6-Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri July 6, '56 Vcst State Forests in Shape for Fire Season It would lake several day of drying ((ft wind to put Wetern Oregon forest in critical lire condition, state forestry officials said Thursday. Oregon foresli are going into the Vicious Sentry Dog Loose; Town Cowers rUTTSBURGH, N. Y. I -A vicioui sentry dof broke loose from Plattsburgh Air Force Base Thursday after refusing to eat lor five days because its handler vwas m leave. Police broadcast an alert through out the area. R e I d e a t were warned by radio stations to keep children indoor and to Uke other precautions. , , "Don't run from the animal," nol ce advised. "Lie down quickly a 1 cover your nrau. in wviih thing you can do is run." The dogs used on sentry duty at the base nre taught to attack any one whs attempts to flee. Each dog generally! is handled by one man. .'" " 7' 8 ' - The base Information office said the female Gorman shepherd aam td Sheba" slipped from her col lar while being taken from the kennel to the veterinarian ' office. The dog's handler Is Airman Je Matthew Bardsley of . Pawtucket, R.L ! Transit Finn Wins Permit At Portland; PORTLAND (II Rose City Transit Co. Thursday was granted a two-year permit by the City Council to operate Portland's mass transportation system. The company has been running on short-term permits since the normally dangerous forest fire period in the best shape In years because of intervali of rain through May and June, they reported. Less than SO acres of the 11,000. 000 under the jurisdiction of the State Forestry Department have been burned so far this year, to establish a new record. Some ISO fires have been reported, of them man-caused, Ted Maul!, pro tective division a 1 1 1 s t a n t an nounced. . Logging has continued almost unrestricted so far this year with only, brief shutdown period due to humidity drops below the per cent minimum. Forestry officials were facing the fire season with optimism because frequent rains had shortened the so-called critical period far below average. Maull said It would take four or five day of Dot east winds to put Western Oregon forest in critical fire condition. Driver Halted After Chase AtllOMPH. A Bandoa motorist not only waa by-passing Salem, ho was practi cally trying to fly past it, state police Indicated Thursday. Arrested for going 111 miles an hour, with reckless driving as the formal charge, was a mechanic listed as Glenn Herbert Brown, who was chased six miles north bound by Officer Arthur 4.; Jhicks. Brown was halted near the Mar-! ke. Street entry on the by-pass' after having passed cars by racing over the Jiggle bars near the Intersection, the police report said. Brown was cited to appear In Justice court at Jefferson July 13. Death Claims A. V. Waters Group Tables NEA Racial Equality Plan PORTLAND W Backers of a proposal that the National Edu cation Assn. beef up its stand on racial desegregation in the schools abandoned Thursday their plan to bring the Issue to the floor of this year NEA convention. However, a spokesman for a group of New Yorkers laid they still intend to push an equally controversial demand that NEA sponsored tour orr.lt Arab nations which bar Jews from entering. F. D. Moon, principal of a Negro high school In Oklahoma City, told reporter that the group spon soring a proposed resolution con demning teacher employment practices based on race had de cided to postpone Its fight until next year' convention at Phila delphia. Meanwhile, he said, the group planned to raise a fund to take its stand to the NEA membership over the country. lie said the group, which includes white as well as Negro members, would hold a strategy meeting in the fall. The NEA slsnd on desegregation now Is a general one expressing confidence a solution can be found. The proposal was to have, it say specifically that teacher : employment must not bo affected by race. Arthur Victor Waters. tU N. 15th Salem expiration Last February of a 10- r fruu-hisa held bv tne fort- land Traction Co.. which it re-, St.. died Thursday at a nicd. . 1 hospital. He was n. TK. iwrmit contains no ma lor Wtr, production superinten- ! changes from the old franchise, dent at Willamette Valley Lumber '. Holme also said that (he state But it permits the company to company In Dallas for S4 years, now is filing 40 per cent'of its Holmes Seeks School Fluids From Solons PORTLAND I - The Repubfl can-controlled Legislature in Ore-, gon ha failed to provide enough money for education In Oregon, Robert D. Holmes, Democratic candidate for governor, said Thursday. i He told the Democratic Busl-j net and Professional Men's Club that the Republicans had cut 1 fund from education bill, and as 1 a result faculty members at the University of Oregon and Oregon Sta'e College have been leaving in increasing numbers for other a apply to the City Council for fare had been ill for about a year. increases If the firm does not! Born Nov. 1. 1094, In Grundy, make a "reasonable net profit' in any three-month period. Timber Firm Wins High Safety Awards teaching Jobs with persons hold' ing only emergency certificates. "That means we are using that N.C.. Water lived in Dallas for about twenty-five year before, many teachers who do not come moving to Salem 10 year ago. I up to our standard. They are H was a member of the Amer-badlv needed now. out we should lean Legion ana we wemrai Win ers church. Survivor include hi wife, Anne, Salem; and five children, Mrs. Betty CapdediDe, Los Angeles; Mr. Vicky Ventura, Saa Fran cisco: Joe-Wesley Waters, Salem; J " G'n " Portland; and MtriVMance " he said KLAMATH FALLS If) - Gov. I Thomas Waters. Salem. I Elmo Smith Thursday presented1 Funeral arrangements are ln X a top National Safety Council care of the Clough-BarricK funeral encourage education of teachers so that those below standard can be weeded out " be said. Holme added that this would take a bolder approach, and would cost money. 'Cheap education Is wasteful award to, 00 Weyerhaeuser Tim borne. ber Co. employes. ' j ; Hundreds of worker and mem- -rr 'ber of their families applauded! IV J citl WfllVPC ' as the governor handed the Safety ' M Council plaque to John S. Bishop, I - 1 manager of the plant. After the! KYtrafiltlOn ceremony Smith left by plane for MJA'1 UUlllVIl Sm- M ' A Labish Village man waived , It climaied a two-day visit here'tradition to Idaho Thursday fol for Smith. He led the Fourth at Umnt hia arrest here on a Cald July parade and demonstrated hiWt, Idaho, warrant charging em- norM-mansnip a me niamain oa- beizlement. sin JtoutMup.i Head Waiter al Big Hotel Faces Tip Tax Evasion Order Your Biltwell Davenports NOW NEW COVERS Bradley Furn. 1971 North Capitol Bail wa set at 8.000 for Brent Raymond Strunk. 41.. Labish Vill age, after hi arrest by sheriff deputir and appearance before District Judge Edward O. Stadtex Strunk was using the name of Robert Henry Cook when arrested, deputies said. - The charge against' Strunk in- NEW YORK UV-A second head-'vnlves a 104 automobile, deputies waiter of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel 'added. Judge Stadter ordared the wa indicted Thursday on charges! man held until July II for Idaho of failing to pay federal income authorities to pick him up, taxes on tip. Arthur Hagedorn, - 54, wa ac cused by a Brooklyn grand Jury of cheating the government out of $11,781 on bis 1951 ard 1951 income tax return. . Hagedorn wis. the successor as Waldorf headwalter for O.Vyear-old Hans Paul, who on April 24 was sentenced to four month in prison and fined S7.S00. Paul had been charged with failure to report more than 167,000 received in tip be tween 1049 and 1952. Brooklyn Federal Atty. Leonard P. Moore said he was launching a crackdown on tax cheater among New Yorker who recelvo tip in their profession. "The gratuities at the banquet department of the Hotel Waldorf Astoria alone amount to about one million dollars per year," he said. Rogue River Town Rocked In Explosion MEDFORD - A dynamite blast late Fourth of July night shattered window in the post of fice, a variety (tore and other establishment In the town of Rogue River, some M mile northwest of here. Sherlf Howard Gault said It ap peared that someone had touched off a half case of dynamite In the middle of a downtown street. Dep uties, state police and postal au thorities Investigated Thursday. The first car credited with more Other than broken windows than tWo mile a minute was there was no damage to buildings, driven by steam. Gault said. SCHAEFER'S Antacid Powder For the palliative relief of the discomforts of Hyperacidity (soar stomach), Beleklng, Heartburn or Flatulence to ei teat duo to Gastric Acidity. Scbsefer's Antacid Powder I prepared under the Bchacfer Standard of Purity of outer! als sad Biff, skill, as eviden ced by more than fifty year of successful aervico is the public , 60c SCHAEFER'S D.1UG ST0.1E Open Daily, T:St A..M. to. I P. M. Sund'vt, a. m. to t p. an. , . 1-4 S. Commercial V - li, . ill Ill AT WE NEVER GUESS -OR GIVE YOU LESS Exactly what the doctor . ordered, that is the measure we use In our' Lrrarrlptlsns. Accuracy i our law! 1 . . CAPITAL DRUG STORE t locations I b'tter serve you Main Store: 403 Stite SL Prescription Shop: 17 t'hemeketa He Give jf'f Green Stamps SWT? Kay Woolen Mill Store v Saves You Money' Willi lu - , , Factory Discount Plan Men's suit and slacks eaa be bought with a liberal discount oa already low mill price if clothing Is taken without (Iterations. We stork nationally advertised branda In 10 wool. Cheek our complete selection of new spring styles. , . , ' Prices from $25 to $50 " Open All Day Saturday (ay Wcob filill Store 260 South 12th Acres from Willamoflo Campvt Club, Blub : Phonetics ALBUQUF.RcjtlE, N. M. MV SFOO, which rhyme with moo, ha given up it meaning to ALOO, which sounds like Hey, Lou. . . All this came about when the Santa Fe Operation Office of tbe Atomic Energy Commission offi cially changed its name to Albu querque Operations Office. The search began tor an abbreviation a easy to pronounce as SFOO. Taking the first three letters hibit a single family from own-'of the Albuquerque Operation ing more than one farm unit of 'Office, AEC name experts came up lo lfiO acre. - lup'with AOO, which sounded like The present average size of the yodel, then AOO which sounded Columbia River basin project I'ke a coyote calling it mate. . The only answer seemed to be, from a phonetic standpoint, to use the first two letter of Albu querque and add on the double O from Operation Office. Sounds fine now ALOO? SeatonAcainst Bigger Farms In Basin Act WASHINGTON I .Secretary of the Interior Se'aloa ' Thursday opposed a bill to Increase the size of farm units under the Columbia Basin Project Act. The proposed legislation would permit one owner to have several farm units totalling 160 irrigable acre and permit a wife to own similar tracts. Present law pro- HKN IN DOG HOUSE . HICKORY, N. C. (-"-Hitler ta hen which refused to associate with the other chickens in the barnyard of Mrs. Branda Aber n;thy. Sbe roosts on a perch in the dog 'bouse. Mr. Abernathy says Hitler ha never developed a taste for the commercial poul try feeds and ha no us for helled corn. Hitler' diet con sist mostly of salted peanut and beer. SELECTIVE THIEF TUCSON, Arix. V-W alter Prideaux, 38, reported a man jumped in hi car, forced him to drive out of town and robbed him of an antique wedding band val ued at $200, a $50 watch and $1 In cash. The man drove off in Prideaux' car and told him It would be parked in a downtown lot "I'm no ear thief," the rob ber Mid. Prideaux' car wa right where be said it would be. farm unit i about 7 acres. American bought eight million dollar worth of diamonds in 1900 and 123 million dollar worth in 1955. If Fish is Your . Wish . . .' W Hav Your Dish Halibut Steak . . . THE SAH SHOP"" 'TSZZVST Portland Road a North City limits For Order to Go Phono 2-4791 Portland Starts Charity Probe PORTLAND -. The City Council voted Thursday to set up a screening committee to pass on organizations Venting lo raise funds for charity. - This came after the council In vestigated and turned down an application from the Oregon Insti tute of Social Welfare and the Northwest Institute of Social Wel fare. " -j' Commissioner Stanley Earl who was critical of these organization earlier, again tangled verbally with representative of t)e group;' -' The annual growth In world pop ulation ha increased from about 20 to about 40 million a year in the past 20 years. Put This nn in Your Bonnet ...irsOBig ! BLANKETS!- ' -v BLAMiETS! - 50c DOWN HOLDS ANY BLANKET ON LAY-AWAY ! ! 1 Store Hours: MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9:30 A. M. to f P. M. Other Days, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. For Your Shopping Convenience . . . Lowest Price Ever V - v ikaM.M.n.'M GOLDEN DAWN ELECTRIC BLANKETS! wired with ono of the finest circuit mde( . 2 year replacement guarantee against mechan;- j COMPARE! Seo why thousand choose I Penney' Electric blankotsl Heating system is i i completely automatic, maintaini warmth you j . want no matter how cold the night tucml . ; i Quality blanketing is 65 rayon, 25 cotton, 1 : I 10 nylon. Binding is new long-wear acetate. !72 by 84 inches fits twin, double beds. MEZZANINE i. ' eclil Include federal tax Single control $12 77 Dual control, $17.77 wea-yoj)aytswe V .' ;. i, y.: , s. . j --v - f - .X ; SAVE!. 100 WOOL BLANKETS! .J.LB. WEIGHT 72W Rlsnkets replaced If moth damage oecnres within S years! Deep fleerey wools, made by top mills, bought by the thousands so we rould bring you this history making offer! The nap is high to give ynu more warmth with less weight. The weave close snd strong to assure you of seasons of wear! Even the binding comes in a new lork weave acetate that outlasts ordinary bindings three to one. Colors: Geranium, Hunter green, Maiie, Eche Pink, Surf Blue, Leaf green, Peacock. MEZZANINE SPECIAL VALUE! $744 ! I 50c DOWN HOLDS YOUR CHOICE ON EASY PAY LAY-AWAY! ! ! Save! 80 Sq. Percale Yardage 29 Yd. Smooth, high-count cotton machine washes lo perfection, give lasting wear! Fine thrift priced print for dresses, tots' wear, cafes! MEZZANINE I 11 ,VY 's . V V Feature! Chenille reads Bcdspi 5 For Closely tufted. Vvy-line pat tern. In room-sparkling color. Machine waih In lukewarm water. Twin or full. MEZZANINE . Colonial Quilt Design-Blankets 4 98 72"xS4- f Fine value! New colonial quilt design bianketi! 90 warm rayrn, 10 trong nylon. New long wear acetate binding. 3 pound. MEZZANINE V Falling Leav es Jacquard Blanket 6 90 72-X90" 3'i pound fleecy jacquard in falling ' leaves iiintif. l Warm, washable, atrong. 75" rayon, 15 nylon, 10 wool. New acetate binding MEZZANINE r Durafleccc Orion Blend Blankets 790 New! Tennry' ' Durafleece blankets Impn.ved with 'Orion. Double-woven, extra long, su perbly washable. P0 crimped rayon, 10 Orion. MEZZANINE V ','V'--''V' . . Warm, Light 100 Orion Blankets 13 75 72'xW Warm, Light Orion Blanket machine washes In lukewarm water. Guaranteed replace ment if ahrinkage more than Llfe-of -blanket nylon binding. MEZZANINE '