2-(Sec I) Statesman, Salom, Ore., Sun., July 8, 5fl . Japs Electing Solons;U.S. Issues at Stake , TOKYO III Million! of Jap anM votad Sunday for their equivalent of U.S. Senator! after a campaign baaed largely on two Judge Who Tried Ex - Truman Aides Found Shot, Dies ST. LOUIS Wi - V. S. District Judge Rubey M. Hulen. who pre- issues lnvolvlnj the Vnlled States, aided during the conspiracy trial At ttaka were 127 of tha jjo afjwo former top Truman admlnli- aeata in the House of Councilora, Tha upper House is expected to remain conservative despite ris ing socialist strength. Tha results of the voting, basic ally a tent of strength between Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoya ma'a coaservativea and the so cialists, are expected to Indicate: 1. How fast the conservatives ran push rearmament, advocat ed by the United States but dis tasteful ta many Japanese who remember the terror of . World War II bombings. , t How deep ia tha resentment of the Japanese people against U.S. military base policy en Oki nawa. Sociallits are demanding the Amarirsns leave. A definite trend probably wID not be established until sometime Monday. Blue skies and bright eunshlne trstion officials, died on tha operat- Judge Hulen's court June 14. ' The two men were scheduled to be sentenced by him July It, the same date motions for a new trial Norway Faces Strike Crisis; 41,000 Out OSLO. Norway OB Norway faced Its worst labor conflict in U years Saturday night, aa 11,000 workers in the thriving paper and and wood pulp Industry struck for more pay, bringing the numb er of Norwegians now on strike to nearly 4t,OOQ. The last comparable labor con fllct was In J931, when a nation- 11,000 Jam Third U.S. Jazz Festival Activities Victim ing table Saturday after ha had found by a negro gardener. Ivory been found shot in the yard of his j Robertson, who told officers the suburban home. Jurist was Jylng on his back with The ll-year-old Jurist's death a .33 caliber revolver near his left came less than four hours after I foot. he had been found at a spot in bis yard where he occasionally prac Urea marksmanship He had been given preliminary treatment at St. Louis County hos pital and rushed to Barnes hospital for an emergency operation. He died while thia was In progress. Judge Hulen. who phyalcana at county hospital aaid was shot in the left temple, had been given a blood transfusion ia an ambulance en route ta the second hospital. Mrs. Hulen aaid her husband oc casionally practiced revolver marksmanship by a woodpile In the back yard on squirrels and rabbits, Mstthew J. -C a a a 1 1 y. White House appointments aecretary to former President Truman, and T. are w oe neara. juage nuien war. . kout forcr, lhou,aBdi of workers into the streets. aimed political analysts to raise 'Lamar Caudle, former head of the root SO to Si million the number Justice department's tax division, hey expect to vote. Japan has were convicted of conspiring to de- n.na.077 registereo: voters. I fraud the government by a Jury In Its Fun to Dine Out ci::::m last Chines Ned Imi Imariciifsti Tn Special Parties, Large or Small. Call tM2 for Informs tita Chinese Fee to Take Oat UiVt N. Ceausereial St Opea I p.aa. ta t am, Saturday t u, ' i i M ! ' ft ft T l",'"y-: 1 J 7 r. No quick solution was In sight and the work stoppages will cost the nation aeveral million kroner a day In lost earnings, produc tion losses and foreign exchange. The three strikes came alter long negotiations,' including norm al direct talks, voluntary govern ment mediation and personal in tervention by labor minister I'l rik OUen. Fearing labor reaction, the socialist government decided not to make use of forced arbitration. ST. LOUS UJ. District Jadge Rubey M. Halea was foaad skat aad later died here Satarday. He presided at a Teeeat conspiracy trial of two farmer Tramaa as- anlalstraUea emrfale. AP Wire- bete.) LccHJ'G (Home Made) 1272 Stat Strttt We Feature High Quality lew Prices Everyday Vi Gallon, 05c 2 for '1.65 AMI flams far Tear raver - Alse Diabetics frecea Dessert Special Orders Far AH Occasiaaa-faeae SI2M Witk Whlpt Pols toes and 'Soecial' 1 Gravy, Sour Cream Cole Slaw, Hot Roll I1U VUilCl SU.'IDAY DIJIHER 3T r-Roott Ortgo. Tuiity j r 1 1 1 1 a f. CrsBberry " EakifJ Chinook Sa!mon-r Saare. Sear Cream Ceie Slaw, Whipped Potatoes aad Ciblet Gravy, Bet loll aad Batter . . . 95c Capital Snapping Center 95c J n Cut Ircm Swift's Acsd Steer Beef 4-Ownte ' With Baked Potato 1 Tossed Green Salad Bowl Mot Bolls. Strawberry Jam v$25 N TCP SIRLOH ' STEAK k 440 STATE SALEM Demos Back Kefauver as 2nd Choice Sen. Estes Kefauver.. who was defeated by Adlal Stevenson In the Oregon Democratic presidential primary, ia the second choice of four Oregon delegatea to the Dem ocratic national convention. Thirteen members of the lt-man delegation attended aa organiza tional meeting here Saturday. All are pledged to support Stevenson at the convention. ' Eleven of these were polled on their second choice should Steven son lose out. Four said they were for Kefauver, two favor. Sen. Stu art Symington (D-Moi. one chose Michigan Gov. G. Mennen Wil liams, one favored either Williams or Tennessee Gov. Frank Clement and one favored New York Gov. Averell Harriman. Two refused to concede that Stevenson might not be nominated and declined to name a second choice. Reds Tell France To Free Algeria Truck Driver Offers Money To Kidnaper fStary alse ea page eae.) CINCINNATI UN-A truck driver walked Into the Cincinnati Enquir er newsroom Saturday night with a plan he thinks will turn the trick in returning kidnaped Peter Wein berger to his parents.. And Bernard Waterman says he ia willing to apend $2,000 of his own money to make his plan work. Waterman aaid he figures the kidnaper might be willing to meet some one far removed from the scene of the kidnaping. "I think thia kidnaper ia too scared of po lice to try and collect now," Water man said. The Weinberger baby, only five weeks old, was snatched from hia carriage last Wednesday from the family a Westbury, N.Y., home. A ransom note asking $2,000 was left. NKWPORT, i R.I. Un - The third annual American Jail festi val came to a successful conclu sion Saturday night with the rec ord attendance of 11.000 fans gath ered under the stara at Freebody Park for an all-star program. The future of Jazx at Newport is undecided. President Louis L. Lorillard of the festival did not Ike, Dulles Fail to Get 2 New Weapons seem hopeful, although he de clined to comment. "The board of directors of the American Jazi Festival in New port will decide the future at their next meeting, and it is likely that they will consider offers from oth er communities," Lorillard said though he admitted the city of Newport had been most coopera tive thia year. Jan Takea Seriously The festival left no doubt that today'a youth take their Jazi se riously. An estimated 75 per cent of the audience was under IS. Enthusiasm and beer resulted In a few .off-beat noises, but mostly the starry eyed music lovers were orderly. The Voice of America carried much of the program to the far places of the world. Friday night's record crowd, which was a sellout, brought the WASHINGTON on President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles,' it is now clear, have failed to get two new weapons ! ,...,. . . Ih. ,,,,. loK,. ,i.ra . niirni at the inlersec Broadside Car Crash Kills Five Persons -r smashed broadside into another at a highway intersection near El gin Saturday, killing five persona and Injuring four others. . , Four of the dead were occupants of a car driven by Edaon E. Per kins, 41, of Elgin, owner of an oil distributing business, who was In jured. Killed were Perkins' wife, Gladys, '4; their daughter, Gail. Is; Mrs. Perkins' father, William Raywood, 10, of Algonquin, and Raywood's other daughter, Mrs. Marie Boyer, S2, of Algonquin. State police aaid the. Perkins car waa hit broadside at the interiec tion of Spring Creek Rd" and an extension of State Rt. 25 about eight miles north of Elgin. There White r Maned Traveler Visit Big City, Capital of Each State By CALVIN JOHNSON Staff Writer, The Statesmaa A 71 year old white maned traveler popped in and out of Sa lem Saturday, keeping a promise he made earlier thia year to visit the major city and capital of every state In the country. He had just arrived from Boise, Idaho; by way of Portland, and was on his way to Olympla via Tacoma before the aun had set. The hasty voyager calls himself an "ambassador of Good Will" and hia home port ia East Orange, N.J. Hia calling card aays he is also an unofficial representative of the East Orange Chamber of Commerce. Actress Has ... 7-Pound Boy SANTA MONICA, Calif, on Actress Yvonne De Carlo gave birth to a 7-pound boy Saturday in St. John'a Hospital. It waa the first child for the 22-year-old ac tress, who is married to movie atuntman Robert Morgan. The baby, named Bruce Rosa Morgan, waa not expected until September, but Miss De Carlo's physician said both motherl and child are in good condition. ' MOSCOW OP Pravda In ef fect told Franca Saturday to free Algeria. Aa article in the official news paper of the Russiaa Communist Party aaid the only solution to the I Minors and her husband. David, Wife Recovering After Mate Shoots Her in TV Row BOCA RATON, Fla. of, - Mrs. Anna Slemmer, 43, was reported improving Saturday after being shot by her husband in aa argu ment over their television set. The Slemmers were watching a crime program Thursday night when they decided the picture wasn't quite up to par, police chief W. A. Brown related. In the argument over where the indoor antenna should be placed. Mrs. Slemmer grabbed a pair of IJNoentelP M. Organ Music Teel conflict between France and the Algerian nationalist! was the one used in Morocco and Tunisia. France has granted independence to both those former protectorates in North Africa. France has taken a different at titude toward Algeria, consider ing it a part of metropolitan France. SUNDAY DINNER SALADS GALORE with German Pot Roast And Poked Veal Cutler Served Smorgasbord Style To help yourself tor 30 Salads and raliihei Choice of hot entree with all the f ixln't ' Coffee by the Silex-f ull Choice of Dessert AIR-CONDITIONED 440 State Street Saeil (hack Dinner lor Did . . .99 Dinner lor Ma 99 1 Dinner lb: 44 (Under 10) Dinner let Junior ... 44 (Under 10) """" 1.11 fee 4 $2.t f St JlCJUfi 0 nan 12 Neente t P.M DRIVER BOOKED A Portland man was booked at the Marion County Jail about I: SO p. m. Saturday on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Deputies listed the man as Peter Andrew Buller. The arrest wss made by state police. Bail was set at $250, BATTLE GROUND MAN KILLED VANCOUVER. Wash, iff - On nle W. Korhonen, 47. Battle Ground. Wash., was killed Satur day when hia automobile crashed diving PRACTICE FATAL Into a here. 42, went for bis .22 caliber re volver. Brown aaid Slemmer hit his wife in the shoulder with the sec ond shot. The first was fired to ward the ceiling. .Slemmer was held In 11.000 bond on an aggravated assault charge. Portland'llospital Rate Increased PORTLAND iff - Portland hoe pitals Sunday . increased their rates $1.25 a day. This will make the minimum rate $l23 a day, Wesley G. Lamer, chairman of the Portland Council of Hospitals, said the increase was made nec essary "-by a wage boost granted hospital employes. bridge 10 miles north of PILOT STRIKE SET CHICAGO iff - A strike of pilots on West Coast Airlines planes serving the slatea of Washington, Oregon and Idaho was set Satur day for 1159 p.m. PST next Wednesdy, July 11. For Goodness Sake) , , . Eat With Us Foe your Sunday Dinner . Prlxe-wlnnino Ham anal Baked Turkey ... f (with all the Wmmlnga ust fjse) J Jj j tcisah shop "rfiiEHUSr Pertlsnd Road at North City limits fer Orders te Ce - Phone 2 C7C3 in msion FATS DOMINO Ml His HCOaOINO OICHItTIA y ItM Hum", "Nw Ms" "I'm hi Uv A.", WmvH" "Alal t A tkaiM", "AH ty Mylf" Cettenweeda lellreem Hl-Waf ta-MWay bhrm UkaoM t AltMr lml t S M.-I A.M. 4 SKATTl.K iff - Kdgar Martin. 19, a visitor here from South San Francl.ico.'drowned in Lake Wash ington Saturday while practicing the use of skin diving equipment for the first time. The atmosphere of Mart has little, if any oiygrn. Middir Rider Openfl J) Today 2:00 P.M. )) jh 3334 fairgrounds Rd. . K Woodburn Drive-In Sunday Monday Tuesday "SUSAN SLEPT HER!" Dirk Powell Plus "CREEN FIRE" Stewart Granger Opea 1:15 Starts at Dusk they sought at thia . session of Congress for fighting Russia'a eco nomic offensive in Asia and Afri ca!. What effect the Congressional refusal will have on United States cold war atratrgy ia uncertain, If officials have any alternative proposition In mind they have not said so. Within administration circles, however, the reaction to the re buffs received from Congresa is less than one of alarm. One reas on is that the vital importance of the two new weapons has been in dispute among officials them selves from the beginning; the other Is that administration lead ers became reconciled to their loss several weeks ago. Both were related to the for eign aid program and were con tained in the administration ver sion of that program as it was presented to Congresa early this year. One weapon the one about which Secretary of State Dulles talked most at tha time was proposed authority for the foreign aid administration to guarantee United Statea participation over a number of years in construction projects in foreign countries. The other new power proposed new, at least, on the scale which the administration suggested was flexibility in the use of foreign aid funds. Much of thia has been denied, although some degree of flexibility in administration action has been provided in the present foreign aid legislation as In that of former years. around 25,000, which indicated gate of mora than $00,000. tion. The other car was driven by Hobby f Jan I Russell L.. Morris, 25, who waa The Rev. Norman O'Connor of critically hurt. A passenger in Mor Boston, who has made a hobby of ris' car, Oliver Christensen, 20, Jan, waa master of. ceremonies, I waa killed and two others hurt, and gave a little history of each They are Gino Palmerl. 26,-and group aa he brought them on Nick Vsnderberg, 25. AU were stage. Chicagoana. Duke Ellington, who wrapped up the evening when his band played aeveral new numbers as well as the old favorites, opened the concert with the Star Spangled Banner and a couple of mood- setting numbers. The Bud Shank quartet, with Bud starring on the saxophone, paved the way with several numb ers In the progressive manner. Steel Strike to Add Swiftly to Jobless Total Crippled Wife, 80, Husband Die in Paet PITTSBURGH Iff The nation wide steel strike marched through its first week Saturday more as himself, DETROIT, Mich. Iff-A crippled 80-year-old woman and her 77-year-old husband died Saturday In what police aaid was a murder and suicide. The victims were Mrs. Nellie Wickham. released from a hos pital only three weeks ago after treatment for a broken leg she suffered last May, and Roy C. Wickham, a retired butcher. Police Sgt. Angus Mclntyre said Wickham shot his wife and then Theatre Time Table ILSINORI (Continuous from t p m I TRAPIZC"! :. 1:07, 9:35 "THE KIU.ER IS, LOOSE"; 1:00, 4:11, 7 ;M, 11:34- CAPITOL fConttnuoui from i p m.l "SATAnr: I OO, 4:07. 7:14. 10 It "THE SECRET OF TREASURE MOUNTAIN": J:M, 1:04, :11 NORTH BALRM DRIVI IN (C.tti op.n 141 Afiow at dink) KISMET, Howard K.IL Ann niym "LADY GODIVA." Maurtta OHui, Ctor N.d.r . oixrwooo (Continuous from t a m.) "GUYS AND DOLLS ': 104. 1 M. I 00 Police Arrest Bottle Tosser MEDICINE HAT, Alia. ( Fred Bintx was charged with as sault causing bodily harm Satur day in connection with a bottle throwing incident at a Friday night wrestling show. June Byers of Houston, Tex., billed as world champion woman wrestler, lost the sight of her right eye temporarily as a result of the attack. Bintx was plucked from the crowd of too by Sam Menicken, the wrestler's husband, and turned over to police. Doctors aaid Miss Byers "tem porarily lost half tbe vision In her right optic and suffered hemor raging behind the eye." They aaid she would recover after a few days in bed. The cut required three stitches. Thornton Backs Teachers'. Right To Use Discipline Public school teachers have the right to squelch misbehavior of pu pils outside of school hours when necessary to protect property or discipline, Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton aaid Satarday The ruling wss requested by Des chutes County' District Atty. G. F. Rakestraw of Bend. The school board la responsible for management of the school building and may appoint supervis ing omcers to maintain order and protect property, Thornton aaid. a disagreement among friends than a major economic struggle between mighty forces of big lab or and big business. j There was no sign of a sold tion. Ninety per cent of the na tion's basic steel production had been halted: 650.000 steelworkers were idle. Their walkout spread its effects to other industries where nearly SO. 000 more work ers were furloughed "for the dur ation." In Philadelphia, the Pennsylvan la Railroad disclosed that all 7.000 non-union employes of the rail- roaa have been placed on re duced work scheduled for the dur ation of the steel strike The total of strike-idled work' ers was certain to climb swiftly next week as business generally returned to a more normal course after the July 4th holiday week a widely-used vacation period, Mrs. Wickham died in her wheelchair. Wickham. found on the basement floor with a .38 cali ber pistol beside him, died on a hospital operating table. Log Tumbles, Kills Trucker GOLD BEACH Iff A log fell on Ronald Kenneth Owen, 22, Gold Beach, and killed him as he adjusted a load on his truck Fri day. The body waa 'discovered by an other Trucker, Bob Kxell. He had to walk four miles up a narrow highway to get aid. Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Owen. Gold Beach, and a sister, Mrs. Esther Suiter, Roseburg. McKay Says Ike Will Run BEND, Ore. iff Douglas Mc Kay, campsigning for the U.S. Senate, aaid Saturday that Presi dent Eisenhower "is going to run again because he has a mission to fulfill." av McKay, who resigned as Secre tary of the Interior to run against Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), said he had no "inside information" from Washington, but was making the statement on a "hunch." McKay, taking note of Demo cratic attacks on Eisenhower as a part-time president, said "I would rather have Ike one hour a day than all three Democratic aspirants 16 hours a day." It has been the custom of merry Harry Townsend, 71, to cross "this wonderful country of ours" each year since IMI. He does It all by bus "because It glvea me time to see everything" and never takes the same route twice. Wants te Visit Tack During the past two years, how ever, ambassador Harry' has set a goal of visiting each of the states, Because of his many news paper interviews, '"I get letter! ' from people all over the country asking me how I do it, or maybe Just wanting to correspond with me." He started this year's trek May 11, and expects to cover about 17,000 miles before returning home in September, To date he haa beta in 24 states and visited 5 cities, leaving about 70 cities to visit dur ing the next two months. "And the whole thing, Including transportation, won't cost more than $800," Harry said. Saturday's visit was his third stop at Salem, which may account for hia short stay. He was last here In 1953. Bigger Kirks "Each year I get a bigger kick out of the trip," Harry aaid. I "chiefly because- I know more people and remember more things about the different -areas." He admitted, however, "that when I first started I got rather lonesome at times." . . "I find the United States la truly God's country," Harry said, add ing that' "everywhere I've gone I continually find Improvements." Then, with a flourish of hia hand, a nod and a amart wink, Harry got up and beaded for his Tacoma transportation, calling over his shoulder, "If you're ever in East Orange, look me up." I mi v -mtve JUL I DUI j 20 OFF All Bath Rugs aad Seat Covers Ne Special Orders Ne Layaway Better Bedding Stortj lit State St. CARS CRASH Two cars, one of them a Salem police car, received minor damage in a collision in the 600 block of South Winter Street about 6: SO p. m. Saturday. Drivers were list ed by police as James William Corvallis Paper to Name Juveniles Accused of Crime CORVALLIS iff - The Corvallis Gaiette-Times has begun publish ing the names of J u v e a i 1 e s Slovall. US Cross St., and Robert charged with felonies. Bernard True, 770 S. Winter Street R. C. Ingalls, . publisher, said the paper also will print the names of Juveniles guilty of mis demeanors when authorities atate they have become habitual break ers of the law.' Thepa,per, which in the past has not revealed the names of juveniles in trouble, adopted the new policy alter polling a num ber of parents, Ingalls said. He aaid the policy will continue until the community expresses a desire fur a change. "After all, it will be very sim ple fur Juveniles to keep their names out of the paper fur com mitting a crime." 'he said. guanos NOWl IMI isiiL m am QrwMMSeoPt: C nminiiui-Minaw MMtMtiaawniam AND Till iSaffBiTs'T Dallas Motor-Vu Gates apea 7:00, shew at dusk. Glsnt lea FL Brreea Richard Wldmark la "HELL AND HIGH WATER" Cinemaseope Second Feature Fred Aitalre, Leslie Carea la "DADDY IONO IEGS" Cinemascope Gates Opea 1:41 Show At Dusk 1 STARTS TONIGHT VV an a MET ..Eatamt of Lomt f H0"D "am tX0$ KEEL-BLYTH GRAY Mar E COLOR od , CINEMASCOPE I .I.MS 1. 1 fill-Hi II Lf.fl ii v5 rtr SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Sunday Monday Tuesday Both Walt Disney Full Length Features "THE AFRICAN HON" Plus . , "EMPEROR PENGUIN1 OPEN 7: IS-STARTS DISK SPECIAL! DOX OFFICE SALE for SALEM PATRONS roanANOl ii ShML9!lr MULTNOMAH STADIUM July M thnj H-NMy 1:30 MON., JULY 9 at MEIER & FRAKX CO. OPEN 12:13 P. M. tefP.M. CHOICI MAT -tr. IACH PERFORMANCE tt.ee U N tt.ee t . Thti Sale HON., JUtV t Onlyl ifiifrnr.1 tkii CROWDS DEMAND HOLD OVER IT'S ' TERRIFIC DON'T MISS - IT -NOTE- Ask Anyene Whe Hat BIGGEST SINCE "BIG TOP" MATINEE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY f j Seen v ?V"Vi-' "TRAPEZE" t V X.- '- Vv Vi "' Terrific Xj I Co-Hit rr. il. ii:lM!tir' 'IS?,' CONT. 1:45 STARTS TODAY- Special First Run Engagement No Increase in Prices! The Picture of the Year! SAMUEL COLDWVN V m mi' y, , . . 4 M presents V J America's Own Aw ( Guys AND Dolls SUfTUlf MARLON BRANDO JEAN SIMMONS FRANK SINATRA VIVIAN BLAINE in Color and CINEMASCOPE ilb SoaUBT KKITR CT-UBBY SATS . s. rtitxt johnny siLvr.a ad THE COLD YN CIBLS H'ntM far the Serma "4 l)wctd by JOSEPH L. MANKIEVICZ Mm sad Lyrws by FRANK U)F.SSE1 CWwifrapby b; MICHAEL KIDO ' riMtfplMd m Eastman coloi DKnWd S7 M-C-M f