V c, I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, July 6, "58 on-Mcn Hit Area Again, Successful rea mora attempts ana of i successful bjr eomnen to i or aell nar-worthlesa item noney to pay "accident danv ' were reported to Salera i Thursday. ursday'a report brought to ail lumber of such ease invettl I by cilf polic within Mm paat ; Similar Incidents hava been rted in Dallas and Portland. n Palmer of Palmer'! Service im, MS Edgewater K-, told n that a man tame into his ia lata Thursday and claimed iv bean In as aula accident, man said ha needed money mid Palmer a wristwatch for reporU indicated. Palmer eb d algiwd receipt en which ,.iA Dullai address. W. BarUU, IM Commercial Mid mi attempted to obtata a atch and a diamond tint ha Toa and Country Motel t 1 am. Thursday: The told BarUII that ha had been vtd la a ear accident and ed tha money to Pf 0 to tha other party Involved. Mrs. David Greene, I1M Port land Rd., told police that a similar attempt was mad at tha Marion Motel about It a.m. Thursday. A man told her that his new Cadillac was in tha parage for repairi after being wrecked, Mra, Greene said and stated that ba aeeded money to pay off a second party to keep the matter from going to uia police. Ha offered to leave a diamond ring or a 17 jewel watch aa security, Mrs. Greene told officers, , ; , sckefcllcrs jrrow.Too ;W YORK -ven th Rock tt borrow money. The Archi ral Forum Botee that a mort- haa baea placed aa one afi milling to Rockefeller Center a.wo.ou at per cent lor 17 .L.UW inlmrlmtl halt off the nginal mortgage on; efeUer Center - some years ' Mrs tha forum, "and aow 4 to borrow Uka aa ecean i mora water. But they prob- conciuoea was a woum dc to out some 4 per cent to utile money to work." eMorkiTrip cek Immigrant :EMOKD. lad, (AF) The Independent Day relebra t Alhanasio C, Chriatodou at bun M. 1 Z7r -old shoe repair aa immigrant from Greece nontha ago, tossed a fire m Into tha street under a a cruiser. 1 Judge James Ronald aa- d to Cbristodoulaa Thura- Ibat Indiana law allows only wlonal fireworks display. Juriga imposed 13 lino but ended 911 of court coats. NEA Speaker Blasts Dull Pupil Labeling (Story Ms an Page sY See. U PORTLAND tm -Achool er roneously classify many pupils a dull, William H. Burton, former director of teacher apprenticeship at Harvard University, told a Na tional Education Assn. meeting here Thursdsy. He said the error arises from tha fact that the typical intelli gence test favors children from so-called upper level families and ia limited te a narrow range of verbal skills. Children from these families have greater access to reading material such aa books and mag azines which make them more proficient la these skills and con sequently they do better In tha Intelligence test, Burton said. Many pupils arc classified as dull, he added, because their "abilities. Interest and ambitions are neither tested by the intelli gence tests nor stimulated by tha curriculum." Testa which hava been trans lated so children of lower level familiea can better understand them often result ia higher 1Q ratings, Burton said. At a discussion group meeting on the learning processes, be Mid education must hava meaning. Teacher mutt realise, ba said, that "real problems are more stimulating than artificial one." riNNi BID BVSS1AN HELSINKI Finland - So. Viet President Ktomenti Y. Vor eshilov. baa accepted an invita tion to visit Finland1 at tha end el August, the Fimush Foreign Of iftce report. Miss New York State (37-22-34); 3mm... ' I ! ' 1 't - - I : FORT LEE. NJRed haired Ray Dm (Us, II, W New York Oty. raptured the titte, Mlas New York Mate. Tbareday night In the Miaa VnWere pageaal aa Palbadea Aaiaseaaens Park, (he la flanked by Carele Kregg. II. left, of Massaswaaa. N.Y. whs plaewd aeeead. aad Aaae Helm, II. right, at New York City. Mlaa Dm flat la I feet, a inches and wsigha 1M peaada. fae meaaarea J--M, top to bottom. (AP Wirepnelai Theatre Time . Table Kl.aiNOBI TnAprzE"! t o. i i "1H Kiu.cn ia Loose-1 14 CANTOL . (Cant, from ! a-m.F -ArAni." 1:00, 07, t 14. 10 Jl nrCHTT TRKARIIRC MOUN TAIN," I 7, IM, 1 11 Nonrn alim drivb m (Csim a.4-atiaw at Dvukl THt LONK HANG Kit", CUytoa Moor. "THK PWVATK WAS OF MA JOR BEN-I ON,'; Charlton MMlo. MOU.VWOOO "NORTHWMT PASSACE" THE YEARLING" IDut to the lnjlh of the pie fijrn lhr will only" be on ihow lnf nijlitly). Oldster Gets Elbow Room SOI.DIKRS CiROVK, Wis. Wl - Ever wish for a house with lots of room and lota of closet space? Then you may envy Adolph Him Himley's house,-. built by bis father in ISuO from the choicest quarteriawed lumber, has 11 rooms on the first floor, 11 on the second floor and a many-windowed attic which never' haa been partitioned into rooms. Tha second floor has a bath room, a linen room and nine bed rooms with n total of 11 room sized closets. , Himley, 10, lives alone in the house in a small apartment in the rear of the first floor. if to nr. anow From I F.M., NOW FLAYING! ( I 1 1 Havt Ntvtr Son Such I Wa w a A Sptctaculor Shew Bfor rruAsvrxTVK THAT CITS jtz:za Anjucrt "IE - 2 nnnnnnfnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnB - THRIU1NQ CO-HIT u mill mum RAYMOND BUR! : Jn Hungary Reds Use Slnrringc To Hit Cliiircl. VIENNA (LNS) - Marriage la being used by the Hungarian Com munist Party in It struggle against religion. This was made evident in "Sza- Thuradav met with the striking bad Ifjusag." organ of tha party Vmted Steelwerkere and three, in Dim, Hungary. ttru.nu.. at tha huir- im1 Tha party answered n letter induatry to diactu contract dil-if"m a 21 - year - old Hungarian j ferwtce ia the. lrvHiay nation- jhJ questioned it it waa ngnt lor wid steel slrikn and said "we, bun to marry tha girt h waa en win bo ia towrh with tha- parties i Wed ta bacnua ihe believed u eorir next weak; after Maoringa' w" rengKKuuy inclined. , Dtreetor Joaewh T. Timu1. S. Err. said ha ia hopeful that the onion I pvtT b,.. Tb. uri and enrman.a can ing. Jthw h,d completed . teactung Government Steel Strike Talks Proceed (Story aiea aa nao aa) . PITTSBl'RGH UPTha director at tha Federal Mediation Service course, bot-aull held to) reiigiaua ow neforutiona bat- added 'Tvet naa no inaicauonn ia inai enen. : Kiir4 Seoawato CeaJercnwea " Should w adnaa tb young man ia leaver ine nri : oy noi Truth Hurting Reds in Asia In Radio War By MICHAEL GAINES TOKYO t LNS i Asian Commu niata are finding out that tha truth hurts especially when It's dished out by a email group of American in Tokyo. j A V. 3. Army unit haa beeo carrung. on a long range battle against Communism with a airangely unaMreaatvo arsenal of weapons. It consuur of radio trana nuttern nnd printing preaaea, the etandard aquipment for paycholog ianl warfare. ft hi n pretty safe bet that the Army' continuous campaign of truth m broadcasta. pamphleta and leaileu ia badly damaging Commu nist prestige in Asia. Following the- separate-roofer.."1" "J'rZJZtJL . . Evident with union officials, haed ' L 'J' JT.!!" .1. - I eviaence uea in a Yioiem by USW Preaidai Dand J. Mc-i " JZZ . ' coun,er dnve me Rrs B,ve Donald, and induatry represents I l.t, 7", launched. One Communist pnm-j liven, whono chief sprkeaman ITn. hT". tnT .7h J h Pm P""1 I0y oc,cr,tw John H. Stephen. U. S. -Steel J? I th Toky "P'r" unit as a Corp. vice edent. Fiimean "..nirter organ.ration which em- and two aidea flaw back to n- "TW. k. . mor. K..,,,! ploy mVrder' ,orWy" "1 I atr 1 mort ,uUIal; common law crime ... to carry "s1"- i tank than to convince someone we I . . ..... m unvn wmn hw nirninj Hprv law wa: war beid to get facta am infor-i The party declared tha young matMta) cooeermng the atnka af J man hi bound to know better than (54 eon nteeiworkers that haa alaaiall athen which sour era nourish idled nearly toona employe to: bis fiancee's religious feelings and allied industries. which are "the bad influence that Ha said the meetings produced;""" be eliminated." It noted he "new and belnfuT facts. better suited to convince her London Aims To Cut Slums LONDOM UNS) - A slum-free London by 1M4 is the ambitious program laid down by the housing committee of the London County Council, Britain's most powerful local government organization. The program will open with a five-year plan starting January, 19M, during which demolition work will be speeded up to raze more than 3.000 dwellings annually. Al ternative accomodation for dis placed families will be arranged in new towns or eipanding sub urbs. A total of 11,000 houses have to be cleared away before the final battle against out-of-date, unsan itary dwelling will have beeq won. Finnegan expressed hope that that the "truth of life and scien- tk. 4ln,,tli n.rti..' Kill .hi. " I un vuuinci Ul mr he P'rt'f" , , ; idealistic world view." ENDS TOMORROW . OPIN 4:41 anBaagJ kAJi.lCI Iptacer Tracy Robert Toang Gregory PeckJan Wymaa "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" "THE YEARLING" . toranaa of Ihe Length af Theea Show They Will Be Shawn )aly Oaro Nightly. Tha Yearling at 1:M Northwest Passage at Ml STARTS SUNDAY- Special First Run Engagement SAMUEL GOLDWYN'i Picture of the Year... America's Ow n arid m U.YS t to work out their differences themselve and aaid the mediation service would not hesitate to move into the negotiation without in invitation If tha deadlock contin ues.' No IndlraUaa Ho (aid both aide agreed for him to get in touch with them next week. The mediator gave no indication whether he expected to arrange new negotiation by then. He aid ha told both aides they ' are mature and experienced and he hope they will be able "to compose their diiferrnce.' In Washington, the government announced that it froze warehouse iupplies of steel product needed for defense production. The freeze order went into ef feet at midnight Thursday night until further notice and la de signed to make ture non-defense customers of the Industry do not obtain steel needed for aircraft, guided missiles and Atomic Ener gy Commission projects. The final word was this: "The young man 1 therefore not only suited to re-educate the girl; it Is his duty to' do so. It is his duty to convince the girl of our truth." SILVERTON Drive-ln Theatre Bat Wed. . Tburs. FrL "MOOAMIO" Cable Gardner Kelly FIX'S "CATHI QUEIN OF MONTANA" B. Dtoawyck R. Reagan Men Becoming Jewel Conscious As Their Wives CHICAGO (INS) Men are go ing to be aa Jewel-conscious as their wives. The Istest cufflinks exhibited at the 38th annual convention of the National Association of Re tail Clothiers and furnishers in Chicago were studded with cul tured pearl or lemi-precious itonet, Soma of tbn stone used In cuff links are hematite, tigereye, chry- o, marquisite, onyx and agates The stones, once strictly fern inine, are set In both gold and silver-finish metsls. . Cuff links, which have been the size -of quarter of late, now are getting smaller, relying on the jewels for a rjycontive touch in stead of size. Col. William R. Robinette. Piywar officer, declared: 'This kind of tirade usually means that our work is hurting them." The colonel described his mis sion a two-fold: ."First we work to tell the fact about the free world to captive nations. We explain our ideals and our concept of freedom." "Secondly, we strive to expose the aggressive nature of Commu nism, to reveal the truth about its slave labor camps, its purges, rhe loss of individual human rights under it fist, and hs government by tyranny." Only Access to Truth Recently. Chinese Communist soldiers heard I radio comments tor describing an uprising by Chi nese farmers against their Com munist bosses. He warned them in their native tongue that Peiping might later attribute this to guerrilla action. Actually, exhorbitant taxes on crops had driven the farmers to re volt, he declared. The Chinese people have no other nccess to the, truth. Without such broadcasts, they would be forced to swallow whatever line Peiping was using. Danger Develops From 'Over-help of Youngsters NEW YORK (INS) If yon try to help your child too much, all you'll aid la doing is retard ing him. This piece of advice come from tho Toy Guidance Council, aioag arith tha example of a baby with a bright red bait At about ten months moat ba bies have matured to tha point where they begin to crawl. If the ball ia handed to the child he will wxamine it, and is likely to discard it If. on the other hand, tha ball is placed alightly out of reach, the infant ia likely to use his new abilities to creep after it, stimu lating hi interest in both the toy snd crswling. Robbed of the Joy of discover ing that he can get it himself, he may also lose interest in tha poa sibilitie of crawling. HSTWants'to Stay Neutral,' Rejects Estcs By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Former President Harry 8. Tru man reiterated Thursday be wanta to "remain neutral." but made plain he would rather not see hen. Kstes Kefauver win the Democratic presidential nomina tion. "I have an Inclination to some body else besides Kefauver," Tru- ! man said in Js'ew 1'ork where he breakfasted with Gov, Averell Harrlnian, a contender for the nomination. "We did not discuss candi dates," Truman told reporter. Truman said he and Harriman "talked about everything under the sun my trip to Europe, the forthcoming Democratic conven tion, the welfare of the world. We also C discussed ' the furthcoming Democratic victory in Novem ber." Mostly Demecratle Thursday's political news as mostly Democratic.' wilR Repub licans quiet for the time being. In Washington, Sen. Walter F. George (D-Ga) predicted most of the Southern states will vote for Adlai E. Stevenson on the firsi ballot at next month's .Democratic convention In Chicago. And unless Sen. Lyndon John son of Texas "looms up as a se rious candidate, I think all hut two or three Southern states will be voting for Stevenson on the second ballot." Ut Votes Naw Kefauver said in Tortia, Ark., he has "a little .better than 250 votes now" for the presidential nomination. Kefauver, who said he would decline the vice presi dential nomination If it were of fered him, discounted an asser tion ' by supporters of Stevenson that -the former Illinois governor has some too delegates lined up. Stevenson, meanwhile, -began what he described aa a "listening tour" of Southern Iowa, where drought condition prevail. He told farmer Democrats "did pretty good Job" when they were in pow er and "maybe you should give tnera a chance again , . Vienna Proud Of Policemen VIENNA. Austria P Thl city is proud of its nolvcot po lice. To aid foreign tourists pa trolmen wear broad metal badges giving tha language they ipeak Record holder among the 290 multilingual policemen ia Rudolf movies, who flashes tea differ ent language badge. Runner up patrolman Hubert Kohl kat seven. Most popular language is Eng lish, spoken by 127 men. Next comes Czechoslovakian with 58 badge holder. Russian is spoken by 17 patrolmen, while 13 speak Italian or French. Around million pounds of frozen strawberries were packed in the United State in 19S5. Test 3Ieasure Of Delinquency ROWLING GREEN, Ohio liHJu. venile delinquency can be stopped early if a test being developed here is any yardstick. Dr. Joseph K. Balogh, Bowling Green State I'niversity sociologist is working w ith a test devised by William C. Kvaraceus, of Boston I'niversity. It has 75 multiple choice ques tions and a high positive score In dicates delinquent behavior ten dencies, Dr. Balogh says. RE-OPEN TONITE! COLONIAL HOUSE MARLON BRANDO -JEAN SIMMONS FRANK SINATRA - VIVIAN BLAINE iJ-i in Color arid CINEMASCOPE f Id I::rrcnsD in Prices ! Ichaefers NERVE TONIC Far relief af aleeplessnean and reitleasneta, nervsus tension, ervons beadach and lrrita bilitv. $1 00 u. ' SCIIAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opan Dally, 7.30 A. M. to P. M. nndsys, t a. as. to I p.sa, IIS N. Commercial Emotional Gn flirt CauHe Skin Trouble MEXICO CITY Emotional conflicts cause many of the skin affections of children, reports a re search tram of Laura Rotter Her nandci and Dr. J, de Jesus Casta- neda. The result of such conflicts are noted more in girls than in boys, says the report, which lists msjor causes. 1n order of Importance: Rejection, with hotility toward the child; abandonment; economic and immoral situationa; solely family atmosphere; school at mos phere. When any of these are com bined, the affection i worse, the report says. T.ate Open :4J Shew At Dusk! NOW PLAYING CUrtoo M00KJT SILVEKHEELS Csllll iK Private war .f MAJOR BENSON NNWCtLMJ -nus- KARTOON KARNIVAL 4.F-0-U-R-4 KOIOR KARTOONSI FRIDAY and SATURDAY DANCE JACK XIZZIAH And tha Naw Taxo Rambler Friday, July 6 THE MOOSE HALL 3057 Portland Road u d MA I i T 1 I hi i-i-i-j in-tin NOW SHOWINO tv L V - .. i I Burt LANCASTER Tony CURTIS U Gina 1 LOLLOBRIGIDA j f ftfr CnstauScoei A CO-HIT C0TTEM n HON OA FLEMINQ COREY Woodburn Drive-In Wed. Tkurs. . Fri. Rst. In Clnemasrapa "WHS OF lANCHtPW . Lana Turner Plus "APACMI WOMAR Uayd Bridge 0 7:tSSlirh Dtisk DALLAS M0T08-YU Gsles Open 7.0 Shew Dusk Giant 100 ft. Screen Dean Martin A Jerry Lewis In "ARTISTS AND MODELS" VlstsVlslon Second Feature Gary Cooper, Burt Lancaster VIRA CRUZ" Clnemasrosr TOMMY KIZZIAH . And His Wst Coast Ramblers Masters of rVtsfern Swing PLAYING ON THE FIRST FLOOR CRYSTAL GARDENS -o- SECOND FLOOR THE OLD TIMERS , Ploying Your favorifo Melodies Admission 74c for k TWO FLOORS ONE PRICE TWO BANDS Guaranteed! The Best in Salem! No. 1 Fruit ..: Jl Lbs. m Delicious iTllT IT liiliati M OX Theso Are Firm and Swtotl Beauty Seedless -If Cm lhl.311' Tomatoes RndiclW & Grnnn Onions m 5c EARLY-BIRD SPECIALS , 10 TO 12 A. M. SAT. ONLY BW S, FRYERS Each SUGAR ..W.iiUS' EX TUNA ut,M BREAKFAST rACCCC (UP WUIILL lb. 1q7io.- in l Tin SLAB BACON PICNICS S S-fflDBB 5-lb. Box, 1.5 Lb. SWISS STEAK ,0IB,e Ground Beef 3 ,b, 89' HOLIDAY MARGARINES ib, SWIFT'S TUMHIR CtASS, - P-NUT BUTTER 2W NESTU'S ' , ' a aa Canned Milk 8 ,.r r Cup 1 COFFEE Pound tin BW Wa Reserve tha RigHl ta limit-No Salat la Dealer Prices Good Through Thursday jAVinGnTER .Portland Road SALEM Edgawatar Si. WEST SAIEM , . '