13-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., July 9, '56 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 6. Frmala 'parent (animals) ' AAwlnr 7. To bo fool, tohlyfotidof a tervaat ow Boraeback attending; 'aeariiaf , t.utk II. Debeee 1. Oreo letter II. rmiih 11. Reetored to 1. Diplomat; $. Lowtrpart of iraO BenaaUl W. Out loud U.Amnf . kit Una U. DuDlnlah 14. An ift4 niello U. Unit ef work 17. Aneothetio to. indium lty. It. Aiwiy 14. Amorlca Indian M.KDwpri ivar) t Venturas) M.ThMUr CtmdanU Itwtthtr 13. Meaoura. iCMa.) It PalnU a!oppi!jr 15. Devoured IT. Man'i iuun4 (POM.) II. Of ton 44. Eat away 41. Notched, ' ' a teat . ITetesd 47. Hit (slant) fWhirlpoe Don 1.AUMU4 1 Arabia kttar 1 Cost pared A A lew, ehlrptnf Bote BOTICal Of Mn 4ALI Sealed proposals will be received 1 the onOereigned until t et o'clock ri m.f Standard Oregon. Time, en the (ill day of July, lute, ana Immedl. etely thereefter will be publicly opened by Ihe District School Board ef OVrtool District Mn. I2SC, Marlon County, Oregon, for the purchase, at not Km than par and oecruea Inter eat. at tha following described nego tiable general obligation eeupoa bonds of oatd ertiool district. In tha Jnndpsl amount of 423,000 04, dated una 39, 1004, In denomination, of $1,000 04 each, and maturing aerially in numerical order aa follows: Maturity Datat Amount January I. U1 .. l,moi July I. IM7 . l.ooooo , IJOOOO January I. 1444 , Jul 1. 1M4 . ... January 1, 1444 , July 1. IN4 January I. 144 . July 1, 1N4 . January 1. 1441 . July 1. 1N1 . January I. 1444 . July I, 1M , January 1. 1944 . July I. IM) January I. 144 . July 1. ISM , 1.0110 00 , l.ooooo . l.ooooo , l.ooooo , 1.011000 , l.niooo , 1.000 00 . l.ooooo, , laoo eo , 1.0110 04 , lan oa , loa oe . l.ooo no January I. M34 , July I, 1M4 J.nroe Yisiee 1.000 0 January f). 1444 . July l. lew January I. 144T . , 1.000 00 . I.onone July I. 1M7 January 1. 1404 Iwaoe The bnnda will bear Interest pay ante semiannually at aurb rate or raiea. la multiples a aib a4 I"., not eaceedinf OV act annum, aa ahall be anartlied by tha aucceaaful bid art. Until the orlnrlpel f and the tntrmt opto tha bnnda win be paid at tha afica of the County Treaouror Of Manna County, Oraema. Tha bonda will bo an 14 to the luenaat bidder, but the dittrtct ecnoal beard n aery aa the nfht to re fri any or all bide. Vnleao all bide re raieciadL the bondo will be ware4 to tha bidder eomolytne, with we Wrme ef the notice el aale. and, aukmiitinf the Md which pro viaaa the tew eat aoat to the achool inrlcL Lark bid mwat be vaeeadltlonal. tnuat be acoomoaaied by a rerufiad mark or oeanjor I check la favor of tha dMtrkrl, of or aoaa a bank dotne, bualnaaa Ml the etale of Oraioa, la the aum W 4u00, and muat be en. cioaad la aealad eayelooo eddreeard to tne undorairncd and marked oa the outaide "Praeweal for oada No Inioroat will be allowed en tha de wait with the bid. but the ehrrk f the aueraaaful biddar will be re- uiaoe aa Mn paymant of the bonda or to secure the arhaol dutrict aaalnat any )me reewlUn from fall, uie ef the bidder to comply vita the terms of hie Md. Feck bidder Hull Include la his bad a ttaiamont of the total inter at red la the district. If kia bid be creoied. Tha surrooaful bidder will be fur lined with the writiea opinion of WinlrM, btcCuilorh, (huler avre, ef Portland. Oretoei, lo the effect thet the boetds mneUtuie the valid and krilly blndina obUfatMaa ot the oaid arhaol district. The bonda will be delivered com plete, without undue delay, at the eapenee ef the School district, at ouch eiiy In Oreeon aa tha eucceseful bid der Shall name. MAP.IHA 4FPANr.F!n, Clerk rhool Dutrlcl No. IMC, . tlarino County, Orefnn. AODRISt: hot 1. Boa T4, 4alem, Orefnn. tlrat ouhii.hed July 1 a. sat published July 4. 14. . JJJ JTi',.,r VACATIOW NOTII 4 14 MIB.BY OIVIM that Adam Enael and Iliiabath Enael, his wile, on I he Urd day ef May, ISM. filed a petitiM with Ike City kecord- In llatlna procoedin(t in vacato the Ureal deecrlbed aa loUows, town: Beftnninf at a point 4414 feet aiiirir imni ino aoutneast cor ner af Lot 11. Vnaet M-iahi- a. tioa alonf the w eat aide of Kneel A,.'i'?iJh!!c l,or,h ' eat. 11114 fewt; thence North 4 4r Eaat f ,he aouthweat corner f Lot 11 Inaal Heighta Addition; thence Easterly alonf the Pouther ly line of Let It. 11444 feel to the eViutheaat .aomer of said Lot l a5e? J". outherly direction 40J1 feet lo tha place ef be.innlne for tha reaaon that . -". uaed by tha puhiiend there la m necessity for-surh street, the dedlca- Miin, oeen nad ana mado art. or lo 0 replat of tha adniimn that II would be beneficial to vacate aald street, and there la aa need or necessity of retaining, the same for jvublie use. The Common Council o IK cm. f litem has fliod the lltk day of Ausuit, im, at the hour at 1 at clock p m aa the time, la the Council Chamberi In the Clip Mall In aslem, Orefnn, as the place for hearing aald proeeedinte and any and ail objections and remonstrances t the proposed vacation. Ohjectiona in such vacation, If any there ho, ahnuld bo made In writing and filed wnn ino t-ny necoraer or aald city prior so the time of the hearing B.Ti'!,Dr" or TH COMMON luuniu, juiv . moo. aLprkd mundt, City Deeorder. state of Grace D. La.HO Y B. aKOUSUf Attorney at Law 1404 filling Bids, Portland, Oregon aviiki iu iHiuuuiu l No laaili la the Circuit Court of the Plate of Oreeon tr the County ef Marloa Probata Department. Notice la hereby given that the ndertimed baa bean appointed ad y.inntralor of the aetata of Grace D. Veeoo, deceaaed. by the Circuit ourt ar tne aula of Oregon for saarioa county, ana has qualified ll persona having claims sialnst eaid estate are hereby notified to present tn same, amy verified es by lew rcoulred, la the undersigned at ti, teaman -Journal Bon log. Palem. Oreion, wuhla ail months from the ow'e herecr. Dated aod first published June II. 1PS4. Last publtcoilon July 4. IM4. ' trnoy a. ikouben Administralor t PROr B. IKOUblN norney i4 fsillnf Bldg., wrtiand. Oraaon. e.a4 a . n, ;Ui 1,1 It. To rival 37. Gusata Ji. Anglo. axon latter 19. Anjer 17. Epoch 0. Uner water era ft tfhort . ned) r ' f: 4r ini hi Mir niii rt ater4ef'( Aaeve 14. Curved 4 hort rowel 14. Enough (poat.) . . Itrinf I, inappiah 40. Obeervt 41. Man's name 41 Permit -w -r zlZZ.Y-- a- sr d- 1 1 W TW, MOT1CB Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore subsisting be tween) calmer n. aauier. atnuuuid T. ather, George W. Murphy and Alice as. asurpny. urmer tne nrm name ana atyle of Olooe Travel bervice. engagad In busincaa as travel and tour agents at feaiem. Corvallia and Joorth Bend In the state of Oregon. naa oeen aiseoivea pursuant to tne statutory law of the slate of Oreeoa and to notice ad withdrawal given to all partner! By tne undersigned, after and from tha first day ef July, lata, tar aa reiatee la ma undersigned Palmer I. gather and Brunhild T. 4ather, who retire from aald firm ana who hereby dtoclalm all liability for any fulure contract! oi said Globe Travel Service made on or alter the first day of July, lata. Tha uannlalMM businaae and af faire of the copartnership will be attended to by Ueorge W. Murphy, one of the copartner,, aald George w. Murpny being hereby authorized by the undersigned) to collect, receive and receipt for all moneys, goods and properties due or accruing to said perinershlp, and to discharge ell ob ligatwne ol eatd partnership and par- feu as all lla uaeaeculed contracts. PALMER H. IATHEP., BRUNHILD T. 4ATHt.lt. sue learaner Salem. Oregon July I t il NOTtr or INTENTION TO CUhSTflllT A Ot. OB NOT1CI MENEBV 18 GIVEN that the Common Council of! the City l Miean. Uregoa dee me it asressary ana expeaieal aaa hereby declaree lie put pose ana tntenuoa lo con struct a osnltory eewer line lo oerve the area south ot Clea Creek Boad between fall Drive and Cascade Drive, in tne Cl'y of Baiem, Ureon. la nccordance witn the piano, apoci ttcatrana. sod aatunatea lor sues sewer wklra were adopted by the Common Council June is. Head, which are oow an lUa Ut the office ag the city recorder and which oy thia ref erence thereto are made a part of una notice. The Common Council declaree Its purpose and internum to make sue aewor improvement at the e a pence and coat of tne property the Com mon Council deems benefited by tne construction of eurh aawer. to-wit. property la tha following described district: Beginning at a point an the south line of Lot la. West Ralem Ad dition, City of Salem. Polk County, Oregon, paid point being ijo jo teei northeasterly from trio southwest corner ot said Lot 10; theeere norUiwesterly and paral lel ilh Ine bo, theaeterly line of said Lot la. to a point on the north bank of the niaia drainage ditcb: tnence northeeeterly along the north bonk ot said drainage ouch to o point on the nortn eeatrrly Una oi said Lot 10: tnence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said Lot 14 and Lot I of Taggart's Bubdlvi eifa to the northeaat corner of aid Lot 4; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of aeid Lot 4, 00 feet: thence north westerly alonf the eoutherly ex tension of Lot 1 end 4 of aald Tagsart'i Bubdlviaioa and tha nortnesaterly line of said Lot f end I to the northeast corner ot laid Lot 4; thence aouthweelerly alone the northwesterly line of aald Lot 4 and the southwesterly extenunn thereto tn the south easterly corner of Lot 14 of aald Tagaari duhdivismn: thence northwesterly along the north sealery line of Lois It. II. 14. end 11 of said Tsgiart Subdivi sion to the tiorthcsst corner nf aeid Lot 11; thence aouthweelerly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 17 to the northwesterly corner of oald Lot It; thence weetsrly la a point an the east erly line of Estate Court, aald point being eoutherly from tha interserunn of the easterly lis f said Estate Court with the eoutherly line of Clea Creek Boad UT feet; thence westerly along the eoutherly line of aald Clan Creek Boad to the Inter section ot the southerly line of eaid Clen Creek Boad with the eaeterly line nf Caecade Drive; thence southerly along tha eaat-e-y Una of said Cascade Drive to a point 14 feet southerly of the northerly line of Lot 4, Block 4. Kmgwood Terraces. If meas ured along the eaiterlv line of aaid C a s r a d e Drive: thence norlhessterlv to a point en the northoesterty line of sold Lot 4 isald nortneesterly lino also being the eotithweslerly line of Vvesl galem Addition). Bald point being anutheasterly from the northwesterly line ef aald Lot 4 SO 4 fret, thence snuthesaterly along the southwesterly line of aaid West Baiem Addition to a point southeasterly from the northwest corner of Lot 4 of aald West S.lem Addition 44.44 feet; thence northeasterly to a point on the northeasterly line ef aald ' Lot 4. aaid point being south easterly from the northeasterly corner ot eaid lot 4. 4404 feel; thence northwesterly to the nnrthssst earner of sa d Lot 4, 40 44 feel; thence easterly to Ihe northwest corner nf Lot I of said Wast 4a Ism Addition; thence - eoutheesterly along the onuth veeterlv line of said lil 4. 114 II feel: thence north 40' 4J' eaat 10 43 feel: thence southeasterly fiarallrl with the northeasterly ino of sold Lot 4 to a point en the southeasterly lino ef aald Lot I, oald point being south westerly from Ihe southeasterly ' corner of aald Lot 4, 1 tl feet; thence northwesterly along the southeasterly line of oald Woet Baiem Addition to tha point of ' beginning. The Common Council wilt, ot o'clock, pm., July 43. IH04. In 1 44 the council chambers nf the city hall, hear and consider ohjsctlone. If any mere ov. io i ne proposed newer im provement, er the assessment of total cost or any part nf Ihe thereof sgsinst ssld district or aartlrulsr pro natty therein. mat ony The plane and snecificatlnni above referred In mav be easmined at the office of the eltv recorder, and ony intereeiea property owner may rertain his eonroxlmate shore of cost of frisking the Improvement at fhe office of the city engineer. By Order of the Common Council Juno 14, 1444. At mm MUNDT, City Bocorder Cull-a..! T J daaaified Index "Par taut Ceovemenea" lit Meeting pjotteee Ml Loot and Pound 114 TrenapoTtatMa 114 Personal aiempa ana Ceine 444 ACBlCULTXaB tot Lrveetoek for Bale 403 Livestock Wanted tot Poultry end Bahblta , 407 Pur Bearinf Anjsaij lot Pete 404 Bee Peada 414 heeds and Plants 411 fruit end farm Produce 413 ferUllrer 414 farm Equipment 424 Auction Sales 4H MtftCMANDIilE 4AI Machinery and Toole 4M Wanted Marninery Too la 4M Sewing Mernines 4M House Goods for Saia 4M Wanted House Goode 4 7 Badto and Televsioa 4Sg building Matrriala IM Da It YourseU 400 Musical Instruments 404 Sports Equipment 404 Bicycles we trade Mieeeiianeoue 44 Per Rent Miscellaneous V for Bale. Mitcellaneouo 47 Wonted. Mlscallaneouo 414 Miscellaneous 44 leal M0 BUSINESS AND F1NANC1 14 Money to loan Sit Loans Wanted 114 Inveaintento era EMPLOYMENT tot Help Wanted 404 Help Warned. Man Help Wanted Lady a pirkere Wanted 110 (ales Help lit Work Wanted. Maa 114 Work Wanted. Lady lit Situations Wsnted 17 Job Information 111 Education 414 Day or Contract 744 RENTALS 701 Sleeping Rooms Board ' 701 Wonted Rooms. Board 7o Apartments for Bsnt 704 Duplexes 707 House for Bent 707-A furnished 704 farrr.e for Beat 704 Wanted la Rant 714 Wanted to Bent llouaea 711 Wanted lo Rent Apia. 714 Btiaineea Rentals 714 Reeort Rentals 7tg Convalescent Homes 144 Moving and Storage 400 HEAL EMI ATE mi Business Opportunities Mi Business Property 03 Suburban log Houses for Ssie 07 Apta. Courts far Bala . aid Lot, for 4a la 414 Parma for Rale it Exchange Real State 14 Reeort Property 14 Wanted Baal aetata CI Insurance 44 AtrroMOTrvk M New Cera M Used Car, for Sale ill Aula Ports and Bepalr S Tru. ks, Trsilera for Bala . M Wanted Cars Trucks AS Motorcycles the 10 Ante Miarellan BA1 House Trailers eM Heevy Equipment 04 Aircraft as - the TO PLACE AD Phone 811 ; Advertising llateamae-Jeamal Newipapert IN N. Charts SI PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. t Baas) eWeektava eefaa, oar line I time. .44 .44 per une 4 times at to per line I timed II JO ' 41 44 oer Une 1 ma 44 44 Unci. Sua) Classified ads will be run la netti papers la give advertisers the advsntates of ihe tremea combined eirculatiena When oa ad at ordered three ar oix timee end o dundey Issue is included I for example rndsy. Saturday Sundayl the lower Sundsy rates apply because only The Steteemaa oubliaheo Sun days Classified ads will Mart la the morning Oregoa Stateeman. con clude In the evening Capital lournal but ads . will be ac cepted for Sunday Salesrnaa only. . The deadline for classified ads ia I.HO p m. the day hetoro pub lication axcept for Sunday Whea deadline la 4 34 p m Friday Emergency eda ana amall line eda received efier 100 la weenoavs ana until 1J tatudray for Sunday ma o laced la the Too Late to Claa ily' column. Ada for Monday aanero must aa ia by I p.m. Saturday The Stateemaa-Jeuraal News. eapera reeerve the right ta re- ieci aueetionaBie oovariiaing: 11 furliier reserves the right ta olece all advertising aader the atoper claaaificaUoa. Tha 4 tales man-Journal News- papera assume aa financial re iponaibillty for errors which may appeor la advertieementa oubllahed ia Its eolumno and In cases where this paper la at rsun win reprint mat part ef sn odvertlsement In which the typographical mistake occurs js oiina eia en ea contain ing a autetman-Joumai Nawa apera box number for aa ad draaa Is for the protection of the odvertiaero and must there fore be answered by letter. The .talesman Journal Newspapers re not ai nncrty ta dieuiee in formation aa to the Identity ot an advertiser using o "Blind' aa THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES le protect its readers against fraud deception or iniurles Readers are cautioned ta make MO PAYMENTS le get o po tiboa advertised la tha help a-anted columns All nelp anted ana MUSI SPECIfV THE NATURE Of THE eVOheV Sales nelp wanted ads must state rt the oay to la the form ef salary commission,. guarantee or Include firm aeme Bona fide offer of em ployment wltb pay belong so Ihe "Help Warned- columns as in ather eolumno which re- guire inveetmeni la clocks. I ia Tip lea equipment ar easn j end ant u id he thoroughly in eeetigaed tie fore oaving out any money Advertisers re- erinng a cash investment for samples or merchaidtse sales ana etc. must so specify in their ada kindly report ony exrepuoa to vnia ruie ta ine ciaaaiiied oa- 'erttstne manager phone 4-6811 Too Late to Classify WE BUY SCRAP IRON PH. 2-2341 100 Dlgploy Cld44ifidl YOU Can SURVEY Accurately With No Experience! SEARS Budget Priced Surveying Instruments Start aa low as Mo. II As Little As , 10 DOWN Sears Roebuck & Co, 1M N. Capitol 300 Personal 310 M tln Nor.cd BAHAIt world fslth Information, write Statesmsn-i'rnl, Box lit. 312 l4f and Teund LOST Roan .horl-hnrn rail,' MiddK Grove Dlst. Ph. 4-40:14. 314 T roniportotion WANTED Ride Eaat shout July 20. Statesman-Journal. Box 174. 314 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Dent let your hills act you In trouble i you're behind in payments, we ran halo rati No oeiTirlty or cosigners need ed One olsre ta pay all hills "ay only whsi vnu can al ford l i Bonded and Licensed fnr your Droieclionii CREDIT CONSULT-rWtlS Salem T-aaas for mformatlrm 1 WILL not tie responsible fnr bills other thsn my own. James R. Morrill. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No I. 404 N. Coml J-ls.lf ALCOHOLICS Aaony ma 4V Commercial 4- 1144 PLACE YOUR d . Ml S M BAKBBT Peerleea Bakery 174 N Commercial Phone 4-I704 CAMBBA4 Caburn Cameras -174 N. Commercial Phene 1-IMI OBUOS . Capital Drug Rlnro Slate aV Liberty Phene 4-3114 - ' Ctiapmin'a Drug Slora 140 Candslsrla Blvtf Ph. 4-4471 free Delivery Mootry'o Pharmacy Bollywood Business Diet,' Keller Bualnaaa DltL PUBL Oregoa Fuel Ca Sawduat and Wood fl'RNITURg Krmel's Colonial Pumltura 4745 4. Commercial Phene 4-4741 JtWBL4 Alexander'a Jewelers Diamonds Watrhea Sllvensrare M.I Court 41. 100 Dliploy Ctoitified a'ai,sW"HMSll" in" i n i ii use eM m ! FOUR STAR JULY JUBILEE CLEARANCE Used & New Sewing Machines ,u PORTABLE ELECTRIC PORTABLE ELECTRIC PORTABLE ELECTRIC CABINET ELECTRIC . forward It Reverse Stitch. CABINET ELECTRIC . L4te Model With Buttonholcr. SINGER TREADLES FLOOR MODELS & DEMONSTRATORS REDUCED TO $60 Over 40 Machines to Choose From Come Early for Best Selection 1 SALEM 3-3512 400 Agriculture 402 LKtttock for Sola EOFt SALE, Jersey Cow, 5 yrs. old. 2 heifer calves St 3 feed er pigs. 3040 N. River Rd. Ph. -41Sd. j I TO 10 wit. old weaner ptgs, nice b wnne, viae riarci urn. fed. ',i mi. E. Toiem Pole. EXTRA good gentle milk cow. Ph. 1-310 after I p m. 1 VR OLD Brown Sm with 2nd calf. Large type, fresh 10 days wwhite faced heifer calf. Ph. 4-1400. GENTLE I yr Shetland CcTit" Refined, excel, conformation. By Grand Champion - Silver King. I ml. South of Baiem on 49E nppoeite fhell Station. PinkBldg. I CHOICE 'white face yearling Steers. t ml. N. of Aumsvllle on Shave Rd. Myron Port. TOP LOCKER beeffrom veai tn five yr. old choice yearling ateers lie: two yr. old at IV; 9 and 4 yr. olds st 10 lo l.V. Pick out your heef. I ll bring it tn when vou're resdy, Rt. 4. BoMA. JPh. tJ2!S SALEM Meat Co, locker beef Custom killing, cutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free. FOR SALE or trade some good colored saddle horses A kid ponies. Good 1.300 lb, black mare, broke single to work, ride and pack. 1 Shetland mares A several good aaddlea. 1314 Sflverton Rd. UROFFSJIONAL aorseshoer Lao Hanson. 4-0114 ar 4-HH3 : ibn SALE OT irsoe. aentle I pontes lor rhlldren. slso good i i aaaaie nnreea von r ranke, Mn J-4IM."' "" ivt,u"1- 403 LlFt44xfc Wonttd ; IM7 RUIfK rtpev Sdn In good conn, ii.ssi actual ml., trade for anykind livestock, cattle preferred. Ph. 4-341U. LIVENS TUCK buyer Claude tcl wardl. Ht 4. Box 91lH 4-1111 CATTLE, horses at your farm 4V C. McCandllah. Rt t t-m CATTLE buyer A. F Sommer, 1200 Harmony Dr Ph. 4-00)17 CATTLE huvera 121 State C L A H. Snethen. I-114S, 4-4M4. 404 Poultry and Robbiti CUSTOM DRESSING Of pniilirv Wa buy rnbhlts wing,!, .tuna mate. rh. 4-30IR. FOR RAI.E: Rahhlis, Csllfornl - ana e n r.. whites, i asa Leo. nerrv Ave . turn rltht on Al der, ihen left on Gary, then right on Leo. FRYERS FOR SALE Ph. 2 7751 BABY Chiclts hatched yr. riiund. Valley Farm Store. 4-4024. TURKEYS, oven ready, till your inciters now, 33c lb Ar up. Closed Set pm. A Sunday. Ktiykendall Fggsa pouliry, 2.TM Lsncaster Dr. Ph, 4-1111. 408 Pats COCKER piiets. purebred, blonde or red 1 white male lv , also I while Collie. 3415 Williams, MALE collie tn stve awkv tn farm. Good watch 4og. 1-4131. DACHSHUND pupnlss. minia ture, long hair, black ex red. A K.C. rrg. Ph. 4-7304. IS " PIIPPIER Wire Fn " Tecs". ' . Cockers, Pekingese, very reas. ririces. in. nioonilnes. nniit. as Kennels. Rcntta Mills Hiwsy ill N. Sllnrton 4 ml. astaa a. GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" lAwn SUPPUBS Hnwaer Brna. 1144 S. IJIh ' Cerden Tractor Headquarters Leather Ooees Shafsr Leather Goods IZ5 N Cominerclal Luggage fine Leather Ooodg PAINTS WALLPAPIB Htttcheon'o 11 N Commercial . Phone 4-4447 RADIO . Mitchell s Radio At T V. ' ISSS Stale St - Ph 4-7I7T Installing Salea 4i Servlco SERVICB STATIONS Batdnrrs Texara Station IMS ralrgrnunda Ph. 1-7494 14tli A State Ph. 4-44U Webb Anderson (Richfield) llth 4i Mission Complde Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio h TV. ISM state 41 Ph 1-7577 Installing Salea A Service TOO Ditploy Clottifjcd It i ' l " eaiii lien emar "SW irirvr'y M"fv W00DBURN 2-7912 rt 400 Agriculture 408 Pets BOSTON Terrier mipolei A K C. rcg . real nice. 2-44.4. COCKER Pups: - DonZollner" Rt. 2. Box 24. Stlverton. Hear . Howell Sch. ,. Pl'PPIKS from good" stock.' Ph. 2-KZI2. HUNTEHSrhere'iVour "ttjigr Lab rador Rcirievers. will he 1 months. Oct. 1st. A K C. reen tered. II3J "E" St., Salem. Pit i-a.i8. REG. Schipperke pups for aele. Ph. 4-loja. A K C. Reg. Black GeTrnTn lihephcrd puppies, best of breedine 125.110. Papers avail able. Ii.-t road to left past airport. Rt, 4. Box 4S-B. BIRD Paradne for "tnt, cafes uDOllei 3110 Livingston I-II42 V(ilfM(i parsKeets. cs(rs Feeds Mlcxeys mi S Com t 1751 FOR BALlCptippicS. all iun'l7 Come see afternoonll st 1346 Llvlngvlon or call 1-79HH W.lbiiy puppies snv kind REG. 4 mo" iheltira. tMin t"ni llesi free kittens. Th. 4-17.11. 410 Seed! and Plants BLOOMING lire Fuchlai. 35c. Burnett Gardens, Rt 4. Box 12. Ph. 4-:45L Closed Sundays. STEINF.RS NURSERY-Spccial Atilnes 50c up, 15 a doz. Plant, shrubs, bulhs A- flnw ers. 31R0 Market. Ph. 1-IM4. HOI'SE Plann","FuchsiasriO-lj; 25c. l-27at. 3424 Cherry. 41 3 Fruit tt Form Product U-P1C Y- Marshall Strawherrlcs. si craie z mi. a. of sravtnn. Fern R'.dge Road. Wllllsm " "lILTON APRICOTS Tree ripened from The Dalles Green Apple Mkl. 41105 Port land Rd. W II.LA M ETTE raVpberrles7r mi! F. of Lancaster on Prelum Rd. H. M. Schsffer. U-Plcft NorthwestVtMwherrles! Dave Ramscyer, Rt. I, Box lao. Ph. 4-IHH4. RASPFIEntUES, U-pIrk, 10c lb. Readyplcked 2)c.Ph. 4-UKKI. U-PICK pie cherries. 4230 Silver tnn. Rd. Ph. 1-3704. U-PICK Irrigated Mil Marshall. 10- lb. F Mever, lt ml. W. Flru-.li College Store. 2-1171. . prirf SALE: NoTT clover havT4 1 Ions. II J. Frddern. Rt. I, Box eat. Baiem. Ph. l-375. KITES U-puk place, black raps ev rtorthwest strswberries. 45M Rulge Dr., 1-5I. SIGUIER'S Uslry. SUte nspectcd lue milk Hoc ial 4-ln jug milk, Mlcgal-i. IT'S NOT too late, to get good N. west strswnerrlrs at Mar shall Chrlslofferson's. 2-2K.B U-PICK Northwest Strawberries 4c. Ernie Zlelinakl, l'i m. east of Toiem pole, across road from New Ilarel Green school. BLUEItEllRlES for sale, James I.. Itriiht, into South Pacific Highway, Woodburn, Oregonj STATE Inspected milk 4.V Ph i-ltii I', m. 14 let on state U-PICK , NORTHWEST STRAWBERRIES lOc.LB RfllNO CONTAINERS STANLEY RNFKO, RT I. BOX 7.1. BROOKS LOCATED I Ml NORTH OF BROOKS, HIWAY 44, PH. 1-1144 U-PICK "strawharrles, lrie ib. aUtiert (charor. fa. 4-4011. 400 Agriculture (12 Frui4 t Tarm Frixlucd U-P1CK Montmorency pie cher ries, loc per lb. Bring contain era. Duated throughout. At. A Box 470. Go to Pen 4 corners. go mile to Maclrav Rd. go enst on Macleay Rd. for 1 mi lea turn In at mailbox. PASTEURIZED whole milk. Tie 6sl Homorcnlled, 7Sc, Is gai n 40c Clssry Dslry. I-30J4. RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Brantner, Mil Chemawt Rd. 1-1300 aves. 413 Fartlliitr CHICKEN manure delivered, 414 truck load, sack ooe. 4-tOM or 4-003. ROTTED SAWDUST II yra. old. Use It like peet moaa for mulching flower beds or lawna. Call for price end delivery. Phillips Bros., Rt. 4, Box 460. Ph. 4-3041. PETE Moaa from chick trays, 7M sack, valley f arm more. 414 Fartw Equipmewl' fOR Sale: Allln-Chalmbert Com bine, practically new, 47M 4u verton Rd., K. S. Seely. 450 Mrrrhantlise 451 MBcMnary $. T00I4 SHOI'SMITH, 10" planner. a haner. rh(ins.iw. swlnff saw. ni.se. tools It Ihr. motors, clamps, misc. articles, rti. "DO IT vourscir' Iron legs fnr work benches, ISc-41 no. Vac uum motors, II SZ. Used Vscs 42.50 A up, A miac'L Ph. 1-an.ia. 454 $wiwfj Macriitids SEWING MACHINE ! Singer console, late model, for ward ev reverse stitch, only M. Easy terms. II per week. Libera! trade in. Ph. 4-110 Idlr I J I Repossessed, light weight,. Slng ff er portable, balance 44120. ft i Take over fnr 11.24 per week. , Ph. 4-ilM (dir.) 455 Houta Goodt for Said MOVING, must sell Crosier IShelvador refrig.. Glbeon ranee, draperies Ar blonde corner table. Rt. 3. Box 270, Molalla.Ph; 1771 MoUIU. ! PORT." G. E. Mangle, like "new! i 130. 1104 StorU,evea. RANGE Ar refrig. 4c furniture. 1070 Roger lane. S. Salem. BaTTHR IFTY Buy uaed "furni ture 4s appliances, THE THRIFTY WAY oa Easy Terms at WOODRY-S TWRIFTT USED FURN. Ill 8. Com I Ph. 4-1311 Linoleum ruga 0x12. 43 04 Valley Furn. Co, 211 N. Com l USF4l"efrVge7atoriril!'2"4ruo' Al Uur App. ::U State St. EASY apm dryer washer, good cond., 150. (15 Glen Creek. Eves. 2-6534. PLATFORM riikers747.95rucd Mtlse. Mart 170 S. Liberty Ph 4-6371. Open Frl. nights til I No down payment to.a c.l NEW tlltbark-Icwr7eh7irr Choice of colors. 4ti S. Used Mde. Mart. 27(1 S. Liberty. Ph 4-8371. No down payment load Open Frl. nights til I. US ED " Daveno-Special 42101 t : Used Mdse. Mart, 170 S. Lib L! arty. Open Frl. nights til I f Ph. 4-0371. No down payment I; I ma. c.i g FOH rsAL7a"rygood"1ilt7cab- l j mats. PlO. E.Ra'nga. 434. iB34Silver- ton Rd. ROLLA W AY bed usecTl months. Coil aprtngs, spring filled mal tresa, 430. Few odd chairs, skns with binders, odds and ends. etc. Going to Gcrmanv to )oln irr husband, muat oell. 174d So. Capitol St. IF YOU need a ainyle Item or a comolete household of new or iraea furniture or applianrea. Buy now on our cjsv terms Woodry s Tiirlfiy Csed Furniture 515 So Com'l Rt PhK 4-MII I block So Of Paper Mill HOU.Y WOODlwin beds: blue gray alin-cnvrred lounge A rhstr: hlrch-with-chtome din ette set; GE ant -aire range rrtr.g. rornh. nearly new: ore. I chairs Ik chest. Ph. 4-'2.5. TWIN PFOS mahnganv. com plete with sprines and hair malreaaes Fycellent condition and clenn. aan pair. 415 jf. 24th. Ph. J-imM D(;0-THERV7"l"rm. oil he'ster wfan. Msh. finish excel., , cond 10o0 Boone Rd. Ph. 2-JHK7. DRP leaf breakfast set 4 rhairs 10 a; Commercial. Apt. B. FnfF7ER almoat II ru. flgood customer msv assume 43 45 wk e. Ar H Green Ftvnns Pl dorfs Home At Auto 142i State St. Ph. I-IV? USFD armleas dsvero 124 HOGG HMDS. 2g State St. C'SFD Vacuum cleanerlll 50. HOGG BROS. 241 State St. Usm Walnut" dinlngYilte" 444" IKJGO BROS. J44 SUte Rt. USKD floor' lampr44.M. HOCG BHOS 24 Stale St. GENERAL Electric '24" pus it button ranre, GE dryer, Msy tsg atitomaMr washer. Chrome set. Inree rug and pad. new Hollywood bed. 2640 Portland Rd ttCS-ri u.nn naa t'U U bror i4 state st, L'MJ Kltoren cupooaro ansa. I HOGG BROS. 240 State SI, USED walnut buffet. Only 0i. HfiCG PROS. 244 State St. UVFINISHF.il furniture Stiff Furniture. 17.1 N II L. lligli USED 4 piece hcd,rm. suite 50 HOGOBR0S. 24 State 8L INLAID Lino.. II S per sq yi R L. Elfstrom Co. 184 S Lib erty INLAID Lino., 41 per sq. yd R L Elfstrom Co. 200 S. Lib erty Unfinisrifd Chestg, New 4 Drawers H ' t Drawers 44 M Flo Phono Orders Please HOCK! BROS. in Atate St. 1 INLAID l,t no II It per so yd R L Elfstrom Co 14 S Lib erty USED washers 413 A. up. Mod ern Appliance (enter. 1141 So. Cnm l Ph. 4-0305. N?,W , -ral ltc'rl 'reeiers. upright A chest tvpes. prices starting st 124" 95 S It H Green Stamps. Master Service niBiions. ana m. com 1. ' VACUUM" "CLEANERS 1 nearly new Electrolux tS0 1 model 10 Electrolux ... 4:4 50 1 Klrby, complete attachments 112 50 1 practically new Eureka 111150 All cleaners guaranteed, free home trial, easy terms. Liber al trsde-ln allowance. NO DOWN PAYMENT SALEM Mortar SEWING CENTER 2001 Fairgrounds Rd., Ph. 4-11(11 lino FOR your old ranre. Yes. we win give fino for vnur old range, rrsardlese nf condition on purrnaee oi jsn?M. (General Electric range. BAH Green Stamps Master Service Sta- llnns. Kll N. Cnm l. To place claiained tit call 4-681L Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDtNtt MACHINES Buy aa you rant All makes Moan-1 ypewTiiers, toe court Ph. 3773. aPPl.lANL'Et WfSTlNGHOUSE Woodry furnllure Co. , 474 So Cor.-I Ph 4-1111 ruuiMO CAPITOL Bedding Mattrcaa re novators New mattresses .3-40ef BBICK A BLOCK MA40N BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Pn. 4-t43t CARPENTEB CONTRACTOR NEW bluldlng. roofing or paint ing, remod., est, free. 4-4340, CARPKNTER CONTRACTOR framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement ar pumice block. Tree esti mates. 24 mo. to pay l-taw f-BANf WORK 35-ton Loraia anate crane Sa lem Sand a Uravel Co !-! I EXCAVATING VINCENT C NEAL Excavattnr Co. Excavating - Grading Ph, S-lfiM 450 Merchandise 456 Wonted? Horn Goodi CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-7471 10.000 CASH To spend for Hlfh grade Used Furniture It Appliances. Ph. 1-5110. Paying Top Prices for Better Grade. Glen Woodry, 140S N. Summer WANTED FX'RNITt'RE MISC. PH. 3-609I IOP CASH PRICE - FURNI TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 S I IRERTY PH 4-371 WANTED: Good clesn furniture ai appliances, will pay. top raah price. Ph. 4-4371. 457 Hadid nd TV 11" T. V. Console priced to sell. Free home demonstration. Terms. S H Green Stamps Batdorf's Home It Auto 1429 State St.. Ph. 4-0442. 458 Buildinj MaHtftols SURPLUS: New 4004 wstt Wall Healers, cheap. Ph. 1-OH30. AND LOTTSA" NEW IIAD BIRCH DOORS - beautifully desifned LOW COST I I INSULATION 110 sax. ALDER ahop as paneling price of birch I 8DG 43S, FLC. 44.54. PAINT 134 al. SCREEN DOORS 14 up - Alum Serena to fill FENCE MATERIAL all types. Won derful stains for finish see them I r PLYWOOD SPEfiAte,: 130 ghee's nf BIHC'H and KNOTTY PINE Cloaeoul 2.V ft ', Knotty Pine 15c ft. FIR PLYWOOD an sirs CUTTING FREE tremen dous selection. NAILS 4 keg CLOSFOUT -Odd lots Pine Pending )00 M, CFDAR BOARDS Rgh hark 10" (edar Sdg 111. M. 1x11 1044 Hemlock Csg. odd lets 4c ft. , 4l Sanded Plywood 11c 'ft.. Rsh. 4 4 23 sheet! CwH New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price PAINT GRADE JAMHS -191 set. Like we say "LOTS AND LOTTSA" "! Remodeling -30 MONTHS TO PAY -NOTHING f thafa rightl NOTHING DOWN Re, u, soon you U enjoy your visit. Portland Road Lumber Vrd 3444 PortUnd Bosd Ph. 4-4431 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY'' ELECTRIC aall heaters. vi r'f 52 gsl. elee. water healer. 43 12-1 wire, 4'jr ft. Light fixtures reduced. 1 pc. bath set. 1170, Built-in ranges, S off Outlet boses, 25c. 14-1 wire, 4c ft. Apex Electric A Plumbing. 1410 Rroadwav. Ph l-UMHI Open Frl. evea. We cut wire, pipe A prtcee. . BARGAIN 73-104 iq used flat roof tils. S210 Chemeketa Overhead (teal garage with hardware. 430.44. In stalled Ml ta Calvanlied ova trough I2,s per ft EPP1NG LUMBER CO. PH 4-6123 S740 SILVERfON RD. 500.000 FEET New. treih-milled old A second rowth lumber 1x4 lo ixll In to 24-foo: lens' 'S Delivered prices Sslem 130 per ihou minimum Ted Muller 1-1 IM 460 Muilcol Imtrumanfi LUDWIG upright piano, good shape, 7I, after 1.30 2-1411. 462 Spurts fqulpment 14" PLYWOOD boat A trailer, H P. motor. 1250. 4134 Liberty Rd. FOR SALE-: 14 ft. Sabre Cham pion new runabout, mah., ren ter deck, windshield, steering, new quick silver contrnls. fi bre klsssed. with new trailer. Ph. 2-3.167. CASH oald for used (tins mod ern and antique Cascade Mere I23S Broadway lTFTNEW runabout, msh" center deck. 14 H P. Johnson 4285. Ph. 1-77J4 ar S-7141. 464 Bicycles BOYS bicycle, good cond. 4111 Lowell, Kelxer dlst. 468 For Runt, Misc. FOR RENT er toase 10 were house space cement floor brick bldg downtown In. quire L, Stiff rum I-II4I 470 For Sold, Misc. ' POULTRY picking machine with 1 HP elec. motor, Good cond Price 50. 1 nice drqaaers. III ea. 4 rncklng chalra, 41.50 es. Good davenport makes into bed. 110. Ph. 1-1134. COLLAPSIBLE bsby buggy, A large baby both tub 4s car bad. ru. a-44s. UTS Save time -Save money For tba Best Professional 8rvices EXPERT FT.OOR COVERING4 NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering Oiytston Qual ity Installations Linoleum, As phalt m. Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estlmatee 4-2274 CIRADINO A OO.INO BULLDOZING A bark till, 45 50 per hour. Ph. 1-01133. DOZING k LEVELING Ph 4-0851 D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-4 carryall. V Husaey Ph. 4-3144. BULLDOZING, grading Jc Land clearing tlmo W. Locker owner it operator. Ph. 4-1741. PAPKBINO as PAINTING Painting and paper-hanging Free estimates Ph 4-WI1 PAINTINO Brush or spray. Exterior er In terior. Free estlmatea. -904. PAPEttlNO rAINTJNO Fainting" fc decorating 25 Yr4. In SlcI1v-755 OTOVATINO CUSTOMS R o t o v a 1 1 n g. Ford equipment, rieios, lawns, or chards It gardens. Ph. 2-4B44 4s 1-4714. , 450 Merchandise 470 For Solo, Mil. ONB 31 VOLT part Light plant. Good cond. Fine for hunters. 480. I Crallaman turning lathe with 't H P. A meul atand. XII. 314 1th St. Inde pendence. Ph. 57J. PING-PONG Uble reguTaTlon size complete with 4 paddles 4c net. 23. PhL 3-4229. PITRUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 . 14 FT. ladder, like new. ph. 4-4T7. . j P, H P. 110244 V. single phase radial saw with assorted blades. Will aell or trade. Ph. 1-eOll. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. Pa 1H310 HUGE selection of new A used appliances, ranger, refrlgera tora, television seta, radioa, vacuum rleaners, small appli anrea. All aale priced. Easiest terms in town. Used Mdae. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open Frl. night til . No down payment to.ac.l Ph. 4-4311. FIRF.PLACE act Very nfce. 414. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Open Frl. nlghta til 4 Ph. 4-S371. No down payment lo.ac.l TOP SOIL Phone 1-1371. 1-4301 BEV'S rummage, everyday. 472 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-T3O0. SINGER vacuum cleaner. fl 44. Used Mdse. Msrt, 170 R Lib erty. Ph. 4-4.T71. Open Frl. nlghta til 4. No down pay ment (o a.c. I GAS cultivator, mower, water heater, trailer axles. Ph. 1-4711 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Olai 1-1719 Prompt Delivery atelter Sand A Gravel Ca. TYPEWRITERS sOdtag ma chine, rasa registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs. I ilea, sup plies Roen . 450 Courtl-771 WHEEL chair, used very little. Ph. 4-7a4. BE! -CREST cemetery lota. 41o". 440. 50. Cash or terms. Pit. 1-1394 or 1-0J0I. 30-30 CARBINE Davenport A chair. Thermador Heater, large wool rug and pad. washer. Ph. 4-K734. 472 Wonted, Mtic. WANTED ae-veral thousand cords of wood, all specie ra a-i.ii Nights 4-533 474 Miicallontoug ADDING machines, each regis Clary Itit ralrgrounaa i-M7 DFNTAL PLATE REPAIR 4-HR. SERVICE 04 MOST CAM DR HARRY SEMLEK. Dentist Adoleh Rlrlg. A late lb Com I Ita SALEM rn J-J3I1 476 Fuel OREGON FIEI. CO. Old llr lily pada ' SAWDUST SAH Green Stamps Ph. 3-5S.I3 3C7Broadwsy ANDFRSON'SS I a p W O 0 d. Ph. 1-7751 or 4-2604 ORDER NOW FOR BATES Sawdust, wood for furnace, range or heater, shoving! mulch. West Baiem Fuel Ca 1S Fdgewater Ph. J-4031 W ANTED several thousand cords o; wood, all mat les Ph J-7'JI Nights. 4-5433 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD 1-0444 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINCS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer Ends Choirs slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7731 500 Ru. & Finance 510 Mo nay to Loon For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE' CO. loan Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HONTE OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigstinn Fees. Free Parking Lot. Call 1-7031 WE HAVE cash buyers tor resl aetata contracts ana xnd mort gages Ohmsrt A Cslsbs. Realtors 47T Court St Phone 4-4114 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracta and mortgages., mi Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-M4I. 125 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 114 4 l.lhenv ' Ph 4-1T0S "loans 450IKI lo 1 1 MKl 00 RllV What You Need Consolidate ymir hills Finance through WILLAMTTTr: CREDIT, COMPANY 101 S Church St Ph 15451 PRIVATE money to loan. g Interest. Fa. J-4744, ROTOVATINO ' fll.LING, Howard Rotovatlng garden cultivating, lawn prep aration by hr. or )oh. 1-W04. 4ANDJ)RAVRL WALUNO SAND aTsTTgRAVEL 1014 McCllrhrist Crushed quarry rocks and gray el. All sires for rosds, drive ways and parking lots.. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doiing, shoe el and dragline work. 1-H240. SALEMAND"AGRAVELCfT. , Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top anil. 1406 N. Front St. 1-2401. VAU-EY SAND 4S GRAVEL CO, Cruahed It round gravel Band con nilx 1-4001 ' gEPTIC SEKVIck HOWARD S Rotr Rooter, sewera, aeptlc tanks cleaned. 1-1321., MlKE'ii Septic se'Vlcs I anas cleaned D roofer clerns acwerfl drains Phone 1-4404 Hamel'B sepuc tanks eleoned. Phone 1-1404 or 1-0174 -t' PHOL4TSRINO T UPHOLSTERING Professions!: . guar. work, free est., pickup, deliver. Ph. j 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Morvay to Loan CASH IN 1-TRIP Phon ft rat thn comt In to ft raKlv In single vnit tn Bdanc fKial Urccit in thi USAt Ex rlufivof Nat ton wide Crdit Card at no extra cost good at over 1.000 offtret. Th Beneficial. M211 UIcm tn au "Yet I" when ou sk fnr a loan. We aaid "Year' to ever 3 million last yearl Phont, write, tpome In. LOANS UP TO $1,100 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co.") - Phone 1-1404 104 (. High LONG TERM" LOANS (Farm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST PwATES Ph. 2-3551 CLL'ETT KEWON REALTORS IPOO Fairgrounds RdT 1 Holly wood Dill I COLONIAL Invcelment Vo-saeal Property Loans Contracts Purchased 447 Court 4-1743. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted M-Bookkpr. Exp. 44 hrs. . Opea r-PBX Oper. 4 da. wk. Salary CAPITAL PW EMPLOYMENT . AGENCY 134 N Winter Ph. l-oue COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 144 Specialists la Office Placemenu . F-Steno , gen'l off., willing transfer Corvallis In vear axs F-PBX, 10 -30. appearance imp. M F-FC Bkpr.. gen. oil. 4a.'4 F-Sect y. tlen'T Ins. exo. 4?"0 F-Typist. l-airl off., car 414 F-Lnb. Assist. ... 4IU M-Stnck Clerk, 40-JO . . 400 M-Accotintant, deg. A exp nec. . Open M-Rkkpr., collections ... Opea Hem way to the nest Jnhe 4I4 State St . 411 Oregon Brig. 4-3331 CAPITAL EMPI-rOYMENT ACE.VCY JM N. Winter , Ph. Your future It our Jflb.,, ARTHUR Murray'! nqw tntVr viwinff pphcanl fnr taV hri $.1 p?r hour, traininff fr if arrrptrd. Aff II thru SO. Apply In per anil, Mr Chap prl, 2 thru ft p m . 453 Ferry M't'l. .CATIONS ff no nlng altri, for St a' man oirvvla ronttra Sf vrrl rou'et it? ha optn Apnlicantj must t ac rorrpanied hv their parnU or hav lhair wnttn ot r n 1 1 Hon Apply at tha Clrculafloa Drpartmtnt of tha ttatomaft Journai 604 Help Wonttd, Mw DRAFTSMAN ntA4 hy Stata Tax Commimon. Poaltiona lo. rated tn Salem and other area of the atate. Two reara of drafting or equivalent experi ence or training required. Sale, ary: $:iin-.lfl0 per month. Ap pointment above minimum de pending upon nualif icallnna. Contact personnel Divlmnn. Orrpnn State Tax CommUalon, in Salem. PUR. arct. needs young man .with exp. tn acrtg. tor avt. off mgr. Must he nerannahla and anthitinut. Box 187, Statet-rrian-Journal. IBMSUPKRVKSOR Experience with 402, 114. 077, IM required. Will have tarda type. New installation. Excellent op portunity. Writ full qualifica tion! to Bon IM, Statesman Journal. JOURNEYMAN plumber wanted, top pay. rail S-0M9 or M2 E. Drowning. WANT aeveral wood cu.t'"T Apply Canital ruel Co. J900 N Rjver Rd 1 HAVE opening for real en late aalea person in our organ. ra tion Call Ben Cnlbath. fol haih Land Co., Realtora. Dial 4-44fM. 606 Htlp Wonted, Loy WOMAN for patient ear In Nursing Home . No txp. nec essary. Ph. .1-Rsill. ACCOUNTANT. txpTwith P. IX. and gen. ledger, perm. poa. if qual. Write box IM, Statea-man-tournal. DrM6NTRATOR7ex"perience(f, fnr new Salem office, distribut ing national advertised health A reducing equipment. Ph. 4 -WW, NFKD help In raising four glrlt. Live In. Write Statesman Journal, box 1V. WOMAN for Mnte" IMaiV" Hvt ' In. Anpty In person. J.W5 Port land Rd. 608 Pickers Wonted BFAN pickers register nw ff platnnn. Children II yra. over also adults Vary gnod fOtaUiT efav a-0-2 alter $ pjn. PAGENSTECHER'S