i ! 1 Save time - Save money For the Best Professional Services ilLtU EIPEB Make Life Easier Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDINO MACBINES Buy as you rant. All makes Rosn-Typawrlters, 45 Court Ph. 3771. APPLIANCE WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co 414 S Cocl Ph 4-1111 CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novstort New matlrcssc 1-408 BRICK BLOCK MA lOW BRICK and block Work guar. sntecd. Ph. WM. CABFENTBB CONTBACTOB fc'EW blulding. roofing or paint ln, remod, tit. free. 4-1340. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining want, cement or pumtc block. Free eatl mslcs. 3 mo. to pay 2-8280. CRANI WOKS SS-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand at Gravel Co 1-2481 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. S-1SN FLI10. COVtRINOI MORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering. Division (Qual ity Initallatlona Linoleum, As. phalt At Rubber Til. Wall tilt Era Estimates 4-1271 450 Merchandise 4S5 Hou4 Goods for Sal EXTRA long box aprgi. A mat- trcii, Ilka new. Ph, i37t. Linoleum ruga 9x12. 139S Valley Furn. Co., Ill N. Com'l. 456 Wonttd House) Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-7471 (10.000 CASH To ipend for High grsd Used Furniture & Appliances Ph. 3-5110. Paying Top Pricet for Better Grade. i Glrn Woodry, 1S0S N. Summer WANTED FURNITURE k MISC. PH. 3-6098 . IUH CASH "KlC'l - FURNI TURE, APPUANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART. IV) S L IBEBTY PH 4-41371 WANTED: Good clean furniture ai appliance. Will pay top caih price). Ph. 4-4371. 457 Radio and TV 11" T. V. Coniolt priced to tell. Free home demonstration. Termi. S A H Green Stamp Bstdorte Home A Auto 1423 State St.. Th. 3-P9B2. 458 Iwildino iMoteriols (ALL USED MATERIALS FOR SALE) Fluorrtcent litea ... a" Plywood Cellini tile. 18x11 Reeav mada Shelving Sen desks Doors. 3 panel & I panel . Windows, comp. .... IS up Sc aq. ft 10c ea. low priced -is ea. It up wlramee 13 50 A- up Good Used Pipe V to 4" tin. 1 it btr. used Lumber . S45 A SSS per M Good uied Fir Flooring . S4S per M Brlerl hardboard SOxino siit . SI 7S 4" blk. Drainage pine 30c ft. E.S.RI1IER&C0. 74fl Portland Rd Ph 4-Utl 4 Ml. No of Salem, Ml No. of Totem Pole on IWF. Open All Day Saturday BARGAIN" 7S-1M tn used flat roof tile. S210 Chemeketa Overnsad eieel garage Oanrs with Hardware US St In rilled Mttt Crlvsnlied eve trough ll'ae per EPPI.NG LUMBER CO. PH 4-AI23 J740 S1LVERT0N RD MXI.000 FEE! Mew. fresh-milled ela A aeeond (rowth lumber 1x4 to 1x11 In ta 14-foot Itngths. Delivered prices Salem. 130 per thou minimum Ted Muiler 1-1 tea PRE-FAB HOUSES IDEAL FOR RENTALS FARMS VACATION COTTAGES I BEDROOM houe delivered to Saltm S37S.0O. Site 24' x 2t'. Each houae Includes elec. re frlssrator, elec. wster htr.. eler. range, toilet, wash haain, kitihcn alnks and cabineta, wiring, and plumbing. IMP1-E TO RE-ERECT-PLANS SENT WITH HOUSE See housea anytime at tVK) N. Swift Blvd. Portland. Ore Bants Homes Ph. AV t-3.um. AND LOHSA" KEW LOAD BIRCH DOORS -btiutlfullr dtngnrd LOW COST I I INSULATION 110 asx, ALDER shop it paneling price of birch! SDG St 30, FLO. It SO, PAINT I SO Hi. CMEEH TJOTRS tS tip -Alum Serena to fit! FENCE MATERIAL - all tynea. Won derful atatns for flntih set them I PLYWOOD SPECIALS: 130 ahttti of BIRCH and KNOTTY PINE - Cloteout l.v It 4 Knotty Pine lie ft FIR PLYWOOD - any sire CUTTING FREE - tremen dous selection. KAIt.S I5S keg LOSEOUT -Odd lots Pine Psntllng 100. M, CEDAR BOARDS Rgh hack 10" Ctdar Sdi 133. M. lxll 104M. Hemlock Cag. add lots 4e n. li 4l Sanded Plywood 17c ft., Rgh. 4xt 4 7 iheatt Gosh -New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price PAINT GRADE JAMBS - 191 act. tlV we aay - TOT AND LOTTSA" ft Remodeling M MONTHS TO PAY -NOTHING (that's rlghli NOTHING DOWN - Bee us toon you II enjoy veur visit Portland Rnarl Lumber Ysrrl 1343 Portland Road Ph. 4-4431 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" HIS ORADINO DOINO BULLDOZING It hark (ill, S5.S0 pr hour. Ph. 1-0933. DOZING k LEVELING Ph 1-0932 D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, elter'ng roads", ponda. D-4, D- carryall V HuayPh 2-U48. BULLDOZING, grading Ar Land clearing Elmo W Loktr owner Sc operator. Ph. 1-6742. PAPEBINB PAINTING Painting and paper-hanging. Pre eattmatea Ph 1-Hll Bruah or apray Exterior or In terior. Free eitimatea. 1-9808. PAPERING PAINTING PAINTING ft DECORATING 25Yri.in Silcm 3-7551 ROTOVATING TILLING, Howard Rotovating garden cultivating, lawn prep aration by hr. or job. 3-999. CUSTOMER ot o7Vt i nl Ford equipment. Field, lawns, or chardt A gardtnt. Ph. 1-MM Ai 1-4771. . TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 450 Merchandise 458 Building, Moteriolt O II felt At craft paper S2 35 3 tab 21S lb. roofing. Cheap Cedar Shlnglea S3, 13, St O New iron roofing per aq. 110 O Outalde white paint, gal 12 50 O 12-1 wire, roll at 4,c O Garage doors, all sire, cheap Barb wire in rod 1.1 93. 17 43 O Ceiling tile 12x24. 10c aq ft. O '4x8 plaster bd SI 40. I ft) 1 S3 O no. 1 Affbeito siding 113 50 sq O New Water heaters, sell out O Cast aoll pipe 73r ft. O '" galv. rpa 12c, 'a-ltc. P. -Utc. l,-3Sc. O S00 gal. ateel stp. tanka SSI SO O 300 gal ateel atp. Unka M9.50 O New bath tub complete tWSa O ToileU with aeats 821.90 O Wash baa. with trim 119 JO O Iron, steel, etalnlees ateel ainka. O Drain-board covering 30c ft. O I" Celling fan 113.73 O Deluxe 14x34 mtd. cabinet ' H S3 B Oak flrg. randem .ength Cheap 0 New window aaihee, choice 0 Windows At framta. large vk O Mahg plywood 4x1. 13c an. ft. O I 00U doora, haidwuod A giasa STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG It SONS PH 4-5051 1 Ml. N. KET7ER Keith Brown Specials PLYWOOD 4 x t x ' Rib. Grain Mahog. Panel .. 3 4 ea. t Don't miss this one.) 4 x x , RC Mahog. Plywood ..... 4 SO ea. 4 x S x t CD Sheathing 4 x S x Sheath ... 473 ea. Plugged A Sanded. 4 x t x la Hardboard . 4 x S X Hardboatd. OS. White Paint . . 8d box nails keg ..... DOORS DOORS: 4S0ea. lOOea. 2 2S ea. 2 SO gal. 123 1- 0 A l-44-Sxls Flush fir 2- 0 to 2-x-vl, Flush Mahog l-Svt-Sxl, SC Mahog 3- flx-Sxl, HC Mahng !-x-8xPi Sash 1 00 ea. 4 on A up on ea. 7 00ea. 1 00 ea. anora SCREEN DOORS: J-0K-!'t S40 . Inside Door Jambs 4X8 RL Clear Rgh Bev. Ceda' Sd t SO ea. 193 let 190.00 M ".via RI. Sel. Titt Knot Bev. Cedar Sri. 1 X 4-E Celling Sxt E 101 Siding 140 00M . WtnoM . 43 00 M LUMBER YARD 2.1S North Front St. Ph. 3-9111 "WE GIVE S 4 H GREEN STAMTS" 460 Musical Instruments WURLITZER Spinet. 2 yrs old. like new. priced J.130. 1-S53. WILL atore your baby grand piano in modern home. No children Call tvtt. after 8 Ph 1-.1M3 FOR SALE, Knhler ACamphell Spinet styled mahogany piano. Ph. l-tel7. 462 Sports Equipment FOR SALE: 18 ft. Convertible Outboard Cruiser. 7 ft. beam all glasaed hull, duel eteering 10 ft. trailer, boat A trailer In exc. condition. Ph. 1-09S Mon day or Tuts. S a m. to t p m FOR SALE: 14 ft. Sabre Cham pion new runabout, mah.. ren ter deck, windshield, ateerlng. new quick allver controls, fi bre glassed, with new trailer Ph. 2-3.KI7. SALE 2s Johnson SIS 7', Srott-Atwater wihift . 179 Mark t Merc, like new 1179 .32 Automatic pistol .... $20 12 gauge Ithaca litewelght .. St Use our no down pavment pur chase plan. SHROCK'S. 1379 Highland. Scott-Atwater Sales it Service. New A Used Bnata. IS FT boat 1-1423. It trailer, 191. Ph. 12-FT. runabout, complete with controls, trailer A 19 HP Evln rude, S6O0. 1O40 Harris FORSALETsfTTabln cruiser, 40 h. Merc, motor, hvdr. ateer lng. trailer. Complete 11.49S Ph. S-0071. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Mere 12M Broadway 11 FT. NEW runabout, mah. renter deck. II H P. Johnson 1291. Ph. 1-7721 or 1-7147. SI 5 Investments INVESTORS YOU CAN MAKE YOl'R MONEY EARN A RETTER tfETURN RI1V 1st mnrteaaes on imoroved Your money net 1'. Extmine the security yourself All details and collections taken care nf without obligation',. Mori gnges available from 11500 tn tvwo We are now servlrinr M. 9i01WOO of 1st mottae fur Institutional and Individual In veatnrs Just like yourself. Over 11 yesrs satisfactory aervlec for the Willamette Valley. STATE FINANCE COMPANY 1ST B. High It Phone 1-IlU Balem. Oregot CP HOOFING SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Mont mod. Ill time roof, color choice. Free eat. 1-790 evea. for comp. Information. AND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 11125 McGllchrlst Cruihed quarry rocki and grav el. All sues for roada, drive wava and parking Int. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-dozing, (hov el and dragline work. 1-9249, SALEM SAND At GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, cruihed and round gravel, land and top Boll. 1409 N. Front Kt. 1-24(1. VALLEY BAND & GRAVEL CO Cruahad A round gravel Sand Si con mix 1 4001 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, acweri. aeptlc tanks cleaned. .1-5:127. MIKE'S Septic service fanki cleaned D rooter clesns sewer drama Phone 1-S4M Hemel's septic tanks cleaned lint aervlre Guaranteed work Phone 1-7404. or 1-0774. CPHOLSTSRING UPHOLSTERING Professional! guar work free eat., pickup, deliver. Ph 1-42M 450 Merchandise 462 Sports Equipment FOR SALE 2 lever action Savage rifle, pump 30-Ofl. 1 1 Remington Winchester 12 model 40. All Privata party. ga. automatic alightly uaed. Ph. 4-0701. 464 Bicycles BOYS bicycle, good cond. 47S2 Lowell, Kcuer dial. 468 for Rent, Mite. tUH RENT or la.it iga ware houie apace cement floor brick bldg downtown In. auire H L Stiff euro 1-llU 470 For Sale. Misc. NEW genuine Army pup tenta. Government cost 11217 Our Special Price SO IS For a ahort time only. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS, 213 N. Coml. Ph. 3-4343. BELCREST cemttery-lotai'M. 140. S30. Cash or term. Ph. 3-7598 or I-KIOI. S MEAT cooler-beverage cooler, Toledo computnr acalr. rsi.ri register, meat slicer. also stock of canned goods, btg diacount Ph. 4-4.111. 2', H P. air cooled motor Wt to .IJilu-,lon Pn- 4-4.111. 30-30 CAR3INE. Davenport A chair, Thermador Heater, large wool rug and pad, waaher. Ph. 4-9138. FOR SALE: New t ft. trailer, dlthea, booka, old recorda., ph. 1-7079. 17S0 No. 20th St COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, A large baby bath tub It car bed. Ph. 1-9M9. FOR SALE: Collapsible baby buggy. S13L Ph. 2-3293. FRIEDRiCH-fioatTnT lrdellca tessen meat case. Perfect cond. 4-3flnL FORD Compressor on rubber, with or without enuipment. Ideal paint apray outnt priced to sell. Howser Bros. 11 S3 S 42th. FOAM BUBBFR HEADQUAR TERS. All aires All Thick neasea. SI per pound. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS, 2X3 N. Com'l. Plv3-4343. RCA "radio. A-l 8! ns7 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. No down pavment (o. a.c.l Ph. 4-8371 Open Friday, nights 'til 9 FOR SALE or trade. Super cold vegetable it beer storaee cab inet, perfect cond. 4-3008. POWER Lawn MowerPerfect condition. S 95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8:171 Open Fri. nighta 'til 1. No down payment 10. a.c.l POUI.fRYplcklngmachlnewlth 1 HP elec. motor. Good cond. ' Price ISA. 1 nice dressers. 115 ea 4 rocking chairs. SI. SO es. Good davenport makes into bed. S1Q. Ph. 1-21.19. 30 GAL. garbage cans. 84 93. Used Mdae Mart 170 8. Lib erty. Ph. 4-H.171. No down pay ment lo a.c.) Open Frl. nights 'til 9. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 CLOSE out on new garden tools. Wholesale prices. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty, Open Frl. nighta til 1. Ph. 4-8371, No down payment lo.a.c.l TOP SOIL Phone 2-1579. 1-tMl BFV'S rummage, everyday. N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7100. 473 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan, Oial 3-1749 Prompt Delivery , Keirtr Sand A Gravel Co. NEW bird cage with chrome stand. Value 11995. Sale price 11295. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. Ph. 4-8371. Open Frl. night 'til 1. No down pay ment lo.a.c.l PA YMA.STERcheckwrlteVanrl protector. New, 1100. Ph. 1-9843 To place classified tds call 4-6811. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chine, raah registara duoll catori, dtska. chairs, filet, tun Blici Roan's. 458 Court 1-1771 SELL or trade complete restau rant equip, for 92 or S3 car. Call Silverton after 7. 1-3971. 472 Wanted, Mite. WANTED several thousand eor!i of wood all species Ph 1-7721 Nights 4-98.H LOGS WANTED: Top prices psid 8-in. to 90-ln. diameters in S-ft or multiples of S-ft. We also buy stumoage. Burkland Lum ber Co.. Turner. Ore Ph. Tur. ner 1129. Evenlnga phone Tur ner 2302 or Salem 3-7828. SIS Investments real et!e In Salem and vlrlnitv 450 Merchandise 474 Mlteelloneeut ADDING machines, eaati regis Clary 117 Fairirnunda 1-SJlt "DENTAL PLATS REPAIR I HR) SERVICE IN UOt; CASES OR HARRY SEMLER. Dentin AdolLh Bldg. Butt A- Com ! Sta SALEM PH 1-3311 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Old fir lily padi SAWDUST ' BAH Green Stamp Ph. 3-5S31 0S7Broadwa ANDERSON'S illiwoid. Ph. 1-77S1 or 4-ZSS4 ORDER NOW FOR RATES Sawduat. wood for furnaie.CaV range or heater, ahavinga at mulrh. Writ Salem Fuel ':o 192 Edgewater Ph. 2-4031 W A.-' IED aeverai thouaand corat o.- wood, all spades ph 1-7721 Nights. 4-B33 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST WOOD Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS' SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planet Enda Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Pit. 1-7711 500 Bus. & Finance 5 TO Money to Loon Business loans To $7,000 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON Loam to Purchase, Repair or Refinance All Type of Equipment Including Crawler Tractors A Trailer Homea PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS Wm. C. Kramer, Manager 111 S. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 WE HAVE caah buyers for real aetata contracts and 2nd mort- Siget hmart Si Calaba, fteattora 477 Court St Phone 1-411S PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy enntracta and .nortraec. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-M4I. . $1500.00 Now you can rmrrow SIM (run ut. on furniture, auto, trailer houiea and equipment We are happy tijmt after 2S veart we are able to extend this additional aervlre to you. 137 S. Com l. Salem, OtTgoa General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 FOOTEY (25 to $2500 -Pacific. Industrial Loans lit Liberty Ph. 4-113 LOANS 130 00 to 11500 Ot Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance tnro-jgh WI1XAMT1TE CREDIT COMPANY 181 B Church St Ph 1-8417 PRIVATE money to loan. t Interest pn. Z-07M. COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 487 Court 4-2283 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 394 N. Winter Ph. 2-0838 Your future Is our job. ARTHUR Murray'a now Inter viewing applicant! for tearhera 13 per hour, training free If accepted. Agea 21 thru 30. Apply In person, Mr. Chap pel. 2 thru 1 p.m.. 431 Ferry. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman Dtcycit routes Several routes ' 111 be open Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have thetr written permie aion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman-, Journal 604 Help Wanted. Men HAVE opening for real estste aales person in our organiza tion Call Ben Cnlhath. Col bath Land Co., Realtors. Dial 4-44114. . JOURNEYMAN plumber wanted. top pay, call 2-0989 or SM . Browning. ibmuFervisor Experience with 402. 114. 077. 532 required. Will hsve cardatype. New installation. Excellent 00- fnrlunlly. Write full quallflca 10ns to Box 185, Statesman Journal, WANTED: Log buyer. Box 184. Statesman-Journal. GOOD WHOLESALE DELIVERY ROUTE JOB OPEN WITH ESTABLISHED. EXPANDING. KLAMATH FALLS FIRM. GOOD SALARY. COMMIS SION. PENSION PLAN. HOS PITALIZATION PLAN. C.OOD WORKING CONDITIONS. MUST BE AGRESS1VE. COM PETITIVE. AND REALLY WANT TO GET AHEAD. Give age, married ststus, experi ence ... all replies confiden tial. Write P.O. Box 488, Klam ath Falls, Ore. REAL Estate Salesman needed. Full office co-operallon. Please phone 4-8837, or Sunday 4-9149, for appointment. Ask for Bert Rtevena. All replies confiden tial. WANT seversl wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co., 1M0 N River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, tody WOMAN for Mote IMald. live In. Apply in person. 3305 Port land Hd. WOMAN for Motel Maid, live ry Cuy Cottage2300 Fairgr Rd EXPERIENCED waitress over 21 tears. Hours 1 to I 30 pm Please spply In person. Depot Cafe, 122 Lyon St., Albany Ore EXPERIENCED waitress it com bination waltrtss It car hop, over. SI yrs. of age, 90c an hour. Mickey's Drlve-In. 101 WellaceRd. Apply after 1 p m. MIDDLE-AGE woman to do housework, 1 In family, all mod. conveniences, live iriTt Ph. 4-8358. Pickers Wonted bean pickers register now for nlBtoon. Children 11 yrs, A over ah picking. o adults Verv good Ph. 1-0721 after I p is TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 600 Employment 610 Solas Help Wanted THIS IS IT For the SIS a week aaleeman who ihould be earning 1.V) We have a product on the market It veers'. No canvau ing or night calls. Commit aion paid daily. 1 men or women wanted for Salem and vicinity. Car ntraaaarv. Write Staleimen-Journal. Box 173, atating qualification for In terview. WORLDSlargelt InaUlltra! horn heating need 1 more .nan to learn warehousing, aales it services. Assured fu ture. guaranteed salary If you qualify. We tram you. Apply In penon, 1037 S. Com'l. Mon day, July tth it Tuesday, July loth before noon. ftM Raleaman to work out of one of Salem's flneat Resl Ea late offices. Rewllna Realty, OS Chemeketa. Ph. 4-M73. MAN te distribute It pick up Fuller Bruah catalogs SI'W weekly comm te atari l-MST SALESMAN wanted. Electrolux Corp. 1071 Brdwy Salem. PART TIME SALES WORK I to t p a., average 14S SO guar- antetd comm. fn. t-mi, FOR1 immediate employment. 400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 323 E. Bush t. 30 to A.M. Only. 1 61 i Work Wanted, Men CARPENTER, best of work. Con- tract or hourlv. uoa s. rac. Hwy. Ph. 4-3004 after t pm, REMODEUNGT repair, new ad ditloni. screen work. Ph. l-338 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, of fice mgr. Box IIS Stateiman Journal. Mow hsyfleld or vacant lota. Ph. 4-6371 between t p.m. eV I a m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet wor. Free ext. Expert work Work guar. Rrf. Go anvplaca. Chaa. ti ll nr. Ph. 1-701S PAINTING Free F.rtimates Reasonable. Ph. 1-13S1 eves. R0TO-TILLING Ph. J-25U TALL GRASS, lawn cutting An derson. 4-0443. 16S N. Capitol CARPENTER"WORK. day ar contract. 1-1S41 or 1-1459 tOU'S tree aervlre Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2ttt. CUSTOM mowing, lots A- acre ages ft. mower. Delbert Beach. Ph. S-7731, "Homt Building It 'Remodeling CALL JOHNSON-Ph. 2-9740 CFMENT work; guaranteed; prompt service; free estimates. fcrat! Drake. Ph. 4-33t. HOT coating, roof repair it apray painting. Guaranteed workmanahlp. Alio frea eU- mates. Ph. 4-4127. 614 Work Wanted, Lady PRACTICAL Nurse desires em- ploymcnt, Ph. 4-4871. CHrLDCare my home. Infanta It up. S. 12th. PK 4-7253. EXPERIENCED "woman desires genersl off ice work. 4-8183. CHILD care7in my"nome. close In. Ph 4-SWH. . CERTIFIED teacher to tutor children mornings, juiy, u jgust Ph. 1-41824. IRONING IN MY HOME PH. 4-4694 CHILD cart my home 11 da. 19c hr. 4-Corners, ph. 1-1571. CHtLD care tn my home, play equipment At close supervision. 1055 Electric. 4-1703 unuruinr frozen fruit A chicken pie. Cookies baked to order 4-838 or 3-titi. WILL bsby alt. I year olds It up Ph. 4-9341. IdlMEOGKAPHING Poe, ttl N. Hth. Mrs 3841. 615 Situations Wonted FRANK-HARRYS POWER DITCHING Installation, aerwers. aeptlc tanks, drain fields, tiling 1-0108. EXPERT spray, brush painting. paper nangina, yvr f, mine. Free est. Terms. Pn. Nelson 3-8403, 1-8243. '.a 'i l-vd ahovel, crane, r.oe drg line. 19-ton mobile cranes D4 D7 cat, carry all clear ing blade Mental contract ar unit prices. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL I40u N Front St Ph 2-2441 PAINTING, papering. Free eatl mates. Don Lucero 3-8522. PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices 25 yesrs in saiem. rn. j-ipm CARPENTER work, any kind reas 4Z40 aaacissy no. e-emii sFhaRFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks, ursin rieioi. Power Ditching. Bsckflll. Ph Z-S388 or 3-suil MOWING It raklr.g. D. Mar shall, 2-1343. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good worn, rcasoname. rn. UOH1 crawler dostr leveling raaing. e-'vaa. 1. rvui in 700 Kenlals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board LARGE, nicely furn. sleeping rms. 1382 Court, Ph. 1-9829. BOOM Ik board for young bul- neat girl. Ph. J-'l0j; FlfnNlfht hak'g. rm. wTSaiem t mo., 1Z oertn. rn. s-aui between I A 8 SLEEPING rms. 11 day. 15 wk Near Capttnl. 411 N. Hummer. VERY hire rm. for gentleman, pvt. enl. IM It. cottage. - TV. Nlrely furn.. clean aleeplng rm. 13 wk. 1-7820, Pnaro avail. ROOM It hoard, men only, 883 per mo. Ph. 4-374J. NICELY furn. rm. also basm I rm. 838 N. Winter CLEAN quiet, r.esr State bldg , shop put., nit, pnvci. CLEAN, Comf. rms. T. V . close ln 119 8 Winter 1-1713 I WANTED Mn to room and board 28 N. CaplloL SPARKLING clean. 4rmt.. furn. 805 8. Summer. FURN-spt7 2l"N. Winter. TlT 4-0887. a MODrf'u'm, apt., mTNo. CnTtage St., 1 blk. Meier It rrai. CLOSErllt. fir., clean, well furn.. 1 rm . bath. 891 Center. pRMTfurn. housekeeping, ulll. furr597 N. Liberty. Ph3-7895 3-RM furn. apt., hath, clean rloae In., ph. 1-81193 after 8 4-0042 FURNapt7cinse"ln. 1084 Oak. Ready July 19th. call i-3hu. 705 Aportmentt For Rent NEAR Cspltol. furn. 1 rms. and bath 132 90. 330 8. 14th. 4-7149 ROOMY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Close to Sr. and Jr. High. Ph.jJ-MM. GENTLEMAN, nice 1 rm. furn. apt. 253'Center. APT. TWO ronras A bath: not water heat: Refrlg Is elect range 140 Cluett it Krnon ,' Ph. 1-3991. Eve, Ph. 4-8HS0, 1 PM. APT. rca.. utll furn. r4!HlMyrtle 4-4972. 4 RM. furn.ept.mf bath. 143 fit un. Turner. Ph. "first-floor. NICE clean t bdrm. apt. 1 Worst MAP 570 Union Ph. 4-9928 or 1-3393. rURN cin""Tn utll. carport 1 adult, 131. 1-3130. 1-939. 700 Rrntali 70S ApertnfnH For Rant LYNW00D COURT APTS. Under new management; a face' luting, in progress tbruout. For clean, pleaaant living at n-tmlnal rental, I and 1 bdrm. apta furn. or unfurn. TV an tenna, laundry facllltiea. US S. 13th. ATTRAC. 1 rm apt. with pvt. bath. TV antenna, laundry prtv. Close In. 481 N. front Evenings Ph. 4-1521. APT. for 1. partly furn. 1341 Waller, call any Urn. 1-RM. nicely fur. apt, private bath, automatic laundry. S31.S0. Ph. 4-4020. 3-8S4I. FOR RENT 1 rm. apt w. pvt. bath, kitchenette. Laundry pnv.. close In. lnq. 441 N. Front. Evenlngi Ph. 4-9322. fURNrApuTr3Sndt4S. VW tttes lnrl. Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1587. FURN. apt. Washington ach. dlst. Bus. PvL ant. 3250 Him me). 1 RM, apt. w. kitchenette, bath, utll. 430 S. Capitol NICE 1 rm. aptlst fir., bat'h, laundry, nice yard, rtat. 89S S. Itth. SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT CaU titer P.M. 3-7009 1140 S. 13TH, f50 00 4 DM. turn. flat, adult, refer ences, ir. Call A.M. 'Ill 1 a after 1 p.m. 1-7941. MODERN I bdrm. court ' apt., completely furn., SA8 a man. W. Salem. PH. 4-8S7S. Eve 2-8743 1ST FLOOR, fu.-n. 1 rms, Ben dix. 131 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7114 CLEAN, quiet I rm. apt. down town. Isdy pref. t4l Ferry. 1 5 room, ground floor, email yard. Desirable. 1 blocks from P.O. 1-8533. Hollywood Apts. Furn., unfurn., 4-4711 or 4-7871. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furs. Aptt. ISO N. Bummer, t-tioe MODERN 1 bdrm.. Court Apt Unfurn. except Elec. rang A refng. W. Salem. Pn,.4-6S71 Eve. 1-1743. COURT apts. Extra nice, elean, 1 rms. It bath, unfurn.. except atove, refng. T V, laun., park avail, mq. ijea tain. NICE Ig. 3 rm. furn. 141 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-S444 or 3-3000. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 EDRM. UNFURN. lies Chemeketa St Ph. 1-8)630 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt, rente, refng. l-MOt. MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt., unfurn. except elec. range A refng., 30 a mo., W. Balem. Ph. 4-8879. Evea. 1-1743. CLEAN 1 rm. turn. apt. Pvt. ent. At bath. utll. furn. 411 S. II FUHN. 1 rm. apt. w. bath. In Hollywood. Ph.4-4200. WEBER Court New manage ment. Clem turn. A unfurn. ant., all elec. laundry facil. S. l.tth.al E. Rural. Ph. 4-2893. 1 RM. furn. AptUtij. fu rn. eoae In. Ph. 4-1141. 24SMarton. 1 FtM1. furn. apt., pvt. bath V entrance. 1431 N. 4th, 706 Duplexes ONE turn. A I unfurn. duplet Prlv. garage. College Drive. W Salem. Ph. 4-430. S51.SO. 1 bedrm 1 blocks from Capitol Bldge. Auto oil beat, Wired for aloe. rang. Ph 4-1 B8S. CLEAN, nicely furn. 1 bdrm duplex. T. V. antenna, 4-310. 707 Heuies For Rent 1- BDRM. unfurnished house with garage:. Adulta. 704 N I4lrt St. Ph. 1-1811. I-S4QS. FOR aalt or rent, new 1 bdrm. home, daylight bim't. South, call eve, after 1 1-ltiM.- 4 BDRM." houae. bam't., garage. ru. can s-jKie. 1 BDRM. hse. Ph. 3-4990. 3-0S34 171 per month Eve. 1-0898 cr 1-BDRM. home. 2271 Electric Ave. Ph. 1-S4M after 4. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. house basm t. 850 "E" St. Adults. l-421t. 1-BDRM. house. Ph. 3-8981. nice district. 1 BEDROOM lnq. 1420 Market Ph, 4-1059 IN TURNEB, partiy furn. mod. 2 bdrm. home, I out bldg. on acre of land. Call Silverton 3-4331 for Information. . SMALL atrart. 1 bdrm. cottage 2148 Trade. ', blk. lo bua It atore. Call 1-5P5C. LOVELY mod. 1 bdrm. home, firepl . St. Vincent dlst Apply 1090 Donns Ave. OR SELL completely remodeled 4 bdim. hit. Liberty A Lin coln. Ph. 3-8 121 after S p.m. 1-BDRM , near Kweile school, $75. Owner at place. 487S Bun nyvlew Ave. Eve. Ph. 3-320. 1-BDRM. unfurn. house. 1480 Park Ave. 140. Ph. J-5171. COUNTRY'home. modern, 1 bd rm. unfurn. baaement 151. Ph. 1-20.1L 3 RMS. It bath, ntwly dec. water furnMO mo Ph. l-79 1 bdrm gar, walking dlit. Capitol Shopping Center, near schools it bus. 1241 N. Capitol. 1-S44I. FOR LEASE: I bdrm. cottage, baan't , gsrsge, shrubs. No. Ph 3-3289. NEW S bdrm. house, att. garage, IBS. Ph. 1-348. TRAILER soace 110 No pet. Ph. 1-8888 ford ner ma. i74t Ox- 4 P.DRM. houae. full bsmt.. antenna, W. Salem, doe to school. It bus. 171 no pets References required. Csll 1-18.18. 1 RDRMS. clean, firaic. 190 month. 409 River St. 707-o Furnished House NICE 1 rm. house, newly decor., clone In. reas. 4-7844. FURNISHED I bdrm.. home miles S E. Garden, chicken house. 150. Ph. 1-0294. CLEAN 1 bdrm., auto, washer Adults. 1138 Ruge. 1-1277. 710 WentecTTtrRenTTTtTi WILLAMETTE Univ. professor A fsmlly, wish to rent 2 or 1 bdrm house, furnished. Ph, 4-1529. FAMILY desires 3 bdrm. home. South. Box 19, Statesman Journal. STATE employsd engineer wishes to rent or lesse, clean 4 bdrm. horn by August .1 Ph. 4-2340. 802 Bminois Property 18 x70' nlfice spact and ltxlt office spare Good downtown location.' Also hn alley service entrsnrt. full basement Customer parking t, block. Heat and hot water furnlahed. Will remodel to suit reaponnhie tenant. ALSO Small ofljre space In luo block display. Suitable for I man CALL STATE FINANCE CO. 147 B. High St 700 Rental 714 fullness Rentals FOR RENT Com'l bldg. ISM aq. ft. with office location north on well Uaveled street Ph. 1-J7O0. DOWN town of fie apace, store rms A warehouse 1-4114. 716 Reiert Ranted REST at "Ptnecfwet". By the week. Write te rlnecreet, Naakowin. Ore. 71 1 Cenvelaecant Hornet WILL, care tor elderly people in my home, xa yra. exp. Clean very comfortable home. Ph. 4-3741. ELD t REST Nursing Home Pn- vaie rooms evaiiaoie. e-ie n cnurcn. i-seia. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT nuaia. 104 n -oTieaw e-rvav 710 Moving i. Storage" MAYFLOWER Moving and Storage ri'EL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-17M OR S-4966 i .arrrtatsr Tranfar alt Htnrmo Comp.t movlnf Mnrtcfft. AIM nisi iwr pci t a nauva Wid Movtn ph Will LOW COST ttorat H U ftifl W urnnura i-erip 800 RralEsUte 801 lutlnets Opoertun. SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY 9E N. SALEM This is a money-maker, high net earnings. Independent. Now In operation. Ii you want a service sta. gel Into this goad one. Portland Ph. Ave. t-ltll or Mr. Phillips, Sa lem 4-91 It. MODERN 1 unit Salem motel it home, sell or consider trede for email apartment bouse. closet In. Owner S-713S. MODERN MOTEL, tI HIWAY ' I unite, one acre, tree, eh. hte. Bur for tio. son, terms. SALEM BUSINESS ZONE . bdrm. home, buy for S4.9S0, easy terms or part trade. THE STAR REALTY 33.10 S. Par. Hwy. Ph. 1-1091 FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in roatauranl with heavy traffic count Borne equipment turn Box S3. Statesman-Journal. ' SMALL csfe for sale or trade, S ran handle. Ph. 4-120. FOR BALE, Norge appliance franchise In a growing Will amette valley town. Ideal aet up for 1 people with a top rated line. Terms, tta teaman Journal, box 110. FREE BOOK I FREE SERVICE! 1.00 businesses, farms income Jropertlet for sale. Writ U. . Report Boat 1141, Waahlng- ton, D. C. SMALL greenhouse, lath houses I aaraaea. shoo, and I rm. mod. home on Y Int. Beesonably priced, Willis Keller, 1111 Hay- tar at. sisiiaa. 102 iutinets Property BY OWNER (account eld agar A lllnetaal I ren tela, email 'apt. hae. It 1 cottages on 1 fin lots on Mill Crock, corner 18th A' Chemeketa.' All occupied. Pey It Int or value of . 800. See Mr. Bonne, owner 1-1 pm. dally at 10 No. 18thSl. OFFICE SPACE: aultable for arc t. owner will paint to sun: 190. Cluett it Kenyon, Ph. 1-3991. Eve. Ph. 4wS. BY OWNER, country store, lock ers A gss station, win en stork It give 1 to I year lease. Write Box 171. Statesmaa Journal. 106 Houtet For Sola ARE YOU HANDY! Only deco rating required to put this home In tip-top ahapt. Near S. Salem High School, 1 bedrm. with .large play rm. off kitch en, living rm. haa fireplace A oak floors, basement, furnece garage, total price fl.on. 1500 down. Csll Ceo. A. Walters. Realtor. 980 S. Com I Ph. 1-1714 or 4-4389. OWNER leaving state New 1 bdrm home 1 moras- from school, fireplace, lawn It gar den in. 441 Menlo Drive. Ph. 3-94. FOR SALE By Owner. Beauti ful Country Home. M. mono 1-111. EQUITY In garage hse it lot. r:oo Ne etiDornooa. aiso wain In ramp trailer. Inq. 141 CregoryLane; , BY OWNER: lovely 1 bedroom home. 2 vrs. old. Bircn Kitcn- en it utility, perimeter heating fireplace, garage, carport it patio. llO.ton. Landsrsped. 29ti Perk Ave. Ph. 4-7497. LEAVING town. Nice 1 bdrm hm. Just right tor small lem- I v. vrs. old. HOwd. floors. attach, garage, large yard, 1 blks. to bus. 4'; FHA Loan. Ml mo. Make offer on equity. West off Lanraatar 1831 Mon roe. Ph. 4-5144. BY BUILDERS: New I bdrm. home, over 1,100 aq. ft, living room with fireplace, dining room, birch kitchen with noox. utility room, large garage, r. A. beet. Insulated, lot inoxIMI. Price 11100 Low down pay ment 4441 Munktr St. PH. 1-5114 BY OWNER: 4lg. bdrm., choice loc., nearly new, finished bam't I frpl. 1 hatha. 117,171, w 1I.SO0 dn. Ph.3-71ll. BY OWNERrile "honeyt Large 1 bdrm. Suburban. North Exc. location. Din. rm., 1 large rloaets acre. Bua by door. Wonderful buv 19.490. Ph. S-9807. 134 Dearborn Ave. FOR SALE by builder. New 1 bdrm.. bath It 's. bircn Ritcn en wllh formica dralnboards brk. nook, and dining room. dble. gsrsge large lot with shade. 111,900 South. Ph 1-3181 or 3-488. WILL-SELL equity In 1 bdrm home, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, Ph. 4-011 after 1 p. m. ' 4 BDRM home, near new sch. 1 vrs. old 110,500. trsruferred Itut N. Kith. 02 Iutinets Property on B High St. Good window salts erfsnitstion. toss Pratt 800 RralErtate 806 ' Houses For Sola 1308 WILL buy equity In nice I oarnvnouae. rn. c-aaoi aner a FORSALE by owner: I bdrm. home, fireplace, paved street, terms. 134 HaaUty IL Pk. 4-4.1it. 10 DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY -OR BUILD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-531 M .980 BUYS lge, family home. oami.. iurnace. nice oeea yew t bdrms. See this. Terma. STAR REALTY 1330 S. Pac. Hwy. Ph. 1-1051 JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve your homo needs To Buy, SeU or Rent Call Ph. 4-5741 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7174 1711 Bo. Comm I FOR) SALE, email house, garage, garden. W. Salem. Ph. 1-J73. FOR SALE by owner: new 1- Pdrm. net., mw aowa pay ment. Ph. 1-lttS. OPEN house every dsy, I It I its m 77S Ciertn. PI a Ml Cascade. Ph. 1-1111. 1-341 or 1-1511 for price A terms. MODERN 1 oarm. Top condi tion. I A. Variety fruit, close 'in. room for children, t pony or to build. Priced for oulck saUr Ph Woodburn 1-413 FOR SALE, nice I bdrm. home near school, N. E. Dist., 17. too Will take lata model cer tor my equity velue for i,3O0. Ph. 4-0311 or 311 Beacon. BEAUTIFUL NEW Bench etyle. Lge. lie. im Din. rm. 1 bdrms.. I1, baths, utll. rm., dble, attach, gar. Large subn. lot. Only tll.ooo. Call Mrs. Oglesbee, Eves. 1-U11. Days 1-8880. ED LU KINBEAL, BEALTOR. 433 N. High. JULY SPECIAL New 1 large bdrm., II v. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, nook. utll.. 1 baths, lg. dble.' gar., IJ78 aq. ft. plus gar. Close In E. Mult aee to app The heat buv for til 400 CaU MacFar land. eves. 4-Slll LE.Klumpp, Realtor lost Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7443 or 4-taot ECONOMY SPECiAI. 1790 DOWN 3 spacious bedrooms. Inside util ity, dining room and living room, all on one floor. Com pletely re-decorated through out. Owner will take 1730 down on approved credit. Priced at 18900 for quick sale. Csll DON BELLINGER, Homt 4-0491. Office 4-334. U BO answer. 3-993. Ph. 4-334 Eve. . West McGilchrist AN ATTRACTIVE LOWER PBICED HOME In this deair- able district Haa separate din ing rm., well srrsnged floor plan. Lawa and shrubbery well estsblished In thla I yr. old home. Has 1.000 sq. ft floor area. Priced ta sell at tt.tst. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 1-411. APARTMENT HOUSE I APTS. IN THE CLOSE IN PROPERTY, also I aleeplng room rentala and manager's apt Belf-operatlng set-up. Out of town owner will consider Portland property In trade, 114.000. S3 oo down or trade- in. CaU Dick Schmidt, Eve. 1-7147. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS ISM t. Commercial Ph. 1-381 QUIET DIST. LOVELY HOME AREA. Beautl. ful modera home. 1 bdrms. on main fir., fireplace, dhl. plumb., dbl. aaraae. aatio, basement with lg. family room an extra a leaping area. r. A furnace. (100 sq. ft fir. space. Mein fir. and basement.) Re riuded bark yd. with park area effect. Englewood diet. Must see to appreciate. Will consider good seeurltlee as Earl payment, venlnga: Ph. 4-981. Mttt, 4-4788, 1-1088 Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 31S N. Church St.. Ph. MM $500 Down houM on Highway Avtnui cIm to but. ornool antl ttorvt Imidt laundry room, kitchen with Iota of buUt-tna. Extra lant larar with ah op apart. Monthly paymanta i than rnt. 3 Bdrms East Located outside of town, low taxea, floee to school and bus. Exceptionally clean, forced air oil furnace, fireplace, 1 bed rooms, bsth, living room, kit chen and dinette, extra large laundry room, on oavtd street. nearly acre lot. 111. 400. WIU go G.I. Abrams & Skinner, 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE MORTGAC.E LOANS OFFICE 1-9211 EVES.. 1-4701 or 3-731 EXCEPTIONAL I'i yr. old 1 bdrm. home, all Birch wood work, lge, lot, lawn A drape 4135 Hertel Dr. 4-7131, ALMOST new 1 bdrm. home hdwd, firs. t.arg corner lot on pavement, deep well. In Kel ler, close to school, bua it all conveniences. St.soo. No down payment. 1100 monthly pay ments until equity Is paid Then reduced to 130 month Ph. 1-3719 after 1 pis, BY OWNER! t well located homes in Eaglewood, 1 with flrenlsce A basement, nice RPflewood. ysrd A shrubbery, priced res- sonahly. Ph. 1-8941. BUY my equity In Manbria Gar dens home, 1 ndrms., or I bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio 11 180dn , HI.. 150. 135 Manhrln Dr. Ph. 4-14S3. FOB SALE or trade, equity In 4 bdrm. hae. S400 rash or What have your Ph. 4-388t. BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm nome neat S Salem schools It perk 1-7071 1 BDRM. bouse on approx. I A . So. of pringie Ptst I bdrm. houae at 3H Draper Pioneer Trust Co. 1-1131. 1 BDRM. house with smell acre age at 170 Ratrllff Dr. Make offer al Pioneer Trust Co , Sa lem.' 4BDRM. home on acre. Priced below f K A Ph. 4-4101. 1300 buy our equity 1 bedroom, tile btth, lerge garage. An tenna Inc. Phone 1-4211. BYOWNER t bd"rm7modern, well built home, 17 500. Lo cated at 1451 7th. Ph. 4-1411 eve. VIH OWNKRl Glen eVoodry will pay top price fot your fur K snnilanres Oh 1-1110 EASTMORELAND 1 bdrm.. l's hsths, btrrh kitchen with dish. wssher, dble. gsr. Ph. 4-iui 1 IMMACULATE homes. Idesl cltv loratlona. beautiful vard. S bdrm,, 2nd 4 bdrm., equip ped for day nursery, ph 1-390! BY BUILDER NEW spacious 1 bdrm. Engl wood But Ta lUe. aJlL Statesman, Salem jDre Sat, 800 Real Estate 106 HeutM For Sole ANXIOUS TO S ELL Excellent 1 bdrm. homo, plate glaaa ptc. ture window, overlooking val ley and mountains, lge. cov ered pauo. dble. attached ga rage. See thla fla home lo day 114.501. CALL J. I. LAW TRIPLEXI-ldeel location.. Two 1 bdrm. unite and one I bdrm. unit. Partly furnished. Thia la good retirement Investment. For further information CALL H. K. LAYMON TOP OF K1NCWOOD HEIGHTS view af city and mountain that la dream 1 bdrms. lone II x II), liv. rm., din. rm., carpet, drape. 1, bsthe. basmt., forced air furnace. Ip a home with a view la your desire, this Is It CALL BON HUDKIN1 lot 13 n lit. Cardeei spat witk I fruit treee Yoe snuat aoa thla sm at 11 to CALL RALPH BBUCB GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY ST. PH. 1VS4T1 Evenlnga A Sundavs call Salesmen Ralph Bruce l-MI Wall Socolotaky S-U3! M. K. Lsvmon 1-I19J Ron Hudklns 1-1711 t. t. Law 3-11 11 Mrs. McrUrroeoa 4-tS8s) STATE FINANCE ' 147 I, High Street FHA GI or St Year. Conventional Mortgage Loan ssuying ar 1 acres Attractive 1-bed room . country homo. I years old. Lerge bedroome. dining room 1x13.. glssssd-ln nook, oak floors. Insulated, wired for range, elect, water heeler. Good TV reception. Double Xarage. Good well and pump, terrific bargain at It.tOO. Terms available. Call Claude Kllgore, Phone 1-llsl, axt 39. Let th Income from apartments pav for thia home, 1 rental units, each with private bath, electric glaaa boat, private en trance. Double garage. Price as. 304 Including furnishings In apta. 1 1.904 down. bat. 173 00 per ma. Thla la an older home on a good corner lot tn good location Call W. H. Steve'ev. Salesman. Eves, Phone 4-2811. 14 arris It aero In full beating filberts, 13 acres In prunes, heavy crop, Juat off pavement oa gravel road, no building but good building all. Price Including crop 19.500 W. H. ' Steveley, taieamaa, Bvee. Ph. 4-Mlt. OUR SERVICE IB TO HELP YOU BUY AND FINANCE YOUB HOME GOOD LISTINGS NEEDED BUYERS AVAtLABLX , RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR 111 1 Bdrm. En!ewoed Home. Won. derful locsUon. Lie. rm. with fireplace. Separata din. rm. Wall ta wall carpet la Uv. It din. rm. 1 bdrms. down, t Urge bdrm. up. Full basement with all furnace. Shower in basement. Nice lawn A shrub with bark yard fenced. Cov ered patio. Priced at 111.900. Call Henry Bund. Bun. It Eve. caU 4-1720. SPICK AND BP AM. Newly dec orates.. oarm., uv. ana am ine rm. Full baaement Located auburban south west. Only 1 miles to Ladd and lush Bank. A real buy at ttJC. Call Chet Bewlins. Phoava Eve, 4 Sua. 1-4134 tot thtmeketa ROY TODD BEAUTIFUL EASTMORELAND ing room, separata dining rm.. big well-arranged kitchen with eating apse. Aluminum screens, fireplace, F. A. oil furnace. 1.14 ta. ft of living space. Extra big lot. 1 yr. aid. I1JM0 T rompleitly furnished ,11,00. CaU Mrs, Graham. 4 BDRMS. SOUTH 4 yr. aid. f name wun i.vws sq. n. oi living space oa 1st floor. Arranged for family living and comfort Nice big lot. city water, large living tnd dining room and very attractive kitchea. assay ale gesture. Hard ta beat at 111.701. Call Mr. Kicks. 1 BDRM. BUSH SCHOOL DISTRICT Very well-built noma with lovely yard ana flowers and outdoor fireplace. 9 bdrms. aowa and oo largo bdrm. upstairs. Good stairway. Two block la school tnd one to bus. Newly redecorsted throughout II Ml. Call Fred Doerfler. BARGAIN IN MANBR1N GARDENI Exceptionally ttractlv home only yrs. old In exclusive aelghborhaoa. I bdrms, M ft. living room and dining room combined. F. A. oil furnace. Insulate and weather-atrlpped. Beautiful corner lot Low da. payment, good loan guaranteed, owner will carry beiaaee. Priced M.SOO. Call Mr. Graham. BOY TODD, REAL ISTATB Bit Stat Bt Ph. 1-tMl Eve. rails: Doerfler 1-174; Mr. Graham 4-4741; Vsneervort 4-101; Hicks 4-4930. DELUXE 1 BEDROOM - CANDALAR1A Nice homt, beet of construction, davlight bsaament Flnianed psrty room, bath dnwa Hug hobby room. Will consider trsde for smaller 1 bedroom horn South. Aik for Hick. Evt. Ph. 1-4405. NEW I BEDROOMS - NORTH Attractive new subdivision. Paved living room, is x ii aining room, iwuaie piumaing. Double ga rs te Lot sis 10 x 141 ft. mis is dandy, built by Enoch Maeri. FHA and CI financing, full price fll.7M. Call John son, Evl. ph. 1-3S9S BY Builder; new 1 bdrm. home, IS aq. ft., Bircn outit-ins, nook. din. rm. U'i x ir Uv. rm., F A., fireplace, hdwd. fir., plastered double tar., price II 3. 441 Munkers St. ph. THEflOMESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. "LITTLE BEAUTY" 1 B. R home. IS'I a II L. R. with fireplace. D. R , kilrhen comb., H. W. floors. Ven. blinds, lge. Int with tsrden it 1 vrs. old Only 11.330.00 with terms. Call Lloyd Rice. eve. 1-481. HAVE CASH BUYERS for smell acreage. Call Al Bender, eve. 1-14 ar Fay Seal, eve. 4-1M4. , NEWLY PAINTED 1 bdrm. heme Inilde utility, wired for washer It dryer. Lovely yard. Englewood district. 1 yrs. old Only SIO.9O0. Easy terms. CaU Fay Seal. tv. 4-1394. . 10t N. Hlh St. Ph. 44441 SALE OR TRADE l"yr. old 1 bdrm. home, rancn style, per fect condition Lovely land scaping. 111.190 or will trade 140(10 equity on good 1-4 bdrm. with acrtai. North on HE. GRIMMETT REALTY 1440 Broadway TelS-7t7t rl!s bathik BY OWNER south. Ph 1 bdrm 1-3034. ISO DN. Living rm. Din rm. 1 bedrms Psved St. S. E Price 14 too. C. W. Beeve. Realtor, m) Mission St. Ph. 1-450 Eve. 1-QWt. $1,000 DOWN Nice 1 bedrm. nome, kttrh., dln , Ing rm , tiled beih, good sued Int. flreplsre, attached garatt, unfinished upstairs Total prlre t son. ml Vaughn Ave. Ph. 4-U53. RANCH ilv I homt. 1 veart old. I bed rooms, one extra Urge, lawn, thruha. garden A straw berries. Price 111,110. 1110 f Wisdlilt Aee. July 7, '56 (Sec. Ili3 800 Real Estate 106 Howtet Foe Sol I C-t BUSINESS COIN 11 IB North Salem Only K.ISO. C-S SITE South Commercial Close In. paved allay mm I aidee. W.tnt. CALL WALT SOCOLOPSKY WILL CONBTBUCT TO BOTT TENANT Commercial ani Warehouse Clee builduur oat main arwrtala, dacett to railreada or a tecetieoa ot mutual aelecueev.. Leeee toteal . to be mutually satisfecSary. CALL C L. GRABENHOrUT I BI.KS FROM ENGLBWOOO SCHOOL Cor near sat. t bdrms. and basement, floor rofln lahed. neat and! apotlea. No. one material uaed throughout Good loan value property. CALL MM. RICRAAOeWUf NORTH t bdrm with unftn tohed upatalre, full bassmeatl with party rm.. I ft re placet, dhks. garage. Oil baattna. I.- . 19 aq. ft. 1st floor. Laree CO. REALTORS Phone 1-3111 tor voaairucuosj 1 Bedroom Home Living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining space, air bath, utility room, " garage. Iloor furnace. Hard wood floor. This hem s la good conditio, new root and newly painted. I blocks to bus ' end school. 17KX. Terms. W. H Steve ley Salesman. lW Phone 4-1411. ISO Down. Thla Ut built raaeb, . . style I bedroom borne. Keteer District Haa large living room. Imude utlli'y room, double garage, trull A sarttea. Close to Bchoot and But. ra tal rce ta.soa Call Stanley Brew. Eves. Pltasrt l-Attl. 130 Down. Attractive, late bum , one-bedroom horn with un-. finished bedroom over t tached garage. Full baeamont ' Located UU S Summer street. Close to Bus. Ideal ta ration. Total price S3.50O. Cad oianiey a row a, eves. I-S941. Beautiful daylight a 1 1 m t Located on Cascade Drive, lust completed. 1 ample aired bdrms. Large It, rm. with paneled wall and tiro place. Sliding glass door to pa tio. 1 complete bsth. On with tue s newer sun. Spac ious basement with family rm. To as call Dean Klarr Bua, A Evs. ahoa t-TOtt. Hew t bdrm, home south. It x It liv. rm. t a It kit Oil wall furnace l.tOt aq. ft. floor apace. Dbl. car port Tl I 14 lot Full Price 8 SO. tl. . down. 1740 m. For appt t aee call Dal Barbara, Ave. at , Bua. phono l-KMs. Phone 4-471 RJEgALTOR I BDRM All rooms large. Liv bdrms. down. I up. Well-built 'S good location. Shaded lot. Pull it. Beautiful setting. It s 11 4-CORNER DISTRICT BY BUILDER, new 1 bdrm. ' house, l's bsth. firepl.. dbl. garage. 111.50. Ph. 4-4071. EXCEPTIONAL en home, huge living t 1155 Mill Bt lor 81.100, tnd call . 1440 Broadway Phone 1-1I7I. OPEN HOUSE 1121 Prlngl Rd. I bdrm . bath and half, 1 ear garage ay bulldtr. t to I p m. Sat.-Sun.- Mon. '. INVESTORS OWN Salem's FINEST apart ment court, income teaao pee yr. Rtttrlrted residential dis trict close to Capitol and shoe-, ptng. Low overhead. Prima in come property, NO vacancy loaa. t:t.S0t down or good pa per moves you In. Asking lit fcpfl Call GRANT BOVVDEB. Office 4-3394. Home 4-JSQ. Mill! 1IM Fairgrounds Bd. Ph. 4-KI94 WESTWOOD HelghU, 1 bdrms., G I M.95. low da. aaym't 3-5190 FOUR bedroom home, two baths, dining room, fireptac. diehwaaher. antenna. In excel lent condition. Close to school. F. H. A. loan avail able. IIJ.loo Ot 1 B YOUNG, REALTOR 433 N. HlgltVBt. Ph. I- 1 RMT'hame. Irg. lot, fruit and nut trees. 140 Sunnyvlew Ave. BY Owner: will sell or trad our equity of MOO In 1 bdrm.. bom at SU Blller. Total trie M.31 Ph. 4-tWI. BRAND new 1 bedrm. hee. Close In East, 'i Arr. tl.Sot dn. Full pne 118 900. C. W, Reeve. Realtor, 140 Mtssioa Grimmett Realty 1 1 4