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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1956)
U-Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tups., July lO, 193d Mass Funeral Held for 6t7 Air Victims ' (M4m mm wIikImIa ""FLAGSTAFF, Aril. V Maw funeral ami burial nervicee were t M44tutf Hnrth mi thi An. ions city Monday for 7 of the 121 victim! of commercial avi ation'f worst disaster. ' ; Protestant, Catholic, Mormon and Jewish clergymen officiated f tha hour-land ceremony on a gentle, breezy atop that rise to ward the magnificent ban f rarv cisco peaks. ., Some 1,500 persona, including about 250 relatives and friends of the crash Victims, looked on. ..Tha s7 eaxketa intprrad in small plot in the pine-filled Flag- stall temecery represemea au out ihraa f tha Daiuenfera. and erew members aboard Trans World Airlines SuperconsteUation that smashed Into a butte June JO. The Constellation Is believed to have crashed after colliding in night with a United Air Lines DC7 which also slammed into the canyon with s aooara. fai mm Mmtinasi It was not known how many persons uie remains recovered Ir'mm tha TWA. wriv-kant rrnrp- srated. Remains of only nine of the 70 aooara nave oeea laentuiea. ' A few of the mourners fobbed quietly during the services, but most of them Just stared blankly and solemnly at the tore rows of caskets lining the 70 - foot Jong burial plot. -. Beyond the caskets, they could are thin, dark clouds shifting slowly over the Ssn Francisco peaks. A light rain fell on the peaka during the services, but the cemetery was sunny and warm. - The bodies of three TWA crssh victims were sent to their homes for burial. Separate Service . oaraia services are being ar ranged for the St persons who died in the crash of the United airliner. - The four clergymen who spoke today are Elder Delbert L. Stan ley, el the Church of Jesus Christ f Latter Day Saints iu Salt Lake CUyj Cantor Maurice Chester of the Jewish Temple Beth lsrsel, Phoenix; The Rev. Wybura Skid more of the Protestsnt Flagstafl Federated Church, and The Rev. Anthony Vorst of the Roman Ca tholic Church el th Nativity in Flagstaff. .'; . Speaking from a lectern in front of the easkets. The Rev. Wyburn aid: t "Someone asks: 'Where was Cod when these two plsnes came to gether?' "Ah. he was In the same place ka araa when Jesus Christ WSS t....i4 aa a cross. His hesrt knows agony along with ours.' AfMislag Lass . The minister said: "This sudden, agonizing loss Is not altogether bad because much progress may result from n. unci IS not expenencru nne mivm. Millions of prayers have, beta raised n behalf ef those of you here. All America prays." Elder Stapley told the, mourners God "ia not responsible for these tragedies, but Imperfect man U Victimized by his own Inventions. . He said disasters like this serve purpose by emphasizing the need of technological improve ments, the Mormon ekter said, and "the sacrifice of life there fore la not always in vain. Cantor Chester and Father Vorst read traditional Jewish and Ca tholic rites. , Memorial Cemetery The cemetery plot will be known as the Grand Canyon Memorial Cemetery. TWA saia n nas ar ranged for perpetual maintenance of the grounds. I Flowers for the funeral came from throughout the nation. TWA placed wreaths on all but three of the caskets. Those three repre sented servicemen and were cov ered with flags. , An Army, Navy and Marine color guard stood at the bead of the plot. Members of the gusrd included five Army helicopter pi lot and crewmen who spent more than a week removing wreckage and remains of the crash victims from the canyon. '. Gov. Ernest W. McFarland rep resented the State of Arizona at ;the services, Six TWA vice presl 'dehta were on hand. ; .'Seventy-eight of the mourners ere flown to Arizona by TWA from Kansas City, the destinstion 'of many of the passengers aboard the Constellation. Kmrnm VsasaW :Book' Giveaway Problems Seen in Sen. Morse Reply PORTLAND (-Distribution by 'the Oregon Republican State Cen tral Committee of a 250 page 'Fact Book" on Wayne Morses 'political career drew a prompt re tort Monday from the Oregon ' Democratic aenatnr. Sen. Morse, who will be opposed k Inrnwr Interior Secretary rwiaia McKav. a Republican, for ' ... Can mt m t-rm in th Nn. vember election, said in Washing- '""McKay will find this booklet la one thing he can't give away. - - Morse frequently has asssiled what be calls "giveaways" of na tural resources during McKay's -tenure as Interior secretary. The COP booklet, In St chapters, Ideals with Morses record under 'such topics as "absentee record, Atomic energy development ob structed, attacks on the pres. and conservation record packing.' Xin PROGRAM URGED .-. Mind sfovlnn LM In- formed sources say U.S. officials here have recommended a I mil li .n doUar economic and technical ;, distance program for Ceyloa In U - . ; X Major Faclor (n Ihe Development ol HarkelJ lor Oregon Pro.ucl: . .w ....... h District of Columbia , As o food retailer doino 1 role hi spreading ond 5 Canadian Provinces, Safeway ha ploy first th. fame of Oregon products purchased at their contact with our State is through on Oregon neighborhood Safeway store. . , ' n,Mon'i best agricultural customer. Last sea For example, Safeway is Oregon s be stag th, 1431 rail cars of Oregor , pc Safew0y bought 70 t0 ,8 of theo shipmen s he s rf omounted to 145,693 cases '.jiy morK.t. other vegetable,, fruits, meat a certointy you'll find Oregon Wherever you find a Safeway store, its almost a products. U Even Greater Marketing Opporiiinilies lor . , , building modern, new Safeway Stores, l & .tores to.serv. a constantly growth ond prcsperitv- W. V means new horizons, an opportunity 'ZeprJc hove helped us ploct an immeasurable value on these tin. p r i Ug the best to America tables. What Oregon Makes ... Makes Oregon Greater! Safeway points with pride to this.representative selection of the hundreds of Oregon items you can choose from of the Safeway .stort in your neighborhood. Safewoy is indeed proud to be a link in the chain that provides valued payrolls for Oregon ond fine foods for Oregon ond the Nation. ! ,. - ' HOOD RIVER APPLESAUCE ?1a1tlyXplnel, TILLAMOOK CHEESE EHATrM CTnAlllfDCnniCr Bel-air Frozen BUMBLE BEE Ml A WESTFAIR APPLE JUICE tt CUT GREEN BEANS 'KoS LUCERNE 3.8 MILK -SSL SimV No. 303 can Premium Quality Nationally Famous Packed in Astoria Pkg. 3 lO-oi. gt Pkg. Cm I No. can Quart Bottle 2 No. 303 cans ct9 Gallon 13 Cottage Cheese Blossom Time Brond Full Pint Potato Chips Blue Bell 34tL Pkg. Ndlley's 25 ST" 49' Zee Napkins White, Paper-Wrapped 2Pkgs. ol QJR 80's Beep Fewder Reap Pesrder a oi. pkg. giant size 33c Berene l!u Bora Zee Tissues ,wb,th7r". p.c. 35c Scofl Tissues ""ASu 227c WaxPaoerZMbr"V.,.u20c Cherub Milk r""XLn 339c 69c Borden Milk canned n.mtme Brewa Beaaty tV.U(.f saedlasa also I'SJiiuU sack I lk. pkg. 1.S9 1-39 SDanish PeanLls8.,,. 25c Fril-lels" wWei,k.pkg. 33c Sunrise Macaroni "JRK1 37c MarEarineMkakelJc tall can 37c 19c 14c 27c 37c 29c Sweet Pickles zlppy'S.r 53c Cake Flour "'"W, Shredded Wheat N?pkg. Popped Wheat NttV,iU. pkg. Zoom Dill Pickles c"Bmb" !-.- whole nicklrs LWpi Villi l-.s.jar r s n' Steinfeld jweei kiuicj half gai. Playtairc. 325c Begmore 001 Frijkj.s Dog Food Dog Food Super Meat caa 15-01. ran I Ik. aiae 15c 15c. 79c Horseradish B,ue M.t Hot Mustard 0U,Spice ,..,, Black'y Preserves gsff Fresh Bread SkyUrk PC., 30c Fresh Eggs A' Unt 57c 59c 21c 15c 39c Sliced Apples Uk,mca. 24c Applesauce ,oJr.B 15c Pear Halves 37c 35c loganberries 0r,0'n.s.rix. 19c Maraschino SK: 5 17c 25c 35c 19c 11c 23c 22c 19c 21? 19c Peaches Uiy ..r.. Cherries H0Beyblr4 n..Ic.. fhorrittf "'1 A" No-101 liieillCa pel Monte csn Jweet Cherries 0r,t" Plums 0r"on .t'c, Fancy Plums Cranberry Jelly Rhubarb0"'0' No.JMt.n Cut Beans ""n,, Green Beans MtZ?L Lima Beans T"itTAlrL 11c Sliced Beets G"nfL w 15c Pickled Beets -Km 18c Cream Corn G,me.aB. 225c Del Monte Corn 15c Hominy Banjo Gold N9 jMM Mushrooms R?!. Sweet Peas Sut"!lnttn Fancy Pumpkin tt Sauerkraut sttit,d n. Sauerkraut stonttTO,.v,ctB Pork & Beans uZra Kidney Beans J"Tma Pinto Beans Ta',eNT:n3"or.n Chili Beans milhlr:Ln Chili Con Came "liugLtn 39c Chili Con Carne Tc.. 19c DCdlla Brl air 10-os. pkg. I7t Brl-air, Froira Mixed Vegetables Folgers Coffee fSL V.". $1.05 Cragmont 12 Flavors D.u...n.. Plus U BCfCIOUCi 32oi.bottlrs Plus Deposit lems. 4Q. lib Canada Dry Plus Deposit Btl. 20c 11c 32c 19c 16c 11c 17c 11c 11c 11c 11c Jweet Peas Bfl JEr. 20c Potato Patties ."SE 19c Pkg. ea 12-ot. pkg. Bd alr, Frotra French Fries V,tpkg. 2 35c Frozen Pies """" 55c Kuhla Kahn Chinese Dinner CnMn3z. 85c Cheddar Cheese SiaTiir55c Fresh Butter shady Une1Ib. 69c Aromatic Flavor Nob Hill Coffee b.b,g 98c Mild and Mllow Airway Coffee Mb.bag 91c Coca-Cola Plus Deposit (-pack 41c Pepsi-Cola Plus Deposit t-psck 711. 7-os. Bottle Up Plus Deposit t-psek Root Beer Plus Drposit pack Blitz Beer 12 oi. rsns 6-can pack Kathy Krpmes Grandma Cookies Unt.Pvt. , 'Sunshine 1 lb. pkg. Fresh Mb. pkg. Hydrox Cookies Krispy Crackers Soda Crackers SB0"TtpkR. Corn Kurls Hood's Pkg. 49c 49c 49c $1.10 39c 39c 29c 29c 19c NfW( Exclusively of Sofewoy-$kyork STONERIDGE FARMBREAD Just tike Home Mode! Thin Sliced For Perfect Toasting. White or Whole Wheat! Sid. leal 25' Safeway Features "U.S.D.A. Choice" Oregon Beef Uniformly "Aged" for peak tenderness and flavor at our own central meat plant. Trimmed before weighing of excess fat, bone and waste. , Backed by our money-back guarantee of satisfaction, OSS Easy on the budget, tender ond delicious down to the lost sav ory forkful! Lb. Steak - v BONELESS. TOP ROUND STEAK "USDAD CHOICE" BEEF lb. the "Eye" Of The Rib Roost Spenser SteakscStb.!29 "USDA Choice" Boneles Bottom Round Steak Ground Fresh'Daily. 100 Pure Ground Beef Sliced Just The Way You Like It! Pork Liver lb 69 39' u 29' Lb. yjfllS THE TIME FOR HOME CAM G! WHITE SATIN OREGON'S OWN AND ONLY 50-lb. Baq $5 25-lb.Baq $2 Mason Jars. Krr' qXA 1.45 Kerr Jars WidvMouth' $1.65 Kerr Lids 15c Jelly Glasses Hl,MinU no,, 83c Clamps KWi rconomr 25c Wide Mouth Jars Doirn 49c Freezer Jars B,,,t Plnu D.$1.45 MCP Pectin '"W. 229c Sure Jell !,,pk,229c Sakrin "r'n,,tu", J4tc 69c Ascorbic Acid tu:U .i 98c These Wonderfully Fresh Fruits Are Ready At These Peak-of-Season "LOW" Prices! now poMftnmaf Safeway $I79 Con them now and enjoy the luscious flqvor of these Yakima beouties the year around. Safewoy has the finest! lb. 19' 1Mb. Hal Elberta Peaches Picked oli the tree ot their peak of flavor-goodness. !. j IT. Cnnnlr You'll Love Their RASPBERRIES These berries are the seasons finest for canning or eating These bright follfW.,! besiities hsve bfon rwhed to os from lor,! growm st thfir prk n!. V or.,fre"r- Available by the cup or flat. Flnrt quality (tuaranteH! ' 'Wonderful Flavor, Lb. ;.;1;,:,:.v.v.;.;.v,;.;.;.v.v,y(.;.;.v.;.;.:.;.;.;.; .. l" ..." ti"" rA r"a. r f .... !? Prices in this od ere iin effect Wt reserve th right to limit. No soles to dealers. 10' Sweet Grope & . tk 29 Bananas 'SJil 2 l..35' Santa Rosa Plums Au 19 WATERMELONS . Thumpin Ripe 'Eoch ond Every Melon ' Guaranteed Sliced Melons Pound S'jt current uki