BlONDIf y CHIC YOUNG 0-(Scc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tburi.,' July 12, '56 I? it u r La n d s N e ws m a n i n J a i , . aOHaaaSMBBaaOBaBMSMSNBSMBMOlPBH'B' V B " .... i .: -.-:.iU r: ' , t.-.-J MINNEAPOll$-Her fe contorted in pain and fear, Hnr;0r irCppCa ebon HarrbeJdt waits for workman to free W finger affor ehe ceug ht H In her washing machine. Mrs. Harrboldt stuck liar finger bit tho washing machine drain to grope for lapel pin. The pin aught in her finger, Impriaenlnf k in the dreln. H took workmen using an electric drill 70 minutes to free the woman. Amazingly, the finger was not seriously harmed. (Af Wirephoto). r,.. ! READINO, a.-Reedlng, Pa., Time writer Charlet H. rree On, DUII fCtr, froo Wednesday under $200 bond petted by hi nawtpaper which appealed hie conviction on charge of "creating nuisance," leave City Hall il at loft, while at right I Kesaler writing on City Hall (tape. Kessler wat arretted while this picture wet being made to llluttrate hit lock out from City Hall pre room. Timet' City Editor Richard Peter taid he thinkt the action stemmed from recent stories in Reading newspaper on pinball raids by Podoral agents en a tavern owned and operated by the Mayer's brother. (AP Wirephefe). 1 , - ore:- .trgyr-t-' t- Of ipi mt'T" Vf- - 'cTt'T w " - -- - r - "j i:. ; - - rr x. -fc--- " . . -.-t -1 l r' Pr' i - tN - -"V-.. .... - -trT "t":. i nL; tONDON-Harofd Macmillan, chancellor Cf;LA ViVim ST- iOUIS-Charlos Erker, t-menth-old son of Mr. and Mrs. KCin flvOa m griHJ, w()lKMf , m,,,, WOJ JiriRB VICIim Wiliam H. Erker of tuburban St. Ann, given a bath in the version of the Robin Heed game at a ceremony in the heart kitchen sink using hot water heated In a tea kettle en the little hot plate at left. The ll-dty-of England's historic Sherwood forest. The chancellor missed old gas strike here also forced Mrs. Erker, mother of four other children, to use an electric the target by a wide margin. (AP Wlrephoto). roaster to heat water and cook. (AP Wirephoto). .r::- PntfntntA.Plort DITIOIT, Mkh.-Oersld Crery, 43, rOT6nTQTe-Ciecr f Deadwood, S. D., Imperial Peten- Rldinn in StVla .SHMVcTORT, U.-Ce-Ce, an 11-yaar-old dachthund recently para. tate-elect of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the :w - - tyt4 nM hind quarters, steps his wheelchair long enough to pose Myttic Shrine, ( for tho photographer. Thanks to the Ingenuity of his owner, I. T. "Pete" Cavendar, Co-Co, Ann. Occasion whoso hobbles are flying and waHhing TV, gets around fust at fast and as easily at before he was cnppieo. (Ar VYirapnorej. gets his tie adjusted by daughter Margaret wet presentation of tho life of Crary in tab leaux form at a ceremony here Wednesday in connection with the Shrine convention. (AP Wirephoto), NOW VJMO WOUCOPUT ' THflR HAT IN THE I I AA WAIT CAGWCOO-r I -C fttPUT THE LfTTCH N BLONOlB MUST I J ( I J (iWANTVOUTOMAIt I I 7 IN VOUR HATBAND ( THINK I'M AVAJfULLV T J K "(THIS LETTER FOR ME SO OU WONT l ABSENT-MINDED rTTt: "-i MAILBOX 7 i flWT" fer iVtSe TsSjtf OTA WP) ARNEY GOOOt' ' , ' tv PREP IASSWEU YOLTRE JUST TOO TO 00 NOW IS 8UY J TO THE POST OFFICE J TU' DAOTV t7 NANNETTE J ,1 TH' ICE CREAM, J TO PICK UP MY- I 1 .. V mRJT -SAC ' I rNVITEO TVH.TTY-FORTY JAWCTERSV tTLY ALLOWANCE Ldl Y0UN6-UWS OVER TODAY IfORWOROS pN HATS J CHECK TODAY, BUT O -571 TO A SUSPPISE PftRTY i ppeER-P0LEA THAT CAN WAIT rTl . v ' j l i MICKPY MOUSk . ' WAIT DISNEY , BUT TA TOO V I7I foOTTA BE CARPRJl. WITH I "uPLPl ) 0( ' loeY caws on, uncaAC 1Mi'iTL)LB. : , THe ... hbki THgy COE y 1 MZJri1 Cru! il .xKay witm US" , . ' BUZZ SAWYER . ly ROY CRANE (on... you wss t cboww, ! I " fsoy, at yen vm t toon t fTT! ivvifouNOiTWTujeMu. NTWI$CINtRY,JtlTTt.Jl f TWTTWTSTlMfCOUllI f f TmtAmtOW. 1UT ITS TOMilO GASOLINE ALLEY - Y KINO Marge, I'm jr Y And my suit- toosrwpv.' Yesterday. Tnev weren't L or- us. J we'll give her something jr lITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ' 1 PARRELl McClURl N iU BUV THW. tMMIt! f W- I KMOW WHO ME IS - N f -"S ? ?f,L) "rvffi fSBOWlN'WTOWf A I NEVER EKPICTID TM4T1& PROFESSOR MAMllT J ; '.'M RJ I US HE'S ROWiH' IN 10 IS TO GET Off THIS I I WONDER MOW ME I HAMLET, t DO NOT K MOW f-or'M0"7 SAVE US IN HIS lime f MISEB ABU UiaE V f WEW Wf WERE TWATSV . V , TME VOUNd UOYS MAME-I ff DINGHY BOAT -OH, V ISLAND ALIVE I ia. MERE A 6000 UTXJ $IR,AB KMOWM S;Ii A 6L0RV DAY ' STi . tL autSri0lJ.As4 AS MARK , WA RIP KIRBY ly ALEX RAYMOND "'vlcvAr fmnkc. anorTj ftMf Ty'VE LEFT THE vault XJEgSs ALLWEa.IBj TWS TOOL ROOM. J,J E!2LW8?TBT i 000,1 TONI(5HX S'a' 1 LP Lff COW? OK -7r -JTa T ' J rVv - jL;o kecfitiom COMMitteb V oo ' . Sfsragn "f5 Stelwj towI rapg ,Aj w UUAU 0ere front U.J. sVIAfff I Pe Peytlme Thwftday , ,q 1 YouTIFcel 1 1 More Relaxed trhen yen chaw delicious WritWs Soaermiot Cum. VMBIEY5 1 ll EXai'SIVE FEATVIEt u It Smibi te Ma Cktrlti A. laniui ( omn lh Daw rnrS franit Sporhlrhlnrr Al l.imtatr '.roand Taoe - tirjmi CnilUk, Don't Look Now Mailn, Burra Our Valley Chulti IrtUaS T..i:nn. WASHIN0TON Arnold Porster, general counsel 1'r.el Brlfh AntM)efamation league, CfflfirftfJ Ctorm Mo' t" country will hevo scattored showers end thunder Wednesday tells tho House Committee on unmerlcan Actk wmhwiwm jiuiiiio inni Thursday. Exceptions will be tho middle Atlantis: coast villas It Is a dreadful Ihlng- for tho entertainment Industry ststes, New Mexico, Nevada, southern California and southwest Toxas. Warm weether will to l!ack!let performers accused of Communist associations , prevail In Ohio and Tennessee valleys and extreme northern New England with llrHa change wL'.srt giving them a hearing. (AP Wirephoto). elsewhere. (Af Wlraphete Map). 5 A V Dewing ouiT DICK TRACY OAu'ALfcc err A rayj9 BCV? tl EATING JUST AS CJXO AS I WJUL.U IN k. AUV RfcrnAUWAN I. T .if. Bv CHESTER GOULD ' MV MONEYS STILL. IN THE SAFE -THREE CflAND OP iTt . 1 IM LOADfcD. LVECJOTNO 1 Tb World ot Your Door Each Morning i i n is i w i ii t-j u ! - .O--" ... i m V BUT I'M GETTING PLENTV T f'SOME PAINTINGS J NOT ""1 S lOCsyV Fcc -niA-r raiiiv. umicnl W in W I SIB? A EXACTLY I ISJ THINGS WILL PE COOLEOOFF TTCSs r : '