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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1956)
For Dinner Dancing Statesman, Salem, Ore., ThurJ., July 12, "58 (Sac. i 1 . ... f of i... . NEW YORK-For glamorous evening, it this red silk satin dinner dress from Christian Dior's New York fall 1956 collection. The sheath skirt has a double front and back overskirt and the wide collar and revers stand away from the neckline (AP Wirephoto). - Elegant Evening Gowns Are ' Shown to the Fashion Press By DOROTHY ROE Amariatrd Prrtt Wamri'i Editor NEW YORK -"My Fair Lady" Ipm into the fall fashion oictur With all the elrganct (he displays on the Broadway stage, in a serin of evening gowns designed by Cecil Beaton for the bouse of Samuel Y inston, Members of the nation's fashion press, who were guests at the nit musical earlier in the week,, saw the contemporary adaptations 01 ine-isi J costumes ai me Win ston showing today slender, draped, full-length gowns in cere monial satins and laces, with hobble-ekirt, peg-top or tunic overskirt lines, wide, romantic sashes and a general air of lady like magnificence. Other highlighUrof the Winston collection, these designed by Rox are, continue on the same theme, featuring short Spencer jackets, velvet trimming on taffeta and satin dresses, empire sashes and draped sheath skirts. There also are street length cocktail .and dinner dresses in less extreme silhouettes, for girls who just like to look pretty for Instance, a black peau d'ange short dinner dress with high waistline crass-folded into a wide scissors skirt, the black velvet em pire midriff tied in a bow in back. Dress aad Jacket Cotlumn Herbert Sondheim scores with an outstanding collection of dress and jacket costumes that are slim as a darning needle with jackets brief as a bandeau and waistlines as high as the human anatomy allows. Favorite com Airs. Fritz Honored FRUITLAND Mrs. Willis Frits was honored with a shower at the home of Mrs. E. E. Converse Monday evening. The hostesses were Mrs. Orville Rehfcld, Mrs. Sam Rehfcld, and Mrs. Henry Weikum. Present were Mesdames Myrtle Harmon, Anthol Rincy, Kmms Runner, Late Sherwoad, H. Ililke, Cecil Miller, E. Jenness, A. Ruber, Kenneth Runner, Clare Strawn, Roy Gray, Arthur Dalke, Victor Stogsdill, Phillip Runner, Ivan Cooter, Roy Jones, E. C. Cooter, E. Landol, Warren Er wert, E. E. Converse, and the Misses Daisy Lambert, Leona deVries and Wilma deVries. The Tabllha Missloaary Fellow ship will meet 'today at the First Baptist Church at 10 a m. From the church they will drive to the home of Mrs. W. H. Morley, 3790 Center St., for an all day meeting. Members are asked to bring a sack lunch and the morning will bination is the briefest of unlitted .be devoted to White Cross work. Jackets over a slim, unbelted , The business meeting will be at sheath dress, with the empire ; j:30 p m. and Mrs. Karl Seamster line much in evidence. This- is! - ... ... ,. ... ,,, . done most effectively in sheer devotions. All Women wool, sometimes with satin ortof ,h church are invited to at chiffon bodice. ' lend. Sondheim likes black for almost 1 any occasion this fall, and shows It in sophisticated outfits ranging from wool jersey to sequined vel vet. He softens the sheath with various devices of floating panels and drapery, wraps It all up as kia nrar.lnl inn I nw V.m. 1 1. a uiaII. CI HI '"-"tin -"-!'" -yi to tofttR .tlnrtn. omt and r.llou.aa. ftfl dressed woman would look this i rt?uiT. rrr..hi( tr nr4, I um t..t. Gal Iii MIi) today, Woman Tortured On Main Street rhcv'nt It I inn im 1 burning callouswf ftt "Thtjr'rt hllAnj Hint ci ouiid rut " Hut hv bout It whtn tnowy modiratcd Ire-Mint h crtad, "My am wnT moan Rtarta tlh matin pd rorna ann raumitaa. m Newlyweds to Reside in Idaho Nampa, Idaho, Is the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clemens Jr. (Sonia Annette Avin), whose wed ding was an event of July I at the Woodburn Methodist Church. Tbe bride it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ramey Avin of Wood burn and Mr. Clemens is the son of Mrs. Ralph B. Kinsley and Roy Clemens. The Rev. Ormal B. Triek offi- cited at the 2 o'clock rites. Mrs. Kldon Slover was the vocalist and Jack Lenhardt the pianist. Miss Peggy Schuh and Miss Joan Nor ris lighted the candles. The bride wore a waits gown of crystalline taffeta made with a rounded neckline, short sleeves and a bouffant skirt with cum merbund adorned with taffeta bows. A portion of her shoulder length veil was made from Mrs. George Landon's veil of SO years ago. she carried a cascade of gladioluses with pink rosea cen tered, with a white orchid. Mrs. Melvin Monnier was the matron of honor, Misa Carolyn Lenhardt and Miss Gerry Arm strong the bridesmaids.' They wore yellow and blue dotted Swiss frocks and carried cascades of gladioluses. Gala Kay Lenhardt wai flower girl and Danny Kinsley the ring bearer. Royce Norris was best man and ushers were George Everts and Edward Everts. The bride'f mother wore a dusty rose gown and Mrs. Kinsley a light grey dress. Their corsages were cream rosebuds. A reception followed in the church dining room. Mrs. Roy Lennarot and Mrs. Leattis Hie mier poured. Cutting the cake were Mrs.- Floyd Lenhardt and Mrs. William Gunn. Members of the WSCS assisted in serving. FOUR CORNERS Learlaf Thursday for North Hollywood, Calif., will be Mrs. Hardie Phil lips, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Deckard and Mrs. Eleanor Wilbur. The travelers will stop en route in rresno, Calif., to visit relatives. They will be gone two weeks. GUESS o THE WEIGHT OF AN OREGON LOG this week al MEIER I FRANK'S SALEM during OREGON PRODUCTS WEEK Actual Douglas Fir log, donat ed by Oregon Pulp & Paper Co., on display In front of escalator Street Floor, Enter the contest by guessing the weight of the loo nothing to buy No obligation. The person who. guesses closest to the actual weight of the log will receive a ZENITH RADIO OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Oregon Products Week Fair ' ALL THIS WEEK AT MEIER & FRANK'S-SALEM FREE PRIZES throughout the store! SPECIAL SHOWINGS of Oregon Productsl FREE SAMPLES in many departments! ACTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS In our auditorium! ' i:nr H ':. tlAlsiir : mw. et rawfe ........ h feViLS t W ., A. M w m m taw a. i -MP GREAT SAVINGS Are in Season NOW at0li)" f 'S! All Ifems Are from Our Reaular Stock! rslt I KAY'S! All Items Are from Our Regular Stock! PRICES SLASHED . . . Guaranteed to SAVE You MONEY. Don't Delay... Come Now and SAVE at KAY'S! SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 12 . . . 9:30 A.M. Long coats, short coots ... so nice for now, so fine for fall. And the, prices? Just ' a shadow of their former selves! Come In ond scoop 'em up, quick. VALUES TO 65.00 VALUES TO 45.00 SHORT COATS QCl VAL.TO 49.95 U z) 99 mum ALL SEASON QCj (p)00 VAL. TO 45.00 U jj Summer Weights 0(o)99 Val. to 16.95 jj MANY, MANY ITEMS ... IN DEED, a grand selection of bar gains galore at terrifically low, low prices. 1 -- $ a only 99 ALL JEWELRY l3 OFF ALL PURSES OFF You get the summer savings while wo make way for fall! Hurry in, choose now from o grand ond glorious array of dresses with a big fashion life . . . little prices. JUNIOR . . . MISSES . . . HALF SIZIS VALUES TO 12.95 VALUES TO 16.95 VALUES TO 22.95 0 0' 09 M mm l7l7Dui(oDo 0(p99 l3 on ONE GROUP VAL. TO 29.95 ONE GROUP ONE GROUP WEDDING DRESSES The Best Values to IJCT Fitting Poplin $2 9S PEDAL SWEAT PETTI PUSHERS tfKl rnATC shirts COATS $29 $159 gg ONE MOW ttOOO Cotton Skirts S.' M Short Orion Famous Brand CLIPPER Slipover ORLON Sweaters Sweaters Cardigan Rf. S5.95 RriSOS Rr. IS.95 ,$3" $4" $5" ALL HATS V: 2 PRICE CLOSING OUT BERKSHIRE NYLONS Reg. SI. 35 to $1.50 Llml S rlr Italian Type T-SHIRTS Vtluti to 4 95 $099 Closin Out Exquisite BRAS 3 OFF Dress Blouses !?h$99 Famous Brands SWIM 1 SUIT) OFF Top Sail PEDAL PUSHERS The Unit Grade $3 Summer GOWNS Pajamas Rr. te .SS $299 FREE DOWNTOWN PARKING With Each Purchete at Kay's ... We'll Validate Any Parking Lot 'Ticket 7T 13 fl J Femeui Makes NYLON SLIPS ltg.t5.95 $299 PANTIES Open Monday CHARGE TODAY . . . U'm LL. : and Friday . TAKE TIME TO PAY! 1 DISTINCTIVE APPAREL FPU VOMEH Nights 'til 9 460 STATI ST.