22-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 12, '56 New York Closing Stocks Br ported by - Merrill Lynch. Pierce. Fenner and Been Admiral Car - ll's Al them A -y . Allied Sin ...... J Aliia Chalmers : Akin 11 Aluminum Lid -H-'s ' Am Airline W, Am Can 4Si Am Cyan , , Am Motors - Am SU rdr - Am 1 A 1 .le--,. Am tobacco 78' Ant ViutM SS Amt Copper MS Anno .- 1 Armour ,-.. AtrhMoa Tod ...1m Avco - lis Bendlx1 Avia M 1 rood! .-. 4b. Beth SU Boeing Air Borden Fllntkot Ford Motor o Cm Dynamic Gn Eire - Cea Koodi Ota Motor! . Gen Tire - .. Geo Pa Ply Cilletie , Gllddea Goodrich , 4 , M's Borg Warn Bucvruf . .. Burro A4dln C Calif Pack Campb Soup Tan Pac By ClM J I Caterp Trad Celanee Celolex ... Certainteed ... Chaa A O Rv Chi M it SI P CM NW Br Chi R la Mr -Chryaler .. . Cltlea Sere Climax Moljr Cluetl Pea , Coca Cola Colgate . Com Credit Comw Edlsofc Cnne EdlaonT, Container Cant Can Con! Oil - IM'k Crana Co . Crown Zen - 4' Curtlss Wr H ... 0 TVere A Co 'i t)ia Match 40'- Poug Air . 11. Dow Cham ,.. 00 D p d No a7it 38'. 121a IV . a i ... e . 44', 11 e AT. !' Jit'. Js '. .. 09', 1I8' tn, , 421, 48, 47'k Goodyaar Grace W Grt No By .... Grt Wait Sug - 11 Grcvhound ..- IS CuU Oil .j...l)',a llomestake Hi ... I . In! Harveet .; Int Nickel... Inl Paper , I Johna-Mana . . Jones M SU K Kalaer Alum Kennacott Kern Land L , Llbby McN LU Myera LOt Glaaa Lockheed Air Loew i lnc Lone Bell A Lortliard Fast Air LI F-aet Kodak Fal Paao Gaao Imer Badio En Call FalrrhlVJ . M'i . '. . tl'a M Magnavox -M4 Marah Field 1? K It U Wood Merck at Co - J Mont Chem 43', Mont Ward Motorola -. 45', N Natl Blacult S8Js Natl Caah Reg . to. Natl Dairy 41 ', Natl Distill M Natl Cypaum M Natl Lead 1( Natl Supply 7S NY Central No Am A via No Pac Ry NW Alrllnea O Olln Math . Oua Kiev . P Pabco ... Pee O Ox El Pic T a T Pan Am Air Penney i C Peon By Pepit Colo .. 37', Phelpa-Doaie 1J4 VP,, Phllco Corp ZZ'i fhll Morria , i Phil Petrol 104 is, fiiiaoury ,.. Proe At Gam 4ft'k , 471J Pu Id P L m ruro vil u ft 484 Radio Corp 1 4V, 97i, B.yonler lne 3'i IU Hepub SU 1 47 1, 75'. Reynold. Met 7. 871, 1 Reynold, Too 4:i1e Richfield O Hoyal Dutch -Safeway Slra ,. St Joe Lead St L Y SF Ry Kt Regit Paper - Scheiilry Ind Kcotl P-par Se.ra Boa Shell Oil Sinclair Ou Skelly Oil . Soconv-Mon Sou Cal Ldl Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Snerry Rand Std Brand! Std Oil Cal Sid Oil lnd Std Oil NJ - Sturle-Pirk Sunray Oil Sunshine M , Swift At Co Sylvoruo El . , ar. ...lno -140 Ml, - M'i 124', 441, H' M 4S; i, aM. II Mi, i- 411. If HI. . 41', 40'. )4 141 mi 07 I3'l ADS EN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 403 Livestock Wanted Texoo Co . Texaa Gulf Textron Tlde-Aaao - Tranaam Trana Wo At? .. Twen Can Foil V Union Carb Union Oil Union Pae By Unl Aircraft Unl Air Lino Unl Corp Unl Fruit US Plywood .- US Rubber US Steel W Warner Pic U..H Water P 37 Weat Atr Br - , 34'i Weatrn Air l"1! WMlem Elec - 5M: Weatern Union ' Woolworth 4)7a 1.11 17;i 74 "4 'l SO', 47 '-4 4'. SO'. Zenith Premium No. 1 , BUTT KB Wholeaalo ReUU Most Grain t Prices Jump CHICAGO III-AD frslru except whett advaneed on the Board of Trade Wednesday respondinc to the Africulture Department't July 1 crop forecast Wheat closed H- lower, com 1 poultry to J eeaU higher. oaU Hi to I cm-J,- cents mgner, rye ii-ai mgner, colored Pryen soybeans H-JH higher and lard I to 17 cents a hundred pounds higher. The official crop forecast Issued after the close Tuesday dominated trading sentiineni. Most bullish In fluence appeared to be in oats, -rhere a croo of 1.14J KJ.0O9 bush els was forecast. This compared with a recent private estimate of 1,SS0,90.000. Salem Quotations (At of lato yerterdayj Jtl .1 IOOS-BByH) (Wholeaalo prleoo ranfo from to 1 cent over buying pric Larre A . Medium A Small i ... -u SEWING MACHINE LATE mdl. Necrhl xif-aaf port- aoie oniy nun. Luberal trade In, no dn. pm't. .u. 1 per wa. rn. a-nui tair). SKWINGMACHiNE- PORTABLE elec.,' completely uar. lor only. 917. so, terma. auc per w. rn. -noa idlr.l. VACUUM CLEANER" neakli new Electrolux, ex. cond., new guar., S1S.M. Etay terma, liberal trade in allow anre. MORSE SEWING CENTER 2007 Faira-rounda Rd. Ph. 4-7102 VACUUM 'CLEANER LATE mdl. upright, complete w attarnmcnti. fiaso. MORSE SEWING CENTER 2007 Fairground! Rd. Ph. 4-7IOJ NEED A FREEZER???" WHAT cio you have to tradet Bediaul Broa. li2 CENTER PH. J-M71 FOR SALE: J -wheel tralleri 20 Ki Hazel St. INTERNATIONAL T. panel. 100'. rubber. Leaa than lo.ouo ml. on motor. New tranamia alon. plna it buahlnga. New apring ehacklea or buahinga. Ml model. Ph. 1-724J. xu Mc Nary. W. Salem. '4 FORD, 1', T, flat-bed. SO ml. on motor over-haul. Vacuum l-ipeed plua 1-apeed Browning I 25 rubber, New paint. Wk. daya after I p m , all day sunaay. lata N. Linerty. '4 FORD -dr. orlg. paint, new tire,, o drive, other extraa 1IM Hlnea, 1941 CHEV. J-dr. adn. radio heater, new Urea, exrel value 26S. Owner. . 147S Evergreen Ph. 4-7270. LIVESTOCK buyer Claude Ed. warda. Rt S, Box aK 4-1113 CATTLE buvera 42S7State t L at H. Snethen I-134S, 1-4.180 ATl'LL. nuraea at your farm c t- MfCandlten. Rt . Ullal CATTLE buyer A. W Bommer, 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-SM7 404 Poultry end Kobbita BABY Chirk, hitrhed yr round. V a I ley Farm Store. 4-4424. COLORED dreaaed fryer. Call evenl ng. Ph.jl-1090 CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rahblta. Wlng'a, 38A3 Bute. Ph. 4-3S1I. 408 Pets pupa for tale. BCHIPPFRKA Ph. 2-.TIIS2. FOR SALE: beautiful blond romeranlum puppy. A K C. reg. 964 Shipping St. Ph. 4-979. BEAGLES, I wkl. reg. M. Un- reg. a Ph. Empire 7-30M. Sweet Home. , FOR RALE: Pedigree Norweigan Elkhound pupplea, 7 weekt old. xr. childrena pet and farm dog. 27.il Arnold Way, Corvallia. Plata 3-4283 FREE KITTEN ISN. 19th "l-,,4 FOR SALE: Reg. Dachshund pupplea. ttl S. Church, Sll verton. after I p.m. Ph. l-tstt Silverton. MO. OLD reg. Colden Cocker Spaniel, houae broken, exc. pet. Ph. I-74J0, See at 1771 N. 24th. WANT AD TO0PPtRS " . . r 0-1 ifM 1; Save time -Save money ' For the Best Professional Services Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACBTINBS Buy as you rent Roen-Typewrltera, Ph. M773. All 4 makea Court 4.PH1.1ANCS8 WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Cok'I Ph 4-J111 "He got it through the Classified. S.iys it's a lot easier than using a spade to dig bait!" 450 Merchandise 49 DODGE conv. Ph. 4-1389. excel, cond. 49 NASH, radio, heater, over drive, by owner. 1331 Wallace Rd. WANTED: clean '47-'4a cpe. No dealers. Call morn. 4-).H. TWO BDRM home, will sell reaaonable. Monmouth. Ore. Ph. Skyline 7-1283. FOR SALE: By owner, auburban 1 bdrm. home, 1 garaaea acre fruit it out trees. Ph. 4-1333. TRADE equity in new house fum. or unfurn. for late trailer hae. Ph. 1-I3S1. KITTENS to give away. Ph. 2-9SIS after I p.m. HEALTHY ' I week old Hamp- sters. Ph. .-7027. 2493 Ml. View Dr. KITTENS, mostly Manx.' BIOS Marlray Rd. 4-37SD eveSj MO. Old Reg. German short haired Pointers tor sale or trade. 1S10 S. Capitol. Ph-OSl f i N Y registered Chihuahua" pupa.Ph. S-400J. ATTEN: huntera, for aale A K C. registered English Springer Spaniel puppies, 1930 N. 33rd Ph. S-SS0S. 455 House Goods for Sala BE 450 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sole FOR BALE: Mlnaturo dachshund weeka old. Ph. 4-3tT72. FOR SALE: German short hair pointer pups, whelped last of May. Finest hunting stock eligible for registration. Also 4 part Siamese kittens to give away. Gordon Hull, Rt. I, Box 173. Ph. 4-1042. 3 Kittens J -8552. to give away. Ph AVAILABLE for leaaa. new, ul tra-modern, I boy acrvlre sta tion on primary hwy In Mon mouth, Oref Low rent In vestment of 32.000 will handle. For Information rail Union Oil, Salem, a-737. after I pjn. call 4-3811. , NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm. apt.. range, refrlg. utll. turn. Ph. 3-4064 after 4 p.m. Colored Roe, Lars OU Roosters Chicago Grain CHICAGO (AP - Opea Cloeo WHEAT ti? iner July Beptembar December March , Hay CORff July September December March , OATS July September December Varrh BY! July September December March SOYBEANS July September . November January March t eS'.-i JM'a-'a JI2's-"a 14a-a 113'4-lJ lllS-'t 14,-! I Jo's l.9',-0'i 4 72', -71 ISO's 129', -a, lJ.1',-34 113 1 M-S'V 3 JI4-S1 I 1 47-47 '.4 1901, SM'fc 3 OS', -03 3 lle-ia 3.12 '4 1. 93-93 'I, I -30 in;-', 1.41-411, 71 i s 73i,.. 711', T7"4 1 r'i l J0'.-4 134i 1J' I74i.-, t 94',-M 143-43' 4 3 4-4i, 31'4-', .IS .1 31 JO Jl Western Securities (Zllka. Smlther At Co. Int.) Theaa bid and ask ajuotatioM roa- reeent prices st which one or mora dealers, memoera or ine i.aon, aoclatlon of Security Dealer s Inc.. wnuid teed with the eneral ayublie at the umo the quotattona wen gaui ered at I pm. yaswrday. Call! -Oregon Power -33'l cascaoe r'lywooa ........ Coneol. rrelgni Iron Fireman . Jantaen Inc. Com. Meier At Frank Morrlaon-K mid sen Ore -Port. Cement , Pae. P a L. Com. . Pope Ar Talbot ' Portland Gee At Coko . 3J'4 Port Gen. Clc 19!, BANKS Rank of America S7 --U'i S4"4 iri'. iai 424 44 ... .- 7 V-'l .... l SI'k 31',. as 17 Chicago Liventock CHICAGO (AP) fUBDAI Hogs 7 000; steady to 23 higher; bulk No. 1 to 1 1110-240 lb butchers 1450.17 00; 10 head mostly No. 1 these weights 17 33; most No. 9 and 1 210-200 lb 13 73-16 90; few Iris 300-330 lb 14 23. 19 79; small Iota 1(0-190 lb 14 30-14 SO anws 110-1S9 Cattle 19.000; calves 303: steer, mostly steady; heifers closed 19 to SO off: other classes steady to strong load high prime 1290 lb steers 14 00; prime 10M-1379 lb 1.1 29-23 90; bulk 1 choice end prime Jl 00-23 00: mixed good and choice 30 23-20 79; good ateero 19 00-20 00; choice and prime heifera 30 00-22 90- good to low choice heifers 17 50-19 SO: cowa 10 90-14 SO; cannon and cutters 1 00-11 29: utility and commercial bulla 1400-igM: good and choice vealera 1900-22 00: good 150-550 lb stock steer calvea and yearling stock ateesa 17.90-19 90 Bheeo BOO: anrlne lambe st ta I flf lower; slaughter aheep steady; good 10 prime native apring lamns an.no. 14 90: cull to low good 14 00-1 JO ewes 1.90-4.90: few 9 00; deck 104 lb mostly cull ewes 4.za. Chicago Onions CHICAGO (AP)-- Kov (OMI t B Nov (New) III II !W inn Jan 1 24 2 34 1 23 1 34 ren 1.47 isib 144 3 91 Chicago Butter-Egg. CHICAGO (AP) Butter steady wholesale eelllng pnrea unrhanaed A A S3 score Jtl flO-M 2.5; A 91 90 00 M 23; B SO 9 79-97J9: C SO 55 00-M 00. Ears steadier: wholesale aelling -riree lower la in higher; extra large 3(90-40 00: extra medium MAO IS 90: standards 32.90-33 00, checks S3 90-29 90. Investment Trnsts (Zllka. Sallther Ar Co. Inc.) Bid Affiliated Fund (37 Canadian Fund JoiM! , Century Shares Irust...13.70 Chemical Fund II 17 Delaware Fund ..ll 41 Diver. Invest. Fund 9 Dividend Shares 191 f .ton A H. Bat, Fund2I fd f.aa. Ind. ' f.roup Tobacco 4 33 Ineorp. Investors IS. 14 Key Cust funds: P-3 B-4 K-l i S-X 1 Man. Bond Fund .. Maes. Invest. Trust Hatl. Sec. Series: Income Series a so ftork Series . , 194 Tref. Block S. .---. I 91 Nail. Div. erlee 4 74 haU. Growth - , - , l pHmeee Fund , 13 9 Jel -Klec. Fund .11 39 (lne I. lne Inc. Fund 15 Ifceliir- n Fund 14 09 .17 97 .10 93 1 15 .12 12 e 3 79( .1204 Asked (79 "12 15 12 19 99 12M 10 38 320 14 54 1 01 4 7 10 94 1M1 11 93 10 93 14 09 - MM 77 13 03 S7 77 9.M 120 7 21 19 14 13 44 8 71 1932 Bank of California . Chas Manhattan First National . First Nat. Cltr NV U. S. National -Si, :S!i .M'i 71 U S3 n'i 7'. VERY nice 1 rm. apt. Close In. ao 0. Bummer. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY FOR EDUCATIONAL SALES MAN. Hundreds of qualified leads secured through national and local advertialng. Over 40 yeara a leader In Commercial Art Educauon through Home Study. Abaolutely no cold tur key eelllng. Hard working, capable aalesman with proven record In field anemia earn from $1,003 and higher each month. Build-up before call la dramatle and terrifically ef fective through distinctive and beautifully illuatrated eelee material. It you have good tranaportatton wo have ah op portunity for you with Amer ica a foremost school in Com merctal Art. Write J. J. Sher. Art Instruction. Inc.. Boo 4th St., Mtnneapolia II, Minn COCKER pups, purebred, blonde At red. 1 white msle Pek.. also 1 white Collie. M19 Williams. DACHSHUND DUDDles. minia ture, long hair, black aV red. A.K C. reg. Ph. 4-7304. BIRD Paradise for Mrsla, cages. s.ppnes 1130 Livingston a-iasi. YOUNG parakeets, cagee. feeds Mickey's. 3329 B Com. 1-1739 REG. 4 mo. aheltles. (Mln Col' lies) free kittens. Ph. 4-1733. 410 Seeds and Plants FUCHIAS. I for $1, Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. BLOOMING Size Fuchtaa. 33c. Burnett Gardens. Kt. 4. Box a Ph. 4-S431. Closed Sundays. 412 Fruit Form Produce U-P1CK Willamette raspberries SI aer flat. Bring containers. J. G. Farley, 3741 Brooke Ave. Ph. 4--U3. PIE Cherrtes, U-plck. Maeleay Bd. Myrtle Martin Rt, t. Box 473. CANNING At Ph. 1-1 101. freezing carrots. EXPERIENCED aalesman to aeU Ford tractor,. Apply by letter, vaney Tractor bo. Kilo Silver' tort Rd., Salem. EXPERIENCED drapery seams tress at once. Burcn Draperies. Ph. 4-iom TAG-AXLE in good cond. 'to fit 1903 l nev. truck. Merle GIUI ens. Bhedd, Orrg. Markets at Glance NEW YORK (AP) Stocks; High er; rain and chemicals lead advance. Bonds Irregular: governmenta weir. Cotton Quiet: light, hedging. CHICAGO: Wheat Eaar: eold off at close. CornFirm; good demand for caah corn. Oata Strong: new highs: eroo re duct ion. Soybeans July strong: other months steady. Hons steady to 25 rente higher: top 117.39. isiue nteers eteaay; top s4.no. EXECUTRIX PINAL NOTICB NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN that RUTH H. HARRIS, as executrix of the estate of Thomas Henry Harris, Decessed, baa filed her final account as surh. and hv order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, the ISih day of August. 19S8, the hour of 913 in th forenoon of said dav has been fixed as the Ume snd the e.-mrtroom of said court naa been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to ssld final account and the settle ment or said estate. DATED and flrat Bubllihed: July 14, ivse. RUTH ft. HARRIS Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Henry Harris, De craned RHOTTN. RHOTEN ft SPEERSTRA Attorneva at Law 310 Pioneer Trust Bld. Salem, Oregon . Attorneys for rxenttrlx . July 11,19, W.Aug. . 300 Personal 316 Personal ' AL'S BAKERY 1040 MARKET Froren lamalie, chicken Ac beef pies, 12 29 a dor., Plrra Pie, 3Dc. large bread 1 for 49c, Ph. 3-7371. TOO MANY' BILLS?- Don't let, your bills get you In trouble. If you're behind in R.ymenls, we ran help you. 0 security or co -.liners needed. One place to pay all bills. Pay only what you ran afford I (Bonded and licensed for your protection!) CRKDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem 1-3344 for Inlorma lion. , ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. I. 2033 N Com'l 3-453 1. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, see S Commercial. 3-1103 1t)0 bisploy CloisifUd YOU Con SURVEY Accurately With No Experience! SEARS Budget Priced Surveying Instruments art as low as 399 M As Little As 10 DOWN Sears Roebuck & Col ji en- n. lapuni r 6?rW.'!' a iiiiuieiii, BOYS Senator baseball suit shoes. Suit size 10, shoes 4. Ph 3-3373. COrFEE table: light hard wood. hand made. 33-ln. round glaas top. 1120 center at. UPRIGHT piano and S wheel trailer, reas. Ph. 1-7310. NEW Columbia 23-ln. wheel bl cycle I2S30. Phillips Appliance 333 Center St. NEW I H. P. outboard motor, 193.13. Phillips Appliance 339 Center St 1999 PHILCO deluxe auto. 30-ln range, 339.99. Phillips Appliances 353 Center St. 7 CU. FT. Philro refrigerator, sealed unit, 959113. Phlllipa Appliance 355 Center St. ANTIQUE furniture costs no more than modern, and what a dirrerenre. visit Lamberts, 2.T3 80. Comm. (terms). LOST: Mon. eve personalized check book, Heward. Ph 1-S.VM. SET of six antique wal. chairs marble top tables, drop-leaf t.ble. cheats. Lambert s. 239 So. Comm. ANTIQUE maple poater spool bed. dreseer to match. Lam berts, 233 So. Comm. ANTIQUES: Two beautiful, round front, china cabinets Lamhert'a. 2.13 So. Comm CANNING apricot from The -alias. Ped's Produce 9233 Portlend Rd. Ph. 4-4071 Tree klltrna. Ph.3-98.50. Free kittens. Ph. 4rl.HV3 ONE 1-yr.old saddlehred gelding rrajNtnut color with blare fare, also 4-yr.-nld Shetland gelding (! marked. 910 Plymouth ivi, aaiem. FOR SALE No. 1 Guernsey milk cow I yesrs old Emery Rife, Rt. 1. Box 788, Salem. Ea gle crest Rd. Ph. 1-1204. LOST: mens bifocal glaaaes, gold names, rn, -933. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole FOR RALE or trade. ' gentle ponies for children, also good ssddie horses Boh Franks, 305 N Water Bt. Silverton, Ph 1-8134 FOR SALE: Ph. 4-3871. Shetland gelding EXTRA good gentle milk cow. rn. 1-1103 after S p m. SALEM Meat Co, locker beef. u.um Bluing, cutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free. PROFESSION A L oreeehoet Lee nansoa. 4-0714 or 4-3 403 ti-estotfc Wanted 1147 BUirK n pee Sdn. la good "is., ai iaai actual ml. trade for anvkind livestock, cattle preferred. Ph. 4-M.U, DIAL 4-6811 TO PLACE AD FOR BALE-nice clean . hay. 123 a ton In field bale excellent horse hay. On Kelaer Road-at Oregon Electric Croaalng. John A. Seawrlght. U-PICK Irrigated Northwesta, acroaa from Knight Pearcy Nursery. 8c b.. your container. Holrome At Duff us. 1-1253, 1- 1138. MONTMORENCY Cherries start picking iWed., July 11. FB 1-1131. Emll Hoffenalefken. NICE U-pirk Northwest strsw- Derriea. rn. i-aaes. LOGAN berries order now by calling 1-0039. John Neuen arhwander, 7 ml. S. of Salem on Sunnyalde Rd. U-PICK Mont, pie cherries, 3c lb. 7 ml. No. Keller sen. on St. Paul Hiway. GOOD clover hay. hasn't been rained on. u. r. Annresen. 4843 N. Lancaster. 4-1973. Montmorency Pie ChcrriM J. W. HANNAH, 4-8243 TILT0N APRICOTS Tree ripened from The Dslles Green Apple Mkt. 8103 Port landR(l "fine pie cherriks U-Piclt. Ph. 2-2124 U-PICK Northwest Strawberries Dave Rmseycr,.n.l. 9, Box 380. Ph. 4-1.104. BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE I30.no dn. will buy a com plete household of furniture1 ' including APPLIANCES. 3 PIECE 90' curveai sectional, green. I'sed very short time. Cost $339.00, .now only 1199.50. RADIO-PHONO combination, $.19.50. WE have a good selection of reconditioned It guaranteed APPLIANCES. WANTED, good used furniture and appliances. We pay casn. NEW 1 pc. Mr. and Mrs. bed room set, 179 90; new 3 pc. Mr. and Mra. bedroom act, $109.30. Save at Salem's lowest over hesd store. Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. 6usEiiolTl-TfRlvrTraE PH. S-8981 IMPERIAL coffee table 123. con sole table $13. Ph. 3-8330. CHROME drop leaf table A chairs. 96993. Used Mdse. Msrt. 170 S. Liberty. Open Frl. nlghta til 9. No down pay ment loan Ph. 4-6.171. $.10 DOWN. Buy, complete , nouKninn 01 luimiuie ana f appliances at Salem'a loweat overhead atore. Glen Woodry 1609 N. Summer. CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novatora New mattresses 3-4069 BKical A BLOCkMASO.N BRICK and block Work guar- anteed;Ph;4-439. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEW building, roofing or pnnT ing,remod ,esufree 4-8340. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement or pumice block. Free eitl mstes. 38 mo. to psy. l-Sl'BO FLOOR COVFBINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering. Division Qual ity Inatallatlons Linoleum, As- fhalt At Rubber Tile Wall Ule ree Eatlmatea 4-227 fiRADINO ADOZINO BULLDOZING & hack fill, per hour. Ph. 1-0933. $3.30 OOZING Ph 1-0932 k LEVELING ' 0 PANTCW1CB BULLDOZING, clearing roads, Bonds, D-4, D-8 rarryalL V usaey. Ph. 1-3148. tOTOVATINO TILLING, Howard Rotovatlng garden cultlvaUng, lawn prep aration by nr. or job. 1-9699. CUSTOM Rotovatlng. Ford equipment Fielda, lawns, or chards It gardens. Ph. 1-8868 it 3-4778. 600 Employment 604 Help Wont, M EXPERIENCED Welder. employment. Pd Ins. fc Va. Mater Machine Works. Cor. vallia, Ore. Plata 3-9911. PARKING "lot attendant want ed.ll or over. 149 8. Church. WANTED, ahop mgr. fnrbrak fit front and repair, Flreetona Store. 399N. Liberty. WANTED, shop-mgr. for brake handle Firestone At new PhUio line. Firestone Store. 383 N. Liberty. 60 6 Help Wonted, Lo3y PART time waitress wanted- Trail Cafe Woodburn Ph. 1-9311. SAND A GRAVEL BULLDOZING, grading At Und clearing Eimo W. Locker owner At operator. Ph. 2-9741 PAPEBINO A) PAINTING Painting and paper-hanging Free estimates Ph 3-9313 IRANI WORB 33-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co 3-1461 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavattnf Co Excavating Grading Ph. S-1SSS TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-8U Brush or apray. Exterior or In- terler. Free estlmste. 1-9608. PAPEBINO A PAINtTno PAINTING fc DECORATING 25 Yrt. ia Salem 3-755J BEFRIGFJtATION DANA REFRIGERATION Commerc'I. household. Ph. 49801. RIIOFING 1 Exp. all around roofers. estimates. Ph. 4-4127. free WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL ' 1623 Mi-QIU-hr st Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sues for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doring, shov el ano oragune work. 3-9249, SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO Read mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top eon. twa n. rront l. ?-Z4tti VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Crushed it round gravel. Sand At con -mix 1-4001 SEPTIC SERVICI! HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewera, septic tanks cleaned. 3-9317. MIKE'S SepUc ae'vlce Tanks cleaned D rooter cleans sewer. araina Phone 1-148S Bamel'a aepUe tanka cleaned. Une service. Guaranteed work. rnone i-ifot or 1-0774. CPHOLSTRINO UPHOLSTERING Professional; guar, work, oel st pickup. free liver. Ph. 1-4396 450 Merchandise 458 Building Moterioli WOODl? 515 S COM'L PH. 4-3319 freezer, only 363 N. High. FINE, chest type 3-J5 00. Helder s. VACUUM s-leaner aale: absolute ly top buys It Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. RANGE A refrlg. At furniture. 170 Roger lane. B. Salem. MODERN 7-pc. dining aulta. bleach, extra nice, real value at $79. Glen Woodry 160 Bummer. USED refrigerator. 919 23 At up. AiMui. A pp. JJ3U state Bt FINE baby crib full panel birch save ia at 319 90. Glen Wood ry 109 N. Bummer. UNFINISHED furniture. H. 1 awr furniture. I, a n. High. CONTOUR chair $29.90 Glen woodry 103 N. Summer. CUT RATE prices Glen Woodry new ac used f urniture. 1609 . summer. troVING. mutt sell Croaley Shelvador ref rig., Gibson rsnge, draperies A blonde corner table. Rt. 3. Box 370, Molalla. Ph, 1779 Molalla. SELL, aeveral good kitchen cab inet unite. Ress. 1-1232. 3 PC. walnut bedroom aeL Like new. 3119 S3. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 8. Liberty. Open Frl. nighta til 9. No down payment lo.a.c.) Ph. 4-6371. 30" Electric range, floor model Reg. prire 921)9 S3. Reduced price I89 99. 11.79 wk. S A H Green Stamp.. BATDORF H AiA.1420State Street, 1-9582. FOR SALE: 1x4 studdlngs, fir or cedar 19c each. Cedar ahip lap 939 per M. Cash and Carry - Northwest- Products. 490 Psc lftc Highway. Woodburn. Dlr, ect from mill to you. roR sale: good 3 car garage to be moved, also 129 ft. of picket fence. See at 697 N,. t-ottage. ESTATE SALE, scada of Items to sacrifice ss follows: Bilt well Davenport and club chair 143, large rocker 33. sxig As minister rug $11, T;kx9 rug 11190, old dresser S4. saw 13, level 11 odd tools cheap, mat tresses $3 to 910, galvanized tub $1, piano $no, piano stool $3, vacuum cleaner $3, bed springs 12 90. to $10, wicker rocker $6. Many other Items moved to Glen Woodrvs for your convenience. 1603 N. Summer, Salem. 456 Wonted House Goodg WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Fum. Co 1-7471 $10,000 CASH To epend for High grade Deed rurnlture 4c Appliance. Ph 1-1110. Paying Top Price for Better tirade. Glen Woodry, 1909 N. Summer WANTED rURNTTURE MISC. PH. I-609J INLAID Lino, fi g R. I Eliitrom Corny per sq. 160 I. yd. LINCOLN rocker 119. Glen Woodry, 1609 N. Summer. INLAID Lino.. R. . Eliitrom Co. erty 1 39 per sq. yd. a. LJb- GOING fsst: Maple bunk beds inc. springs At mattreaaea. 144.90. Glen Woodry 1609 N. Summer. STORE type. 10 cu. Must sell by Sat. 4-0.181. ft. freezer, cheap. Ph. BLUEBERRIES for sale, James I,. Bright. 1010 South Psrlllc Highway, woodburn, uregon. STATE Inspected milk 63o. Ph 4-1111. l'.s m. E. 4 Lor. on rate U-PICK strawberries, 10c lb. Albert Bcharer. Ph. 4,4017; PASTEURIZED wno'e milk. 73c gel Homogenized, 79c, 1, gal lon 40c. Cleary Dairy, l-3o.il. RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Brantner. 2833 Chemawa Rd. 3-1386 eves. 413 Fertiliier FOR SALE: good rich horse manure, u-nsui. en. e-oais. CHICKEN manure deUvered, $19 truck load, aack Due. Ph. 4-1089 or 4-60.19. ROTTED SAWDUST 1$ yrs. old. Use It like peet moss for mulching flower bed. or lawns. Call for price and delivery. Phillips Bros., Rt. 9, Box Siifl. Ph. 4-3081. PETE Moss from chick trays, 13c sack. Valley farm store. 414 Form Equipment FOR SALE: a aide-mount mow er, fits a rora tractor. wi. l'i milea S. of 11 St Junction. Sunnyalde Hd , Rt, 4. Box I'M. Salem. Jo Porter. Ph. 4-4.180. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery t Tools Unfinished Chesti, New , 1 Drawer $891 t Drawers $8 99 Mo Phone Orders Plea HOGG BROS. 148 Stat St FINE Maytag washer discount 80. See this bargain!! Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. SMALL lounge and chair net, birch top dinette with buffet G. E. refrlg. and 3 burner top unit like new. Phone 4-42S5. SIMPLEX ironer-A-ir$.i3Glen WoodryJBOS N. Summer. INLAID Lino.. $13 per sq. yd R L. Eliitrom Co.. 360 S. Liberty. TOP CASH PRICE FURN1- 1UIV, AlrTJANi;FJV ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 27 S LIBERTY PR. 4-6371 WANTED: Good clean furniture It appliances. .Will pay top casn price, rn. 4-j7i. Radio and TV DUE to illness good customer turns 21" console TV. Assume small bal. 13 dn. "Your down town Firestone Store. 399 N. Liberty. RADIO with 1 speed phonograph reg. JH9 85. rine coneol model like new, 113900. Holder's, 363 N. High. HI-FI, 40'(, oft on many model. rieidera o3 N. High. R C A. Victor TV. Regular 1297 93 repossessed. Bsl. due, $12900. Helder s. 363 N. High. DO IT YOURSELF " Test your TV and radio tubes tree at uicKMnl Mkt.. Eds Mkt , State St. Superette or uei-Mar-Ket. USF.D washera $13 A up. Mod ern Appliance ( enter, 1141 So. Com'l Ph. 4-9:i5. GOOD med Cold. pot refrlg. Only one. 1J913 11 per wk. "Your down town" Fireatona Store. 393 N. Linerty. NEW Speed Queen washer A drier. Full guarantee. Reg $379 99. Spec. 1399 99. Used Mdse. MsrL 170 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-1371. Open Frl. nighta til 1. No down psyment IDICI 458 Building Moterioli 1$ felt Si craft paper $2 33 3 ten lis lh. roofing Cheap 1 eaar rtnmgies .i, 93, 90 New Iron roofing per sq $t0 Outside white psint, gal 82 30 ii-i wire, roi at 4'.c Garage doori, all sire., cheap Barh wire 80 rods IS. 93. 17 4S celling tile 12x24. 10c so. ft 4x8 platter hd II 40. I flu I 83 no. 1 A.be.tol siding 113 90 sq New Water heater, sell out -16c n, pas. wnn trim 119 30 Iron, steel, stainless ateel PAINT by the case 17.91. Glen wooory, mm N summer. Just received large lot used rugs, nuy now and save at naiems lowest overhesd store Glen Woodry, 1909 N. Sum. nier. USED Bulltwell Davenport and chair, good cond. 1.10 Call after a 30 p.m. 1-4733. 3090 S. Cot tage. DUE to transfer good customer returna new cu. ft. refrlg Assume Bal. $10 dn. New guarantee. Save $79 here. 1 moa. old. "Your down town Firestone Store. 31 N. Lib' erty. JIG saw and motor, lathe and moor. Ph. 1-193 after 6. 454 Sewing Mochine SINGER SPINET Cabinet, gear drive head with buttonholer. Take over payment. - SEWING CENTER 3313 ' Woodburn 1-7912 Singer Portable $27.40 - -SNGER . - SEWING CENTER THIS week only Necihl cah inet El aewln gmachlne, Queen Anne cabinet A-l, 179 30 Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. DINING room set. exc-cond! (ion. Ph. 1-773- mornings. RED hot rug 13 wp. New I2 tweed ruga, 138 8. Glen Wood ry. 1809 N. Summer. DAY" bed-$39 93."" Used Mdse" Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Frl. nighta til No down pay ment (oa.c.) Ph. 4-4371. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ' PH. J 3431 GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges A refriga He ti it up. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Chemeketa St BABY stroller 14 30, lie cream freeer $2 on croquet set 13 30 cedar - the.t 122 30. hp motors 13.00. rakes, hoes. fitrhfnrks cheap misr chaira I no up. and limn other bar gaina. Glen Woodry, 1609 N. Summer. LATE model Faav aptn dry. Ex cellent condition. See at lias Bnnham between S a.m. and 3 pm. aoil pine 75c ft, galv. nine 12c. r.-29c. l',-36r. O Son gal. ateel aeu. tanks 1S1.S0 O 300 gal steel Sep tanks 919 90 O New hath tub complete 139 93 a lonets wim seats 128.30 a ws.n, sinks. Drsln-hnard covering ..lne ft O 8" Ceiling fans $13.79 ueiuxe 14x24 mea. rshinets . 39 99 Oak flrg. rsndrm enfth Cheap New window ss.hea, choice $2 no Windows A frames, large stork O Mnhg plywood 4x8. ISc sq. ft. O l.ooii doors, hardwood A glass STRICTLY CASII-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONCJ It SONS PF1 4-9091 1 Ml. N. KFIZER D BLDG. SUPPLIES Overhead steel garage with hardware, tttja. In atalled S41.M. Galvanized eva trough. U per EPPING LUMBER CO, PH. 4-0123 J740 SILVERTON RD. 500.000 FEET New. fresh-milled old A eeeond rowth lumber. 1x4 to 1x11 In to 14-foot lengths. DeUvered prices Salem. 130 per thou minimum Ted Muller s-l 19 SURPLUS: New 9 000 watt Wall Heaters, cheap. Ph. 1-0030. 460 Musical Instruments UPRIGHT 3-8529. Piano for sale. Ph KURTZMANN mahogany up right piano, good tone A Hon 1150. Call 1-8391 days. 1-1731 eves. PIANO CLEARENCE GRANDS Steinway larger Strinwiy Model t. 14" Knanp In liirht Wilnut UPRIGHTS Smsll upright by Baldwin. Richmond Ivory A; gold finish aeveral other good uprights 1 used electric organ. MORRELL ORGAN SALES A SERVICE ORGAN DEPT. HEIDER'S 363 N. HIGH PH. 4-2271 FINE, amen piano, upright 9Z79Q0. Heider s. 363 N. High EXCE Cond. Kaufman upright piano, rn. j-isw. 462 Sporti Equipment WE NEED YOUR Mark 20 and Mark 13 used Mercury .Motors. WE HAVE Customers'wslting for these mo tors. NOW 1 the time for you (o trsde while we can make you a good deal. II larl 280 Wsllare Rd RIVER FUN FOR E CALKIXGS clasi "D" utility K. G. 9, 40 h p., with quick silver lower unit, aqus me ter, all hardware fc propi, ready to rare, will do over 50 m p h. Full price $495. ISAHAM snort boat. 14 ft. wilh center deck, hardware, windshield ii steering, com- ,plctc for $349. 13 FT. fiberglass boat, double bottom, 1 yr. old, excellent condition, $325. l- FT. TRAME $60 14 FT. Bl'RCHCRAFT . $325 with trailer, excellent shape. 14 FT. RUN-A BOUT .. $99.50 with center deck. 10 FT. RI N'-A DOLT $195 steering, crash throttle, & aitia meter. OPEN Sl'N'DAYS C REDIT GLADLY 430 Merchandise 462 Sporti Equipment REPOSSESSED 1939 10 H P. out. board motor. Reg. $29.9. Re. naDie ruatomer may assume bsl. lis dn. EASY TERMS. New guarantee. "Your down town- rirestone Store. J91 N Liberty. CASH paid tor used guaa, mod- -u enu anuque. caacada t"ere. lijo Broadwa. 14 FT. CEDAR host Ar trailer. 1! H P. motor $290. 8148 Lone uax noaa. Ph. 4-4335. 14 PLYWOOD boat A trailer, H P. motor. $2M. 4730 Uberty i68 for Kent, Mite. WANTED to rent: Baby Crand Piano. 1-X8S5. eves. FOR RENT or teaae. ige. were house space, cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In. quire tL 1 SUM Fura.. 1-1199. 470 for Sale, Misc. EXTRA large dog house. a-aixt. Ph STEP stool. It) 99. 170 S. Liberty. Used Mdse. Msrt Ph. 4-8371. No down payment (oa.c.) Open Fri. nighta til . VAN HEUSEN dress ehirta slightly soiled Reg. 139 val ues, only iin ARMY A -AVY SURPLUS. 123 N torn I. Ph. 3-4343. 450 Merchandise 474 Miscelloneoui ADDING machines, rash regis. v..rj, i.iv eairarounoa. 1-9379. iU Fuel ORDER NOW FOR RATES Sawdust, wood for furnace, range or- heeler, shavings mulch. West Salem Fuel Co 192 Edgewater Ph. 1-4031 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING) rianer Ends Choir slsb and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph, 1-7711 OREGON FUEL CO. Old fir Illy pad SAWDUST S&H Green Stamp Ph:l-5533 . 3017 Broadway ANDERSON'S 1-7751 or 4-2854. labwood. Ph, WANTED aeveral thouaand cords or wooa. an specie Ph. 1-7711 Nights. 4-333 HIGHWAY FUEL CO, SAWDUST At WOOD. CLOSE out on one group west ern snirta. vslues to 1 D9 Only 11 77 or 1 for 19. ARMY at wavy SURPLUS. 121 N. t-om i. J"h. 1-4343. FOR SALE wash old bath tub. toilet bOWl. kitchen Alfilr ell ror J. lr 1-7077. AUTO, gas fir. furnace, excel. runs. 30. Ph. 2-0081. BEVS rummage, everyday. n. cottage, rn. a-73110. 473 18 FT. ladder for fruit picking. " " ii-w. rn, a-His. rOR SALE: S to 7 room eooler nomari' pn. 1-9718. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash- aryers. range It refxlja 818 19 A up. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 179 Chemeketa SL POWER mower, roto-tiller. water neater. 1-4711. FOR SALE or trade; Thor Auto wasner, like new. 1049 Vista Ave. MASONITE canopy for pickup. . ix.iic e-ju. BEVERAGE set. Idesl for the patio. $4 9. Used Mdse. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open Fri. nighta til 1. No down pay ment (o a c). Ph. 4-8371. USED OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-726S PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL, pa J-4310 TOP SOIL Phone I-1S79, 1-1301 TYPEWRITERS adding ma. cnines. rash register, dupli cator!, desks, chairs, file, sup phes Roen's. 498 Court 1-8773 Top Soil Orchard Lom River Loam Jial 1-1748 PreniDt Deliver wiw omg ai uravei Co. CLOTHES line posts. Workman's anop. 3103 Silverton Rd. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1M0 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HOMV OWNED HOMX OPERATED Mo Investlgstlon Fee. Free Parking Lot. CaU 2-7031 WX HAV cash buyer for real estate eontracta and 2nd mort (age Ohmart g, Calaba, Reartor 477 Court St Phone 1-4111 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy eontracta ana mortgages, mi Chemeketa St Ph. 3-Ml. $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 I. Liberty Ph. 4-11M LONG TERM LOANS (Firm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST RATES Ph. 2-3551 CLUETT It KENY0N REALTORS 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood Di't.) LOANS 190 00 lo 11900 0 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAVTTTTE CREDIT COMPANY IK 8 Church St Ph. 12417 PRIVATE Interest money to Ph. 2-07M. loan. 1 CHILDS table A chair set. $7 99. used wne. Mart 170 8. Lib erty. Open Frl. nighta til 1 Ph. 4-8371, No down payment HI ..CI STA NTION atork tr-UiS Wnrkman a Shop. 3103 Silverton nn. LOOKI Tuna 15c, sugar ,c lh., cnigers vnr. pananaa 10c in. ramelii 11 88, lettuce c hd., Vel 1-2.V. Jelln 3-2Sc. gum 55c otia. nanay ivt Kt, 404 S. High MUST eacrtflr diamond dinner, engagement and wedding rings Ph. 3-7828 30-30 CARBINE. DsvenDort A chair, Thrrmador Heater, large wool rug and pad, waaher Ph. 4-173. 473 Wonted, Mite. Oil Rurnera, conversion romp, with all controls $50 Thin tube Radiators with metal enrlosurea $10 A up 1 Office filing vault cabinet 1 hr. fire rating . tM I 4-dr. filing cabinet 827 90 Office lights . U90 A up ftelecf hard hoard 90x100" .. 11.78 .hi INed rir-Tex 4c an. t!aed Pla.ter board .V aq. ft, t'.ed Celling Tile 8c so ft All kinds used Lumber $(9-$59 per M ALSO W.ndnws, Dotin, Eire. SiinpHfs -Ton 8AI.E: 12 rlflf with kom int nnni pun, una v tnm Avf, 280 Wallacejld. ' Th. 2 2476 CLO'SE-OUT dl.nlay gunaBli saving.. 1st come lt served. S A H Creen Stamps (Term.l. Baldnrl a H A A, 1430 State St 1-!l."82 II guna-one Marlln. 1 Winches I ter. Ph. 1-1283 after 1. E. S. RITTER & CO. 8748 Portland Rd Ph 4-8711 Ml. No, of Salem, t. Ml. No. of Tote i Pele on par rw. ' n.v SsturrHv II FT. plywood car top .1910 Lancaster Drive. 11 FT. boat aluminum boat, brand 134 State. Ph. 2-8788. TO PLACE AD rail 4-nRtl. WANTED: bahy crib. Ph. 4-9784 1 NEED late model refrigerators and apphanres. Top cash paid riRnt now. rn. Ulen woodry 3-5110 or bring to 1003 N Hummer. WE BUY SCRAP IRON Ph. 2-2341 WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all epecles. Ph. 1-7721. Nights, 4-631. 474 Miscelloneoui Furniture Refinished By Experts We lake all the finish off A refrntsh your furniture like new. CALL LAWRENCE LEE LEE BROS. 4njo Stat St Phone 1-7001 DENTAL PLATTAIR S-HR. SERVICE DM MOST CASES. DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Pldg. Slate A CnnVI Rts . SSI FM PH .1-t-lt CASH IN 1-TRIP Phone first thtn com In to fet rash in a tingle vttit to Bene final largest in the USA I Ex rlunvel Nationwide Credit Card at no extra coit good at over l.oou offirei. The Beneflrial Man likea to say Yen when you ak tor a loan. We aaid "Vet I" to over f million taut yaart Phone, write, com in. LOANS UP TO $1,900 , BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co.) rhone l-1484 101 S. High COLONIAL Investment Co Steal Property Loans Contracta Purchased. 817 Court. 4-2283. WANTED, maid, week endal South Salem Motel. Ph. 1-535, GOOD woman to share my home ,wlth elderly lady. 1350 Myrtle. BEAUTY "operator, Corvallli Beauty Salon. Excellent op portunity. Call Plaza 1-341$ collect, WOMEN free to move to Port land as head aaiad dept. In new restaurant, atart training period in Salem. July 20th.. Apply to Mra. Hane after 1 plm5' Nohlgren'a 440 State. WOMAN 18 yra. or oiderTVor rhild care, my home, Salens Heights area. Tuea. A Thur. each wk. Call evea. l-SM. . NEED help In raialnglour gtrh. Uve In. Writ Slatesmaa Journal, box 176. BEAUTICIAN to work In air. conditioned aalon. Top wage. Ph. 3-7870. i-fl Pickers Wonfed ' BEAN pickers register now. II yrs. up It adult.. Trans. F-rn. Mr. Brooks. Ph. 4-97(10. WANTED: Bean pickers starting ,'.. vuir loin, neaisier July lth. at State. A 12th. from 1 to 11 a m.Pen 4 corners 11 lo IS. Krueger Store st 1 p.m. to 3 Swede School I lo l Mlddlegrove Store 4 to 1. Al fred Dettwyler, Ph. Silverton 3-4731. BEAN pickers, start poie beang mnnaay. July jgth. W. ft. Col let!.. Follow signs out part Clearlake. Register now. Driv outa only. Ph. 2-S747. BEAN PICKERS Register NOW Biers piCKing July )th. NO SACKS TO CARKY. We have pickers csrta. H. L. Pearcy Nuraery Co. BL 1 Box 110 Ph. 4-1911. 610 Soles Help Wonted SALESMAN IF you want a permanent post tion. with many company pane etita. salary, car. etc, and you really want to work, see mgr. between 1 and 4 p m, Friday, July 11. SINGER SEW ING CENTER, 130 N. Com'l. ADDITIONAL full time man with car needed for Rawlelgh buainess in Marlon .county. Start Immediately. Selling ex perience helpful, but not re quired. Write Rawlelgh Dept. 153. Oakland 20. Cal. boysTyoung men . UNDER 23 need 4 ambitioua single, nest appearing yng. men. to travel ma tor West Coast cities It Ha waii for leading magazine. 1200 mo. to start. 1500 yearly bonus. New car trans, exp. ad vanced. See Mrs. Lelly, Salens Hotel. 1-7 pm, Thurs. It Tri. only. N phone calls. FARM Salesman to work out of one ct Salem finest Real Fa tal offices. Rawlins Reslty, 80S Chemeketa. Ph. 4-8871. MAN to dtatrlbut A pick u Fuller efiru.h catalog tloe weekly comm. to atart 1-1337. AMBITIOUS GIRL 1 25 few young ladies 111 be choeen to repreaent lealllnf fashion publication In major Weat Coast cities A Hawaii. Muat be neat, single A hsve 1 yrs. high sch. 1-00 per mo. t start. 1500 yearly bonus, trana portatton paid, expenses ad vanced. See Mr. Lilly, Salrra) Hotel, 3-7 p. m.. Thurs. A FrL only. Parent welcome at Interview. SALESMAN wanted. Elertrolua Lorp. 1079 Brdwy Salem. PART TIME SALES WORK to f p m., average 148 V) guar anteed comm. Ph. 4-2141. FOR Immediate employment. 8400 mo. guaranteed com. ap ply 32i E. atusn. 8:30 to V A.M. Only. 612 Work Wanted, Meai OARPINTER work, day or con tract. Ph. 4-80B7. CARPENTER: Remodeling, etc. Work guar. Very reaa. Ph. 4- 7782. MALL carpentry Jobs, reaa. wage. Ph. 4-2029 very EXPERIENCED Janitor or bar tender wants work. Ph. 4-n.i7n. CARPENTER new remod., also painting. Ph. 4-0873. CARPENTER, best Of work. Con tract or hourlv. 4002 S. Pae. Hwy.Ph. 4-3004 after 1pm. REMODELING, repair, new ad- ditiona, screen work. Ph. 3-3S33 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 194 N. Winter Ph. 1-0838 1 Your future la our Job COMMERCIAL ' Placement Agency Since 141 Specialist In Office Placements 414 Stat (411 Or. Bldg.) 4-3351 APPLICATIONS are now being taken for statesman bicycle route. Several route ertll be open. Applicant must be ac companled by (heir parent or have their srrttten permla. alon Apply at the Circulation Department of the Slateaman-Journal 604 Help Wonted, Men JOURNEYMAN plumber wanted. top pay, call a-tttmj or w Browning, - WANT aeveral wood euttera Apply Capital Fuel Co IBOO N River Rd MAN to mow lawn and other work. 2.1.V) Myrtle. AUTO mechanic. 1 bodyman. Apply In person at Ball Bros.. Turner, O-e. Mow hayfield or vacant lota. Ph. 4-0372 between p.m. at a a m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet work. Fre ext. F.xpert work. Work guar. Ref. Go anvplaca. Chaa. Ex- line. Ph. 1-7018 PAINTING - Free Estimates Reaaonable. Ph. 1-1551 evea. ROTO-TILLING Ph. --251S - CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1841 or 1-1419. LOU'S tree service. Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2888 CUSTOM- mowing, -lot It acre-. . ages. 8 ft. mower, Delbert Reach. P3!;1: . "Home Building A Remodeling CALL JOHNSON Ph. 2-9740 CEMENT work; guaranteed; prompt service; Tree e.iimaiea. Irneat Drake. Ph. 4-8339. 614 Work Wonted, Lody BABY ittlng. Ironing A house work wsnled. Vic or outn Village. Ph. 1-8044. WANTTaby sitting a few time a week. 3-4881. HIGH echool graduate wlshe permanent Job, clerical worn, or clerking, ref. Write Statea-man-Journal Box 183. GERMAN girl, 1 yrs. exp In general office work is looamg (or a lob with light typing. Vrlte Ststesman-Journal Box exceLXenFchild"care" My home, W. Salem Phjl-85.ll EXP. High School Girl want baby anting Jon n eummer. Ph1--00. IRONING IN MY HOME OR YOURS. PH. 4-4894 HOUSE WORK WANTED PH. 4-7216 CHILD Care my home. Infanta A pie ecn 1. s. iztn. CrllLD care my home 11 da. 2V hr.. 4-Cornera, ph. CHILD care In my home, play equipment ei close supervision. 1054 Electric. 4-370.T HOMEMADE froren fruit A chicken pie rookies oaked to order 4-5.1.15 or 2-8781. WILL baby alt, Up Ph. 4-434H. I year elds A MTMEOr.RAPHINO Poe. 85 N lth tvpint - ,