18-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July 8, '58 Quadruplets . r!-L J., r.ln STANDISH, Maine All four years eld Saturday, the Pinkham quad LinnCa V.GKSS waKh iiMbeth, , take their birthday cake from the oven. . Left to right ere Rebecca, lilly, Maliasa and Jan. Morn aaya tharall ba no party, hist a family pknk, weather oormrrhng, and a few gift. (A Wirephote) r.J:-l n-. SAN CARLOS, Calif. Forty-nine planes line uaJ . the runway of the airport Saturday mom- Ing to await the start of the Powder Putt derby of women pilot. A few minute later the piano started taking off t 15-econd Interval for flint, Mich., 3,36 mile across country. Ono overnight stop may bo made by the contest ants: Winner of the race will bo determined after all have finished in the handicap race. (AP Wirephote) ' W -. I I W - r "- A 1 aV iawrea $ Hlf H Temperetvre lapected J l7nrm lr Mnrtr Afternoon showers and thundershowors ar forecast Sunday over If UIIU in I tori n noMMf 0uf cat tts, Texas and northward through the Central Plain, northern Mississippi Valley and Greet lake area. H should be fair on the last cosst from North Carolina northward, ft will bo warmer in the north. (AP Wlrophoto) T lis cf Prison HONO ford, Cliinase Communist along 1 old his arm wide a he describe the 11x15 cell in which Se Communists held him during his three years a a prisoner. The two Catholic priest are both from Ian Francisco. (AP .. " I 'em rpV KONO-Father John W II, freed at Shanoha by the with Father Thome t. Fhiltips, " if ' (I V 4 Years Old j X A ft fn Ufnu Mnma SAN wn a nomB (en : ,. ' f t - ' . v t , - ', - - ' ' :. ?' , ..... . j'i ., . I' governor of Michigan and mother of seven children ranging in age from 9 years to three weeks, and her co-pilot, Mrs. Hugh Rudolph, get ready for their take-off in the Powder Puff Derby of women pilots. The last of the 49 pianos com peting must cross the finish lino at Flint, Mkh., by 5 p.m. EST today. (AP Wirephote) U.S. VVIATWI ftHIAU C ft T LJ.:iMl:. J HOLLYWOOD - Actress Joanne Dry and iiwr,u""M her actor both patients at a hospital reported qoarrel. Mist Lebanon Hospital with a black oy and facial Injury. The hospital said Ireland wa a patient, too, having boon ad mitted for observation. (AP Wirephoto) a r ;.r; I icteric NIW YORK-Tele- Listens titlon BtwKMfr John K. M. McCaffary listens on pay phono in NBC build ing Friday to one of 25 calls received in response to his telecast announcement that parents would meet in creased, $5,000 ransom de- mended for Infant kidnap victim Peter Weinberger. (A Wirephote) CARLOS, Calif. Mrs. Philip Hart right) wife of the lieutenant Accused NASH V 1 1 1 1, Tenn. Mrs. Eva Parham Marable, 49, sits in her attorney's office after being charged with the June 21st fatal stabbing of her wealthy husband, William Champion Marable, Nashville real estate operator. (AP Wirephoto) - husband, John Ireland, were In Hollywood Saturday following; Dru wat admitted to Cedars of, xi5 . J x 7 Unique Mine Gets Titanium In Carolina .... By ALDERMAN DUNCAN " CLEARWATER, S. C. oH-With transplanted Montana (old mining equipment, a unique titanium mining operation has been oper ating here for . a year. ; Owen H. Perry, vice president and general manager of Marine I Minerals. Inc.. says "we ar the first ones to attempt mining the' way we are doing." j The operation is producing these four different minerals: Ilmenite, rutile, lircon, monozlte. Ilmenite and rutile are the com mon elements of titanium, a bard but light metal in great demand by the aircraft industry. Zircon is the ore of sirconium. Monoiite Is known as one of the rare earth minerals. - There's enough of the four min erals in Aiken County's Horse Creek Valley to keep the operation going, Perry estimates, for longer than anyone now connected with it will be living. , Huge Dredge About his production volume. Perry will say only that about 1.000 tons of earth are mined, every M hours by a huge dredge ormerly used in the Montana gold fields. He says about one per cent of that is useable. Financially, the operation also is Droving successiui. ferry says, scent was probably lost in thick The area now being mined is ' dust stirred up by passing cars, about 4'4 miles long and maybe; Footprints of young Vilate. daugh H mile wide in some places. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Young of The dredge which measures : Monteview. Idaho, were spotted more than 200 feet over-all, is late Friday night about half a mile similar. Perry says, to a type j from the ranch. The bloodhounds used to mine tin in Malaya. It' picked up the scent, but lost it. j was brought in pieces from Mon- tana and reassembled here. Ta Dryer Haese The tour minerals, which sink ta the bottom of a container while the lighter substances wash away. are separated from the aand and ! vn ao r- earth inside the dredse. After go-l" much . ")'',-from far ing through vast system of nu"!;ommun'"eVf.,I1,"P'r sieves and shaker beds, they then are pumped or hauled to the dryer house. Big, gas fired ovens dry the minerals and remove other im purities. A complicated electrolic and magnetic process separates each into what resembles piles of t. kl.nk l I .. ji irsciiiuira ultra i rwdToV'shipmVn. ""l T.n. Zhih lit. xi.ri Mint,! ! als. is a subsidiary of Chicago's Crane Co., plumbing fixture man ufacturers. Looked Areeed This unique titanium mining op eration is the result of a winter trip to the South In 1951. Perry, middle-aged Columbia University mining school graduate who lived all his life In his native Montana until he came to South Carolina two years ago, aays the trip had the two-fold 'purpose of getting away from the cold weather and to look around. After looking around consider. After looking around consider ably in Georgia and North Caro lina, Perry finally found what he wanted here. The site, along the geological fall line, looked promis ing. He speht two years studying and prospecting it before getting Marine Minerals into operation in June, 1955. Movie Actor Gets Publicity By Mistake ROSLYN. N.Y. OtwPauI New man. 31, who plays the part of boxer Rocky Graziano in the movie "Somebody l;p There Likes Me," found himself in need of friends Saturday. He and a party came to the Jolly Fisherman here Friday night to celebrate his successful movie appearance. Sometime after midnight came the need for friends. Soon after Newman drove away from - the restaurant, bartender Thomas Hutchek complained to police that Newman had knocked down shrubbery with his car. He gave polire Newman's license number. They went in pursuit. Several miles up the road the police nabbed the actor and charged him with leaving the scene of an accident and with passing a red light. Taken immediately to Nassau County police headquarters for booking, Newman was surprised to find a battery of photographers waiting. "How did you hear about' it so soon? he asked. The photographers were not there to meet Newman. They were waiting for a break in the Peter Weinberger kidnnping case in nearby Westbury. They snap ped him anyhow. Newman was kept at headquar ters until his arraignment in First District Court where Hutchek demonstrated a change of heart. The bartender told Judge Kath leen Kane he did not want to press the charge and said he had received compensation for dam age to the shrubi. The judge al lowed the charge to be withdrawn. Newman pleaded innocent to pass ing a red light, and he was re leased for trial Aug. 16. "All Kinds oi INSURANCE , and SURETY BONDS" VISIT VS IN OV 121 No. HIGH Argument Over Dinner Date Turns to Violence DRUMRIGHT. Okla. tfl . What was described aa a "long standing romance" erupted into violence here Friday. Police Chief U. M. Hart said Mrs. Rosa Linville and A. J. Gar nett ware shot and critically wounded, and that W. B. ' Crab tree was arrested for questioning. Hart 'said the shooting at Mrs. Linville's home, took place during an argument over who wat going to take her to dinner. Mrs. Linville is 17, Garnett 74 and CraMree IS. Hope Dwindles For Lost Idaho Youngster, 2 WIDTSOE, Utah I Searchers eported no further trace Saturday or a 2-year-old Idaho girl who wan dered away from a family Fourth of July picnic at a ranch in this remote and rugged southern Utah country. ' ftltfWvtkAHitfla Inal h unl Inn nvt tOt at almost the same spot on , country road. g, n,, Jpeculaled youn ViUte Young JT.-, h.. k 1:a.a iT. Li . h. . M..i. mZi.i si officers discounted this, savine the Mass Search Off Garfield County Sheriff Deward ' Woodard called off a mass search. in which more than 100 volunteers Participated on foot, horseback and "V. ,,r,v V. . . "V- wl,h clean mP- settled area, about 195 miles south of Salt Lake City. However Woodard and a few oth ers continued the search well into the night.- "Vilate has gone up the hill and won't come back," a cousin told family members at the outing en ... , I h. ,n j . uw ne oirre rincn irraurxny. th he as successful as one Friday in the rugged Gunnison National For. est of western Colorado, some 300 miles east of here. There 3-year-old Kathy Bebee was found safe, a short distance from the camp set up the day before by her parents. Mr. and Mra. Alfred Bebee Jr., of Cripple Creek, Colo. She, too, had wandered away. Woman Jailed For Inventing Ring of Spies FRANKFURT. Germany MB A two-year hunt for scores of "Com munist spies" in West Germany has been called off and a JS-year-old self styled Mate Hari has drawn a six - month prison term for inventing an espionage ling. It all started in October 1954 when Frankfurt police picked up nightclub because she didn't have money to pay for her drink. ' At the police station she told authorities that she was an agent working for Communist East Ger man intelligence organizations. Officers said she t oj d of re ceiving secret information from "scores of Communist spies lor relay to East Germany. One by one she named names. Special agents of West Germany's Security forces combed the coun try for two years but never caught any of those Brigitte had named. Under further questioning, of ficers said Brigitte finally ad mitted she had simply invented the mystery spy ring. Asked by the judge Thursday why she had always come up with fresh names, she said: "They were all so eager when I told them my fairy stories. 1 wanted to keep them happy." Princess Grace Still Movie Struck MONACO. Monte Carlo I Princess Grace 'nee Kelly) is still movie struck. She had a wide screen projection room in the royal palace and sees a different program every day. She and Prince Rainier HI have seen three films in public movie houses in the past week two French, one American. The other day, while motoring, she had the car stop so she could watch a movie team work. , Fireplace Screens AND ACCESSORIES Measured and Installed ELMER THE BUND MAN Everything for the Window Ph. 172 im (enter J NtW QUAKTnS PH. 4-3333 Removable 'Lazy Susan9 Feature of Table i J f .... Hera la sea ef the new Uhlet with removable "laxy susaa," which Invited a rwtad at eajoyable iafermal mealtimes la a tradltUaal selling. Table, set widely spaced tapering sptea legs, expands tram low feet, Iwa laches ta fire feet, five laches, with aa esteaslea leaf. Faabark Windsor styled chairs have wide seals, semi-carved backs aad flaring back legs. 1'iually comes la solid cherry ar hard reck maple . with kaad rubbed clear lacquer finish. Home Repairs Do's, Don'ts wash or wax newly laid asphalt tile after allowing at least a week for the adhesive to harden thoroughly. De when washing is necessary. UM , good neutral soap or cleaner, rjnjjng clear water and dry- Do remove stubborn stains by rubbing the tile surface lightly with fine grade of steel wool. De wax the tile only with a water emulsion wax applied in ac cordance with the manufacturer's directions. Do keep the floor clean and attractive by frequent sweeping with a soft hair push-broom which will lift the surface dirt without scratching the tile. , k V ,JT .-V : or cleaners which are not readily use any strong detergents soluble in water. Doa ... . j. allow any spilled 1 quids r grease and oil' to re- (especially grease main on the floor unless you want t risk a permanent stain. Doa't forget that most paste waxea contain turpentine, benzine or some other solvent which will soften the tile and cause the colors to bleed. - Doa't ever put varnish lacquer or shellac on an asphalt tile floor . . . because of the damaging effect of the solvent contained in the finishing material. Deal neglect to equip all furniture resting on asphalt tile with such protective devices as large soft rubber wheel casters, composition furniture cups and glides having smootn nat oases with rounded edges. Rabies Causes Death of Tot DALLAS, Texas 1 Johnny Winkles. 1. bitten by a rabid dog June 11, died Friday and Dallas planned a wholesale roundup of all stray dogs in the city beginning Monday. City Health Director J. W. Bass ordered a 100-day quarantine of all dogs, after declaring that ra bies among dogs had reached the epidemic stage. Starting Monday all dogs not penned or on a leash will be picked up. Police reported that two children and two adults wer bitten by dogs Friday. Actrrst Jane Wither Undergoes Surgery SANTA MONICA, Calif. W - Actress Jane Withers underwent abdominal surgery at St. John's Hospital Saturday. Afterwards her husband, singer Kenneth Errair, said that although the operation was serious she will recover com pletely. He declined ta disclose the nature of the surgery. CLOSED DERBY DAY SUNDAY, JULY TILLER. $H0P 1191 8. Commercial St. PRICELESS COMFORT Anyen Con Afford NATURAL GAS IS . CLEAN SAFE THRIFTY For Free brimst Cal M3S3 Salem Heating I Statt Mitel Co. Don't Dig, Slice Soil In Cultivating Garden Science has abolished aching backs and sore muscles for home gardeners. Researchers have re duced garden cultivation to a job as easy as sweeping the floor. They have proved that deep stir ring of the soil near growing plants dors more harm than good, because it disturbs plant roots. While loose soil on the surface is important to avoid a crust that shuts out air, deep cultivation dries out surface soil instead of conserving moisture. Present day practice la influenced by studies of the part that air plays in the soil. Every hour soil air should completely change to a depth of eight inches. lt maximum plant growth is to be had. This change is favored when the soil is granular or coarse, and ... P . Ih. . k.. i iwrm mr wu vaiuiirs. mini inn , fomlj , . i,l. , ml i. r. tween the foil particles. When the Viu.il, is xca. siiaji; ui cssa io y i " vented. When the soil is flooded, air is driven from the soil, and if this condition continues long, plants die for lack of air. Fires Started So Young8ter Can Pose as Hero BONN, Germany A 16-year-old fire brigade cadet persuaded his cousin to start fires so he could pose aa a hero in a nearby village. The cousin, also 16. set fires while the uniformed cadet waited with his motorized bicycle. Then the cadet would rush to the mayor, give the alarm and be first to man fire fighting apparatus. Police, in telling the story, said little damage was done but there's work for the Juvenile court. YOU GAMIN HUM A HUNCH) Din PLANT AND LAWN POOD ORTIIO-CROj I IAIKH MAll B-JtJkM I uuuiu r la nil rvvu "Contains organic flth ss bal- I need fertilizer. Uss k oa flow- en, shrubs, trtcs and lawns fast-acling when you want a rast-actini : lant food for mors blooms and I huuriant growth. ' CIT OtTHO-OHO NOW AT TOUR DIALER'S On ill cliemkeh, nod taut'ions end directions btjortun. 1 MM If aV-a l M I M V a- i ."war katr "- m TO"-"" i I I (OHO) 4 i All this supports experienced garaeners in ineir conienuon inai when they stir the soil round their plants just deep enough to break up the surface crust, the plants Immediately show improved growth. - Deep stirring may cause harm, but shallow stirring after every . rain, when the soil has dried out .enough to crumble will kill weeds in the sprout stage and keep the dangerous surface crust from forming. For this, a sharp hoe blade is superior to cultivator teeth. The hoe should be used as a cutting tool, not as a digger. It can be drawn in a slicing motion just be ,ow the Mi ,ur(acei M that it uproots weeds, seedlings and cuts off the larger ones. This breaks up the soil crust so that both air and water may have a free entry into the soil, while the roots of the crops remain undisturbed. Asparagus bed started from seed will begin producing well almost as soon ss bed started from roots. A bed In good soil will last a lifetime. for Kvrrrthlar la Taar WIow Caotooa Maaa ta Out tin SEE CI MED THE a LLI ILK AUt VENT BLIND MAN AWKIKGS . rorra Hoooi ratio Cevora Fm CtttautM Day or Night fa. H Bt tTaraii) Stlt Ctatrr Si. iTTi Hit ! f it mm a GfflflIB Suggest rot LOYILY - WCZD-TRn LAWNf SY AlCATION JES3 lG JOBS! LFEEDS your lawn slowly yet bY. i . - j . -.a completely tor fooa root ana luxuriant blade growth In the tprinf. ! KILLS (h brcidlcsved weeds early and thoroughly so that smooth, weediest lurfsce ensues. CAUTIOS. Do not use on new lawns n new grin Is susceptible to 2,4-D. CONTROLS peitl loch lodweb-wprmt and wire- worms agsm ensuring, . I lovelier lawn earlier. I GET LAWN GROOM NOW AT YOUR NEAREST DEALER e-.i o-l i wtMo-eoo L - IT ni""- -aas mi.T.i.i-j.)