It Takes Rock fn Roll to'New Salesmen Bust Bass Piano String KANSAS CITY 1 A delegate to the national piano tunera con vention ayi h had seldom aen a bass string on a piano broken until the advent of rock 'n roll music. ! 0. J. Dodd of New Orleans, re lated: "I went into a . place to tune a Comic Books Big Business, Session Told PORTLAND ( - State Sen! John C. F. Merrirteld told the Catholic Daughters of America convention Tuesday that circula tion of comic books In the United States is exceeded only by that of' daily newspapers. Merrifield said that one billion copies a year were sold at an expenditure of about 100 million dollars. Merrifield said this is more than Is spent Jor the entire book supply fo- elementary and secondary schools anS four times that of the combined book purchasing budgets of nILpublic libraries. Merrifield filled the engagement of scheduled speaker Judge Charles F. Murphy of New York, code administrator for the Comics Magazine Assn. of America. Mur phy was unable to attend because of illness in the family. Merrifield told of difficulties faced by state legislatures in try ing tn control offensive comic books. "We have to decide whether education or legislation is the better method of control." IIF.RCY TRIP KNOXVILLL, Tenn, un Homi cide detective Charles Iiobetti, who sees plenty of life's seamier aide, had his fait) in human n.iture restored when a man asked him tow to get to general hospital. Druggist . L. White was answering a televised plea for blood donors for a patient "He came all the way (30 miles) from Loudon by bus at night just s he could help someone he had never seen before," Lobetti said. AUTOMOTIVE AGE DANVILLE, Va. W-H. P. Har riet, walked into the clerk's office paid tin, gave his age as o. ob tained his new license tag and drove home to Climax, Va., in his pickup truck. Just as he has been doing for many years past. rJors - a bonus of up to 3 gallons V, 555 N. Front piano and it was broken the bass string and it's 'a real thick cord. "I asked how it was broken and this fellow said it was rock 'n roll music." Dodd. held his hand over his head and dropped it like a ham mer. "That must have been how the piano player hit the keys. He must have hit them like a hammer to break the bass string." Interruption Made - U. G. Jeffers of Charleston, W. Va vice president of the Na tional Piano Tuners Association, interrupted. "I'm an advocate of the mas ter's work," he said. "Rock and roll has a fixed place in society now because there's something wrong with society. There must be a trend in public attitude to drift from stable things in music to unstable things. There will be a return to the masters with their ; thought of life. These other things I come from baser emotions.'' Offers Opiaioa Clint Fisher of Fort Smith, Ark., : a banc leader as well as a piano ; tune added his opinion: "It's primitive music and it ! amounts to modilied chords with a hillbilly beat. Jazz is an art, but Irock and roll is very simplest of bents with a little shuffle." I The tuners agreed rock 'n roll will soon pass but Dodd was pes simistic. "Don't worry," he said, "Some one will find something else to follow It." A SHORT LIFE! CAMBRIDGE. Mass. Of) - The old phrase used to be "Quick like a bunny." The nuclear age description may be "Quick like a positroniun.." Massachusetts Institute ol Technology, review.-; ing achievements of its nuclear j science laboratory on. its loth i anniversary, said it was here I that the positronium was first ! discovered experimentally. The positronium, it added, "is short lived atom built of a positive and a negative electron. It never exists for more than one ten millionth of a second." PROTEST ATOMIC TESTS PARIS un The leftist World Peace Council has protested to the United States, the Soviet Un ion and Britain against continued atomic devices testing as a men ace to world health. A letter sign ed by Prof. Frederic Joliot-Curie, council chairman, said radiation concentrated in plants, animals and fish could do genetic damage to humans for generations. ' P.7 givos you in every Talk abmit low-cost CMC ownership! With its new high-ratio cruising axle, a Blue Chip GMC pickup now gives you up to 17.8. better ga$ mileage. That'$ 3 gallons' worth of bonus miles in every filling! And you get far better road speeds, too, from an eay-troking, unstrained engine. In short, from a mere $10.50 axle optidhi GMC now gives you the advantages of a $125 overdrive. Add this new gas-stretching ability to the super efficiency of a GMC 180 hp V8 engine-to the moneynaving advantages of Hydra-Mafic Drive See us, Truck St. Don't Put Foot In Doorways By VIRGINIA kACHAN CHICAGO (INS) Door-to-door salesmen used to stick an unwel come foot in the door and do all the taklng but, an expert says, women have changed all that. Mrs. Treva Cooley has 23 years of experience in advising people how best to succeed in bringing products directly into homes And, she aays, such high pressure techniques are "as outmoded as the horse and buggy" nowadays. As executive vice president of a monthly magazine devoted strictly to the direct selling field, Mrs. Cooley tells people who write her at the rate of 300 letters a week about the latest de velopments. Don't Burst la During an interview in the Chicago headquarters of the na tionallyidistributed magazine, Mrs. Cooley said: "Now we advocate that the' salesman man or woman step back immediately after ringing the door bell. It's a way of let ting the housewife know that a stranger isn't going to burst into the house uninvited." Mrs. Cooley said this is but one of the impacts that women have had on the ' field that,' before World War II, waa "monopolized by men." She said: . "Most of the half million wom en in the nation'a direct selling force are homemakers who have been pestered at one time or an other themselves by that foot in the door." Interruptions Resented "They realized," said Mrs. Coo ley, "that women with small children, the rooking and the cleaning to do resented being in terrupted in the midst of every thing. "So women with wares to show homemakers started making ap pointments in advance to avoid interfering with busy schedules." She asserted: "The appointment in - advance technique has proved so success ful that even the men are doing it." Mrs. Cooley said it also took women to point up "how impor tant social affairs in the evening are to women who must stay home all lay, minding the house and youngsters. "that brought about the party plan which gets the women out of the house among friends or neighbors far awhile and give too, for Triple-Checked used tanraui Sales & Service (6. Autopsy Ordered In Worker Death EUGENE OF, An autopsy was ordered Tuesday in the death of Olai A. Huglan, 57, Eugene car penter, who fell from rafters of a building under construction ontoa concrete floor 17 feet below. Coroner Fred Buell said there was I question whether it was heart attack or a akull fracture that caused death. Honest Boy Saves Fine NORTH AUGUSTA. S. C. W A It-year-old high school boy learned about law in Recorder's Court and saved $12. Arrested for speeding, he posted $12 bond and returned home. - Usually in' such cases the ac cused stays away and forfeits bond. But this youth showed up for trial and explained to Recorder O. Douglas Smith that he returned at the urging of his high school driv ing class teacher. Smith found him guilty but be cause Of the lad s youth and hon esty he suspended sentence and ordered the bond returned. And then had to explain to the boy what a suspended sentence meant. He went happily home with his $12. But perhaps he figured he earned it because he was required to make a full report of the whole affair to his driving class. the saleswoman a way of racking up more aales during one occa sion than she could make in a day of going from door to door." Sales Stems Broadened The party plan is one during which a woman with wares to sell arrangea a get-together to demon strate the goods and tops the af fair off with refreshments. Mrs. Cooley said most women choose products to sell that are familiar to them as women cos metics, housewares, clothing and toys for children. However, she added that in recent months there haa been a trend for wom en to take over itema that have been "strictly male specialties." Some of these are vacuum clean ers; shower door and folding doors that serve at room divid ers. Although women generally take on a selling territory to supple ment family incomes, Mrs. Coo ley 'said "some do it to keep oc cupied." She said: "One elderly woman has her chauffeur drive her around to sell socks. Her children are grown and it gives her something to do." l " IN MOTOR TRANSPORT'S. LEADS THE. WAY v i r l and an important fact is clear: The operation and maintenance eavings of Blue Chip features can bring the over-all cost of a half-ton GMC down to the level of-or Mote-the cheapest stripped-model truck on the market. Of course, you'd, always have preferred a Blue Chip GMC to, any other truck. But now with cost so strongly in its favor-there's no need to step down. Come in and tell us w hat colors you want on your GMC. 'Optinsl 01 mtJirtu ixtr nit trucks Army AnCs Life Studied In Canal Zone WASHINGTON - UP The army ant death-dealing insect that devours everything in its path strikes terror into the hearts of most residents of Latin America. But Dr. T. C. Schneirla of the American Museum of .Natural his tory studies the army ant. Schneirla agrees with the Smith sonian Institution that the best place for studying the insect is Barro Colorado Island, the insti tution's tropica wildlife preserve and biological laboratory in the Canal Zone. When the army ant goes on the move everything in its path is de voured. A lemon or orange grove is stripped clean of fruit, leaf or buds within a matter of hours. Wild animals flee before the mi grating ants. Even a large animal if trapped by the ants, is reduced to bones in few hours. . The ants migrate in numbers up to a million, and It takes hours for them to pass. Telegraph poles of the Panama Railway are made of iron because a cedar pole could be eaten in one night. Schneirla haa made eight expe ditions to Barro Colorado Island since 193$. At the present time, he said, there are about SO ant colo nies on the Island. Each colony consists of from a few hundred thousand to more than 1,000,000 ants. .. In each colony there is one queen who lays all the eggs. Every 33 days there ia a new brood of (0,000 ants. Schneirla said the death rate ia high because of constant com bat, so the high -brood rate does little more than maintain the pop ulation. Once a year, at the start of the dry season, a colony queen pro duces a brood consisting of about 3.000 males and six queens. The rest of the eggs laid at that time are incapable of hatching and are fed to the newborn aexed indi viduals. ' At least one of the new queens takes on a new group of workers about half the colony and an an tagonism develops between the old and new queens. They, and their followers, start away in different directions. When 'the colonies divide, Schneirla'i work ia the hardest. Sometimes he has to . watch all night. . The army ant is in constant mo tion. Raidinr activities are carried out during the day from a central headquarters. At dusk all the ants return to the headquarters. Then at night the whole colony moves forward sometimes only a few yards and sometimes, if no likely spot is found, aU night. Salem, Ore. Failure to Adjust Easily to Retirement Cuts Life Span ANN ARBOR, Mich. I A Detroit doctor said Tuesday that persons who fail to adjust well to retirement can usually expect to live Just about two years after they quit their Jobs. Dr. Charles Sellers told the Damage Suit . Names Solon KLAMATH FALLS W-A auit asking $101,612.7 for damagea al legedly arising from t traffic ac cident waa filed Monday In Cir cuit Court against State Rep. Henry Semon, who lives on the Merrill Highway. Filing the suit was Mildred Huffman. According to her complaint,- an auto driven by Semon sideswiped an auto ahe was driv ing on the Merrill Highway one mile north of MerrilL She charges Semon with driving on th wrong side of the highway. .The accident occurred on October J3, 1954. She is asking 1100,000 general damages and 11,611.71 special damages. HEAVY BAB) - ST. LOUIS, Ho. un Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Beldeck knew they were expecting a baby. But a birth announcement surprised them. It listed the day of birth aa Saturday, tha bum as Veils and the weight, 2,200 pounds. Telephone calls rtvealed the Beldecks .still were expecting the baby; the announcement waa for a 192 Velie six-passenger sedan a collector's item among old ears which Beldeck bought DANCE CENTER MEXICO CITY -Mexico plans to put all its major dance schools under one roof in' a new building to be constructed in Chapultepec Park. The project, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, is to be headquarters for the Institute's own dance Drosnm. ami far tha Academy of Modern Dance, the uauet school, the School of Re gional Dances, and others. SPRINKLES mm 25 Ft. New, Craftsman "Triple-Tube" flexible f sprinkler! Sprinkles or aoaks any length up to 23-foot. Control amount of water desired by turning water fsucet. ninth annual conference on aging at the University of Michigan that tha arbitrary . age of 65 ia not necessarily a good age to retire. Speaking at a workshop on the physician's role In helping older people keep their health, he said that retirement for reasona of dis ability was quite another thing, however, "Retirement is not the blissful state that some hard working per sons envision," Sellers said. "It soon becomes a great bore, a dreary existence, and, unless something is found to take, tha place of previous occupation, de pression sets in. "These persons who fall to make a satisfactory adjustment to the rigors of retirement usually have a life span of approximately two years after complete Idleness has been Initiated." Sellers added. "Retirement amounts to social rejection and in timate! usetessness." But be said, he Is certain that many people reaching 65 are mentally and physically capable of continuing useful activity. Doctors, he said, should advise both employes and employers of this fact. Mexico produced $42,400,000 worth of silver in 1995. BEImont t SIM 40 N.E 11th Ave. Perllsad 14. Oregon out awns nwt stiii awwtriea SMwrWIIMU CTCUM MKI Make your yevel safe -- - pleygeeswd with '. T g CYCLO P Mfe m ) ej i 4 se1 verUM ejawetatjt V'jf " IN,M"' fcataWM ahst Mat sm fcew t tea axe fa kMtt." Priced CRAFTSMAN 10-IN. ROTARY fisSsaY" "lis j . or SOMS! 259 Statesman. Salem, Ore , Wed., July 11, (Sec. H)-15 Competition Keen CORVALLIS HI Competition for sawlogs has . been keen In Western Oregon, the farm forest products report of the Oregon State College extension service said Tuesday. The volume of sales, though, is lower than it was a year ago. V Prices for No. 1 Douglas fir sawlogs at Willamette Valley mills was SjO ta S60 a thousand feet In the past week, the report laid. LION WITH A BARK VIRGINIA Bfc.Ai.ti, Va. (AP) Walter .'ackson sna his pre school playmates had pretty well convinced their parents a lion waa on the loose in a marshy area near the ocean. -Just then Almr Cohen spoiled it by reporting his hi. Hemard aog niu oeen awuu in the area. n - t53S typical rates from Salem Medford . Bend ... Attorig ......... EuKene , .M I ci.ii.. u tiitiis r aiiairtes all 1 1., Caff by nvmbr-it'$ fatfr If you've been waiting rotary mower, the buy that save money, nglne 5WT7PLASTIC REG. 6.95 ft Jft transparent green plaatic hose! All Mm It withstands up to eight timet fj L 1 city water pressure. Resists I, J inn. oil. fertilizer. Li , Gleaming So tough average c aun, sbraaion, oil, fertilizer. 75-11. Plastic, reg. 9.95 For Top Sawlogs with eelsct peelablea to M for second growth and $68 for otd growth, Peelable had a 120 rang with a top of 1110 in some parts of the valley. For 46 ysirs mi HW fwMt Slim tH9l STMUI UtStfTS tnttat tiHNst statiM smttse, nurr n usrwuiu runt m ft ImM ran ,. oh DEAN CLINIC 0m ! oM 9 Mta . wtrf . M 10 m. .! I $ m. Jvm. mm4 Thv. "' rc Hrt'tiOM -aMASal tAlalV lAimfViH nor' n ttr.itiU a ........ .... .... .60 ritat. sol including tax, lor 31 wa.kd.rl Swit ' SAVE 18.05 for the "right price" to buy time it now! Now you can Right! work-saving, time-saving rotary and too. Cast aluminium body makes it lightweight. Quick-starting, economical hat a constant speed automatic governor control. Buy it nowl tear answers' yeur heme Im prevement needs roef te base menf, front to rear, Inside) i and wt. 550 N. CAPITOL Phono 39191