;l2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Monl, July 9, '58 0 Oecorofed Mefol . fUtl Sample Sfiaa HERBOLD nrDUA.iirr Uf. a? mtda a Hw Sre., D SERVING IKAT5 XaaadOvafShea or Obfong II Beaj. If e treys kt eaeke ef To devotee) enetsoge for Monday, eeod aajrrJa cormpondmQ to rajnabers of your Zodioe birtti tiga a-W-IOfOl 4V36.3SS4 frI?SMAS-f tkla Tlahfaaar aad MtjM s a iiai fki If I I Voul 31 32 41 T. OCT. 34 f.- NOV salarM daalfat. 2 l31 J Vou'M 3 T. . 4V And 4 for S 0 Ba 7 Carta ' 2-39c Caataatratt far Hair lr- H Year eaaartaalty a try tkata iC J kaaufv iit at aaaailtayaal F- " J I 5 SOW 4 IM She Ba 34 lot With f.Jtll MM 35 K6-7MJ0A 3 la 37 Ym I IVatd Attar Mr II, ItUI IVatd Attar My II, ItUI 7 I win 31 Vsur 3 Of 40 ThMF 41 Make 42 Txw OO A a a a a q"ia a o a a cd a a 70 Out p-7Mj-jjri 72 Van 41 Ch.ilW 44 LM 45 hn ' 73 V 74 Outaaa 75 Nm 0 8 MB M.V2S 7 ST", ysn-UTs-ad 10 T.a M hp'. 12 Vou 1 IJ Howe 14 WiH 14 W . ' I WMk 7 W ... 15 Km is Bvay 30 Your ' 21 MM 22 l-ww 23 Aim 64 Or , 71 r . , 2 Sa . 27 Alarl 2 GmnJ 2 OOMofce 47 CkMCW 4 AHMtM 4f SkuMV 50 Nn 31 fo. SJ CoratlM 53 Ba 54 Couw IS OrhM it Can 57 Ba S Your 5 A4 0 Goo 77 To 71 tuHil 7 Your 0 AoVanturaud I oiMMak 2 An4 3 Your o Today 7 Tm S C 0 Gloom WAN. II . 7-i-i pia aw 41 451 431 lfjlB77Q "j. We IT NBC Saves Series From Theater TV 4 Br EVE STARK HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: Tht natioa's. viewers owe voU of thanks. In my estima tion, to tho National Broadcast Company, here- , ' . . after knows as ; " - nou. 07 a rain-er- axpei sive stroke of the pen. the net- work has guar-1 antee4 that the World Series will be kept out " ef the hands of the Theater TV people or the next five years and has blasted the hopes of the toll-TV people as well. The World Series has al ways been a plum so far as TV is concerned and an event that the Theater TV people, in partic ular, would dearly love to get their hands on. But in another five years the tradition of "free aid" for the World Series win be so strong that it seems hardly likely public opinion would allow ny change. ., NBC. in putting up no less than lit.2S0.000 for the TV. and radio rights, or 13.230.000 a year, has Bet, of course, acted entirely un selfishly in the matter. The net work have fought both Theater and toll-TV from the beginning, la sewing up the baseball classic. s well as the Rose Bowl games. NBC baa taken two prime attrac tions away from those who would put TV on a box-office basis and has made its own position that much stronger. ; , ' I have aever bee ssassed to tefl-TV. the prases system wkereby a leJeekeeje er eeia taehnaeai ea eoe 'I set weaU en able ewe to par a email tea far see M pwsible exease fee the ex IsUare ef Theater TV, especially when Ma ksieat ss to raid the prev- ksce af free televtslea-es It has bag alaee beea deiaf la the ease of' heavyweight eaamplee sblp fights. It serves only to ttae the packets af a few select pea pit, aatf serves the TV hrihulry aad she paMie aet at aO. THERE IS NO predicting show business, which is what makes it the wonderful business it is. Steve Alien bad a pretty routine show : KOAC, 550 k.c 'aOAC Maaay) H W .i-Th na weathar; J l uparlally fnt Womm: U:aS Summrr Storv Tim; ll:aa Tlx Conrart Hall; II at Vnm Mawi and WaaUtar; U II fm. Noon Farm Hour; 1;M Melody una ; i:ja uraal woman of rranra J H MacIXm.lo a AnlholoiY'. 1:M- Maraorr Book of Mualc; !; Ora- Inn Rapertar; S:IS Mualr of tha laateri; 4:1a Join tha Navy; 4:11 On the Upbaat' 4:4a Ntwa Com tnantary: l:aa Chtldran Thaatar: la-Art In Chanfine Amarlca; S:t -The Nawa and waathar'. S:IS Pat tarna of Ttiouaht: : Out ol Mv Ltla: S:aa-Hara'a to Valararu: 1:a Mamoriaa of Hawaii: 7:11 Ivanlnf . Vrm Hour; : Kayboard Claaalra: I O Tha Nawa and Watlhar; at Mualc That Enduraa; IS Tha Bwa and Waathar: ll.at lfn Off. last Sunday, uved only by the presence of Andy Griffith, and completely wasted the talents of Imogens Coca. Yet he topped the opposing Ed Sullivan show in the ratings for the first time since the "Beverly-Hills" spectacular turned the trick last January. What did it, apparently, was the presence of Elvis Presley, a young lad who badly aeeds a haircut, has very little genuine talent but who nevertheless is enjoying a freak wave of publicity, most of it bad. His singing voice, to put it bluntly, is terrible; and his at tempt to swsp lines with Steve Allen bordered on . the pathetic. And that combination apparently is what it took to beat Ed Sulli van. You Just never can tell. (Coerrlfht lSM. General raaturaa Corp.) Channel Qiuckles By BH, KEANE Naw, aaea, aa aauterrapted haH-hear af staaaUag ea the car aer. watching all the girls go by . . r r cor WXH vj; 7T?1 KVALTV, VIIF 13 , fVORNI: KVAt-TV, Ckaaaaf M fMandayit iM Slop, Look It , Lil ian; S:fS ll'a Fun to lUdura: I M Matlna Thaatar with Hufh Mflxry aad Joha Bailay in "Marl Sunon C Harry" whan a miiuatar'a car a braaka down, ha apanda the mint with a atranf and bitlar family; 14 Modarn Romaneaa; IM-Com- rf Tlma: 4t3a duaat Bonk; :aa f Itoundiipi Si4a Tha Nawt; t:M iporta Haadllnaa; 1:11 Waathar Raoort; S:H DUncyland with "A Tnbuta) to Joal Chandler Harrta," araator of Uncla llamui and Br'ar Bioif." t:SS Ctaco Kid: MS I Saarch for Adventure with "JuniKt Traila;" I at Vic Oamena Show; . K, -Walla, Charlaa DraVa and Jan Jrtiner In "A Mailer of Conaclanra;" I S.ja Famoua PUyhoiuc; ia:at ' fldf 714; IS: Tomorrow! Had , oaaa; IS:4S Tha Manhaa. dentiat with a CAS. L0A $25 to $2000 Prompt, privets loans on sixjnaa Sure ajtjy, aute or furniture, J-trip aervlee. Phone nrtt. 7. i "CsJ" Btsvenaa, Msasger X Pbone: 4-3396, Salem Haurti Mon -Fri. I-J.JO Sal, I JO-JI Open evenlnot by appointment laM awa M mMmh mmf riD r.CrirT leCaltarS In loteryeors when you " v "plan to retire with a regular Income provided by life Imuronce. . Toft over wifh fhe Mos from rrlanvfacturen. !l.vg iAj;lir irtl;; lrl A. fcooch Jupervitor Salem District TaleprraBO talttn H-3J14 . v k y i I 1 yi J11 , ,o Own hJuon I eT aw as am v ' 1 I i 1 Jtef. U.U Sfofioaary ELECTRIC FAN I" llsdael Tlta User Dowel 3?8 .8.M Chrama tafaty faara1!, kaavy, aea-tia kaia. IS" OaalHaMaa Saa Saf. It. ft Mao aaly (13 f? (rink IiIisi trill BARBECUE BRAZIER a M" Grill a ("Rubber Tire Wheels for Essy Rolling 21.95 VALUE NOW AT QWl i-ii nr-a-fV MUM CREAM DEODORANT , UatKed Thae SpeeMt ' Raf afar 43c - 1 2 far 69C FREE! Curse) Spray TWEED HAIR SPRAY wkea yae hey Ike m rf laa. IMS naflll. vl U BOTH FOR I Fret.' PINK ICE Haate Maia wM Ree. Ic 5-DAY PADS ' MsfslM faaWaaaaaBBaaaaf BaBeBaaat aTi4nlaIy aF,a'eaw,BawT ajrvjnBawaavaawv tSr 59c $1.09 Valaal loth far Me HEUNA RUBINSTEIN'S REVOLUTIONARY NEW WAY TO PERMANENT WEIGHT CONTROLI She helps you to a slimmer, beautiful fig ure with her healthful Reduce-Aid Tablets plessantly flavored and vitamin-rich in stead of lsxative or bloating help cure your craving for food snd cigsrettes 4 week supply, reduce book and purse kit - a I II I A R0LL-AWAY , TV TABLE S.95 Value 95 Easy-rolling Kasy-te-tura Wheels Arilitataklo J Fit Aay Table Modrl 'SAVE AT OWL! . n i i7 sW AW .50 VALUE "UIBIT Mi" TV ANTENNA TURN TOP Capped Wrought Iron Legs Easy-to- tnrn Top AdJusUble Fits Any Tsnie Model TABLE GenumeCAUDAK SnockToMe. A is OPEN M,lo1 w v vtdr SUNDAYS A Wh'. arsill i c.-?i l K . p rncef "Ch.4L i ii 'r-vvj Y a(h Scales- I Nevvi rSl jAVE AT OWL 5.9S Value 198 Doctor Discovtrs 100 Rtlitf for Acid Indigtstion ACfl faSgSjf! Aroitonc : . WJv.-r''5.W'."v kCMAMrVUU ; Johnson's BABY OIL Arrer-bawa al fal bvafky fVVtdttjaf (tloa. 90 Baby Powdar SaaHIa araaatnaa t ezs. ... 53c r? 3 im ''if, iVWN.' nice Trrrio tvtar inLvL ill in; af, chaw, amf7 with mmm 4 .. . $2.50! BRIAR PIPES , in ...orreo1 QP C Many syleil Mekenl -valaal' A,el Al9!aA Wan Ale""1" Helpi keep seeds out e Helps plate fit snug a Hslps ease preisure en ruros e Helps prevent (licking. Jf MARLBORO FILTER CIGARETTES 1 -4Slak I peawlar fUrar arlaal 95 Flip-top box. Carton i I.. H ffk. i Hl-Fofeacy Vlfoma-Minerol - RYBUTOL Gclucaps Saaolloa vheaiim ead stlaerelt. ftlaot RagufoHy $13.50 250s Caeraias 12 tiE 3.STAR MP" l . ,u wia Vale (II. Oealhf briars. Ror d Pom Cigars f- Hum Haari. litre freak J. S Baa.ll.lt KEYS DUPLICATED Tla af 25 53e WHILE TOD WATCH AT OWL 25c A Nlrh, J M"0' "' All A rid """moriH , - va . AU ON owe nr: i"a Nritt t.. .. a b Uv.7 Whar. y0'u "HVX OWL II w ,.- bI U A'";"i;y,., aT SrlM aaaaajaaBaT mi BROWN & HALEY 435 Here's our greatest value in choco- rOUND lates. You can't get better value BOX no matter what you pay, . . Assorted All Milk All Dark All Creams it tesa ss TV IrawB ( Hilsys' Mcur.lam Bars 3 for 25c Asnerica's Finest Confertlon Almond Roca Also la Boies, 5c snd LM "'fallawa..,., )l -'tended .Vi 'T"' Dsace -L9c Vr' T.98i Rrnrnii i rUUUHA ni a. svLTP ooiiBiffocf ULWM a i 1 1 sai aw am . lO-BlarJaSfl B'tt (JQ s V Oiipensar, for he er eaten. QyC l iF j Harvey's 5e . f SUGARLESS V GUM U Daliciaaa tlaaart far II ' "Maorlaaa" Slatanl it sek 5 ef 24- aJ , ft iiawnwi 1 Bttr Glasses 1 Ted, rale awd enieallvetf a reaerad. II Oasts Hollow-Sttm Bttr Gobltts REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT ! COPPER CLXD STAINLESS STEEL rtpfJpOfiAftt, IVi-Qt with Cover Ai L jULtg1 sauge PAN 0wI REG. 5.95