8-iSec I) Statesman Salem, Ore., Sun... July 8, "58 r OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Solon Predicts GOP to Block Nixon Ouster ?ny n CP n r 0 Br JACK BELL WASHINGTON OH Sen, Gold water (R-Arix) predicted Satur day the national convention dele gates will defeat any eiton inai might develop to dump Vice Presi dent Nixon from the Republican ticket , . - Goldwater. former chairman the Republican Senatorial Cam paign Committee, said in an inter view that while he had beard ru mors of revived oppoaition to Nix n ha haa not detected any or eanized mov against the vice , president. , , 'There may be torn Republi cans who want to repute Nixon the ticket, but I don't think the delegates to the convention would ttand for , it, Goldwater taio. Th vice president Is mighty nooular with the workers of the Republican Party. I think his popularity with them is almost as great as that of President Eisen hower nimseu." aVurate Interview Sens. Carlson (R-Kan) and At lott (R-Colo reported in separate Interviews they bad beard some talk of replacing Nixon after Eis enhower second illness. But both Mid they discounted it. Both pre- dided Nixon s nomination. Some dump-Nixon sentiment i veloped after Eisenhower's Sept. 14 heart attack. Similar talk has been current la some Republi can circles tine Eisenhower was trickea with ileitis and underwent aa operation a month ago. A few Republican went to far as to suggest privately that Nix es was dispatched o a Far East ern trip at a time when anybody working against him might be the most active. Top Target Democrats obviously are going to mak Nixon a top target in their general ejection campaign. They doo't like him becau they tsy he implied in th MM elec tion driv their party was toft a Communism. Beyond that, however, th Dem ocrats see In Nixon a target they can fir at with th hop torn of their shots will reach bom to Eisenhower, With suggestions 1 Uat of Sen. Kerr (D-Okla) that Eisen hower Is "ailing, frustrated." th Democrats ar promoting th idea that th vie presidential spot on th GOP ticket is aa issue of ua- sual Importane this year. Sister to See Brother After 35 Years Apart SAN RAFAEL. Calif. W-Mrs Naida Bosley, 45, of nearby Fair fax will enjoy a happy reunion dinner Sunday , with the brother she hadn't seen la 3S years. She didn't know where be wai er whether be was alive until she located him Friday, purely by chance. Thus, she learned that they bad been living le mile apart for the ' past four years. Mrs. Bosley, a marketing re search worker for a publishing company, stopped at a residence In Alto. There was no one home. She taw a woman in the yard next door and talked to her. The wo man said sh was Mrs. York. Mrs. Bosley said York wai her maiden tame. .... Mrs. York asked where Mrs. ' Bosley wss bom, and when told it . wss Wichita, Kans., said "I wish my husband could find torn of bis relatives back there." Mrs. Bosley related: "Sh asked me my first nam and when I said Nalda, sh started crying and said Tome in for torn coffee.' Then th referred to her husband as Frank, and I went to pieces.' Frank York hat lived at Alto for th past IS years, and for the past four year, hit sister. Mrs. Bosley, bat lived 10 mile away la Fairfax. . York's mother died in Wichita and hit father, William York, re married. Mrs. Betley waa a daughter of th second marriage. Frank went to Pueblo, Colo., and whea h was II Joined the Navy there. Hit father died and b loot touch with th family. Ia th Navy he became a cook, which will serve him1 well tomor row for he Is preparing a big dinner for th Bosleyt snd the Yorkt. Eat Less and Live Longer, Doctor Says KINGSTON. !. J. v- A Los Angeles physician said Friday the average American could add five to ten years to hit life by rutting bit food consumption m half. Dr. Wayn MeFarland, who ad dressed the New Jersey conven tion of Seventh Day Adventisti here, laid Americans should cut down en "devitalized" foods while stepping Dp their intake of high vitamin and protein content foods. "Religion it often hampered by daily habits," th Collrg of Med ical Evangelists stall member said la a talk for th conference He scored those people who ar ". . . overeating, not eating enough of the right things, push In themselves beyond limit, and then expect their religion to per form miracles, and by their pray r keen ohysically fit." MeFarland is a former ttaffer f the medical department of the general conference of Adventista mnA i served as editor of TJfe is-, salutes Oregon manufacturers 7 It i. '" ny or thm;. ,."' or io 'y o m.. or Co " floor. ' parv 5,re . .nd CT 4 '4.. c'Cw. 'Of A0 TV -hit; -ill EXCITING DISPLAYS THROUGHOUT THE STORE! FREE SAMPLES! DRAWINGS!, PAPER PRODUCTS Display by Scott Paper Co. Drugs Street joor ESTEE NECKTIES Tie display by Este Neckwear. Men's Furnishings StreeJ Floor. BAKERY GOODS Display and free samples by Ann Palmer Bakery Street Floor. CANVAS CAMPING EQUIPMENT Display and free drawing for sleeping bag, one to be given away at ,' end of week by Amet-Harria-Nevill Co. Sports Headquarters Street Floor. BOOMERANG DISPUAY CoL John M, Cerrish, Sports Headquarters Street Floor. V1EWMASTER Dtsplsy by Sawyer' Inc. Ctmert Shop Street Floor. EASOKF BABY SPOON Display tnd free tpoon to be given to each baby born in Salem during Ore gon Products Week (July 9 through 14) on presen tation of birth certificate to Silver Department Second Floor, PONDEROSA PRODUCTS Display of home cleaning products and free drawing for one product each day. Hounewares Second Hoor. HARRIS PINK MILLS Display of unpalnted furnfc ture, free drawing for three drawer cheats. Houseware! - Second Floor. TOSS LEADERS Display and free drawing for six step ladders, one each day. Housewsres Second Floor. , CLEAN-TINT Fisher Manufacturing Co. display. Housewares Second Floor. OREGON FILBERT BUTTER TOFFEE Introducing a brand new candy, display tnd free templet. Candy Street Floor. . BOOK MAKING From manuscript to finuhed booki by Binford It Mort Metropolitan Printing Co. Bonk pept Second nnnr. WESTERN WOODS MFG. CO. Displsy of modern wooden kitchen war. Housewarea Second Floor. GERBER LEGENDARY BLADES Kitchen Cutlery display. Housewares Second Floor. PERFECTIONS Sevenon't Candiet display and free samples. Candy Street Floor. APLETS AND COTLETS Liberty Orcharde display tnd free ssmples. Candy Street Floor. BLUE BLAZES FIREPLACE CRYSTALS Display and BOO Ires templet. Housewares Second Floor. COLUMBIAKNIT SWEATERS Display of new styles. Boys' Shop Street Floor. , SYLVAN ORIGINALS Hand painted ceramic earring display. Jewelry Street Floor. STENNO RIBBON CARBON DISPLAY All the newest in olfice needs. Stationery Street Floor. '"REST-A-IMIONE" DISPLAY Stationery S t r e et Floor. MYRTLEWOOD GIFTS Display by Duncan's Myrtle wood trailers. Stationery Street Floor. DECORATED CANDLES CayUte Candlt Co, display. Stationery Street Floor. INGRAVING Display of Fine Art Engraving Co. Stationery Street Floor. SHEDRAIN UMBRELLAS See the colorful display. Umbrella Street Floor. MODISH COATS AND SUITS-See the newest fash ions displsved. Oregonian-Shop Street Floor. DISPLAY OK ROOKS by Oregon authori. Books Second Floor. WHITE STAG TLAY CLOTHES-Dlsplay of fashions Sports Shop Street Floor, Girla' Shop Street KAFOURY BLOUSES. SKIRTS, JACKETS Display of newest styles. Sportswear Street Floor. PACIFIC GARMENT CO. Display and contest with one free coat at prize. Women's Coats and Suits Street Floor. PLAYCRAFT PRODUCTS CO. Display of child' desk. Toys Second Floor. PILLOWS Display by Shasta Manufacturing Co. Bed ding Second Floor. PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS Display of Fabric. Fabric Center Second Floor. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Model display of portion of Salem Portland Freeway. En trance Center and High Street. JAY-VEE BRAND BIB Display and free bib to each habv registered at display booth. Infants Street Floor. GIBSON BOOK CO. Display or new baby book illus trated by Orrgon artist, Helen Berry Moore. In fants Street Floor. "MADEFOR-YOU" GIFTS Display by Mrs.' Newton Langerman. Girls' Shop Street Floor. CABINETS AND FURNITURE Charles E. Grant Company display. Furniture Second Floor. BRASS PRODUCTS Walt Zielisch display. Gift Shop ' Second Floor. JARMAN WILLIAMSON CO. Display of Bag Boy golf carts. Sports Headquarteri Street Floor. JANTZEN PLAY CLOTHES Display of fashions Sports Shop Street Floor, Girls' Shop Street Floor. PENDLETON SPORTSWEAR-tDisplav of fashions See Our Window Displays HIGH STREET Men's and Women's Sportswear Street Floor. TOYS from Steinke'i lnc.X CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS from Capital Block Comptny GARDEN TRACTORS by Scotty ' Tractor Co. . WOOLEN PRODUCTS by Kay Woolen Mill CABINETS by Westwood-Producti Co. PAPER PRODUCTS by Oregon Pulp nd Paper Co. PAPER STATIONERY ITEMS by Western Paper Converting Co. RADIOS from Morrow Radio ' ' MARION STREET SEED DISPLAY by Jenkt-White Seed Co. ICE: CREAM by Arden Farmt DAIRY PRODUCTS by Curly's Dairy Inc. FOOD PRODUCTS by Blue Lake Packers FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS SEE INTERESTING ACTIVE W0RKIIIG DEMONSTRATIONS EVERY DAY OF FINE 03EG0N FRODUCTS! APRONS IN TH MAKING Sewing demonstration by Mt. Robert L Bown. , ' RUG BRAIDING See rugs braided, Fern Carter. SYLVAN ORIGINALS See th ceramic rring finiihed nd hand-painted. ' ' BEAU VENEER EARRINGS Se ?ht plastic Impregnated wood earrings actually manufactured. r WROUGHT IRON PRODUCTS-Demonttration of newest fashions by Little Iron Works. PAPER PRODUCTS-Demonttration by Oregon Pulp and Paper. PONDEROSA PRODUCTS-Demonttration of home ' cleaners and waxes. AUD1T03UM-SEC0ND ELOOR I r aUTOG R AP H (VW I party S V . .tuv infrt'!i?r V i i tt 4 p. m. - -:rrrrzr I Saturday, July 14 -"" - ' T Martha McKeown, noted Ore- M r jJT " J I $A.S. I c rs xZtt ' f ijlttkrt $! (Moss (s Indian Home." I ...... , tOOK DEPARTMENT 1 4 S fiCONO PIOOR I y0 ( 1 Jear.VV V!vtt fewOlhl I v- '