Carey Flys High After Tagging Yost Kr 7 ... NWLSet fTo Open full Half 'Solons to Play Tri-City, First Second kill play in the North' west Uau( it scheduled toitart -tonlsht for M of th mwb mam 'Vr club. Th Silera Senator! open fnir-wme .eriei it Tri-Clty, with 'th Tr'-City Breves, snd at "the 'i ni I'mt th first-half cham 'plon Vflilmt Bear will be it 'heme to pliy the Lewi it on Bronc. and the Eufene . Emer- ;ldi will he it wenitchee for a 'ouortet with the Chiefi. ' Spokane ii idle the lint (our .''days. ' '., . Eateralds Nest Fee Salem novel from Tri-Clty to ; Eugene en Frldey, to play the Emeraldi la four gamei over the weekend. Then the Emi and Sen 'htors move the lonf lerlei to Sa '"ffm, for four more gsmes start- .in ?xt Monday nlnht, July H. vi. frr .Vrry Cade likely will get . the Stirling assignment on the mound for the Senator at Tri Clty toniihL , , . r j Seattle Tops ,Bevos Twice; -Angels Lose 2 SETTLE ) Seattle reclined .-fir.-.-lee in the Pecific Coast I s: re sisndings Sunday with a t'Xible win ever Portland while Hollywood was handing Lot An geles a double defeat. In the ether two PCL double headers, Hollywood took two from Los Angeles, II and 4-0, and San Diego and Sacramento split as the Solons won the open er, 7-3, but lost the nightcap, ft-t seaiiie oownea roruano i-s u By DON HARGEft If!,.'r!?.."-"Jr .V.." I- .nil. af vleoroui and wldewrcad opposlUon. tht Oregon State C k.d AngeTe. ton 1 tommissli Is going ahead with IU plana to treat Devil. Lata times la Lincoln County with rotenone. The "poisoning" will be put In op- Elmer Singleton ,won his 13th J""0" "?JSrfiV2 i'jSI in7ih! iCw gre cf I'm ream t four ner. chlrf th ,iher,,, div,,io" ,or lh Com" bv the lid of some spectacular mission. ' defensive play in the nightcap. In , The plans call lor the Wt of X7.000 pounds the first game - Urry Jensen powdwed roteione and SoO ga Ion. of Uquid hurled muterful ball to mark up rotenone. Although the poisoning will kiU lU fish s. eighth victory te twa losses. !" I" Devil, lake, the primary reason for to pro- Attendance on the warm, aunnyilTam is w remove ins i carp wnmi me tase. iarp ar tcuiihui " and keep grubbing the bottom to such extent that the water Is asuatly muddy er cloudy. This con- tlnued cloudiness prevents the necessary sunugw (rom reaching the depths te act aa nounsnmem Ine further irowtk at vciatatlon. With the vege tation diuBocarine the bus and aauatlc Insect lite diminishes so I wJTJUU"lZ: - eventually ttar. la aothtng in the war of lood lor the desirable iLJSiJDlR ' rrtocklni the lake have not yet been completed but Young. nTbJFZS thriK tr thought that the lake will be restoc M 1U . rout and warm Young's legs Into right field L water species of fUh, such as bass, bluegiil., and crsppie. ' T.tnv M.rrlm.. ihrM to third! a pill from Tom Allen. Sunday, invitini us to make a trip with WASHINGTON Andy Carey. New York Yankee' third baeetaaa. leap high la a eland ef duet te avoid Eddie YeaTs spikes after taigtag the slialag WasMagtaa Mllekser ew en aa auenapsea aieai eaaaay. Yeat tried U go rreas seeead te third as Ray Slevers track eat. The Yaakees wan. H. AP.) Eiedlegs i - Urn, Up I !L Lead Cal, US Yankees Dump Nats Club 8-2 Salem Juniors Nab 18-0 Win; Playoffs Set The 100-drgrrs tempersture evi dently agreed with Salem's Capital Pest No. t Junl r. Legion baseball team Sunday as the local outfit blasted Mill City. 18-0, in a five Inning game at Waters Field. Jim Shires turned In a two-hit perform ance on the mound to gain credit for the victory. . Playoff plans for the district championship were also announced Sunday by Bill Bevens, coach of the Salem club. Winner of the dis trict crown will go to Albsny Thursday to play in the area play offs. . Scehdale far Playoff Salem will play at Woodbura Monday night at I p.m. Winner of that game will play host to Aums ville Tuesdiy night. If Aumsville, the second half champ., wins the Tuesday game, then they will triv- el to Albany. If Aumsville loses the gsme, the winner will travel to Aumsville for a Wednesdsy night game that wiU decide who repre sents the diitrict. This playoff schedule was an nounced to Bevena by Walt Stew art, district chairman. In Sunday's game, Salem scored six runs In the first Inning, five in the third and seven in the fourth. ! The six la the first came witn tne neip oi singles oy mim rteury and Jerry Goertien and a double by Gary Vestal. A double by Val Barnes and .ingles by Kelley and Shires were the hits in the third inning. Kent Lammers' triple and singles by Bob Jantze, Bob Bus sell and Homer Wood accounted for the final seven runs. In pitching the win. Shires fan ned six and walked three. C Rued, Plated on f robaosi by f CC Eligibility Lost By 73 Athletes 2)resotitatesmati 8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., July 9,. '56 afternoon was 4,701. Seattle Jumped Into the Wad h the second game with two runs in the third Inning en twe singles and twe Beaver errors. Catcher Dick Aylwsrd opened with a sin gle. Then, with twe out. Bill Wl, I "S a Bam - Mill city () nan Kanoff, t 1 BarnM, m Mulr. , 1 Veataka Brvtor. a 11 K.lly. I Garnaon. p I Jantze, 1 Morgan. I I Carda. r . Thomaa. I I Um in. I .ttH l I d Hanr. i Hid m IS Oncrtitn. i 1 Bausnm'n.r I Shim, p 11 .lumu, 6 t Wood, 1 111 McC'fl ry, r (1.) lalta 1 1 1 4 1 S a l 1 i l l i i t i l - i Totali Mill City Balrm II 1 Totali Mill one oo e 1 .. 11 1 fa an-attempt to stop the runners. (Cent, page , eat I) Pason Sixth rlnGolf Meet h i '; PRINEVILLE til - Pete Bogsn ef Portland won the Prineville 'pro-amateur olf tournament here J Sunday with a 4-under-par score ;( U-32-4. hl Larry Lamberger, also Portland, Vn second in the field of 124 with Boean won. top money of (924 nd Lamberger'a take wai 462. Three pros tied for' third place lth 66 and won tZM (7 each. IThey are Ale Weber. Prineville, 'U-SS; Bill Wilkinson. Redmond. 12-34; and Ed Oldsfield. Roseburg, aj-n. , Bunny Mason. Oregon Open . champion from Salem, carded a ; 7 for ilxtb place and $115. Ron Weber, son of Alex, and S-flruce Cudd, Portland Walker .-Cupper, tied for low amateur with f7s. I ' Most of the pros who competed ' Sunday will stay ever for the Ore , gon Professional Golf Assn. '.matchnlay championship Monday (through Wednesday. V The tourney open with a It-hole Qualifying round for 14 places. Seals Paste Lahcr8,10-3 " KLAMATH FALLS ) -San Francisco, center fielder ' Gordy Windhora betted in seven runt with twe homers as the Seals de feated the lemlpro Klamath Fills ' Lakers 10-1 In an exhibition bass ball game here Sunday. . Wlndhnrn also hsd a single, glv ' lr him three hit. In his five time, at hat, 11.. I .1 I 9 - '"Sr? " until ism Ume Tueadsy r enciaco aianer ira oowsiicia; ..ii-h.i .r. u. h the fir- four Inning, JT&tL 'a nit, won osnom, wno relieved ... ' ",v him to Winchester bay. Tom reports that the salmon fishing I. now Just short of fabulous at that famous ssimon iisrung pon ano angieri era having lltue trouble netting tneir umiu. Fly Fishing Reaching Peak Form Unfartaaately we are naable so gi ilang wHk AHea ea hii retara to Wlacbeeter. We will be eaateet T) with trylag to get the name painted. Tail Is the paint J atorted last year bat which mauled to get bagged dawn with the opeahig of dev (ea ses as SetteaiBer. Nat asaay peraaaa eaa beast of trlag aa a basse half greea sad half red for neariy a year, Ur. ai called, too. to tell us of the cood torn cod fishing at Taft on the Sileti bay. Her party of three nagged n torn, ana some flounder while they were bank fishing from the beach. Sounds as U Taft Is tht place to go If on wants a passd of fish. in riihinr I now reachlnt. its summer Desk in most of the streams la Oregoi with the exception of the cosstsl water.. The Deschutes river system which Includes several weu Known sireama a now producing well, although the tithing is tow beginning to aepsrste the men from the boys. This Requirei Some Retl SMI Brown treat ef the Deeraale lyateaa are no igeersmates when It eaeaes to turning ap their aaaes at a pearly drifted dry fly. Net ealy de they fail to take a pearly eaat fly, they aeeaa to have seaae system ef waralag other flak aad they iH aeM rtsiig far a rlly Mark ap the river. Julx and August are the two' month, when it take, not lasting sbUity necessarily, but fishing ability, to lure a brown trout to a fly. Most any angler can cast a fly out to where the fish are. Toe few of us know what the fly Is doing after It gets there. We have seen cssters who were by no mesna experts whea it came to tossing the fly out over the water. Those cssters did However, nave peneci con trol over the fly once it landed on the water. They always csught fish. Delicacy of casting is far more important than distance and the action of the ny la what get. ine reauus. Mayre. antic Back; Likely Starter in Star Tilt By JACK RAND WASHINGTON I Mickey Mantle, leading home. run ilurjer of the mi)ori, appeared a likely starter la Tuesday's All-Star game Sunday as he returned to the New York Yankee lineup for a series flnslt with Wsshington. If Mantle's injured right knee bothered him after the Sunday workout, he might hive to settle for a pinch hitting Job. It prob sbly won't be known for certain him in the fifth, gave up one run ; and five hits. i It wss the second loss el the season for Klamath Falls which . has posted IS victories. San Francisco 400 002 04010 14 I Klamath Falls 101 010 000 I SI y. Bowaffeld, Osborn ') and Tor Vlny, Sadowskl !;.' L e p a I d, Payne (J), Pykeson (9) and Brown. BETTOR DIES AFTER RACE PAWTUCKET, R. I. W") A 82 year old Connecticut men suf fered a fatal heart attack Satur day at Narraganaett race track when i nine on which he had flared s $200 bet to win was dls ialifled sfter finishing first by to and a half lengths, Pawtuck 4 pO'lc reported. play against Washington. "II Is a crlppl and insists on playing." WIU Start Lefty Stengel still was undecided on hii - American League starting pitcher except that it would most certainly be a lefthander. Whitry Ford of his own Yankee club is well rested but Billy Pierce of Chicago, top winner In the ma jors, wss to work Sunday. The other lefty on his eight-man staff is Herb Score of Cleveland, se lected as a last minute replace-. a end of the flrat nine end at ment for sore-armed Rsy Nsrles-: tha hsllway point Clark was I up. was the best pitcher In the Na tional League for the first two month, of the sesson, was the probable choir of manager Walt er Alston of Brooklyn. But Friend developed aa abscessed throat Sunday hut he denied he may be forced te skip tht All-Star gam. T Tsk Eiamlaitlea However he will fly to Wash Ington from New York Mondsy and will be examined again by (Cent, page I, eel. 4) Fltchlns aummary: id ab ho r .1 13 1 It Garrlaon Hla ghlraa ao bb 1 S 4 1 ThrM-hua hit! Lamman. Two-baa Bite: Barnes, vestal, janut. By ED WILKS Associated Press Sports Writer Cincinnsti'i Redlegs, practical ly traveling ea mass to Wash ington for Tuesday's All -Star game, padded their slim Nation al League lead to IH games Sun day with a 1-1 decision over St. Louis while the Chicago Cubs were banging Milwaukee's second place Braves 10-4 on Monte Ir vin's ninth Inning grand slam home run. Third piece Brooklyn wound up two games back, splitting a dou bleheader by losing to Philadel phia 1-1 after Don Newcomb had gained hi. 11th victory with a four bit, t-S breex in the opener. Pittsburgh edged within one percentsge point of fourth place St. Louis, beating New York S-l in the second game of a twin bill. The last place Giants pounded seven home runs, one short of the major league record, to win the opener 1M. Mantle Helps Yaakees In the Americsn. Mickey Man tle returned to the New lork line up and singled in three trips as the Yankees bopped Wsshington t-t and lengthened their first place bulge to 4 H games. Detroit got M hits while whack ing runnerup Chicago twice, 17-9 and 1-4. The twin 'loss left the White Sox only two percentage points ahead of the Cleveland In dians, 1 who trounced Ksnsas City 17-3. The Boston Red Sox, with Ted Williams poling his 399th home run and gaining his I.SOOth run batted In, swept two from Balti- a J m A '' " "' 1- .U. .J . k. x- . . . i L in uiv ins. iiiv, urc .i 1 1. 4 iU rw vvrmn liumiK u , . , . . . i t. il. d-ji i v.i.ij jaion acorra incir onij run in wc Three walks and a aingle by Wel ly Post tied it at S ail and Gus Bell's Infield out scored the clinch er as Cincinnati won it. 12th In the last 14 games. Joe Nuxhall, one of Clncy's eight All-Stars, won his sixth with relief help. Herm Wehmeier lost it. Gene Cealey Leeee 1 Irvln's fourth major lesgue grand-slammer capped a five-run ninth for the Cubs to best Gene Conley, ho had relieved Bob Buhl In the third. Turk Lown won It in relief. Gene Baker and Hoble Lan drith also homered for the Cubs (Cent page t, eel 1) Cake First, McMurtry Next " ' i ' ' Oe;r 1 -.K.; ..... . .t .1 .. - ;:';.- fi h m- : v . ; , ... f t , f - M,,j;v: ; :;:: By JIM THOMAS SAN FRANCISCO The Pacific Coast Conference Sunday fined the University of Southern California approximately )M,400 and the University of California 123.000 for illegal pay te athletes. Forty-two USC football players and two trackmen lost a year's eligibility. Twenty-nine California football men were named. Four or five, who received more than tuition, and fees, permanently lose a ale ala ala var'a elijlhilitv The others will 1 . not If and when they submit proof their grants were repaid. The names of the 71 athlete. were furnished the Conference the two institutions, but were not , released to the press. In the esse of California, the Conference held that the grant. I .1 1 e nj In aid did not in. most cases in-1 Jt IMJO .NlfPn volve more than was sanctioned i k.7ga by. the Conference and the major penalty was assessed against the LOS ANGELES Iff! -1 President school. No ineligibility will be lm- i Fred D. Fang Jr. of the Unlver- posed on proof of repayment of l Muthern Lalilornia said .e, USC to Keep by 1 ! first Uass Sunday after notification of the Pacific Coast Conference action against USC that "we propose to continue first class athletic activi ties." , listed as havim received illcfaP "r- aio ne was sa vised aid. whicl was in excess of the! c" nhone from the grants t Years' Prebatloa In the case of the USC Trojans however, one year's ineligibility was assessed against the athletes Conference code regulations. USC went on probation for two years and will be ineligible to play in the Rose Bowl or .hare in Rose Bowl game receipts. This means an Indirect fine of $53,400 against USC since the share for each PCC school has averaged $24,700 annually. USC also was fined $10,000 for denying Conference commission er Victor O, Schmidt information about payments to athletes. California went on probation for one year, but did not lose its Rose Bowl receipts share. USC and California Join Wash ington and UCLA on the proba tion list. The Huskies were set down for two years and the Uclans for three In conference action last May. UCLA football players also lost a year's eligibility. Peaalty Reduced USC had advised the Confer ence that the 44 students had been declared permanently ineligible for further athletic participation, but the Conference athletic direc the USC faculty representative at San Francisco, Hugh C. Willett. "The USC position has been, and Is, quite clear," Dr. Fagg'a stitement uid. "We believe that the msintemnc of a high level of scholarship does not prevent us from fielding teams in intercol legists athletics in competition with the teams of any conference In the country. "Without minimizing matters of scholastic eligibility or normal progress toward an education of collegiate grade, we propose to continue first das athletic activi ties. riaaadal ld Asked "We therefore advocate; 1. Fi nancial aid to students partici pating in intercollegiate athletics that is adequate to meet present day economic needs, and is com parable to aid accorded to other students in the university; 1. That such aid shall be administered solely under university supervi sion; 3. That any student receiv. ing such aid shall, as at present. meet the scholastic entrance jTACOMA, Wash. Ezzard Charles, farmer heavyweight ehamplea, rets tors and faculty representatives 1 gtlndards required of aU enter- ing students, and 4. That, as at present, any such students shall only receive aid as they progress (Cent, psge 1, col. I) Yakima Spills Eugene Twice YAKIMA tfl Yakima, with the Northwest League's first hslf baseball pennsnt already in hand, closed out first round play with a double triumpn over bugene her Sunday. The scores were 4-1 nd 4-3. Herman Lewis wai the Bears' big batter in the nine inning night cap. He belted out a solo home run, his 19th of the season, in the fourth and set up the winning run with a double In the eighth. Eugene hsd taken a 2-1 lead aft er three innings when Cullie Deck doubled and Bob Gauthier hom ered. his birthday cake here as he observed his ttlh year Saturday. Leak lag ever Ezzard's sheoldrr Is his sparring partner. Fraakle Williams Charles bases Tacoma'e Pat McMurtry here Friday night. (AP) McMurtry Faces Big Test Against Ezzard By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Baxin fans will know a great deal more about Eddie Machen and Pat McMurtry, two unbeaten West Coast heavyweights, after the youngsters meet important testa on this week's boxing program. Machen, winner of 14 straight, boxes Nino Valdes, the giant Cuban, in a rematch Wednesuay at Coral NORTHWEST LtAGlrl (Final auntflnst, first kail) w L pc. w L, Pel. Yakima 47 II .! Wtntrh 39 .409 Ku.cnc 34 2 ,SM SALEM 25 3D .3d I Lcwitn 3S: 5.W SpokJU 13 43 Vt Tri-Citr 37 30 532 Sunday i results: At Tri-Clty 1. W. natchee 0: at Yakima 4-4, Eufena 1 3; at Spokart 3, Lcwliton I. Cusrna ki of Cleveland. "I doubt if any of those fellow (who pitched Sunday) would ruin their arms If they have to go three Inning. Tuesday," said Sten gel. Bob friend ai Pittsburgh, who Boaters Paced By Woodrof fe MOSES LAKE, Wish. I-Paul Woodroffe of Salem, Ore., wai a three-time winner Sundiy the first innuil Moses Like regatta was held here in 93 degree heat befor an estimated 1.000 specta tors. Participating in the eight races were 111 boats. Woodroffe. won the D-U runabout, the A-D stock hy dro and the F hydro events. Phil Montgomery of Richland won the. A stock hydro race with 13-year-old Bill Schumacher of Se- a physician I atiie, younicsi oi ina dooi nan- Alston may .witch to Robl ! die, second and Jim Ross of Ta- DiWt. -1 Dkll.J.I.UI. an, let 1 COUli XliXXQ. nuimia in g iiiiauriLinai witv ) i , - . D-U runabout 1. Woodroffe; 1. Harold Tolford. Seattle; S. Rorkey Stone, WUlamena, Ore. C stock hydro 1. J.S. Blsch off, Seattle; 1 Clay Fox, Camas. Wash.; I Walter Graham, Gig Harbor. . B-U runabout 1. J e i a a y Sangster, Seattle; 1 Harvey Relnke, Salem, Ore.; 1. Herman Waterford. Bridgeport, Wash. A-D stock hydro 1. Woodroffe: 1. Burt Ross. Spokane; 3. Dick B nines., Seattle. B stock hydro 1. Jim Hale. Seattle; 1. Jack Hamana, Pasco; 3. Neil Cooper, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. - C service runabout 1. Stone; 1. Bischoff; 3 Harold Tolfordv Se attle. r hydre1. WoodrofU; 1 Ross; I. B runes. I in ft on. . Clark Takes SW Oregon Golf Meet COOS BAY III - 'Vary Clark 53-year-old Grant. Pass amateur, defeated Don Birk, 31, $ and 4, Sunday to win the 14th annual Southwestern Oregon folf tournament. Th two finsllsts were tied at He led lU the way In the flnsl II holes. Gary Geertsen, Eugene, won the medalist, trophy with a flip of the coin. He and Dirk Hanen, Coos Bay, had low 70s la the qualifying round. i third on single, an Infield out end an error. Yakima rallied for pacific coast leaoi'i I.... ...... 1. ...k th. fnortk W L Pet. W L Pet. T.i. . T i l. Seattle 7 M .13 Bacram 44 4ft ,m sixth frames. Vince Moreci horn-, u,, An, w M ,51 s. Dir 4.1 so .w ered with one on for th brace of Hoiywd 414.1 sn s rran 4350 tsi rornna o ..iw vancvr jjm ..ra runs In the fourth. In Sunday's other two NWL gamea. catcher Don Lundberg hit a bases-loaded homer for Wenat chee in the top of the ninth to help give his team. 1 t-l van over Tri-Clty, and Hillls Layne stabbed Ronnie Jackson's line drive . to start a game-ending double play that assured Lewiston of a 5-3 , win over Spokane. Lewlaton . Spokana .. acnaiicn and Wsekly (.) and Roasi. ,04 eoo 001 1 14 1 . 000 sos 001 s . 1 Donahua; Rounds, Sunday's resulta:.At Seattle s-3. Portland 2-2; at Lot AnfHes 2-0. Hnl Jywood 3-4: at Sacramento 7-1. San Die.o 9-S only amri scheduled. NATIONAL I.EAGl'E W I. Pet. W L Prt. Clnclnn 44 30 .$! Pltuh.h 35 37 .4SS Milwauk 41 30 .977 Chic (O 31 40 .4.17 Broklvn 42 32 .9H Hhlladl 42 43 .427 St. Lou 37 3S .487 N. Y'rk 30 41 .423 Sundav'a results: At Philadelphia 1-3. Brooklyn S-2: at Ntw York 11-2, Pittabur.h 1-5: at Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 1; at Milwaukee ., Chlcaso 10. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. N. York 12 26 ,IW7 Detroit 34 41 .447 Chlcaso 43 30 ,M9 Balllmr 33 43 .434 Wanatrht 100 110 lOS-t I 1 I Cl.velna 44 31 .M7 winstn 31 so .3M Tii-Clty ooo ooo lool . 3 Boston 40 .333 K. City SS 4. jo. Mlrhal and Lundbers: Aldrtdae. i Sundav'a results': At Boston S-l. Meraet ill, Afna til ana Zrl. First game: 01 MO 11 T 1 ooo ail 4 . i I Baltimore 1-4: at Washington 1. New York .: at Chicago 5-. Detroit 17-.; 1 at Kaneas City 1, Cleveland 17. Yakima Prnfold and Cauthier; Younf and Naal. Major League Leaders NATIONAL LIAOVB BAH R HPrt. Bailey, CinclnnaU SS I S3 30 11 .331 Rover, at. Louis 7 tn .7 M ..121 Roblnaon, Clclnn. 74 2M SS 11 .313 Aaron, Milwaukee SI las 43 SS ..110 Moon. at. Louis 71 2M 44 7 Jo Muilal. at. Louis 71 SM 43 SS ,3ns Clemente, Plttsbfh S4 Mi IS S3 -103 Walls. Plttiburih IS IU 40 71 .JOI Alhburn. Phlladel 73 307 41 M .300 Lonf. Plttiburih 7 15 2 7S JOO Homa runs: Kluasawakl, Cincinnati, U: Banks, Chlcaso. II: Boyer. St. Louia, SO; anlder, Brooklyn, ll; Rob inson, Cincinnati, IS. Runa batted In; Baver, Rt. Loins, 0; Mualal. St. Louie. 4a : Klurrewskt, Cincinnati, W; Long, Plttiburgh, SO; Banks, Chlcaso, 4S. AMERICAN LEAGUE O AB R HPet. Mantle. New York 74 17S 70 101 .171 Maxwell, Detroit ST 111 41 7B Jl Kuenn, Detroit 1S7 3 II -1M Vernon, Boston SS 107 31 II .324 Rkowron, N. Y, so Is IS S4 J23 Nelnun. Baltimore SS ! I. 14 J21 Kell, Baltimore MM 13 M X Lollar, Chlraao II 127 SO 71 Jll Rneen. Cleveland II 111 41 as Jll Jensen, Bntton ' 71 ISA 37 17 Jll Mmoao. Chlrafo TS 131 13 71 Jll McUbugald, N. Y. 141 II 77 Jll Homa runs: Mantle. New York, : Werta, Cleveland. II: Bauer, New York. II: Rrrra, New York. IS: Rlev. era, Washington, 17; Maxwell, Detroit, 17. Runa hatted In: Mantle. New York. 71: Werti, Cleveland. II: Mmpaon, Kansas City, .1: Lemon. Washington, Raima, Detroit, t silvers, waaa- Joyce Ziskc 'Wins Syracuse Event SYRACUSE. N.Y. W - Joyce Ziske of Waterford, Wi... slipped to a 79 in Sunday's finsl IB-hole round of the Syracuse women's open golf tournament but her two previous record-breaking scores of 71 enabled her to hold off a flock of challengers and take Gables, Fla.. to try to prove his first victory over the Cuban, April It at San fYancisco, was no fluke. McMurtry, who has been held to one draw while winning all other bouts in his short csreer, takes on Euard Charles, the for mer heavyweight champion, Fri day at Tacoma, Wash. It Is the most important bout for McMur try since the youngster from Ta coma turned pro. Castellaal Faces Giambra Rocky Castellani of Cleveland, once the leading middleweight challenger, meets Joey Giambra of Buffalo, -N.Y., another con tender for Ray Robinson's crown, Friday in the Madison Square Garden feature. Giambra has won all three starts this year since his discharge from the Army while Castellani was upset by Gene Fullmer but came back to whip John L. Sullivan, who lost twice to Giambra, Middleweight also top the Mon day show at ''St. Nicholas Arena where Willie Troy, Washington, D.C., puncher, takes on rugged Jerry Luedee of Wsshington. Troy has mixed with the best, beating Bobby Dykes in his last outing. Last year he ran into rough going and wa. stopped by Floyd Patter son and Chuck Spieser while mix ing with heavier men. He d 1 fight a draw with Willie Pastrano, now a ranked heavy. Luedee has lost twice to Rory Calhoun in free swinging battles. He won hi. last two in Quebec. Outdoor Shaw Slated Wilf Freaves, the new Edmon ton middleweight managed by (Ceat. on page 9, cal. 1) hiIH that the nennltv waa ton' stringent and reduced the penalty to one year, After the meeting. Conference spokesman Glenn T. Seaborg of California and Commissioner Schmidt both were firm in their refusals to disclose names of those ineligible or to fix the status of the players Involved. In a review action, the Univer sity of Washington was directed to furnish to Schmidt not later than Aug. IS, a "detailed account of steps and procedures taken" to provide identity of students wh6 received Illegal payments from the Greater Washington Advertis ing Fund. The commissioner also was au thorized to rescind to one year in the athlete's individual sport the ineligibility assessed against Washington athletes In place of the original penalty of permanent ineligibility in all sports. I'CLA Case Sidestepped No mention of the UCLA case, in which three years probstion and penalties totalling $95,000 were assessed was mad after the meeting. As far as the faculty memberi and athletic directors are con cerned, a ipokesman said, the re view of the UCLA, USC. Califor nia and Washington cases is fin ished. No further reduction or allevi ation of penalties is contemplated, it was stated. . The conference spokesman em phasized that the reports received at the conference meeting this Play Resumes In Softy Loop Second half play la th Capital Softball League gets underway to night at 7 o'clock with a double header at Phillip rield. In the tint game, First Chris tian will tsngle with Keller Elec tric. Nstionsl Gusrd meets tha Prison Officers in the nightcsp. All trsmi will remain in the same league instead of splitting up it hid been previously planned. The league champion ship will be determined by a double elimination tourney be tween the top four teims it tha end of the regular scheduled set-son. 2 Bettors Top Previous Record PCL Line Scores rirst same: (tan Diem 101 100 10-1 14 Sacramento Ill 211 7 II I Mesa, Hrrrera (41, Hosklns (71 and Aitrnth: Bearden. Candini (7) and down first priie money with a H-j " hole score of 221. Second sam (1 lnnlniil: Ran Dleso 010 121 I I - ... nan Uieao Ruth Jessen of Seattle was low Sacramento one no o-i t i matanr fim.Mno uiik . oi I Atkins and Rt. Claire: Btanka, R 71232. AGUA CALIENTE. Mexico (JT) Two-dollar horse rare bettors, using free coupons slnng with money, accounted for a record 8 10 pool of $36,632 Sunday. It wss divided, lrss the track's 10 per cent, for $913.80 each by weekend did not constitute com- 36 who picked four winners in pliance with the self-criticism re ports which the conference presi dent, directed be provided by July 15. He indicated that such reports would be expected from all the conference schools by the end of next week. (Cent, page t, eol. 1) WAR MARSHALL VICTOR SEATTLE I War Marshall scored a come-from-behlnd victo ry in the 23rd running of the Ta coma Handicap at Longacres horse race track Sunday. Jones (S) and Balch, McNamara (I), First same: Hollywood .. no one oni 1 1 l Los Ansrlea 0110 100 001-1 I Artnyo and Naton; Plerettl, Ander- eon l and Tappa. Second lama (T Innlnsil: Hollywood ., 00 101 14 I Loa Anselea'. 00 000 t 4 Wade and Hall; Drott and Tappe, Hannah (ll. ShafeiyGroff 'Teams' Win Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shafer and Mr. and Mn. Gil Graff walked off with the top prizes In the Husbind- wne mixed two-ball foursome matches held Sunday at the Salem Golf Club. The Sharers took low gross honors with 76. They were fol lowed by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill who had 60. , The Groffs rantlired Inw net honors by posting a 62 score. Be hind them in second place were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholls with 67'. the fifth through tenth races. The coupons, good for f 1 on a $2 bet, wen from trsck adver tisement, in Lo Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego, Calif., newspaper. A count to determine how many coupons were turned in wn not completed Sundiy night. Previous high weekly pool to tal, since the 5-10 wigering wn started April 13, wai $9,138 last Sunday. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY to really aea the country on your next trip ait from UNION PACiriC'a apacl out new Dome Coach, lux urioua Dome Lounge and excluaive Dome Diner. t CALL UNION FACIFIC RAILROAD FRED LINGENFELDER, Gen. Fincngrr Agent Phone rorUand CApitol 7-7771 Put This It Mean: In Your Bonnet Bargain; at Bishop's Soon! Get Ready-Set-and Go-To I DOWNTOWN T SALEM (J STORES OPEN V 'j TODAY TO Jj lest of Service Greatest Values . 1