BURGLARY CHECKED Sheriffs deputies Tuesday In vestigated the breaking and entry of a aervict station it Jefferson that occurred sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning. Entry was made through a rear window, and loot Included three cartons of cigarets, several cigars, some chewing gum, and IS to candy bars. This is to notify that Ed Bristol, . formerly of 37 N. High,, is now Io- COUNTY ROAD PATROLMAN ' Ralph McCallister was named to succeed Robert Massey as Marion County road patrolman at Mod dya'a County Court session. Mas sey was recently named county right-of-way agent. Unsightly facial Lair removed safely, pemanently. Price'i Beau ty Salon, Hi. 3-5S59. (adv.) FINGER CAUGHT IN DOOR Merle Eugene Munger, S, son of cated at 132S Stat. St. with Art Mr and M. RaylnSnd M Mun. 4Tt auncil iwsu statics ic, mvi t , i E A V E S T-R-0-U-G-H-S State Roofing Service Ph. 2-7629 (adv.) FIRST AID CAR INJURED City first aidmen required "first aid" for their ambulance when a front-end suspension bolt broke Tuesday afternoon in the MM block Imperial Dr. The car was towed to a downtown garage for. repair and returned to service immedi ately. We are closing out going out of business. Prices slashed. Every thing marked down. Wedding dresses with veil, regulsr $08, at , $2t. Shop and save now. Hollywood ' Apparel, 3002 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. M507. (adv.) VEHICLES DAMAGED Both vehicles received moderate damage in a collision between a ear and a pickup truck about :40 a. m. Tuesday on Highway WE st Chemawa Junction, stater' police said. Drivers were listed aa Fls vius Meier, 4153 Fisher Rd., and Gardner L. Johnson, Albany. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Ben Wittner at Lachelles, 1348 Ferry. (adv.) MAN EXTRADITED Robert Henry Cook alias Brent Raymond S trunk, was turned over to Caldwell,, Idaho, authorities Monday sight for return to Cald well on an embezzlement charge, Marion County Sheriff's deputies said. 11 room downtown furnished Apt tfiS. Ph. Court Apts. 3-7440. BOT STRUCK BY CAR , Paul Etzel, I, of Liberty Road, was treated for hand injuries re- ger, 1710 Lee at., was treated about 8:55 a. m. Tuesday for a finger bruised when caught in a door, first aidmen said. Dental plates repaired while, you wait at Painless Parker Dentist, 125 N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.) CAR LICENSE STOLEN Marion G. Wirth, 345 Hrubetz Rd., told police a license plate and holder were stolen from his car parked Monday night in the aodj activities Prison Plans Expansion of Industry Plant (Story alse m Page 1) Expansion of furniture manu facturing at the State peniten tiarydesigned to take up the slack In dwindling flax operations at the institution was approved at a meeting of the State Board of Control Tuesday. The discussion centered on the purchase of approximately $7,500 worth of machinery offered for sale by the State Highway Depart ment. Board of Control members said expsnsion of the furniture plant would provide additional employ ment for prisoners in the peniten tiary and probably prove a profi table financial Investment for the State. Most of' the furniture manu factured at the prison is sold to stale institutions and .other state block North Liberty Street. Baby beef for lockers, cut A wrap ped 39c lb. Fresh frozen turkey hens, U.S. inspected 38c lb. We give 'SAH Green Stamps. Frozen Food lockers available. Dick's Market, 3975 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-5,742. dv.) Public Records CIRCUIT COURT William Allen Smith vs. State Industrial Accident Commission: Civil suit; plaintiff asks judgment directing the commission to modify its earlier order, and grant plain tiff an award for permanent par tial disability equal to SO per cent loss of use of a leg. State vs. Edwin A. Lyle: De fendant arraigned on charge of non-support; preliminary hearing set for Monday at 10 a. m. Inez Mulford vs. John B. Mul ford: Plaintiff's complaint for di vorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment, asks .custody of three minor children with $350 monthly support for children and plaintiff. Married May 15, 1946, at Mc- ceived when struck by a car about M;nn,Y.ille , 11:20 p. m. Tuesday in the 2700V-"ni n. jersey vs. maniyn block South Commercial Street, first aidmen said. Further details were not available. Fur storage at Lachelle s assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. 1343 Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) FALLS FROM LADDER Jim Allen, IS, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. AH en, $70 Im perial Dr., waa treated by first aidmen for leg abrasion received In a fan from a ladder at home about 3:15 p. m. Tuesday. Modernise your bath with Duratile, Metal Wall Tile. 124$ So. Comm Ph. 4-5292. Homemakers! One of the greatest sources of buyers for things you plan to dispose of is the Classified Ads. Call 4-MU for sure lira selling. Firework i Sale$man Pay$ Out $250 Fine A Dundee man was fined $250 in District Court Tuesday after pleading guilty to two counts of offering to sell fireworks. tlnla rAmnlAM doaiirikawl ttlf sheriff's deputies as a fireworks distributor, admitted offering ex plosive type fireworks for sale in two mid-valley towns. District Judge Edward O. Stadter fined Cnmpton $125 on each charge. He ,had previously been released on $1,500 bail. L. Jersey: Plaintiff's complaint fur divorce charges cruel and in human treatment and asks for custody and $100 monthly support for four minor children. Married Dec. 15, 1943, at Hattiesburg, Miss. Linda Talley Gravelte vs. Ben ny J.' Gravette: Plaintiff's com plaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment and asks restoration of her former name of Linda Talley. Married May 1$, 195S, at Reno, Nev. Betty Stubendorff va. Donald Stubendorff: Plaintiffs jcomplaint for divorce charges cruel and in human treatment and asks restor ation of her former name of Betty adv.) Richards. Married Nov.' 25, 1954, at Kelso, Wash. Mildred Hunton vs. Bobby Hun ton: Plaintiff's complaint for di vorce charges cruel snd inhuman treatment and asks approval of a certain property stipulation. Mar ried Jan. 3, 1952 at Stevenson, Wash. Archie Dean Breneman vs. Ber niece Mae Breneman: Plaintiff's complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment and asks for restoration of defendant's former nsme of Berniece Mae Rickard. Married May 25, 1946. at Grants Pass, Ore, Births COLEMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Coleman, 2039 Park Ave., a daughter, Tuesday, July 10, at Salem General Hospital. LAI DKRBACK To Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lauderback, 705 S. Elma Ave., a daugmer, luesaay, Jnlv 10, at Salem General Hospital- riupsilt. Tn Mr and Mrs. Tj..-t r.mnholl Mnnmniilh MARRIAGE LICENSE vwii ., . daughter, Tuesday, July 10, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. '1 consider rehabilitation "of prisoners one of the outstanding problems at the penitentiary and believe that additional work will go far toward accomplishing this goal," Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry said. Other members of the board. Gov. Elmo Smith and State Treasurer Sig Unander, agreed with Newbry. Flax operations at the peniten tiary have been reduced greatly in recent years. The furniture manufacturing operations at the prison were approved by the 1953 legislature at the request of prison Warden Clarence Gladden. Warden Gladden drew a repri mand from the board for spend ing beyond the authorization for four reconditioned pea viners. Ex penditure of $4,967 had been ap proved for the purchase but the board was presented t bill for $7,347. The additional cost was okehed, however. PROBATE COURT Estate of George Keeth, de ceased: Final account approved and estate ordered distributed. Estate of E. P. Christenjcn. de ceased: Order sets Aug. 13, 1958. as date for hearing estate's final account. Estate of Rose W. Babcock. de ceased: Estate closed and execu trix discharged. v Estate of Orpha Hughes, de ceased: Order sets Aug. 13, 1958, as date for hearing estate's final account. DISTRICT COURT Dale Compton, Dundee, fined $250 after pleading guilty to each Microfilming Scheduled for Tax Records Marlon County Court members Tuesday approved a State Tax Commission request to have cer tain of the county recorder's rec ords submitted to, the commission for microfilming. The derision was bawd on a May IS agreement between the tax commission an8 the county court. Tax commissioners are making similar requests of other counties as part of the department's pro gram for instituting the new prop erty tax re-appraisal program. Nursing Staff To Add Three Three nursing school graduates will soon join the general nursing staff at Salem General Hospital, it was announced Tuesday by Mrs. Margaret Van Schuyver, director of nursing services at the hospital. Helen Corrine Melby, daughter of Mrs. E. O. Melby, 1790 N. 20th St., will Join the staff here in August. She is to graduate this month from the Emanuel Hospi tal School of Nursing in Portland. She is a 1953 graduate of Salem Academy. Another Emanuel School grad uate. Gladys Helen Buhler, Dallas Route 1. Box 307. will also join the nursing staff in August. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buhler of Dallas, she graduated from Salem Academy in 1952. Coming to the hospital in Sep tember is Dorothy Lorene Davis of Senaca. She is a 1955 graduate of the Providence Hospital School of Nursing. GOP Organizational Meet Due Saturday John II. CarkTn, new chairman of Marion County Republican Cen- of two counts of offering to aell tral Committee, and Mrs. B. W. fireworks. Istocey, vice chairman, will be Van Oakley Pritchard, Stayton, 'this county's official delegates fined $200 after jury conviction for j Saturday to a state central , corn- driving while intoxicated TOTTON To Mr. and Mrs. Hurstle Totton, Salem Rt. 3, Box S6SC, a daughter, Tuesday, July 10, at Salem Memorial Hospital. CHIPPS To Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chirps. 1A2S S. High St., a daughter, Tuesday, July 10, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. Send Flowers Thi 'tamwy Of Them Imit rorsvtr APPLICATIONS Leon J. Adams, 68, carpenter, Mill City, and Alta S, Duscnbury, 59, Mill City. m'ttee meeting in Portland." Several other Marion County Republicans are' planning to at tend. Election of state officers will top the business of the morning meeting scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at the Multnomah Hotel. " School Aide George Glllls, SllvertM, Just ap pointed assistant admlalstralar ta the Marion Ceaaty scrmIi ( lice at the Coaaly ('Mi-tkouM. Corn Growers Pleased With Hot Weather By LILLIE L. MADSEN , Fairs Editar, The Statesman The "slightly copier" weather Tuesday was being regretted by corn growers, who had been pur ring earlyMhis week over the hot weather which was bothering some types of farmers. The heat was just what the corn growers were wishing for to get their sweet corn developing properly. Even the slightly warmer nights were welcomed, the growers said. Corn la looking excellent, both growers and processors' fieldmen were saying Tuesday, Mere Cora Planted There may be alightly smaller acreages of green beans har vested in the Willamette Valley wis year, but there undoubtedly will be more sweet corn. While some processors reported Tues day they. were holding "to about the same acreage as last year", and a few said they were "in creasing only, slightly", none wnom i contacted, reported smaller packs planned, and the Stayton Canning Company re ported 25 per cent increase. "The Increase . in corn was planned for the Increased facilities brought about by enlarging the plant," I. E. Parberry, Stayton company fieldman, said. While some Increases In plant ings were made in the area, which includes West Stayton, largest in creases were noted In the Talbot area near Jefferson. The cannery alse has contracts in Corvallis. Salem, and Lebanon areas. Some 3,000 acres are growing under contract to the Stayton plant. Seme FreetlBg The majority of the processors in and around Salem and the out lying districts can most ef their corn, although a number of them also freeze small amounts. Cutworms, which played such havoc with the Marion County corn crop two years ago, are again on the move, fieldmen re ported. While they haven't reached serious damaging stages yet, such could be reached in a hurry, one fieldman said. The worms bore through' the stalks and the plants wilt in consequence, he explained. County agents are advising dusting. Temple Team Youlh 1'ick Alvin Jacobnon Alvin Jacobson has been elected president of the Temple Team youlh group sponsored by Temple Beth Sholom. He will succeed Steve Epstein at installation cere monies Sept. S in the temple. Other new officers to be in stalled the same date are Mike Epstein, vice president; Thelma Kline, secretary: and Phillin Perl- man, treasurer, Harriett Keith Rite, Scheduled Thursday Funeral service fof-Mrs. Har riet Marie Keith, 1S75 S. Capitol i St., who died. Monday, will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday in Clough Barrick chapel, the Rev. Ernest P. Goulder officiating. Burial will be in Bel crest Memorial Park. i : Post Office Project Tops Permit List Salem building permits totaling more than $131,000 Tuesday were led by the $96,000 Post Office re modeling at 14$ N. Church St. Little Iron Work took one for $21,000 for a new plant at 1223 S. 20th St. State Finance Co. took a $14,000 permit for office alter ations at 17S S. High St. Little lroa Works will move In October to it's new building being started this week. William T. J. Foster, owner of the wrought iron furniture manufacturing and cus tom ornamental iron works, said Tuesday. The building will be constructed by company employes during the slack summer season, he said. Measuring 112 by 50 feet, .the concrete building will be more than twice the ize of the com pany's present rented quarters at 2385 Mission St. It also will In clude a large display room, a feature lacking in the present building, Foster said. Other permits Tuesday were Is sued to Jim Dougherty, $500 house and garage alteration, 2230 N. Fourth St.; Troy Woods, $50 gar age relocation, 435 Jefferson St.; and Mrs. Ottilia Reece, $25 house re-roofing, 3260 Sheltoa Si. City Problems On Agenda of Interim Group The Legislative Interim Com mittee on Local Government will meet in Salem Friday to discuss metropolitan problems of the Portland area and proposed leg islation, Chairman Ormond R. Bean, Portland, announced here Tuesday. " Committee members will con sider a staff report on govern mental units, services and con trols in the Portland area. Plans adopted in other metropolitan areas and legislative recommen dations also will be considered. Committee members, other than Chairman Bean, are Sen ators Paul Geddes, Roscburg, and Stewart Hsrdie, Condon; repre sentatives George Layman, New berg, Al Loucks. Salem, and V. Edwin Johnson, Eugene, and John Misko, Oregon City; Judge Rau mond Lathrop, Grants Pass; and Curtis Everts, Portland. Bean Indicated that moat el the dav would be devoted to the dis cussions and consideration ef re ports.'' Thief Ransacks Evergreen Home A gold watch and coin col lector's item were reported stolen Sunday when the home of Paul Meeks, 193$ Evergreen Ave., was burglarized, sheriff's deputies said. The thieves ransacked much ef the Meeks home in what appeared to be a reckless search for cash, deputies Mid. Entry was made through a rear window sometime between I and 11 p.m. Sunday, when Mr. Meeks returned home. Candalaria Area Home Purchased By City 3Ianager A Candalaria Heights home was purchased this week by Salem's new city manager, Kent Mat hew- son. He announced Tuesday he had bought a home at 3055 Crest view Dr, from Mrs. Hazel Skopil. Mathewson, his wife and three young .sons arrived here from Martinsville, Va., two weeks ago. He had been employed last spring by the City Council to take over the city manager post here July 1. " FASHION MODELING EVERY WEDNESDAY Lunch In Comfort Air-Conditloned Cherry Room Wednesday's Complete SPECIAL LUNCH Brookfleld Sausage. Hssh Brown Potatoes, Tossed Green Sslad, Sour Cream Dressing, Hot Rolls, Dessert QZ snd Drink .... yoK I, Cone As Yon Are e I :. with Purchase She Who Wants the Best... 195S Buick Century 4 Door Hart' Tea twer Lsidet Stack 141 Slick .... $2895 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Used Car Dept. Center t N. liberty St. r I FUNERAL DIRECTORS " MWMM Miaaj MfcMaiaMtiM.i mmr'. "Salem's Pioneer Funeral Homn" Established 1878 Need for economy will never deprive anyone of. the dignity and sacred simplicity of our services. Terms l( desired Dr. L I. ftrrlth Vtrs t. ttrrtdi DHrt I. Dwiy 0M I. S.rtkk, Mir Advance Inquiry Invited 3-9139 tUm' bra nt ItcilitiM Cmtpbtoty fimwil parking prlvalf family eirlime. ' FiniPh II II Alia rUNtHftL rlUMt 205 S. CHURCH AT FERRY Complete food service for home freezer owners HOFFMAN FOOD SERVICE Featuring j Stokltys Honor Brand and Old South, Fruits, Vegetables and Juices Bellanna and Ocean Garden Frozen Seafoods SNOWCROP FROZEN FOODS U.S.D.A. GRADED MEAT Expertly Wrapped end Quick-Froien - Let Hoffman Stock Your Freezer 2-3639 1750 FAIRGROUNDS RD. "Guaranteed Good Eating" Hoffman Foods Has lean In lusiness In Salem far 23 Years .Telephone for Our Price List end Our Monthly Mailings State Traffic Safety Unit Announced Formation of the Oregon Traf fic Safety Commission, a coordi nating agency composed of heads of state departments directly con cerned with traffic accident pre vention in Oregon, was announced by Gov, Elmo Smith here Tues day. The new organization will de velop a permanent, long-range traffic accident prevention pro gram involving all state agencies with traffic safety responsibilities. Commission members appointed by the Governor include R. H. Baidock, State highway engineer: Rex Putnam, State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Charles H. Heltiel, Public Utilities Commis sioner; Robert Y. Thornton. At torney General; Warne H. Nuna, director of the State motor vehicle department; William A. Callahan, chairman of the State Industrial Accident Commission, and H. G. Maison, Superintendent of State Police. They will select their own chair man. Staff work of the commission wlU be handled by the traffic safety division of the department of motor vehicles. An operating committee from participating de partments will carry out detailed plans and policies of the commis sion. Gov. Smith said. Serving on this committee will be F. B. Crandall, traffic engineer for the State Highway Depart ment; John C. Kerrick, manager of the Motor Vehicle Department driver license division; George J. Sirnio, director of health and physical education for the State Department ef Education and Captain Walter Lansing of State rouce. Gov, Smith said the new com mission will carry out continu ing publie information program for traffic safety and will alse work with Statewide and local clti- sens' groups undertaking traffic safety projects. . ' . . Next Year's Festival Plan Well on Way A proposal to sell life member ship pasM'i to future Willamette River Days festivals was dis cussed at a meeting of festival of ficials Monday at the Marion Ho tel." President James Daniels also appointed Waiter Wirth. Salem city park superintendent, to or ganize a committee of Boy Scouts to handle conseccions, parking and other part activities at Wal lace Marine Park at the next July 4 festival. Salem Cherrians were desig nated as parade directors for next year. Salem Junior Chamber - of Commerce was continued Ss the committee In charge of children's games. letters to all local service clubs will go out this week asking them to appoint representatives to the festival association's board of di rectors. A meeting of the board will be called within a month. Daniel said, to decide major com mittee appointments and activities for next year's festival. A preliminary report Tuesuay indicated that about SS.SOO worth of tickets were sold for this year's event. Other reports of proceeds from the barbecue, concessions and other activities were not com pleted, but Daniels estimated the festival would "just about break even, financially." " Also discussed Tuesday were plans for developing the lagoon portion of Wallace Park north of the area where the motor boat races were held. This area is suit able for boating and picnicking, it was said. Statesman, S1rm 0re., Wed., July 11, "58 (Sec. I)-5 Home Builders Asn. Charter JVigM Slated Home Builders Association of Salem wilt receive . its charter from the National Home Builders Association at a dinner meeting Monday at the Senator Hotel. A. G. Hamilton is president of the local association formed re cently by Salem contractors. A national officer of the associa tion from Portland is expected to make the charter presentation. Driver Found Guilty In Intoxication Cane ..' , Van Oakley Pritchard, 35, Stay ton, was fined 1200 Tuesday after a district Court jury found him guilty of driving while Intoxicated. State police arrested Pritchard on the charge May 31 while driv ing along Highway ME near Deweyville. He had been free on KM bail. 8 Canneries UF Plan Representatives of the eight canneries In the Salem area were guests of the Blue Lake cannery at a luncheon meeting Tuesday noon to lay plans for organization of cannery workers for participa tion in the 19J6 United Fund drive. Gus Moore, executive secretary rf the VMCA. presided at the meeting as l!F chairman for the cannery division. Dean Pfouta of the Western Paper Converting Company, chairman of the Ur industrial division, explained plans (or or ganization of a chapter in each cannery. He said that last year every cannery in the area met its assigned IT quota and some can norie- hsd 100 per cent participa tion in the campaign by cannery employes. 3 Out of 100 Hold More Than 1 Job Three persons in every 100 wage earners neld more than one Job. me u.s. census Bureau reponea at last checkup. Enumerators are now at work in the Salem area making calls to find out if more or less than S per cent of workers hold second jobs, as they did In similar special census in 1950. Seattle regional census officials said the Salem area special, ques tioning will be done on a spot check basis by Opal Nieswander, Salem, and Mary E. McClurg, Albany. IOUII 1 FISH GROTTO H I Opw 110 ( ISM f M. Deny If m CKilsaVeju'sj Awtv , J S71S I. Cl.iriM St. m cnoivrJED ITJITH TOSlVag Tang brings out flavors you never knew existed in all kinds of salads from fruit and vegetable to chicken and seafood! Bright and fresh as morning sunshine with a special tang it's named .for Tang is "not too mild, npt too tart." Its tasty just-right flavor pleases the whole family! Try Tang! Enjoy it! v Vegetable Surprise Said 1 cup cooked egg noodles, chilled f cup diced celery 2 tablespoons chopped pickles 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 eup chopped , boiled ham H cup cooked string beans 14 teaspoon salt H eup Tang lettuce Combine all ingredients except lettuce, Tom until well blended. Serve chilled on criep lettuce mm vae. FREE! For new "Salad Recipea" write to the Homo Economic Department, Nnlloy's, Tacoma, Wellington. 1 : The snoet wopulor out door earns lot Ab erica Is BASEBALL And the saael pepalor checkiaf account Is ana la which aa sntaUswas balance la required, railed available la (sis ea amy aj CHUCH and CHEMEKfTA STREET .... I 1 V er MASS BUT PATMBMT pun The Brightest Home on The Street With Just One Coat of. Paint ...SWI .1 II imi " " h,'' .... --01 II Sno white ONE-COAT HOUSE PAINT MED CvM Exterior J)9? Undercoat ' One Cost hides any color, even black Self- cleaning washes clesa la rala for cnly 01. e 3-coal beauty ene" wear e Brushes Better, oasier Mildew, fume resistant With ono application you'll have a 2-cost pslnt (obi Save timo, labor, money! Master-Mixed. tklls.. .... aiantf ralMT J V s S99 Shingle Paint Seals Pores; Ranawsj Beautifies Superior, long-lasting, low-tuttra finish for shingles that preserves natural wood texture. Made with fade-retistont color pigments and specially prepared oils. Buy now, save I Workmaster Step Ladders ftanomy l Best 4' , Ta.et I .. 'S J ' OB t s.s '6 f s.99 1 e.es i : ' I B.es '10 10.95 Just Arrived-3-Leg Orchard Ladder '1.19 rt eeaseeBsVf riflf Ph. 3-9191 eW' JlAiO 550 N. Capitol