12-Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., July 11, '58 ...... Vista Tops Labish to Keep B Loop Lead; Berg's, Master, Lions Post Victories Vista Market stayed atop the Class B standing of the Junior Baseball League Tuesday by blank ing Labish Center, 64. and Berg's by Jim Mudd. The four Berg hits were single by George Karklins, Dirk Brunkall, Bill Lang and Dick Klug. Hitting for Rotary were Stev Jackson and Lance Hazelbaker. - '- Master scorerl fmir enna In the. Ritchit and Roa Natter accounted for the first four. Hits by Rhett Parte. Dick Kuykendall and Chris tenson helped the fifth inning rally. Doug McCormack doubled and Mike Kenimore had two RBJ's for J's. The Lions got 10 hits off Four Coorners to post their victory. Tom Gribbentrop had two doubles, San Koonce two singles and Frank Meiers a single and triple. Their big inning was the third when they scored six runs off Mix Young quist's single, Meier' triple, a nice bunt by Lanny Wcoy and another tingle by Koonce. Four C League games are on tap tt 6 p.m. Wednesday: 20-30 Club vs. Fields Master Service at Bar rick, Dickson's Market va. Name less Market at Leslie, West Salem vs. Jackson Jeweler at West Sa lem and Steink vt. Legion Post 136 at Barrick. " Vista SS4 lt Lahiih OAS b 6 1 I Young and Bridge, Kimble 4I Weilllng and Biggins. . Market took over second place in the loop from Labish by nipping the Salem Rotary Club, 14. In the other two Class B games, Master Service Stations dumped J's Drive til-Emery's Market, M, and the Rotary ... rmri 00 t ( Berg's . ...... 000 Old 1 4 1 Harelhakerand Nlcholls; Paynter and Klug. I 4 Corners , 003 20 4 S 6 Lions .11 3-3 m 7 Srharf and Hofstetter; Hanley and Vanderhoof, Gordon 5. fourth and five In the fifth to drub J's. Four singles by Gordon Me Callister, Will Christenson, Doug Maater ton 4S0 S S J 1 l 03O 4 9 S Keller and Oiiistenson: Mills, Mr. Cnrmack (51 and Eaitndge, Johnson (I. Salem. Lions clobbered the Four Corners Merchants, 12-4. Vance Young turned in a one hitter to defeat Labish, atriking out six batters. Vista scored three in the first inning when Dave SeRine singled home one run and Young doubled home the other two. Four more in the third came off a hom er by Young, three walks and two single by Jim Clark and Curt Walker. The11 Do If Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo djsJtf, M4c tvuts mv yf now" V' n V "V vvAnrTTw!7TeM - iCAU WRKEO OUTSIDE- T7 lV HE4RO - WwONOM Ml N CAMTKR OVf ? Wt?4 Si. MEmNSDOVM THE 17 "TH'S 16 4 1 00CTO40Wa He OOT SVBJ 8UY j T STREETW)LLOOGO I NBWERVlCf ) TUB DOUGH OR L ST4MPS MCRBr WT 4 DIMS N "TUB is EH? 2 rX if 5U0UL0 ONI OF 06 V FWPKING METES? CI 2 L T2m5L 60 ST WM TT"mT . rVA Dorr w4t tvi VjLT COEsy I errs .ny phonc cuua Vs tkT' I ) Cz One mors pest por rrn JZ, p I"- W- 0RU5SISTTOPUTUP. iW ypf -DDfif - Portland Team Second Publinx Field Topped By Salesman With 141 SAN FRANCISCO Iff A salesman who play folf perhaps (our timet a week, Scottjr MeBeath of Pal Alto. Calif., Tuesday won medal honors in qualifying play of the Hit Amateur Public Linki Championthipt with 36-hole acort of 141. McBeal formerly lived in Bellingham, Wash. PeeWee-Midget Baseball :- Puttinf aa even-par 72 with his a of Monday, the 34-year-old Me- Beath finished one stroke In front of tavern owner Vera Callisoa of Sacramento, Calif., who carded T1-T1-14J over the Hardinf Park coarse with it par of 36-36-71. A threesome from Memphis, Tenn., won the Publim team championship and its symbolic Hardinf Cup with an aggregate scors of 441 strokes for the two days of play. The Memphis team finished eight strokes In front of Dallas. Tel., and Portland, Ore., tied for second at MS. Saa Francises was third at 4S4. . Best is-hole round of the quali fying cam Tuesday as l-year-old collet, student Joe Callardo, former Los Angeles city champi on, fired s M to give him a 143. Next cam milkman Roy Hart of Daly City, Calif., at 144 with 74-76. At 145 were f"red Corvl. San Francisco. 70-7S. and Daniel Sikes Jr., Jacksonville, Calif., 72- 7i. : The tw rounds of medal play cut the IM-player field to 64 for the match starting Wednesday with two rounds. Aa ((idal drawing settled the last slot, with Billy Joe Latter of Spokane, Wash., winning out over Edward Briege! of Ann Arbor, Mich. Initially a playoff among 155 Move Started To Stop Bans (Coat, from Page 11.) for tw. "Why make us the goat?" de manded President John Davidson of the Tournament of Roses, which has a contract with the PCC la stage the annual post sea son, grid classic in the bowL Prestige I ftaffer "The Rom Bowl Is being asrd as a penaliser for something in which we had no part and in which we carry no guilt," David son uid. Prestige of the game, daddy of all the bowl contests in the nation, certainly will sudor If a fifth- pujee tesm represents the confer ence sgainst the Big Ten. With such powerhouses M UCLA and USC barred, along with Washing ton and the no-repeat rule for appearing in the game on the books, this prospect is not entirely theory. In Tuesday's Midget League games, the Leslie Yankees beat the West Salem Cubs 14-3 and the West Salem Chiefs walloped the Leslie Orioles 21-2 In the two Eastern League games and in the Western League the Highland Hi jackers pssted the Barrick Brsves lit. Four Midget games sre set Wednesday: Pattern League, Richmond Royals vs. Candalaria Cardinals at Leslie: Leslie Pirates vs. West Salem Cubs at West Salem and Leslie Indians vs. West Salem Chiefs at West Salem: Western League, Ollntfer Eagles vs. Highland Hijackers at dinger. All games start at 1:15. Braves ...... 1IJ IS S I Hijackers . . .. loo IS t Margin and JrpMin: Liehtner. Cae- teel Hi, Lightner ( and Walker, Fleshman (ll. Chltfs 17T S1-11 S t Orlolr sos 00 s 1 t Srhindler and Shaw: Bonlfara. Huge ill and Trent, Barry Hi. Cubi Ii oo SIS Vankl :44 1 14 1 4 Chuwn and Jarax; Fine and Til ton. Dean Westling. the losing Labish pitcher, got the only hit oil Young. Elvin Paynter limited the Rotary Club to two hits in hurling the win for Berg's. The lone run came when Bill Gentzkow walked, gained third on a ground out and scam pered home on another ground out MEADOWS ENTRIES als of Detroit was focced to with draw Tuesday because of the death of his father-in-law. Sam flew back to Detroit. scorers wss ordered, but Lsuerf-li- Dick Steams of Portland, and Briegel failed to show for the Ore., among the leaders Monday shnnt off. The draw then followed, with a 76, soared to a 71 Tues Defendlnf champion Sam Koo day. - ' ... BUNNY MASON Salem Coif Club Professional And 19.18 Oregon Open Champion National Loop Whips AL 7-3 tCoat front Pag 11.) shortstop Roy McMillan and Tern. pie, to do the damage with a total of four single. pknHate winning help from first baseman Ted Kluszewski'a two double. Ken Boyer, stylish St. Louis Cardinal third baseman, emerged from his first All-star test with glowing honors. In addition to three singles, he contributed two sparkling defensive plays. NATIONAL LtAGl I (1) 1 About the time a fellow reaches the point where he thinks he may be getting talented in any of the athletic lines, some Joker comes along to prove that a real athlete can do easily what the rest V ol us break our back to equal. Sam Snood recently played his h,me club, the Grrtnhrtur in White Sulpher Springs, In 71. Now Sam is not overjoyed when he shoots a mere 71. But this particular one was shot with nothing but a J iron. Some poor 4 linker naid for the nlraiure of seeing that. Snead . ' i bas never been one to pass up s buck and it is j rumored among his friend that he would dumb L Mt. Everest bare-footed for 1100. An old friend of ' t mine, Ted Nrist, once witnessed Sam and Frank Stranahan, the millionaire pro from Toledo, Ohio, race ion yards on a S500 wager. Sam wa clocked Jim at 10 6 in golf shoes . , , u? Mam Peter Thomson, recent winner of his third, straight British Open, has established himself as one oi the all-time greats. Thomson ia a study in precision snd power on the links, That combination Is tough 'to beat In any league. Thomson is a native Australian but has played In this country almost constantly for eight year. He was sent here by a Melbourne millionaire when he was a boy of It snd his touring hat taken him to every part of the U. S. It was thought by many observer that the handsome Aussie larked the length Is win In top flight circles, but he has picked up some 25 yards in the past couple of years and hat been a tiger ever since. At M, Thorns aa Is far ahead of the paat greats la Ike play-far-pay leaga a Ml sbawld wlad ap aameaay with a record to surpaaa evea Hegaa sod Saead. Knead, Incidentally, Is the leading all-time saeaey winner with 6SM,st bailed la bit back yard. Deitruction Rival for Tommy Holt , Tommy Bolt has a new rival when it comes lo destruction of folf equipment. Dr. Owen Miller brought his sticks Into the shop this past Saturday in big, fat mess. Somehow, it seems, his clubs, bag and cart ended up in the water hole near the fourth green. Owen was 'at a loss to explain what happened. It has been variously reported that he threw them In, they slid down the hill while the boys, were looking for a ball in the lake and that hn rremies shoved them in to spoil his monumental concentration. Don I'endrie Is short one Stan Thompson driver. Dangerous Don has never been one to curb his impulses when It comes to proving to s club who is boss'. This time it backfired, however. Don frit his driving club nerded a little flying time to cool It off, btrt after giving the club a toss -that an Olympic hammer throw artist would have admired, he forgot to retrieve the offending club and it hasn't shown up yet. ' Salem' Bob Prall Is saw playing la the PNC A championships al Vancouver, B.C. (He qualified with a 6t Tuesday). Bob has had a roagh year s far aad be should have his feel an the grauad by m after losing tw sudden death payoffs as his home reurse aad getting his pant whacked if the NCAA tmraey. There's ever bees) any doubt a bent Frail's' ability as a sKotmaker but he has tendency I b aastahl la the late bates. Every player gee Ihrtngh similar troable. Incidentally, Bob' first round victim la the NCAA was the twin bralher W Bill Maxwell, the ultra-successful touring pre from Tesa The defeated brother has turned pr and pin at t Jnln bis wealthy brother a the pr tour at anre. The husband-wife shindig Sunday proved to be quite a success with 44 hot golfers touring th course on, should we say. a warm dav. Gil Groff and hi wife out handicapped and outscored the field with blaring net 2. which still wa only one itrok better than Frank and Mary Shafer. The liana Nlcholls took third with 67H. The fhafer'S 76 wa also good for low gros. Frank als won closest t the pin on No. IS. Han Nirholl was clnsest on No. I. and lor the ladies, Mrs. Cbet Low won tio. and Mrs. Groff No. 12. Temnle Sh BnhinMtn.lf d-nnider.ef Aaron.lf Mualal.rf If Boyer Jb Bell.rf b-Mayt, cf, rf Long lb f-Kluuwikl,lb Bailey ,e Cainpanella.e MiMillanja Friend. p e-HeuuUkl Snahn.p AnUinelll.p Tutalt . n H ii n is amfhican i.EAr.rg ni Kuenn.aa Fun 2I Wlllmmi.lt Mantle i t Herra.r r-Uillar.e Kallrte.rf Pleraall.rf Vernon, lb h-Fnwer,lb Kell 3b Plerre.p a-Slmpaon Ford.p Wllaun.p e-Martln Brewer. p l-Bwini Sr-ore.p wvnn.o J-Slevera Totalt AH 37 It n a Struck nut for Pierre In Jrd. b Momend fnr Bell In th, e Fouled nut for Friend In 4th. d Filed nut for Rnblnimn In th Grounded out for Wilton In 5th. fDnuh!ed lor Long In Sth, g Singled lor Derra In Sth h Filed aut for Vermin In Sth. ' I Lined nut for Brewer In 71h. J Popped out lor Wynn In Sth. National league nnl III 21107 American League ono oo:t 0003 F.-None RBI Temple. Mar 3, Boyer, Wllllama 3. Mantle, Mualal, Kluazewtkl. 2B Klumewkl 3. H It Ma) t Wllllami. Mantle. Mmial SH Temple. S- Friend. DP McMillan. Temple and Kluarewakl. 1.UB-. Na tional I-eague 7. American League 7. BB Pierce I f McMillan!, Ford 1 iHalleyi. Brewer I iMavti Sinre I 1 Temple 1. SO pierce S (Temple. Rnblnann t, Bell, Iingl: Ford 3 1 Mo iiat. Longi, Wllann I iMaval. Brewer 1 iTtmp.e. Snider I. Score I lAnln nelln, Wynn I i.Mayai. Friend 3. (Wllllama. Mantle. Simeon I Spahn 1 iMantlel, Anlonelll I (Manllei. HO Pierce 2 In 1. Friend J in 1 Ford 3 In I, Wilton 3 In I. Kpahn 4 In I 1 fared S battera In Sth). Brewer 4 In 3. Score t In 1. Wvnn In I, An lonelll 4 In 4. R-FR Pierre 1-1, Friend , Ford 3-3. Wllaon l-l. Spahn 3-3, Brewer 3-3, Score 11-0. Wynn -0. Anlonelll -. WP-Brew, er 3. W-Friend. t.-Plerr. U Berry At.), Plnelll (NI.), Hurley (At. I, Core Nt.i. Flaherty I At. I Jarkowtkl INI.I. T-3 33 A-2S.S43. Hecelptl tro.nl-II05.DM JO. Metulowt Selevtiom: 1. Stormy Van, Darky Hancock. Robin Dale I Night Bar. Bcbob... Billy S 001 Bnrl'k, 3. Karlm Light. He't-A-Dlver, Ne vrda :at 4. Hrmlette Herian Amnrln. 3. Free Sntoke, Sir Dale. MIm Bar Fly. ' t Ben Row, Mlleoll. Oil of Silk. 1. Fondalu Black Alamode. Money Clip. 5. ("barter Way, Taywln, Contender. Meenv Mne. Fimt Jo, F.llandave. BFST BFT - Karlm l ight, Jrd rare t.ONC.SHOT POSSIBIUTVe-Waaatcli Chief. SUi rata. Portland M e a d e w a, Wedneaday. Pout Time S p.m.: First race quarter tinrae. puree S4O0, all agca grade C. ISO yards. 1. Our Mary Lou. A Duncan .. . Ill 3. Robin Dale. W. Phillip 113 3. Red Champagne. J. Robertson 113 4. Sugar Valqunt, S McDowell . 110 . Mr. Bar. V. Hidalgo . ... 117 . Buddy Moody, L. Knowlet ... . 117 7. Queitlona Gal, A. Sherman .. . 120 (. Stormy Van. C. Dixon 110 5. Darky Hancock, 3. Boag 117 10. Joe Wagner, R. Wood! 129 Sarnnrf M atiarter Knru niira ' 1400. All agea grada A at une.1. mt yarda. 1. Texas Dixie Im R. Holley . lis 1. Billy Scoot Rorlck, Sherman 130 3. Night Bar. P. Hidalgo . 123 4. Pudding Foot. G, Dixon 12S 5. Rehob. J. Boag 12 S. C, r 1 Hurricane. T. Smothers 13S 7. Dr. Floaa. 8. McDowell .. 170 B. Scamper About. A. Duncan .... 107 S. Thedford, L. Knowles 117 Third race, maiden Helming, puree SO00 3 year oldt itAOOl five furlongi: I. Won't Tell. J. Roherteon . 114 3. Run Run Run, P. Hidalgo 114 3. She t Mine. A. Duncan . . 114 4. He't-A-Diver. F. Smothers . II 9. Nevada Gal. D. Henahaw lm . Woman. H. Hooklni 114 7. Karlm Light. W Collier IIS 5. Minnie Marah. W. Phillips .. . 114 Fourth rare, maiden claiming, puree SOUS. 4 year old at up itaoOi, tlx fur longi: 1. Brlolette. C Miller 114 1. Nancy's Boy. C. Dixon IIS 1. Hrrran. L. Knowlet 114 4. Kirkmore A. Duncan 114 5. tmby. A. Sherman IIS S. Bay Angel. W. Collier 114 7. Skagit Prince. G. Simonlt 1H S. Amort. S McDowell ... 114 . Second Dream. 1 Boag . 114 IV. Whodattie. W. Phillips . .. IIS Fifth rare, claiming, puree SSOS. 1 year olda At up 1SSOO1 S't furlongi: 1. Free Smoke, G. Simonit 119 I. Our Gamble. A. Duncan lit 1. Miss Bar Fly. A. Sherman 114 4. Sir Dale. W. Phillip . 11 5. Fvll LoU, W. Collier 114 S. Fait Call. C. Miller US 1. Gold Legend, P. Hidalgo ; . 11 Sixth rare, claiming, purse SSOS, 3 year olda at up isstioi t't furlongt: 1. Could So. S. McDowell 11 3. His Aggie. P. Hidalgo 114 3. Oil of Silk. A. Sherman 114 4. Libido. D. Henihaw MI4 9. Peanut Brittle. W. Collier 11 Hot Bug. W. Phllllpt 114 7. Ben Row. L. Knowles It Show King. C Simnnis .. lis . Mlteous, a. Dixon US 10. Effort Girl, P. Hidalgo 114 Seventh rare, claiming, puree SAW, fillies Si mares ilftMli tlx furlongi: 1. Black Alamode, D. nenanaw "Ml t. Venut de Bote. W Phillip . 114 S. Our Judy. Ft. Hopkins ... 114 4. Peaceful Paea. S. McDowell .. US . Fondalu. G. Dixon 114 . Money Clip. A. Sherman .. lit 7. Homely Holley, L Knowlet . 114 5. Saanlrh Maid. F Smothers .lis . Flower Song A. Duncan US IS. Sabrin. t. Boag II Eighth rare, claiming, purs soo. 3 year olds Ar up iSsnot I 1-1. "Wil lamette Valley": I. Contender. G Dixon 131 3. Tavwin. W. Collier IIS 3. Red Runner. A. Sherman . 121 4. Vina Pearl. D. Henihaw . 'Ill 9. Hid 1 Pup. J. Robertson 121 Wasalih Chief I.. Knowles 121 7. l.ycua Jr . A. Dun an 121 I Vain Flower, G. Summit 121 . Charter Wa, i. Boa ' 121 Ninth ra'e. rUlming, purie SU0. 3 year olda fc up ilSMli 1 1-lsth: I. Flrt Jo. C. Dunn 121 3. Fooliih law, W. Phllllpt 117 X Muhe Cold W. Collier T! 4. Mv Man John J Boag Ylt i. l ittle Sport. R llopkint . . 122 5. F.llandave. J. Rnoertaon . 122 7. Accurate Guraa. S. McDowell 122 t Mreny Moe, D. Henihaw '117 S. Moons lmaffe, A. Duncan 117 10. Goldiana d Or, E. Miller 117 Girl Softball Team Victor INDKPKNDKNCE Speciai The local Trosper Trotters girls snflball team were walloped 10 to 1 by the Salem Merchants girls in the first game in the second half of the Silver Falls League here Tuesday night." ' Vivian Reaves hit a dbuble and single, Rita Lambert three singles and Delores Hanson and Maureen Schollian each a triple to lead the Salem team at the plate. Miss Schollian pitched the win fur Salem, giving up three hits. Salem 322 1210 11 1 Independence Oil 00 1 3 S Schollian and Lambert; Wilson and Drysdale. Women (iolfrrs Slale Day's Play 16-J Day's Play SPORT7 Women golfers at both the Salem Golf Club and the Oak Knoll course will hold regular ' day's play Wednesday. At the SGC. the Salem Women's Golf Assn. will hold business meeting and luncheon and. will award prizes to both Ihe regular members and the S HoUti (or Ihe recent miniature tournaments. . . The OaH Knoll ladies will shoot their regulur day's play. I.K K.SSK ASKKD SKATTLE 1 - Two boxing clubs will apply for Seattle pro moters' franchises at the meet ing of the Stat Athletic Commis sion Friday In Tscoma. Clarence 8. "Hec" Kdrmindtnn. commit-! tioa socreUO', "id TuasrUy. ai as im, :CuS" TIRE BLOWOUT WRECKS 3 CARS ALBANY, Ore, Tw per son were-severely injured, their car wt nearly demolished, and two other vehicle were damaged Tuesday in a freak ac cident resulting from a tire blowout four miles south of Al bany on U. S Highway ME. For All the Old, ' Dangerous Tires in Salem! DESCRIPTION: Nearly Bald About or Over Two Years Old Wounds in Sidewalls , Scars on Shoulders 3X. r-. . on .... : n. " "o'lU nLr 7?o! " ft An er. vi la 1 ?"e, 30 0 : "os-1 f,.l"""i "my 1 on CRIMINAL RECORD: Public Enemy No. 1 in 1955. Killed over 38,330 people and caused injury to 1,350,000 others-more people than were kill ed or injured in the entire Kor ean War. Increase predicted in 1956. CAUTION-DANGER- This Killer must be apprehended before other innocent victims die. When last seen was careening dangerously down the streets of Salem. Be on the look-out! If seen pro ceed with caution! YOU MAY BE THE NEXT VICTIM! i " These Highway Murderers Are Captured During FEARLESS FEIRING'S SECOND ANNUAL HIGHWAY MURDERERS ROUND-UP W'r giving the BIGGEST REWARD EVER OFFERED FOR OLD DANGEROUS WORN-OUT TIRES ON BRAND NEW GENERAL Tubeless or Tubt Typt TTUBELESS OR TURF.TYPF TIRFQ WHITE OR sltT GENERAL) " - ' " ' m GENERAL S BLACK RAYON OR NYGEN VJiSL In cooperation with the National Safety Council we are giving these fabulous allowances on any NEW TIRE In our store when KILLER TIRE is removed from your wheel . . . regardless of condition of tire removed. KILLER TIRE ALLOWANCE 600 670 710 760 800 x 16 , $ 8.00 per tire x 15 $10.00 per tire x 15 $11.00 per tire x 15 $12.00 per tire x 15 $13700 per tire SEE MURDERER'S ROW! and watch it grow, watch the corner of State and Cottage for KILLER TIRES CAPTURED. AMAZING BUT TRUEI EASY BUDGET TERMS Pay as you ride in Safety NOW you can't afford to take chances riding around on those dynamite-loaded tires. You'll be amazed to see how little it will cost to buy the BEST PREVENTATIVE IN SURANCE available-the GENERAL TIRE! Ill - OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE n mm , 710 State St. Across From ELK LODGE Salem, Ore). 2!