Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thins., July 12, "56 (See H19 Pro-Red Said UwMwit. "UiJ) JL CHOKT Cmuhm Spriaf LAMS for SAFEWAY l J, trr . "- SwylfewmdSAVfl SAFEWAY LAMI is par IEST hryl 1 1 3tl aw Hi A Whole frainload Purchased for This Event! Ivtry cut ef beef and lamb Safeway sells U nothing lost than "USOA CHOICE", aged for flavor and tenderness at only Safeway can ago H-trimmed of axcait bono and fat before weighing. Aged For Flavor and Tenderness -Guaranteed Perfect Eating Leg O'Lamb lamb Roast Cut and Wrapped FREE! Whole or Half hmh "USDA CHOICE" lamb. Cur and wrappad by your Safe, way moat man at no addi tional cott IT whatsoever. ID USD A Choice Grade, Tender and Flavorful Choice Shoulder Blade Cut-Plenty of Meat Other Meat Values Sliced Bacon Lunch Meat Whole Fryers Cut-up Fryers Morrall'j Yorkshlri lb, Somerwl Slkid iNdy flump Under 49' .45' .49' Lamb Chops Shoulder Chops Loin Chops Lamb Fatties Brest of Lamb Center Rib Chops Tender-Flavorful Blade Cut Choice Lamb Small Tender Chops, Perfect Eating lb. lb. lb. lb. Boneless Lamb A Grand Value lb. Wonderful for Stew lb. 69 89' 65' 1 69 15' 09 Sr Hound Steals ,S Guaranteed Perfect Eating ok lb. for Flavor Tenderness There's perfect eating on iU way from Safeway with this choice grade round steak, guaranteed to satisfy 100 or your money cheerfully refunded. It's aged too, for tenderness and flavor. Beef Pot Roast Beef Rump Roast Boneless Steak Boneless Sirloin Beef Rib Roast Boiling Beef tbd (hoict tkidt im(irtlb.55ai "USDA CHOICP (ffda Tndr ami flnirM "IRDI CNOICr .Kff ItMltn Ilk lyi "ItSDl CHOKl" Inl Tli M Uriah Agai lor Ttsderaen mi FUrar by Seltwit JP9 "IBM CHOICr-frm In Same Iter Ot? Slsaki . mil Duchess Brand Finest Zippy Brand, Regular or Kosher Sea Trader Brand Highway Brand fcroken Segments PkHtios S&MwA -CloGiis Apple ip n ? i HnrirnifTiaTaiitn u cvrnm rtare a, VI 11 U 'J II II l"l II M II VB IVlUallW ILaell jJl 7z. 4 J Qt. Gallon Half 7'2-OZ. Tins No. 303 Cans 39 59 $00 $00 Blotter Shasta Brand, A Grand Value PW. Pirates Gold d With Free Busy Baker Sodas 28-ci. BOTH Ly 21b. 1&(5)c Bag Pi Jj SEE OUR BIG 10c DISPLAY HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF OUR 10 FEATURES SMITH CHILI BEANS HIGHWAY NEW POTATOES STEINFELD SAUERKRAUT KIDNEY BEANS 300 Cat 300 Csn 10-oz. Csa Taste Tells 300 Caa 0 (or 1100 u ix am up squat and tall regular pectin JVi-oz. pkg, dozen dozea CANNING SVPPLIES 83c 15c ox. bu.29c 229c 229c 75c 98c 59c Jelly Glasses Kerr Lids Certo MCP Pectin Sure Jell Freze Bozes Freze Boxes Vnpo Can Lids geezer Jars ' uer Jars powdered powdered pectin I'j-os. pkg. Kordite, S pt. slie IS beies Knrdite, 5-qt. size - - --tS boxes plastic pkg. of It '1 45 Rail. Dint. dozea l."wrf Ball, II os. sin doiea. 1.69 Satin Sugar uib. 5.10 Cafldl CaM lWk. kj. '1.03 Su-sr Gum Drops or Orange Slices NOW! A VERY SPECIAL PRICE L ALAN I FANCY HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-oz. Cans MIXED COOKIES D, (o) MELROSE, Kitchen-fresh z 3 lttPcusdEaj . LA U PureEME Raspberry . flQO rreserves n Reg. 1.25 Tin n m Pure Plum Preserves 4-lb. "Tin BOWES ' IT'S CAMMING TIM AT SAFEWAY! Iff: f2t .v,-v!K Father Son United After The Season's Finest, Bursting With Flavor-Can NOW! I Long Drive Autlior of Data n tm it . 9. un DiacKiisis (Pirtaro oa WlreptMto Page) WASHINGTON Frederick Wollman. a New York newspaper man, testified Wednesday that a woman who helped compile a fund for the Republic "Report en Blacklisting", was "sympathetic to the Communist movement." And Woltman, a writer on Com munism for the New York World Telfram and Sun. aaid inmi oth ers associated with the project, including Editor John Cogley, were "mixed up." Chairman Walter (D-Pa), pre siding at a public inquiry by the House committee on un-American activities. Mid the fund's report on alleged blacklisting of enter tainer accused of Communist as sociations "isn't worth the paper it's written on." But another witness, chief coun sel Arnold Forster of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation league, said the two-volume report constitutes "a great public service" if St doea nothing more than center public attention on th problem. -Not Satisfied Forster indicated, however, that he was not entirely aatisfled with what the report had to say about persons it Mid wera able to "clear" entertainers who had been blacklisted. . "From where I sat." ho Said. . "the men who are referred to as clearance aien wera doing good. not evil." , Thai vantrw at ail I iKatt 1st astmaft UV A VfV SPOUI USM US SMIIW Instances "clearance men" wera the same individuals who Initiated charges that led to blacklisting. Woltman identified Elizabeth Poe, Los Angeles researcher -re porter for the project, aa "sympa thetic to the Communist move ment." He' said she once was a . L f lf i 4 I II mrmwr vi wiiiniiuuai jsiwuu in the American Newspaper Guild when she worked en Time mage- tine. Exposed Reds, Th witness, winner of a 1MT Pulitzer prize for articles exposing Communist infiltration, - said be once asked fund President Robert M. Hutchins why a Communist sympathizer was employed oa the work. He said Hutchins "ducked" a replr but that Cogley told him it was necessary to have someone on friendly terms with Communists who could interview red sympa thizers. He said Cogley reported the staff already Included a strong anti-Communist. Woltman volunteered that he "wouldn't call" Cogley. a former editor of the Catholic lay maga zine Commonweal, or Michael Harrington, who also worked on the report. Communist sympathis ers, ne saia ne wouia cau mem mixed up." Forster told the committee that blacklisting of entertainers with out giving them a hearing "is a' dreadful thing.") if challenged a statement by Walter that no such blacklist exists. Elberta Freestone n mm By The Pound 17c 2Mb. Lug Yakima-for Canning 28-lb. By the Box $3.29 Lb. 19c 1Mb. Flat f9 Vlnt-riptiwd If the Fleet, lb. S'ic 2 Wholi ft. Ibl. 10c 5c 35c 49c 19c Seedless Grapes 29c Cantaloupe Watermelon Bananas Oranqes Lemons Vilincln 5 lb. lag FuO ef Juict Ursa lip or lip (rtrahiwi Santa Rosa Plums Persian Melons Honevdew Melons U" Cucumbers Green Beans t- Crisp Carrots 3 'lb. lbs. 19c 17c 13c 10c 15c 29c Produce Price Effective Thru Sunday July 15th Only II PITTCnTTRrU ID Tm ear stopped alongolde each other for a traffic light Monday in Lebanon, Mo. It began a chain of events which separated and eventually reunited a father and son. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. WUhlte and their three children, of Monroe ville, Pa., struck up a conversa tion with the other driver, George Baker of Hobbs, N.M., who was traveling to Johnstown, Pa., with his 7-month-old son, Larry. Baker said that driving and keeping the baby under control was quite a Job. A few miles farther east, the two cars stopped at a signal light again. Mrs. Wilhite offered to take Larry into her car and care for him until the travelers reached Pennsylvania. Baker agreed. The cars stayed together all the way to Columbus, Ohio, where heavy traffic separated them. The Wilhites continued home, but Ba ker lagged behind, searching for his road companions. When they reached MonroeviUe, Mrs. Wilhite phoned police and inked them in find Larry's father. The vommunicationa center sent out a general alarm. Shortly before midnight. Baker was halted by police in Washing ton, Pa. They gave him the news snd a few hours later, the father and son were reunited In Monroe- ville. James Stewart Gets Movie Plane On Duly With AF MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, Cslif. Actor James Stewart found himself in familiar sur roundings when he reported for two weeks' active duty in the Air Foree. Stewart a colonel fat the reserve. reported Tuesday and was im mediately flown to Omaha, Neb., in a six-Jet B47 bomber. The plane, by coincidence, was the same one used In the film, "Stra tegic Air Command" In which the actor had the leading role. Base officials said Stewart rec ognized the ship by the number on its tail assembly. A combat bomber pilot In World War II, Stewart was assigned to th 443rd Bomber Squadron here. His commanding officer said he will serve at both Barksdale AFB In Louisiana and Castle AFB. Mer- ' red, Calif, durisj till hrief period ol active (tut, .