The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    lKSre. Ill) SUIwmnn, Salem. Org., Sun,. July 8, "SS
To Honeymoon in California
A, ..v .
, 7
e-v .
4. . . . lllt
A bride of Saturday morning was Mri. William Raymond Meier, tht former Darlene Miry
AUvar. whose wtddlna took olace at St. Vincent dtPiul Catholic Church. The bride It tht
daughter of Mr. and Mn. Hanry T. Mtyar and tha bridegroom li tha ion of tha Fleviut
Maitrt. (Artz StudiO.J ,
Coffee Parties for Visitors and
Brides Mark Social Calendar
Rtatesmaa Seclrty Editor
The coming week will be marked with several Informal coffee partiei
with visitors and brides-elect the guests of honor. On Tuesday morning
Mn. Daniel J. Fry Jr. will be hostess for a coffee at her Candalaria
Heights home on Alvarado Terrace for the pleasure of her sister, Mrs.
Irving Hausman of Sacramento, Calif., who is visiting in Portland and
Salem. Accompaying Mrs. Hausman north were her husband and two
daughters, Elaine and Jeanne. While in Portland they are guests of
her mother, Mrs. Milton L. Gumbcrt.
Assist At Party Kw Visitors
Guests have been invited to call between 10 and II o'clock to greet
the visitors. Presiding at the cotfee urns will be Mrs. Earl Snfll, Mrs.
Milton L. Gumbert and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry.
Assisting about the rooms and serving will be Mrs. Robert W.
Gormscn, Mrs. William R. Shlnn, Mrs. Frank A. Brown, Mrs. John M.
Fltimaurice, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs. James R. Phillips. Mrs.
Roger M.chnell. Mrs. Wheelef R. English, Mrs. Ernest H. Miller. Mrs.
Reed Nelson. Mrs. William Snell of Portland, Mr. Thomas A. Roberts
Jr.. Mrs. Richard Taggesell, Mrs. Philip Hawley, Mrs. Robert Steeves.
Mrs. Newbury Close, Mrs. Harold R. Schick Jr., Mrs. Lester I. Pear
mina Jr., Mrs. Rollln Haag, Mrs. Evan Boise and Mrs. Donald Wells.
Coffee Te Fete Rerent Bride
A coffee hostess Thursday morning will be Mrs. Robert W. fJteeves,
who is entertainlg at her Bolton Terrace home in Candalaria. The af
fair is being arranged In compliment to Mrs. Sleeves' new slster in-law,
Mrs. Thomas Steeves, the former Gail I'pdike of Portland before her
June marriage. A group of the young married set has been invited to
call between 10:30 and 12: 30 o'clock to meet the new Mrs. Steeves.
Lisa Steeves. daughter of the hostess, will greet the guests at the door.
Assisting about tha rooms will be Mrs. Krnest H. Miller. Mrs. New
bury Close. Mrs. Ronsld E. Jones Jr., Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jr., Mrs
Evan Boise, Mrs. Jonn r. iviauiaing, jnrs. ni n. i-iumpi, .
Richard Taggesell and Mrs. Donald Wells.
Miss Harland Guest Of Honor
Miss Marilyn Harland. popular bride-elect of Lt. Duana Eakin, will
be the guest of honor at a coffee Thursday morning when Mrs. Gus
un .rdortain at her Kins-wood Heiehts home. Calling hours are
from 10 to 11 o'clock. Bidden are members of Chapter BQ. PEO of
which Miss Harland. her mother. Mrs. Roy Harland, and her grand
mother. Mrs. B. E. Edwards, are members. ,
r.tin iiimu at the door will be Mrs. Mar-ens Maltby and Mrs.
Donald Cleckler. Pouring will be Mrs. B. E. Edwards and Mrs. Roy
Harland. Assisting will be Mrs. Tlnkham Gilbert. Mrs. Scott Samsel.
Mrs. Arthur Bates and Miss csrot Mariana, sisier oi me norwr gug.
Wed at Church Rites
Miss Darlene Meyer Married
At St. Vincent's on Saturday
Pink and orchid was the color schema for tha pretty mid-summer
wedding of Misa Darlene Mary Meyer and William Raymond Meier,
which took place Saturday morning at St. Vincent dcPaul Catholic
Church. Tha bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. He""1 T. Meyer
and tha bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Flavius Meier.
It was at 10 O'clock that the Rt, Rev. Abuou nwiu.a ....r, uncle
of tha bridegroom, afficiatad at tha
nuptial mass. Miss Patricia Moor
man and Wayna Meusey tang with
Mr, Meusey playing tha organ
music. Tha altar was banked with
bouquets tf pink and orchid gladioluses.
Of embroidered nylon tulle was
tha bridal gown, fashioned with a
Church Groups
Will Honor
Miss Childs
The Roman's Society of Chris
tian Service of the Leslie Methodist
Church will ba hostess Wednesday
... Uh A.v the 1 aiiernoon, juijt 11 ai j.ju p.m. in
ran w -" ,,... ; ,k. -;, . m
3 ?Z T.nd shoe, with h'w M1" Iv C"11' IndlM
flhl.?t,ii;.hft.,;"d LiS? 2- I bead of a social Service center in
her gown. The bridesmaids, Mrs.
James T. ' Mshoney. Mrs. ua
Royse asd MtM Jacqueline Hayes,
stand-up collar and a bouffant skirt wora pink cummerbunds and pic-, t,. religious Mwmblles, In-
wim uera ot tna amurowerea tuia turea nan anu ano. who "' I cludlnc the World Federation of
and full panel in Dick. A oeep aresses. iney camca tan snapc M . Wom,n
tha slums of Bombiy.
Mlsi Childs is in this country as
a delegate from India to three in-
Sojourners' Luncheon
Tk S.1.M Eft lAiipn... will mMt
tor a dessert luncheon and after
noon of cards on Thursday at the
Salem Woman's Club at I o'clock.
Mrs. Charles Sterling is heading
the committee, assisted by Mrs.
D. N. Sermon, Mrs. Harold Par
sons, Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren and
Mrs. Gerald Tucker.
ruffla of plain tulle bordered the 'bouquets of pink and orchid a
floor length skirt. Her fingertip domed with orchid and pink glad
veil et silk illusion cascaded from lotuses and stephanotls.
a tiny pillbox cap adorned with Susanna Meier, tha bridegroom's
sequins and pearls. She carried niece, waa the flower girl and aha
pink roseoiKia ana itepnaooui wore a dress made like tha attend
rosebuds and
centered with a white orchid.
Walk Before Tha Bride
Four attendants preceded tha
brlda to the altar wearing waits
f owns of whlta eyelet embroidered
I ALL rEXFECTsjajajni
20 OFF '
Imported and Ameticsa
"Drtss-ap" fine table linens
sssts apklas
Setter Bedding Store
111 SUts St. j
ants with orchid cummerbund and
minlatura picture hat. The bride's
mother made tha gowns of tha at
tendants and flower girl.
Paul Meier stood with his brother
as best maa and groomsmen were
Robert Meier, also a brother, Rich
ard Arts and Dwslne Rankin.
Groomsmen wera Joseph Meier,
Thomas Meier, John Meier, broth
ers of tha groom, and Ray Greene.
For her daughter a wedding Mrs.
Meyer chosa a pink linen sheath
with pink lace jacket and pink ac
cessories. Mrs. Meier wort a twe
pieca pink suit with white trim.
I Their corsages wara pink rosebuds
isnd whlta etephanotii.
(Weddlag Breakfast. Reception
j A wedding breakfast for members
of the bridal party and a few In
1 tlmata friends waa held at tht Mar-
Miss Evangeline Deal will pre
sent Instrumental music. Miss Eve
lyn DeVrles of Umtnll, Southern
Ion Hotel Immediately following the
rites. In the afternoon the bridal
couple greeted their guests at a
reception at tha Knights of Colum
bus Hall.
Pouring were Mrs. George Bauer,
aunt of tha bride, Mrs. Dwalna
Rankin and Misa Judy Jackson.
Mrs. Frank Weber cut her niece's
wedding cake. Assisting were Mra.
Carl Weathers, Mrs. Ronald FIJalka
Mrs. Richard Arts, Misses Marna
Christeneen, Carolyn Haslebacher,
and Sally Hoy. Carol Bauer and
Jsnel Meier passed tha dream
For her wedding trip to California
the new Mrs. Meier donned a white
embroidered linen sheath with
three-quarter length pink coat and
pink and white accessories. After
July ts tha couple will be at home
in Salem at 110 West Browning
Rhodesia. Africa, ad Vlrs. Roy
Lockenour will preside at the tea
table. Hostesses will be Mesdsmes
A. W. Metzger, Minnie Knight. T.
D. Trick, and Mason Bishop. The
Leslie Society will meet at 1:30 for
a business session to precede tha
public gathering.
Galld te Ealertala Tbarsday
Members of tha Susannah Wes-
levan Service Guild of the First
Methodist Church are planning a
tea for Miss Childs Thursday nignt.
July 11 In the Carrier Room at I
o'clock. Miss Childs will speak dur
ing the evening and there will be
a musical program. All church
members and Interested friends are
Invited to attend tha silver tea.
Presiding at tha punch bowl and
tea urn will ba Miss Phebe Mc-
Adams, district tecrettry af the
Wesleyan Service Guilds, and Mrs.
Hub Harris, president of the guild.
A Dink and whlta color scheme
will be used In tha floral decora
tions on the table,' which will be
covered with a laca cloth.
Miss Ruth McAdams Is in charge
of tha table; Mrs. S. A. Wheslley
the decorations; Mrs. Robert Bis
kie. progrsm; MUs Etta Whlta
and Miss Vivian Hoenig, refresh
ments. Mrs. E. E. Bergman is
general chairman of the affair.
Wit hrinesyo"
with Action-Frtf
Exquisite Form givt$ you tv appeal
X gUmour plua comfort . It a tht original, tha finitl
tangent strip bra, ExquUJta Form's Floating Aetloa
with tangent strapa that asovt when you move, feet-tog A
hrm exactly ' placet And giving you rounded, uplifted
beauty curvet without binding or pressurs.
StyU3nimtmlfmhlititMitUik fOCA
Alt trtilMt fa etff fassruNt! ai'ifl ... tsfieVe. Jef Jse
mi win timtlf ttyl-
OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M.
:; .i
George Harding, Drama Prof
To Head "Salesman" Cast
Tk. ... nr tha Panlarla Theatre's next oroduction. Arthur Miller's
Death of a Salesman, has been cnosen ana is now in mgnuy nriai
at the Pentacle barn.
Taking tha leading role of Willy Loman Is George Harding, professor
.h anH rframa at Orffon Collese of Education. Harding has
directed plays in Junior high, high .school, and college; and. for two
svbsoum, was uiv micviui .v. w.v
summer theatre at Pacific Univer
sity. He received his Master de
gree in drama at Washington State
and is an experienced actor. This
will be his first appearance in a
Pentacle production. j
Other newcomers to the Pentacle1
arena stage are brothers Mac and
Paul Baker, who are cast as
Willy's two sons, Biff and Happy.
The Baker brothers will be remem
bered by Salem audiences for their
appearances in Willamette produc
tions during the last school year.
Peta Herman and Joan Burgy, also
aDoearlni for the first time at Pen
tacle, have been cast as Howard
Wagner and Miss i orsythe.
Tha seven remaining roles In the
cast of IS have been filled by vet
eran Pentacle actors. Sheila Laue
will appear as Linda Loman, Wil
ly's wife: Elmer Spencer ss Char
ley; Carl Ritchie as Vncle Ben;
Dick Geer as Bernard; Barbara
Ruhle as The Woman; Sue. Juba
as Jenny; and Dick Smith as Stan
Icy. Director Margaret Ringnalda has
appointed Bill Smith as her pro
duction assistant. Smith has also
been in charge of designing and
executing a new addition to the
Pentacle atage. lt is believed, by
Pentacle members, that this addi
tion is something entirely original
in arena staging: and audiences
will view it for the first time in
Death of a Salesman.
Judy Wolf has been appointed
technical director in charge of sets
and lights Sara Bossatti Is cos
tume chairman, and David Brad-
shaw is supervising the property
Death of a Salesman will run
from July II through July 21. at
the Pentacle barn on the Dallas
Highway, across from the Oak
Knoll golf course. Tickets are now
on sale and can be purchased at
Dell s Book Shop, 139 N. High, and
at Stevens and Son Jewelers: or
they msy be reserved by phoning
either place. Curtain time is 8:15.
Picnic, coffee Planned
The South Salem Lions Aux
iliary made plans for a summer
picnic at the final meeting of the
season Monday night at the home
of Mrs. Clarence Keller. In charge
of the picnic will be Mrs. George
Beane and Mrs. Charles Nielsen.
Plans wera also made for a cof
fee to be given In August at the
Frank FJory home honoring the
new members. Mrs. Robert Mor
row reported on tha stats conven
tion. Guests were Mrs. Barney
Rachandfind Mrs. E. A. McGlauf-
Bridge la scheduled at the YW-
CA Wednesdsy evening. July 11
beginning at 7: SO p.m. Mrs. Wil
liam Newmyer will supervise the
playing. Tha general public is in
vited to attend and a smsll tea is
charged for the evening.
. 4
1 '
Attendants for
Weddings Are
July brides-elect are complet
ing plans for their weddings with
snnouncemeats of their sttend-,
snts. Miss Marilyn Harland and I
Tl rt,..M. F.lrin tvlll k. m.rvi.H '
U V OT.I. tfW ..... , 1VW
cn Sundsy, July 19 st a garden
ctremony st tha Rivercrest Drive
home of tht bride-elect's psrents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hsrland. Lt. is the son of Mr. snd Mrs.
Millard Eakln of Powell Butte. -The
4 o'clock nuptlsls will be
performed by the Rev. Joseph
Harding. Miss Joanir Hammsn
will sing snd Mrs. Lewis Mitchell
will bo the organist.
serve si best man for bis bro
ther. The- wedding reception will ba)
held in the Carrier Room.
How goad these days to pull
a cot out under a tree and look
Miss Csrol Harland will ba her P" . I r'y'.d, brn-h" "
sitter's honor maid snd
bridegroom-elect's sister,
tha ' th,ir 'rcry of lesves into blue,
"' blue sky. Reminded us of our
new line of furniture. To da
Brenda Eskln, will be tha brides-1 scribe the hsnd-fsshioned loveli
mild. jness of the new Italian modern
Merle Eakln will serve as best tables just uncrsted one could
man for his brother snd Wllllsm!" Ptic phrsies! The good
Pickett will be the groomsman. ! f'"lc ""i with flnn detailing.
Jack Knapp of Portland will' ,hA ,grKt''d1 1 nlih nd fh
i,.h.. th. tk. ..rH.. i""'" Blue leather tops w ith im
' g w 1 ; . Printa of smsll gold leaves would
A wedding reception will fol- Jj.i,, ,hrm . handsome contribiS
low tha ceremony. (ion to many a decorsting scheme.
Miss Brewer Tells Plans . l'sed in a room where all tha
Miss Barbara Brewer snd co'ors are kent in light, muted
Franklin W. Kehrll of Portland ,one ,'hy would be perfect.
will exchange their vows st s 4 Lets plsce them in a living room
o'clock service on Sundsy, July
2: at the First Methodist Church.
The bride-elect is the dsughter
of Dr. snd Mrs. Gordon W. Brew
er and her fiance Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kehrll
cf Portland.
Dr. Brooks Moore will offic
iate, assisted by the bride-elect's
cousin, the Rev. Jsmes Work
msn of Junction City, Prof. Jo
sef Schnelker will be the organ
where one wall Is papered in tha
murai scenic of arches and foun
tains available to us. We'll paint
tha remaining walls tha off white
of the paper's background, the
ceiling a light, light blue. At
the windowi let'i use s very
sheer fabric In the same light
blue, hsnging it with large brass
rings, very full, from a brsss rod.
Now we'll lsy the soft blue sculp
tured rug new in our csrpet de
partment using a darker blua
for the low sofs behind out beau
tiful round coffee table. Two
Miss Alice Brewer will be her?' ,w'r, V '1,h'r ,,ide ,0 ecn0
tha tut from I1.S0
Sweet darlln' of a head that will swim. Juit a brush-touch
pops avery curl In placa even after a day at tha beach.
' 1 Pippin Shampoo
Wa feature tha moit popular hair
coloring Mist Clalrol Hair Color
Bath$. Wa use Ogtlvle Sisters
prepsrstiont to help glva your
hair new health; Revlon's new
"Snow Peach" frosted for beauti
ful manicures.
Pippin Parmanant
Pippin Sat
You may use your
C harge Piste in tht
Beauty Salon.
3-2211, Ext. 271 -
v j r
Marriad at an evening cererrfony Saturday at tha Firit Baptist
Church In Stayton was Mrs. William Lea Jamas, tha tormar
Claudia Ann Hinnchs. The bride it th daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter S. Hinrichi of McMinnville and Mr. James it tha
son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Jamas of Scio. (Steimonts
Miss Claudia Hinrichs Bride
Of Mr. James at Stayton Rites
The First Baptist Church In Stsyton was tht setting for tht
wedding of Miss Claudia Ann Hinrichs, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Walter S. Hinrichs of McMinnville, snd William Lee James, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. James of Scio, on Saturday night
Tha Rev. Clyde Woods officiated st the I o'clock ceremony
before a setting of pink snd white flowers and wedding bells. Mrs.
Clarence Hinrichs. sister in law
of tha bride, was the organist and
Miss Lorraine Purdue of Port-'
land Sang.
Tha bride wore a gown of satin
snd lace with pleated tulle, which
she designed and fashioned. The
lace bodice was made with a
scalloped neckline and the skirt
was of sstin, which swirled
around in one sweep snd csught
in back with a satin bow. Alter
nate rows of plested tulle and
lace ruffles cascaded down tha
back ending in a chapel train.
Her waist length veil of bridal
illusion fell from a crown of lace
edged in seed pearls. She carried
a cascade of pink roses, itephr
snotis snd Ivy.
The Brldsl Attndsnls,
Miss Msrdel Rlckert of Puyal
lup, Wssh., wss her cousin's
honor maid and tha Misses Janet
Bellin, Jackie . Kinsman, Mrs.
Gene Phillips and Mrs. Richard
Cremer wera bridesmaids., They
wore wsltz gowns of squs nylon
flocked organdy over taffeta with
a cascsde of ruffles with sn or
gandy bow in back. Their cres
cent bouquets were of pink dais
ies, carnations and ivy. They wore
squs tisrs in their hair.
Flower girls were Desnne
Odenthal snd Maureen James,
nieces of the bridegroom, who
also wore aqua frocks and carried
baskets of pink roses.
Gene Carbaugh of Portland,
cousin of the bride, was ring
bearer. The randies were lighted
by Miss Roxanne Kaiser and Miss
Patricia Woods, who wore squa
dresses styled like the attendants.
Robert James of Stayton was
his brother's best man and ushers
were Harold James, also a bro
ther. John and Clarence Hinrichs,
the bride's brothers, Larry Lim- j
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Hinrichs wore a blue dress
with white accessories snd cor
sage of. white carnations. Mrs.
James chose an orchid gown and
white carnation corssge. ,
Reeeptloa Follows
A' reception was held In the
church socisl room. Mrs, Robert
Ssylor, sunt of tha bride, cut the
cake snd Mrs. Herold ws.nes
served the groom's cske, sssiited
by Mrs. Kenneth Fprslud.
! sitter's honor maid, Miss Mary
I Arnold, Miss Hermsline Herring,
Mrs. Peter Slade of Waldport.
the bridesmaids, and Miss Janet
Brewer, the bride-elect's younger
sister, the junior attendant.
Joseph Kehrll of Eugene will
Janon Lee WSCS
The Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service of Jason Lee Memor
ial Methodist Church will open
their day's activities Wednesday,
July 11 with a business meeting
st 11 a.m. in the church Kirby
room. A covered dish dinner
will be held st 12 o'clock. Fol
lowing the devotions in the din
ing room, the meeting will ad
journ to give everyone, the oppor
tunity to attend the Leslie Meth
odist Church tea where a na
tional leader from India will
Tke Capital City Deatal Assist
ants Association will meet for a
picnic dinner Tuesday night at the
home of Mrs. Sally Krause, 2O90
N. 19th St. at (:30 p.m.
ing were Mrs. Maynard Windsor
and Mrs. Thelma James, sister-in-law
of the groom.
Mrs. Joseph Rlckert, aunt qf
the bride, was in charge of tht
reception. Assisting were Met
dames Clarence Baldwin, Roscoe
Poole. Cye Hilton, Dean Oden
thal, Misses Giyle Huff, Glendo
lyn Bltney of Puyallup, Wash.,
JoAnn Boothe, Sharon Poole and
Linda Coakly.
For going swsy the new Mrs.
Jamea wore a pink dress and
squs duster, slso fashioned by
the bride. Her accessories were
pink. The couple will live near
Seattle, where Mr. James is em
ployed at Boeing Aircraft plant.
The Mario Lela Norrls Wrsley
sn Service Guild will meet for a
covered dish dinner Tuesday night
at the home of Mrs. J. Edgar
Purdy. 1BJ D St., at 7:43 p.m.'
Aislsting hostesses will be Mrs. J.
M. Hartley, Mrs. Delia Sparks and
Mrs. Harold B. Jory.
the rose of our lamp shsries
would be nice, using a darker
rose, perhaps, on the chairs with
accompanying blue leather
topped tablet near the mirror
faced mantel. To one aide, over
the mantel, let'i Jiang our greyed
wood clock with the antique mir
rored back showing the signs of
the lodiac in gold. A pair nf
Italian oblesks st the other side
would finish the picture.
'Bye till later,
Interior Decorator
340 Court Street
-4--x -: -
3133 (SS) ''
133 r-
1 K
j "A Night Out af Meier & Frank's
I menu and dinner music, model
for tha children
Salem" Special
ing, free tavori
Oregon Room, Street FIor-S:OO-l:00 P. M.
j Oregon Products Week Exhibits and Demon
Auditorium, Second Floor-Windows, Street Floor
Throughout the Store
, 3-1405
Let Us
Restyle Your Furs
Sea what wonders our expert fur styllsta
ran perform with your eutdsted fur
cast. Inquire about eur lew-cest restyl
ing tomorrow.
yt ; '
worthy of your
. most txcltirtg momints
Shimmering saquln Irrldeicenct
that brightens your days, glsm
ouriiei your eveningi. Come, sea
lha wonderful things these ittr.
dust hats do to your complexion.
1341 Ferry St. I Ph. 3-4114