Seen and Heard . . . By JEEYMB ENGLISH TRAVEL TALK . . . Departing on Tuesday for tn extended trip East will be Mr. and Mn. Glade Fallis . . they will go by train to New York City,- where they will be Join ed by Mr. and Mn. Chester Good man, wo have been in the Eastern City since early June . . . Mr. Goodman has been attending the summer session at Columbia Uni versity .. . . the two couples will drive cross-country, first stopping In Boston and Washington, D.C. , , . Ihey will return via the southern states, expecting to arrive in Salem by mid-August ... Flying'; . . to New York City on Thursday will be Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Roth and daughter, Barbara . . . enroute they will stop in Min neapolis for a few days ... In New York thoy will attend the ' National IGA' convention . . .. the travelers will be away a fort nieht ... INTERESTING TIDBITS. .. The many friends of Captain and Mrs. Verden Hockett. former Salem residents, will be pleased to learn that they are beaded for the West Coast, where the naval officer will be stationed in Seattle . . . they have been living in Bainbridge, Maryland, where Captain Hockett was at the U.S. Naval Training Center . . . the Hocketts left the East coast Friday and are driving leisurely eross-country, planning to fish in Canada enroute .. . their so. Bill, who has been attending John Hopkins University, is now serving in the navy and is aboard the Wasp ... New Fositioa . for Miss Julia Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Leona Johnson, who has been making her home in Portland for several years ... she recently moved to Camas, Wash., where she is as sistant women's personnel super visor at Crown-Zellecbach Corp. Chaage of address ... for Lt. and Mrs. James Rock Leslyn Bur dette and young son, Michael, who have been in Texas the past year . . . Lt. Rock is now assigned to McGuire Air Force Base near Trenton. New Jersey . . . Leslyn writes that the Texas heat is much pleasanter than the humid heat in the Eat ... but they are looking forward to his leaves, when they ran visit New York, Boston and Washington) D C. ... COFFEE TIME ... a week ago when Mrs. Charles Campbell enter tained with a delightful party for a charming visitor, Mrs. Forrest T. Jones of Kansas City, Mo. . . . The Jones family spent the week here at the home of her brother-in-law and sitter. Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shifter . . . Mrs. Jones, a vivacious and attractive brunette, chose navy blue with a navy and white polka dot bodice and red cummerbund . . . Mabel Shiffer, receiving with the guest of honor and hostess, wore a becoming brown and whit print dress . . Delia Campbell's pretty dress of French blue accented with red . t A few intimate friends of Mabel and Delia were bidden to greet the visitors . . , Tee coffee table . . , centerpiece a bird cage filled with lavender and pink sweet peas and Esther Reed daisies ... a colorful bouquet of daisies and other summer blooms on the front door ... A POOUIDK . . . fashion show a week ago at th beautiful Stayton home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Freres ... the affair sponsored by the Santiam Memo rial Hospital Auxiliary . . . Near ly 300 women attending, Including a large contingent from Salem as well as Stayton and nearby cities in the Santiam area ... a lovely, sunny day with just enough wind a that milady had to watch out for her chapeau , . . Guests taken on a tour of the spacious Freres home, which has all the necessary room .and modern conveniences for a family of ten . . . guests enjoying walking around the bouse and to view the sloping lawn and garden, which are Mrs. Freres' pride and Joy . . . their home ideally aituated atop the hill di rectly behind the Santiam Memo rial Hospital . . . Hawaiian HelMay . . . the theme of the show with fashions from Meier and Frank's, Salem, fea turing beach and playtime clothes, cottons, travel attire and a lew party frocks for dining and dancing . . . The stage set in front of the pool with a smaller one by the patio . . . water lilies, floating in the pool . . . with palm trees encircling the pool . . bouquets of varied lilies and callas border ing the stage . . . Joan Ross (Mrs. Willis), the commentator, who .-Iso coordinated the show, which was presented twice during the tea hours . . , Mary Barton (Mrs. Raymond) playing organ music and Clarabelle Dyer (Mrs. Wil liam) the' comic traveler, who added bits of humor to the show. . . The anedels ... the young girls al( from Stayton and nearby cities, who did a grand job for their first public appearance ... for an added attraction Connie Kinsey modeled the 30 year old wedding dress of Mrs. Ed Bell and carried a duplicate of her bouquet of roses and shower of ribbon streamers . at the finale Connie presented the bouquet to Mrs. Bell . . . Tea time . . . two tablea ar ranged on the attractive patio with brick wall and to colorful the hanging baskets of fuchsias . . . green cloths on the tablet . .. . on one a punch bowl encircled with a purple orchid let, which had been flown with other leis direct from the Hawaiian Islands for the show ... the other table centered with a striking bouquet of purple clematis . . . the pretty summer frocks of the guests made a colorful setting against the gay To Head Thota Rho Girls 1 r - Miss Donna McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McClure, who was installed as president ot the I net Kno Club at ceremonies Thursday night at the IOOF Temple. The club is sponsored by the Salem Rebekah- lodge. (Kennell Ellit Studio.) garden furniture on tht patio and around the pool . . . ' Watching . . . with pride her five youngest daughters model wai Mrs. Freres . -. . little, blonde Therese, the flower girl in the wedding party . . . her sisters, Carol. Joyce, Pat and Maryann also modeling ... the latter modeling a print bathing suit and to make the show more realistic she even took a dip in the pool . . . Mrs. Douglas Heater's two daugh ters. Mary and Margi, among the models ... Mrs. Hubert Ashby sitting in one of the swings watch ing her daughter, Bobby, model for the first time . . . Mrs. R. D. Paris, in a . smart pink linen, greeting her many Salem friends and showing them through the house ... Amoag otters . . . Mrt. Marvin Goodman Phyllis Freres) in a pretty mist blue linen, arriving in time for the second show . . . Phyllis busy with home plant at they are building Just below the home of her parents , . . Mn. Roger Datch, formerly of Salem, accompanying a group of Stayton friends to the bentfu . . . ditto for Mrs. Maurice Heater . . . Mrs. 0. K. DeWitt down from Mehama and saying hello to everyone . . . Fran Salem . . . spotted Mrs. Harland Brock and Mrt. J. N. Bishop , . . Mrs. Russell Bone Steele and Mrs. Bruce Williams . . In another group were Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. E. D. Crabtree and Mrs. Richard Lan kow ... Mrs. W. Connclt Dyer, her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer, Mrs. George Scales Muie For Today Ycu Are Invited te Visit Ovr 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished with the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best Where you may ahop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC C7 Ceert Ph. Mil Opee Men. Frt. TU AT ROBERTS BROS. -340 COURT ST. -SALEM till : "LIVING COLOR" SHELVES r ; Sturdy decorator hutd mttal shelves accented with polished bran . . . Use them for bookcases, hanging shelves, stacked, as room dividers! 5 A new surprise in color awaits you. Splashes of color on sturdy, metal shelves with bright brass uprights. Prices are for single units (they stand ' 30" high). Stack them, vertically or horizontally, for color, everywhere In your home. You'll find use for-them In every room in your home, . TWO COLOR COMBINATIONS: Burnt orange, grecisn gold, bronze gree'n-mustard, charcoal brown, ceylon blue. 3 Shelf 24" Unit .... 12.95 3 Shelf 36" Unit . . , . 15.95 4 Connectors . . . . . . $1.00 , f Roberts-Mezzanine WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS ) Los Angeles Symphony Plays, Sullivan Sings Over Radio; Iturbi Will Play on Radio By MAXINE 81 REN . ', Statesman Mmie Ediler Lot Angeles Music Festival under the direction of Frani Waxarn will be heard on CBS at 10: OS this morning. Featured will be a com position of the director's Sintonletta for String Orchestra and Timpani, which will be heard in its American debut. Jose lturbe will be NBC's offering to good music on Monday' night on the. Telephone Hour. He'll play the music of Falla and Beethoven. 10 ;M on CB World MUSIC Trull- . , - call, from Ixo Aneele. Music Festl val, Frenl Waxman. conducting , Los Angel. Festival Orchestra. "Academic Festival" Overture .Brahmi Symphony In D .V Vincent A FMtival Pirn in Ona Movement. Symphony No. 1 Motart In E flat (K. Ml Slntnnletta for String Orchestra and Tympanl Waxman Th. Pinna or Roma Rnpighl Monday night program. Include th. Voice of rire.tone at 7:M on ARC. Mildred Miller, merto soprano, will sing a program of light claHlcs, with Tw Po nbT7o iturbi. pi,t.t mother, Mrt. Ernestine Akin of Is guest soloist with uonaio voor- iTilden, III. Vacationists and Visitors of Note FOUR CORNERS-Out of stale visitor! and local residents on va cation continue to highlight the newt. Mr. and Mrs. John Akin have as their house guest his The Night Was Made for Lav from The cat ana tne . Fiddie' ...... Kern ' Orchestra Selections from "El Amor Brum" Falla a. Pantomime lexcerpt) b. Dance of Terror e. Ritual Fire Dance JOSt ITURBI Intermezzo Wolf-Ferrart from "The Four Rustics" Orchestra Concerto No. 4 In O Beethoven Finale Jote Iturbi and Orchestra Dr. aid Mrs. Paul C. Carpeater and Miss Kay Edwards of. Bartles ville. Oklahoma are visiting in Salem at the homes of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. Hig gins and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter. Dr. Carpenter is manager of the synthetic rubber research bureau of the Phillips Petroleum Co. at Bartlesville. and Mrs. James L. Thompson, formerly of San Francisco, who it now making her home in Salem . . . Mrt. Richard Upjohn and Mrt. Morrell Crary a duo , , . Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, Mrs. H. G. Carl and Mrs. Floyd Bressler among others. L. A. Morris and children, Wayne and Lynn, of Pasadena, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends. The Morris family formerly resided In Four Corners. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Snow and Jamet David, and Mr. and Mrt. Marvin A. Rench, all of Bremerton, Wash., were holiday house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Lamb. Miss Barbara Snow and Steve Rench, who had been visiting the Lambs, . accompanied their parents home. Going away were Mrs. J. . R. Wilcox and her grand-daughters. the Misses Barbara and Joan Burns, who are spending two weeks in Mason City, Iowa. The Misses Janice Shrake and Carol Hoffine are spending two weeks with relatives in Pacoima and San Pedro, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers and Miss Connie Chambers art vacationing in Lot Angeles. They will return by way of Henderson. Nevada, to greet their former neighbors in Four Corners, the Max Deen and A. J. Batterton families. Arriving in the capital this! Statesman, Salem. Ore., Sun., July 8, '58 (Sec. Ill) 17 weekend to make an extended the house guest of her longtime . Richards. Enroute to Oreni friends, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest C. 1 Mist Beaton visited la Califermli visit was Miss Lucille Beason of Council Bluffs, Iowa, who will be Jeps you fresh hours longer! - V - ii i -' It the perfect jlepdorant COTY Easy-to-use "twistick"! Non-acid and non-irritating! Won't damage the finest fabric! Stops odor-safely checks perspiration! CAPITAL DRUG STORE ' 40S State Street Comer of liberty WI CIVI 4&?f GREEN STAMPS . AIR CONDITIONED BY FR1GIDA1RE-. SHOP HERE COMFORTABLY CwiM fcv fwv. V l t) 1 K fviE JM I. .I t J C3 m diet mtm mmi 2 Ratmer's fact a dtodlint. . . Merdicndisi must be sctrificed to deer tHs ttsre td th brt wc!Is! Vc!:$ Es ihssi CANNOT ba repeotedl They ccn only heppen ot a fins! when a qusKfy stcre s:s ct cf t.:!.::::! $25,000,00 Siuh iSliistle Sacfei: THESE ARE FINAL REDUCTIONS! No use to wait longer to get the best buy . . . cone i.i now wh.!a there is id 0 good range of sizes .. . styles end colors! fctaTi1eBlajaeWBfc- REGARDLESS OF QUALITY, STYLE OR FORtlEI 1 PRICE, FOR . . TMSl AM THl NATWHALIY tAMOUS BRANDS AVAIL ABU ATTHISSAltfORHAimiCtl foirio laird Schobtr Originals ky Nalhan Switffcort Harliqvin CoftUa Jhicco end many olhtri IX AMU NO. I; Reg. Price $8.95 SALE PRICE IXAMPLIK0.J: Reg. Price $12.15 SALE PRICE W. IXAMPUNO.h Reg. Price $21.95 SALE PRICE Remember . . . Earliest shoppers get the most complete selection of si;e, color and style. Make it a date to come early. Bring your friends and make it a real shopping party! Open . Monday and fridoy nighttj until 9 pm KM p 0) 466 STATE ' ST. All Saht final No Itttmds or fxefcongis k -