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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1956)
10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, July 7, "58 Master Nips Berg's; Vista, Truax, Labish Take Junior Baseball C Loop Victories There u plenty cf action in the Class B division of the Junior Baseball Leaf ut Friday at Master Service Stations handed Berg's Mar ket Ita second defeat of the season, 8-3; Truax Oil nudged the Rotary i Club, 14: Labish Center dumped Four Corners Merchants, 114, and 1 Vista Market pasted the Salem ThcyH Do It Every Time .... By Jimmy Hatlo Power Tennis Tops 'Rose wall Also Gain 1 Finals in Doubles (Coat. Iroaa precediag pafe championships continued in the women's doubles semifinals. Allhea, Partner la Finals There the first and second seed- Lions. 10-1. The Rotary club almost caught Truas by scoring three runs in the sixth and once In the seventh. The three in the sixth came with only one hit, aingle by Dick Burkland. Steve Jackson singled home Bob Slubblefield with the run in the final inning. : . v. Larry Penrod and Jack Gibson each bad two hits for Truax, with Gibson hitting a triple for one of them. Gene Gilbertaon stole home twice In the game for Truax. Dean Loganblll was the winning pitcher. Westling Stops Merrhaati Ned Darling started for Labith ed teams were eliminated and the , but was relieved by Dean Westling third-seeded combination. Allhea 1 in the third, westling never al Gibson of New York and Angela J lowed a aingle hit In his stint on Buxton of England will meet an the mound. He fanned 11 but tired unseeded Australian pair. Fay in the aeventh when he walked Muller and Daphne ( Seeney, In five. Four Corners' two hits were the final. singles by Larry Etsel and Chuck Miss Gibson kept alive her Alderman, hopes of becoming the first Negro ! Labish tallied six runs in the to win a Wimbletta title when first on singles by Gene Biggens, she teamed with Miss Buxton and Jem and Fred Push ruinireirg inp seenea fF-wis it kx ot'Diajujysuppy sWmrt one w WuLiacm X f nurBLOi bf UEDB,SPIMMIN' FOR ALL VCU COOU-W TO TRV AUO ' XI Z?Zl . W-W4r-5 ke KT 1 W OH-H4VS YOU KIE4RO TW1 bfTMT W KEEP THg CHUMPS V tamn iH V&tmum ( If PLASH LABBL fSSCORWrKS OfBWt fl UISTBNIMS-SORT 5SJtS I KOrfTlSaV IT I MSMO(?V? rf OWLV WONDIRSHJLf Of A SCRIPT . rSJ-. I M rJnSs I BOUND TO Bl TUB MIT OP "THS YMARt TsM6 "'M OUBBOV 1 US CM pSr 0 f rrS by srncM Muoat juo his feT Swtomi ft 5wt5bb , I UNO OF THE GQ4NO.S-C4V TUNED X3 To MV V StIfWMOS-" I AM' WBU. PQOSABLY GST A J MlS. F NO BUB- VCf j n cuanc to play rr soMg IVvv i noWr ii C y fW- m. HBt?rt-(WT5 OCXS ROCK" . fflJjpcV'e &J I I I SlttflMl J?L fwrwTs J fZi Huaon, r(y f&S ' 1 iNCfS- XS L J H4klS ,4 Dt6C JOCK 4 i SLVa CTlVI It NECK84ND S Senators Were Poor on Road (Caat. freia preceding page) bill wills Yakima. Then followed Louise and a bases-loaded homer by Bill the 1525 for the Eugene game f Payaler'a Efforts la ala Elvis Paynter tossed a two-hit- Brnuffh of Beverly Hills, Calif, and Shirley Fry of St. Petersburg. Ma.. T-S, 1-4. Miss Gibson was an upset victim earlier In the sin gles competition. Defending Champa Ousted The two young Australian girls beat second seeded Angela Mort imer and Ann ShUcock, the de fending champions, a-4. 1-2. Miss Fry. who beat defending champion Miss Brough. and Miss . i nrn iifuuci an aaai. a-s ESS LrSr .wom."" Bw' lBcludln doubl 1 ( Vista aalned their win over the Lowery. Biacens. who hit 4-for4. May 2. also got the only hit In a four-run Only ten times la It eppcr- filth inning. tunltlrs did the Senators draw ver the 10M mark, and the total attendance to date for the S games played during the first the women's singles title Satur day. MEADOWS ENTRIES Portland Hhoms, Saturday, swat ttma 1 p.m.: . rirat raea. ajrlr. ham. purse StOS. alt ( srnrta C. SM yds. 1. Buddy Mood, U Kaowlaa ter for Berg s but still lost to ; half kere at kerne la 27.(24. Master. Master scored five in the Jack Dana, the dynamic een second Inning off four walks and ter fielder far the club wen the three errors. Jay Blydensteia and first half baltiag title with a Doug Ritchie, the winning hurler, ! 42i percentage. Chock Essegiaa got the two Master hits. at J14 la the only other member Km Neubereer hit t-for-l for;" seeve e caaraaeej irrci. With the departure' of Boh Lions as Vance Young struckout leU he' MB kf ' V,""dur.,n1 lowed onJy Esseglrn and Frank Swkula with "'JT,. Esseglsn leads la heme SPORTSMAN'S' PIGESTV BLUE6ILL TIPS aji as ssasarw nny t V MOUTH two hits. losing pitcher Tom Griepentrog. Three Vista players each belted twe hits Durwin Piburn, Vance Young and DerrobJ Hopkins. Truaa .... SM01IS Sll Rotary .. 0100011 SSI Lofsnblll and Ollbartaoo; Hatal bakar anal Nleholaon. 1 .in ..l-t 111 .. 1" ..10 lS I . ira ' 1 Storm Van. 6. Dixim 150 I M. Darky Hancock, A. fharmaa 1S ytlU I Linns I. Sli Tim. I. Bof I. OW Tw;-'r, H. Woods ... . 4. CoHy-s Bb. H. Hrrr '. . . .... I. ad Chm,"fw, A. Drncaa , I. Mus Ar!. 8. McPowell I Mlrk-A-Poo. P. Hldalto . t. eoor Groan. IV Hnllay 4 Corner . : Labl.h Schirf and Waitlliti S) and Bteaans. . S 11 raws with 9. Dunn tops the triple makers with 4 and Siekula has produced npst deables, 11. The heat pitching record far th regulara Is owned by Andy (The Bear) George, at 1 srlaa, S half the 12 home Duriag the Seconal Senators are to play era's Maatar Payntor and Chrlitansan. Baeond taea. mdn. 1 yaar elds. Ora. fea brad, puru soil, 41, fur tongs. 1. Jarraatta. It. Hollar lis t Hourtofly, W. Colliar lis t. Buck's MUtaka. D. Hanahaw US tWar Kona, C. Dixoa , , . lis Buddy N., r. Slmsthan ...I1S 1 Man nan Sun. R. I an not ti T. rnaky Tomboy, O. Rtmonls -. IIS S. Throtlla Happy, R. Hopklna IIS r. . Sol loo aie 040 -i ; lis games, lacladiag the four first- mi-: varum. 1,.,. ... ..j .-.. the read, Inclutlla vi.... aii.k-. resnect tor it -- - - I Vl I wnwm unri so piay whs saaima, three af .'em here, four at Yaht- sna. The first half champions hnva flattened the local forces 11 times la It first half meetings. Bt.uiL (also CiH-TT Bffflifrt) Bujcfiiut vsnaA) Ara auuLAat aoNemv rout naaoua.iouT saxM cm NcarrH AaaisncA, cam so aaaLar fOarr aw CAU4HT ON LkaMT py on sanNNnta tackue. Is THaryaat acsaasNC cot auePAca inmcts, uat taa tt pny eues (trout yyrt) em Tiny aoawnai ija,iavarra fuwx vnnomt. tF Mueoeu.t-ai Dtxp (LAaae-r ONeaAacvt fc"uaA.LV oo UM WIT PLMS, SOB It OH it, wtth a vrr tarn ttrxj 10 hook as imaoao to tc use A TwnCMiraa arTRtava. If aATT SOJHalaa.THSnlAP BAJT cxsjACTiy cat a ms it hook to PhM CAN aT ALL M M SMUTH ass 1111- 010 010 1 .1014 114 Young and Bridge: Crtaoantroa and Vandarhoof, Cordon III, S. Ontario Lll. Hidalgo IS. flying Karnan, A. Shartnsn -..tie ...MS Third race, claim, nurse 000. S -,yar aiaa ana up, SI.ODOI, si rur- jor anas. , Ml cnaiianee. R. Hopkins . . Jaan Rue, a. McDowell ....... . Can t Check. O, aimaals BoraL P. Hidalgo . , 4. Ski role. O. Dixon f. Pal's Plcturaa, W. PhllUpa .... ,1 .111 ..III .121 -HI ..IIS ..mi Husband-Wife Tourney Set Pairings for Sunday's "Husband' aad ! games en jy j j -a Z&SZiEz Homers Help kss on'r seven j.Kedlegs Win Seeded Tennis Players Win (Coat, frem precediag page) seventh Inning. MeDoagal Breaks Tie The Yankees won their Mth of the year as Gil McDougald lined a two-run seventh-Inning single that broke a 2-all tie. Washington had scored twice in the First, one on Eddie Yost's Iradoff homer. but Bob Turley gave them only Dave Shuford Singles Champ Special PCC Session Today USC Main Target For Illegal Aid SAN FRANCISCO - The men who n"uie Pacific Coast Confer ence policies meet Saturday in special session to dig deeper into new charges of illegal aid to ath letes, with the University of South ern California the principal target. Penalties previously slapped on Washington and UCLA indicate the Trojans of USC may be thrown for a loss before the weekend Is over. Also expected to come under the scrutiny of the faculty advis ers from the nine member schools are California and Stanford, where officials have admitted what they term minor infractions of confer ence rulea. 2 Already Peaallied Reports of "slush fund" and "under-the-table"- payments by alumni and booster grouos upset the equilibrium of the PCC this spring with Washington gnine on rJrobation for two yeara and UCLA for three.' They were banned from winning conference championships in any sport and they can't play in the Rose Bowl or share in its receipts an estimated $24,000 per year setback. The Uclan football players also lost a year's eligibility unless they can prove financial cleanliness. 8term af Protest A storm of protest rose following Youngster Lands Whopper Charles Eyes v - J Moore as Foe .A Ez, Manager Want Chance at Archie Whea Jaa Baraham, above, weal flahlag recently at Gates Beach, near Cearteaay ea Vaaeaaver Islaad, B.C.. be did ekea. The Salens boy landed this lt-paaad spring salmea. Me waa flshiag with his ancle, Gale Fas, 214$ Portland Road, Salem. Italy's Rosi Batters Lopes To Gain Unanimous Decision By JACK HAND ,. NEW YORK OB - Paoli Rosi of Rieti. Italy, closed with a rush against groggy Joey Lopes, dropping the favored Californian Just as the final bell rang to nail down a unanimous decision in a 10-round match at Madison Square Garden Friday night. After the bell sounded, Lopes Nixon Tells Dave Shuford. Engelwood court champion, won the 195- City Be ginners Sinsles troDhv Fridav bv taking a 6-0 victory from Peterjthe conference action in the twoj7' . - f Jepsen at Leslie Courts. la taking 'cases and J.', Miller Leavy, a' V 1CII1UII1C1? Oi the trophy, Shuford lost only one game in the tourney of S4 entries. Shuford, seeded third behind Nerval Boedigheimer and Del Ramsdell Jr., drew a bye in round one, defeated Steve Ihnc Irl in round two, beat Pete Maltby t in round three and upset Allen Fine t-0 in. the quarterfinals. Jepsen, the Olinger court champ. came to the finals with wins over Ted Albrich M, over Dale Seipp -7 ana over Ramsdell s-3 UCLA alumt,. filed a report with the conference commission er, Victor 0. Schmidt, which charged USC alumni had raised 171,235 for Trojan athletes over a two-year period. Unconfirmed re ports circulated this week that USC had admitted 42 cases of rule violations. School officials refused comment. Leavy also accused the Univer sity of California of a "phony job racket in which athletes received U. S. Backing SAIGON. South Viet Nam, W Vice President Richard M. Nixon told cheering Vietnamese Friday they have the support of the American people in the fight to make their young republic strong and safe from communist en croachment. Arriving here from Manila on T iM t. . tii.i 1 -uy iv niv laiuunga cgiauuMieu . ... . w .,, ,,,.. .jii ti v. ki - by the tourney results are Shuford ! ."Vi7" .-J "-..- i iL.t No. 1, Jepsen 2, Ramsdell d. Fine Boedigheimer S, Seipp (, Maltby 7, Chuck Ramsdell I, Bob Kendell I and Ihrig 10. Next city championship to be played will be the Junior boys dou bles starting Monday. Entries may sign up at any city tennis court or by calling 21991 or 4-1375. ISWL. Line Scores work involved. The PCC now allows grant-in-aid payments to cover tuition plus on campua Jobs in which the athletes can earn up to $75 monthly. The ceiling will be raised to $100 next season. Euaena . I Ml 091 0001 1 1 Yakima 1110 OOu 02x 3 S 1 , anu DaDDcr: Drummond. 1 Walta ill, Youns iti and Sander.' Ferrarese After Control personal message for President Ngo Dinh Diem from President Eisenhower, saying the American people really admired Viet Nam's progress toward constitu tional government. "I am proud," said the Presi dent's message, "that the govern ment and the people of the United States have been able to contri bute to your successful efforts to restore stability and security to hsdMo be helped to his corner by his hsndlers. Lopes weighed 134, Rosi 137'4. The final blow couldn't actually be scored as a knockdown as Lopes, of Sacramento, - Calif., pitched forward Just as the fight ended. Uaaaimona far Real Judge Bill Recht scored it 7-3 , make and judge Joe.Agnello M. both I listening." SEATTLE 1 Elderly (he'a 351 Ersard Charles, once heavy weight boxing champion of the world, gazed confidently beyond his next assignment to focus on a bout with also-aging Archie I Moore lor the title. I "I've whipped Archie three tlmea knocked him out once," J said Charles as he begsn prep 1 ping for his tussle next Friday with young (24 Pat McMurtry of Tacoma. - Even more confident was F.i sard'a manager. Tom Tannas. Waata Crack at Moore "After we win this fight and beat Flovrf ' Patlerann " aalrl Tannat "we ahould deserve a crack at Moore.V Paavo Ketonen. who Is promot ing the Tacoma 10-rounder. spoke up for the shsent (and unbeaten 1 McMurtry. "He's sharn," said Ketonen. "He weighs 189 and Is ready right now." Three Fast Rounds Stepping three fast rounds with stablemate Frankie Williams to open his training, Charles also looked ready. He weighed MS. his normal fighting trim, and went at full tilt all the way. Charles planned to continue working out In Seattle for the present. Both he and McMurtry will warm up here Mnnday after noon, after a noon luncheon data with the Puget Sound Sportswrlt ers and Sportseasters Assn. Moore, in training near San Di ego for a fight with James J. Parker in Toronto, Canada. July 25, commented: "Empty wagons the most noise, but I m for Rosi. Referee Al Berl scored it 5-3 in rounds but gave Rosi the nod; under the supplementary point system 7-5. The AP card was t-i-l for Rosi. A small crowd of less than 2,000 saw the nationally televised con test. There were no official knock downs. " Referee Berl warned both fight ers for low blows and penalized Lopes the eighth round after two warnings In the same round. Lopes probably had an edge in the round if he hadn't hit low. Pa aches Batter La pes Rosi started fast, winging long looping punches to Lopes jaw The Californian. 7 to i choice, often outboxed his man and land' He added: "If Charles does aQ these things he's talking about, he would have all the right In the world to fight me." Lcwlaton 000 one 1001 4 1 Spokane .. SIS 000 OOx i t 1 Benion and Donahua. Rata isi: Luadlka and Roaal. Wanatehee ana loo soo I t I Tri-ciijr 100 aoo so. a 11 1 trui and Lund-ari; Klndefather and larl. PCL Line Scorea fmiiih race, claim, Bursa yaar aids aad up, IISOS), I 'I fur. Ml cnni'ivr ii m.. .a-a five hits until the ninth, when he - ---- - I ui vnmau msi a are; arcuru ... . wiie gou tournament ai me saiem payfri con,inued to dominate the Z'm .w,,a- ,omTy. " , !.. L . .. f II L. II. 1 Tnm LfiPMaii aiaa(pf kia fulk ar.a Inland Empire Tennis T ourna-1 r"" '-"" "' meet Friday a the week-long , . . . . meet neared a close. M,'fW 00 J" Glen Bassett of Los Angeles injured knee and the and Carl Raum.ardM of Oak- mntr DII un. ,0' Drr' fn;r.Lp?Hr.u0".. were announced Friday, with I. ack n rnde, w. Colliar . in the addition that the entry list will be kept open for any additional trams.. Play will take place in the ' 1 afternoon, and thoaa entered should 1 cuniaci utr cvurav ciuDmmaa lur m 1. Rampant. J. Boat ... IIS tee-off time. . win Hreacnaa. w. c nincr nil.. ... g. Blenheim Bow. d. Hanahaw .. lis Pairings: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ed number one. entered the finals 1 Harshman, gaining his fourth J ai4-- I l.kl I I 1 1 B .! ... l- -J ,1 , M 1 1.1 . 1- r. ... .7.. . . ... a -.v.-i. V ru... "lil OT"ru,r rraiiam wim a a-i, o-j win over -treg snuiout ano sixtn victory, nit ai $'. nara Ouaaiiim,' a. charmaa " vm Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ander- Grant of Los Angles. Second- three-run homer In the second in 1 v.itn. L. Knowiea .iit eon vs. Mrs. Bruce Williams and seeded Baumgardner won his spot ning to' make the White Sox lesd I. rtrat Pew, 1. Bnh-rtaoa ..... ISO ,V.r- FT.r Me aiul Mr. V.n I- .11 r-.lll..-:. lL. u.. . c..... r- - ..... I. . t . . ..,, I . as... ... ajiiuiiir-a 1 1 UI II Hint. II IIT . MI IIVI-T PVV I . T III 1 V 1)11 1 1 I la! VaiAitina ioa.' a McDowaulT.i-O ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'downing Bob Sherman of Los his fifth. Minnie Minoso also horn- Angeles, 5-7. (-3, 5-4. jered for the Sox. The Tigers hsd Gala Deablea Flaals only seven hits, losing their sixth Baumgardner and Grant enter- in a row to Chicago. ed the men a doubles finals when land will meet In the men's sing les finals Saturday. Bassett seed rs, was O-for-3. Harahmaa Hits Homer First ama: San rranclaea 000 one a a i I Vartcouvar I0O ate x I I 1 Crba. Abernathy Hi and Sullivan; McDonald and Romano. Second lama: San Franclaca 010 200 000 3 I 1 Vancouver 100 000 000 I S H. G. Smith and Sadnwakl; Bac- Jewakl. Hooper (II and Naal. San Dlaso OOS 000 001 I 1 a Sacramento 100 000 00 I I 1 Carmlchael and St Claire; Boyer and MrNamara. Hollywood ..... 000 100 Ml I I Loa Anitlea 000 210 OOx 3 S a Oarber. Green III and Hall; Hill man, Anderaon (SI and Tappe. BALTIMORE. Md. - Don Ferrarese got a second chance; ---,;.. ,mhlv Nixon de- with Baltimore and the big leagues after he won all nine starts for San Antonio in the Texas League in 1955. He fanned M in 7 innings. But it was Washington manager Charley Dressen who first saw the 5 foot Ferrarese as a major leaguer. Don won 15 and lost 13 for Dressen's Oakland Oaks in the Pacific Coast League in 1954 Son of Comic Linked to Dope LOS ANGELES UH A federal undercover agent testified Friday he sold two ounces of marijuana to Billy Anderson, 25, son of com edian Eddie (Rochester) Anderson. A lAiid --i.nt.ra in their oni-lt ! The Anderson is on your country, and to lay a solid ( MChanges but Rosi's heavier trial in U. S. district court on basis for social and economic re- punching told the story. It was charges of sale and possession of construction." : Looes' third defeat in four starts marijuana. He was among more In an address to the Vietnamese in New York rings. than 200 suspected narcotics vio- The baldish Rosi, 18, was sliced lators arrested in a raid nere around the left eve as early as the! last March. dared that "although your coun try ia divided the militant march of communism has been halted." The vice president ; came here just two weeks before the expira tion of the deadline set by the Geneva Conference for elections to unite Viet Nam, split in two by the Indochina armistice agree- first. Rosi now has won 22 of 25 starts as a pro while Lopes', record is 3C-11-2 for 49 starts. The agent, Ralph M. Frias of the federal narcotics bureau, said the sale was negotiated In a Holly wood apartment. ... . i ... v.ii 'nient two years ago. and a very good curve." said Dres-1 Dem has refused to hold the sen after the '54 eeason. "He has elections on the ground they would a major league arm. All he needs 1,01 be free in the communist appear, that the 27-year-oId U"' State, ha. backed Diem'. is control." It southpaw now has gained the con' trol. In his major league bow he fanned 13 Cleveland batters but lost. In his next start he no-hit the Yankees for eight innings, and won 1-0. He allowed two singles In the ninth. northern hslf of the country. The position. Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in 1927. In 1928 the Yankee slugger blasted M homers. He hit 54 in 1920 and in 1921 he blasted 59. Put This Jin Your Bonnet ...iT'siifj! a v W i' " a aaa C.rtitt Mr anil Uri flair rtvr va y..r"dV?JnJ',Pm!h., "'' Mr. and Mrs. Han. Nicbolls. Dr! I. fori Cunnrbats. t. Brackona us and Mrs. Sid Levene. vs. Dr. and I. VICKT la, ,. 4. rira I. N-11 Vl-kv Ja. 1 . KiwmlM til w tf n . i I ttermuli. A Duncan 101 ' " ,""" "'' ? " P" OOUDies Iinail wnen Bu,by-g bu,tup homt run iA the rirat Jo. G. aimon'a 107 riaiia ouaicr ii. nisa nun-, iney Oeieaiefj IM fallen 01 apoR-! fnurlh-innln off Inaer Trnv Her. waa pnaa. w. comar lis .man and Tim Campbell. Mr. nrxi:. .nr Rn.. un.hM r PnrilanH .-. ... -..:. in ... r. .. ... . . ... . ... 'inaae expiuoea a i-v ivaiuas v.ny -iuii ..... -- o-j. m. a-1 . aim criiina inrouKn ' w.,ii. i. ik. ai-. u. .. -rr U. mA 7 " ... '"" " " v.i a rooiiah ciri. w. Phiuioa ioa .mi ... .. -j .... .--.. . .. V mise uarcia. wno won nis srxin , mr lnu nrt vn.,,.r IJKt ,etr JJcK NeM, . BU R0W , . nn M .. --n-f Bll,hv aixth race, claim, mirae ssoo, i year Dr. snd Mrs. John R. Wood vs. both of Portland. . who breezed who hadn't socked a frand-slam-n da and ua. isaooi. nna mlla. Mr U-. Cilv. li- ..4 .t L .. -.. ; wn0 nann I sockea a grano-siam- xrookin.vir. Boundip ' M . U" m VJLrZI ZV 3 ,..?!B " .. mer in five previous seasons in the I. viaia raari. n. Mruowail .. Laura Bed. W. Collier W. Collier a. na ia, u. nansnaw uH I Thlrrt. CI. m. on 117 Mrs. S. Slot Machine, a. McDowell .... ua : hem hmiin. I. Chlel Co-td, P. H'd.lio 4 Count Clin, O. Dixon I. Cartons Flower. W. Phillips f. Goldatnne, L. Knowiea f. Art'a Parmet, D. Henahaw (. Oa Bpack. B. Hopkins ..;. .in .. m .ia ...nt ...115 ijraa MM. I year aids and up. isaooi; ana mlla. Lveoe It., L. Knowlas .......... IM . Aapan, A. Sherman Ill . On Your Mark. O. Dlxoa 121 4. Short Walt, C. Mmonla .....121 I. Slater Fran, D. Henahaw Ill 5. Honev Bun. . MrDowell IIS 1. Ludler. 1. Brerkons .. ..... UI I. Gallweat. B. Hopk'na . IIS .. Sidney Chief. P. Hldalso ,... I'l 10. lama Duka, W. Phillips ... Ill lifhth race, claim, mine SSOO. 1 year olds and un. lSnoi, lur Iaam. "Oaweaa Water raatlval." I. Boal Trip. L. Dales ,. I. Pear Packer, C. aimmls !, Balherforyou. D. Henahaw , . Boae B-w. L. Knowles . No Boots. W. Collier a. Snow Fllf ht, S. McDowell .. 7. Goldaplnner. J. Bobertson ... S. Blr Jay. C, Dixon , Good Joe, B. Hooklns . . n i . .. , . - - - . lliri iu live uicvimua araauna in uir I!? m Bh.rei rK!.-fB ' Mr Mooiy of Santa Monica and Baa- m,jor,, ,," fir-t alnst De. 117 Bin. mcnarq tnase. Mif. i , ... r v , tw,.j. In the Junior men's doubles. Art Babe Ruth, who did it twice, Bill Kono and Geordie Martin, both; Dickey and Jimmy Fox had hit of Seattle, downed John Cousin of ! grand-slam homers in two Seattle and Harry Doyle of Port- secutive games before. land. 5-1, 5-2. The pair wil meetj ' Dave Broom and Bob Quail, both - of Spokane, who defeated Jon Ket-1 II na-iaii of-raw n tering of Seattle and Jerry Brat- DdlllllolCr S ton of Olympla, 5-3, 8-3. Konoo beat Broom, 8-0, 8-3, and ff f a 17 J Bratlon defeated Martin. 4-8. l- rT 1011 F 3flPS 12. 8-1, to win a place in the jun-.Jli"1 inr men s singles rinal. Young Canadians Win Jalopies Race At Holly-Bowl -IH ..flS ...111 ...111 ....lis . Ill -US 171 III Uk Dolphin, K Hldal.a Ill Ninth race, puroe SI .MO, I yaar olds and up, l-ISIh, "Bote Cjty Handl- "'iandla tea. I. MrDowall ., Ill . t. Fraddy the Fox. .w. Colliar . .. US. 1 Lova Her. P. HlifaJje .... 10S 4. Tuaado. B. Hopkins 1 14 I, Bun Atom. J. Bohertaoa loa 5. Baal Way, L. Knowiea ....11 t. Ball Faat. W. Phillips lie I. Fulton Base. D. Hanahaw ... lit t. Geld Reeerve, C. Slmonls Hi Tenth race, yaar elds ana i claim.' aura (sol, I up. ilsooi. ana mlla. 1. Beau Alax. G. Dlxoa ....... 1-1 S. Hallxo. A. Duncan ... .....lit 1. Ability, L. Knawiaa I J1 4. Bootar Oraaon. B Bollay Ill I. Sky-O-Menao. K. Miller ..1.1 Fooliah Uw, W. Phillips 117 1, Ll'll Bport, 8. MrDowall ..... U'J 8. Snow Pnma. W. Collier ...... lit 5. Count BhoHIa, G. Stm-nls Ill IS. O'Daans Call, D. Hanahaw ..... 111 GLOBAL SERIES SET . WASHINGTON. D.C. UrV-Presl-dent of the International Baseball Congresa, Kentucky Gov. A. B. (Happy! Chandler has signed a nonprofit contract with Milwaukee Industrialist Richard S. Fa'W to hold the second annual Global World Series of Baseball at Mil waukee oa Sept. 7 through 12. Teama from Canada. Colombia, Europe. Hawaii. Japan, Mexico, ruerto Rice and the United Statea aus expected to compete. (Coat, frent precediag page) during the last destruction derby held here June 18 will again be in action. They include Rick Simons, who won the demolition finale, Lou Townsend who copped the class A mainer, Ray Hiebert of Dallas who took the Class B msin, Dale Collie who grabbed the trophy dash and Don RickarcL-Jerry Williams, Van Bruce and Henry Lamb, who won heat races. Duffy Weitman. Fay Ladd, Ted ,mM "'ween them Howe, Glen Shedeck. Roy Ralph Asbury and Stan Diet, are among the others, whn are expected to number well over the SO mark. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS D ..- B I .'. Ij -- ir)u . J"-"' -". , harrier no Innser can ha in. eluded among the world'. 10 fast est miles. So common have Butt of Victoria and Ann Barclay of Vancouver went through five matches with a loss of only five' Meudoui Selections Bsrln. selections at Portland Mead ows lor Saturday, July 7: Saturday, poat time, I pm. 1. Okie Twiatar, Parky Hancock, Buddy Moody. I. Flyln. Karnan, Manners Bun, War Horse. I. Ski Pole, Jean Sue. Borel, 4. Lady Liaaa, Will Breech. Bam pant, I. Vichy Ja, Fort Gunnybafa, Thrllty. . 5. Uura Bed, Vista Pearl, Cold stone. 1. lama Duka, Honey Run, Oa Your Mark. S Saow ru.hl, Sir Jay, Betherfor- you. S. Fulton Rosa, Bell Fast, Love Her. 10 Hallno. Abllllv, Bnow Poms. BUST BET - Vlrliv Jo. It, rare. LONG8HOT POSSIBILITY Call- un race, Tide Table Tinea roa ran oaaooM (Compiled hy U. B. Coaat and Geodetic Burvey, Portland, Oreil ui.y iaaa Rich Walera Time Meleht i II n p.m. It, II II p.m. t t 1:11 a.m. 14 sub-four-min ute miles become that Bannister's first effort. 1:59.4 on Mav 8. 1954 The pair will battle for the Jurt-1 little more than two years sga lor women s title in tne morning now is 1 1th on the list. and for the women's crown In the; The latest runners In the four afternoon. During the day they, minute club were Ron Delany of will learn up against Gloria Burns i Irelsnd with 3:M0 Fridsy night and Sandra Leyda, both of Spok- at Compton, Calif., and Gunnar ane, in the junior women', double, final. All finals will be two-out-of-three affairs with the exception of the men', tingles snd doubles which will three-out-of-five. aim ... . ill. .iii i loung Din nuricy ui orauiv wiui Time 3:58 3:588 3:588 meet Joe Brown of Seattle in the hoy's singles event and Barbara Davidson of Seattle will go again-la ta . . . . ... . i . . . .o.i si niary onerar w taaima in me girl's singles final, All finals will be two-out-of-three affairs with the exception of the men's singles and doublea which will be three-out-of-five. Nielsen of Denmark, with 1:59.1 in the same rsrr. The list of faateat miles: ' Raaaer Dale John Landy, June 21. 1954 Jim Bailey, May 1,1958 John Landy, Aus-- Jan. 28.1958 John Landy, Aus April 7, 1958 John Landy, Aus May 5, 1958 Roger Bannister, Eng Aug. 7, 1954 Ron Delany, Ireland June 1, 1958 La silo "abort, Hungary- May 28. 195. 3:518 3 581 3:58 3:58 II II a m. J:M p.m. ts 8.1 Low Waters .LmtH,'.h. bite S IS p m, S 40 a m. S IS p m. t il a m. t;ll p m. DENTAL DIVIDEND VIRGINIA BEACH. Va. lAV-The Tidewater Virginia Dental Associ ation has agreedas Ita project for the year to provide free mouth guards la high school football players. The program may put the I A ' rwii S3 ssi- iiaar s m ywvnc. J 1 1 books since last year'a test run 1 of the Idea in three Norfolk schools . " cut down on football dental repair "l.tiwork by 10 per cent. J Recent Stifirtrfic Tests Prove, . af1t f rX .. xvv ONLY 104 A ROLL We Have The Time For You YES. . . WE GIVE YOU UNTIL JULY CvrnnllarningiRalt iiif i ftro'ii liaaa inteiiAiiim-iridV f'-- TO OPEN YOUR NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND RECEIVE f .1 M.l'l fflliSDlT' la. "in mi i i ii iii i Kill In in is As Of JULY 1 Dfvlsftngfs t if JmJ-4finufly m Jviit 30th ni Dntmbtr 21 it 01 i SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ' OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE AT 560 STATE ,Tft,rrr"-jafcl!',"w'''',r' ' 'fht'-wf "iii at la itiiini ttftniriiii---'