The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 12, 1956, Page 2, Image 2

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    !-(Scc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 12. '561 f rAt
Denies Tale of
Dutch 'Rochet9 Taking Off
I r - - -1
- t
I ' ::.
- ' !
I J j
' .
1 . rZrrHl
(Earlier slery Mil
Liquor Threat
To Power of
LONDON It) British newspa
pm uid Wednesday Soviet Corn
muni Party chief Nikila S.
VhpiitkxtiM maw Ia mm IKa - -
WASHINGTON I - Cengresa ' ITin. h7 JS .Tw
the Kremlin.
The speculation was prompted
by report that Khrushchev be-
wai told Wednesday that the
American Legion set up a system
under which Legion posts around
the country got an explanation
Hollywood If they accused
any film figures of having Com
munist ties.
James F. O NetL a former na
tional commander of the legion
and publisher of Its monthly mag
azine, outlined the setup at a pub
lic hearing of Mm House Commit
tee oa Un-American Activities.
He did this in disputing earlier
testimony by John Cogley, editor i
of a Fund for the Republic "Re-
Toothless 'Bandit9 Nabbed by Police
came fuddled with drink and
made a speech insulting most of
hia non-Communist guests at an
aviation day dinner in Moscow
Jane a.
Among the guests was Gen. Na
than B. Twining, U. S. Air Force
chief of staff.
The London Daily Mail asked:
"Will Mr. Khrushchev's drunken
ness lead to hia downfall?"
The Mail quoted an authority
in a position to know the full
port on Blacklisting." that he was facts'" -as saying
a -clearance man . wno nerpea i xhn-shchev. though he has
some entertainers who had bee exceptional drive and ability,
blacklisted for suspected Comma-1 must now be regarded as an lr-
nist associations,
The committee Is Investigating
toe fund's .report, which Chair
man Walter D-Pal said Wednes
day "Isn't worth the paper it's
printed on.
responsible and Impulsive drunk
"1 He has played into the
hands of a powerful group which
is plotting to destroy him. The
group is believed to include (for
mer foreign minister V. M.) Mnio-
Rocket." clear hunp aartag a National Eaaestrian nseet la Amster
dam last week. The Princess, yeaager sister of (be bear sreaasaptlve
j to the Dutch threat, was eliminated far taking a wrong coarse sbs
r neglected one of las Jumps. AI Wkeeaete.)
Airline Pilots Cancel
Strike at Last Minute
' CHICAGO UB A scheduled
strike at midnight Wednesday
against the West Coast Airlines
was called off "with reluctance"
during the day by the Air Line
Pilots' Assn. (ALP A I.
ALPA President C. N. Sayen
said the anion would comply with
n strike-postponement request by
the National Mediation Board, and
attend new negotiating sessions
ONeil said any Implication that; to. (Demit nrimier I. if ) Ka
the legion participated in "damn-1 ganovich-one of Stalin's 'old
ing anyone" or in "clearance of j guard-and 'forma r. premier
anyone" was "a distortion if not ! Georgii Malrnkov.
a deliberate untruth." I j. Khrushchev was saying
He said the Iegioa was Interest-! what he really thinks of us and
ed in "rehabilitation" work and making It clear that Russian pol
"msde a major contribution in 1 icy remains bask-alrr what it was
helping to restore a climate of in the Stalin era.
employment for the innocent, the' ; ' ;
stupid and the repentant guilty"
in Hollywood.
Newspaper columnist George
Sokobky. also named ta the bear
ings as a "clearance man," sent
the committee statement which
took issue with much of Cot ley's
Sokolsky said the fund's study
was msrked by "inadequate re
search" and made accusations
"without adequate proof or any
at an.
r" ' ' 111 ii- p..,.. i .1,11.11.11111.1,111 iwri i i 1 1 pu.ii.nmii ir--Sj
YSV bvKf.iVf
;'f. , .r - Y: -: Y I
AKRON. OkleIrrtn Harris, U. was nabbed by poHre aa a anaahed baMap nana 4lefl Meaaay w a
grocery store. Harris eapUlaed be bad had aM bis leeU palled trlgbl) and was wearing a kaatter-
rhlrf ever kia face to keep has Jaw and gams warm. He had gene la the store ta bay fnut Jniee.
Red-faced police releaird ktm. (AP Wlrepaets.
Welfare Bills
Demanded by
ADA Group
Ike Treatment Discussion Leads Solons
Far Afield During Interior Aide Hearing
Death Claims
Silverton Man
Tivo Arrested
After Wreck
A two-car collision in the 1700
block of N. Summer Street about
7:20 p.m. Wednesday resulted in
moderate damage ta both ve
hicles, city police reported.
Police said a ear driven by Al
fred M. Peterson, 711 Oregon St,
struck a parked vehicle belong
ing te R. W. Ramsey, 1723 N.
Summer St. Petenoa and a pas- p. m. Wednesday was set
server, wroer xeonard Kita, oun- argoUatiooa broka down.
WASHINGTON un Sea. Neu- for scientific opinion aa the safety
berger D Ore said Wednesday of the medicine' dicumarol
Surgeon General Leonard A. without mentioning it baa been
Scbeeie has informed him that administered ta Eisenhower since
medical authorities differ on the. his heart attack last September,
safety of a blood anti-coagulant i Scbeekt's reply, entered by N ca
used in treating President Eisen- berger in the record of the Sen-
wicuiNrrrtM i Anu-.n. bower. ste Interior Committee, cited one
WASHIIVIjTUN Americans .... .j c..wn ni:,.i kv -..kli.k 1 is
for Democratic Action (ADA) said
Wednesday Congress this year has
shown "lack of concern for the
general welfsre" and railed oa
the Democratic leadership to do
something about it.
ADA'S national executive com
mittee aired its complaints In a
letter to Senate Deocratic Lead
er Lvndon Johnson of Texas and
House Speaker Raybura iD-Tex).1
The organisation urged John-'
son and Rayburn to keep Con
gress in session until mid-August'
if necessary to act on II major 1
bills which H termed "essential
UUuul Nows Strrlrl
SILVERTON Norris E. Thomp-
starting Thursday la Washington, ,K0 siwton. died at a
D. C. I Portland hospital Wednesday. He
Sayen said In a telegram to the w" M- , , .
hnarri IK.t tm .lu lk nn. Bom Feb. 12. 100. In lOWO.
tracted nature of discussions with " to the public welfare." Eight of
west Cowl we are extremely re- '.Ti. -iZJ 'ZZ Tu1.y by Pres-
mciani 10 acceoe to ine ooara s . - - " .7' .
request for further intervention." Jhw daughters. Mrs Mildred
He added that unless a prompt Spokane, Wash.; Mrs.
settlement is reached, i T new ?o. Portland; Mrs.
strike date will be set. Shirley Jahn, Salem; and four
sons, i. utr is, uMr, ana jean,
James and, Richard, all of Silver-too.
Funeral arrangements are In
cars of the Ekmaa funeral home.
as "priority"
The pilots' anion, which is de
manding a wage increase and
pension plan from West Coast.
originally scheduled a strike
agaia the Una June ST. This was
postponed when the mediation
service entered the dispute, and
a second strike deadline of 1I M
nysius. Ore., were arrested on
charges of drunk la a public
street, ponce esaid.
Amundson Rites
Slated Saturday
Funeral services for George El
mer Amundsoa, late resident of
232S Prlngle Road, will be held Sat
urday at 1 p.m. ka the chapel of
the Virgil T. Golden funeral borne,
the Dr. Charles Durdea, Tidewater,
Ore., officiating.
Amundsoa died Jury 4 at a hos
pital in Alexandria. Vs.
Interment will be at Bekxesi
Memorial Park.
West Coast, serving 4) cities In
Washington, Oregon and Idaho,
agreed Tuesday night to further
negotiations. .
) Tcr.!;hl 6:33 J
2234 Fairgrounds Id. J
Covered Wttgon .
Carries Family
To New Home
HANNIBAL. Mo. Ui-Aa old
prairie schooner draws by twa
white mules pulled into Hannibal
Tuesday, bringing the Elfgrea
family of eight and their pet dog.
The Elfgrens, who travel about
It hours and IV 10 miles each day,
planned to continue Wednesday
their trip from East Killingly,
Conn., to Lincoln, Neb. They still
have about 400 miles to go.
Mom. dad, six children and the
dog left East Killingly three weeks
Ernest Elfgren, a machinist,
said he expects ta resch Lincoln
about Aug. 1. They plsa to settle
and start a chinchilla and pony
(arm in Nebraska.
Two of the children will cele
brate birthdays on the way Linds
her 10th on Friday and Donna her
third on July J. Other children
are Oscar, It, Earl, 17, Sandra,
IS and Roger, 12.
Check Missing
From Milk Bottle
A check for $1 92. left la pay
the milkman, was taken from a
milk bottle. Mrs. Alvin B. Stewart.
1U Culver Lane, has told city
Mrs. Stewart said she put the
check in an envelope and stuck
the envelope in the bottle. Tues
day morning the check was miss
ing but the bottle was still there.
A check revealed that the milk
man hadn't called. Mrs. Stewart
notified police and stopped pay
ment on the check.
ident Eisenhower
Saying that the work of Con-1
gress so far "is distinguished by i
special interest legislation," the
organisation urged action oa these
Foreign aid. V. S. participation
ia the Organization for Trade Co
operation, customs simplification,
civil rights, school aid, housing,
aid to depressed areas, social se
curity revision, Niagara power
development. Hells Canyon, and
Immigration law amendments.
Ike Signs New
Water Measure
Eisenhower Wednesday signed a
bill deiimed to heln some water
users in reclamation projects who . girl of 17.
Coffee Makes
34 Seriously
111 in Portugal
gal (AP) Thirty-four persons
were seriously ill, 17 of them In
a dying condition, Wednesday
after drinking coffee and brandy
Tuesday. Twenty-eigh' of them
are women.
The victims were unloading
tod fish on the docks and a ship
owner offered them the coffee
and spirits to encourage the un
loading. A short while after taking the
coffee they felt violent pains.
The worst affected was a young
Three pregnant worn-
Theatre Time
(Continuous from 1 p.m.)
CERS": 1:00. 4.1? T S4. 10 SI.
thi wiRgwoLr! in, aa.
iColoa-epen t S. Show at 4wk
Bill Halev lr his Comets
"AT GUNPOINT': rrd Mac
Murray. .
is at
be safe when property adminis
tered under controlled conditieas
to properly selected patients."
Dicumarol has "several disad
vantages, " he said, and cited as
one the persistence of its effects
for several days after the treat
ments are discontinued.
In Eisenhower's case, use of
which said patients treated with . dicumarol was halted temporarily
while he was In Walter Reed Ar
my Hospital last month for major
abdominal surgery, lis use was
resumed after the President's
physicians decided the danger of 'of
hemorrhage in connection with ment
dicumarol "may have minor, ma
jor or fatal hemorrhage, even
whea it is administered by ex
perts. But another book quoted by
Scheele said "the margin of safety
is satisfactory." This volume, pub
lished last year, added:
"Indeed, the drug has been giv
en to patients continuously for
three or four years without evi
dence of harm."
Seecessfnl Treatment
Another authority reported on
successful dicumarol treatment of
a heart patient who ' "loads an
extremely active life" as head of
a Inrge company.
The medicine thins the blood
and is given to some heart pa
tients to prevent blood clotting.
Neu berger disclosed his corres
pondence with Scbeeie at an In
terior Committee hearing which
ranged far afield from the as
signed topic consideration of
the nomination of Wesley A.
D'Ewart to be assistant secretary
of the Interior.
As the committee members got
Into a hot argument over "smear"
campaign tactics. Sea. Kuchel
(R Calif! said he thought Neu-
load of American and foreign , berger had done a "disservice"
beauties, parents, chaperones and , by saying In a newsletter that , charged with negligent homicide
managers left La Cuirdia airport j "panicky" Republican politicians , in connection with a fatal auto
Monday night bound for the Miss , might prop Eisenhower up with mobile accidcrt witnessed by
Point System
For License
Suspension Hit
OLYMPIA Un A resolution
hitting at the state's point system
for suspending driver licenses was
approved by the convention of the
State Federation of Labor after
brief floor fight Wednesday.
The resolution, submitted by the
State Assn. of Motor Coach Em
ployes, censured the accumula
tive point system as discrimina
tory when used to suspend licens
es of truck and bus drivers and
others who have ta drive vehicles
ta earn a living.
Sponsors maintained that a
man's driving habits while behind
the wheel of his personal car
should not be counted against him
in hia capacity as a commercial
: driver. They called for legislation
ite separate a man's commercial
driving record from bis private
driving record.
They cited a bus driver who
was discharged after establishing
a perfect driving record for 11
years. They said he lost his job
when his license was suspended
because of points' accumulated
against him ia connection with
the way be piloted his private
Aa opponent of the resolution
from the Typographical Us ion
maintained that with the emphas
is on traffic safety for everyone,
the commercial drivers should be
as careful ia their personal cars
as in their trucks and. buses.
"If the guy has a bum record
as a personal driver, I don't want
ta ride on his bus, that's far
sure." the delegate from the Ty
pographical Union told the con
In other resolutions adopted by
the convention Wednesday,- the
state federation went oa record
ia favor of civil service for em
ployes of King County; for legis
lation increasing the minimum
wage law in Washington: extend
ing benefits of unemployment in
surance to state employes:
Medical 'Coverage for county
employes: revision of the setup
the State Employes' Retire-
Board and the State Per-
r -.t.v . .
r;''?rf ''-'' '
!A.. VO-Vn . ' ii. '"
EUGENE Ernest Laadeea. alto
aey, waa Indicted Wednesday by
Ike Lane Csaaiy grand Jury oa
chargea of receiving s I a I a a
aaey and of larceny by bailee.
8tary M page m.l V
Planeload of
Beauties Head
For Calif ornia
NEW YORK (AP) A plane-
the operation had passed.
Marilyn, Mate
Face Possible
Day in Court
R0XBURY. Conn ( - Play
wright Arthur Miller and his ac
tress bride. Marilyn Monroe, have
been summoned to appear as wit
nesses in the Roxbury Justice
Court July 23.
They are scheduled te fly to
England Friday, the Uth. and
there has beea no announcement
of a change in plans. Miss Mon
roe is going to make a picture ia
England with Sir Laurence Oli
vier. Frederick Greenberg, a New
Haven lawyer, said be wanted
Miller and Miss ' Monroe to ap
pear as witnesses for a motorist
Sale of Salem
Cafe Reported
The Cupboard Cafe at State and
High Streets has been sold by
John Glodt to W. V. Hale of
Beaverton, whs took over July 1.
- Hale has spent many years In -the
restaurant business. Purchase
price was not disclosed.
Glodt, after selling the down
town restaurant, is continuing his
operation of J's Coffee Shop and
unve-in on Edgewater street.
West Salem.
sonnel Board; legislation correct
ing charges sgainst culinary work
ers for meIs; extension of un
employment compensation to em
ployes of the fresh fruit and vege
table industry:;
Opposition to any additional :
taxation of the beverage industry,
and support for financial support
of adequate teacher salaries and '
state support of public schools
from the kindergarten through the
junior college level.
unintentionally acquired too much n are in s serious condition,
land. I An investigation showed the
In such projects, a, single own- poisoning came from the coffee
er may receive water only (or 1M since not all of them drank
acres. Therefore a bant wnicn brandy.
acquired additional land by fore
closing a loan or an Individual
who acquired such land by In
heritance, was in danger o( hav
ing his water cut off immediately.
The new law provides tor tem
porary water supply up to five
yean in such cases to allow time
for adjustment.
YORK, Pa. liTiBottled gas leak
ing from a tank following two ex
plosions and a fire, seeped into
a crowd of 90 spectators Wednes
day night, became ignited and ex
ploded again, injuring at least J
the VALUES you9 ve all been waiting F0R..!
-ktwp cooll
b comfortabltl
0 sport jackets
These finely tailored all wool fabrics, silk
snd wool, Dacroa snd wool, smartly styled
Sport CoaU are perfect for well-dressed
Regular to
0 men s suits
Smartly styled single breasted suits of fina
alt wool worsteds and flannels.
Reg. to $55
I m o o r 1 1 d Scotch
Twists, hard finish
ad worsteds, silk at
wool suitings True
, quality garments by
foremost makers
.fine clothes.
Beg. te $tM
Hollywood Styled
: Fine quality all wool worsted flannels,
,,hrlmet and ' worsteds. Continuous
mtiMband. tailored dTVflfs
Hy high grsde manu- 11 J y
Erg. ta I17JI S
t jfettnife.
S-sport shirts r
Q0 ,Vt'rv " Nstionslly sdvertised top quality -nj it
J , lA lfl r I brands, short sleeve sport shlrU in I M
II 1 11 111, I fin. f.Kri.. U7klla n-.l.l. ...I
(lliVHflA smaUfifured pattern's. JL
I'-'tr'M.A. sUg.tnM.ta
M-VK ' tfiZ Snort nd ,oB ,w" ,prt hirU C QQ
111 i' '-'.( tailored of fine ginghams, eeleperm WSS
AM I ' . ' ' !.. ' d batistes, and linen wtavts. 1
I JL - Tt '
Ti I I'll'-' TP "."'J' fsbrics in gsbardinet. f ff
i ? -7 J" 1 novelty patterns, button front and W
I , 1 , , pullovers. m
I 11 leg. ta I1.M U
v caucho uncus 1
V ', M J ' PULLOVERS 3Ui,lV3
C ' 'J U " Brentwood 1'
j f V, ' I completely' ttZ lJSrJSS
, ! . f Completely wunsoia. ,trftfh o1fc ,Q
Universe contest in California.
Six American and 13 foreign
beauty contest winners were on
the flight, with another American
beauty to be picked up in Pitts
burgh snd six more in Chicago.
Tbe plane is due in Los An
geles tomorrow morning. The
contest for the American entrant
is to be held at Long Beach,
Calif., July 18, and she will com
pete with girls from 39 other
couhtries for the "Miss Universe"
drugs should he become ill during them the day before their mar
the fall campaign. riage.
Belief la Ike Creenburg said he wasn't going
Neuberrer said he had not in- j to do anything to disrupt the Mil
dicated Eisenhower would permit ler's plans, "but a subpoena is
such a procedure and expressed ' mandatory and I can only assume
belief the President would not en-1 they will appear. If they don't
ter another campaign if he had thry will be subject to the punish
doubts about bis health. I ment of the court."
Then the Oregon Democrat said I Greenberg represents Ira Siade,
Hearings Due
On Columbia
Farm Sizes
he had written Scheele about
dicumarol after reading newspa
per reoorts that it was being giv
en to Eisenhower.
Scheele's replv ran to 10 pages
and quoted at length from medi
cal authorities.
The surgeon general wrote that
use of the drug is "considered to
It. of New York, who wss the
driver of a car which was wreck
ed June 2 on a winding road Dear
Miller's home here. Mara Sherha
toff, New York correspondent for
the French m a g a 1 i n e, Paris
Match, was injured fatally.
The car which was wrecked was
following closely the car in which
Miller and Miss Monroe were rid
ing to a press conference concern-
State Boundary
Agreement Told
VANCOUVER, Wash. Ul -State
Sens. Dale McMullen of Washing-'
ton and Rudie Wilhelm of Oregon
agreed Wednesday on general
outlines of a aew official boundary
between Oregon and Washington.
The new boundary will substan
tially follow the main channel of
the Columbia River. The original
boundary, approved by Congress
when Oregon wss admitted to the
union, was based on channels and
islands, some of which hsve since
The new boundary when finally
approved will be based on per
manent landmarks.
Man Loses
In Fire Fight,
Drops Dead
alone. Stanley Zuras, 60,
fought a fire which swept through
his motel Tuesday while firemen
waited helplessly a few hundred
yards away for a train to pull..
awav from a crossing.
When he saw the fire was out
of control, Zuras ran outside,
keeled -over and died of a heart
Later, when the Pennsylvania
Railroad express train had moved
on, firemen drove across the
tracks and put out the fire.
The interior of the 12-unit frame
motel was destroyed.
Firemen said an explosion of
undetermined origin touched off
the blase.
Woodburn Drive-In
Wed. - Than.- FrL-gaL
Wall Disney's
uviw Nsar
Joha Wayae Joanne Dra
0KN 7:15 llarti Desk
IOU11" HllliaWayS! ing their impending marriace.
: . . . 1 (Irfpnhfrw intinutav) hp war
Ask Police Aid
Two runawsy boys from Castle
Rock, Wash., turned themselves
SPOKANE Public hearings
Ia r!atarmina uVtnt har lnHit.-l4iisnl
land holding allotments In the Col-I'l ,0 eit? Police Wednesday eve
umbia Basin should be Increased n'!lf- .
will be held this fall it was an-1 xys-sges 10 and 13 said
nounced Wednesday. thfT d riln" N1' b'rydes
State Sen. W. C. Raugust of ,rom c"" Rnrl Kelso and
Odessa said Secretary of the In-,,ht" ,uk,n 1 ,bu for Stl,m
terior Fred Seaton agreed to hold' Pollc heir parents,
the hearings in late August w R"" '" the runaway: One boy
early September. The site of the'f"d h P "uble with
mrtinr kit nnt Kmii rUtrmlnH ' moiner,
Raugust said Seaton approved
the hearings after a conference
with State Sen. George Zahn,
Okanogan Republican, at the Re
publican State convention last
At the convention, Seaton, who
gave the keynote address,
plained his opposition to the
before Congress which would
Greenberg intimated he wanted
testimony from the Millers con
cerning the speed at which their
car was traveling when the acci
dent occurred.
Miller also has been cited for
contempt of Congress but he said
last night that action will not de
lay his departure for England.
Bar Examination
Due Next Week
Approximately 140 persons, ex
clusive of four lawyers recently
from other states, will write in
the annual state bar examinations
here next Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday.
Th vominatifififl Mitl k UaM
in the State Capitol Building un-
der direction of the State Board
of Bar Examiners.
crease the site of farm units
I the Columbia Basin to 320 acres.
Seaton said that before the law
it changed, hearings should be
'held in the area to determine
whether the Chang would be 1
I equitable.
Present law prohibits a single
family from owning more than ISO
irrigable acres.
Nebraska Man Head
Srhool for C of C
" MISSOULA. Moot. U A B.
(Jack 1 Woodwin of ScotUbluff,
V.k . l t.J 1 A a iL.
k:.ji Rocky Mountain Institute Wednci-
' 1 ' . nI! . 1 . ... 1 ,
. I nrunnx presiaem 01 me scnooi HOTELS tLAN TV
un .nMiniicr 01 inmmerce execu
tives is T. Victor de Forest of
Fargo. N.D.
Members of the Board of Man
agers Include E.D. Hopkins, Ken
newick, Wash.
The group will conclude its
weeklong sessions Saturday.
Missoula was selected as the
site of next year's, meeting.
Gales open 7:15 show at dusk
Giant IN ft screes
f i ll per car
Richard Denning la
, Second Feature
Kent Taylor In
Purse Thief
Gets Passport
A purse-snatcher escaped with I
a bag containing the passport of ,
a German girl here late Wednes
day evening, city police reported. ,
Police uid a man grabbed Rein-.
gard Schmidbauer's purse about
10:30 p.m. as she was walking ,
north on Church Street near the
Post Office building. ,
The mas jumped a three-foot ,
hedge and disappeared into Willsoo
Park, police were told. The purse .
contained other personal papers in
addition to the passport, Miss
Schmidbauer, a resident of 691
Union St., said. ,
1 1 1 Vk J I , a ; I y ; :
Gates Open l:4S
i.mill. s
NEW YORK - Two big ho
tel here are to inaugurate a new
closed-circuit television program
this fall. Hotel TV Broadcasting
Corp. said the telecasts would be
on film and designed to acquaint
visitors with the city's ' night
spots, restaurants and places of
interest. The two hotels were not
From 1 P. M.
iTirui ootuatu nau
. wf o . . . Mwaaeeova mast I
.i MMstsMH-tai
wr rn
1 1 10U.01RICI0A
1 , WkaitM II
1 l
aVTd I M!5iTal
Don't Miss Our
Big Friday the
13th Midnight
Comt On Out
For a Howling
Good Timt!
Bewarel Don't Coma
Tickets on Sale
11:45 t. M.
Show at Midnighll
Opsa 1:45 2tc
fhe Picture of the Year
f Gy ys
Color and GnemaSO0P!