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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1956)
i Valley News Statesman Newt Stir-vice 145 Dallas Youngsters Await Swimming Class lulnm Newi Service DALLAS Registration for Red Cross swimming classes here is nrar capacity with 145 young iter 'lignfd up. The course will open Monday at the City Park, announces Mrs. L. L. Linn, executive sec rf lacy of the Polk County chap ter, American Red Cross. Those who have enrolled are asked to meet at the park bandstand at 10 a. m. for assignment to classes. Boys and girls who have not signed up may report at the same time and will be ad mitted to the course if there are openings in any of tha classes, Mrs. Linn said. Don Lewis of West Salem i the teacher, and actual instruc tion is scheduled to start Tues day. A beginners' class will be . conducted for anyone six year or older. Eligible for Intermedi ate classes are children who learned to swim last summer or hold beginner's certificates. Registration to date includes 125 beginners and 20 intermedi ates, Mrs. Linn said. Workshop at, OCE Starts On Monday ttMiaa Near a lrvtra e MONMOUTH Dr. Eugene Daw son, dean of administration, Kan sas State Teachers College, Pitts burgh, Kans., will return to the Oregon College of Education for a second summer to teach a two week workshop in "Moral and Spiritual Values" which opens Monday and closes July 20. Tr. Dawson was formerly the national coordinator to the teacher education and religion project sponsored by the American Asso ciation of Colleges for Teacher Education in which OCE took part. Workshop hours are from I a.m. , . to noon and 1 - 1 p.m. Monday through Friday with three credit hours given for completion of the class. Saturday, July .7, is the last day to register- Family Holds 1st Reunion Statesman News Service BROOKS-The Anton Pfau clan held a family reunion for the first time on July 4 at Coolidge & Mo claine Park in Silverton. Over 100 attended. Arrangements were made by Mrs. Tony Pfau, Salem, and Mrs. William Pfau. Brooks. Birthdays of Mrs. Geraldine Pfau and Mrs. William Pfau were remembered, nd three brides were introduced. Mrs. Peter Pfau, Portland, and Mrs. David Pfau, Salem, were ejected to arrange next year's reunion. Births At Valley Hospitals Council Gives Approval to Subdivision lUtnnai Newa Service WOODBURN Tentative ap proval for subdividing the old Settlcmeir tract west of Wood burn was given to Killim W. Smith, the present owner, by the City Council this week. Plans submitted by Smith in clude five park areas and a school site as well as streets and lots. ' Smith plans to develope only the east portion of the tract at present. He is to present sn Of ficial plat of the area to the city planning commission and the city council before final approval is given. Plans to issue $89,920 in sewer improvement bonds under the Bancroft Act were discussed, and an ordinance will be considered at the July 17 "council meeting; Fame, New Name Beckon Albany Bear Statesman News Service ALBANY Barney, a papier mache bear, is going to change his name and go on a tour of the state of Washington. Barney, an old parade veteran, was made by Robert Ferguson of Amany. tie rode In the Albany Jaycee float in Portland's Rose Festival parade. This week he rode on the Altrusa Club's win ning float In the Albany Timber Carnival parade. And now W. J. Breuer of the Washington State Land Office says he wants to borrow Barney, change nis name to amokey,aiKl send him on a tour of Washington as part oi a lire prevention campaign. Talbot and Sidney Eye School Merger lltlnui Ntw terries JEFFERSON A Dublie meeting is called for Monday, July t, at g P.m.. in the Talbot Communiiv Church basement when the advis ability of combining the Talbot and Sidney schools will be dis cussed. The meeting is requested by interested persons in the Talbot Inside TV Gotham Critics Pan 'This Is Your Life' Valley Obituaries New Garden Club To Select Name SPRING VALLEY The newly organized garden club will meet at the Community Center building Tuesday at 2 p.m. , Election of officers will take plap. On the volunteer nominat ing committee are Mrs. Ward Ashford, Miss Alpha Loggston and Mrs. Grace McKinney. A name for the new club will be voted on. A short meeting andl program will follow the election. Hostess are Mrs. Grace McKin ney and Mrs. Robert Wright. Any one interested in attending is welcome. IUUiiui News Service STAYTON To Mr. and Mrs. George Van Agtmael, Stayton route 1, a daughter, July S, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. James V, Cries, Stayton, a son, July 4, at Santiam .Memorial Hospital. ( 1 To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Huff. Scio route 2, a son, July 3, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jack ' Swanson, Albany, a son, July 2, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. WII.LAMINA-To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuehn, Wlllamina. a son, June 30, at McMinnville Hospital. TO MILD HOl'SK JEFFERSON - Chris JorRfnson nd sons are planning to build a house on their dairy ranch at Talbot. The U.S. Air Force reports a shortage of close to 40,000 aircraft mechanics. Valley I Uriels Mayme Dailey SUtnmaa News Service JEFFERSON-Jefferson friends learned this week of the death of Mayme Dorman Dailey, former resident. Mrs. Dailey died June 26 at. a Roseburg Hospital after a snort illness. Services were held at the Pres- oytrnan community church in Oakland with interment at City view Lemeiery in saiem. Mrs. Dailey was born July I. 1889. at Nielsville, Wis., and came to Salem, when she was 14 years old. She was married to Robert Dorman, who died in 1928. In 1936, she was married to Wirt Dailey and the couple went to Oak land in 1946, where they owned and operated a variety store until their retirement two years ago. Mrs. Dailey was a member of the First Church of Christ, Scien tist, Roseburg, Surviving are her husband in Oakland: two sons, Kenneth Dor man and Eldon Dorman, both of Oakland; a daughter, Mrs. Opal McKinney of Oakland; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; three sisters, and two brothers. KVAL TV, VHF 13 Statesman Service e- Jefferson The Methodist church and Sunday school plan a picnic Sunday at Crestwood Park follow ing the morhirtgyservice. Each family is to take a covered dish. Ice cream will be furnished by the Sunday School. Frultland The Rev. Carl Wach erbarth of Salem will be the guest preacher at the E v a n g e 1 i c a 1 Church on Sunday. Jrflerson Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Turnidge and children will return home this week from a two weeks motor trip to the Midwest. The former, whojs the west Coast rep resentative of Oriental Missions, attended a conference at Winona Lake near Chicago, III. They visit- j ed Yellowstone Tark on their way ' east. Pralum The young people met recently to charivari Mr. and Mrs'. ' Glenn Leighty in their new home on Prat u in .Road. Ankeny Ankeny Grange will., hold a business meeting in the Grange hall Saturday at 6:30 p.m. EUGENE: KVAL-TV Channel 1 (Saturday): 1:44 stars of tha Watt- cm Range: 1:44 Saturday Matinee Theatre; 4:ee watrn jniater wiura; 4:34 Fury; 1:44 The Movlai; t:f Curloua Camera: l:Jt Rin-Tln-Tln: 1:44 The Lawrence Walk Show: 1:44 People Ar funny: 1:J Guy Loi bardo Show: tee TBA: S:) Ad venture Theatre: ISt44 The Movie. 11:44 Request Playhouse. KOAC, 530 k.c KOAC FOR SATURDAY 14:44 a. m Trie Newa and Weather: l:ll American Medlral Association. What's A Heart Murmur Anvhow?; 14:14 Music; 10:45 Summer Storv Time; 11:44 The Concert Hall: 12:0-The Newa and Weather; IMJ p. m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:44 Child ren's Concerts; 1:40 Music of. the Masters: 4:4a Evolution of Jaw.: S:M Children a Theatre Stones n' Stuff: 1:34 Over the Back Fence: S:4J French Press Review; 1:44 The Newa and Weather; 4:IS Urban Frontier; :4S The Best of the Week; IMS Grand Opera Tonight: 9:45 The News and Weather; !: Slin Off. It EVE STARR NEW YORK STARR REPORT: For some strange reason,. TV people here in New York take a a good deal less kindly to Ralph Edwards' "This Is Your Life" than do their colleagues back on the Coast. A well known director sum- lmed it up to me this way. '.'If I ever got trapped on that show, I think I would shoot either Edwards or myself, I'm not sure which, before we'd been on the air 10 seconds." Directors and other off-camera workers, of course, don't have as much ham in them as actors and are by nature somewhat more reticent about their private lives. Even so, I know of one actress who still shudders at the memory of having been "done" on the show and who to this day doesn't like to talk about It even though that particular show, odd ly enough, has always ranked as one of Edwards' best. The girl was crying, to be sure, but not from sentiment. It was pure em' barrassment. Another complaint from former. principal subjects on the show has been that relatives they haven't seen in ft) years, who have been flown in as a wonder ful surprise, sometimes turn out to be the man who came to dinner. Once in Hollywood, re united with dear old Freddy, they don t' want to leave. They move in. And it was Freddy who moved to Hollywood to get away from his relatives in the first place: The ones he hadn t seen in 30 years and had hoped he could continue to avoid for another 30. But It's the mawkish display ( seatlmeat and the Invasion et privacy that aeems la irritate the New Yorkers. The peculiar thing about their attitude, however, is the fact that they caa tell yen, quite indlgaautly, all the "terri ble" details oT Me "This Is Your Life" after another which eaa nly mean that they've practi cally never missed a single ( week's shew. Erga, I hey arc either matochista er bald faced liars are ia the ether. about the hard boiled female psychologist who was lambasting the show to some friends one Wednesday night. "It's coming on now," she said. "Now watch and you'll see what I mean. It's terri ble. It's awful. It s . , , it's . . . bo-o-o-oh-o-o-o!" NANETTE FABRAY may aot have a show ( her ewa aexl season, OT eves somebody else's how. but she's going to start the srasoa with a big splash by starring la the first at NBC's new Friday sight spectaculars. Titled "A Man's Game" (and what SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS j Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, July 7, 58 (Sec lj-3 ' trailer's aetet Yke Btaleonaa euellihes la seed fiHh tke preiraaaa and tlanea as provided ky radio and TV stations, kat because ntlsaea the programs are rkaaied wlthaul eetlflcaden ttls aewapaeer cannot ke reseaaslkle for Ike accuracy herein ) SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS Channel Chuckles By BIL KEANE They remind me of Edwards himself likes story to tell KVAL TV, VHF 13 EUGENE! KVAL-TV. Channel II (Sunday): :M Christian Science Program; t:4S Puppet Bible Story; 14:44 Oral Roberta; 11:34 Lighted Window: 11:4 Championship Bowl ing; 11:44 Frontiers of Faith; 11:34 American Forum; 1:44 Zoo Parade; I: Famoua Playhouse; t:e Sun day Matinee Theater with Richard Arlen. Jean Parker and Helen Mack In "Power Dive;" 1:34 Thia la the Life: 44 The Christophers Pro gram; 4:14 TBA; 4:44 Meet tha Press: Theodora Granek will discuss "What Has the Senate Accomplish ed?" 1:14 Roy Rogers: 4:4a Topper; 4:14 The Lone Wolf; 1:4a Steve Allen Show; 1:44 City Detective: 34 Waterfront: :ae Man Against Crime: J4 Four-Star Plavhouse stara Charlea Bnver In "Distinguished Service: 14.44 Telephone Time with; Alexander Scourbv and Peggy Con verse In 'The Jnvful Lunatic;" 14:14 Sunday Showtime. 0' A Pop's calling the TV repairman." game isa't, eeme to think af It?, It's set for Oct. J. Second show, en Nov. t, wlU be "Manhattan Tower," based aa Gordon Jen kins' Ine-year-sld "Manhattan Suite." KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL t7)t 1:00 p.m. The Alcoa Hour Barry Jones, Patrick O'Neal and Brenda Forbes star in "The Piper of St. James," comedy concerning the scion of a Canadian shipping family whose life Is completely changed when he is -purred to great deeds by the stirring strains oi me Bagpipes. . . . , . - 10:M p.m Sunday Star Time "Two Lost Worlds," starring Laura Elliott and Jim Arness. 'A ship captain is recuperating from injuries suffered during a pirate attack. KOIN-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL lit 1:00 a.m. Armchair Theater "Mr. Peek-A-Boo" with Joan Green wood. A French government clerk suddenly discovers he has the power to walk through walls. 4:N a.m. Telephone Time Alexander Scourby will be seen in the role of Joseph Priestley, the English chemist who is credited with the discovery of oxygen, ip '.'The Joyful Lunatic." I:M p.m. Alfred Hitchcock Italian-born movie star Marisa Pavan is seen as a young wife terwrlzed by an escaped homicidal criminal in "You Got To Have Luck. , , IS; JO p.m First Run Theater "Intrigue" starring George Raft and June Haver. A man becomes involved In the smuggling of food which was meant for a famine relief area. KLOR SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL l!)l I:M p.m Grand Ole Opry -."Floating Down to Cotton Town," on an old Mississippi side-wheeling showboat is the theme of the show with Ernest Tubb and Eddy Arnold. 1:00 p.m. Imperial .Theater "Conflict with the Law," starring Luisa Rossi, and Carlo Glustini. The stirring story of a young man from the war bitter and cynical, and when his first job fails, coms in "conflict with the law. I:M p.m. Famous Film Festival "The Woman in Question," star ring Dirk Bogarde and Jean Kent. A story of the death of a carnival fortune teller and divergent stories of five people who knew her best. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. UHF 7i KOIN-TV. VHF (; KLOR. VHr It HOUR N:1S MSI MM KOlN P Person C'n Do lYour Trouble t SATURDAY BROADCASTS (Miter's aetti Tke Statesman auklttaee hs gave fartk Ike pragma and times aa provided kv radie and TV slat lens, kat keeanse aftuasea the programs are rkaagrd without netJttcatlea Usta newspaper aaaaet ke responsible for Ike acearacv keieta SATURDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Chaattd Hi , t:M p. m. Double Barrell Playhouse "Drifting Kid," starrinf Tom Keene. "Ghost of Hidden Valley," starring Buster Crabbe, and Al. St. John. t:M p. m Adventure Theater A near perfect swindle ia devised , by fake fortune teller and his partner in "Willful Widow." 11 :H p. m. Night Owl Theatrr-'Tour Feathers." starring Ralph Richardson and C, Aubrey Smith. KOIN-TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel ! . res p. m. Armchair Theater "Vagabond Lady," with Robert Young and Evelyn Venable; "Three Desperate Men," starring Prestoi Foster, Virginia Grey, and Jim Davis. . f:M p. m. Guest of Honor "Economic Development and Technical Assistance" with Mr. J. D. Zellerbach, Sir Douglas Copland, and Dr. Hugh Keenleyside. , 1(:U p. m. Showtime On Six ''Johnny Come Lately," with James Cagney. Marjorie Main, and Marjorie Lord. y; KLOR-TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel lt)t 4:M p. m.s-Gardening For Fun Dean Collins presents a discus- sion on "Summer lawns." He discusses planting new ones and hindl ing old ones for. best results, - i- . , ; l:N p. m Academy Theat.r-"Long Dark Hall" starring Ret . Harrison and Lilli Palmer, The story of a man accused of a maniacal murder and his wife's fight to save him from death for the erlma he did not commit. - , . !: p. m Cinema Showcase "Flaming Urge." starring Harold Lloyd, Jr., and Cathy Downs. The story of a firebug on a rampagth. SATURDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, UHF 17 KOIN-TV, VHF 1; KLOR, VHP U HOUR M:N : M:I 8 KPT VI KOIN KPTVI Howdy Doody IHowdy Dandy It Married Jonnlt Married Jsaa KOINICartooa Time Texas,Ranrt -Texas Stangera R T O. S 1 I " I iMIfhty Mouae fMleMy Mouse I KPTVlFury I KOINI Baseball IFury t IBaeebatl I Uncle Joha (Baseball (Uncle Joha (Baseball 1 1 KPTVIralthTodav IF.lth Tadav mils Is Life ITM Is I If. KOINIrtllh Today IFalth Today BIH Hlckok (Bill Hlrkok 1 2 "TVI Faith Front. Faith Front, Amer. Forum Amer. Forum 1" KOIN Lamp to reel (Lamp to Feet Adventure Adventure avIAIKI Christopher Christop!r ICollege Press College Press KPTVIzoo Parade Zoo Parjft Outlook ' (Outlook KOIN'Faca Nation (Face Nation ISunday News (Sunday Newa KLORI Lighted Wind. Lighted Wind. Grand Opry ICrand Opry WORD FROM THE coast is mat ueorge Burns ana son non- o nie will co-star in a "Playhouse e) 90 show for CBS. George does a good deal of such guesting, Gracie rarely does. SHORT SHOTS: Joan Davis is now way ahead of the ball game, her old "I Married Joan" series having just been leaed to NBC for -$1,500,000. (Copyright 1956, General Fea tures Corp.) KPTVbr.Spock KOINI Lone Banger KLORI Grand Opry (Or. Spoek Church In HomeChurch tn Home ILone Ranger iThe Way (The Way IGrand Opry (Traniittlon Christ Science KPT VI Horse Opera Hore Opera- IHorae Opera IHorte Optra KOIN Armchair The. lArmchalr Tha. (Armchair The. Anfehair The. KLORilmperlal Theat. Ilmpeiial Thcat. Ilmperlat Theat. Imrrlal Thcat. tin M-fji i SERVICE STATIONS, INC. 4) VERY CLEANI 1955 ford Naff ton t Crl. Pickup $1395 VALLEY MOTOR (0. Truck Dept. Marlon and N. Liberty St. PHONE 3-3147 Put This II Means: In Your Bonnet Bargains at Bishop's Soon! congra tu lations L ; A - - ;;. kef-IV '' St-VKtir-liM Ve MRS. RUTH SWART 2820 South 12th St. Salem, Oregon for winning the grand prize, a PACKARD-BELL DELUXE TV SET In the ('Count the Besvers' Bat Con test" sponsored by Meier aV Frank's and the Packard Bell Co. Six "Second Priie" Winners each were awarded a Packard-Bell Person al Radio.. Mrs. Carol Creeninger Woodburn, Oregon f. Creeninger Woodburn, Oregon' ' Mrs. W. M. Gilletle Woodburn, Oregon Mr. Robert Lee Haskins Salem, Oregon Mr. Timothy Hcltiel ' Salem, Oregon Miss Dorothy Flnkbiner Salem, Oregon Serving good " ' food always... (''y-fwiiw ' ".-'-4 ..-..,.w..,..x.j(, 4.v.MM ffisjagprv: -.vv p- aaaaanaaisna 'r$rr?'vrr m,'(t,ww KY0 . '.) A We Invite You To Sample Our Delicious CARNATION ICECREAM Free at Demonstration Booth! SATURDAY ONLY Stop at our store entrance and taste the delicious, extra rich ice cream serv ed exclusively at our luncheonettes 360 k. UBERtY KPTVI Roy Hosers Roy Roera IBIS Picture Blf Picture KOINI Armchair The. lArmchalr Th4. Teleph'ne Time ITeleph'ne Time KLORI Imperial Theat. Imperial Theat. Pioneer Theat. IPloneer Theal. KPTVlMeet the Preas IMeet the Freo IPerapectlva IPernpeettvn KOINI You Ar. There You Are There ILassle Usale , , KLORI Pioneer Theat. Pioneer Theat Oral Robert lOral Hoberts U KPTVI capt Gallant , ICapt. QalUnt IMr. Wlxar KOINI Raaeball IRaaeball IRaseball IRaaeball IMr. Wliard IRasehall We Believe (Baseball IChrUtopher IRaaeball Khrurlaphers ISporta Club KPTVlTopper "Topper IFronUer IFrontler KOIN Private Cec y. Prlvata tec'y. IWhat i My Una IWhafa My Una KLORIu Asked for It U Asked for It iramoui fllma iramom lilma KPTVIsieva Allen KOINEd SuBlvan KLORlPamous Fllmt IStave Allen Ed Sullivan iramoua Films ISteve Allen Ed Sullivan IFamoua Films (Steve Allen Ed SuUivan IFsmmis Films KPTVI Aloea Hour Aloca Hour Aloea Hour lAloca Hour KOINIo K Theater 0 B Theater AU. Hitchcock IAII Hitchcock) KLORlTed Mack's Hr. ITed Mark's Hr. fTed Mack's Hr. ITed Mack's Hr. 9 KPTVI Man vs. Crime Man vs. Crime Monte Crtsto IMonte Crista KOINI64.000Ch'H'nia 44.000 Ch'll'nf ICItyDetecUvo Clty Deteetlva KLORI Coronet Theat' Coronet Theat ICoronet Theat ' poronet Theat. III KPTVI Bowiin, IV KOINI rev. Hue IBowUnf Sunday Star ISunday Star 1 KOINI Jav. Husband 'Far. Husband I let Run Theat list Rua Theat KLOR I Coronet Theat ICoronet Theat IRel. Town Han IRel. Town Hall U KPTV j Sunday Star ISunday Star ISunday Star ISunday Star KLOR Rel. Town Hall IRel. Town Hall IRel. Town Hall IRel. Town Hall SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM IMS KOCO I4N EOAI 14.14 KOIN S74 SOW S2 SIX U FM: Mesacyclea - EOIN 101.1; KEX 2.J; SOW 104 1 HOUR M:M J:1J KOW 4:J4 Cknrck Brass KOIN 4:34 Ckurek af tha Air 7 8 raisa sjlatArfv Jmint'vlMelode Journ'ylMualS KOIN Inv. to Learn lnv. to Learn Salt Lake Tab. KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit HEX Same Com. Join Navy Acad. asi.M Cons' Baptist Salem sum Never Know rf-H Club KAY Waflte Club Wall!e Club aniN News-Music IKxplorer KGW Sun. Mulc iSun. Mu.ilc KF.x Bible Study Bible study KBI.M Bible Class Bible Claaa koco Mus (or Sun. Mus tor sun Bible Study ILonk to Skies Back to Cod" Nararens Ser. IWallfe Club iFor. Af Rept. Church Bells (Sail Lake Tab. Hible Study (Bob Crosby Back to God Mus. for .ua. IKGAY News l. Francis IVolce Proph'cy IVolce Proph'cy lism Lie iLiani Lire Voice of Proph IVolce of Praph. Mvis. for Sun. iMus. for Sun. KG AY Roberts Oraan Robert Orsan Hlt Review IKGAY Newa KOIN Jewish Faith iWeather iaov in science inews KW Scandlnav. Hr. Scandinae. Hr. Scandlnav. Hr. Scandlnay Hr. KEX Quaker Hour Quaker Hour Choen People Ben Branch KsfMNews Christian Sd. Frank fc Era'stl Music KOCO "rcsnvtenen I'resnviertan wann iwei. -tonas ro nvns. KG AY Hit Review IHit Review llllt Review IKGAY Newa . KOIN Music Fest. iMualc Fest. Musi Fest. iMusIc Fest KGW Music (or Sun. Music (or Sun Music for Sun. Music for Sun, K FX -Jews-Branch Branch Branch Branca . KOIN KGW EX Music Fest F.ternal l.iaht -Jews-Branch Concert Mln'tr First Method isHFIrst Methodist nisi First sjapiisi Hour It.eyman'a Hour Sun. Attern'n iSun. Adern'a ICalhollc Hr. K'atholie Hr. Branch Branch - KSLM Join Navy Concert Min ir rirai aemoa 1 KOCO First Baptist' First Baptist First Baptist KG AY Layman's Hour ILayman'a Hour Layman's Hou IK I Music Fest. IF.Iernal Lllht Branch 1 2KO Ki KF. 1 K 3 I 4: Si s 5 61 7 H 8SS KK KSLM News Music KOCO World News Run Matinee KG AY KC'AY News Seiende KOIN Percy Faith Hr, iPercy Faith Hr, h'ews-Mnnltor Monitor X Revival Hr. IRevlval Hr. KSLM Medicine (Run. Serenade KOCO -tun. Matinee un ., Matinee IMennonflea Mennnnitea Sun Matinee tun Matlnea ISeienade ' IKGAY News iPercy Faith Hr. iPercy Faith Hr. Monitor Monitor (Revival Hr. IRevlval Hr. Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade Sun. iviatinee Mm. Matinee KG AY Sun. Serened. Bun. Sercnad. (Sun. Serenade JKu AY News KOIN News IWashinuton 'jBrdwy. Parade I Brdwy. Parade KGW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor M X Pan-Am Union Pan-Ain Union IHIgh Moment llllh Moment KSLM Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade Svmphonlet Symphonles KOCO Suit Matinee Sun Matinee sun Matinee sun mannea ' KG AY Run. Serenade Won. Serenade ISun Serenade IKGAY News UOIV Listenlnl Ear ll.lstenlns Fr I.Itenln Fr U litenlns Far KGW Monitor (Monitor IMeet the PresatMeet the Preas K FtX Hr. of Decision Hr of Decision IHerald of Truth illerald of Truth KSLM-Svinphnnles Rymphonles Symphonies Symphonies noco Teenaee lunet Teenace I'unei Teenase Tunes Teenaee Tunes IKIiAl INews rKCAV Simi. Sprenade ISun. Serenade Won. pprenade IKOIN Mitrh Miller IMItrh Miller IMltth Miller Mith Miller 'KtiW Monitor IMonitot Monitor IMonllor RF.X Hi-FI Time Hi-Fi Tlme HI-FI Time Hi-Fi Time KSLM Brit. Music IRrlt. Music ' IBrlt. Music Iflrlt. Music I KOCO reensaa l unea feensae runes Teenasa runes Tcenaae runes IKGAY O't n. Forum 'fi'l wn Forum iAirt)me Alr Time KOIN DJ.-U.SA. ID J.-tJ.S A. ' ICRS New' (TBS News KGW Mi. n tin Momtni Shirley Thomas Shlrlei Thomas KFX Boh Srott Show iBoh Scott Show iBob Scott Show IBoh Siott Show KSLMBaVeball iBa'seha'li Lutheran Hour 'ui'eran Hour KOI'O Teenase Tunes Teenase Tunes Teenaee Tunes Teenaee Tunes KG AY KGAY News Wen. Nenrerser ISun. Serenade ISIen Off KOIN Corlias Archer H'otH-s Archer ITwo for Money Two Inr Money Kf;W Ncwi-Mnniior vlonitor Monitor IMonllor KFX Bob Spoil ShowiBoh Scotl ShowiBobScott Show'Bob Srott Show FsiTsl" WalWiwlelinfrorrt Paae" Bob Considlne News mil o Teenasa Tunea Teenase Tunas Feenaee Tunes iTeenaae Ttmes KOIN O'llara lO'llara Kiunamoke ;unmoe KGW Monitor IMonllor Amer. Forum lAmer. Forum KFX Drew Pearson Jimmv Fidlef Guest Star lllere's to Vets Memory Room Memory Room Pearson KOCO Teenase Tunes f eenase Tunes Hcenaee Tunes Music (Teenaee Tunes KOIN Master's Mel'dy 'Vw'ter'a Mel'dy Juke Bos Jury Juke Bo Jury Monitor IMOmtor i. MIH resuvai l?uis resuvai Mon Headlines! Faith Our Time Growln PalnslCirowinf Pains KSLM, Music IMvisle !Mulc on jiiKe nnx jurywitKe non jury Jim mar X Sports vliMit' Fet Co to Town "! IGreat Compos. IMusIc IHilly May . St Louis Grt. Composers KSLM Newt XOIk.addy Martin KGW Vhw Fe.l KFX Kath Kuhlman 1KNI.M MusiC KOIN Km Site Fin KGW Ftlch Renorter Q KFX Final Edition Have Hn IFrrddv Martin VIU-.H lest K.!o Kuhlman "Show Tunea Mua Memoe. Vela Newa Finest Musis . Peace In Valley'Peace In Valley IFace Nation It ace Nutlon Met Press Meel preis lrael Mc-ige hfael Mp"i"1JC iShow"Tunes isfmw Tunes Church of Air 'Hurrh of Air Hr of Dcciion Hr of DrcUmn Revival Time llevnal Time KOIN Music ' IMusIc KGW 'Newa Nlrhtrap City Council HEX Billy Graham Billy Graham (Music City Council I'aul Carson fMmlc C'itT Cminell Paul Caraoa ) KPTVI We Believe KOINI Baseball IKPTVlMan to Man ICountry Camp I Breadbasket (Breadbasket KOIN!i-Gun Plyhsa il-Oun Plyhse U-Cun Plyhaa U-Gun PlyhaS KLOR! - Test Pattern fTeet Pattern 9 KPTVI Dble. Plyhse. IDble. Plyhse. IDr.W. Plyhaa. (Dble. Plyhse. e" KOINI Armchair Tha. (Armchair The. lArmchalr Tha. lArmchalr Ths KLUKI Bl Picture IBIj Picture iSpotllta Thea. ISpotllreThee. 2 KTVI Dble. Plyhaa. IDble. Plyha.. . IDble. Plyhaa. IDbla. Ptyhet. KOIN Armchair The. lArmchalr Thsa. lArmchalr Thea.lArmchalr Tb4j.' KLORlSpotllte Thea. Spotllte Thea. ISpotllta Thea. Spotllte Thea. J KPTVItBA tBA IBIU Hlckok Bill Hlckok . KOIN'Armchalr Thea. lArmchalr Tnea.lShowMma MomlShowtlane Meaa KLORI Gardening IGardeninf ' (Gabby Hayes IGahby Hayes KPTV'cisca Kid (Cisco KM Industry Mole Mueeura KOINI Big Picture IBig Picture I Beat the dock IBeat tha Clack KLORlLaurT at HardylLaurl t HsrdylF.lhel Ar Albert lEthel as Albert KPTVI Better Bust neaal Better Business! Down You Ca I Down You Ga KOINIOuest st Honor IGueat of Honor IHIgh Finance Hlgh Finance KLORlAcademy Thea. I Academy TheslAcademy Thea lAcademy Thee. . KPTVIp.tU pase IPaltl Page rattt Page tPattl Pag. KOIN Jackie Gleaaonl Jackie Glaasoni Stage Show IStaje Show KLORlAcademy Thea lAcademy Thea tDougl. FalrbttsDwigl. Falrb . KPTVI Waterfront IWaterfrent IFeat. f BUra Ifeat of BUrs KOINI Two for Money IT we for Money I Rue Morgan IRusa Morgsa KLORI Lawrence Wclk Lawrence WelklLawrenca WalklLawretce Weltg 9KPTVtbA I TBA lAdventura Adreorure KOIN Gunamoke IGunamoka ITalent Bcouts Talent Beeuta KLORj Maaquerada ITomor. tars ITomeaf. Stars m 1 ft KPTVI Mystery Theet Myatery Thaat IPeople Funny I Peep la Fuaay IV KOIN Joa 4s Mabel Joe ah Mabel IShowUma an S.Shewtlma aa KLORI Cinema Show ICInema Show (Cinema Show Clnema Show KPTVI Nile Owl INIte Owl N1U Owl Iftlta Owl KOIN Showtime aa IShowtlme aa ( IShewtlme aa 4 iShewttene ea r 6 SATURDAY'S RADIO KSLM 13M KOCO MS KOAI MM KOW tl MOW 4Jf KMX IW FMI Msgacyclee KOIN 141 1 BKX MJ IS 144 HOUR N:M Mill M:tt .KSLM News KGAY Farm News COIN Newa-Amer, KGW Monitor 6 Kf KS as KOCO 1 KGAY f KOIN KGW Kl ki i Kr 5 Mus Tlmkpr aluta To Sat KOIN Kloek Monitor KEX Newi-Ka Time Keep rime KSLM Hemrhgway Break Gang KOCO Go ta Towa Tunea aV Time KGAY Game Comm. Salute Ta Sat. KOIN Kleck News . Monitor Monitor KIX News Keep Time Time KSLM Bible Hour KOCO Sport Shots KGAY Salute 10 Has. OIN Story Master GW Monitor KEX Keep Time KSLM l-H Show Kot o News-Sports KGAY Salute Te.Sat KOIN Storv Master KGW Monitor KEX No School Mua. Tlmkpr. (News aluta Ta Sat. KOAV Newa KOIN Kleck KOIN JUoek Courtesy Car CourteT Car Skl-Keeo fimelKeep Tlsne Break!. Ceng New. Tunea aV Time "Tunes Jr Tims 8alute Ta Sat, IKGAY Newa Gnsa News Conaum. Newa V.thr-Monlta Monitor Keep Time Keep Time . Havea of Reel Havea of Reel Tunes At Time (Tunes aV Tima iSalute To Bat. IKGAY New ' Gunamoka (Gunsmoka Monitor Monitor Keep Tlma Keep Time E.U.B. Local News ISalute To Sat Gueat Stars Monitor Keep Tim. Farm 4s Horn. 'Pastor's Call Bargain Cafe Tunes 4r Time "Tunes Tima 'Tunea At Tims ISalute To Sat ISalute Ta Sat KOAY New. Music Oaten Drake Galen Drake , Monitor ' Monitor . Monitor No School No School iNo School a II KGW KOCO News-Sports " KGAY Salute to Sat 1KOIN KGW KEX IBaaebaU 1400 Tuna SI. IKGAY Newa Pence Oreh. KSLM Newa Music Baaeball Koco Newa-Saorts IW Tuna St, II 4w) Tune St KGAY Camera flub ISalute To Sat ISalute Ta Sat KOIN News Amer. Music Dance Orch. McAnulty MUS.'McAnuiiy mus. McAnuny Mus.McAun ttiaa. Stars Tomor'ow Stars Tomor'owlStara Tomor'owlStars Tomar'aw KSLM Baaeball IBaseball IBaaeball IBasebell Mira Tuna at new Tuna as,, isa Tuna at. ISalute To Bat Salute Ta Bat Salute Ta Sat. Story Master Rnbt. Q. LewlsiRoM. O. LewlslRobt Q. Lewa McAnulty slue. McAnulty Mus. McAnulty Mua McAnulty Mua. Festival IFcallval "Feetlval pTestlval Baaeball - IBaaeball Bat. Matlnea Sat Matinee Rat. Hits IKGAY Newa , Garden Gala iFarm Facta Monitor '. Monitor Festival festival- "Merry-Round Merrv-Rouod - 1 Set. Matlnea Sat Matinee Sat. Hits IKGAY New. Way for Youth I Way for Ymrik ' K'ourtesy Car ICourteey Car h iRuaa Conrad Ruas Conrad Merry-Round Merry-Round Sat. Matlnea Sat Matlnea Sat. Hita IKGAY N.wa . Gooo Newa Treesury Show . KSLM Baseball I KOCO World News KGAY KGAY News .KOIN Noon Newa f KGW Farm Ar Home KEX Festival SLM Baseball KOCO News-Sport. KGAY Sat. Hits KOIN Newspaper KGW Monitor KKX Rusa Conrad 1 2 KSLM Merr ot.O Newi KGAY Sat. KOIN Sal. KGW McAl Baaeball Sat Ma Usee Sat. Hlta Weath r-Farm Farm At Buna Festival Men y-Round Sat. Matlnea Sat. Hlta Newspaper , IMonttor Rusa Conrad KSLM Merry-Round Mersy-Round News-Sports Sat. Matlnea lilts sal. nits Chaae Sat. chase cAnulty Mus. McAnulty Mua. McAnulty Mua.fMcAnulty Mus. KEX Newa-Conrad Rues Coarad Ruas Conrad Ruas Conrad KSLM Merry-Round Merry-Round Merry-Round Merry-Round IKOCO Newa-Sporta Sat Matlnea Sat Matinee Sat Matlnea 'KGAY Sat. Hits Sat. Hlta Sat. Hlta IKGAY Newa KOIN Man Bltea Ree.Man Bltea Res.iMan Biles Re. Man Bites Baa, KGW McAnulty Mus McAnulty Mua. Monitor IMonitot KKX News-Conrad Ritas Conrad Ruas Conrad Rusa Conrad KaL"40uealBta'r Newa Show" Bnai IMusIc OCO '-lorta Jrny into 'ass Jrny inta rfasa jrny inra jass KGAY Sat. Hlta ISat. Hlta iSat. Hlta . IKGAY Newa KOIN Klrkham News II. N. Record 'Danger Ahead I Lock In Skies KGW Courtesy Car Courtesy Car IMonllor Monitor KEX Nrwa-Blkbrn Bob Blackbura iBob Blickburw Bob Blackburn 4 i 5 6KS1 KO KO KG KE 7:: Kl Kf aa sr KSLM News Koto Snorts KGAY Sat Hits koin News-Weather KGW Monitor KP.XNewa-Blkb'rn KSLM Hawll Calls old Newa OIN Ft. IJiramla GW Monitor Country Style Pop Tunes ISat. Hits Man in House Monitor Bob Jack Klrrlak Pop Tunea Sal Hlta iHarmoa Sna IMonte nallou Blackburn Bob Hawaii Calls . This Be You I Pop Tunes Rhvthmalres Ft. Laramie Indictment Monitor wr wiv vprj Jack Klcitah Wally's Sports Sin Off Gnsa New. IMonte Ballou BlackburniBob Blackburn This Be Youf Rhvthmalrea Indictment Gr Ole Opry KEX Bob HlackburniB.b BlarkhurniBob Blackburn Bob Blackburn SLM Wea'n SerenadeW'ca'r Seren'ae iWea'a SerenadelWes'n. Serena da - Koco Rhythmalrea Rhvthmalres Dance Party Dance Party OIN City Hospital iCity Hospital ami. Feature Col. vesture - GW Heck Harpers Herk Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper KEX Adhlna"tho Adklns Show Bob Adkins Bob Adkina , KSLM Sal. to Nation Sal. to Nation LomDaroo lomnaroo . koco News-Snorts Hence Party Dance Party nance parte KOIN Rock At Roll Rock St Roll iBaam St. JuilBasin Bt Jasa. KGW Heck Harper IHeck Harper ITruth or C'necj.iTruth ar C'soe, KKX NLA. Report N EA. Report lAdklns Show Adklns Show .KSLM News IKOCO News-Snorta Jkoin Milch Miller (KGW X Minus One KEX Rob Adkins Muslc n-nre Party IMItch Miller X Minus One " Bob -Adkins I News Dnce Parte IMitch Miller Dance Time Mankind Ways IMusIc Dance (Teen Tune Dance Tlma Mankind Ways KSLM KOCO KOIN 0KG Kf H Dance Party Newe-Sporta Sat. Final Dance Time Dancing KSLM Dance Parly Kocn News-Snorts KOIN Newa.Miisle 1KGW Dance Tlma KEX Oanceland IDance Party Dai i-e Parry Good Evening Oance Time Party Dancetand IDinc IDance Party Jvtca Parte Good Evening Dance Tima Denceiand (Dance Party Dance Party Good Evening Dance Time Danceland Party Dance Party Mua Mldnlsht Dance Time Oanceland IDance Party vDance Party Dance Party Dance Party Mus Midnight Mua Mldmgkl Dance Tlma Dance Tima Danceland Danettana realialrL'iilWV'''Keh