Israel Stages Air Raid Drill In Jerusalem JERUSALEM W Israelis con cerned over renewed tension on (he Jordan border staged air raid drills in the Israeli sector of Jeru salem Wednesday with sound el fects reminiscent of the Pales line war o 1948. Sirens screamed, practice bombs exploded and sulphur sm k e blanketed several areas in this see on day of Civil Defense exercises aimed to help shield Israel if war comes again. Premier David Ben-Gurion's Cabinet held a special meeting with the announced purpose of dis cussing "the security situation." The government charged Jordan'r army is organizing groups of Arab "relugees, discharged criminals and peasants from border vil lages" as Fedayecn raiders anj that there has been 99 incidents along the border with six persons killed since Israel and Jordan promised U. N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold April II to ob serve a cease-fire. Rap al Egypt There was a rap, too. at Egypt. Israeli notes dispatched to Ham marskjold and to Maj. Gen. E. U. M. Burns, Canadian chief of the V. N. Truce Supervision organiza tion in Palestine, protected that Egypt Is refusing to permit the Greek-owned ship Panacia to go through the Suet canal on a voy . age Irom Haifa, Israeli Mediter ranean port, to the Aqaba gulf town of Elath with 520 tons of ce ment. Israelis said the Panagia carries no war material and that her de tention at Port Said is a violation , Statesman. Salem, Ore.. Thurs., July 12, '58 (Sec 111 Bulganin Promises Russ Women to Be Freed From Heavy Work 'Soon' By STANLEY JOHSON . MOSCOW W-The Soviet Parlia ment cheered Wednesday a prom ise by Premier Nikolai A. Bul ganin that the use of women for heavy labor irfthe Soviet Union will be abolished in the near future." The l,3(in deputies in the Supreme Soviet heard this -pledge during a speech on a new pension bill recently announced by the Council of Ministers. Bulganin said heavy labor by women al Shah of Iran Defends Pact With Allies MOSCOW ii The Shah et Iraa in effect told his Kremlin hosts Tuesday night that the w esters- sponsored Baghdad pact is a de fensive alliance his country joined because of "past experience and the general international situa tion." The ruler of the Soviet Union's southern Asian neighbor was re plying to a thinly veiled criticism by Soviet President Klementi V. Voroshilov at a gala Kremlin ban quet. The Shah and Queen Soraya are here oa a state visit. Proposing a toast to the visiting monarch, Voroshilov said the Soviet Union "wants to see Iran strong, independent and prosper ous, but we wish that the terri tory of Iran will never be used to threaten our southern borders." "That Is why, Voroshilov went of the Israeli-Egyptian armistice on, "we openly declare' we are agreement. - asainst any aggressive groupings , .., . -- .which oa the one band are a da Tensioa High I , ... .,,, Ki'l lu iiir Jraic ui lire n iu gw- At the United Nationals head quarters in New York, Israeli Am bassador Abba Kban told news men the Middle East situation is tenser than it was before Ham marskjold's spring peace mission and that present concern is pri marily over these developments: 1. The incidents along the Jor dan frontier. 2. Egypt's seiture of the ship. Egypt denied that the Panagia was refused passage through the erally. and oa the other constitute a continuation of colonial policy lor countries of the Middle East." As Premier Bulganin, Commu nist Party Chief Nikita Khrush chev and Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov looked on, the Shah re plied that his government "has never joined any aggressive bloc against 'the Soviet Union and never will "We have always opposed the principles of colonialism," he con to arrangements by the ship's cap tain with its owner. canal and said any delay was due , tinurd We are Bot t MW try. We have been sovereign for 25 renWries. "If the Iranian government has undertaken measures for defense they have been dictated by the needs of state on the basis of past experience and the general inter national situation." Iran's government previously has rejected two Soviet protests against Its joining the Baghdad pact with Britain, Turkey , Iraq and Pakistan. Traffic Crimes Protested by Vatican Paper VATICAN CITY on-In an ar ticle headed "Thou Shalt Not Kill," the Vatican City weekly L'Osservatore Delia Domenka Wednesday appealed for ''Chris tian conscience" to halt the rising toll of traffic deaths. "The Fifth Commandment, Thou shalt not kill," applies squally to crimes on the high ways," the newspaper said. "Drivers must he directly res ponsible for accidents. In the ab sence of laws and in the sad but unHrniahte weakenine of the civil conscience, it is the church which Wrvision. must raise its voice severely repeat the command of Thou shalt not kill.' " Pcrle Mesta Life Story Bought by TV HOLLYWOOD i - The life story of party-giver Perle Mesta. former U. S. minister to Luxem bourg, has been purchased by BCS to God, I The network said Tuesday it will present Mrs. Mesta'a story on the show "Playhouse 90" next autumn. Speed Larrikin will do the script and Mrs. Mesta will portray her self in later scenes of the W minute dramatization. The price paid by CBS was not announced, but a spokesman said EUGENE I - Ray Antrum of : Mrs. Mesta will use the money Aloha was elected state com-' """V expenses loreum siu mander of the United Spanish WaridfnU lh br'nK ,0 ,h" ntr rterans Wednesday. Aloha Man to Head Veterans H. S. Van Valkenburgh of Port land was elected senior vice com mander at the close of the annual state encampment, and M. H. Broughton of Hillsboro, junior vice iroamnmedr. Haiel Anderson, Medford. was elected president of the USWV auxiliary. Grants Pass was selected fo next year's meeting. The Romans imported Atlantic salmon from Britain and Gaul. Romanian Chief Termed Worse VIENNA i Radio Bucharest Wednesday announced a worsen-, ing in the condition of Romanisn President Petru Groia. 71, who suffered two heart attacks in May. A medical bulletin said Grora, long a figurehead in his country's Communist government, is now also suffering from a pulmonary I congestion in his right lung. TERRIFIC JULY CLEARANCE SALE! ready had been greatly reduced. Foreign tourists invariably re mark with astonishment an the sight of Soviet women carrying bricks, paving streets, running steamrollers, manning cranes and doing much of the country's heavy, unskilled work. i The promised, emancipation of women from this ssrt of work aa doubtedly will arouse much com ment throughout the country, al ready intrigued by a campaign to downgrade the dead Stalin. But in this respect. Premier Bulssnin a note of caution. I Without mentioning the late die-'rectness of our policy." later by naiae, fagaain et- Buigaata, wearing a black suit, notmced those who might seek to plodded through an hour and 12 take advantage of the campaign against the "cult of personality," adding that "the workip minutes of prepared text. The Shah of Iran, Mnhamed Reza Pahlevi, and hia Empress Soraya of the Soviet Union aad all pro- watched and bstened with ear- grrssivt cheered as he entered ike white aad gold great Kremlin Pilar, wore a navy blue civibaa stui, the empress a cinnamon dress aad white hat. Another visitor, seated iarf-nneniriimislv hhia4 A mut nf Soviet leaders was Km 0 Suag. I Khnsshchrv lot ua in the middle phones to a translation. The Saaa. I Caaamunist premier of North I of Balgaain'a address, aad alter Korea. The Shall aad Empress Soraya sat throngs) the whole speech, but Communist party boss Nattta S. Khratncbe did ant. As in often his habit an a few remark! ta We Premier V. M. Moletev. walked eat at the hall. Khrushchev had ant hotaared In attend aaxaee separata moetsngi of patrnasneota two haases. Mia Council of the Union and tot Cooaeil of tfct ItapubUe. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. MEIER & FRANK'S - SALEM SALUTES n OREGON PRODUCTS Jantzen . for young women going places Go north, south, east or west ... by but, car ar plane-anytime, any place, you'll want t teka a eof taction of Jantzen separates. Here, art the sweeten and skirts that ara always right, always. In good fash-kw-end ham's peek at our new 1956-3? selection. Each ttylad in Jentzen's exclusive Kharafltaca In 12 wonderful go-together coky radiant rata, rava red, paradise green, kelly, sparkling turquoise, bell blue,' U. S. navy, blue-violet, bright penny, tortoh brew,' malic black, char-black. Sizes 8-11. 1. "Town Talk," V-necklina with toiler $10C3 , Famous reversible knit skirt . $lt.C3 2. , "Junior Exec" with pebbl ttifcn collar S12.S3 : 1 " - love Bug" with raglen sleeve styling Motfrnw anon orrfew . PORTS SHOP STRICT TIQQX EXAMPLE SAVINGS DENIMS Special Group Nol All Sizes, Nol All Colors -HUNDREDS OF OTHERS i In the Copitol Shopping Center Lett of Free Forking We Give ZJf Greenl Stomps Open Monday and Friday 'til f P.M. .rsf fij Mam I I 1 1 1 i ','fJi If i if II I aw T . t ..- I IB I i f I'f itftair. fl. I sf ii i i l v M 1 I i ataw I I HI I .( ' I If A X ' Ta sW 1 M VI lilt IT III!) I if I III J 1 1 II . S ' M "V- v i i i i n ! i ' www nit f Hi iff '(. fl ii x 1 II I lsll I 1 f i ll kill till II Jiff II I X l v s i i i i t i im s ii i rv . ... .. t i i iii i n ii iivmiu i ii s- rv . - I A II I BE I I . I I I I I J "X. - i -f Tj"Vi" - FREs STOE-SIDj' VllHff mm il V V PARKINO'FOH ' f I llaUliiimli 1 i" V t-- 0VER ,'000 1 fakX - t"aV , f - m XVI b m av a m 1 - ' - ' t m - 11 ' i I H i a next sevurute story authored r by White Stag "The Seventeen look on a Shoestring" as feen in July Seventeen maga zine. Forward-into-fall 'ooking separates combining new fabrics 1n un ique color combinations and delightful, young details that predict a new type of year around casuals. ' 1. Sweater Jack styled in water-repellent cotton poplin with black kn't trim. White, gray, red; 10-20 $19.95 School Tie slacks In russetblack woven stripes; cotton sheer gabardine, ,0-20 S8.9S 2. School Tie blazer with Ivy league tailoring; stripe cotton sheen gab ardine; 10-20 ... .. te $10.95 Campus cloth Bermuda shorts in cotton sheen gabardine, henna, khaki, olive green,- 10-16 $5.95 Mail und photic orilrri. Tiit shipping mst to urrnn outside our rrgular truck delivery roulrs. ; SPORTS SHOP -STREET FLOOR Ik air mm i! ! Hf