State College aad Is a chemical eagtBeer with General Electric . . . Mlas Hyatt aad ber flanee recently rlslted la Salem at Ihe MeCersaack homo . . . , It's welcome borne . . '. for Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Smedley, who have returned from Phillipsburg, Kansas, . where they visited with relatives for three weeks . . . Enroute they stopped' in Central City, Colorado and Salt Lake City . . . On tho return trip they had planned to visit their daughter, Miss Norvada Smedley, in Bur bank, Calif, but since then Miss Smedley has received word that ihe will be teaching music in La Jolla, Calif next year . . . later in the summer the Smedleys will go south to visit their daughter and to help her move . . . Leaving . . . Thursday for a tea day stay at Netkswla were Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green aad children, Danny, Jimmy aad Les lie . . . Spending ... the week In Sa lem are Mrs. Richard Sullivan and sons, Bobby, Dalf and Casey, of Bead, who are guests at the home of her pareati, Mr. aad Mrs. Kenneth Bell .... In Portland Wednesday were Mrs. Leoa Perry and Mrs. Ken neth Potts, who were entertained by Mrs. Psul DeKoning at the annaal gaest day at the Colombia Edgewater Country Club . . . : C M-i-f-r. .- , Linda Thompson George, heroine of .a new book Linda's Indian Home by Martha Ferguson McKeown, shyly receives a fairy doll from Tony and Barry Buick, who visited the Celilo Falls Indian Village recently. The Buick twins, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bukk of New Zealand, and grandsons of Mrs . Gilbert White of Salem, brought the doll from their far-off home for Linda, after reading the book apouf her. - She it the first Indian the New Zealanders had ever seen. Mn. McKeown will be at Meier and Frank's Saturday from 2 to 4 for autographing her book. (Photo by Archie McKeown.) Musicians at . U of O Camp From Salem v Twenty three students of -the Sa lem Public School instrumental mu sic program are attending a three week summer musk camp at the University of Oregon. Sixteen of the Salem students are members of the Salem Junior Symphony Or chestra and have won special rec ognition among the 230 students at the camp through the excellent work they have been doing. ' Rodney Schmidt, Jonathan West and Ann Haworth hold the first I three chairs in the first violin sec tion of the orchestra and are sup ported by Marjorie Simila and Francis Gaskins, also in the first violin section. Muriel Royer and Virginia Shoemaker are in the sec ond violin section, Jane Roberts viola section and Mary EUen Klein, Pat Edstrom, and Catherine Schnelker members of the cello section. Laura Beth Sanford is playing bass viol and Jack Moore is principal percussionist in both the orchestra and the ' A band. Nancy Teague. Ronald Potts. Gary Nopp, Jean Haworth, and Chuck Gates are playing in the "A" band, and Sandra Wiscarson, Charles McGee, Richard Teague, and Bob Butler in the "B" band. Sharon Muller is playing oboe la both orchestra and the "A" band. Rodney Schmidt, concertmaster of the Salem Junior Symphony Or chestra, is concertmaster in the summer orchestra and was the first place winner of the solo night performance-contest, over IS others. The camp session will close with a concert in MacArthur ourt in Eugene. July 13. Dr. William Swettman, director of music education of the Salem Public Schools, and conductor of the Salem Junior Symphony Or chestra, is serving hit second year, as conductor of the Symphony or chestra and director of the string program. Richard McClintic, di rector of the orchestra and string program at North Salem High School, is serving as an assistant in the orchestra and string pro- r. . A I IS ) ; i . "OK 0,,-.V l7s Miss Gloria Carr, Mr. Schiewek Wed LYONS - Miss G U r i a Carr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr. became the bride of 'Rich ard Schiewek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schiewek of Stayton, on Sat urday, July 7 at 12 o'clock. The Rev. Charles McCarthy perform ed the ceremony at (be Lyons Methodist Church. . Mr. Raymond Berry of Tilla mook sang and Miss Pauline Schiewek was organist Lighting the candles were Donald Schie wek. brother. ind John Schiewek, cousin of the groom. 1 The" bride wore a nylon tulle and lace gown. A coronet of flow ers held ber fingertip veil A place and she carried a bouquet of white carnations and red rosebuds cen tered with aa orchid. Miss Kathryn Carr. sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Miss Darieea. Schiewek; sister of the groom, waa - bridesmaid. " They wore red dotted ayka ballerina dresses and carried bouquets of rod and white flowers. Dtanne Berry of Stayton, cousin of the bride, wu flower girl. , Edward Schiewek served as best roan for his brother and ush ers were John and Donald Schie wek. - At the wedding reception which followed in the church parlors Mrs. Delbert Berry cut the cake and was assisted by. Mrs. George Berry, grandmother of the bride. Mrs. Ales Bodeker presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Marvin Berry served the punch. Misa Na dioe . Carr, sister of the ' bride, passed the guest book. The new Mrs. Schiewek la a graduate of the Stayton Union hish school and Mr. Schiewek is employed at the M and M Wood working plant In Lyons. After a wedding trip they will make their home in Lyons. dub Calendar ramAT South Wm WCTU with Mrs. Anna Brown. Ml S. Liberty at., 1 JO p.m. gram at the University Camp and is director of the theory program for the eighth consecutive season. f; 'J m t mm Y jsr Friends meet at the Alpha Phi national convention as Mrs. Sydney H. Kromer, Salem, (second from right), enjoys some leisure time between business sessions last week at the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan, left to right ere Mrs. Robert Wiener, Mrs. Mark Farris, both of Portland, Mrs. Kromer, and Miss Ann Barzee, also of Portland. Alpha Phis from 48 slates and Canada gathered for their 41st biennial convention. Mrs. Kromer is state chairman of Alpha Phi and was a delegate from the Salem alumnae club. At Buh Home Joe'Shelley's Paintings On Exhibif Aa Interesting collection of paint ings in watercolor and colored inks by Joe Shelley will be shown at Bush House through August 12. Mr. Shelley is a professor of Art at the University of Utah. One of his diversions has been working with the University's excellent Department of Ballet in an ad visory capacity with regard to the design of scenery, costumes, ' and programs. He has spent much time at rehersals sketching dan- cert in action and then translating these sketches into finished draw ings. He thinks his observation of the ballet has resulted in a much more rhythmic pattern, even la his landscapes. The artist's love of the ballet is shown In a number of works in this collection. The very graceful Tour Jete, his Posse, and Pas de Deux are done in ink on wet paper, a technique that Mr. Shel ley is trying to develop, wnicn gives very interesting and un expected textures. Some of Mr. Shelley's work has a strong Oriental flavor, particu larly bis End of Winter, in ink and watercolor. . and O Hungry Water. which waa data with colored Ink oa wet paper. Of bis landscapes, The Bridge, Home of the Gods, The Climbers, and Out posts, are outstanding. A Tale Gradaaie Mr. Shelley was graduated from Yale University in 1927, and from M.I.T. in lM. in architecture. He bad art training at both univer sities. He spent four years in Greece as fellow of the American School of Classical Studies. Dur ing this time be travelled exten sively ia Greece. Turkey, Syria, Sicily, Italy, France, and England. During. the war, no laugm cartography at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point He came West in MM after his discharge from the Army and resumed painting. He has taught at" the University of Denver's, School of Architecture and Planning from IMS until its close in 19S2. when he went to the University of Utah. where he now teaches. Mr. Shelley has exhibited at the Montclair, (N.J.) Art Museum, the Denver Art Museum, and the Uni versity of Utah. Bush House is open aauy ex cept Mondays, from M a.m. untd noon, and from S to I p.m. The public is invited to see Mr. Shel ley's work. Hostesses Fete Miss Purdum CLEAR LAKE -Miss Margot Purdum, bride-elect of Russell D. Doss, was honored with a miscel laneous shower Tuesday evening. Miss -Judy McDonald and her mother, Mrs. Nellie McDonald, entertained at their home in Sa lem. ' Bidden were the honor guest's mother, Mrs. C. F. Purdum, Mrs. Gladys Oraw, Mrs. Nora Daven port. Mrs. Edith Peeler. Mrs. Pat Wallace. Mrs. Effie Wolf, Mrs. Wava Pope, Mrs. Dolores Smith, Mrs. Evelyn Doss, Mrs. Mary Error, Mrs. Elaine Mason, Mrs. Dorothy McCloud, and the. Misses Judi Seamster, Pat Claggett, Sue Jenkins, Connie Hulser, Beth Horn, Mary Wood, Janet Curry, Shirley Bowman, Kathy Archer, Carol Mason, Joan Faught, and Doris Hein. Th Best Place to Shop After All . o New Skirls By TAMI $95 l 1 ii rfff7Zy? Open a 3 Now! WftTeffi WMP').' H. WieXwyy. sVaBBBnnBBnBBBBnBnBn-aBnnBaunBsaBnnnnnBnBnBl r darlene - " T. The . " . (:f Sweater Set fX the ' I toesin ' f"m , ' jfforfur... .'. fV tl SWeaUr ' . -mjL cashable, J K XpnK- naturally!' vtA A. Pretty 7 ' planee ' I - $295 New slim line style in Hock anum flanneL 4 Sunburst darts in front Lined seat Kick pleat back. Bound , . 1I1 I !S 'ujet 2ND FLOOR FASHIONS Xp.nQ vnn fresh hours Inncrer! 1 -.fC - iio i the perfect deodorant by COTY Easy-to-use "twistick"! J Non-acid and non-irritating! Won't damage the finest fabric! if . - ' A . ..A... . Stops odor-safely checks perspiration! Capital Drug Store 403 State St.-Cerner of liberty We Give ZtC Oreen Stamp Tlit softest, moa luxurious sweater set you could find it this terrific twosome . . . knitted of new furry. feel Minklam, a blend of 70 imported wool (lamb's), 20 soft fur fibers, 10 nylon. It wsshee easily, keeps its furry texture, snd Hears incredibly well. It's fully-fashioned by Darlene for marvelous sweater fit . . . ' snd so soft lo the touch you'll think you're wearing cashmere. Colors are beautiful All this and budget prices tool long Sleeve Cardigan Short Sleeve Pullover both, site 36 te 40 . Long Sleevt Cardigan , f(4 Short S!ttv Pullover . h both, tiztt 36 to 40 $11.95 .$ 8.95 This new beauty ha all the creamy soft grace of cosily cashmere, hot it's even more wonderful thanks te Darlene'a nimble knitwork. Yottll lov its fully-fashioned fit, especially In its furry-feel Minklsm blend - TVS Imported wool (lamb'sl, 20 fur fibers, 10 nylonl It washes beautifully and holds its soft furry luxury through the hardest wear. Exquisitely detailed with subtle scslloping, it also has those marvelous pueh-up sleeves! Colors are divine, too. Come in and seel Soft Shirt-Sweater sites 36 to 40 Teem Go Back to School Happily in Darlene Sweaters