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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1956)
tutor, you buy.. Mart RKSwdnttwned Hi. ijcrSa Urn tafaditiwed f II r whs Man part NIWMCTM NIW tlW IhWfT .NIWrOOT COMTMl NT CAMTN CAM M IOOK TO THE BONUS 5 KTHAT'S OFFERED ONlY ByB X $A9 IS I QUALITY PINKING if f 'irV 5YIAR f CUARANTEI WW 4-7102 FOB FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION T.D CHs Accepted Within A -. Radivt No Obligation Salem MORSE Sewing Center 2007 Fairgrounds i Hollywood Wstrkt I lrm u - w-k "'ground. i -III I DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Mince S, Native- of Arabia a. Job 10. Th. moon god deal (poas.) 1J. Wading bird 13. Matura peraon 14. A wing; 15. Young fiih ' 11 Articla (Kr.) IT. Highboy J. Of th hours 0. Humbla 3. National .. god . (Tahiti) 4. Writing implement 8. Wlng ahaped . Man'a nicknama 7. God of the aky (Babyl.) 5. An air-filled mriL lor F 'X l c u a 22. Mala rwEKLj MH red yTl"fcl'-pT' deer 1-Fl"t- l','r- j- W " Mpp 24. Thoia pfj- ;fnR;J- -j . akilltd &Tf i V ukTt'i. ln "Hlfft EE u,,Mtw1yE artistic 7'" works rubber globe 26. To make Vrelenlay'. tnnt 25. Cereal grain 33. Female 9. Talk 11. Stable 20. Larva of tha 19. Dense haze eyethread. worm 21. Swing shortly to and fro " 22. A monk's cowl 23. Dart 26. Dusky 27. Crop of bird 2. Jolt 29. bland in river (Eng.) . 30. A aalad green 14. Ouldoa lowest nota 35. Slice 1. Petty quarrel 17. A helms- man 39. Walk alowlj 41. Tally 42. Burdens 43. Covert with turf 44. Agea DOWN ... 1. PincerUk organ 11. Citv (Ukraine) 19. Nocturnal flying mammal lace edging 28,-Luetroua black 30. Musical Instruments 31. Of a city 32. Respiratory Infections sheep S5. String 38. A gamt of earda 39. Malt beverage 40. Cry of a cow w I1 1' I4 W ' I' I' m " w pi::;if::: -:::p!::pil vr -m& ir-- 107" 1 1 iMl 1 rm 7-o Sportswear Firm In Portland Plans Stock Merger PORTLAND i -The White Slag Manufacturing Co. of Port land Monday announced a merger with Marcus Breier Sons. Inc., of Amsterdam, N.Y. Both are sports wear firms. Harold Hirsch, White Stag presi dent, said there was an exchange of stork, but did not disclose de tails. He said White Stag employs about 2.300 persons and the New York firm, which markets under the Bantamac label, about 300. He said Marcus Breier, Ban tamac presient, will- move to White Stag as vice president In charge of men's and boys' wear division. Expert Studies Portland's Air Pollution Issue PORTLAND.! Portland's air pollution situation had the atten tion Monday of federal expert Invited by the city health depart ment. He la Jean Schueneman, of the Robert A. Taft Institute, -Cincinnati, am) he aald he expects to determine whether an extensive Pair Denies Operation of Death Vehicle KLAMATH FALLS I Two brothers clung steadfast Monday to denials that either was driving a car that struck and killed a 9-year-old Merrill girl Sunday while she and a companion were pushing a bicycle on the highway 30 miles east of here. Police Sgt. Earle Tichenor said hours of questioning have failed to reveal who was wiving the car. Held in the county jail are Free man Lee Graham. 52. and h 1 1 brother, Earl, 34, along with Gaud Woods, 34, a passenger In the car. Tichenor said the only answer either Graham would give when questioned was, ."My brother was driving." Woods said he couldn't remember who was at the wheel. No charge has been filed. Dead is Sherilan Kay Smith, of Merrill. In serious condition at a Klamath Falls hospital Is Shanna Hint, 11, of Matin. MOMMY By THC MOSSLERS CT- - - I4. Me. 4 M.MM T. hi iMi M hi I hi N ANN4JtN "Okay, so I made a sensationol slide! Now, time out while Georgie runs home ond gets my house coot!" Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., July 10, '56 (Sec. II)-13 TUESDAY BROADCASTS (Miter's aU: Th. Staleonaa nkllhr In t4 f.Hk Ik. ancruM tot Umn prTMr4 kr ri ana TV, hat kwuM luimt. T tk. rram, ' Uftcali.a tkl. mrmfftt nml 4 , k. mroaubl. I.r Ik. accuracy h.r.ln ) f TUESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS Inside TV 'High Finance' Quiz Show Makes Debut r k fi comp pollution survey should be conducted. Air pollution studies here have undertaken by the Health Bureau, state- Air Pollution Au thority, and Columbia Empire In dustries, Inc. By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: New York Still another qtiix show, "High Finance," has taken to the air waves, this one on Saturd a y nights for CBS. a rather comolicated f- l fair, and, to ex V plain it In ad I v n c e, the I how's spon I aors previewed 9 I, lil.. gZt' '.:?;, at the Sherry Netherland Ho tel here in New York. Having aeon the preview, I am now more con fused than ever. "High Finance" follows close on the heels of last year's success ful new quizzers, auch as "The $64,000 Question." "The Big Sur prise." "The 164,000 Challenge" and "Do You Trust Your Wife?" Like the others, it feeds questions to the contestant and lets him climb up through various levels, the top prize on "High Finance" being a respectable 175.000. A gim mick is the only thing that differ entiates these shows, and the "High Finance gimmick is to offer the contestant a chance to gain his life's, ambition by a pro cess of "Investing" his winninga in higher-paying questions. As typi cal" life's ambitions, the show has suggested such items as fleet of taxicaba, ski lodge, an education fund for a child or the money with which to produce a new play. My own personal little life's ambition is to own the Queen Elizabeth and spend the rest of my life cruising on it with my friends, but rath er dought that "High Finance" wants any of its contestants to get quite that ambitious. Emcee of the new show Is Dea lit James, a veteraa ef IS years la TV and still ealy IS years aid. He got a Job bark la ISM with Da maul's experimental a I a 1 1 e a WHWV aad did two weekly shews. "TV Reef" and "Penal. James ftperts Parade." The latter was a snap. Dennis having beea a middleweight fighter, srmt-are football and baseball star ami a rhamploa swimmer and lifegaard la kls aalad days, bat Just new all this leads ap la being a aultmas ler yaa'U have le flgare eat far yearself. What's going to happen to 'JHigh Finance" is quite unprediratable. It may catch on. as did "The $64. 000 Question" and get to be s na- KPTV TUESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 27): :(i a.m. All-Star Baseball game from Washington. D. C. I:0 p.m.-Malinee Theeter-"Wolf Hunters," with Klrbjr Grant , and Jan Clayton. ; :3S p.m. Circle Theatre "Man in Shadow, drama of a maa' who is mentally ill. starring Leora Dana and Harry Townes. M:9S p.m.-Playhoue 27 "Bed and Board," with Charles CoburnX-; Spring Byinton and Cleo Moore. ' KOIN TV TUESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL S: '$ l:SS p.m. Armchair Theatre "Colonel Starbottle" ith RoberV;. Warwick, Jane Nigh. Edgar Barrier. 7:34 p.m. Navy Log A tense scene unfolds when the cautain rf !? a sub must decide whether an injured man will Ave or die. In "Cap-; J tain's Choice." S 1S:S9 p.m. Showtime on Six "Dude Ranger" starring George ' ; O'Brien and Smiley Burnette. . , KLOR-TV TUESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 12)1 n:ve a.m. Alter noon rum festival "Fast and Loose," starrlnf Stanley Holloway, Ken Kendall and Brian Reece. Holloway goe on vacation and loses his wife. y :3S p.m.-Dupont Cavalcade Theatre "Sunset at Apnomaltox:": starring William Johnstone as General Lee and Henry Morgan asl"!;. General Grant. t 11:3 p.m. Hometown Theatre "Penny Points to Paradise," stall 1 ring Harry Secombe and Paddie O'Neil. , TUESDAY'S TELEVISION Ol'R KPTV, t'HF 17; KOIN-1V, VHF 4; KLOR. VHP u 94:94) 99:lt N:14 KPTV, Home (Horn. (Horn. Ittwiw KOIIP.nnrama ft. IPinor.m. Pae. IPcnnrtm. fae. niwrama Pa. Jf KrTVIreather Nt r.atb.r Nt ICouM B. You A11-Star B.B. u KOIWIvallant Lady fLove of Llf. ISe.rrh Tomorr JGuldlnf Llaht B ri viAU.g, (j, All-8tar KM. 10 Colllniwood IB. CounteS IAU-SIr I S AII-atar IS. lAU-Sl.r B. KOINIjohnn rarMRlJahnn rarannft JnkMlM KLOR l i lAU-SUr B B. MU-SUr I I I A. Worl4 TumtiAl World Turns lAll-Slar B B. lUnkl.ttor IPub. Interval ' "i ' , Y i Have you aver noticed how Long Dis tance operator will make an extra effort to locate the person you're calling when that person is "out"? W)a. t v ft A I. A M .. . . J ksUni "J PLy atxv'sjsk Next time an installer visits your home, notice how fast and neatly he worka. This reaults partly from training, partly from attracting people) who take pride in mak ing every job better than good. k. i r a m w i A y j You can count on good service from your telephone because it's hacked by ca pable, well-trained people who have a spe cial interest in their work. Kasidy Beavers h "travel' eaat la reasl viry daw. Exciting job? Sandy Beavers will certainly tell you it is. You see, she's Long Distance operator. Dozens of times a day she talks to people all over the country as she puts friends snrl relatives in touch with each other. Exciting, yes. But Sandy likes her joh for another reason, too. She knows it has a future. As (he gains skill and experi ence, she'll have chances to move ahead to jobs with more responsi bility. This is the way things are done in the telephone business. For we know that advancing people in line with their ability does a lot to make jobs good. And it takes good jobs to attract the kind of people whoU go all out to do a good job for you ... to keep your calls going through fast and dependably. Pacific Telephone. .. The telephone ' men and women ' of Salem prk to make your telephone more useful everyday kuxn.ii U.i 771 Cl H I.I. I-4I0I r Qiannel Chuckles By BIL KEANK 1 1 WiZ AU-Stor I I. lAll-Star B.I. (All-star I S, All-SUr B a 1 1 VlatUn' Time TVIHtln' Tim. Illok Crortijr Bek Craaby KLORInim rwtrral Fllm r.rttval - irtrni retttval - ITIliS r.rtlval ' 12 rHUi'Qu'" Dy Day IQuwn a Day IMnd. Romaneas i n.'B",h"")" lSTt Storm Jd. of Night IWw t Niht T' IR rilm rejttv.l film rmiv.l iFllm fettlval iTIlm Peatlv.l f KPTVIComedir Tim. IComedv Time lErnl. Kav. i.r.i. KOIN' Armrhilr Thaa I Armchair Th.a.iKOIN Kltrhaa IKOW Kltrhea KLORI Pub. IPub. Inlerwt Elliahth lEHuhUh 9 KPTVlMaUm. Theat.IM.tliM Theat. IMalim. Thaat. IM.tliwa Thaat v' KOIN! Carry Moor. lOarry Moera . (Arthur Godfrey Arthur Cd(ry ' KLORjLailr o( Houw'Laity it Wua:Cl.niur Ctrl ICIimour Ctrl 3 Ty,lM,ln ThMt MaUneo ThMt N W. Ham IN W. Home : !Arthu' Cod,', Arthur Codfray istrlk. It RtcSi . IStrlke tt Btrb "IxN Bl-ORlMld-diy Mat. IMId-d.y Mat. Wld-d.v Mat. IMIS-S.T Mat I KPTVIColor.m. tt ICIorama 17 (Bar SI Corral I Bar Corral ' - KUll HI. Ham- M-.rij flw. in)yri n....i. r. . .. . . , . , , i a .. - BLUR Mid-day Mat. IPurpl. Baf. iCewboy O-MatilCmrlw C-Maa 3 !Ty!Marp,r'" lMrr' Jamb. IN.wi Central INtw. Catitral" w K01 I Ra rvuMn.Ha rv. , m KLOR'Mleker Mouee IMIrk.y Maua. IMIek.y Msuaa iMIck. Maiw 6i!!IX!,wir" ISaeretriln IDtnah Share iNtw. Caravu ' KOIN maa ana ha . u . . . .u . . . . - - - ' ' inma vpvna iuuviaaanp S.1.UB. Report R'ndua innnr n'nana . ai :' 7 5J"T.Y; Dr" PWba Dm, phoaba Whew Bualrwas (Show BuatnMa sjk KOIN Phil lllv.. a,. ,u ... ,u ... . BI.QK; Warner Broa. iw.rnet Brae. IWyatt Cars IWyitt Bar SKPTVI Sneak Prm ISnaak Pravua Clrel. Thaatra icirtla KOIN Cod. S ITnila a la.lit. TS n.. BLOKIOB. Ortftnal. tot Originate r.VdTha IC.viTrede Than '" SyiCrC Thaatar ICIrala Tha. tar ravertt.atery (Tayarlta Story KOIN Tnut Wlf. rrmri Wit. rau. f - KLORlKLOapraa'nta IIOOR PTaanta ITha f.lraa tional craie. It may run down the middle, as has "Do You Trust Your Wife?", winding up Just an other quis show. Or H may fall flat on its complicated fare. But brace yourself. Two more quir ters are on the way, Jan Mur ray's "Trtiiure Chest" and "Twent"One," with a possibility that a third. "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World," may very well come in as NBC's Monday night answer to I Love Lucy. If a quit show beats "Lucy, I think I'll turn in my typewriter and retire from the scene even if I have to go without the Queen Elizabeth. (Copvrieht lass. General Feature. Corp ) KVAL TV, VHF 13 ri'CiKNR: KVAL-TV, Ikiniiil I) (Tueiday): 1:41 All-St.r game from W.Mhln.ton, 1). C.I !: -Stop, Look Li.lrn: I II II. run to Hrdure, 2:3. Matlnr. The ater with. Janie. I.ydon and Art Uaker in "Hot Hod:" 1:45 Modern Romance; 4:U t'onieriy Time; 4:1. HI Hair: i:Mrll Hounduu: I 'l ha Afm: 1:5 Spoila Mradllm-.; I:JS Wrather K.port, I M The Utile R.ivdln; .:. Robin llrrad: 1 M Dear Phoehe; t:J Thl la Show Htimnrs.; S a. Sneak Preview; t:3. Circle Theater .tarring Uroia Dan. in Man in . Shadow the tory of . man a fight to regain menlMl health; S..1. Dr. Iludkon'a Serret Journal; l.:M Rurn. and Allen; I. Tomorrow'. Headline.; I:4V -Yeil-rrtav Newareel; ll:H Special fVaturrtle. ntaiBXOR Praa'nta (Tha r.leam ITha a1en HTVpUyhouaa t IPUyDaua St ITralaht rTaalaht KOIN surt. , (aunt. kShewttn m SlShnrttm . 9 ' KLOKlNlwa. INIWJ. Blmtlnn..sMri.n.i raevi Vaisr ZTj?' ' J11 '" roed .ul a ward ""'JiShwruma M ilShawtlma aa . I SLOW H m'twn The.. H mtwn Thea. Wm-rwii Thaa. IH'm'twa Thas. TUESDAY'S RADIO y'j'ILi? sioconsw !L0'''L,,--KOW " r: Metatycle KotN l.i.l; KSX Ml; BOW let'j 6 SSI SI Vail rarmcaat V.U rarmraat Vail famvaat " New. iS.V E,rT. If." IFnuntain Show trountaln Show KGAT rtew JOIN World Nawa IKOIN Klock KOIN Klork KOIN Klerk jc.w ram, Time in.w. B'dua. Courtei Car ICurteiy Cat 'x New.-Kp Mm Keen Tim. Keep Time Keep Tlraa SI.M Hemlnfway Rreak Ran Streak nana 1 aVf an. v J""! TlmelTune. Time .Tune, a Tlm.cTuiw. a Tina KflAT Fount, n Show rnuntaln Ihnw irn.ini.ln tk.. t . u - ' . Inia vmu in . .. ... . . -. .. ... ,w n r. n,wi 1; nr.aiina am i.naa n.wa euhhlt Khoa " " i.i.ien 11 a crwa Keep niM a-liae Rnl Keep Time Keep Time Haven at Brat IHaven of Beat SSI.St Cliff gncl. raVnll Altar "r" Tune, a Tlm.lTune. a TlmafTune. a Tlmalfunet a Time ""AT Fountain Show founUIn Show iRiwa Show KUAT New. ami. con.umei N w.iV.ll. Shelley Sarnda Shelley Bar. i.utek iLnlen S.litea ILiitta New.-Kp. Time Keep Tim. Keep Time Keep rtrna . SSI.M New. K-.ft New. P..tor'l C.B RaTaTiW soro Newi-Sporta III. Tun. St HM Tun St. I14S0 Tun at miaa nnn. noaa anow .n.(,Al Hawl SflAT Roa. Snow Roa. Show Roaa Sh.w ami wendy w.rr. Howard Millar Helen Trent Mid-. SOW LUIen . ,l.lilrn it uten it t.i.e K1H Club Breaafaat Club Club Breakfaat Club (Telia-Teat . 140 Tun. St. IRoaa Show lAunl Mary (Weekday Weekday Weekday iBob Carred Ifm. gtory True Storw nni o s.w,.Sporta Roaa Show )0IN Happlnea. SW Wreaday K.y Waat I SSI.M Mi'lalr SOCO New,-Sport. flew. Wlnf. rSnng Wlnt. f Bnnf IM Tun St I4M Tun St Hit IKGAY New. por. Orak iPal Ruttrara IQueen a Day (Queen for Day Que.n for Day in..u oi i una iawi Tun nt a.-iaf ... '21 " "' r-"o" vt'w , nw una IM i JmV RoaS 'rr 'P'"?' Spider.'. Hit Spider, a H.l. rx Girl Wnl.p'rin, M. 'c.eor7ma7 iKiillirVir I I"1 'J A,r Sw". Top TrVda. v, r.rmr.rT KOAtL 550 k.c. KOAC (Tne,da ); IS as a m.-Tha Ne and Weather. I. IS foperlallv lor Women; I. 4 Summer Storv Time; II e. The rnnrvrl Hall: 12 0 -The Nr.l end Weather; 12:11 a m Noon Farm Hour: I ... Melody Lane. I 3. Cuewl Mai: l:4S Morton Gmild: Mai-Donald . Anlholi.iv. 1:3.-Memory ItiHik of; 1 M Oie.on HeiMirter; j:t Mnlr of the Ma.ter.; 4 a. -Poelir fallern.. l it (In Ihe I'iiItjI - I It N.i Cnni- mentar ; . children'. Theater; 1:1 I. ivhi. I M The Newa and Weather. S IS-Tom H.. li en.. Oreanl.l: Ja-Alfred Drake In flhantll. 1:M Wallrea ol the World; I IS F.vemn. Farm Hour: SWI Mimic of Cracho-lovakla: 1:3 -Concert F.nrore.; S 4-Th Newa and Wenlher Mualr That Kn duiea, :-The Newa end Weather; llH-Kun Oft am ii mi f SERVICE STATIONS. INC. Soro World 4ew KOAT KGAV N.w .KOIN Noon New. SC.W renner New srx Riiai Conrad SSI.M William Met KOCO Newi-Sporl. KflAV Spider I Hit KOIN Art Godfrey KliW Courteav Car SKX Newi-Conrad SSI.M Wlll.m Mat KOCO New.-gporU KfiAY Herni show KIHN A Godfrey Showtim aShowtlm. Spider'. Hit Town Crier iCome Ret It IHouae Party Lawrenr. W.Ik Dr.'. Wlf. iSuaa Conrad Hum Conrad Wlll.m Mat Indies' Lan. 'Spider'. Hlla Art (fndfrey ICourtaay Car Rum Conrad Wlll.m Mat Phnwtim IKGAY New. . Houa. Party Wom.n In Has,? Farm Near. , Wlll.m Mai '.' Cl.rin. Cllleig CUrln Calling ' Art C.odfr.y Art Corlfrwy ll.lalenlnf IMr Anility Mua, .'' Ruaa Conrad Suh Conra SrTL - .. W,""B WiHam7Mat : Cl.rin r.lltnrClarlne CalltntiKtiAV New. 'Herb'. Show IH.rbi Show iCIarln Callln! A Godfrey Clnnd Nawi PniK Knw M.-Anulty Mm MrAnul. MualcMrAnul Preicnplion KtX- Newa-Conred Ru. Conrad 'Ru.a Conrad Sim Conrad ', SSI.M wlll.m. M.t. Wmam. Mat 'Viiiam Mat r-llo T.f ' Kill Nrwi-Snona Clarine Calling Cl.rin. C.llins Clarln. Callln Kl.y Herb i Show Herb a Show Herb . Show kT.AV M.w. Mlim Kathy Godfrey Gal Sunday take Thirty Take Thirty K;W MrAnulty Mil. MrAnnll Mua Mu..Mean'lt u,, . i.. Krx Newt-Conrad Rim Conrad Rut. Conrad Run Conrad '. SSI.M F'iIIob lewla rlemln.way ff-re An. war tin .' . WMt "nrlhm W..t Rhythm Wert Rhythm nt lanvthn, ail.T wine Pivrn l,n- e,,,. .1 aha d... n n . . J'"N Kukham New. fddi. Inner New. at Air New. ef Ale KW Coiirle.a Cl. rnilHa. rm tUiu.U.A'l.a U... ...A. srx Naw. HiacKhr Hob Hiarkbum Bob Bl.rkbu.rn Rob Rlarkbunt SI M Rob A Ra Roh M. KOCO New.-ftnorl. Song. Sund'a ni.y KG AY New. Heih. how ' 1 : aai.iw Bob A Ray Roh a, Ray Hob i. Rav lHIII RrlinaVee aa,.?'.. ES..'0S??r" Sund'a 'Sonet Sund'a Sonst Sund'a - r.v.r.i cewa nema (-now irl.rOI Hhnw ' IKt.AY New. aKOIN Ft R Murrow New.. Wtath. ITom Harmon IRoaa New. KliW Mua-MrAmil. INewa let. Maton rimer fetrrvm Rr Vcw Hierkb'n Rob Hl.ckhurn Bob Rl.rKhYn Roh Blarkb'ra 6 SSI.M Newa 1'rtdie l"i.her Newt ' '"-kim H.vaa ' Kill O Snorta-Wealher Sone. Sund'w iSonit Sund'w. Sonrt Sunri'w KliAV Herb t Show Herb t Show Herhi Show Rin Off kiiin Snorit-New. im well Thoma. Amoa n Andy Amoi n Andy SW Chet Huntley t.toek Report Dinner Dinner Mualr SS Bob Blarkh ra'Bnb Blackb rn Bob Blarkh rn Bob BhH-kb'rn ,HSI.M Treat Ait KIM O Newa-Spoit KIHN Melody ROW S Star Xtra KfX Mel Allen Treat Alt ShvfmvaV Blue. Rhvihm-Bliie Rhvthm-Hiue. Melody ning Croaby John Dollar 'Man on Ga ITed Heath' Ted Heath 'Adkma Show Adklnt Show lAdklnt Rhow KSI.M Mualf IMii.le Du.-Out Doo 'Baieh.ll Km o Newa-Sport. Rhytb -Blue. Rhvth -Blue. Rhvth -Blue KIHN r.ddv Arnold lEddv Arnold IRoik 'n' Roll 'Rock 'n' Roll KOW World New. il Mana' Family IBiof. la SoundlBlnf. In Bound KfX Adkint Show Adkm. Show Adklnt Show-iAdklni Show KSI.M nehall Raarhall iftaarhall IBatehall KOI O Rhythm Bluet Rhythm Bluet Rhythm Bluat'Rhvthm Rluaa IkoIN Son Jeep " ITreatury Rhow Campaien a U N Renort Ki:w Biol In Sound' Hloi la Sound' Dance Tim Dance Time RrX Aiiklmi Show 'Adklnt Show Ulmmy Fldler Fdw P Mor. a 1 Ktl.M Pahall 'tlavb.ll New. Manre Party Korn Rhythm Bluet Rhythm Bluet C.mpul Ctmput Chttt, . KnlN S'.r Final I Good rvenms Good fvnln AKIiW mcni la newa nance lima inanre llm PHnce rim ' KfX. Nws srx i SSI.M Dance Party HIM O Newt-Snort. 1 KOIN New.-Mu.ic I SOW Dance Tim 1 Srx Danreland , Danrrland Dancei.ncl Dance Party Silent Muele Mldnlt Pane Tim Danreland Dane. Party Dane. Party Mutle Mldntt Mutle Mldnlt Dane. Tim Dane. Tim Danreland Dinrel.ncl