New York Closing Stocks - " R-port.d bjr ' J , Mr fill Lynch. Pirn; fumtr and , Admiral Corp ... Al Chnn c By aihkj am Allla Cham Atcna '. Aluminum Ld . Am Airline Am Can .. Am Cyan Am Motnra Am Sll Tar 'Am T T Am Tobacco ....... Am VUcos Anac Cupper Arnica ,....,, Armour ..... AtchMpn Top' Avco v tl Bandit Avta Mert Kooda " Beth Stl : Boin Air Bnrdrn . f.... Bon Warn ......... Burvrus Burro Adding ..... X! ; Calif Pack Camph Sonp Can Pic Ry Case J I ... Catrrp Strac .. Cf-lnnrse. Ololf x . ...... Ortalntred ....... Chps K- O Rv Chi M ft St P ... Chi NW Rv ., Chi R Is Ry , Chrysler CMIr-s Scrv Climax Moly ..,.. Cluctt Paa . - Coca Cola Collate Com Credit Comw Frtlfcm .. Cons Rdiaon ....... Cnntslner . Conl Can .. Cont Oil Crana Co Crown 7ell Curtlii Wr D Bm ft Co Dia Mjtch ... Doin Air Dow Chun Du P d Na ...., Fast Air U . Eaat Kodak . El Pm Cmj l'Tir Radio Zx Cello ... ... ia .... W't .... IW', ,...11!)', 138', .... ... i .... 72', ... . anM I2 J "'a Sl'a 73 .... sn, JO'a 160', .... ,' Hlntkota Ford Motor . , S8 Oerl Dvnamlc ,. Sa. Ceil Elec Sl, Gen Fonda 47 t.en Mntora 's Gen Tlrt M'.a C.en Pac Ply ', Glllelle Clldden 373a Goodrich ........ B;!', Goodyear . 70s C.rare WR Grt No Rv 44 Grt West Su 21 '1 (Jrevhnund IS. Oull Oil 129'a H Homeatak M ......... 32',, SO', 'nt Harvest US', Int Nickel ......... ., 5 ', Int Paper ... '' j J .. ', Johns-Man .. 51' a June, ft M Stl . -.. . 47. ... M', .. K4 .. ll ..Br, . Wa ,. 4", .. 32 .. .!', ... 1', ... M's , 38 ... v, .. SS' , 74 . 4 ...1141 ... v . 42 ... 481, ., II! ... 47 ...124 .. 38", ... 4, ... U. ... :i ... 4(1' i ... 82'. ... .218', . it Kalaer Alum Kennecott Kern Land i L ' t.lhhy McN ' l.ia Mvera I1.0F Glnaa Lockheed Air ... j Loew'a lie I.on Bll A .... Lorlllard M Maenavnx Varh H'ld ... M ft M Wood . Merck, ft Co Mont Chem ...... Mo Ward Motorola S Natl Blcult Natl Caah Re Nail Dnirv Natl Dlitlll Natl Gvosum .. Natl Lead Natl Supply NY Centr.-i No Am Avla .... No Pac Hv NW Airllnea O Olln Math Otli Elev Pahco Pat G ft FL . 38' . "'a 141'3 ... Si . ,S7 , 124 47 .. 1S .. 7'a .; 87' i a;t :. si.v .. 771. ., 19 Pepsi Cola Phelpa-Uodit Philco Corp Phil Morrla Phil Petrol Plllibury . Proc ft Oam Pue Sd P ft L Purt Oil ?!', r.l'a 48 ....1112'a 48', 4' '. 4V, Radio Corp ........, 42' i Rayonler Ine ..... 38ii Repub Stl 4i. Reynolds Met ,.'78 Revnnlda Tob W Richfield O 71 ' Royal Dutch 109', I Safeway Sin ., Rt Jo Lead . . St 1. ft S F Ry Si Rei Paper Rchenley Ind Scott Paper Settra H"e Shell Oil Sinclair Oil ..... Skelly -Oil Soconv-Mob ...... Sou Cnl F.dl .... Sou Put' Ry Sou Rv fiperry Rand .... Sid Prnnds Std Oil Cal Sid Oil Ind Std Oil NJ . Slude-Park Sunray Oil .. Sunshine M Swift ft Co .. SylvanU El, 34 37 'a Texaa Co 3", (Texna Gulf W, I Textron- Tlde-Aaao .... &8'i 48 23 i 54a 18 7.1", 32, 84', 88, Sa 51', SI 4sn 2.V, 3t)'i 54". HO', 38 . 7 25' 8 4t 82 n in Grain Advance j CHICAGO I - Wheat closed; Q with the reaped ahle gaini on the In Board of Trade Monday after I'lllng off during the first couple of hours. Wheat closed Wk higher, corn U lower to H higher, oats -' higher, rye 1V3'i higher, soy beans 2'-4 lower and lard 7 cents lower to 2 cents a hundred pounds higher. Wheat arrivals at Chicago to taled 554 car, the largest for any day so far this year. Harvesting apparently was at its peak in southern Indiana and Illinois.: It has been virtually completed In the southwest, ',' Portland Produce PORTLAND OB Tentative, subject change Premium ered in Portland, Butterfat t o immediate quality deliv-, 60-63 lb; first 43 45 . 38 .. 83 .. 4' .. 28' .. "'a .1071, .. 7i'i . 37, .. M'i .. 41, . !', Transam Trana Wo Air ... Twen Cen Fox V Union CarV ....... llninn nil . 1 I llnlnn Pac Rv . Unl Aircraft .... I'nl Air Llnea . t!ni Corp , I'nl Trult t'S Plvwood . (IS Rubber UL'S Steel Falrchild 8 ' p.. t ft T . 84 J p,n Am Air Pennev J -C . . 14', I Penn Rv , S71, . 4J .. 39 . 50 .140 .. 071, . 24 W Warner Pic Waah Water P . Weit Air Br Western Air ...... Western llee ... Weatern Union Woolworth i. .. S .. 3.3', .. 23' , .. 421, .. 40 22 . 24 ..!. .. 81 a .170', .. 78'. .. 38'. .. 8i, ... 90', 47 ... 51 'i S', .- 28 , ... 31 .. 34', ... 19', ... 87 . 201, ... 47'. 110'i Chicago 3Iarkcts Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO (API Butter aleady: wholesale aclllnf price, unchanged; AAA 93 acor 590f-89aS: A HI 80 nn. 89 25; B 90 84. 15-57 Ji; C 19 55 00- te no. Eld steady: wholeaale aelllnf prl ren unrhanged: extra larfe 39.00 40 00; extru medium 38 00: nandards 33 50-34 00; check, 29.00-30 00. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (API- (USDA) Hora 11.000; ateadv to 25 lower; moat No. 1 and 1 srad lot, 190-250 lb butchers IS 00-1 90: top 10 75: Moat No. I and a 260-300 lb few lot! 310 350 lb 14 00-1525: 180-190 lb 1SO0 IS 25: sows 11.50.1! no. f atlll 21.000; ralvea 500: steers and heifers steady to 2S higher; other clauea steady; few loads prime 1050. 1450 lb steer 1100-23 50; bulk choice, and prim 21 00-22.75; good to low entire atera IS 00-20 50; choice and prima heifara 20 00-22 2.1: fond to low choice heifer 17.50-19 7. Utility and commercial cows 10 2S-1J00: tanner and cutter 900-11 OO: bulla 14 00 18 50; vnlen 2200 down; yearling stork steer IS 00. Sheep a.aOO; spring lamb steady to to lower; old crop lambs and year lings 80 to 1.00 lower: alaushter sheep teady; good to prima lambe 2X 00 28 00; moat cull t low good IS 00 21 00; eull to choir shorn ewe S Ofl 4 80: load good and choice around 10 lb Idaho feeder lamba 20 00. Chicago Crain CHICAGO (AP) Grain: , WHEAT Open Close Julv 2 05',-04'i 106',.'', September 2 07,-, 10S,-'. December 2.12',-Ja 2 13a,-, March 2 14'i-i, 2 18'a-U May 21Si, 2.131,-!, COR! Julv 148',-'', I 481,-49 September 1 47,-S 1.48-47', December I 35', 1.3S',-3S March 1.39'a li'i OATS Julv B", S9;-'a September 1t,.', 7P,-'a December 74-73', 74, Mirch 7S',-i li, Rv Julv , 1 23'', 1 K September 1 1 23', 1.27',-', December ' 1 30', 1.32 ; March 1.32 1 34', SOYBEANS Julv 2 7S'i-77 l.71'i-72'; September M-J4' 180',-', November 2 48', 2 44', January 2 40', 2 47!, March 1 S21,-'4 280'., Chicago Onions CHICAGO (AU) Onlona: Open High Low Close Nov. (Old) 1 (5 Nov. (New) 1 OS 1M 1 8 200 Jan. 1.17 2 37 2 29 2 29 ires. 2 80 2 50 2 47 2 47 Investment Trusts , IZIlka, Smither. ac-Co. IncJ Bid Affiliated Fund . !2 Canadian Fund .... 2 " Century Shares Trust -. 2:159 Chemical Fund 17.98 Delaware Fund II 13 Diver. Invent. Tund 9 59 Dividend Share, 2 !1 Eaton H. Bal. fund . 22 88 C,a. Ind , 14 55 Croup Tobacco 4 31 lncorp. Investors .. 10 10 Kev Cuit. Fundi: F-J - HM B-4 10 "2 K-i 9 S3 S-l 12 M 8-4 Asked 8 73 22 114 25 50 19 44 12 48 10 51 3 19 24 44 15 92 4 74 111 n: Market Again Notes Climb Man. Bond Fund Mail. Inveat. Trult Natl. Sec. Sertei: Income Series Slock Series Pref. Stock Series Natl. Div. Serlei , Natl. Growth Pioneer Fund Tel-Elec. Fund Value I. Ine Inc. Foind . Wellington Fund 9.79 . 7 55 11.97 . IN . Ml . s SO . 4 74 . (US lion 12 M 10 U9S NEW YORK l The stock market plugged ahead routinely Monday for its fourth straight ad vance. Volume at 2. ISO. 000 shares was ! exactly the same as on Friday. !i55i Th A!,sn"iatc1 PrM average jJUJ of 60 stocks rose 40 cents to n 99 '1185 90 with the Industrials up 10 " !$1.50, the rails down 90 cents and x i ' the utilities up 20 cents. The 585 advances outnumbered the 352 declines by a fair margin and there were 1.152 issues trad ed. There were 51 new highs for the year and 17 new lows. 8 84 9 88 or, S IS 7.19 15 11 M 38 a B7 15 24 a j quality. 57-fiO; second quality 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score, 59' -; A grade, 92 score, 58 ; B grade 90 score 57 ;C grade 89 score, 55. ; Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon J-lb loaf, 43'u-50. Kggs To wholesalers Candled -i Q f o b. Portland, A large. 45-46'4; ZZ A medium, 41-42'4! small. 38-41. Eggs To retailers Grade AA. I Q large, 51; A large. 47-48; AA'h ,e. A M..:.. ii.ii. a I 9MB lliiruiuiii. .i; n mcuiuiii, n small, 30-31. Cartons, no charge to 3 cents additional. KKgs To consumers AA large, 56-61; A large, 53-58: AA liiedium, 50-55; A medium, 48-53; A small, 36-41. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland Frvers. J'i-4 lbs, 23;- at farmr-22-23'4 ; light hena. 16 at farm; heavy hens, 17-18 at farm: old roosters, 11-12. ' Turkeys To producers L 1'v e weight, fryers. 27-28: young turkey hens, liveweight, 28; eviscerated young hens, 38. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 'S-41 lbs, 20-23 ! 5- lbs, 15-18; old colored pelts 4 cents less; old does, 10-12. few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56 58; cut up, 60-63. Wholesale Dressed Melts Beef carcasses Sters, choice, 500-700 lbs. 36 00-38.00: good, 35.00 37.00; standard, 31 OO-35.00; com mercial cows, 25.00-29.00; utility, 2 00-2300. Beef cuts 'choice steers) Hind quarters. 45 00-50 00 ; rounds 43 00-45 00: full lins, trimmed, 65 00 - 73.00; forequarters, 27.00 30 00; chucks, 30.0-32.; ribs, 45 00-50 00. Pork cuts Loins.' choice, 8-1 lbs, 4900-51.00;. shoulders, 16 lbs. 31.00-34.00; sparenbs, 43 00-46 .00: fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 51.00-55J0O. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights. S0.0Q-37.OO; commer cial, 25.00-32 00. Spring lamb Choice and prime 44.00-47.00: good, 39.00-4400. Wool Nominal clean basis, H blood. 1 00-05: blood. 1.03-08: H blood, 1.12-18; fine. 1.17-23. Catiatry-drrssesl Meats, f.a.b. Pariland: Beef Cows, utility, 23-25 lb; cutters. 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 26-28; rough heavies, 18-25. Hogs Best light blockers, 25-26; lean light sows, 18-20. Lambs Top grade springers, 38-40; good yearlings. 30-32. Mutton Lightweight" ewes and wethers, 10-12. Fresh, Produce Onions Calif. Yellows, med. 50 lh. sk. 4 00-75; Whites. 4 50-5.00; Aril. White, small. J.5O-60; Wash. Yellows. 3.75-4 50. Potatoes Calif. Long Whites, No. 1A, 10 ni. min. 100 lbs., mostlv 7.5O-8.50; No. 2s, mostly 8.25-7.75. Hay New crop No. J green alfalfa, baled, fob Portland, nominally 3400-36.00 ton. New crop prices not established. D D a a D D D D D D n a D D a D a a D D O D Portland Grain Western Securities (Zilka. Cmllher Jc Co. Inc.) Thes bid and ssk quolatloni rep. reaent price at wMch one nr firl dealen. member! nl the National Ai snelatinn of SfcurltT Dealrr'i Ine . -oiild trade with the general n.ihli" at the time the quotation! were gath ered at I p.m. yeiterday. Sirt Akeo Portland Livestock PORTLAND I Coarse grains, 13 - day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: n.i. v a e Ik .a, Kit R7 Barley. No.2. 45 lb B W ; ... 48 .50 ! unW: bulls fully 1.00 lower than Corn. No.2. F Y shipment 7t.W!Wiy w we; i" - .v- Wheat tbidi. to arrive market, PORTLAND liH-tl'SDAl-Cattle salable 2.250; market uneven; fed steers and heifers mostly 50 high er; cows rather slow, steady-50 lower with most decline on below average utility cows; many lots Calif -Oregon Power M'i Caerad I'lywona '' Cnniol Freight ; Iron fireman Jantien Inc., Com. . 22'i Meier A Frank 15' Morrtion-Knudun 42', Ore.-Port. Cement .. 4't Pac. P. Al- Com 'a Pop Talbot M rnrtland f; Cnke ....... 34' j Port. Cen. A'lec 's BANKS Bank of Amerlri JS'i Bank of California W' Chais Manhattan 15 First National ... f First Nat. Citv N. Y. 4'S U. . National ' .15' 35' I71. 11 :4'. 18 basis Nn.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft While 2.08 Snft White (excluding Rex) .... 2.08 While Club ' Hard Red Winter: age high choice 1.039 lb fed steer 23.00, new high this year; other choice steers 22.00-73. including 1.205-lb weights at 22.00 snd 1,096 .. 2.08 h npa'' 22 501 E00d ,eer mnsilV Zll.oo-zi.Mi; scatierea aierrs :. i- i i j t a Ordinary .2 OB I i -w cra pte icaua k" 08 neiters; ir aionuniu neiiera lannn onu 10 per 11 per cent 2.15 'lis ner cent ... 2.21 Monday's car recefnts: Wheat 2fW; barley 29; flour 30; corn 14; 31', 31 37i 37' j 41'i 78', far, W, 7S'i Salcrti Quotations (A of lata yesterday) mTTrafAT Premium No. 1 Storks and Bonds .Compiled kj The Associated Free 1 July t STOCK AVURAOKS 30 IS Ind Net rhanae .. Al 5 Mnndnv 2 I'rev. dav 2 7 BlTTfR Wholeiala Hetall r tens (Boylnil CWholeala prlre. rant from to 1 null IJrl A Medium A Small Werk aso Mnnlh ao pso ,. 1 Hish .. .82 1958 Low ... .S Ift55 Hiah .. 1955 Low . . 210 . 253 8 .244 8 ... 275 ... 244 0 .... 257 S ,: 203.1 Ralls D9 140 0 140 9 139 8 139 1 135 8 1551 129 0 142 4 1149 IS 80 Utll Stckl 74.2 73 3 72 8 74 0' 752 71 5 .75.7 87.2 .88 .73 ovsr ' buying price) rontTUT Colored He Leshorn Mens - - Colored Fryers Colored Hoasien Old Rooster - ,.,..- -H BOND AVKRACIKS 20 Net chang Mnndav ...... Prev. dar . Week aeo . Month aso Year afo , 1958 HlSh , 1958 Low . 1H59 Hitrt 1955 Low . I)ow Jone. Average NEW YORK (API Dow Jones rloilnl itoc-K averasea: Open Hlsh Low SO Ind! 603 94 500 (18 503 24 20 rrs 17 (IJ 187 "O lfl 89 13 utll 88 99 89 St 89 .17 tl ilk! 179 .10 180 24 17I.IA Close ims 57 188 30 89 94 179.11 Trained monkeys sometimes are used to harvest coconuts in Ma- .... A 1 - 9S 1 9S 0 9S 95 1 98 4 .. 98 3 ,. 94 S .99 8 .Ml r r n i 95 9 94 4 989 95 9 98 0 98 3 97,7 95 8 991 98 4 94 i 94 5 94 I 97 5 980 949 100 1 980 A 4 183 9 185 i 182 2 117 8 191 5 148.8 10 Unch 84 2 84 2 84 0 83 9 88 0 83 2 83 7 88 S 84 0 o D D D D n D n D "Jin ter cows larsely 7.0O-8.00, 8.50; mixed cutler and utility beef type cows 9.00-10. 00: utility cows mostly 10.00-12.50; few commer-cinl-siandard cows 14.00; utility bulls mostly 1400-15.00. Calves salable 400: good-cnoicei vealers about steady at 16.30 20.00; few good-choice steady at 17.00-19.00. . Hogs salable 1.200; market weak to 25 lower; sorted U.S. No. 1-2 butchers iao-2.15 lbs 19.25; mixed tie Un 1 4 a 1 Dporto IS M-ID OO 179 2 No. 3 grades 18.00-25: butchers . U !,7,? Jl 1BO-175 lbs 17 00-18.50: sows steady ; Q wnn xm-.tmi ios i.ww-i.iw. itwaa lightweights up to 1B.50. ' J Sheep salable 3,500: largest run Q nf season; spring slaughter lambs n sieany-mticn ' as oo mwn , mm-, classes steady: good-choir spring slaughter lambs 90-105 lbs 20.00 21.00; few loads mostly choice 81 8S lb springera 21.50; good choica spring feeder lambs 15 00 18 50 with part load mostly choice 72 lb 16.00: cull-good thorn slaugh ter ewes 2 00-4.50. Markets at Glance ' Nrw YORK (AP) Stocks -Winer: ri continues, except for rails. Bonds Mixed: government lower, CottonLower; . hlnher than ex pelled acreane report. CHICACIO: i Wheat Firm; recovered from aarly ea"lnea . Coin Old crop ateady. new easy. Oats Firm: crop, damas. Soybeans Weak;, food crop proa pacts. Hose Steady to 25 cents down; top 18 75. Cattle ateers up; top (23.50, steady s tents a n a a D D a Deal co i Q D CHAIN REACTION DENVER tfn-Joseph J was standing In front of his car. Parked In front of him was Vurtis Fuller, who was standing in front of his car parked behind his wife's car. A woman driver swerved to miss an oncoming car. She smash ed into Dealco's car, pinning him against Fuller's car, which was shoved into his wife's car, pinning Fuller against It. Both men had broken left leg, n D MERC'S BIG . . t 1 Mid-Summer Statesman, Salom, Ore., Tties., July 10, '56 (Sec. I111 noononnnnnnnnnnnoannnnnnnnnnnDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnDnnnnnnnnnncnnnrj CASCADE MERC'S BIG s yOl .lu-iummer Oj yi i,-J Buy Now And Save, We Are Clearing the Decks Baselall Gloves, . Tennis Rackets, fishing Tackle, Sleeping Bags, Tents, Marine Gear,etc. All priced to sell NowUnheard of Yalaes-Don'l Yait. HURRY-HURRY!!! COLEMAN STOVE 2 BURNER Reg. 13.95 Q95 NOW INSULATED BOOTS Famous Convarsa brand. Pop ular 13-Inch rwbbar pac Insu latotl, ideal for farm and sports. . Reg. 12.95 fB95 NOW P Pr. SPINNING REEL FAMOUS USLAN 500 Reg. 12.95 95 now : WATER SKIS Famous brand, full slia, adjustabla bindings. limlnated construction. For mooching. Thla yotrt catch, starved, bright silvar color porfoct length. SLEEPING BAG Wool fidad, lippor closure, watorproof covor, canopy hold flap. teg. n.K 15 KOW CAMP STOOLS Hardwood frama, Heavy canvas teat Reg. 1.29 HERRING SO9' pr. I SllCDo2. CTK I Rinnnilnrc aaaTaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBaaaaaaaalBa IflllVvWlMl af X SPINNING OUTFIT r' &U Th I I Frtth, boraxtd , salmon egg Crawdad tails 1 1 Niaht Crawleri f V Herring jgKR X j ' M ci v nnn Tore., lakes, 1954 mod- NOW I el, tubular glass. I wmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmm Reg. 14.95 j IROLl- 15195 IKG y ROD S mm I X Reg. 14.95 r.lAAhiiirf mac I IllUUIalllllU "i7l f m ar w mm mm Rod K0Wl I Shoff custom made, 2-pc. i .---aaaias tsfaj ; jackets -sr x -m. M mm mm m . M NOW U Choice I ." KOW v Top quality throughout. Includes famous Centaure "River" Reel, rod and line. Here's what ya' get- 1. Centaure "River" Reel 26.50 2. 2-pc. Tubular Glass Rod . . . . . .14.95 Spin Line, your choice 2.00 Reg. price . ... 43.45 Hood Rubber Insulated Shoes Reg. 9.95 395 ARMY RUCliSACll Brand new. tht vtry popular modtl. For tht hunter, icout, hiker. kitr-Cot th Gov't. $17.50 95 Klon.4' PUP TENT Full siie, good quality with polos land pins, ropes, etc. Reg. 11.70 R95 NOW J Whito leather sleeved, wool models, school models. Values to 25.00 CAMP KITS 14-piece cooking outfit. Fans, pots, plates, etc. Reg. 11.95 NOW Surf Rod Blanks 10-foot tubular glass rod blanks. Wright and Mc-Gill. Reg. 12.50 NOW Used Motors IN OUR USED OUTBOARDS Wf CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANYTHING YOU WISH. NO DOWN PAYMENT A FULL YEAR TO PAY Daredevils Reg. 25c NOW I EH IS Some are one-of-a-kind, all are first quality and best materials. All ere umbrella tents. 9x9 waterproof, 7-c since ccnslruclion. RagSSOO SO KOW iLll 9x11 Same is tlm cr.Iy t!;;sr. Reg 65.00 150 KOW 9x11 Hsayy di-ly, exlri wide eaves, zipper door, aluminum poles, a real beauty. Rtg 72.20 ?L50 atJlaJ 9x12, 10-ounce Army Duck, the finest tent ma terial available. All de luxe features. Reg 97.50 NOW NO MONEY DOWN! TAKE A FULL YEAR TO PAY! t 111 Kl.lft Open mw Every ' J Eve. f til iTr-. 9 P.M. 'i?,53 113 Open' Every Eve. 'til 9 P.M. 8nnnnnnnnnnnDnnnDnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncnnnnnnnnnnnndnnncnDDnnnnnnnnnDnnB a a a a a a El a n a a a u a n u a n u n u n n L1 a n n If! I n n C1 i:l ':i l:3 n :i :i n ;j :i n :i :i :i :j :i :i M in M in : ;i n il n n n n EI u a n a a a id :l :i :i :i n :j ii . a n u a a a a n d awl a a a a a a a a a a a I Uj.