Cntt7 N MOTOR TAKEN Mrs. J. M. riurton, Albany, iold city police Saturday that an elec trie motor trom a tewing machine wai taken from her car Friday while the vehicle wai parked at Liberty and Ferry streets. Value of the motor waa placed at $10. We arelosing out going out of business. Price flashed, Every thing marked 'down. .- Wedding dresses with veil, regular $61, at $29. Shop and nave now. Hollywood Apparel, 2002 Fairgrounda Rd. Ph. 2-8307. (adv.) MAN HELD IN CHARGE A McMinnville man arrested by state police Friday at Jefferson on a non-support charge wai turned over to Yamhill County authorities Saturday, Marion County Sheriff! deputies aaid. Booked aa George Leonard Carnal), the man was held under $1,500 bail in Marion County Jail until claimed by Yamhill Coun ty Sheriff's deputiea. T. J. Bland's Services Set On Monday Funeral services for Thurston Joseph Bland, 444 N. 14th St., will he held at 3 p.m. Monday at the Hnwell-Edwarda chapel, the Rev. Wayne Greene officiating. Bland died Friday evening in downtown Salem following an Hi res of several months. He was 77. Born July 17, 1178. in Orange, Tex., Bland served as a captain with the merchant marine n-for many years. He retired from" the sea in 1948 and was employed at the Port of Portland handling ships until about five yeara ago. Bland served in the Spanish American War and also fought in Africa's Boer War where he was awarded medal for his services. He came to Oregon to reside In! 1931 and had made his home in Salem since 194.1. i He was a member of the First, Christian Church here. Survivors include his widow, Pearl Bland. Salrm: nine sons, Joe Bland, Blanchard Bland and David Bland, all of Austin, Tex.; j Elmo Brown. Springfield; Jacob1 Brown and Keith Brown, both of I Roseburg; George Brown, Ottol Brown and Allen Underwood, all ! of Albany; and John Brown, Sa lem: three daughters. Mrs. Wilms; Finlay. Jefferson: Mrs. Helen Mil-, ler, Salem: and MrJ. Naomi Hill,! Albany: two sisters. Miss Allie Bland and Mrs. Mattie R. Chap man, both of Orange, Tex.; 24 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Interment will be In the Jeffer son cemetery. Dirths HANSEN To Mr. and 'Mrs. George Hansen, 862 Blaine St., a w-v naf daughter. Saturday. July 7, at Sa-' jJliC i?l0Il(JclV lem Memorial Hospital. j J SHIPPEY To Mr. and Mrs. Ger- At UO CalTipUS aid Shippey, 536 N. Lancaster Dr.. I a daughter, Saturday, July 7, at i . . . . l.tLhrrirnd4?.Tndmer4 CATHART To Mr. and Mrs. Al-; members of tuberculosis and health hert D. Cathart, 4985 Richmond associations in Oregon begins Mon Rd.. a daughter. Saturday. July 7, day on the University of Oregon's at Salem General Hospital. j campus in Eugene. Purpose of the institute is to fa- vain to Mr. ana wirs. ieonara K. Cain, 979 Kingwood Ave., a son. Saturday. July 7, at Salem General Hospital. ' nr. t ur ..a Mr, ' mh. 1 ton Burger. 39! It F.w.ld St. a "'R ,he Marion County! ant that wheat farmer, be daughter. Saturday July 7. at Sa-. asJ!itlion wi M. j. r. wf.jcome informed immed.ately. ..v ........ . ..... ..u ...... iicnr,., .uFH... ko(f chirman , vounlp,r,; MrS. CAMPBELL To Mr. and Mrs. ! E. T. Boyer, .member of the reha Noel Campbell, Winston, Ore., a bilitation committee: and Mrs. daughter, Saturday, July 7, at Sa-; R"y Bunnell, executive secretary, lem General Hospital. About -60 persons from various ' WOLFE-To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wojfe. 11R5 Jays Dr., a son, Friday, i July (, at Salem General Hospital. , Hm i X" " - p - J sBasWWrWr',t1, " t 'aM.' J t V k I a Vlejfl T. Coldoii with Mating capacity for 300. Sorvkoa within your moant, always. 405 S. Commercial St. ' BROADCASTER SCHEDULED Johnny Carpenter, KOIN-TV broadcaster, will be speaker for the Tuesday noon meeting of Salem Kl wanii at Senator Hotel. Carpenter will speak on traffic safety, a topic on which he has received national recognition. ROOF now!! Before the late sum mer rush. Insist on the revolution ary new Johns Manville Seal O Matlc Shingles. Call Mathit Bros., 2061 Slate St. Ph. 4-4831. (adv.) I Free Doughnuts; Salem ' Home Bakery, Honday, July Mh at 1380 N. Church St. Mr. Luke, Prop. (adv.) SCHOOL . ALUMS TO MET Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McKinney, 1360 Church St., will entertain members of the old White School at a no-host dinner at 1 p.m. Sun day. The meeting will mark the beginning of an annual affair for persons who attended the school. Special meeting Pacific Lodge No. 50 AFfcAM. Mon., July I, 12:30 p.m. Funeral, Brother Glenn A. Dodson. . . . tadv.) Unsightly facial l.air removed safely, pemanentty. Price's Beau ty Salon. Pb. 1-M59. (adv.) FIRE DAMAGES HOMK Fire at the N. Fdward Shaw residence, 1920 Eola Dr., about 12:30 p. m. . Saturday caused an estimated $250 damage, city fire men reported. The blaxe apparent ly started from a pan of grease on the electric stove, reports indicat ed. The people's choice! Want Ads have been the choice of millions for filling needs. Dial 4-6811 for the help of an experienced Want Ad writer. (advj Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 12S N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.) CAMP SESSION SET Camp ISilver creelf operated by the Salem YMCA. will begin its second session today for boys from f to 12. The first session was the largest enrollment, 145, in the camp's 19 year history. Archery, camp craft, nature and Indian lore, canoeing, swimming, and horseback riding are some of the activities to be offered. Frank Tatman has moved his barber shop' to the Periman Bldg., (67 N. Cottage. adv.) CREDIT PLAQUES GIVEN Twa Salem credit managers re ceived Award of Merit plaques for outstanding work at a Friday lunch of Salem Retail Credit As sociation. Plaque winners were Mrs. Betty Lappin, Bishop's Cloth ing and Woolen Mills Store, and Ernest W. Reames. Hogg Broth ers, Appliance a Furniture Deal ers. Runners-up were Mrs. Alice Fitzgerald, W. T. Grants Co., and Russ Guthner, Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac. TB Institute milianze volue'r-1 he era wor, 0f the associations and t0 Kjve trailing i,.r . .c . . . .... with local tuberculosis and health j 'P- T vnt ' Pnsored by ..n.nlin. points in uregon are expeciea 10 attend. ! Guest consultant will be Dr. H. C. Jernigan, director of the Na-, v ..... Virgil T. Golden Co. Serving Salem and yicinity as Funeral Directors for 25 Years Convenlanl I c a 1 1 n S. Commercial Stroot-on a but line direct rout to com riot no cross traffic to hinder tarvi cat Salam'l most modern funeral homo FUNERAL SERVICI Salem Hubcap Thieves Strip Four Vehicles Twelve hubcaps were taken from four cars parked in the 900 block of 1st Street between 1 and 4 p. m. Friday, city police reported. Owners of the vehicles were a!) working at the Oregon Fruit and Produce Company, 900 1st St., at the time of the thefts, officers said. Four of the missing hubcaps were recovered near the cannery a short time after discovery of the losses. Police said three hubcaps, valued at $30, were taken from the car of Roy Fowler, Jr., 881 N. Cottage St. Four hubcaps valued at between $50 and $60 were removed from a car belonging to Edwin L. Frank hauser, ' 1680 S. Commercial St. Frankhauser'a hubcap were found about S:1S p. m. by cannery work ers. , John S. Anderson, (34 Calapooia St., Albany, lost four hubcaps valu ed at $60. Mrs. Leo Olson. (73 Cross St., reported the theft of one hubcap worth $10. Bill Pickett. 355 S. 14th St.. told police that an attempt had been made to remove hubcap from his car but a locking device prevented the theft. Funeral for G. A. Dodson Due Monday Funeral services for Glenn Asa Dodson. 3640 Cherry Ave., will be held at 1 p.m. Monday in the chapel of the Howell-Edwards funeral home, the Rev. Robert Goerti officiating. Dodson died Friday at his home. He was SO. He was a mem ber of Pacific Lodge No. 50 AF it AM. Ritualistic services will be conducted by the lodge. Survivors include his wife. Mil dred Esther Dodson, Salem; three daughters, Mrs. Glenna Grace, Philomath; Mrs. Lois Brown, Lakeview; and Miss Barb ara Dodson, Salem; two sons, Harley and Frank Dodsoa. both of Salem; mother, Mrs. J. H. Dod son, Prineville; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Archer, Banff, Alberta, and Mrs. Bessie Rutledge, Regina, Saskatchewan: three brothers, J. F. Dodson. Prineville: Merle Dod son.' Burns; and Harry Dodson, I Twin Falls. Idajio; and three grandchildren. I Interment will be at Belcrest i Memorial Park. Wheat Quota, Soil Bank Set For Outline Marion County farmers will have an opportunity to learn about the new Soil Bank and the forth coming Wheat Marketing Quota Referendum at an information meeting to be held Monday night, July 1 at ( o'clock at Mayflower Dairy Hall. The purpose of Ihe acreage re serve program of the soil bank is to assist farmers to direct a portion of their cropland from production of excessive supplies of wheat by compensating them (or reducing wheat acreages be low their allotments, says Earl Johnson, manager of the Marion bountv nroaram L , Deadlines for participation in the 19.' program are ..near at hand, Johnson adds, "so it is im- Of equal importance Is the Wheat Marketing Quota Referen dum to be held July 20. This will also be explained at the Monday night meeting, reports Johnson. tional Tuberculosis Association and medical director of the Bernalillo County TB Clinic in New Mexico. f a'.-'f'i k'lJ, Phona 4-2237 I) J V Grace S. Golden Playgrounds on Parade Swimming Pool Area Other Recreational rj ' - - - 1 f J 'si' Checker playing (CMaete aid eenvealbaal varieties) Is psaalar paatimt al Ollager playgnaad fr yauagsters. Shawa playlag a game at the Chinese variety are (left to right) Resale SleinmMts, Paal Freder aad Deaals Berry. Ckildrea ia Ike backsTMad were aalallasr awstera fae Doll Dar aracrasn. aesmaa Pbata) Cames Provided for Kiddies at Olinger Park Editor's note: Here Is aa Iher report of typical activity at aae f Salem's 11 public playgrounds, as presented la a Statesman aeries by farmer school reporter Barbara Baal- ' face, A different playgraand is presented each week.) By BARBARA BONIFACE One of the lesser populated of the summer playgrounds is Oling er play area, situated on the grounds surrounding Olinger Mrs. LaRaut's Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy LaRaut. member of an Oregon pio neer family, will be held Tuesday at W a m. in the chapel of the Clough-Barrick funeral home, the Rev. Brooks Moor officiating. Mrs. LaRaut died at a Salem hos pital Saturday following a heart at tack. She was 83. Born Oct. 27. 1872. at Kellogg. Ore., near Elkton, Mrs. LaRaut was the daughter of Zibe and Jane Dimmick, who crossed the plains to Oregon. Mm. LaRaut was a life time resident of Oregon and had lived in Salem since 1920. j She was married to Narclsse La Raut at Wilbur. Ore., in Septem ber, 1892. He died in 1949. Mrs. LaRaut was a member of the First Methodist church in Sa lem, Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Wreen, Minneapolis, Minn.; a sister, Mrs. Mary McKay, Wilbu', Ore.; five granddaughters, Mrs. Althea Luttrell. Tacoma; Mrs. Wilma Moskal, Salem: Mrs. Alta Bartram, Mrs. Aileen Loomis. and Mrs. Berna Lee Meade, all of Rose burg; two grandsons, James La Raut. Roseburg, and PFC Robert L. Wrenn with the Army at Albany, a! these BIG Mo;:ar$ARS lJg Twia Silt Full Sire Ilf.M Kslrs ORTHO HEALTH MATTRESS Yu ran FF.F.I. Ihe difference la a Fisher Bill Health Mattress. Complete Matching Sot Twin or Full Siio ... ... New .? Phono 3-4023-Opon Monday and Fridays swimming pool near North Salem High. An average of 10 to IS children ranging from 9 to 9 yeara in age are supervised by Marilyn Olson, a senior in elementary .education at Oregon State. Aside from the regular attend ants, many children stop to, in vestigate the recreation on this playground to and from their way to use the nearby swimming pool. Rites Tuesday N. Y.; and several great-grandchildren. ' Interment will be at Wilbur ceme tery, Wilbur, Ore., at S p.m. Tues day. STALIN FILM KF.CALLED COPENHAGEN, Denmark (A-A Russian film glorifying Stalin and his wartime leadership' has been called back by Its Soviet distri butors, Mos-Film. Gefion Film, Danish distributors of the Russian movie The Fall Of Berlin," said the Russians refused a recent ap plication to prolong its run. B Put This II Means: Big Buys at Bishop's SOON! Shop Up to AT SALEM'S MATTRESS CENTER Mattress and Complete with Innersprlng ' Mattress iiaiviuiiy Box Springs and Matching Made of the aa tisa'i highest quality foam rubber. dvi npring $69.90 $39' $C A90 Location 990 S Commercial St; LOADS OP FREE PARKING SPACE Offers Facilities Interesting Games Games are the primary Interest of the youngsters with Chinese checkers and regular checkers played often. Started this week was a challenge game of Chinese checkers involving Ricky Bonne, Jimmy, Simila and David Dit terick. The winner of this trio will be open for challenge. Youngsters have been busy at home preparing their dolls and stuffed animals for Doll Day, but they have also spent some of their play time designing posters for the event. Pester Palsied Painting posters for Doll Day were Ronnie Steimonts, Paul Freder, Roger Schmidt, Kenton Edwards and Wesley Goodrich. Doll Day is not primarily for the girls, for, at this time the boys are asked, to prepare stuffed toys for judging, while the girls bring dolls. Planned for a warm day in the near future it an afternoon Trea sure hunt, which will tee the children divided into two teams on a search for a treasure to in clude candy kisses, suckers and other sweets. Aug. 23 will be the closing date of the Olinger area playground. "Ih Your Bonnet and Save HOLLYWOOD STYLE BEDS ?ftffifift'M mm, T,,t. .... tnrri Headboard and I IKLLI Hnllvmand l.fRS with F.arh Set CRIB MATTRESSES Innersprlng, 6-year tiie, with water-repellent covert. Choico of blue, $Q Q C pink, yellow or white ,J?rJ 'III 4 P.M. Salem One of 11 Emergency Areas in Test Salem has been designated at one of 11 emersencv aid areas to be manned and operated during uvil Defenses Operation Alert 1956 in which Portland will be one of -74 tamrt cities. Oregon's role in the July 20-26 nauorwioe civil defense exercise will be that of helping hand for simulated evacuees from Pwl. land. City, county and state civil defense organisations will nartiei. pate around the clock during the first 36 hours of the operation wnn ine state agency continuing to pla. the problems another it hours. Federal CD will then rnn. tinue the operation until July 26. The operation will take up where Operation Greenlight of last fall left off. Then Inro. nHm r downtown Portland was actually evacuated. At the beginning CD organizations throughout the state will begin work in nrpnarine for reception and ct ring of evacuees. Assign Haaslag At reception and welfare renter. evacuees will be registered, as signed Housing facilities and in some cases sent to mast feeding centers. All county communication cen ters and staging areas will be manned and operative. A traffic control plan, calling for manning of several hundred traffic control points, will be put into effect. Other operations will include manning bus and truck assembly points, simulating assembling and dispatching of transportation. Supply committees will assemble and play the problem with other units. In some cities air raid warnings will sound. CONELRAD Alert In addition there will be a fifteen minute , CONELRAD alert over the entire nntion. All stand ard, FM and TV broadcasting stations' will go off the air, and only official stations will return to the air to broadcast CD messages. This is scheduled for 12:10 p. m. July 20. Other emergency aid areas for the operation have been desig nated at Canby, Sandy, Molalla and Carlton In Yamhill County, Newberg and Carlton in Yamhill County, Scappoose in Columbia County, Hood River In Hood River County, and Banks and Forest Grove in Washington County. Medical installations will be manned and' will handle a normal percentage of volunteers playing the role of sick or injured evac uees. . "" An estimated 5.000 to 7,000 per sons are scheduled to take part in the exercise. 1 FISH GROTTO (( 6p. 1100 f 10:00 P.M. Daily if MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT IN THE OREGON ROOM Superb dinners in the Oregon Room starting at 95c STREET FLOOR mmmmmmtmm Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Juiy 8, '56 (Sec. I)-5 Plans Form For Jehovah Witness Meet Eighty-five ministers of Jehov ah's Witnesses from three stales met Saturday in Salem for or ganizational planning of a Dis trict Assembly expected to attract more than 4,500 members to Sa lem Aug. 2 to S. Committees were named to staff a cafeteria capable of feeding 1,000 persons an hour, first aid room and housing department and to insure carpenter, steamfit tqr and plumbing service for in stallations necessary at State Fair Grounds, where the convention will be held. Plant also were made for a cleanup of the grandstand area July 21 by loo members from the Salem and Portland areas. The meeting was in charge of John A. Green of California, con vention director. Mr With Your Glasses r dtnglini emit i Now a tingle unit hclpt you tee and hear better! Tiny new Maico one ounce hearing unit clips to your present glasses or any frames of your choice. Putt the hearing aid in itt proper place-behind the ear for neater, bet ter hearing. Ideal for the occasional user . , . like a pair of reading glasses. Easy to put on or take off. Wonder ful for summer activities . . . worn entirely on the head for freedom nf action and See and try this newest hearing aid at our office . , . positively no obligation of any kind! MAICO SALEM HEARING SERVICE 31 1 Stale Srr Floor Location (Across From ladd A lush lank) . Phono 20702 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:1! TO f P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.- FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS liSka . - wMaBaBBBMBMSisaaaBMtss Sports Car in 99E Accident A 1936 sports car received ex tensive damage in a two-car col' Union about 1:43 p.m. Saturday al the Junction of Highway 9E and the Woodburn-Mollala road, s'att police reported. 1 Portions of the filxr-glass body , of the sports car, driven by Thorn j at Igo, Portland Air Force Base, were completely shattered, police i said. ' Police listed the driver of the other ear as John Franklin Cole ' man, Woedbura. Coleman was ! charged with failure to yield right of way, of liccrt reported. PAINFUL FEET? THIN WIA ' NATURAL-FIT SHOES 3mwiiM ay NiyftJtiMS a4 UTUIM-m SHOE JTOH 10$ N. Hifk Mhm 14SM ! S mi? ms mjaittktt at an dress. FAMILY FASHION SHOW Planned, especially for your onjoymom' tnd showing the latest style in clothinp for women, for children and for mon. See the family fashion show each Mon day evening in the unique Oregon Room. BRING THE CHILDREN They will enjoy the special "little Folks Menu" planned especially for them and of course, th tree candy favor. ENJOY THE MUSIC Featuring Ed Syring at th Hammond or gan'. . , playing light dinner music as melodic background for your dining. a