600 Employment 41 S Siruertens Wanted LADY desires position recep tlonlat, cashier, desk W office work. Ph. 1-43M, TII.UNG Howard Rotovator. Ph. i-UU er J-3US, Ma calls at. nlcaso. r HUNK-HARRY s POWER DITCH1NO Installation, sewer, septic tank drain fulda, tillnt 1-plO. EXPERT spray, bruth palntinf. paper hanrlnt, your paint or miM. Free aat Term Ph. Nelson; J-4H. -tl4J. dr Itne. 25-ton muhllo cranaa. D4. 01 Mia, earrr all clear tni blad Rental eonlraet or unit price. SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL tiuN Front St Ph 1-4441 WANTED: Cuatnm Combining East at Salem. Hav new 11 II. Comb. Ph. I-MDI. PAINTING, paperinf Pro atl mates Don Lucre 1-tMt PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices U year In Salem. Ph. HUI 8CH A RFF 'BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewere, Septic Tankt. Drain Flelda. Power Ditrhin(. Backfill. Ph l-SMS or 1-9071. SMALL carpenter worn, reasonable. food 4-lua LIG HI crawler desar. Mvelint grading 1-7041 t, Kurth LAWN MOWER SHARPENING ' . COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. lot Edftwater, W. Salem. 4-1S41 620 Day and Contract SHEET METAL WORKS J. W. FISHER PH. 4-0480 i00 KentaJa 702 Slaap. Rooms,' Board REAS. attractive lge. rms. Clo. ln. Priv.cnt, -Ti. T V clean rms., close In, reas , IMS Ruga. Ph. I-IM4. LARGE, nicely furn. aleeping rms. ISM Court, Ph. -M-. ROOM at board, men on par mo. Ph. 4-3741 y. 5 CLEAN, quiet, near State bldt.. shop Put , kit pnvel, I-1 449 CLEAN. Comf. rma. T. V . close in 111 S Winter I-171V WANTED Man to room and beard. 14 N. CapltoL 705 Apartments For Rant FOR RENT: I large rooms, newly furnished, close In and dote to school. Price us. William E Moses. Realtor. Phone 3-4093 or 1-7M. HP, State St. too MODERN I bdrm. court apt. Unfurn. Central. Ph 4-MH FOR RENT Neat I bdrm. apt. Cnfurnlshed except for stove, and refrit , Laundry facilltAs. Walking distance to shopping and state bides. SfiO per mo AL ISAAK A CO Realtors. 331 N Church St. Ph. 4-1311 or 1-7130 or 4-74M. KINGWOOD COURTS; unfurl 1 rm. apt Laundry fee. 3rd St.. W. Salem. Ph. 4-1M4, FURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. 111 N. 14th. SPARKLING clean. 4 rma, furn. loft S. Summer. MOD. furn. apt, S4 No. Cotuge St., 1 blk. Meier ir Frank. l-RM. furn. apt. bath, clean, close in, pa. S-M.tl after t 4-0041. GENTLEMAN, nice rm. furn. ipt M Center. iRM. furn. apt, pvt bath. Ml 4V up. Turner, Ph. 4-34(1. filcE clean 1 bdrm. first floor spt. 1 block Ms?. 174 Vnlon Ph. 4-1S14 or 1-SS4.1. FURN. clo. In utll. carport. 1 adult. 131. I W7 10. 1-KI34. FURN. ApU.. Ill and 4S. Util ities Incl. Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1M7. 1 RM. apt w. kitchenette, bath, utll. 4M S. Capitol MODERN I bdrm. court apt., completely turn . IM a mnn. W. Salam. Ph. 4-U71. Eva. 1-1743. C1.EAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady prat. 443 Ferry. Hollywood Apts. Furn.. unfurn., 4-4711 or 1-7171 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt., range, refrlg. 1-DW4 AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Euro. Aptt. IV) N. Summer 1-Mnl MODERN 1 bdrm., Court Apt Unfurn. except Elee. rente At refrlg W Salam. Ph. 4-U71 ' Eve. 1-H741. NICE Ig. 1 rm. turn. 141 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-S444 or 1-3000. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. MM Chemeketa St Ph 1-130 MODERN I bdrm. court apt., unlurn. except elec. rante & refrlg., IV) a mo., W Salem. Ph. 4-M7S. Eves. 1-4743. FURN. pullmsn apt., pvt. show- er 1141 N. Capitol. Ph. l-wi RMS. FURN. Cround floor. Utll. furn.721S.13th. r ritis. bath. M0 Union. In ' quire at Apt 10. 1 RM. furn. Apt. 1st floor, pv t. ent At bath. Bachelor or couple I'll S. 18th. AVAIL. Aug. 1st very nice S rm. furn. upstairs Apt. Em ployed lady or epl. Ph. 1-4101. rrmTfurn. At7Utll"furn. Cloae In. 141 Merlon Ph. 4-1M f-RM. Furn. kitchenette, men only. 140 E. Washington. 4-1010. FUR N basm'tTA pt H0mn. 1st fir. partly turn. Apt. 1-VI mo. Re at 411 N. High or Ph. 1-.-I90I. . 4R00M APT. 1710 N. CAPJTOL, PH-noM DOWNTOWN. Furn. 1 rms." Rendlx. 3M NLlberty. 1-7114. LOE.UNFURN. Tbilrm apt Stove and refrlg. It: 50. 740 Ferry. VERY nica close lnlrg. I bdrm. apt. Ph.l-933 afterl pm. ROOMY-fiirnl bdrm. ant. Close to Sr. and Jr. Hlgh.Ph. l-434 1 RM. furn. apt. Pvt. bath. 701 N. LlbertyPh. l-!)47. LVNVVOOD COURT APTS7 I 1 I bdrm. turn. 4c unfurn. Adults. Ml I. nth. 706 Pupletet 7" MODERN, turn., all elect , bd rm. apt. Leslie. Bush srh. bus, Csrsie. lnq.2J10 Breymen. VFRYnlce newly deroreteon Mrm- ""P'. "i. 1-13(14. $J2M I bedrm 1 blocks from Cspltnl Bldgs. Aut all heat Wired for elec. range. Ph. 4-1 Ml. CLEAN, nicely furn. I bdrn duplex. T. V. antenna. 4-1314. 707 Houiet Far Rant 1, I or I bdrm. modern, South near bus, ask at Mie S. Com'l CABINS.47"110 li"vkrpartiy furn. 131)7 Wllllama Ave. FOR RENT: Clean"- "bdrm. bouse, quiet neighborhood MA. Prefer no children; email child possibly acceptable. 1M3 Court. 1 RRTfrpl. rante. yvater-tan oh Ohmart 4t Calafta. Realtors, 47T Court SL Ph. 1-4111. 00 Rental 707 Hautet Par Rant S BDRM. unfurn. court cottaf. an ni. larate. wasnar dryer. IMS Haael Ave. Ph. 4-BWI9. 1 BDRM , refrif stove H4 Ph. 3-I7H. SMALL t bdrm. unfurn"Apply Dirk ai Jim Auto Wrecker. SkyllnRd. , MOD. Hi bdrm.. hie. farTl's A. s5 mo.Ph. 41341. l-RM. house mod. part turn. J4l Wllliama Ave. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Klnwood Dr . unfurn , I bdrm. A dm, 1 baths. II2&. Call eves. 1-tlM. rOR RENT: Ice. unfurn. hs. near all schools I. Call 4-1431 sun. or eves. FOR LEASE: I bdrm. cottar, him t , larate, shrubs. No. Ph. 3-1219. TRAILER apace lit per . me. Na pel. Ph. I-ItU, .740 Ox ford i RENTAL SERVICE 1 BDR. Rante. heater . -IIS 1 BDR. Duplex .t4. Ml J RDR. Unfurnished . ... 1M 1 BDR Rante, refrlg 17 J opr. unfurn. aptt loo. I CENTER STRF.ET REALTY 111 Center 4-otUI Eve. 1-7IU I BDRM. house, gar allow 1 cnua. rn. 2-aj'O. 4 RM. baa. Older couple. 6 us near alore. Ph. 4-M31. 7074) Futttithtrd Hautat RE-DEC. I bdrm. wdreeslng rm. ene'l. jorch.ll34 Ruge. ffENT: tadrrni. hV. adTTltaTw S. Cottage. e-4487, 1-MJ0. 710 Wanted to Rent Hsct TWO BDRM. unfurn. house. clean, hy Sept 1st. West Salem only. Ph. 1-4.111. rADULTS VlBh"tninY"l bdrrnT unfurn. hou. Good referen ces. Ph. 1-iniuj. WANTED: M od."iMrmrmme In rcnl permanent Firestone Representative. Ph. 1-2481. FAMILY of four adults wlshto rent or lease with option to buy 1 or 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 1-70J1. utinata Rentals DOWNTOWN ground floor at fire space, ressnnsble, B. M. Ma son, Rlt. 340 Chemeketa. FOR'RENTomTTildt7"ll4 ac7 ft. with office location north on well traveled street. Ph , 1-.T700. I "OWN 'own office space, store rms A warehouse 1-4114 Convalescent Hornet WILL care for elderly people in any home, xa yrs. axp. Clean very comfortable heme. Ph. 4-1741. ELD E REST Nursing Home. Pri vate rooms available. MM N Church. 1-Ptlti. C O T T A O E CONVALESCENT HOME. Ut N Collet 1-7010 780 Movino I Storaja" LESTER DeLAPR LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 1 1750 OR 1-4964 Larmer Transfer 4 Storift Complete mevtnf service. Abe agents for BEK1NS NaUon Wide Movers. Ph 1-3111. LOW COST storage H U Puff Fumltura Co. f-tlss. 8(H) Krai Estate 801 Iminets Opaartun. ISflRKS BEST BUyS AN OPPORTUNITY For your financial tecurtty r ln s atAtMnldbnl ant klriaT nnr rlty renter. Hnutva Courts and furnithad prlvata roomi. I A splendid Investment paying big dividends, Fity ttrmi. Full price (m.MM.' Call Mr. Sword for mora detailed Information, AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 311 N. Church Ph. 4-3.11 1 or 3-7J ATTENT MOTEL 4 CAFE OWNERS WE HAVE JUST BEEN CIVFN WORD TO SEI.I. MOTEL SITE WITH ADJOININO CAFE RITE ON NKW SA1.F.M FRKF. W AY THK ONLY LOCATION OF ITS KINO SUITABLE FOR DELUXE MOTEL AND CAEE ANYWHERE ALONG THIS FREEWAY FOR DETAILS CALL CHET NELSON, EVE. 1-13M. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS ISM S. Commercial Ph. 1-1. ISO " FOR SALE" WESTERN AUTO STORE Klamath Falls, Oregon Also other open towns avail able. Investment required $13. OHO to fOO.OOO depending on lo cal requirements. You will re tall nationally adverilsed lines of auto supplies, radios, bi cycles, sppliances, ele. No ex perience required we trait you. Call or write: Jack Locke. West ern Auto Supply, Klsmath Falls, Oregon. Fri. 4i SsL JulyJSIh j Itlh. SMALL csfe tor sale or trade, t ran handle. Ph. 4-72M. MODERN 7 "unit Salem mo feri home, sell or consider trede for smsll apartment house, close in. Owner 1-7130. FOR LEASE near completion new drlve-tn rastsursnt with heavy traffle count Some equipment furn Bog . 11. Statrsmsn-Journsl rOR SALE In the" heart of "C oos Bay business district, cleverly decorsted, glass front rentaur. ant. 13 stools and It booths. Excellent business Owner 71. tired, wants to retire. 14 t Brosdway. FOUNTAIN tunchrArcadercor nei Meier Franks. Well equip, ped. good leas. 4M N. Church. Have a good going Restaurant In a email town. Has Banquet room plus aeatlng room for 40. All equipment included at 14 000 00. Rent t7S 00 per month, .Call Mr. Keene eve M07I. CV. KENT&CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church Phone 41M.1 102 luttnatt Property unit cornT INCOME tIM PER MONTH 4 unit court. 4 yrs old Pay 4IM per month Income l.o caied on Israe lo(. excellent rental location. Completely fiirni.hert H vm Csll GRANT BOWDFR, Home 4-JWI4. Office 4-1104. If no enswer 1-MM. Cliff Bowder Co, 1190 r sir grounds Rd. 800 Real Estate 102 jutinett Preaarty SOUTH I2TM IT Buslneee lot 9a x lie'. Lie. older home, baaint., liv. rm., dm. rm I m bdrma. dn., unfinished up. Drive by IMS S. l.th. Price ttsoa B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR ltlt Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-rsJ BY OWNER (account eld ate Illness I I rentals, small apt. bar. at 1 collates on I tine lols en Mill Creek, corner ttlh A ChemekrU. All scrupled Pays as int. or value of 130.- tofi. See Mr. Rnnne. owner 1-1 p.m. daily at WO Na, Isih St, 10 Suburban ONE ACHE view. bdrm. home. 13 MM cash, also 1 acre bld. sites on pavement. Owner. 41213. Apr" ox. acres. 1 rm-house. - del. par,, ehieken house, email Ireenhouse, furlt & berries, subdivision possible. tlO.aXK). Ph. S-.441, 806 H outtt ala 52 ACRES Seldom will you find 11 acres on a hilltop with auch a view unbelievably beautiful It Is. Think of the many happy nnmea nere u you subdivided, CHEAP Too; . 33 ACRES Cultivated, fenced A crosstenced1. All year creek. Ideal for sheep Full price lin soo Call Al Bhoisetn eve. Ph. 1-7307. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR lilt Edgewater 1714 So. Com"! rn. 4-iTsi ph. 4-7174 W,c DOWN MOVES VOO IN TODAY -OR Bt'lLD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-M.13 bY OWNER! large lots. North, reiinriea. pnone 4M0U-4-333I. TOP ouallty found only In names twice me price can be yours In the cutest 1 bed room ranchette you will ever see. colored piumbinc, back yard pa no. forced oil heal, fireplace, birch kitchen, only 1 year old. Wall to wall car peting loo for onlv lin.ajo Terma. ALDKN BOWES & CO.. 4-3353. eve . 1-0422. FOR SALE, small house, .irare, garden, W. Salem. Ph. 1-U373. BY BUlL.DERrj bdrmTN E. dbl plmg. family rm., f I pi., dbl. gar. l-esnl. 4-CORNER DISTRICT BY BUILDER, new 1 bdrm. house. 1i baths, flrepl., dbl. garaee. 111.500. Appro. 1 blka. to school. Ph. 4-4073. SPARKLIN NEW Lovely 1 hr. home with sepa rata dining room. U baths. 1 car . garage, raised hearth fireplace. Finest j-islv ma terials throughout. Lncid South, new district. 7rixl.'i3 lot. Paved St.. city watvr. Peir.ned for the buyer thj: wsnls onai Itv plus gr?rnu living Sl.V 7V). Call GRANT BOwDER.' Home 4-3tot. Office 4-13M. If no answer 1-MM. $7M DOWN " ECONOMY SPECIAL I bdrma., hardwood floors. In Bide utility, separate dining room, t car garage. Mnolute ly Immaculate throughout. Owner will help finance QUALIFIED buyer. WM0. 1750 down. Call IRA MANSFIELD. Home 1-972J. Office 4-1M4. If no answer 1-09S0. NEW 1 FULL RATH Family room with sliding glass door, modern birch kitchen. 1 bdrms., raised hearth fire place, apacious S ear garage. Built with an eye to your comforL Reasonably priced at tU.SM Excellent terms. Act now. CHOOSE YOUR OWN COLORS I Csll DON BELLIN GER. Home 4-0491, Office . 4-3384. It no answer l-KH. sa 1BD0 Fairfrounds Rd. Ph. 4-33M B Y O W N ER T Sa lem property, 5 room ho up with rental. Small payment down, rest lik rent. Ph. 1244 between I a m. and 4 P m. or wrttt Rt. 1, Box 108, Monmouth, 4-RDRM. home on ft acra. Priced below E H A. Ph. 4-4103, ISM buys our equity 1 bedrooms, tile bath, large garage, An tenna Inc. Phone 1-4111. bV"OWNER-- Nearly-new-1-bdrm.. din. rm.. firepl.. ga rage. Inclosed yard, redecorat ed Englewood Dlst., 112,000. Ph. 4-7304. BUY my equity In Manhrln Gar dens home, 1 bdrms., or 1 bdrms. and den F. A. heat, frpl. and patio tl.lMdn, 111. tM. t3i Manbnn Dr. Ph4-.4S3 796 'S." 24ttl St. Owner transferred, sell S bdrm. home, Ig. liv rm., din. rm., pal 10. Quiet st. 1 blk. sen. tBSoo BY OWNER." line 4 bedroom home, 4 blocks South Salem High. Beautiful yard. 111.730 Csll alter 1:10. 1-1417. BY OWNErClts a honey? Large I bdrm. Suburban. North Exc. location. Din. rm.. 7 larte closets acre. Bus hy door. Wonderful buy ttt.AM. Ph. :-J47, 734 Dearborn Ave. BY OWNER: 4 It. bdrm . choice loc.. nearly new. finished bam't 1 frpl.. 1 baths. II7.K74, w 1.90t dn. Ph. 1-7111. 1 IMMACULATE" homes. Ideal citv locations, beautiful yards, t bdrm2nd 4 bdrm, equip ped for day nursery, ph 1-3101 BY BUILDER " NEW 1 bdrm nome naai U Salem achoole ai perk 1-7071 bVowNER? Iovel)lhedroom home, 1 rs old. Birch kitch en A utll., perimeter heating, fireplace, garage, carport A patio, tto.tno Landsraped. 2DM Peck Ave. Ph.4-7JW7. BY OWNER:""1! A. near Fruit . land, modern 1 bdrm. hse .. att. gar., garden, IS.soOPh. 1-I1S4 1 BDRM. house with smsll acre aae at 74 Ratrhff Dr Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co , Sa lem. OWNERfiTiome, St. Vim ent Dlst 1-M34. tor appointment. SELI.aqulty "in I bdrm house full bam't,, Insul. weatherstrip, F A. heat, Ig. lot. 441. Ph. 1-35M sag Draper. IKxl WILL buy equity In nice I bdrm. house. Ph. 4-M07 after 1 FOR SALE "by owners 1 bdrm. home, fireplace, paved street, terms. 3340 Hadley St. Ph. 4-43I1. WILL trade eqiitty In I bdrm home for trailer house. 1240 Sunnyslde Rd. 1-003 BY Owner: will sell or trade our equity of 1000 In 1 bdrm.. home at 143 Bliler. Total price M 031 Ph. 4-S..HI7 WERT Salem, lbdrm". hill h.int, hdwd floors. FHA or f,l 1341 Karen Way.. Ph. 4-111. JOE HUTCHINSON , REALTOR Let us aolve your home neena Ta Buy. Sell or Rent - Call Ph. 4 .474.1 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7174 1710 So Cnmm'l MR-OWNERI Oien-nod'rY"' will pay top arte for your 'turn is appliance. Ph. 1-1114. BOO Real Estate 806 Houitt For Sals FOR SALE BY OWNER HOME WITH PERSONALITY VIEW OF MT. HOOD 14' BY 11 It. living -dinini roam with beamed ceilini and raieee hearth fireplace. Frencn doora off dinmt room lead to patio. Three ample bedrooms with spacious rloeeli Two sink bath with tub and shower. Comfortable kitchen with lerbaie disposal and breakfast bar. Automatic forced air otl heat. Double garage and many either won derlul features. Kasy to et to Just go south of Strong on Prlns le to 43U Battle Creek Road. Selem. Leaving soon. Come out and sea this 'Hoine . we hate to sell". - BY BUILDER - NEW spacious 1 rtdrm. Engle- wooej uisi. top quality, i-tpvi. ONLV 11,000 DOWN I Bdrm. home, attic 1 fireplaces. nam!, oil furnnro plus nice) Rent-l i-ei '". JOHN J. DANN REALTOR 401 N. High Phone 4-J-tM FOR 8ALE er trad for farm, t bdrm. home, Koiser dlst Hardwood eflrs.. Insulated some fruit treat. 1310 Menturn BY OWNER: 1 bdrm., birch kitchen, wired for washer At dryer, Msuo. Ph. lltiil ar 4-3111 alter 1. ,, BY OWNER, 1 bedroom older typo house. 1'4 lota, cheap tor casn. 1213 rieoraana. BY OWNER I new jf bedroom homes, lsoo so. ft. plus gsrage. Have everything. A block forth Clear Lake store, priced or quick ssle. Always Open House. Terms ex Tradss, INLAW OR INCOME , THIS home Is located J'i blocks a HOP-SKIP-JUMP soutn from City center. 1 baths. 2 kitchens, flreplaca, basement, amall lot. Ideal for large fam ily or Income for amall family. Good location with commer cial possibilities. This sttrsc live property prlrad at ill.oon. Terma 43,000 down. Call Mrs. Wells, 4-44S4. evenings 1-373. REALTORS lit Court St. Dial 4-44P4 SEE THIS i BDRM. HOME W-EXTRA TOILET AND SHOWER IN UTIL. RM. NEAR McKINLEY SCHOOL. ONLY 1 BLKS. TO S. SALEM HI. CORNER LOT W-BEAUTIFUL SHRUBBERY. 11x11 DINING RM ONLY 19. 000 OR TRADE FOR ST. VIN CENT DIST. CALL 4-MM ANYTIME. Cliff Peterson Rltr. W SOfl USE. k LOT THIS IS A GOOD BUY FOR SOMEONE. A real nice little home with good aised . living rm., kitchen with eating area, one bdrm., and full bath with tub. Has alec, range, water htr. Garage. Big lot. Hi 1H with welnuts und cherries, lawn. Good building site. Only 1.1S0S. Call Chat Nelson, Eva. 1-1110, $10,500 ENGLEWOOD A GOOD 1 BDRM. HOUSE WITH BASEMENT IN THE ENGLEWOOD DIST. Has been completely redecorated' with in, tile bath, oil hot air hi., garage. Deen lot an x list. This property close to schools, of fices, hospitals. tlO.tOD Call Dick Schmidt. Eve. S-7MT. $9 MO DANDY A REAL COMFORTABLE HOME with a truly big living rm. auitable for large piano. Fireplace, attractive den, sep arate dining rm. 12 x 14. Util ity rm., oil furnace. Has deep lot. Draperies Included. 19. MM. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 1-4672. Nelson Sr Nelson REALTORS 15M ICommerrlel Here la A Nice Home I roomi. Englewood and North mgn aisirici. rirsi time or fered for sale. 1 large bed rooms i llxlll with lots of wonderful cloaet "Td drt.wtr space In each. Just yrara old. the .living room ls. fire place, w-w carpet In living and dining rooms. F. A. oil heat, 7 car garage, near bus. eauv walking distance to the Capitol Shopping District. Price $12,000 Call for appoint ment to look this ana over. Phone 3-4033. E.J. 1745 GRANT ST. REALTOft 1 BDRM. HSE" reaa73s:0 Rob erts. Ph. 1-71.H after 1:M. 1 BDRM. home, frpl. bsm'it., Ig. liv. Ac din. rm. Also 1 bdrm. rental. 1111 Madison CARAGF. house - and 1 Urge lots. Will tske car or smsll amount down. 4fU0 Carolina St. Ph.4-S035. BRANb NEW. MOO down. J bdrm. ranch type home near Slate hospital. 110. VKI Pay ments like rent. C. W. Reeve. Realtor, law Mission St -Ph. 1-41U. Eva. 1-lMt or 1-OWa). BDRM "Englewood Plst. I'i baths. Full basement. Sawdust turn. Paved st, A beautiful home for taaoo C. W. Reeve. Rreltor, Hto Nflasion St. Ph. 1-ouit or -Mt. OWNER - BUILDER ENGLISH type, well construct ed, clean, nearly new. 4 big bdrm., choice quiet Iftf, on Klngwood Hts.. lovely ,trees, 14sll bdrm , din. rm., roomy kit. wnook. I fireplaces. 1 hatha, finished drv ham't. Pee tn appreclale, 117, 07 J. ll.Mm dn., bal. like rent. Ph. 3-7212 1 ACRFSI-CITY RFTRFAT MADi" FOR COUNTRY LIVINr, 3 bedroom clean modern home. c;arage, small Harn. Irrl g.tion well and system. Fenc ed, plus crop. A renl buy for 1S1VI r.OOn TERMS Lncat ed on Fast Villa CALL T T ANDERSON, 4-44M. eve. 4-1714 T REALTORS lit Court St. Dlsl 4-444 OWNER transferred to Portland, must sacrifice 1 hdrm. home, appraised at Ifi.tno. will con sider any reas. offer. Near hue. achool and churches. Ph. 4-7M. Secluded home, fireplace, iots of S round Ideal for children, hade A fruit trees. Hdwd. firs., Irg 1 bdrm. plus sttic for I or 1 more. North on bus line Ph. 4-1911 "'"ll.OOO DOWN Nice bedrm. nome. kitch , din ing rm.. tiled hath, good sired lot. fireplace, attached garage, unfinished upstair. Total pnre t-U4e.V'U h" AV' 'h 800 Real Estate 806 Hornet For Sola BY. This ,fin home on spsclnua view ioi in Mnrningeioe Aoni lion, a large bedremnvs. living and keopini rooma complate - Cenrral Electric kitchen. utility room, 1 bathe, tenemue closet apace all an one floor Other features Inrltnto lint water baseboard heat. fhermopan windows, Insulation . ana weatherstrloDlng throughout hardwood floors and lull basement with ', bath, double garage with tool house, per. feet television reception from all 1 Portland statlona. Beautl ful shrubbery and trees, ample room for swimming pool if . desired. Several . view lot could ha sold at the option at tne Buyer. Can be Inspected hy appoint ment only. Call 4-tlll ar 1-IIM if Interested. Brailsr C. Small LINCOLN PARK All tha convenience! of tht rlty without the hifh tuxes, LIN COLN PARK Ik THE pi to go. Close ta rh4Mtk, itartM, nd city bus. Water lyitom, pa.v4 streets, rurbi, title walks. Eventually over ' 900 homes. Buy now and taka ad- vantage of tha appreciation In value your home will have ea this area develops. We Itsve i S bedroom homes with S fire places. S baths, family rooms forced air oil furnace, ear garages, birch kitchen con ventional and open beam ceilings. Prices ran re from $11 too to $14100. M year financing with moderate down payments. Call and let us show you any of thet fine house in restricted LIN COLN PARK. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Bldg. Real Estate Inaurance Mortgage Loans Office Wilt - Ivee. 14TN Or 1-7.1M SUBURBAN IF YOU are looking for some thing a uttls wayt aut, thia nice 3 BEDROOM home It Just what the doctor ordered. The Inside la In ex cellent condition and the out side is being repainted. Just five year old, this home at 135 KENWOOD AVE. has. In addition to tha three bedrooms, a large living room, dining room, bright kitchen and a large single garage. Priced to see at only' , $8,900 this property Is going to make aomebody a nice home. Drive by (the lot ii 70x17 feet) and then call CLYDE- PRALL REALTOR 1M So. High St. 4-MSl, 4-7711 Englewood District Nice older type family home. wttn double piumoing and full basement with oil fur., close to sthorj-la, bus and walking distance to stste buildings. Ex cellent termi ean be arranged, ill lM. Call Al Rooma, fve. 4-Mil. $7800 South In fast growing district. nice a year oia I Dnrm. nome wnn fireplace. May G. 1. with small down payment. Owner trans ferred and rnuitt sr. 11, open to an offer. A good buy. Call Ruth Morrison, Eve. 4-1144. Lots $625 Eav 4 lntrnear new Jr. High. North. w x im. A ton notch miv. Call Roy Coodwator, Ive. 4-8370. Joe L. Bourne. Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol Ph. l-12l DRIVE BY Go to 4 Cornm, then to th rornr-r of Macttay Rd. and Munkeri St. S bpl roomi, dream kltehtn. c)?n wll kept horn. Ovnrr havinf OPEM HO I'M Price 1 12, AM, Clo in and itrm nrrancpd throuRh C. JArORSEN, RKAtTOR, rh. J-fi978 day or eve. $6,050 Capitola Dist. Within walk.nK dlitanr of tha American Can Co. 2 bedrooma ilOxlJi ?rh. llvinn rftom, Hin inf-kitrhan wmbination. Fan eed bark yard. Shopping du trtrt nearby, bin bv tha door. Wil! aell or trade on a 3 bedroom home, ("all F. J Zwanchka, Rfaltor. Phcne Alone Sick Lady Wanti to aell her 5 rm. home cloie to State bldjra. 1 Urge brirmi., Hvin and dlnlni rm. . Cor, lot with lols o( robat. $7500. . 3 Bdrm., Close In On Oak St. Basement with ssw dust furnace. Onlv 1.VIV). 1 1 ooo dn., til 00 mo. Call d Brit tul on this one. Art Madsen Realty l-Uto. 1-wil, 1-gnH CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS31l N. Church St. Exceptionally well built 3 bdrm.. modern home. Full basement, party room with bar. dhle. plumbing, hdwd Hoars, flre pl see Well Isndicsped K'xIOO corner lot, abundant shrubs, fruit and shads trees. Nu merous atorale and rtnset apacea. Convenient and com fortahle living provided by rtrecllcal floor plan. Reduced 0 II3.7M) for quirk snle. Ph, 3..Hiw.imoElectrlcAve. 1M down, bal ilka rent, risen, coy 1 B R. home, utility rm., large fenced Int. close: to bus stop. Otl "W Hlghwav North. Tske rer In trade. t.l.VW R M. Mason. Rlt. 341 Chemaketa, Ph. 1-IM4I. Tbdrm. home AS LOW a 1M down. 2 blorka to achool, I blork to but, paved ail ret. Curb, airitwilk, ewer, water Birch enbineti, diniag rm , nit in bath, hie. place. MonUf F A heal, la auUted. One flntaherl Sea it M Marino Drive, MARVIN L. . GIRRARD ' MULDER l OWNER BETTER THAN RENT We offer your, choice of very clean I bedroom homea, un finished floored unstalre. In aide city limits. Can be fi nanced aa lnw at ton down, balance J1fl no per month In cluding taxes and Insurance Call Lee Ohmart. REALTORS 477 Court Rt. fh J-41l, J.4IU 1 "RDRM " home. Peril " Ave. I7.IM, l.wa r late n-odel car aa 4a. ami. Ph. e-tlt- OHMART&CALABAi 800 Ural Estate 806 Hautat Far Sola CLUETT & KENYON, REALTORS 1980 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Ph. 1-1MI "INVEST IN THE BEST IN THE WEST" (I). NO. CHUfKH (T. Large bueinaa lot. few itepa tram MAF. I houses, mail residence vary suitable for your awn office set-up. Check thia today (II. I-UNIT COURT, ar could be (deal office rente le Cloae to Capital shopping area Trada your contract for real property . you can "Fee and feel.M (II. PORTLAND RD. Large corner business lot Substantial du plex. UBie. garage, nasi 4-s'.b or nrennan e-ijs, - ' LITTLE PUDDIN' RIVER Jl (Pt.l'e.1 ACRF.S. IZ acres of 1-bedrnom home: good dhJe. garage; barn; corral; well-fenced. 4 Acrea wooded area. On h. I. road 1 miles front downtown a. Irm. Price 122.000 , Eve. Ph. Brennan -l.U or Mangles 4-luat. SOftRV TO LOSE OUR NIEGHB0RS But someone will be buvlnf en eneentlonellv well-buitt 1-bed- roeen Englewood home. Larga comfortable living rm., dining rm-: two lireplaces. full basement, well-maintained corner lot with sprinkling ivilem. Sea this tor 14.Ma FKA terms. jHuiiipia s.isung ns. gi.ua, Ive. Ph. I-B17. A. E. BECKETT, REALTOR "NEELOV ACRES" tll..w. New 1 Br. home Double dining room. Large lot, on in tnia aub-aivision. csll us McKINLEY 110. lot. Owner transferred, and I ir. niej, , oioea ta pus una. PUy. .very gooa lerma ran cms arrange., -.all usaaj. ' SMALL RANCH EAST tiff, VKI. 13 Acres graaa land. Good Land laya nice ana eauig lalem. Terms. . Wt Need Mora Listings 111 ft. Hiah Eve. A. E. Beckett Ph. 1-4WI 4 RMS. ana) bath In good location, wired tor range, elee. water neater, utility rm., garage, value Spacious S bdrm and den. living rm., large kitchen, lots of bullt-lna. in goo. condition. About ' acre, edge of city 4 yr. one rioor, snaae exienor, A foaal value .-.,....,.... I acre an cultivated, valley soil, 1 rm, and bsth. needs some repair but has cement rounaaunn. full bain, wired for range, ale. I ear garage 43.1M It acre bill farm, about 11 acres springe, also large barn, chicken house, an gooa roaa. run price . 44.000 71 acrea. cultivated, new drilled well. I rm. and bath, wired for rgnge. etc. Also earn, small granary, new macninv mm poultry Bouse, etc. Valley soil, paved road .-: 114.000 Call ar write r listing bulletin and tree City Map and Picture Folder. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUtLDINO - j. i SILVERTON, OREGON MPS RENT BFATlAt: tVXJnfl down. dsndy little home. Ideal lor couple, plastered, 1 yra. ud, hardwood lloora. separate 'I'll lly rm. for washer and drv er. Total price 11.106 M Call Edna Morgan, eve. 4-eoJe. MAKE AM OFFER: New 1 bdrm. home with forced air all heat, drive by 42J Liberty Rd. and then call Mr. Kiggina ta see the Inside, eve. phono 4-44M. MORTGAGE LOANS. CONSTRUCTION NNANCING C- V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYtNO OR CON1TRUCT10N 4 OR I'i FOR RENT: lMfl Kapphahan Rd., 1 brm. redecorated. Imed. possession, tan par month. Call Chrt Rawlins. Ive phone 4-4M4, South Salem. Nice I bdrm, heme. Large lot with nica lawn, shrubs, fruit trees and garden apace. Liv. rm. has fireplace. Mod. kit. with eating apace. Dble garage. A home you would be proud of priced under replacement cost of 112.500 FHA terma. ., Would consider trade an a good 4 bdrm. older home conven iently located In town. Call Dean Klarr Ive. phone I-7M4. an Chemeketa GOOD VALUES iAflo DOWN Payment buys I bdrm. home close tn Grant school. St. Vincent Dlst. Own er ssvs aell. Call lor par ticulars. 30 ACRES-OLDER Couple ssvs sell this good farm, loraiea In Mission bottom. Haa elder I bdrm. house, chicken house, ham, excellent well, family fruit. School bus by door farm machinery goes with place tractor, disc, plow, etc. Only llf.too. Ivenlnge: - S-712S 4-4714 1-MM Oregon Development Company (Realtors) rn. j-w-w LIBERTY ST. ROOM FOR LEASE ItxM feat. paved off-street f larking, accoustlrsl Vila cell ng. double lavatortea. finest at loratinna. FOR DETAILS CALL 1M South Liberty Street Telephone 1-1471 Grabenhorst Bras. REALTORS, "NICE COUNTRY HOME" 10 A, close In. Good house nearly new, modern I bed rooms down and I up not fin ished Large living room a. fireplace. Good well tor Irri gation and home uaa, nice ahade treee. new barn, creek thru place, good soli. You would like this place. Price tUSOO terms, i Call WILLIAM E.' MOSES. REALTOR, 831'. STATE ST. PHONE 3-4991 or J-76M FOR SAl.F.rNew 1 bdrrnT home, will sell equity, full prl.e tll.Onl). Haa flrepl., mahofany woodwork At paneling ever' flrepl , plush wall tn wall car nettni, liv. rm.. din, r:n. ft hall. Lawn A shrubs, Pes at 444 S, 4Mb or Ph. 4-MM any tune. 807 Apf't. Courtt tr Sol INCOMK PROPERTY 7 furn. apts. a. liv. quarters Attr. esc. Inc. r. A. oil heal. By owner. aM 8. Rummer. l.ttDRM. modern hse., atlarh gar. Near arhooj, but. ftical nsnhrihood. Ph. 4-MHI. 800 Real EaUte 806 Hautat Far Sala puy ai ii3.no. sve. rn. wangle beautiful "flowing" wheat. Older g-WIl. 4-l plumbing. I Car garage. Separate paved street. Not many homes left today for ahewing. cood terms. SCHOOL DIST. must salt this 1 Rr. borne. About just outline city iimne. a gooa t Mr. home tome atitbulldliTs. all no cuiitvaieg. only u mi. to Ph. 1-HM Helen Lewis Ph. 1-TM4 paved atreei, a reauy tine . A real value. Close in ss.iso aid 1 bedrm. modern home all aaaameni, wirea ror rena. l4 about I miles aut of Silvertnn. cultivated T rm. and bath, strong ! HIOH QUALITY I hdrm. home, Inrae living rm. with nice tire place, excellent location near achools. ' bus and ahopping. Price 411.W4.t4. Call Stearns Cushing, ova. 4-1041. IT'S DIFFERENT: 1 bdrm. mod ern home on l' acres, garage, brooder house. Priced at ll. OOO00. Terms. Also II acrea with modern ' home, chicken house, family fruit. Will trada on city home. Call Mr, Leav ens, eve. 1-4731. Phone 4-lHa TRAD! TRADE TRADE. 11 acrea with 1 bdrm. home, barn, machine abed, family orchard. Approx. It arret In cultivation, school bus by door. Oak ahade trees. Owner will take- amall home In ftalera. Far appt. Call Dale Kaybum, Ive. phone 1-1044. I bdrm 14114. 4 blka eouth al lata It. Bu by door, across atreet from grocery store. Clean well built email home Yours for ISM down and 141 mo. Call Henry Rund tn are. Ive ar tua phone 4-1114. Phone 4-M1! SOI Lots For Sol tl.n. 1 city lota with small bldg. and shade treee. t Hurry I C. W. Reeve. Realtor. IM9 Mission St. Ph. 1-41M Ive. SUM or luttl. CHOICE ecren front lot In f aft Helghli.jC'alll-4ll77. BUILDERS LOTS" Oerth Ave. It ft. x IV) ft. Sewer and Water Available Prlca for at once sale 4I.1M00 Choice Lota Madrona 44' g 110' Waler K Paving l. (MM (terms) Orchard Heights Only 1 left Its)' x ISO1 City Weter 41.100 40 la ll.loo o . Klngwood Dr. among tha trees Corner. Water Sewer l H.1SO00 Bualnesa Lot across from W. Salem Bank IM ft FRONTAGE tii.soono flncludes 1 buildings) I. VXI Rik. So. Uth SI SI I im Creek en rear. Trees Vista Hts Water II, 40010 1300 000 Dn, joe Hutchison REALTOR till Edgewater 1710 So, Cnmm'l Ph. 4-1741 Ph. 4-7174 Eve. I-47W - Eve. 1-M41 LOT. !7xM, Terrace Drive, City w ater j eewer. I ol llMixlla Suburban, East Ph. l-7t0t. 810 Farmi Hr Sal FOR SALE: 41 acres all tillable. Irritation well with avstem and I0O0 ft. of luhlnf. 4 rm. modern house, bern, fsrsae granary henhouse, family orchard Prlia tlt.tnn . FOR RFNT: t rm. modern house with small stress In country. Mt Ante! Land Co, Mt. Ansel, Oregon, 1 ACRK. tino dn.. tit per r. I mile C- of Lanraater Mt. Price lio C. W. Reeve, R-al-tnr, laVKi Million Si. Ph. 34.MMI, Eve isnt or nut. -RM. mod. home. I A irrl ealed. between Oranta Pass ai Medlnrd. write di I, Boa 14 Rogue River. Orcfiin. 11 ACRfS, New wr4l. anme tim ber. 14 A. barley, srw ahrd, anme sheep, t Ml. fsnuth, tlf.- . .loo. term, or will trada. J. K. Clnyd. (H)9 8. 12th. lin.Vvirt Mriahouae"-'0A" cnicaen ne , iisi n zs, nsrn, aheds, will trade. R R Miller, titi Can let. Ph. J-ttM. Statesman. Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 12, '56 (Sec. 850 Automotive 850 Automotive - 1850 Automotive 852 Ui.d Can For S.I. FOR YOUR NEED . . . YOUR PURSE . YOUR SATISFACTION A FEW MONTHS AND A FEW nui stuns nisr c Ana svunin ruuii ruci REQUIREMENT Her you will find lh best trtnaportilion carefully terviced , . , Spsrklinf , , . And willing to delight you. '55 Buick Century Sedan .....$2795 Riviera, we sold new. only It Ut asllea, aeleuMrenig radta. neater, dynaflew, IM tip. V-t, ESI glasa, w hi tew alls. '55 Buick Century Coupe $2695 Riviera, we sold new. nnly lilt snllee. radla, heeler, dyna flow, EM bp. V-l, XZl glaaa. whltewalla, tusauoiaa and white. '55 Buick Super Coupe V ............ . $2695 Rivleia, we sold new, complete service record available, power ateerlng and brakes, dynaflew. E2L washers, cameo ana wrute. '54 Buick Special Coupe Riviera, lovely deep tltlan reel dynaflew. Ell, whitewalls. M MERCURY SKDAK 11495 'S3 BUICK RIV1KRA . $1445 S3 FORD TWO DOOR t 195 'SO PLYMOUTH SKDAN t 4S5 'SI HUDSON SKDAN .. I J5 '47 BUICK SEDAN ... I 1(5 47 P0NTIAC WAGON ..$ 141 1 For Over Half A Century Bringing Driving Pleasure to the Commercial at Chemeketa : Phone 4-5711 WE ARB NOT OPEN EVENING! Oft SUNDAY! BETTER BUYS AT "THE ROCKET MARKET 31 CHEVROLET 4 dr. . 9175 34 MERCURY SUN VALLEY $1W3 34 OLDS "U" 4 dr. ....$1895 '51 FORD la" 4 dr f79l '50 OLDS "18" 4 dr. ..J. .W5 '50 FORD 4 dr $295 41 CHRYSLER 4 dr. ... $394 '4! rORDs4 dr $143 4! STUDEBAKER 4 dr. . $395 4S OLDS "U" 4 dr $391 '4 DODGE Pickup $1M 4 OLDS CLB, SDN. .. $S4 41 OLDS 4 dr $S OPEN EVES. AT THE SMS Silvartea Rd. caster Dr. PH. 4-4114 at Laa- 851 r4.w Cmn 50 MILES PER GAL! YEJ A MORE WITH THE NEW RENAULT 4 DOOR SEDAN $1395 Fully Equipped RENAULT SALES 4 SERV. 3040 Liberty Rd. Ph. 4-7301 800 Rral Elile 810 Formt Fr Salt MR. FARMER 17 A . 1 miles aut, river hnttnm eoll. part In ' cma, lrmation equip. tes, beautiful biilldlnt alte. A place with a future. Take pari trade an loo A. suitable fnr stark. Call lie Parian 4-ttll eves. MOVE IN NOW Approx. 1 A , food small t Mrm. name, ar., all In rultlvatlon. bariies. A dandy llltle place I mi. N . lnw down paym t. or take livestock, car or what have you. Call McParlana 4-HI4 evea. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR Jti.M Pnrlland RdPh. 171141. aaeee 0MALL acreage, modern homa. Close to Churrh. srhool, e)ua line. 3tlt Liberty RdL OWNER I acre tract close last with eood dark soil, will loin the new Detroit Dam Hwv. 1.000 Terms. Eve. Ph. 144. its A. for sale, mile from Brooks. Ph. 4-.KU-1, talem. td'f A. FARM-belween-Oek Grove Ar Bethel. Rt 1, Box tit Rlrkreall, Prank Havana. W ACRiA near Rosed'sle. Ueh offer it Pioneer Trust Ce, a lem. BY OWNFR: 4 A . N. Kantlam. free water,, food summer or retirement home. Ph t-lM. jflll Eich. Real Ettota OWNFR transferred call nr trade for trailer house. 3 hdrm. hem SE. Flrepl. dbl. par are. Ire. lot, near srhoni, bus and store. 4-ltad after 4 p.m. SALE or trade bvwnerTeTunlt Apt. house on So. Cnm'l close In. 4 rms. pvt. bathe each Apt What hav you to trader 4-3041. 818"Vanta, RaaTEtajf ASK THE MAN WHO offeis lo asalit In your real aetata transaction, just Imw well ha will cooperate with other brokers In the aale of your pronerlv. If he re. fusee to cooperate with all. he t. eivinr lr.s aetvlre than has been provided lor ou. Whan you Hit with us your property ran he sold bv anv licensed broker In Orcon. Call us to. dsv wr NF.ED LISTINGS. Dial 4-4494. REALTORS SIT Court St, Dial 4-444 152 Uij Car Fm S.lo ORE 1 MILES HAVE f40ltCrtT THESE $1995 and white, radta, healer. S3 BUICK SUPER SDN, fpoww Strin .. 1143 'SI PLYMOUTH SEDAN t MS 'SO BUICK SEDAN .... $ 4H '44 CHEV. SHARP ... m '47 OLDSMOBILE ..... I 14S 41 CHEV. SEDAN I M People of Salem 10 Ot.DS, It Convert. Mat. Pll. a-asea. lait Trass. IM 1-TON U-peaeenrar ehev. panel with crew conversion, escel. aoaaj. Ph. OallM MA I-41M. 19 NAttf Rambler aUtloa waajnn, t owner, tow snlkeeie. everarlva, 14. McCall a. Lait Stata. CLXAN U rare Vector!. Ka evaryininf. BanK financtnf. Conaider trad. Ph. 4-tul. l4t PORO sedan, 4 race motor. essay perrecu. pn, wa, 44 PORD Victoria, eacellent Will tak alder car ta trM. 4-oaM. let MKRCURY club caup. food. Radio, beator, tISI. aaax terma. MrCall'a. IM7 Bum. IM1 KAISER 4 daae eedsn. Ra i. heater ai avardnv. A beautiful automeaule, tut. lte Call'a lt Stata. ItM STtTDEBAKER Ckunplan iwaei. uia. vary auc. tea. ls-14 Norway. , 41 MERCURY apart ml txcai. caeieL 1434 Narway. et PORD cib. caup. feed rub ber, lilt. Ph. s-aNS. IS4 Tntcttt, Treill. Hr t-sla POR BALI: 44 Dealt akk-sip. rn. a-avea. ALUMINUM hare tralUr ee trada fnr la Chanr. ae eh. . auih elub ep. 411 N. River ss, aner e INT. K B 4 and Prauhatif 4' sinale axla van air. Canal Condition. Caa finance. UJt is. inn. -iai. FOR ALI. 1M4 Pard el.b,.. . lap aeriea ra ec i eon. a aieai ai si.eaa. n, 4-aaat, ar aea at 444 . 4Mb. rORATE; im CHavta pickup. vnainai fooo enapa, apar parte. We Huleey. 11 PbRD'plckua tea. RtTT TRUCKS PICKUPS PANELS 34 CHEVROLET $IN l'a tan flat bed '43 DIAMOND T $395 I son rab as chassis 40 CHEVROLET $145 ta tea Pickup 41 DODGE $35 I tea pickup 44 CHEVROLET $37S sedan Delivery 47 FORD V-l $395 ti ton panel TRUCK DEPT. 4.T5 UNION ST. PH. 3-317, M Pickup 4, T. lone wheal base ever load sp. Hoa l-7sal 1B.1S PANEL Chav. tIM. Sea at ma rt. ttn after a p m. 64 CHEV. dl pickup. Sea at Rriti.h car saloa. Private own er, tral. 51 Motartytlea 44 ARIEL, MM rami. rnnd. UM. Ph. 1-4744, U14 Trade. FOR SALE: '44 Marlev-David son tl. Coed eend Ph. 4-ltJt. IN Sunday calls I RPOAL motor scooter, lie. aizo. I.-J, rnt-itts. , ... 862 Hauta Trailers Srr the beeutlful M' Flsmlnfe wsatin finish. Ash Interior. LanaLa, 104 Lena' Ave Good paint, isl. tl Ml Clea Weedry, SM N. Summer. it MDl.T" 11 ft KiTtraller houaa. tSOO. Ph. 4-20(4. fisil ON. SfF Pacemaker, modern. Ph. 4-1117 after I p m. weak days, anytime weekends. M "BEAUTIFUL Ift"RoTIS hom" Mod. Se at Lena Lane I14 Lena Ave. r7"ANOFt.US If metal treiler house. M cash. P. O. Boa LU, Turner. ONE of Ralem'a Belter Court Center Street Treiler Court, 41 M CENTER ST I KAII.EK T()WIN(. IAYHAWX TRAIT ER SALES put Portland Rd Ph f-srw VACATION sis ' trailer housee Cr aale or rent. See t-srl aim, 4U4 (Uvartaa Rd. 4-1UI SON'S is uew c-, r.r u -T3 Hoi TO WRITE AN AD 1-7? I II tU yJd what win dt) wt win (wtjiaiiy tmtta yon la LODER bROS. CO. Showroom FRIDAY NITE, JULY 13tk at I 30 pjt. U enjoy a re-braadcait ef ten, Salem Sahatnr rervu Ea ten Enversld b s s a a 1 1 f am aver K.S.L.M. FOLLOW THE SALEM SENATORS PLAY-by-elav at home aaat way t-saa sva. SUPPORT THE SENATORS VERY has) lame end wheat you caa t attend, e aur uaak) by Sadie, KSLM RADIO, SALEM BROUGHT TO YOU. BY TH1 COURTESY OF OLDSMOBILE 4n NO. HIGH PK. 1-7171 m hood rr. ra. torn '$ MERCURY CONV. CPf. jtadM. heaur, vertlnva. 34) CHEV. 4 DR. Uk new, radla, heater. 'M FORD 4 TON PICKUP 4 speed traaav 'M DODGE 4 DR. ' Radio, heeler. OPENMOOPl 1955 P0NTIAC CATAUNA Hard top heater, A u to ted!, p. ateeriM . tMeal 151 COMMANDER I eeer asdaa. OD, heater aifta 1154 CHAMPION Its Ilea Wafoa, OO heater SIM 163 FORD Victoria Mara Tea, OO Healer. Radla I1M IKS CHAMPION 4 Dear Sedan. Aute, Meat IMS INTERNATIONAL 'a Tea Ptckup, I (reed, heater . tilt 1M1 LAND CRUISER 4 Door asdaa. Awl. Meat, er. Radta . . Stat 1I1 COMMANDER 4 Doar Sedan, OD, Meet. r, Radla . SPt 1M1 CHAMPION 4 Deer Sedan. OD, Meet. 1M1 KAISER ' " , 4 Deor Traveler, OD hMtj USt LA.VD "CRUISER 4 Oaar Sedan. OO Meet, r saaS 1141 BUICK 4 IVser Read Master, R eat er. Radla tllS IMS CHEVROLET 4 Dear Sedaa UM North Church Si Salem, Or Phone I-taut er 4-M71 IMI BUICK taper herd Is-, drnafktw. vwry eleea as tn aa reliant mechanical conditio 7M. MrCall1. I let State. im cADiiiJcrai"Tar,foi may not believe thia. St.toa aetusJ snllea. hav all ina record aa areef. Shew raaat eend. IneSeta A out New prens turn rubber. Call Albany We aaeh -IMI after 4. iFPentlac f'sel Radla, beater. ta oida. as . . Stat Mvdra radla, heater, very clean. 41 Ferd Pickup - 4MB s, T , 4 apeed srana. U Che. Pickup . rl Like nw. IM Portland Rd. Ph. 48 CHEV. with U nvsler. ahapa, unite asset dump bed. I sa. reer-end. ala I se. Brownie tleavuu ataeat Ph. S-7HI. 41 CttrvTclub eeupa 'een. ai reliabki, aaeell. eend., redio as heeler ai anaay extra. Ph. 4-41M after t. l"Jl STUDERAKER Champtae. Btarllle caupe. Redtev heeter. everdrlv. Met. McCall a IMf State. Ortfoa's 4?-at Daaiar BEST BUY Usee Cart Cenuaercial at Oiseaaaatj Ph. 4-4711 ItM BUICK Caaturyltiviera C door, S tana. Iota et antra. Nylon Urea 4-1H4 after 8 p sa. ItM NASH Statesman 4 W sedan. Radio, heeter seat rnv. ere. Very food i-sodlttea. 4M4. McCail a. 1M7 Stat. 154 Wtnfel, Cart, Trwcka ATT STRAWBERRY OROWERB Would like te nlret yeur Ut ile aus ior was. ror my I a. be ana. Mutual safefuiroa. w, Pe'ir Poplar farm, lilveruss), l-4( eve. ' CASH for 1DM es IMI eer. 4a Call's I Mr BUI, t-tin. WE'RE PAYIMO TOP CASH . Per Ctesa Use Cra Paid sr ar Net Bob BlU't Us4d Ctra Union Hull 8U ItM Chev. Rel Air Spt. Hardtop. V-t. Radio healer, powerellde, tinted windshield. W W. Tires. Power Perk, S out mlleare. Must sail within month, folng oversee CaQ after I p m. weekdaya. 4eS N. ind SI, Silverton, Ore. 141 CHEVROLET asdenl FiD Xrtc tt, terma. McCaU a. ISM tale. N BONESME'S I Sill