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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1956)
14-(Sec II) Statesman! Salem, Ore, Wed., July 1156 World War II Documents Remain Secret Because No Funds to Decide If They Are WASHINGTON I House fai Jvestigatora heard Tuesday that 100.000 drawer of World War II rmilitary documents art atored " away under a secrecy U be- cause there ba't money or man power to see what should be "made public. . ' Still secret, but for another reason, are Gea. Douglas Mae Arthur's papers oa Pacific War strategy, including whether the Russians - should . kava been - brought into the war against Japan. "... " . Asst. Secretary of Defense Hob ert Ross told a House govern ment operations subcommittee that the MacArthur papers were technically non-secret from No vember. 1MJ. until April IMS, hen a aewsmaa asked for them. He said the Army then re viewed the 10-year-old papers to see whether they should be with held, and decided they should be because "they would divulge war methods and war plans and war operations." He ssid "pertinent excerpts" were made public last October. The subcommittee beaded by Rep. Moss (D Calif) also was told that; 1. The Navy last year barred publication of an article by a Na vy captain on the World War II sinking of a Navy cruiser on the ground that publication would dampen the desire of young men to enlist. The Defense Depart ment later cleared the story for the Saturday Evening Post but aft er clearance by the Defense and Navy departments the captain still got a letter of censure from the Navy chief of personnel. . The article. 6y Capt. G. W. Campbell, a Navy Information of ficer, was about the sinking of the cruiser Indianapolis in IMS by a Japanese submarine. The sinking cent. 880 lives. Campbell's material was admittedly available from published sources. 1. The Library of Congress sam pled MO secret documents from Young Red Antics Draw Russ Spank Soviet Republic, reported to the International Education Confer ence her that the league which has II million members had pro duced "resolutions, pomp and fuss" instead of contributing to the economic development of Si beria and the Arctic steppes. GENEVA. Switzerland ) The Russian government told the outside world Tuesday of "seri ous shortcomings" in the activi ties of the Young Communist (Komosol League. . Mrs. L.V. Dubrovina. deputy ed ucation minister of the Russian the three services to see if any of the documents carried a state ment showing when they might be made public, as provided for In a November. 19SJ, order by Presi dent Eisenhower. Not one con tained such a statement.- I. Subcommittee investigating found many types of secrecy la bels not provided for by the Eis enhower order. "Air Force Eyes Only," "Official Use Only." "Pri vate Official Confidential." and "Confidential Modified Handling" were some examples. Ross said he is "fairly certain" that a number of World War I documents are still classified, and "possibly" some from the Span ish-American war too. Fir Lumber Business Up PORTLAND (Jf) The fir lumber business is in its biggest mid-year slump in at least two years. The West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. reported Tuesday that pro duction for the first six months of the year waa down f per cent from last year - at this time. De mand is the smallest since 1954. Western Oregon and Washington mills produced 4.6U.1M.000 board feet in the six-month period, 07 per cent of the average In 1951-S5. Orders totaled 4.6M.1S7.00O feet, almost a half-billion behind the previos two years at this time. Shipments also were down, total ing 4.754.511.000. Unfilled orders totaled (23.0M, 000 feet, compared to M1.B15.000 at this time last year and S04.I38,- 000 in 1954. Condensed Stattmtnt of the Condition 'of THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SALEM 3- At clM f bvslrmt n Jimm 30, 1954 ASSETS -L ' J !.. t t.- too III (1 I win ano uut irom ounsi . ? r , D U. S. Gov't. S.curiti.i . . . 1,026,261.33 DIRICTOtt Charles A. Spreguo, Chairman Russell F. Bonesteele ft. L Elistrom Axel Erickion Tinkham Gilbert Roy Hsrlsnd Gardner Knapp J ; Donald B. Peterson , Ralph W. Raines . ; Arthur L Railing Jacob Weil Uana and DiscsNiiwt $1,441,4d.7 7,342.71 , .... 1,634,597.96 Bank Promlsos A Equip. . 133,060.46 Total . . $3,423,105.26 ' "'! ' ' """" LIABILITIES Capital Stock . . . . . . . $ 250,000.00 Surplus ....... 50,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 67,116,53 , I Mill II T ' , Total Capital Accounts . . 367,1 16.53 Dtposlts . . . . . . 3,049,368.55 ,lntrtt ColUcttd-Not tarntd 6,62018 $3,423,105.26 71 ' $k .i Ills icAtial Ba.ik OF SALEM CHUtCH end CHIMKETA STREETS ' Crank Calls Add Agony to Tot's Parents WtSTBURY. N. Y. I - A new rash of crank . telephone' calls I Tuesday deepened the agony of i kidnaped" Peter Weinberger's par- lents. Seventeen telephone calls were : received at the Weinberger home in a matter of hours. All were from cranks. All were anonymous. They came from as far away as Chicago and Pontiac, Mich. As far as police were concerned, the search apparently was at a dead end. The beat they could do was plead with the kidnaper to give up the S-weeks-old baby. FBI to Mi Case The FBI is expected to enter the case Wednesday, one week, after the baby boy was snatched from a carriage on the patio of his home. G-mea can move into a kidnap case after seven days or after the victim has been taken across state lines. ' "The kidnaper left a note on the Weinberger patio demanding tt. 000. Last Friday, a telephone call er upped the ransom demand to $5,000. At the time, the child's father, Morris, a wholesale drug salesman, accepted the caller as the kidnaper. DweMs Calls ' But the intrusion into the rase of hoax telephone callers has cast some doubt on the sincerity of the Friday caU. Two men accused of such a hoax call were taken Into Queens Felony Court en charges of at tempted extortion and giving false Information to police. The pair, Robert F. Giebler, 37, a longshoreman, and Gordon T. Rowell. 24, a railroad clerk, are accused of luring Mrs. Weinber ger out on a false chase Sunday night- and early Monday. The two charges upon which the men were booked carry maximum total pen alties of 25 years. Jadge Aagered Judge James T. La Piccolo was so moved by the cruelty imputed to the nair that he refused to han- die the case. Holding both without bail, he referred their case for arraignment next Monday before another judge. Mrs. Weinberger was in a front seat in the courtroorr for the hear ing before Lo Piccolo. Flight Thrills Airmen Usually Ground-Bound SACRAMEIfTO. talif. Wl What does an airman do on his day off? If he belongs to the Mather Air Force Base Aero Club, he flies. A postman's holiday? Not at all, says Staff Sgt. William Orebaugh, when you consider that some mem bers of the Air Force have never been up in an airplane. The club owns one small plane, stationed at a private field. "A tot of young fellows join up with the hope of becoming red hot jet pilots," Orebaugh said, "and they are pretty disappointed when they find out some of them have to be policemen like me." 3ig brothors of tho boot seller ... and every hi t as modern ! t . yM u - 9 A y 'A ' .. w 1- J tetiea KOt LCF. j . j aWw llO0Teadss V J Chovrolot Hoavyivoight Champs Now Loadmaster V8I This big heavy-duty load puller deliver! 193 hp, 310 ft.-lbi. of torque! It's the lesder ia iu class for compact short-stroke de sign that delivers most horsepower per pound! Now Powrmatic Trcmsmissionl Six fully automatic forward speeds virtually eliminate manual gear shifting on hills or In traffic! Revolutionary "Retarder" gives safer downhill hauling, less brake wear! r; . .. Now Triplo-Torquo Tcmdsmsl Optional at extra cost in new Series 10000 models, new Triple Torque Tandem hikes G.V.W.'s up to 32,000 lbs., G.C.W. i up to 50,000 lbs.! Now big-truck styling I That sleek, massive front-end styling reflects the POWER these new Chevies provide, helps build your business prestige! Modern features such as these spark all phases of performance. If big trucks are parf of your business, well expect to see you soon! Optional t txira eon In Serin 3000 throufh 10000 truck modtlt. Champs of every voight class 1 tt -yi HOMEMADE ROBBERY SAN DIEGO Calif. (V-HuBh Mathews, bsnk officisl, surprised a burglar in his home. He talked the man into handing over his flashlight and hia gun; then, feel ing sorry for him. gave him S3. The gun, Msthews discovered aft er the burglar was gone, wss from hia own bureau drawer. It was empty, as usual. High Court Asked to Block Work on Snake River Dam - WASHINGTON -(- Public pewer groups petitioned the Su preme Court Tuesday to bait con struction of the Brown ee Dam on the Snake River "for the protec tion of the court's jurisdiction." The action waa the latest move in the public vs. private power fight over the Hells Canyon stretc of tha Snake between Ida ho and Oregon. Utility Taxing Ratios Listed Ratios assigned by the State Tax Commission for utilities showed a decline Tuesday for the sixth con secutive year as they are being brought gradually into line with with ratios set for county-assessed property. The utility ratio announced Tues day for Marion County by. Samuel B. Stewart, commission chairman, is 77 per cent, compared with the assessor's ratio of 25 for other. property in the county. Polk County utilities are as sessed at 22 per cent, compared with IS for other property; Linn County, 25, compared with 26; and Yamhill County, 33, compared with 30. In rare cases such as Linn Coun ty, the utility ratio may be lower than the ratio for other property because the State Tax Commission makes its study independently of the county assessors' and coun ty boards of equalization studies, commission officials explained. MISPLACED BATTLE COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. ( Two ll-year-old boys had a rock fight and a rock went sailing through a window. Uniformed men came outside and collared the boys for breaking a window in the State Highway Patrol office. Their par ents paid for the broken window. The Supreme Court was asked to hear oral arguments on the application by Mrs. Evelyn Coop er, attorney for the National Hells Canyon Assn., and other groups advocating a federal high dam at the Hells Canyon site. Mrs. Cooper later told a news man she expects the high court to decide "within a matter of days" whether it will enter the case at this stage. Brownlee Dam has been started by the Idaho Power Co. as one of three low dams it has . been authorized by the Federal Power Commission to build. , The validity of the FPC's au thorization action has been ap pealed to the U. S. Court of Ap peals, but both that court and the FPC have rejected Mrs. Cooper's request for an order staying work on the Brownlee Dam. Mrs. Cooper said the case was carried to the Supreme Court Tuesday because the high court might lose its Jurisdiction over the issue if the Brownlee Dam is completed before the appeals court rules on the validity question. She said that whichever way the appeals court decides, the case will be carried to the Su preme Court, unless Congress meanwhile authorizes a federal high dam at Hells Canyon. Such authorization, she said, would nul lify Idaho Power's license. For That Second Car... 194J Cktv. Club (tap fed! Oniy , . $195.00 VALLEY MOTOR (0. Usee) Car Dept. Center i N. Liberty Sts. Farm Worker Faces Charge An itinerant farm worker whose address is listed by the Marion County Sheriff's office as "in his car" waa apprehended Tuesday by deputies on a Douglas County war rant charging obtaining money by false pretense. The man, listed as James Rush Stafford, was found in the car when deputies followed bis wife after she claimed his pay for work done on a farm near Salem, depu ties said. Bail was set at $1,000. FIRES OF LEARNING! CAMDEN, N. J. W-Lawrence H. Carter does a lot of running these days between fires and books. A full-time fireman in Glou cester City, he also is a full-time student in the Rutgers College. "The fireman-student combination has worked very well," Larry says. "I'm passing, the fires are being put out and my fellow fire men and the City Fathers are not." The Mayflower of tha Ttipi wss dismantled and the timbafS used for a building which ftnl stands In England. ...til V. B H SINGLES from S6.N DOUBLES from SS.N "ANT AVINUI AT IUIN SAN FRANCISCO How to Reduce Painful Swelling of Piles with home medication IN DOCTOR'S TESTS, NEW STAINLESS FORMULA WITH AMAZING ANESTHETIC ACTIOS STOtS FAIN INSTANTLY! An imuini new. stainless com pound has been developed to treat torture of simple pUes at home. Its stalnleu Paso and does far more to relieve suffering I Doctor's tents prove It. In these clinical studies, Paso brought brh Internal and ex trrnal relied Instant relief for patient after patient! Many who suffered with piles for years now enjoy real comfort! No other preparation offers such proof of prompt relief I Nothing cue oners tne same re markable benefits as won derful new stainless Pasol 0NLT STAINLESS PILE IEHEDT This remarkable formula eom bines S medically-proved msT dlents, Including Trlolytt, not contained in any other leading pile preparation. This amaslng ub stsnce has a remarkable qneithtttt action that stops pain and itching instantly You set Instant pain relief while the medication goes to work reducing swelling, and pro noting healing! Results guaran teed or money refunded by maker. Oet sensational new stainless Peo. Won't stain clothea. Mod em suppositories or oint ment are now available at your druggist IntaHik ( am USSmHs. 1m- OtsMsat s4 Sasaattsriss, RegardUts of what you may hear.,. LET'S LOOK AT THE FACTS fflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ABOUT 1 .NATURAL S AS! SAFETY It's no rumor that gas burns . . . that's what makes it such a wonderful fuel. And according to National Fire Safety Records for 19)4, gts-firti heating and cooking equip ment was over 6 times ttler than oil-fired. Only Jrandilsed Chevrolet dealers gXtxjj! display this famous trademark CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC, INC. POPULARITY The fact is the Northwest is the last major area in the : country to receive natural gas.Jn the United States today, two out of three of all American families use modem, natural gas. Therefore, it must be clean, safe and economical. CLEANLINESS It's a shoutin' fact that gas burns with a clean, blui flame. Other combustible fuels such as wood, coal or oil burn with a yellow flame with smoky tips. With gu there is no messy soot or oily film to contend with. ECONOMY It's a fact that new, low natural gas rates were announced and those new, lower rates can be changed only on order of the State regulatory commission after appropri ate hearings. The price of oil, which is not controlled, went from 6c to over 15c in less than ten years. PORTLAND OAS A COKE COMPANY ... Your frlnd and neighbor for 97 ytari 15 If. Commercial Sr. Phaiie J-117J