Musial, 4 Solons Kindsfatlicr In 3-Hitter Satalirh Handed 9th Loss; K ran Re Bingles KENNEWICK, Wash. -(Special) The Salem Senators' winning streak in the newly born second half pennant chase in the North west League was stopped at "one" Tuesday night as the Tri-City Braves flattened the Salcms -l here.. Veteran Vern Kindsfather pitched the victory, his 12th of the season, and checked the Solons with three hits. Two of the three hits were by Salem's slump-ridden Mel Krausc and the other was by Jack Dunn. ' Tri-City smashed starter Ad Satalich for two runs in the first inning when he walked Gene Fasz hoi i and dished up a home run to Danny Hnldcn who had been out of the lineup for number of days with a broken toe. . Cade, Aldermaa Pilrh Jerry Cade took over the mound duties for Salem in the second and was nicked for a run on Ray Zari's double and three straight walks. Cade was knocked out in the seventh and Arlie Alderman finished up, giving two more runs, both unearned. Tri-City matched the -run out put with I hits, two by Zari and two by Bill Girdley, the acquisi tion from Eugene. Satalich's loss was his ninth, against six wins. The two teams play again Wed nesday and Thursday nights here, after which Salem moves to Eu gene for games Friday, Saturday and Sunday,' Doubleheaderi are slated at Eugene Friday and Sat urday nights, with single clash set Sunday afternoon. Salem's lone run Tuesday, in the third, came as a result of Krausc's single, a force play, an error by Dwayne Helbig on Dunn's fly to center and walks to Chuck Essegian and Russ Rosburg. Second Best: Salaaa (I) () Trl-Clty BRHE BRHE Kr..l 4 0 2 1 Fizhli I 12 10 4100 Scilllia.3 1201 Dunn.m S S 1 0 Hoiden.3 4 111 1 a 0 0 101 1 1 0 0 Prrtz.l 4 11 WMkly.r 4 0 0 0 Grdly.r Mil Kopf.c 4 0 0 0 Mutiny 4)1 Wabitra 4 0 8 0 Zan.c 4 1 1 J itiirh.B 0 00 Kdifhr.p 100 lidin 301 Aldmn.p 0 Total ST 13 3 Totala Mill a. lent oni ono ooo I 3 3 Tn-citv - iinooo:i2x-SS3 Wmninf pltrher. Kindnlath r (13 T); loams pitcher. Satalirh (-!, Ip ib ho n n ao bn Satalicn O-t I ? f -... S'a IB 3 4 4 8 T lM.min " , H 1 1 0 1 0 Kindsfalher ' I J, ' Wild nil ones: Klnda'athar 1. Pained bLOrVSa'em T Trl-Clty : HR Molden: HBI-Holdrn 2. Helbn 1. Roaburs. Girdley, Mullaney 2; Sac Kindifather iBi. Helbis ir; DP Lauraan to Krauae to Rosburs. Mul lanav to Srramasiia to Taaiholl. Time i M. llmoiren: Ammona and Kelly. Attendance 1011. Angels Whip Beavers 6-3 PORTLAND t Los Angeles came from behind, scoring four runs in the eighth inning, to de feat Portland 6-3 in a Pacific Coast League baseball game here Tuesday night. In the other PCL games. Holly wood downed San Diego, 5-3, Van couver bounced league-leading Se attle, 13-0, and San Francisco blanked Sacramento, 5-0. It was the second defeat in a row for the Beavers and the loss was charged to Bill Werle, who gave up eight hits, including two doubles and two home runs. Casey Wise led off the Angels big eighth inning with a double. George Freese followed with a homer. Then Bob Speake doubled and Jim Bnlger rapped out another homer. Portland had gone Into the lead In the second inning on Sammy Caldernne's homer. Portland got two runs in the bottom of the eighth on Frank Carswcll's Infield hit and Luis Marquei's four-base blow. The box: l ea Aaieles () Fartlaa (I) BHOA BHOA Coats 1 111 OVouns.l 411 Wlae.l till Safell.m 4110 Mauch.1 101 RorkakU 4 0 0 2 Bllko.l 4 (11 1 Carawll.l 2 1 1 0 rreeae.3 4 11 Marotat.r 4 13 01 neake c 4 14 0 Caldrn.c 4 2 3 1 j Poller, r 4 I Mcklan.l 4 I A Tanpe.c 31 I.lllrell.a 4107 Hlllmn.p 2 0 10 Werle 3 11 Andran.p 1 Mermn.r 1 ( IDIVII 110 0 Total! 3 127 11 Totala 34 127 13 Loa Anaelea nno on 040 Portland 010 003 0003 E Ultretl I. FBI Calderone Wlae. Maurh, Marques 1. Freeae I, Roller 1 IB Wlae. Speake. Werle, Baffell. SB Wlae. HR Cajderone, Freeae, Bolger, Marquee. SJ Maurh. Left Loa Anielea : Portland I. BB Off Werle I. SO hy Hlllman J. Ander son 1, Werle 1 R-F.B Hlllman 3-3. Anderaon -. Werle -. Hita off Hlllman In : Anderaon 1 in 1. WP w.AiuIhuii a. a i Werle. IB-S. U-Kerr. Pelekoudaa ahd Kerr. T-l 54. A 3.137, PCL Line Scores dan Dlrsn . Ofll 000 0203 1 Hollywood ... 300 000 02x I I 3 liomharril, Hoaklna IB) and Rt. Claire; Purkey, Green ( and Naton. Seattle onn Ono MM 0 1 Vancouver . ono! on 05x 13 17 0 Judaon, Podnelian Hi, Dickey 17) anad Oriels, Ayiward (7); Harrlaon and Bomano. f arramentn 000 on 0004 1 1 an Franclat . 010 111 00 S 10 Watklna and McNamara; iurkont and uluran. Mays Hit Crushed, 8-1 H)reijoii$tate$man Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., July 11, '56 (Sec. II)-11 Senator Boosten Set Meeting Here Tonight The mid-season meeting af the Salem Senators Boosters ergani ration is set. for tonight, it 5:31 o'clock, .at Randall's .Chuck Wagon. Chief .tmplre .Oscar Enger of the group urges all members to be present to hear reports on plans for the second half of Northwest League base ball play at Waters Field. The meeting will start with social bour at 5:31 o'clock, and this will include viewing of Ike Prall Shoots Good Yost's 67 Nabs Medal Honors in VANCOUVER, B. C. I - Dick Yost of Seattle, a slow-speaking 26-ycar-old, fired a crackling four-under-par 67 at the Marine Drive course here Tuesday for a two-day total of 138 to take medal honors in the Pacific Northwest Golf Assn.'s 55th championships. Point Leader Ray Hiebert, above, capable Dal las auto racing pilot is currently leading the point standings for the Capital Auto Racing Assacia- tion's stork hard tops division. He's slightly ahead of Fay Ladd of Gervais and Dale Collie of Salem. All three will be. la the Saturday night stark hard top racing program at Hollywood Bowl here. Mason Loses At Prineville PRINEVILLE Of) - Dave Killen ! and Bill Johnson, both of Port-i land, posted extra-hole victories Tuesday in ,he semi-finals of the!?0? Pra" of Sall,m. Oregon Professional Golf Assn.ihad 75s Monday but matchplay championships here. Killen went 23 holes before beat ing Pete Bogan, Portland. Johnson won on the 20th hole in a match with Alex Weber, the host pro. Johnson and Killen will play 36 holes for the title on "Wednesday. In the morning quarter-finals Johnson defeated Larry Lamber ger, Portland, 19th hole: Bogan beat Tom Marlow, Portland, 4 and 3; Killen eliminated Bunny Mason, Salem, 2 and I : and Weber ousted Glen Spivey, Portland. 3 and 2. MEADOWS RESULTS Portland Meadnwa reiutta Tuatrfav July 10, clear and fait. rirat race, 330 yarda, quarter horsea. Joe Raaner I Wood, I a SO. 3 20, 3 10: Fabuloua Joe I Know let I 2 no. 3. Ml: Mita Ark iBoafl 4 10: quinlela IS 50. time 11 1. Second race, 130 yarda. quarter honea. rat Clam i McDowell) 14.30. J II). .ISO- Joe Lahekln 'Duncan I .lino. 17 si): Or. Fiona iHolleyl 41: quinirU 1SI, time ISO Third race. J1, turlonit. un. Karlm Llaht iCnlllrrl 4.10, J Ml, 20; Errant Prince iKnowleal S do. 4 40: Mo-WIn i Phillip) 30; qulmela IIS. time 1 OS. . Fourth race. S furlongg. 4 up. Tnhermnrev I D Won I 14 01). left, 3 0: Rock Harney IRohertannl 3 40. 2 70; licanrun iDaleat 3 70. qulniela 11.180. time 1:13 4 Fifth race, 5 furlonea, 3 up. Sav Joe (Collier) !M, 3 70. 20: Fat Chance (Dixon) 4.20, 3.10: Mv Hennv (Duncan) 2 Ml. quinlela II M, time 1:00. Sixth race, furlonea, 3 up. Hilly Venero (Smolhera) 5 70. 3 30. ISO: Bunhef (Phllllpa) 4 SO 3 30: Cal K (HenahaW) 1.10; quinlela $15 30, Urn Seventh race. 1 mile, 2 'up. Pata Picture iPhillipi) 34.10. 90. 100; Red Green (SJmonla! 4.70, 4.00: Sam Jonea ISmnthera) 7.20; quinlela 348.30. time 1 40 1. Sih race. furlnnia, 3 up. Stan Clark (lannnltll 14 70. 5 0 3 40: Pon tile! iMIIleri 5 00. 3 20: Wire Trouble iDlxoni 3 70; qulnlella 17.80; time 112 2. Sih rare. 1 mile. 3 tin. Kllnitltrh IKnoale.l .1 VI 2 10 l: Kanriv H iHmnihmi .inn. i mi' un. cl!tolw.c2im about the ring In aa attempt try Gink iDlxnn) 9 .HI. 3 40: gkv-n- manao I Millar) 13 00; qulnlrlla 2S 70; tlma 1 4l. Attendance 3.SR0; handla 1113.3.13.. Mickey Mantle of the. Yankees was the first major leaguer to hit 20 home runs during i5f. televised boxing show at sit. The meeting itself will get under way following .the "Chuck a Board dinner in the downstairs prem ises at Randall s. It will be permissible for Boosters to bring wives or girl friends, and neighbors. The Boosters board af directors met Tuesday to draw up plans for stimulating Interest and attend anre for the Senators' second half games at the ball park. 69 PNGA Meet Yost, defending champion and a member of the United States Walker Cup team at St. Andrews, Scotland, last year, was favored to retain his crown in the four days of match play that begin Wednesday, After the first day's match com petition in the women's section of the tournament, being held con currently at' nearby Point Grey doll and Country Club. Mrs, Kdean Anderson Ihlanfeldt, a two- time winner, emerged again as a strong contender. The Seattle golf er effortlessly disposed of Van couver's Myra Lamont 7 and 6. Tied a stroke behind Yost with low qualifying scores were Erv Parent of Seattle and Bob Kidd of Vancouver. Parent, holder of the Washington State amateur title for the last two years, had rounds of 69 and 70 while Kidd, Vancouver city ace, rattled in a three-under-par 68 to fo with an earlier 71. Next Low Qualifiers The next low qualifiers were two young. Vancouver stars Gordon MacKenzie ami John Rus sell who fired 69s Monday but went over par to 72s and 141 to tals Tuesday. John Wood of Seattle and John Lynch of Tacoma. Wash., were next with 142s and Rod Funseth of Seattle, British Columbia ama teur champion, was at 143 with two other Vancouver players. Alvin Thompson, another Van couver youngster to hit 69 Mon day faded slightly to 144 as did Norm Boden,? a 20-year-old Vic toria lad who has just started to break into the top bracket. He had 70 and 74 In the two quali fying rounds. Clarence Smith of Seattle and Ore , both improved with 69s to 144 totals Tuesday. Brian Copp of Vancouver, B.C., Junior champion, and Bert Tice hurst, Vancouver match play champ, both finished with 145s. Ben Hazlitt of Olympia, Wash., who was tied with Boden at 69 Monday blew to a 77 but still qualified with his 147, Senator Swat Up to date: ah h 2b .lb hr rbl pet Dunn Keaaegtan Wenter S7ckula Kin Krauae Koepf I.autnen Roahurir Wreklcy Pfldlinf: Dalv Geiirse Walah ' Alderman Satalich lade Kina Krauae 211 7 i j 142 44 I 2.13 S2 1 21S M 11 47 II .1 213 90 IS.1 .17 4 J V 1 31 4 42 1 13 1 is 4, a 11 3 ' H 47 4 17 !2, 21 H'j 4 14 S3', 1 4 11,- .'it f .2U .224 .2T2 .211 .77 I so bb er 0 IS 10 12 3 4 43 2.1 1 43 33 36 4 IS 3 30 SI SI 4t I M 10 II s as 3t as 1 S I 13 Freeman. Tops Lenz to Snatch Tag Team Victory at Armory Husky Herbie Freeman slammed a surprise full nelson on Henry (Golden Boy) Lenz in the third fall of the tag team main event at the Armory last night, and It won not only the match with Leni and Bull dog Bud Curtis, but also a crack at the Donovan Brothers for the Northwest tag team championship trophy. The surprise ending came fast last night. Lent had Pepper Gomel 1,-inwi in a nnnr'ni TTii !.., , hold, and it appeared to the large crowd that tho popular Gomez- rr.n,.. i.n ,. j d it,rnk. I).- kM .,. t...t r.,n : to ' get an "uncle" from him. But in the process Gomez managed to tag Freeman, unseen by Lenz. When Lenz was tapped on the back by Freeman, who came into the ring, he let Gomez loose, figur ing be had won the mix. This gave Homers as Nationals Upset AL, 7-3 Boyer Spears Hot Liner -,, IN-.'-. . . -- n,nn mm - ' A 5 1 v ft ' ' " t WASHINGTON Ken Boyer of St. Louis dives to spear a liner from the bat of Harvey Kuenn of Detroit in the first inning of Tuesday's All-Star game. Boyer, playing third base for the Na tionals, fell to the ground but kept ball In his glove. Besides sharp fielding, he got three hits to kelp Nationals take 7-1 victory. (AP Wlrephoto). Multnomah Fairgrounds Get Approval for PORTLAND ( Multnomah County Commissioners Voted 2-1 Tuesday to approve dog racing at the Multnomah County fairgrounds. Under the proposal, the Multnomah County Kennel Club would pay the county a daily fee of $1,000 or 1 per cent of the gross pari- mutuel handle. The club also would construct the race track. The commissioners said that funds derived from the race meet ing would be used for parks and recreation in the county. Meanwhile, Portland Meadows horse race track proposed that the dog races be held there. The Meadows would lease its track to the Kennel Club for 1 per cent of the gross mutuel handle or $1,000 a day. The club did not announce which of the offers it would accept. BilkoVBat Tops Coast Loop Again SAN FRANCISCO I - As he has for many weeks. Steve Bilko of Los Angeles still keeps a strangle hold on the top honors accorded batters in the Pacific Coast Baseball league. This week's list of batting aver ages, compiled by League Statis tician William J. Weiss, and in cluding games of Sunday, July 8. show the big first baseman, a wise, with an average of .375, in i home runs with 37, and In runs batted in, with 97. MWL Line Scores Fueene 010 003 00711 11 Wenatchee . .. ooo 010 2003, S Gri(fn and Gauthler: Lybeck, Ml rhal (Si, Iannfhaua (9) and Lund berg. l.ewlton ooo 000 sno 1(4 Yakima 410 040 42x 13 1 Benton and Donahue; Boenker, Alt man 1 7 1 and Neal. Freeman the opening be needed, on went the full nelson, and that was that. Lent "uncled" quickly. Curtis downed Gomel with a combined hammerlock-facelock for the first (all and Gomez then spilled Curtis with a sleeper for the No. 2 fall. Doug Donovan roughed up Injun "Black Hawk" considerably in the second fall of their special, won this fall with crab hold and then ?uie,k'y a another in No 3 ' the ln-,Th PPular.1Iuml:i,n ha1 .taken the first fall with his pet tommvnawk punches, s flying drop h ' ,h.e JfthrinB. But Uonovai worked on Black Hawk's bark the rest of the way and captured the next two falls. In the opener Doran O'Hara subbed for Alvaro Velazco and downed Tony Borne with a swing ing full nelsoa hold. . .." ' . .a. J-- r. , ,. " "jf , f ) ; Racing of Dogs M&F Defeats Wepaco, 14-3 Meier k Frank defeated West ern Paper Converting company, 14-3, in a Capital League Softball game Tuesday night at Phillips Field and the Lebanon girls team pasted the Salem recreational team, 15-1. Leading only 4-2 going Into the final inning, M&F cut loose for 10 runs on five hits and five errors to sew up the game. The hits were singles by John Hagen, John Klassen and Larry Smith and two doubles by Hagen and Dave Paulson. Winning pitcher was Carl Bart ruff who gave up three hits. Smith also hit a home run and double for M&F. Singles by Bill Doss, Wayne Gwynn and Cy Crawford-were the only Wepaco hits. Charlotte Jacobs pitched . the win for Lebanon. Dee Campbell hit two homers and two sindes for Lebanon and Betty Goblf con tributed four hits, including a triple. Tonight's games starting at 7 p.m. nave National Guard vs. First Christian and Keirer Elec tric vs. Kay Woolen Mill MA P 01 3 000 (10) 14 4 Wepaco 100 100 1 3 3 7 Barlruff and Klaaien; Werner and Biown. Ihanon 771 Oo-U 13 1 Salem 01000 I 3 Jarobe and- White: TJnruh, Kod dii (4) and Oolrtal. Hulibanl Blanks Foe INDEPF.NDKNCE (Spec ial i Hubbard Wanked Dallas. 8-0 in a WVL snflball came here Tuesday night. Larry Berkey gave tip only one hit for the vic tors. Yoder hit homer for Hub bard. Hubbard 140 010 2 I I S Dallas ono 000 0- 0 1 Berkey and Palmer, Barense (S; Bradley and LaFontaine. Pugilist Rory Calhoun is one of eleven children of a Georgia min ister. 1953 Ford Tudor Customized Continental Kit Radio Healer W. 8. Tires, Verv Clean , $995 AUTO ACRES 2650 Portland Road Virgil Parie Sam Houser K. Smith PHONI 4033S V Friend Pitches Victory Big Help Given NL by Reillegs WASillN'CTON (AP)-TIip Cincinnati - packed . National League team made its critics eat crow Tuesday with help from Stan Mnsial and illie Mavs to unset the Americans 7-3 despite home runs by Ted Williams and Mickey -Mantle. Cincinnati, with five start ers and eight squad members, cnippec in wun six ui ine u nna off six American League pitchers. A Redlegs' infield combination reeled off the only double play of the 23rd All-Star baseball game and also contributed the only, stolen base by second baseman Johnny Temple. The sellout crowd of 23.143 that paid a gross gate of $105,982.50 didn't have much to cheer about from Its American League favor ites until Williams unloaded a tremendous home rtjn into the home bullpen in right center with Nellie Fox of Chicago on base In the sixth. Mantle Sparks Crowd When Mantle, injured New York Yankee slugger who was playing with a brace on his right knee, slammed another homer off Mil waukee s Warren Spann ine crowa rerflly became alive. But it didn't last long. The Na tionals lashed back to nail down their 10th victory and sixth in the last seven years with another two- run burst against Bostons 10m Brewer in the seventh. Musial. whose All-Star homer record had just been tied by Wil liams' fourth, hung up a new mark by driving his fifth into the bleacher seats in left center. The Nationals' final run came when Willie Mays of New York walked and sped home on a hit-and-run double by Ted Kluszewski of Cin cinnati. Although the Americans got to the three National pitchers for 11 hits, they never- were able to bunch them until the sixth inning outburst. , . Friend Gets Wla Credit Bob Friend, the starter from Pittsburgh, had a lead when he gave way to Spahn. Although Spahn was knocked out by Man tle's clout, he still held a lead when New York's Johnny Anto nelli took over to shut out the Americans the rest of the way Friend thus was the winner in his first All-Star appearance. Billy Pierce of the Chicago White Sox, turned in a fine three inning stint but he was losing 1-0 when he left and was charged with the defeat. Whitcy Ford of New York. Jim Wilson or Chi cago, Brewer, and Herb Score and Early Wynn of Cleveland never could catch up. When a Cincinnati campaign jammed through enough votes to put five Redlegs on the starting National team, there were an guished shrieks from many cor ners of the baseball world. As it turned out Birdie Tebbetts' entire team of league leaders might well have taken charge of the best the Americans could show. Puay Hitters Shlae Oddly enough, the Cincinnati fence busters who started didn't break into the hit column. Left fielder Frank Robinson, center fielder Gus Bell and catcher Kd Bailey all were hitless. It re mained for the "puny" hitters, (Coat. Page 12. Col. t.) Victory Taken By Woodburn WOODBITRN (Special) - Wood burn's Junior Legion baseball team scored two runs in the second, three in the third and a final one in the sixth to dump Aumsville, (-3. in a district playoff here Tues day night. Aumsville, the second half champs, will be the host team when the two clash again Wednes day night at Aumsville in the game that decides which goes to the area playoffs at Albany this weekend. Jerry Chapelle struck out ten and allowed three hits in gaining credit for the victory. - The first two Woodburn runs scored on wild pitches. In the third. Chapelle singled home one run. Stan Schmidt tallied on an error and Moore doubled home Chapelle. Mnnre's double was the game's 'only extra base hit. Aumsville Aumsville WHl nno OOJ 3 3 2 Woodburn 023 ml onx- 2 3 Carrick, F. Marlatt (3 and F. Marlatt, Speer 13); Chapelle and Rappe. ft turvoy C. J. HANSEN CO. 172$ PerUanal Id. ph. X-MSS li' ICONON 1 PT .1f IRON Ipj) FIREMAN ffttSr' Radiant SSjpGM BURNER Their Bats " 1 "'" '" lilfi-U:. ' a, .. . - I WASHINGTON These happy ball America League in Tuesday's Beyer ( St. Louis, Stan Mnsial each hit homers aedjBoyer get USC Prexy Leads Move Started to Stop Pending Bans of PCC LOS ANGELES I Dr. Fred D. Fagg of the University of Southern California late Tuesday launched a formal move to suspend all pending ineligible bans imposed on athletes in the Pacific Coast Conference and urged the presidents of the member schools to meet 1 and develope a new purity, code. Tigers Name Top 4 on List DETROIT un The Detroit Ti gers have turned over to the American League president and the commissioner of baseball a list of four prospective purchasers of the franchise. All the bids sub mitted are in the S-million-dollar bracket, Walter 0. (Spike) Briggs, In Washington for the All-Star game, consulted with President Will Har- ridge of the American League and Commissioner Ford Frick Mon day night. Detroit newspapers said these were the four bids to be submitted: Bill Veeck, former owner of the Cleveland Indians and St. Louis Browns, bid of SS.250.0OO. Fred Knorr of Detroit and John Fetzer of Kalamazoo, radio execu tives bid of t million. Jack Cooke, owner of the To ronto Maple Leafs baseball team in the International League, $5 180.000. Robert' Goldstein. Hollywood movie producer, $5,0.r0,0oo. Briggs declined to comment on the bids. He had said as late as Sunday that it probably would be another week before the bids would be turned over for approval by the league and the commis sioner. " Ml. Angel Victor MT. ANGEL (Special)-Mt. Angel'a Carl Beyer limited Aums ville to two hits here Tuesday night as his team defeated the vis itors, 4-2 in a WVL softbaU game. Fritz Beyer belted the game's only extra-base hit, a triple that scored one. Aumsville ono 111) 0 2 2 4 Mt. Angel 102 010 x 4 I 2 -Potter and Kruze; C. Beyer and Turin. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:1 S TO P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 3:30 t. M. Oregon Products Week Fair ALL THIS WEEK AT MEIER I FRANK'S-SALEM FREE PRIZES throughout the store! SPECIAL SHOWINGS of Oregon Products! FREE SAMPLES in many departments! ACTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS in our ' ' auditorium! Played Big Part players helped the National Leagoe score a 7 3 victery ever the Z3rd All-Star game. Left to right: Manager Walter Alstea, Kea ef St, Leuls and Willie Mays of New York Giants. Musial and Maya three hits In five times at hat. (AP WlrepbeU). ' Assault . Fagg released a telegram he sent to Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president of the Universities of California and head of the con ference presidents' organization, which asks Sprout to call the presidents into another session within two weeks. Dr. Fagg swung into action as an aftermath of punishment hand ed to USC, as well as previously to UCLA and Washington, by faculty representatives at San Francisco last Sunday, and before that in other meetings. I'SC Latest Victim High point of the faculty fath ers decisions was the ineligibil ity ban stamped on football play ers, including 42 at USC. USC was placed on probation and barred from the Rose Bowl post-season football game and its benefits for two years in the most recent action of the PCC faculty men. Tournament of Roses officials and television interests, mean while, joined in the athletic rhu barb in the PCC. Harvey Knox, never one to dodge a controversy. Joined in1 the uproar with a demand that football players at UCLA and the University of Southern California revolt and refuse to play. Knox said his stepson, Ronnie Knox of UCLA, who may be one. of the few players who will be eligible to play this fall, is not anxious to compete because of the action taken against his team bud dies, as yet unnamed. Withdrawal Favored Early returns of a poll conduct ed by a newspaper showed the public voting 200 to one In, advo cating that UCLA and USC bolt from the conference. The local schools were the hard est hit in punishment dealt by the PCC faculty representatives for illegal subsidization of ath letes. UCLA was banned from play ing in the Rose Bowl for three years and USC and Washington (Cent. Page 12, Col. 2.) ' a""- i in Victory NOBTMWRST LEAGUE W LPrt. WLPrt. Salem I t Jot Trl-Clty t I jns lwatn 1 1 300 Eugene 1 I Jns Wanarh I 1 JOS Spokaa f 403 Yakima 1 1 JOS Turaday'a multa: at Tri-City 3. Sa lent I; at Wanatrhc 3, Susan 11; at Yakima 13. Lawlaum 3. rAcinc coast lkagub W L P. i. w L M. Scattla SI n Porllnd 44 S .413 Loa Anf SB 33 J04 8. Fran 44 M Mt Holywd 4 4J Mt 8. Dta( 43 31 .4M aacram 44 41 .44 Vancvr 34 St JOS Tuaaday's rcaultat at Portland 3. Loa Angia S; at Hollywood 3, San Diafs 3; at Baa Franclac t, Bwr mania at Vancouver 13. BeatUa 4. Eusene Drubs Chiefs, 11-3 " WENATCHEE I - Eugene'i Emeralds broke loose for sevesj runs in the top of the ninth Tues day night to swamp the Wenat chee Chiefs, 11-2. and even their opening second half Northwest League series, at 1-aU. The Emeralds were nursing a one run lead when singles by Johnny Keller, Jack Smith," Bill , Estburn, Jay Dean and Jerry Ex ley, plus two errors and two walks gave them their big 7 -run ninth. Eugene played errorless ball, while the chiefs contributed to their own downfall with six mis- ' cues All Wenatchee's three runs came on homers, Don Lundberg hitting a solo blast in the fifth and Larry Segovia a two-run roundtripper in the seventh. Est burn was the Emeralds' bat star with a double and two singles in three trips and three runs driv en in. Southpaw Bill Griffin went all the way for Eugene to gain the win. . The teas play a doubleheader Wednesday night, the extra game being scheduled to make up aa earlier rainout. In another NWL fame, a bat tered Lewurton pitching staff sat helplessly on the bench as the Yakima Indians got to the Broncs' Jim Benton for 16 hits and won the game, 15-2. In the last 10 years, anglers hv taken 47.1172 salmon from rivers la Nova Scotia. 4l