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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1956)
Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . Features Statesman, Salem, Ore., Around . By JERVME PARTY JOTTINGS'. . . Invita tions "were in the mail this week to a coffoe (or which Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jr. will be hostess on Tues day, July 10 at her Candalaria home on Alvarado Terrace .., ". the affair is being arranged in compliment to Mrs. Fry's sisler, Mrs. Irving Hausman of Sacra mento, Calif, i . . Mr. and Mrs. Hausman and their daughters, Elaine and Jeanne, are presently Visiting in Portland at the home of her mother, Mrs. Milton L. Cumbert ... The hostess has in vited friends to call between 10 and 12 o'clock to meet the vis itor . '. : A coffee ... Is bring arranged by Mrs. Robert Streves far Thurv day, July 12 at her Candalaria home for the pleasure of her ne ' sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Strrvrs. the former Gail I'pdlke ... A few of the young married set have been Invited to greet the recent bride betweea 10:3 and 12:10 'clock ... la compliment ... to Miss Char lotte Alexander and her fiance, Thomas H. Wendel of Portland, who will be married in August, Is the dinner party for which Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bloomfield will be hosts Saturday night at their Portland residence ... A mother-daughter lea . . . will fete Miss Marilyn Harlaod in Sunday when her auat, Mrs. Ner val E. Edwards, and daughter, Roby, entertaia at their State Street home ... Miss Harland wiU become the bride of 14. Duahe Eakia oa July IS . . . Guests have beea lavited U call betweea S and S o'clock ... Assisting" the host esses at the tea table will be Mrs. Narmaa Young aad daughter, Caroline, and Mrs. Richard Smart aad daughter, Kathy . . . Mrs. Gus Moore la planning a coffee In honor' of Miss Harland on Thursday. July I! at her King wood Heights home . . . Bidden are members of chapter BO,, PEO of which Miss Harland, her moth er,, and her grandmother, Mrs, B. E. Edwards, are all members . . . calllag hours will be from II to 12 'clock . . . Eagaged da . . . Miss Sharon Robertson and Kaye Brand, who will be married on Sunday after noon at the First Congregational Church, will be honored at dessert upper party Saturday night when thetr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Har old D. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brand, entertain . the affair will follow the wedding rehearsal and will be held at the Robertson home on Birds Hill . Dinner hosts . . . tonight will be Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rhotea, who arc entertaining at the Chi nese Tea Gardeas la compliment to their daughter, Merle, and her fiance. John Reeves, who will be married Saturday afternoon at St. Paul s Episcopal Church ... The affair will follow the wedding re hearsal aad blddra arc members of the bridal party . . . Miss Rhotea was feted at a surprise luncheon oa Tuesday afternoon whea Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson ra tertalned at her home for a few longtime friends . . . A holiday party ... on the Fourth when Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Burdette entertained a group of their Wends at dinner at their North Hth Street home . . . Dinner was serVed on the terrace over looking the creek ... the party was one of a series the hosts are planning this summer . . . Visitors of note-. . . Arriving In the capital Thursday for a short visit were Dr. and Mrs. George Modern Etiquette By Roberta Le Q. What is the correct thing for a man to say, to a woman who is blocking his way when leaving bus or other public conveyance? A. "May I get through, please? And as she moves aside to allow him to pass, he should lift his hat and thank her. O. When a friend la being grad tinted from high school or college, and you cannot afford) to send a eift. what should yiw oot A. Write a nice, sincere note of congratulation. Q. Is it proper to write a few lines of good wishes on the card that is enclosed with a wedding gift I. A. It Is quite all right to do so, although not necessary. BEFORE . . You buy a Spinel Organ . . . Have You Heard And Played... P. S. YouH be happier with a Baldwin! . Rentals and lessens , ZOBELS &- Sl Court St. yTJj Fri, July 6, '56 (Sec. II)-9 Town . '. . ENGLISH Rolh and children. Patsy. Diane aad Skip, of St. Paul, Mine., who are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Horace McUee , . , The Roths are oa a trip to the West Coast and have been visiting In California ... . California . ; . visitors in the capital a few days are" Mr. and Mrs. Alden Adolph and children, Marilee and Joseph, of San Mateo, who have been guests of Mr. Adolph's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph . . . House guests . . . of Mr. " and Mrs. Carl Jordan the past week have beea their longtime frtends, Mr. and Mrs. Glena Campbell and soa, Dick,- of Great Bend, Kansas. . . . The Jordans and their guests spent several days along the Ore- gon roast Returning ... to their home In Berkeley. Calif., the first of the week were Dr. and Mrs. Manville Petteys, who have been guests of her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. J. M. Lamb . . . The Petteys' daughter, Diane, Is remaining la Salem to spend several weeks with her grandparents ... Home . . . from a fortnight's trip to Yakima and Gooding, Ida ho, where they visited with rela tives and friends are Dr. and Mrs. Richard Springer and children, Ricky. Linda and Robert ... Dr. SDrincer met his family in Yakima for the latter part of 'he trip Departing , . . Thursday a month's .trip to California were Mr. and Mrs. Warrea Doolittle and sons, Bobby, Jamie and Charles . . . they wiU first ge to Disneyland for several days and from there U Santa Barbara, where they will visit Mr. Doc little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doolittle, former Salem residents ... A camping trip ... at Crater Lake for the Gordon Black fam ily . . . the Blacks are leaving today for Southern- Oregon, wtu re tney win oe joined lor a wee oy their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aden and chil dren, Dwight, Gordon ard Carol, of Spokane and their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Black and children, Diane, Taylor and Laurie, of Whittier, Calif. . . . FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS OPEN MONDAynD FRIDAY 1115 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. ,"' -1 A v W i y Amaranths Visit From Portland At the last scheduled business session of Hanna Rosa Court, Or der of the Amaranth Monday evening officers and members of Angelus Court of Portland were guests. Honored ,were Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Slyter, royal matron and royal patron of the visiting court Also welcomed were Mrs. Walter Flood, associate conductress of Ionic Court, Portland, and Mrs. John Wit hey, associate conduct ress of ' Mizpah Court, also of Portland. For the entertainment of the members and guests a humorous skit was given by members of Hanna Rosa. Those participating were Mrs. Don Patton, Mrs. Gor don Barker," Mrs. James Barrel 1, Mrs. iretiencK rarrar, Mrs. K. Lee Wood. Mrs. Wendell Wil marth. Mrs. James Manning, Mrs. Everett Booster, Mrs. Harvey Astbn, and Mrs. A. A. Taylor. To continue with the sponsor ship of the new Bethel. U.D. of Job's Daughters a $100 gift was appropriated by the court to be used for the .purchase of the Queen's robes. Events Scheduled Several Amaranth events were snnounced to be held during the : summer adjournment. On July 21 I at 6 p.m. at Bush's Pasture will be Hanna Rosa's social night with a weiner roast and watermelon feed to be the features of the evening's entertainment. The an nual Grand Court Amaranth pic nic is to be held on August 12 at Champoeg Park, Area A. All members of Amaranth and their families throughout the state are invited to attend. A special event of Labor Day will be the visit of Hanna Rosa Court to Angelus Court in Port- ' land for a no-host dinner at 6 p.m. and the meeting following. Preceding the business meeting a no-host dinner was held. In charge were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph JohnstofHf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Als bury, Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Ban gert, Mr. and Mrs. James Bar ren, Mrs. Edith Mudd, and Mr. Frank Mercer. WOMAN WAR VET FETED MIAMI, Okla. A woman who is a Gold Star mother as well as a veteran of both World Wars has been elected to membership in Miami's American Legion post the first woman to receive such recognition, Mrs. Ruth Raker serv ed in the Navy during World War I and was a WAC during World War II. Her only son, Robert, was killed in the Pacific theater in 1043. He was in the Air Force. bjitWiatiias'"w.r"ltffrfVir;i 'a I . .. V i . i 1 1- ii ii I Married In ' ' f! ; j i .. . -, -,; -'1 , i h Wv . i ' T I "... , ' i ' mm I ' m - .. Mrs. Horace O. Beldin, the former Eugenia Cerilli before her June 23 marriage at St. Matthew t Church in East Syracuse, New York. The bride it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cerilli of East Syracuse and Mr. Beldin Is the ton of Mrs. J. P. Smart of Salem, who went East for the rites. The couple will live jn Syracuse, where Mr. Beldfn is an assistant instructor in the education department at Syracuse Univers. Mrs. Royle to Leave for -Conference Mrs. Ernest Royle, vice presi dent of Y-Wives, leaves this week for the Western Region Young Adult conference at Asilomar, Cali fornia, July 15-21. As delegate from the Y-Wives Club of Salem, Mrs. Royle will participate in a conference designed to help young adults become mora responsible leaders in a changing world. Delegates will hear a number of talks by Dr. J. M. Coynes on "Automation and the Changing World of Work." Workshops in- all-season classic creve by Ann Gray. New York - i 'id .ft-' f. Tbe Nebraska Club picnic will be held at Bush's Pasture, . Mission Street entrance, Sunday, July .. Dinner will be served at 12 o'clock and coffee will be furnished by the club. ' Teen Canteen will be held at the YWCA on Saturday evening, July 7 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Boys and girls of Junior high school age are invited to attend. elude "Young Adults in a Presi dential Year," "Happy Marriage in a Changing World," "Guides to Good Leadership," and "Y u r i Health-Mental, Physical, Emotion al" Delegates participate in discus lion groups and attend programs which" feature all aspects of the YWCA on local, national and world levels. The scallop dress ladylike' inter pretation of the shirtwaist dress In perfect fitting half sizes. Mas terfully tailored in Mallinson't 'Del Mar' acetate and rayon crepe. Subtly softened with dart ed shoulder, scalloped collar, button front, V sleeve. Exclusive it Meier & Frank's. Blue) black, navy, red and peacock In sizes 12's to 24'i. M4.98 Mail and phone orders ' LOWNSDALE SHOP STREET FLOOR 'plus tp;)ing to areas outside, our regular ! truck delivery routes. Wed at Dallas Rites i in num. m i . i !... X p'. j 4;' . Sk. . ... t w ' Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gary McFarland (Irene Shirley Cole) whose marriage was an even? of mid-June at the First Methodist Church in Dallas. The bride is the daughter of the Harry Coles of Albany and Mr. McFarland is the son of Mr. end Mrs. R. G. McFarland of Albany. The couple will live in Dallas. (Palmer's Studio, Dallas). Miss Chance Sets Date Miss Vivian Chance and Earle Didzum, whose engagement was announced last winter, have set Saturday, August 25 as the date for their coming marriage. Miss Chance if the daughter of Mrs. D. M. Chance of Salem and her fi ance is the son of Mrs. H. E. Did zum of Portland. The ceremony wiU take place at St. Paul's Episcopal Church at I o'clock with a reception following in the parish hall. Miss Chance and Mr, Didzum are graduates of Willamette Uni versity and the bride-elect has been teaching in Portland the past year. Just Airived! New Fall Separates 0 o ' y. , , o 4 smal deposit will hold your selec tion for a fofer daft. . 4 Visitors From Out-of-Town FOUR CORNERS Out-of-state visitors Include Mrs. Lucy Johnson of Pasadena, Calif., who is a house guest of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Bach man. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ragestedt have as their guest bis grand mother, Mrs. Emma Hagestedt of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Richards of Hood River were visitors in the I. H. White home this week. Mrs. Glen Starker and children. Gregg, Jed and Blake, have re turned from two weeks spent at Malad. Idaho. They were accom panied home by her mother, Mrs. Robert Thomas, and her brother and sister, Mont and Norma Thomas. Miss Bonnie Anderson Engaged Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Anderson are announcing the. engagement of their daughter, Bonnie June, to Oliver Scott Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol B. Taylor, all of Salem. Homesteaders to Square Dance Mono - Van Dell's Homesteaders will square dance tonight at the Izaak Walton Clubhouse at 1:15 p.m. All square dancers are invit ed to attend. Fifteen squares of dancers Tilled the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bartlett last Saturday night for the covered dish supper and barn dance. Guest callers were Jay Blair, Eva Shrake and three new callers from a class instructed by Mr. Van DeU. including Keith Rabef Dick Lens and Charles Rowan. V (X 8 FRIDAY-JULY 6. '. Jory 4-H entomology display Street Floe : . Boxing match shown on television Auditorium, Second Hoar - 4:00 f. M. .'.';. Free Berbeque Party Patio Deck, Second Jackets - Skirts Sweaters The most versatile coordinated separates ideal for school or your summer vacation. lj 135 N. LIBERTY We Care.Hore-WeGiveMore ; No date has been set for the wed ding.' '. '. Miss Anderson is employed as secretary to the County Clerk. Mr. " Taylor Is also employed in Salem, planning to resume his studies at Monmouth In the fall.- v , Yew Are Invited te Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished wth the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPC'S IX 7 Court : ph. i sell Open Mon. A Fri. Til 1 m. . , . Come join the funl . Floor - 7 t 1:30 P. M. . " i .