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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1956)
Sen. George Predicts Most Southern States to Vote for Stevenson on First Ballot By JACK BELL WASHINGTON ( - Sen. George D-Gi predicted Thursday that most southern states, will vote (or Adlai E. Stevenson for the Demo cratic presidential nomination on the first ballot at next month's party convention. "And unless Sen. Lyndon John son (D.Tex) looms up as a serious candidate, I think all but two or three southern states will be voting for Stevenson on the second bal lot," George said In an Interview. Johnson, the Senate majority leader, baa M convention votes as Texas' "favorite son" and scat tered support elsewhere. A heart attack victim a year ago, Johnson has said he isn't running for any thing thit year but wants the con vention to adopt "moderate" platform and nominate the same, kind of candidate. If Johnson should become an ac tive candidate, George said he would expect several states to line up immediately behind the Texan. "But I don't think he wants to be a candidate," the Georgia sena tor observed. . George took a leading role in drafting and circulating a recent manifesto signed by nearly 100 Dixie members of the Senate and House calling for reversal by legal means of the Supreme Court's de cision for racial integration in the schools. The senator said be doesn't think the South Is satisfied with Steven son's position that the decision is law and must be put into effect gradually. But he said he believes the 1952 nominee is more accept able in Dixie than other party as pirants. In this connection, George said Try ?TTTTTT7WV(Q Summer bargains to glv your budgtt a braathtrl Hurry . . . shop Ponnoy's SALEM, OREGON nnnn vn. STORE HOURS: MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. Oilier Dnvs 9:30 to 5:30 For Your Convenience ! ! ! V ' 7 ch:rt! You got 220-count body, 2-ply i k s , , " collars and cuffs, body-taporod I fitin.Ponrvoy's own I CROADCLOTHDRESS SHIRTS h A Entire Stock Now Reduced! 'jtSSl , these Won't " Sfvj I same lowncraft v JJ hM QualityAs fr ll J' 1 3 Buy Now! Save! hJ Siias 14 to 17 ' " ' ' MAIN FI,OOB - .... .-...,' f ntaojaaia - - afV iH am I,-, r rrr -:.: si-.H k t t Mat j v i" ! BARGAIN DAYS VALUE ! ! COTTON SLEEVELESS BLOUSES COTTON SHORT SHORTS. . . . Yoiir Choice . . . Coming or going, you're Summer-pretty in Fenney's slesveless cotton blouses and cotton shortil High styled . . . need little or no ironing. White, black, pink, blue, maize, apricot, red, others. SECOND FLOOR 8Q ea. Reduced!. Women'i & Girl's Summer Skirts Kyiri 8 Mx j, 7.j4 n.oo n(1 2.oo Women's J0 im 2" 3M t '. 1 Good selection of summer prints . Most ill sizes. SECOND FLOOR Save! Cotton Swim Suits For Girls 188 JL Siiot 3 to ox Good looking prints are set off with a solid color bra lop styled .with shirred- front, and shirred elastic back for food fit. Outstanding values at these prices. SECOND FLOOR Save! Summer Millinery 144 Every important silhouette, every Important fabric toyos, rough or fine straws, rayon alpaca, piques, lacea. SECOND FLOOR , rsfT imiaJTH Men's Chamhray Work ShirU Ja00 14JJ 'to" 17 4.4 Aunrr ehasnkray work irt! Full cut for comfort, (rone stitching for durability. Sanforized. ' MAIN FLOOR Wb's. Baby Doll and Short Gowns 1.33 Sizes S. M. L Sleeveless cool-as-a-breeie, In sprightly prints or solids that machine wash, never need Ironing! MAIN FLOOR F t ran C4- ' ' " S . Z Men's Combed Cotton Polos Sizes M, L Nylon reinforced neck, taped shoulders, extra long cut . . , plus a gamut of stirring col ors to choose from! ' MAIN FLOOR 77c s. Wo's. Embossed Cotton Slips 1.00 32 to 44 Air-cooled sjo-lroa cotton . . four gore cut to stay sleek round your middle. Shadow paneled! MAIN FLOOR I 'eaturc! Men's Straw Hats 1.50 Air-cooled, yes sir! Pcnncy's open mesh-weave toyo hat. Tastefully styled to keep you looking your bent. MAIN FLOOR j 4 I Casual Dateline: Everywhere in VI ijLa Peniicy's Fasbion IJritebes V Va Oenlmal Cotton Twills! One's as smart . .. , I 17 J I ; a tho other . . , and as wearable as I If I the ptherl Whether, you're on your -rf ''aaa' r , j. sun-loving way to a casual date ... or II 11 jf ; I on yoOr way to th back yard with II K3j I I I good book, you're smart as can bt in II ' I ' f 'enney't fashion britches. Denims are ' U , I I ' I , tailored and smart, Twills are touched J I J with contrasting embroidered loop alios 10 to 20 ' j. trim. ' I t SECOND FLOOR A J j. he doesn't believe there will be any third party movement. He added that the chances of a convention walkout will be small if Stevenson wins in the early balloting. "But he will have to. win by the third ballot or anything can hap pen," George said. He didn't spell this out, but It seemed an obvious reference to what appears to be a widespread belief on the part of southern Dem ocrats that Gov. Averell Harriman of New York might get the prize in later balloting. Harriman is regarded by many Dixie Democrats as a much more emphatic advocate than Stevenson of making school Integration ef Mass Killer Offers .Eyes to Blind Writer DENVER tm John Gilbert Graham, convicted mass murder er, haa offered to give his eyes to Victor Riesel. New York labor col umnist blinded by acid thrown in hia face, aftereGraham, it executed in Colorado's gas chamber. The offer was made three weeks ago, the Denver Post said Thurs day, In a letter prepared for Gra- I ham at his request by bis former court-appointed attorney, John J. Gibbons. No reply from Riesel haa been received, and none la expected. Riesel recently wrote that nearly persons ottered their eyes to help him see, but his doctors have told him corneal grafting la impoa- sible In his case. ' Graham, 24, la in the state peni tentiary at Canon City, sentenced to die during the week of Aug. M i for dynamiting a United Air Lines plane in which his mother and 43 I other persona were killed. Graham was charged specifically with the death of his mother. Singing Star to Wed Leading Man NEW YORK IK Shirley Jones, singing etar of the films "Okla homa!" and "Carousel," disclosed Thursday that she will be married Aug. to Jack Caaaidy. leading man of one of her first stage shows. The wedding will take place at Cambridge, Mass., where both will be appearing in enow. A week later theater commitments will seoarate them. Miss Jones loinf to Dallas, Tex., and CaasidySo Bos ton. The two met In a touring com pany of "Oklahoma!" IKWItt-b her first marriage, Casaidya aec- ond. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., July 8, '56 (Sec. I)-7 5 STAR GA2ERV AMI MA It 13 V 41-731 MAY II MAY V 9 s47) MAY 4 k t-nnu L5777ad sun sa -fly CLAT 1 POLUN- M Toor Do.lV AtW, Cwdt H " Attardinf is tfi Jsrt. - ' To develop meitog tor Fridoy, rsod words corresponding to rxnbt ot your Zodiac btrth non I Mo 31 Mu at AVM J f. 32 i. 7 fry . 1 Cu4M 33 MMS4 S3 Dtufcn 4 A 34 Art Ovw Irr 35 Siwwst S3 Ham Jom 3 Chirst 7 K 37 k 7 T 4 Tiu44 ' 31 W SS AuSwii4 f A 3 Wot ef Hmim ,10 n4n 40T. 70 Ol IIClMt 41 0n 71 fVft J W 43 sr 7J ll II CMI 4J In 73 Ulli' 14 TW , . 44 MV 74 Cv. 15 T. 4J SumwM 7) Sul It TKt 4 T 7 P.OI4CI 17 Jo4l 47 Ts 77 Vcmi IS lhX4H4) 41 A . 7S Fl I Acnl S 7 Gu-dt 30 titm . SO V4x4i BO CmnM" 31 Vint SI aecksnund SI VVtna JJ Talk . - ' S3 2) HKhM 53 Vm S3 S' 24 tffWwnal 54 A S4 lull 25 blow 54 t)o 5 a-SMI 2 Km 5 Ao4 Ss'Vau 27 It.? 57 lmoll S7 lnd'44M4l 2S Anmi 5S Camm M Tcdn J W4v 5 Kr riM 50 VV. (OM1 SO itctt .(?)GooJ ()AdYtnt" Nrmnl .7-JI-30 Uf m vs.-' 4Oano OCT Utflj, nov ay MsTf-4041-1 NOV OK MJ-J4-JJ0 mc as mm as ' I$-I5-14-J7TH J-l-7-3J 17-0171 SMcas MAStlt? H 14-75 34l 4l5-70H Radium Dia Is Sa id 'Safe Unless Eaten' WASHINGTON UB A Bureau of Standards specialist aaya you don't have to worry about the ra diation given off by your luminous watch dial unless you should eat the dial. Smoker Not So Hot, $th In Foot Mace COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. Iff Ron Bierstedt, SS, cigarette- smoking Colorado college atudeot. ran fifth behind four non-amokers in a foot race up 14,1 lft-foot Pikes Peak Wednesday. The race, sponsored by KUDO radio-TV of Colorado Springs, was billed as tuneup for Bierstedt, who haa accepted a challenge from tobacco-hating Dr. Arne Suominea of Delray Beach, Fla. He'i chal lenged cigarette smokers u race up the peak, tentatively set for mid-August. Monte Wolford, SS, Celerada Springi, won yesterday's race up Barr Trail .In S hours SS minutes The record of S hours SS seconds waa set In MM by Lou Willie. Late finishers were not timed but HmrmtmM wu rstmrtsdl Btwifat tfl I minutes behind the winner. Dr. Laurtstoa S. Taylor, chair man of the national committee aa radiation protection, gave the opin ion at the request of Chairman Holified 4D-Calif of a House gov ernment operations aubcommittee which has taken testimony oa ra diation hazards. Holifield mad Taylor's letter public Thursday. Dr. H. Bentley Glass, John Hop kins University geneticist, told the subcommittee June IS that the to tal amount of radiation absorbed -by an Individuals sex organs la his reproductive lifetime had aa effect ea the mutations that would be cauaed among his descendants. Glasa said even luminous watch dials contributed to the radiation received by Americana. The total radiation received from such sources and evea nuclear weapons testa at the present rata, Glasa said, la atm well below the danger level Taylor wrote Holifield that aa . "unreasonable but tjadentandabla Interpretation" of a newt story aa Glass' testimony had resulted la a -Hood of telephona calls to the bureau. Put This DO Your Bcr.nct II Msi.rj: Big Bargains at Blshops's Soon! 8-Year-01d Hurt in Crash ONTARIO 1 ' A tw-ar eoV Ustoa ea Highway SS aear Bra gaa. Ore., waa Malheur County's only aertous traffic accident ever the Fourth at July. Robert Corner, S, Baker, suf fered cheat and shoulder injuriee whea a car driven by Ma sister, Marilyn Carner. SS. collided with another operated by Axtel Road, Brogaa. Hia aister, Reed and seven other persons la the two vehiclee wera uninjured. Robert, son of Mrs. France Carner, waa reported hs good condition In aa Ontario hospital. iff .y 'Hp t.WW'.M.t."y' sastjanjajsjasjss i mmmmmmmmmmmm iai Puts New Color Back Into Those Faded CHAIRS-SOFAS-RUGS - ETC. m Mog coio.., ..rfOijrrtruciji j rrtTAn. ;,, no iiJivnt5 f '.'., v.. , T i tnmuJ v,(-v- t WITH . SO LITTLE TIME SO. LITTLE EFFORT SO LITTLE EXPENSE JUST SPONGE IT ON WITH NO MESSY SPRAYING .NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT V SO. EASY TO USE HAS 12 LOVELY COLORS -jJr RED BLUE ft ROSE " -ft DARK BLUE , ir- MAROON tV GREEN ir DARK GREEN it BEIGE jCr YELLOW GRAY . i BROWN TURQUOISE (lean-Tint Is Permanent, Guaranteed A chemically - compounded blend of highest quality cleaning agent with a special "color formula that lifts off dirt while it puts back new color. -Bllir tl7S RATTI With Sponge nni wii li. AppUcator ONLY 95 MAKES ONE GALLON OF SOLUTION if CLEAN-TINT IS GUARANTEED WHEN USED ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS open , i t: I '?VrV Man, and Sj. ecossts A ' ' ' TIL 236 N. Commtfci.l f I yw-r yl T"" yai 1 1 : .iianawaaaw iniiaanaiajiiain v