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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1956)
I 300 Pemonal 310 Mooting; Notlco BAHAII worH faith Information, writ 8tatman.-J'rni, Box 114. 312 Lost an. Found LOST: German , ehepherd, llfht tan Jr. brown ara, I mo. old. answers to "Dusty '. Vlrlnlty of Front it Cainaa SU 4-133. 314 Tronsportotion LEAVE Bundsy a.m. Souls City or Grand Forks. Riders, ax panaa it driving, ph. 1-951 ava. 31 Personal ton FACTS about tha Catholic Church writ P. O. Box 8343. Indianapnlli, Indiana. Informa tion acnt under plain covar. No personal follow-up. .lit BAKERY 104(1 MARKET Froren tamalie, chlrkan, at beef plea. 1221 dm.. Plta Pia, 3c, larg braad 1 for 4Se. Ph. J-7.171. ALCOHOLICS Anonymou group No 1 loss N Com I 1-4337 AI.COHOLICS Anonymous. MS S Commerclsl 1-1)0 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Solo top LOCKER beef from vaal to fiva yr. old cholra yearling teers 17c: two yr. old at I5c; S and 4 yr. oldi at in to 13c. Tick out your beef. I'll bring It In whan you re ready. Rt. I. Box 82 A. Ph. 2-8221. foR SaleT-nice-feeder""p"tgs, I , heifer freshen thia month. 2218 I9tht. COOIl grain fed steers at it'Tr or 3Sc dressed. Weigh around 700 lbs. Phone 2-7.143. tAl.EM Meat Co.. locker beef Custom killing, rutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free FOR SALE or trad soma good colored saddle horses tt kid ponies. Good 1.300 lb. black mare, broke single to work ride and pack. I Shetland mares At several good aaddlas. a.1 ib suvenon no. Godb feeder pigs tt sows, good nreeatng. m. a. box s h PROFESSIONAL honeskoer Ua Hanson. 4-0724 or 4-903 FOR SALE or trade, gentle oonlea for children, also fond saddle horses Boh Frsnke. 905 N Water St.. Sllverton. Ph -134. 403 Livestock Wonted 1947 BUICK Spec Sdn. In good cond., 17.000 actual ml, trade for anykind uvesrock, cattle preferred. Ph. 4-4633, LIVESTOCK buyer Claud Ed- waras. itt j, box e-uu CATTLX, horses at your farm E C. MeCandliah. Rt 1, 1-8189 CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. 1280 Harmony ur. Ph. 4-9087 EaTTLE buvers 4?97 State E t. Si H. Snelhen. 1-1345. 1-4380 404 Poultry and Rabbits FRYERS FOR SALE J"h. 2-7731 DRESSED Fryers, Ph. 4-10W) Call evenings. BABY Chicks hatched yr. round Valley Farm Store. 4-4624. fuRKEYS. oven ready, fill your lockers now. Me IB St up. Cloaed Sat p.m. At Sunday. Kuykendall Eggs Poultry, J.1S5 Lancaster ur. Ph. 4-31 is. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wing s IBM State. Ph. 4-3811 408 Pots GAME BIRDS ilver. Golden eV China Pheas. snts. Quail. Ducks. Geese. juniam Chickens. Feathers for flv tyers. Also have 50 N. Hsmp. pullets. Rill Ar Clsra i.arrett. rn. s mi. wo. Keirer Sch. on St. Paul Hlwav. At I. Box 30. Brooks. Lie. 611699. C?QI,lE puppies, i weeks old. 110.00. Must see to appreciate. Grady Coats. Rt. 3. Box 176. Salem or call 4-298. &UNTERS. hare's your dog. Lab rador Retriever, will be 7 months, Oct. 1st. A K C. regis tered. 1131 "E" St., Salem. Ph. 1-663. , . DOGS hoarded. Corkhaven Ken nels Lucille Lund. Rt. 3, Sll verton. 3-4717. PUREBRED Springer Spaniel pups. 3490 Sunnyview Ave. MOORE PETS MONKEYS. Cnckatlels, Birds itnarded. 4005 State St. FKG. Sohlpperke pups for sale. Ph.4-1036. BIRD Pa radii lot rWrda, cages tupplla 31U Livingston 1-1141 YOUNG parakeets, rages feeds Mickey's. 3623 g Com 11711 For SALfi Puppies, all kinds Come see afternoons at 2311 , Livingston or call 1-7989 Vt'.ll buy puppiea any kind. 410 Seeds and Plants TOP QUALITY plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 SHv. Rd. W give S&H Green Stamps. ftiCHSIAls. 1 for-11, Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. 412 Fruit A Farm Produce U-PICK Mont, pie cherries 8c lb. 7 ml. No. Keller Sch. on St. Paul Hiway. RASPRERRIEs7TU-p7rkriOc lb. Ready picked 20c. Ph. 4-2906. t'-PtCKirrliated W, straw". berries At raspberries 0r, D. W. Calfee. Rt. 2. Box 441. ph. . 4-1373. . TIE Cherries, Montmorency, well sprsved, 10c we pick, 8r . U-Plck. i!l70 Wheatland Rrl . 2 blk. S. nf Clesrlake. Bring containers. 4-7711. U-PICK good Nnrthwesfatraw". berries, 10c Ih. 1 block W. Kel ler school. Ph. 1-04.17. CHERRY pickers wanted: 4 days Ricking. 4'i miles out Culver osd ' NICE U-PICK MARSHALLS PH.2-2B37 TJ-PICK Montmorency pie cher ries. IOc per lb. Bring contain ers. Dusted throughout. Rt. 1, Rox 476, Go to Pen 4 corners, go t mile to Mscleav Rd. go esst on Macleay Rd. for 2 miles turn In at mailbox. U-PICKstrawherrlea," lflc-jb. Albert Scharer. Ph. 4-4017. To" place classified ads call 4-6811. 100 Disploy Cloisified ' YOU Can SURVEY , Accurately Wilh : , No Experience! SEARS Budget Priced Surveying Instruments Start as low as 159 95 As Little As Sears Roebuck & Co.l 1.141 N. Capitol f 450 Merchandise 412 Fruit I Form Produce U-PICK Strawberries, last week for very good MarshaUs. 1 ml. out Orchard Hght. Rd. tie Lucas. U-PICK N W. strawberrle. Ida lb Out Center St. ml. past Srotty's Auction House to curve turn right. L. A. Tun nel. FOR SALE Rya grass hay, 120 rr ton baled In field. Ph. 7211s after I p.m. U-PICK strawberries, I ml. fast Totem Pole. Max Woods. CH6lCEWilIamette raspberries. Orders UInv.Ph440. FINE pia cherries and raspber ries, U-plck. Ph. t-2124. U-PICK NORTHWEST . STRAWBERRIES O0e I. -B RINO CONTA INERS, STANLEY SNr.ED, RT. 1. BOX 7.1. BROOKS. LOCATED -1 Ml. NORTH OF BROOKS, HIWAY99, PH. 1-3141. RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Brantnar, 2831 Chcmawa Rd. 1-l.H eves. U-Plc"K4rrigaterhlll Marshalls. Fred Meyer. 2't ml. W. Brush Collee Store. Ph. 1-4I71T U-PICK "Northwest strawberries. 10c lb. R E. Fiedler, 4447 Sal ter Dr. Ph. 4-JM0. STATE Inspected milk 65c. Ph. 4-1111. l'.s m. I J Cor. on slate PASTEURIZED wnolehHlk71e !. Homogenised. 79c, a g il on 40c. Clear y Dairy. 1-3031. 413 Fertiliser PETE Moss from chick trays. 75c sack, valley rarm store. 414 Form Equipment FOR Sale: Case Vac Tractor equipment, used very Utile 2B55 Dallas Rd. Ph. 4-1656. A. C. coinbln with pickup like new, will trade for acreage. 470 Sllverton Rd. 725 Auction Solet SCOTTY'S E At 4840 Center St. Salem On Sat. July 7 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. BIG PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques, furniture, and live stock, selling at your bid price. Antique dishes and furn. of all kinds plus household fur nishings, Mr. and Mrs. bed room set. Mr. and Mrs. maple cheat, 1x12 Oriental hooked rug, daveno and swing rock er, occas. chairs, box springs and mattresses, I pc. chrome set. 7 pc. chrome set, 1950 Hotpoint elec. range. 1949 I ft. Fnrtdalre refrigerator, beds, springs, msttresses. ta bles, chairs, misc. articles of an kinds. LIVESTOCK SALE 2 P.M. Cows, veals, calves, feeders. sheep, hogs, chickens and rab bits. AUCTIONEER " COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT Ph. 4-6433 4SS Houto Goods for Salo BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $300 dn. will buy a complete household nf furniture in cluding appliances. 2 PIECE sectional daveno red frieie cover laj.M SEE our selection of guaran teed ranges k refriRrra torg ... $39.50 up SEE our large selection of mattresses t springs. DAVENPORT . & club chair ' sets $15 up WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES lfOODtlY3V? v-runr;iTurtE 515 S. PH. COM'L. 4-3319 NEW Speed Queene automatic washer 6t dryer set. Reg. 1MM M. Spec !3!X) 01. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6.T71. No down payment los e, l Open Frl. night '111 . LOVELY mahogany dining room set, I chslrs, Hij. pn. 3-70M. G E. Range, timer, deepwel, ex cel., 3-SM3. whs pioneer ur. USED Kenmoreutomstlc wash er only 114f'.9.V No down pay ment mar l Ph 4-H.17I. Open Frl. night 'til 1. 270 S. Liberty. I-TWIN Hollywood bed K matt.. llll. 1 Studio couch. exceJ. rond., 129. Small assortment of glass vases, howls, hsskets, hand crochet dnillies squares, etc. Call 3-3282. COME In now At ssve on a good clothes drver. All sale Dilced. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 8 l.lh erly Ph. 4-H.171. Open Frl. night 'til 1. No down psyment In a.c.l DAVENPORT Ac chairs IIS. din ette set. 120, washing machine, 120.1240 Center. SMALL dining table k 4 chairs for sale Ph. 3-5372. NEW 10" Admiral ranae tlflflO.V Used Mdse. Mart. 2V0 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371. No down pay ment to. c. Open Frl. night 'til 1. USED 4 burner gas range, with oven at storage space, cheap, 4-3001. . j , . MOVING: for sale, nearly new dining table A 1 chairs, buffet, living room chair. 7M Church dale Ave., ph. 4-1M7. GOODHOUSEKEEPING stove, til. Ph. 3-4720, GENERAL Electric 24" push button rsnge, CE dryer, May tag automatic washer, Chrome set, large rng and pad. new Hollywood bed. 2040 Portland Rd. , FOR SALE: 4 pc. sectional dav eno, corner tame, range, re ! frig., Sealy Posturperlic mat tress A- box springs, draperies. Hotpoint auto, wash. all in 1 excellent cond. RI 3. Rox 370, ; Molalla. PI). .1771 Mnialla. FREEZER: New upright large 19 cu. ft. Exclusive heavy duty quiet running sealed unit. 1 yr. gaurantee. 1 yr. fond spoil age guarantee. Special 13(0 "5 this week ' 1711 Center. Ph. 1-1172. (Dir.) Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES Buy aa you rent. All makes noam-Tj p writer 8. 4 court Ph. 3ST71. tHHUAMtl WEST1NGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co 474 So Coi.'l Ph 4-1111 CAPITOL Redding Mattrts re novators New mattresses 1-4069 WRK st O BLOCK J ASOI4 BRICK and block Work 'guar antees!. Ph. 4-C431. . CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEWbiuldlng. roofing-or paint ing, remodeling, eat. free, 4-6.10. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement or pumice block. Free esti mates 36 mo. to pay 1-6260 IRANI worts U-lon Lorain moto cran fla lem Sand a Gravel Co 1-141 EXCAVA T IN O . VINCENT C. NEAli : Excavating; Co. 1 Excavating Grading Ph. 1-1666 FLOOR COVIHINOS NORKIS WALKER Paint C Floor-covering Division Qual tty Installations Linoleum, As phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estlmstes 4-1271 450 Mrrrhantlise 4SS Houto Goods for. Silo REFRIGERATORS from 11 50. No down payment lo.a.c.l Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. Open Frl. night 'til 1. Ph. 4-371. FOR SALE: I cu. It. refrigerator 1-1717. ib-GAL. porcelain lined Fowler elec. water heater, 120. 117 Mission. 4-73M. MONARCH elec. range 117.1(1 1050 Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 2-1113. L'.NKiMSHLD lurnitur Stiff Furniture. 171 N H L High INLAID Lino. 11.11 per sq yd R L. EKltrom Co. too I Lib erty INLAID Lino., 11 19 per cq. yd n. u Eifsirom (.0. z a. un rt . Unfinished Chests, New 1 'Drswcr 14.99 ' -1 Drawers M 91 Mo Phone Order Pleas HOGG BROS. 241 Stat St. INLAID l.ino 11 f.9 per sq yd R L, Elf strom Co 2M S Lib erty ' USED washers Hi Ar up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So Com l Ph. 4-9.1M. "GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, drvers, ranges as refrlgs , I IS 18 1c UP. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 Chsmeketa SL 456 Wanted Houto Goodi 110.000 CASH To spend (or High grade Used Furniture As Appliances. Ph. 1-1110. Psying Top Prices for Better Grsd. Glen Woodry, 1(01 N. Summer WANTED FURNITURE k MISC. PH. 3-609J IOP CASH PRICI - FUrVNI. TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MAR1 !70 jSl I B ERTY PH 4-1371 WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co., 1-7471 457 Radio and TV 21" TV. ALMOST NEW PH. 4-9047 WILlTtrade brand new '58 Ad miral T. V. set for a '4S-'S0 auto. Value 1229. 1(71 S. Cot tage evee. 458 Building Moteriols mam (ALL USED MATERIALS FOR SALE) Fluorescent lltes 1.1 A up U" Plywood (c sq. ft. Celling tile. 16x11 IOc es. ncaav made Shelvina '...low Drtced Sch. desks 13 ea. Doots. 3 panel it .4 nMOCl tl A UD Windows, comp. wlrames s-i or up Good Used Pip t" to ,4" No. 2 A: btr. used - Lumber-. 141 it 131 per M Good used Fir Flooring . Ill per M Reject hardboard 60x100 snt 11.71 4 ' blk. Drains! pip . . 30c ft. E. S. RITTER & CO. (740 Portland Rd Ph. 4-S3II 4 Ml. No nf Rslem, ' Ml. No. of Totem Pole on 9!E Open All Pay Saturday Keith Brown Specials PLYWOOD- 4 x 1 x 4 Rib. Grain Mahog. Panrl . . 3.14 ea. lUon't miss this on.) 4 x S x RC Mahog. Ptvwood ..... 4 x 1 x . CD Sheathing r. 4 x 1 x Sheath. Pluaeed tt Sanded.. 4 x ITP-'s Hardboai-d . 4 x 1 x ' Hardboard . 4 90 ea. 4 21 ea. 4 10 ea. 1 1 2 noes. 21 ea. 90 gal. O S. White Psinl d box nails keg 1 21 DOORS DOORS: 1-0 ti 2-48-xl'i Flush fir no ea. 2-0 to 1-SxS-Svl's Flush Mahog . 2-Sx(-Sxl, SC ' Mahog. 1- 0x8-1x1', HC Mahog 2- 6x-8xl, Sash up 00 ea. 00 ea. 00 , Mea. 91 set doora SCREEN DOORS: , 1-0xS-9x1b 140 Inside Door Jambs .... ,4xt RL Clear Rgh ' Rev. Cedar Sdg! ",4X10 RL Sel. Tit Knot Bv. Cedar Sdg ' 1 x 4 E Calllni '.xSE 101 Siding 1M.0O M 140 on M no M 00 M LUMBER YARD 2.11 North Front Rt. Ph 1-9III "WE GIVE S ft H GREEN i STAMPS" BARGAIN 71-100 sq used flat roof til. 210 ChemekeU Save time - Save money For the Best Proiessioml Services i. KB GRADING DOZINO BULLDOZINO It hark fill, i JO per hour. Ph. 1-0933. DOZING k iIeVElTnG PH l-rW52 D PANTt'VlLM BUlXDOFiNfj" cleai-na roads. ponds. D-4, D- carryall V-j Husaey Phl-114 BULLDOZING, grading i. Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner at operator. Ph. 1-1741. PAPEBINB PAINTING Fainting and Ft esttmstes paper-hanging Ph 1-SMJ Brush or spray Exterior or In terior. Fre estlmatea. 1-9606. PAPERINO PAINTING PAINTING DECORATING 2S Yrs. In Salem Tm BOTOVAT1NO TILLING, Howard Rotovating garden cultivating, lawn prep- ' aratlon by hr. or Job. 1-3691. CUSTOM Rstavating. Ford qulpment Fields lawns, or chards Ik garden. Ph. 1-161 It 1-4776. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 I4S0 Merchandise 458 Building Motoriols" 1 TP AND LOTTSA" NEW LOAD BIRCH DOORS beautifully deslened - LOW COS r I INSULATION 110 sax. ALDER shop & paneling 'j prlc of birch I SDG SON, FLG. I9.M, FAINT 2 30 gal. SCREEN DOORS til up Alum Screns to tit I FENCE MATERIAL - all types, Won derful (Ulna for finish ses Iheml PLY W 0 6T5 SPECIALS: ISO sheets of BIRCH and KNOTTY PINE Closabut 21c ft. t Knotty Pine 11c ft FIR PLYWOOD - any sire CUTTING FREE tremen dous selection. NAILS 9-1 keg Ct.OSFOt'T Odd lots Pint Paneling 100 M, CKDAR BOARDS Rgh hack 10" Sris 13S. M. 1x12 I04M Hemlock Csg. odd lots 4c fL 4x1 Sanded PI v wood 17c ft., Rgh. 4x1 421 sheet! Gosh , New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price. PAINT GRADE JAMBS 1 91 set. Lfx ' w say TOTS AND LOTTSA" III Remodeling 38 MONTHS TO FAY NOTHING (that's right I NOTHING DOWN ttt, ul oon you'll anjoy your visit. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3141 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY , SATURDAY" Overhead steel garage doors with hardwar it31N In- stalled 9410 Galvanized ava trough ll'ks par ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH 4-8123 r SILVERTON RD. 500.0(10 FEET New fresn-milled old a second frowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 in to 24-foo! lengths. Delivered price Salem 130 oer Ihou minimum Ted Muller Hl ELEcfRICwall heaters, 2i'1 off 12 gal. elec. water heater. 183. 12-2 wire, 4tC ft. Light fixtures reduced. 4 pc. bath set, 1120. Built-in ranges. ' off. Outlet boxes. 23c. 14-2 wire, 4c ft. Apex Btectrlc Aj Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph 1-1SW Open Frl. eves. W cut wire, pipe At prices. 0 IS fflt ft craft paper 11.31 O 3 tab 21,1 lb. roofing. Cheap O Cedar Shlnglea 13, 19, M O New iron roofing per sq 110 O Outside whl'e paint, gal 12.30 O l?-2 wire, roll at 4',c O Oarage doors, all sires, chesp O Rarh'wire 00 rods S3 91. 17 43 O Ceiling tile 12x24, 10c sq. ft. O 4x1 plaster bd 11 40. 1 80 I Si O no. 1 Asbestos siding lUMsq 0 New Water heaters, sell out O Tast soil pipe 7V -ft O 's" galv. pip 12c, 'i-llc. 1 --. l'-38c. O M0 gal. steel Sep. tanks 131 SO O 300 gal steel Sep tanks 1: 30 O New bath tub complete 119 91 O Toilets with seat 921.10 O Wash bas. with trim 111 M Iron, ateel, stainltsa steel sinks. O Drain-board covering We ft. O " Ceiling fana 113.71 a Deluxe 14x24 med. cabinets 1191 Oak flrg. randem nth Cheap New window sashes, cholc 12 no O Windows At frames, large stock Mahg plywood 4x1, IV sq. ft. 0 1.000 doors, hardwood St glass STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONO SONS PH 4-1011 1 Ml. N. KI17.ER 454 Do It Yourself CHANGE YOUR OWN OIL-Bur bulk oil at wholesale Eastern ll4c qt H D detergent ll'sr qt 2 gals or more in vnur container We have an weights PRI.NE OIL COMPANY 320 S Lancaster Dr 460 Musical Instruments WILL atnr your baby grand pisno In modern home. No children. Call eves, after 1. Ph. 2-:M FOR SALE, Kohier aV Campbell Spinet styled mahogany piano. Ph. 1-M17. 462 Sports Equipment 12-FT. runabout, complete with controls, trsller Ar 11 HP Ivln rude, tbixr 1040 Harris. FOR SALE 1l ftrcahlncrulser", 40 h. Merc, motor, hydr.. steer ing, trailer. Complete 11.491' Ph. 3-8071. 13 FT. glsss" boat-with Ir'alJer. Ph. 1-134.1 between 11 noon and ( p.mA . Fnrf".)ALF lveri"'llorr300 Bavag rifles. I Remington pump 30-14. I Winchester 11 ga. automatic rondel 40. All slightly used. Private party. Ph. 4-070L NEW 14 ft. sport fisherman 4" beam, fiber glaaa bottom. Trmt. 430 Chemaw. Ph. 4-1711 11 I s stooriNO SALEM BARTTLE ROOFING Most mod. lit time roof, color choice. Free est. 1-7MH vs for comp. information, SAND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1621 McGllchrlsl Crushed quarry rovka and grav. el. All sue for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dosinc, shov el and draglln work, a-wag. SALEM SAND GRAVEL CO Heady mix concrete, crusneo and round gravel, sand and top soil. 1403 N. Front It. 1-241 VALLEY SAND at GRAVE1 CO Crushed a rauna grsval San At eon mi 1-4001 SKPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rootar, sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 1-1317. MIKE'S Peptic service Tanks cleaned D rootet cleans sawers drains Phon 1-I461 Bamal's ptJ tanks cleaned. line eervtre uuarantee worn Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. IPHOL1TS.RINO UPHOLSTERING Pretessinnal: guar work, fre St., pickup, deliver. Fh. 1-426 1450 Merchandine 462 Sports Equipment II FT. plywood boat, trailer tt oars 1124. 1901 Water (L after p.m. 11 FT. NEW runabout, man. center deck, 18 H P. Johnson 291. Ph. 2-7121 or 1-747. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern nd antiqu Cascade Mere. 12M roadway. 464 Bicycles to" Balloon tired bicycle. Like new. Call 1-1321. 468 for Rant, Misc. FdR'RENT or lees ig. war, house epec. cement floor, brick bids., downtown. In quire . I Itlfi Funs,. 1-1 1U 470 For Solo, Mite. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, rang as rafrtg. 138.11 tt up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 371 ChemekeU St. 1 MEAT cooler-beverage cooler. To!ec:u enmputor settles, rh resist. r. meat slicer. sljn stock of'csnned goods, big dscount. Ph. 4-431L l1, H P. air cooled motor "wi "to 1 reduction unit. Ph. 4-4311. FO RS A LIe Near iHftT'trTlleT'. dishes, books, old records ph, l-7jn917MJJo20tlSt. FOR SALE: Collapslbl baby buggy, 111. Ph. 1-12M, t FRIEDRICH floaUng air deltca- teasen mt ca. Prfct cond. 4-3(01.. FOR SALE or trad. Super cold vegetable It beer atorsg cab inet, perfect cond. 4-3408. FOAM RUBBER HEADQUAR TERS. All slrS All Thick- nesses. 11 per pound. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS. K3 N. Com l. Ph. 3-4343. NEW genuine Army pup tents. Government cost 212.1T Our Special Prtc 18 9S For a short time onlv. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS, 221 N. Com'L Ph. 1-4343. POULTRY picking machine with 1 HP elec. motor. Good cond. "Price 130. 2 nice dressers. 111 ea. 4 rocking chairs, 11.10 ea. Good davenport makes Into bed. 110. Ph. 1-1131. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run (.ravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 TOP SOIL Phon Mm. t-taoi BFV'S rummage., everyday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, rash register, dupli cators, desks, chair, fit, sup. plies Rocn'S. 4M Court 1-8771 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Kcircr Sand tt Gravel C PAYMASTER check'wrlter nd prnectorNew, 1100. Ph. 1-9043 SELL or trade complete restau rant equip. Tor SI or 13 car. Call Sllverton after 7. 1-1971. 472 Wanted. Mitt. WANTED: used wheel chair. Ph. 4-3171. WANTED evrl thoussnd cords of wood, an soeele Ph 1-7711 Night 4-K31 474 Miscellaneous FOR SALE: 1-Sxll .. well built, well finished buildings, suitable for mad side stand, tool houses or bunk houses. Make niter. Ph. 3-4881. Ai)DIN(i machine, cash regis Clary 1974 Firrounds 1-S37B DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HRj SERVICF IN HOST CA.ES DH HARRY SEMLER Dentist Adnlkh Ring. State A Com l Sta SALEM PH 1-311 1 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL??"' Old fir Itly pids SAWDUST 8H Green Stsmps A Ph. 3-33.13 5087 BrrdwsT ANDFRSON'Ss I b w o o d. Ph 2-7711 or 4-20M order""now"for "rates" Sawdust, wood for furnace, range or heater, shsvlngs lr mulch. West Silem Fuel ':n IMlJtrlgewater Ph, 1-40.11 W A'l CD several thousand cords o: wood, all spaal Ph 1-7711 Nights. 4-3831 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST At WOOD Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planai Ends Cholc slab and block mixed I4?0 Rrosdaiay Ph 1-7721 500 Bur. &. Finance 510 Money to Loew WE HAVE rash buvers far real estate contract nd Ind mort gages flhmirt tt Calaha. Realtor 477 Court Sr Phon Mil PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgases. . 241 ChemekeU SL Ph. 1-8841. 500 But. A Finance S10 Moooy to toon $1500.00 New you can oorraw 11 106 from us. en furnitur. sutoa. trailer nouses ana equipment w r happy tnat after t years we are able to extend Una ddltlonal service I yau. lit a. Cnml. Salem, Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-l?161 FOR MONEY t!S to 12500 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 Liberty Ph 4-ura LOANS MOO la 11MKM Buy What Vou Need Conmlidai youl bill, Financ Ihrojfh WILLASfFITE CREDIT COMPANY lit S Church St Ph 11411 PRIVATE money . to luan, 1 interest Pit. l-74. COLONIAL Invaatm! Co Real froperty Lns contracts urehasec Ml Court. 4-121. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 114 N. Winter Ph. 1-OSM Your fulur Is urJob. ARTHUR Murray's now Inter viewing applicants for teachers 13 per hour, training ft if accepted. Age 11 thru M, Apply in pron, ssr. map pel, 1 thru 1 p m 411 Ferry. APPLICATIONS ar new Ming taken for Statesman Bicycle route Svrl rsute will be pen. AppUcaata must be ac companied by their parent r have their written permis sion Apple at the Circulation Department aat In utssxnaa Journai 604 Help Wanted. Men IBM SUPERVISOR Experience with 401. 111. OTT. 132 required. Will hsve rardslyp. New Installation. Excellent op portunity. Writ full qualifica tions lo Box Id, Statesman Journal. WANTED: Log buyer. Box 14, statesman-Journal, GOOD WHOLESALE DELIVERY ROUTE JOB OPEN WITH ESTABLISHED, EXPANDING. KLAMATH FALLS FIRM. GOOD SALARY. COMMIS SION, PENSION PLAN, HOS PITALIZATION PLAN, GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. MUST BE AGRF.SSIVE. COM PETITIVE. AND REALLY WANT TO GET AHEAD. Glv a, married status, experi ence . . , alt replies confiden ts). Write P.O. Box 418, Klam ath Falls. Ore. SERVICE station work, eves, tt Sundays, state age, exner,, ret. Ac where now employed. Box 171. Statesman-Journal. REaCesUU Salesman needed. run oftlr co-operation, neaav phon 4-4837, or Sunday 4-9149. for appointment. Ask for Bart Steven. AU replls eonftdn- WANT aeveral wood cutter. Apply Capital Fuel Ca 100 N River Rd PUB. acct. needs young man with exn. In accta. for asat. off. mgr. Muat b personable and ambltlnu. Box 17 states man-Journal. 606 Help . Wanted, Lady EXPERIENCED waitress over 21 years. Hour 2 to 9:90 p m. Pleas apply In person. Depot Cafe, 121 Lyon SL, Albany, Ore. OPPORTUNITY for housewife to earn extra money working part tim In a friendly lc cream store. Eves. to 11:10, Thurs, Frl. Sun. It Mon. Experience. rncl referene. non-smoker Age 21 to 40. Th Pike, 120 S. Liberty. ACCOUNTANT. xp. With P. R. nd gen. ledger, perm. pos. n qual. Writ box 18 Statesman- Jnurnal. BARY sitter my horn, 1 day wk. Ph. 4-SSS4 after I p.m. EXPERIENCED waltrata tt com bination waitress car nop. over 1 yrs. of age, toe sn hour. Mlrkey't Drive-In, (oft Wallac Rd. Apply after 1 p m. MIDDLE-AGE woman to do housework, I in lamny, su mod.- conveniences, llv In. Ph. 4-1311. 610 Soles Help Wonted EARNING LESS THAN 1M PER WEEK? INVESTIGATE 1 If you ar willing to work 3 evenings per week for S lo 1 hours you can earn addi tional Incorw of 21 to 1100 per week. Appointments made for you In advance. Great op portunities for advancement and a permanent career no matter what kind of work you dn. Now pick up Ih phone, call 4-1221 for details. It to 12 a m., July tih. WANTED Men or women for full or part time sales work, t all I-D079 between 1:M and 11:10 am. WORLD'S largest Installers of horn neattng need I more man lo learn warehousing, sales A services. Assured fu ture, guaranteed salary If you qualify. We train you. Apply in person. I0S7 8 cnm'l. Mon Isv, July tth A Tuesday, July 10th belnr noon. FARM Salesman to work out of on of Salem 8 finest Real Es tate offices. Rawlins Realty, 803 Chemeket. Ph. 4-8171, MAN t distribute It pick up Fuller Brush catalogs lioo weekly comm start 1-A387 SALESMAN wanted. Electrolua corp. 1079 nrowy aalem. PART TIME SALES WORK 1 In 9 p m , average 149 Ml guar anteed comm. prr 4-2248. FOR immediate employment. 9400 mo. guaranteed corn' ap ply 121 1. Bush I SO t ( A.M. Only. 612 Work Wanted, Men EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, of- lice mgr. Box 18 Statesman Journal. Mnw hayfleld or vacant lots. Ph. 4-8371 between p m. tt I m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Caninvl work. Fre ext. r. xpert work Work uar. Ret. Go anvnlar. Chae. Ex llne. Ph. 1-7011 PAINTING Fro Estimalca Reasonable. Ph. 1-1331 eves. ROTO-TILLJNG Ph. 1-2311. TALL GRASS, lawn cutting An derson. 4-0441. 2 N. t a pilot. ROTOVATINO work ev week ends J Hathaway Ph. 1-3828 CARPENTER WORK, day r contract 1-1941 or 1-148 LOU'S Ire service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling, 4-288. j 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Man WANTED: Prt-Um worst In A. M. near talsm until Aug. 1. Ph. 1-9071. CUSTOM mowing, lot A acre ages. I ft. mower, Dlbrt Beach. Ph. 1-7731. Rem Building tj Remwtellng CALL JOHNSON-Ph. 1-1740 CFMENT work; guaranteed: frompt service; fre estimate, mest Drake. Ph. 4-1331, HOT coating, root repair tt spray painting. Guarannefl workmanship. Also, fre stl- mstes. Ph. 4-4177. 614 Worh Wenfod, lady CHILD Csr my home, Intents tt up. I. 12th. Ph. 4-7213. EXPERIENCED woman rirslr general office work. 4-8183. CHILD car. In my horn, close i. pn. 4-saa. CERTIFIED teacher in tutor children mornings. July, Au gust. Ph. 1-S824. IRONING IN MY HOME PH. 4-4B CHILD car my horn- 11 da 21c hr. 4-Cornr. ph. 1-9S71, CHILD car In my home, play equipment j close eupcrvlafon. 1033 Electric. 4-3701. HOMEMADE froien fruit tt chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-1331 or 1-1711. WILL baby sit, 1 r olds tt up rn. 4-934. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr. Poe, tea N. Ilth. Ph. 1-MU. 61 S Situations Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. 09 Edgtwater. W Salem. 4-1S41 FRANK-HARRYS POWER DITCHING Installation, sawers, aptle tank, drain fields, tiling l-19, EXPERT apray, brush painting, paper hanging, jreur paint or mine. Free est. Term. Ph. Nelson 1-9491, i-fOU. V 's 'k yd shovl. crane, bee drf tin. M-ton mobile crane. D4, 01 cat, carry all rlr Ing blade Rental essntract or unit prlc. SALEM SAND GRAVEL I4n N Front St Ph 1-141 PAlNTlNOTpapanng Free eU mstea Don Lucero 1-HM. PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices 21 years in aalem. Ph. j-7i. CARPENTER work, any kind reas, j siscieay it a. -swii CHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers. septic xanxs, iiraisi fwiob. Power Ditching, BackfiU. Ph. I-1M or 1-M71. MOWINO At rakll.g. D. War shall, 1-1341. SMALL carpenter lob, good work, reasonabl. Ph. 4-1424 UGH I crawler duaer. leveling grading 1-1041 L Kurth INT.'decoratlng. Chas. McLean. 417 E. Madrona. Ph. 1-3S31. 700 Rentala 702 Sleep. Kooms, tear ROOM At beard for young bual neaa girl. Ph. 1-3400. FURN. light hsk'g. rm. W. Salem. gsa mo., iza oeruu rn. s-euii between I At I. SLF.EPINO rms. tl day. M wk. Near Capitol. 411 N. Summer. VERY nic rm. for gentleman, pvt. ent. tM N. Cottage. TV. Nicely turn., clean sleeping rm, ft wk. s-iejn, aeara avast, ROOM at board, men only, 883 per mo. Ph. 4-3741. NICELY furn. rm. alo baam'l rm. 139 N. Winter. CLEAN, oulet Rear But bidg.. ahop Dlst, lilt prlveU 1-144 CLEAN. Cnmf. rma. T. V;, eloes in git a winter a-i tn. WANTED Mn to room and board. SM N. CspltoL 70S Aportments For Rent SPARKUNO rlean, 4 rm., fura. 801 S. Summer. FURN. apt 121 N. Winter. Ph. 4-OBXT. MOD. furn. apt . Ml No. Cottage St., I blk. Meier at Frank. CLOSE, 1st, fir., rlean. well furn., a rm., new. ejs center. 1-RM. furn. houaekaeplng. utll. furn. 17 N. Libertypn. s-7. 1-RM. furn. apt., bath, rlean. close in., ph. l-sstl alter a 4-0041. FURN. apt., close In. 1084 Oak. Ready July istn. can a-asw. ROOMY reas. besemant apt.. rlean private, T.v, connection. 191 S. 14th. NEAR Capitol, furn. 1 rma. and bath 132 SO. 330 S. 14th. 4-714. LYNWOOD COURT APTS. Under new management: a face lilting. In progress tnruout. For clrsn. pleasant living at nominal rental, 1 and 2 barm, apts furn. or unfurn. TV an tenna, laundry facilities. 121 S. Ilth. ROOMY furn. I bdrm. apt. Close to Sr. and Jr. High. Ph. v434. ATTRAC. 1 rm apt. with pvt. bath, TV antenna, laundry prlv. Close In. 481 N. Front. Evenings Ph. 4-9111. APT. for 1. partly furn. 1142 waller, call any time. 1-RM. nicely fur, apt , private bath, automatic laundry, Ph. 4-4020, 1-8841. rOR RENT 3 rm. apt. w. pvt. bath, kitchenette. utunnry Snv.. clnse In. Inq. 411 N. Front, venlngs Ph. 4-H121. FURN. Apts. 1.11 and"e4"SUliT- Itiea inci. cmpioyea iaay oniy. Ph. 4-I3S7. FURN. apt. Washington sch. Hist. But. Fvl ant. 3210 Him mel. I RM, apt. w. kitchenette, bath, utll. 480 s. Capitol NICE 1 rm. apt. 1st fir., hath. laundry, nice yard, reas, ews m. Ilth. SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT Call after I P.M. 3-7009 1140 8. 13TH. 50.00 4 RM. turn. flat, adult, refer ences, gar. Lsll A.M. til 1 tt after I p m. 1-7S4I. MODF.RN 1 norm, court apt.. cnmpleteiv furn , 138 a mon. W. Salem. Ph. 4-8871. Ev. 1-8743. 1ST FLOOR, furn 9 rms.,- Ren- dlx. 131 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7124 CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 941 rrry. 1 room, ground floor, small yard. Drslrable, 1 blocks from PO. 1-8331 Hollywood Apt. Furn., unfurn.. 4-471.1 or 4-1179 AMBASSADOR APTS Nirrly Fura. Apit. SM N. Summer 1-120 MODERN 1 bdrm. Court Apt Unfurn. excenl Elec. range A refrig W Salem, Ph. 4-8871. Ev. 2-1741, 700 RenUli 70S Apartments For Kent THE LEE APIS.' SALEM'S lenel Etlslinnilahed Addrwe Bachelor unit available now. unrura. tu mo. Inipecuon tn- viteo. sea nj. winter. LARGE well furn. I rm. apt. ana nr., - mo. wasninaT -ra cllltles, no pets, sdults pre ferred, ref. required. Ph. 1-7117. FI84 Maple Ave. COURT apls. Extra nlc. dean. a rma. at nam, unturn.. xcept . stove, refrig. T V, laiin., park. van, inq, l.Jxe Kin. NICE Ig,.. 1 rm. furn. 141 N uneriy, rn, i-sm or -jixxj CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1181 Chemeket St Ph. S-08JS ftcenio view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt, rang, refng. l-taoe. MODERN I bdrm. court apt., uniurn. except eiec. rang relng, 130 mo., W BaKia Ph. 4-8173. Eve 1-1743. CLEAN 1 -rm, turn. apt. Pvt. eni. at oatn, um. turn. 41 s. i FURN. I rm. apt. w. bath, tn Hollywood. Ph. 4-Jog. WEBER Court Nsw manage ment. Liean rurn. unrurn. spt . sll elec. laundry feci I 13th. at E. Rural. Ph. 4-381. I RM. turn. Apt Ulll. furn.. rioa in. f n. -lM3. zss Marlon. I RM. furn. apt., pvt. bath ntranc. 1431 if. 4th. 706 Duplees RM. duplex, bemt., trpL, ga rage, lee. ph. 1-7371. 195 SO I bedrm, 1 block from t snttr pidgs Auto ell heat. Wired for lc, rang. Ph. 4-1 883. 707 Houses For Rent t BDRM. unfurnished house with garage. Adults. 14 N. I4lh Bl.Ph. l-tlll, 1-8408. FOR sale or rent, new 1 bdrm. home, dsybght bsm't. South. call eves, after I 1-399. 4 BDRM. house, bsm I, garage, S41. Call 1-391. 1 BDRM. he., 171 per month rn. -w a.v. l-tsswa or 1-903 l-BDRM. home. 1271 Electric Ave. Ph. 2-S46 after 4. UNFURN. I bdrm. house baaml 830 "g'' Bt. Adults. 1-42 IS. l-BDRM. houae, nlc district. Ph. 1-oMI. 1 BEDROOM Tnq. 1428 Mark Ph. 4-1039 IN TURNER, partly furn. mod a bdrm. noma, 1 out otdg. on acre of land. Call Sllverton 1-4111 for Information. SMALL s tract. 1 bdrm. cottage ease iraae. s oik. i oua as store. Call 1-5912. I BDR. home with full ment, new F.A. ell fur., large gar. near downtown, ha ex cellent bus. pos. 139 has elec tric tov fur. Owner might glv option to buy. Re Mr. rWrne at 1140 N. Capitol. LOVELY mod. I bdrm. home. flrepl.. St. Vincent dial Apply 100 Donna Ave. 1 BDRM. houae. 4 yr. old. very rlean. Four corner dist. rn. after I 4-1711. FOR LEASE two bedroom houae. large lot, fenced, AtUched en rage. SM mo. immediate poo session. Ph. 4-4122. , OR SELL completely remodeled 4 bdrm. ha. Liberty at Ua coin. Ph. 1-S12S after I p m. REDECORATED t bdrm. unfurn. hue. 90S S. list Csr, fenced yard. S3S. call s-97. NEW 1 bdrm. hnuas, att. garage. ssa. Ph. i-msst SMALL houae. does in. . All Gaines. TRAILER aoac 111 per mo. N pet. Ph. 1-tttS, .14 Ox Tora. 4 BDRM. house, full bsmt.. w antenna, W. Salem, rloee lo school, tt bua. t7l no pet Reference required. CslI S-TSM. i BDRMSr"rleen. farage. SM monui. o nivec bi. 707-a FurnisKed House CLEAN I bdrm , auto, wssher. Adults. Ill Rug. 1-1277. FOR LEASE, 1 bdrm. furn. cot tage, gar, w. pn. l-qaa. 4 rm. furn. cottage near bua ttores. Adult. Ph. 4-ssss. 710 Wonted to Rent Hies FAMILY desire I bdrm. home. South. Boa isa, aiaiesman- Journat. STATE employed engineer wishes to rent or lease, rlean 4 bdrm. home by August 1. Ph. 4-1.K0. 714 fullness Rentals FOR RENT Cnm'l bldg. 114 a. ft. with office location noun on well traveled street. Ph. 1-1700. 1 1K)WN town office spare, etor rms. tt warehouse 1-4114. 716 Retort Rented REST at Plneciest". By the week. Writ 1 Pinecret. Neekowln, Or. 718 Convalescent Home WILL car for ldrly people in my home, xs yr. sp. (.lean very comfortable horn. Ph. 4-1741. ELDEREST Nuraing Home. Pri vet rooms available. M20 N Church. 1-981. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 132 rt lottag 1-7020 780 Moving L Storooo Pratt MAYFLOWER Moving- and Storage FUF.L on CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmrr Transfer k Storage Complete moving aervta. Also genu for BrrWNS Nation Wid Mover Ph 31111 LOW COST storage H U Rttft rural turLO i-sis nOO Rral Enlale 801 8uiineit Opportww. BALLROOM aV Tavern. Th willsmeties oldest snd best known bsllronm At tsvern bus iness Is being offered for th first tim. Th present owner built th buildings and th business and now wlshea to retire. Will aell on terms or consider apt. court or other business that does not require actual physical supervision, as trsde In. State Flnsnre Co. Realtors, Call Claude Kllgnr Phone 3-1111. ext. 31. MODF.RN T unit" Saiem"rtioleV A home, sell or consider trade for small apartmritt house, rloee In. Owner 1-7131. MODFRV "MOTEL. 9i E HIWAY I units, one acre, trees, rh. hse. Ruv fpr tmsnn terms SALEM MIRINESS 70NF t bdrm. home, buy for M 9S0. aasv terms nr psrt trsne. TlIK STAR REALTY 1330 B. Pac. Hwy. Th, 1-2031 Ross Statesmtn. Sa1t?m. Ore.. Frl.. 800 Real EaUte 804 House For Sale) DOCTOR I OFPICI AND HOME HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS -" 1 " . - "'. ' i.r vniiist anq wxnn, WT mag profsaslenai typ ef businss. Large lot with pav4 alley. NEAR HOSPITAL In heart of omer a searm. nam. o a i rt. lot. is tnastsM aosM, Thai 1 rl security good for professional locAtiow. LOVELY CANDALARIA NO. 1 view, oayugni oasement complete witn party room, I lire places, I large bed rma , eertirmal bath, lovely Ur, rm., yard A) ahrube ready to move Into Call now. SOMETHING DIFFERENT 17 e warm,., a Tirepiars-s, sMvemeni, rrnesi sneationsi lfrfmi, II4.M0, $11.100, 111.100 all with bath and to I full hatha. the. NOB HILL aintCIAL Almosl ner wi, view over city, gia.ovD. THE HOME BUfLDEBS SHOW iiiui nome now (.auiornia stancn rruit trees, pavement, l hedrm., built In oven and stove, patio, sunhaat gardan re. I fireplaces, family room. Built by member of turn Build Assn. CslI today, 117.900. TO SELL YOUR HOME Eve At Sun. Salesmen' Bon Cleary t-i. H. Prk 1-S413. Andy naivorsen a-rte. asun a rant Himmel 1-11X1. 114 SOUTH LIBERTY t BEAUTIFia, RANCH style. Large living room. Dining room. Nook, 2 -car ge rag. Double plumbing. Fire place. 1 bedrooms, 100 a 120 tot. 114.930. Terms. ENCLEWOOD FOUR) bedrooms. Large dining room. Nook. Fireplace. Base ment. Garage. Fruit I9.1O0. Terms available. ONLY 1350 DOWN FOR this good auhurban horn. 10x110 lot. On bedroom. Mod ern. U.Sflt. Payment like rent. Ph. 4-ttIl! 4-J38I. 427 Ferry (Open Saturday) Office 4-3381 ev.: asanan Lerunann .! - Vlasic 4-2870; Jim Ramsey 4 WEST W want an offer on this large, targe living room, urg aintng room, xitcnen wita toeo g biiilt-lns and dining area. 1 nice bedrooms, floor attic, tuu. deep, good baaement that has a bedroom, large fruit mom, aawdust furnace. Price reduced to Sl.iflO. Will consider email dowa payment Ask for Micks. Ev ph. 3-4403. IDEAt LOCATION acre ef th finest land tn country. 1 acre eane berries, fam ily orchard. Nlc barn, machine shed, doubt garage. Chlckea house, 4 bedroom horn. In good condition. In Havasvllle di trtct, food subdivision. Owner must mow tn another cUrnale. Total prlc 1I8.2O0. Call Lucas. Ev. Ph. i-U. S ACRES CLOSE IN . Excellent tmall acreage near ioum oe aunoiviaea. osaer g bedroom hem. Barn. May trad tor aultabk, bualneaa property. See this for St, 300. Call Joke eon. Eva. ph. 1-3834. RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYINQ OR CONSTRUCTION I OR l's t homes aide by aid. Can be bought separata er buy both at a discount. Located North Just I block from school bus and store. Both hav I bdrm. ach. One priced at tats, th ether at 10410. Buy both for only 111 JO. Call Henry Bund t aee. Eve. and Sun. phon 4-1710. , nt CHEMEKET A . ROY TODD REALM BEAUTIFUL EASTMORF.LAND 1 BDRM -All roe ma large. Liv ing room, separata dining rm., big well-arranged kitchen with eating apace. Aluminum screens, fireplace. F. A. oil furnar. 1.14 sq ft. of living space Extra bt let. yr. M. IH.S4 t completsly furnished 111.000. CU Mrs. Graham. f I BDRMS. SOUTH 1 yr. old 4tdrms. down, t op. Wall-built heme with 1.00 so ft ef living spare on 1st floor. Arranged for family living and eomfort. Nice big lot. city water, larg living and dining rooms and very attractive kitchen. Many sue feature. Hard to beet at 12,709. Call Mr. Hick. I BDRM. RUSH SCHOOL, DISTRICT-Verv well-built heme wilh lovely yard and flower and outdoor fireplace. S bdrma. dowa ' and on larg bdrm. upstelrs. Good stairway. Two blecka t erhooi snd on to bus. Newly redecorate threug heut, I1JM, Cell Fred Deerfler. BARGAIN IN MANBRIN GARDENS Excepttenallv attrectsv nome oniy yrs. us in exclusive iseignsMsrnoesl. a aarm as ft. living room and dining room combined. F. A. oil furnace, Innilsted and westher-etripped. Beutlful coriwr sat Low da. payment, good loan guaranleed, owner will carry balance. Priced S1.100. Call Mrs. Graham. HOY TODD, REAL ESTATE Mil Stale St. Ph. l-13i Ev calls: Doerfler 1-1114; Mrs. Graham 4-4741; Vandarvort 4-7(01; Hicks 4-4930. 801 Ruilness Opportun. SERVICE Station In good loca tion, owner any pumptnf io, 000 eala. per month. Has good ahop and holat Health forces Ml. Prlc for properly nd Inventory 110 000 S2.0IXI down, S7I per mo, on balance. Con Realtors, Phon 1-1131, W. H. Btevly, Salesman. Eves. Call ider Trade. Slat Finance Ce. 4-211. FOR LEASE near completion nsw drtve-in reatauranl with heavy traffic count Soma equipment furn. Box 13, Btateamen-JouraaL SMALL rsfa for sale or trade, 1 can handle. Ph. 4-7290. for lusinees Property rm sx gee aiauon. win swu lock at glv I to I year lea Writ Box 171, 8talemn Journ!. 806 Howie Far Sola WERTWOOD Heights. I bdrm.. li I 88. SM. low dn, pym t. l-saso. BY OWNER! 1 Nlrm, la baths, south. Ph. 2-3UJ4 1300 DN!Livlng" rm. Din. rmTl rienrms. rsvea m. n. K. price 14 800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor. 1980 Mission SL Ph. 1-45U0 Eve. l-OSfsl.. BRAND new 1 bedrm. hse ( lose In East. Arr. (1.100 dn. Full prlc 10 SflO. C. W. Reeve, Realtor, 1840 Mission Rt. Ph. I-4M0. Ev. 1-OHS1. FOUR bedroom home, two baths, dining room, fireplace, dishwasher, antenna. In excel lent condition. Close tn ar hoots. F. H. A. loan avall ahl. 113 700 00 J. B. YOUNG. REALTOR 4.M N. High St. Ph.l-S0 1 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal rltv locations, beautiful yards, s bdrm., Ind 4- hdrm . equip ped for day mirerry. ph 1-3301 1 BDRM. house with small acre- age at 170 Ratcliff Dr. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. OWNERTRAN8FERRF.D WILL aac. 1 bdrm. ranch stvl bom. 1,100 sq. ft. 1131 Brnn. 1-07(0 OWNER transferred, larg 1 bdrm. ranch atyle horn with den tt utility, 1 lots fenced, well landsrsned. nlc neigh borhood, near grade A- Mrh schools priced at I7.8im 1380 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 3-3H77. BUY my eauily In Manhrln riena home, 3 octrois , or I bdrms. snd dan. F. A. beat, frpl. and patio 1 ISOdn . 111. A'iO. S it Manhrln Dr. Ph.4-1433 FOR RAI pr "trade. 'equltyln 4 bdrm. hse, 1400 cash or-hsl hav youl ph.-.vws FnOWNthTcwn Woudry will pay top price for your turn At nnliancesPh 1-1110 EASTMORIXAND. 1 bdrms.. I's baths, birch kitchen with dish washer, dbl. gar. Ph. 4-7111. July 6, '56 (See. IV)-7 R00 Rral Estate 106 Hoi For Sola Ideal Vocstlosi peat last to t good business Oevslopmeiit. alee - In tn trees on the hill, nice FAMH.y ROOMS Ready to show. hew I beirm. full baaement, ns Get th tump and aee this bean IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS a-i. atoy rrn a-stna, Jo H Ar F. RHONE 4-447t NEAR HOSPITALS THIS neat and clean ham I Meal for coups er a widow, Garage. "Fully furnished. Nice ehad tie, price ISJAO. Bora terms. ST. VINCENT AREA FINE l-bedroom home. Llvta room 17x11 Nice hitch est. Bath. Plastered. Utility. G rasa. SS.1V. Terms. THIS 841-acr place may be NUTRIA FARMERS What yo r rooking for. Blf spring, e-ovnreom noma, Mra. Trees. 114.00. Tcrma. Tre : vtaiet ciunoss l-issss; grana - 191. 'S SALEM elder, S bedroom hem that ha Prlnala school. Road en I old. CHOICE VIEW LOTS emre aa.ian. on psvea street wit etty water. Very good neigh borhood, unnhetrucie trtew l the City. CslI Dewa Kkarr. Eve, phon 1-7M. Perfect Vacetien with a dandy t bdrm. Neat as a p4a. Bee. garage. This pre pert y wesaU make a perl eel rental Aaking S7.9AO. For apts. Call Dels Bayktira, Eve. paon 1-24. ' PHONE 4-4171 806 Houios For Sole SALE OR TRADE 1 yr. eld I sarin, nome. rencn sty, per fect condition. Lovely land scaping. 111.730 er will trad 4INW equity en good 1-4 bdrra, with acreage. North en 99 E. 144 Broadway Tl. t-WH 4C0RNER DISTRICT BY BUILDER, new 1 bdrm. house, li, baths, flrepl, dbl, A gsraga. 111.300. Ph. 4-407. EXCEPTIONAL 1 yr. 4dl bdrm. torn, all Birch wood, work, Ig. lot. lawn At drapM. 4111 Hertel Dr. 4-1934. A Home Needed! W hav a buyer for a 128 08 horn In Candalarla. What hav your Call Mr, Sword. Ev. flu 1-KH. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 121 N. Church St. Ph. 4-1311 or 1-1170 CHOICE LOCATION You'll lov It on tight It's ab solutely apotless and bult fully decorated Ven, blinds, dishwasher, TV ant. alar. There are S nlc bedrooms, corv llv. rm., attached gar. Oniy ISMM. Call Mra. Ogles, bee. Eves. 1-8.111, Dsvt I-, FD LUKINBEAL. REALTOR, 4J3N HIGH. BY OWNER, t wall located homes in Englewood. 1 with ftreplac A- bsement. nlc yard A shrubbery, priced rea aonahly. Ph. 1-4941. OUT "OF TOWN OWNFR WANTS TO SELL OR LEA., NIC ELY FURNISHED Ilk BED ROOM HOUSE 13.300. GOOD TT.RMS. 143 CHEMEKETA. FOR SALE, nlc I bdrm. horn nesr school. N. E. Dlst.. IT .MO. Will take 1st model car fr mv equity value tor tCSOO. Ph. 4-0310 or 21SI Beacon. RANCHtyl horn. I yr eld. J bed rooms, on sxtr larg, lawn, shrubs, garden tt straw berries. Price 111.110. 2111 ' Wooddal Av. BY BUILDER NEW spacious I bdrm. Engle wood Dlst Top quality. I-707U 1300 buya otir equity 1 bedroom, tile bath, larg garag. An tenna Inc. Phon 1-82U. BY OWNER 1 'ritfrhr moderi well bulll home. 17 109 Lo re ted at 14M 1th. Ph. 4-14H v BY BUILDER NEW I bdrm name aat 8. Salem ckool A park 1-1071. 1 BDRM. houae on approa. I A. So. of Prlngle Dtat I bdrm. house at Ml Draper, Pioneer Trust Co. 1-3134. . 'i