1 Statesman, Salem, Ore., FrL, July 8, '56 (Sec. Shopping for Swings! Ice Cream Important in JVercr Before Have There Been Savings Like These! These Treats rMk. Keep plenty of thai premium quality fraien uies an hand far kat summer days ahead. Yaull save vp ta 5 an each can at Safeway, fach 4-i. can makei a big serving of the finest fruit you've aver tatted. Stock up today. - Lemonade Scotch Treat ft Limeade Bel-air Grapefruit Bel-air 6-OZ. CAN Stock Up Your Home Freezer -There9 Hot Weather Ahead! Tanning (ream s"4Skl Battle Ribbons rur'a Kool Shake ",Add Mi,k Kool Aid FruUFUvori Cigarettes S.O.S. Pads "p rUM Aerosol pj Surface Spray Bug Bomb Brid'port ft.fln (nAnnf 1 Pack Insect Lamp MW Toilet Soap Brof,de Wrisley Soap "ul" 4.,$1.10 pkx.r 39c 5.k.. 29c 15c pkgs. 6 p.,.. 25c Cta. reg . ilxc $1.73 Pkg. at It 25C t 69c Quart 79C 89c in. 33c New JVW Each 25c 10V.rfk 49c It 63c Cake Mixes Jif" Fleet Mix r" M" Royal Satin 8rt"",i. Shortening Sn"d'i,t Cider Vinegar 0,dMlu All Bran Kt"" Ctna . Snick PacP',w" v,riet,M Gelatin Dessert ,t,,wea Instant. Pudding BrMd Pineapple '""" s'" Crushed Pineapple 8w"tTrt..Sojt.. 20c Hawaiian Punch FruitDr,nk tit 39c Beenie Weenie v" "p 25c Mi. pkf . 40 oi. pkg. 31c 3 lb. can 85C J ib. can 89C Gallon 79C lies, pkf. 19c 6 pkfi. 29c 4 ,,. 29c pk: 11c No. 2 can 25C Raspberry Twisl p,,,jrA" ".SW 25c Cluikrtf HaKhIiI Tea Gsrden JliaHWGIIf lCliyill Fresh Bread Wi Pullman Loaf 6k""k's Slender-way Bread 8kyUrk Rilz Crackers NBC Choc. Chip Cookies Me,roM Ice Cream Cones 8,,rc"p Tea Timer Cncktn Margarine 8u"yb,Bk Nucoa Margarine rr'rk,y Margarine Dutck MM . Ballard Biscuits ,pl"5bury 35c l-et. (lass Large loaf 30C Large leaf 3wC Leaf 27C Mb. pkg. 33c pkg. 29c Pkg. of 24 29C ub. pkg. 33c l ib. 25c Mb. eta. 29C iib. 29c 2 ....29c . BLEACHES ocTSoX WHITI MACIC H-Oal. AP H-Oal. Bottle Bottle AO SALAD OIL WESSON MAYDAY 63 o, 59 CANTERBURY TEA Black or Orangt Ptko 24-Quart Size Bags 7tmeRJ0ICVtMTB..pcrfect barbecue ... Get then at SAFEVJM Lean and Meaty, Barbecue Perfect An outdoor barbecue make appetites tit up and take notice.. Food always teems to taste better when cooked out of doors, eaten out of doors. Barbecues, nevertheleis,..pwJ..mt to a severe test. To cook perfectly they must be top-quality-tender, juicy and full-flavored throughout. Safeway offers steaks and other meats for barbecuing that are guaranteed to pass this test every. time. Try these superb meats. And remember, your purchase must please you 100 or your money back. ' lb. fl "polish- Z- $1o for BkdePotHomt mi (HOKE" Grade Beef Coaranleed Perfect Ealing. GOUKD SOKE ROAST lb. 55c Plate Boiling Beef Boneless Beef Roast EXmiW "USDA CHOICE" Grade Beef lb. E Beef Rib Roast "USDA CHOKE" Beel Standing Cut lb .if Pork Sausage .Aiirurap. Slab Bacon Whole er Half Sliced Baocn Morrell Yorkshire - I r Whole Drawn Fresh Fryers .... Fresh Halibut sue., Sliced Pork Liver T.nd.r lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 49 45 49 45 65 29 Beef Round Steak SS1SW A DaI All Whole Carcass UIUUIIU UCCI Beef Fresh Ground lb iW.VA.,AW.V..AWA.....V.v... Rifewsf s guarantee of complete satiafartion applies to every cut of meat Safeway sella. If for any reason your purchase does not satisfy, your money will 'be cheerfully refunded. -fc . Take It easy during summer time and at the same time cele brate by serving a great variety of ice cream desserts. You'll find that fragrant maple-blended syr up produces luscious variations of this Summer theme. Here for example, are some super ideas one for last minute preparation (on those hurry-up-occasions!) and two to make in advance. Ac tually, there's not a reason In the world why you couldn't make all in advance and freeze risht In the glasses In which they are to be served. The Maple-blended Coflee Sauce la a heavenly vari stion for the old favorite, Maple Nut Sundae. FIUtT AND.JCE CREAM, COMPOTE 1 quart vanilla ice cream 14 cups cantaloupe balls, fresh or (roien 14 cups pineapple cubes, fresh or froten k cup maple-blended syrup Arrange layers of ice cream and fruit in sherbet glasses. Pour syrup over top. Serve st once. Makes B to 10 servings. M ArLE BI.FNDED COFFEE SAUCE H cup maple-blended syrup t teaspoon instant coffee 1 tablespoon butter . vt cup chopped walnuts Heat maple-blended svrun to boiling.' Add instant coffee and simmer 3 minutes, stirring con stantly. Remove from heat. Stir in butter and nuts. Serve warm on vanilla ice cream. Makes about . etip. MAPLE-BLENDED PARFAJT. Pour a small amount of maple- blended syrup in parfait or sher bet glass. Firmly pack glass with vanilla ice eresm. Place'fn freei- er until firm. Then remove from freezer and punch five holes down through the ice cream with the bsndle of a silver soooa along the outer rim of the glass. Pour more maple-blended syrup over surf see of ice cream until holes are filled and a laver of syrup covers the top. Return to freeier until ice cream is firm again. Top with pale green, mint- flavored whipped cream and a sprig of mint. Makes 1 serving. 761 JL i. . ... II -JiTW -11111 Ul- 1 II yV mm-. IMS III If.ttf'. 4. Crisp Cookie Is Old Fashioned There's slways room for one more cookie recipe in the scrap book, so here's a crisp rolled out one to add. SUGAR COOKIES li cup butter , 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla I cups sifted flour I teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk Cream butter. Add sugsr and continue creaming. Add ecc and vanilla and beat well. Sift flour and baking powder together and add with the milk. Chill dough Roll to H-inch thickness on a lieht- ly floured board or pastry cloth. Cut with cookie cutter. Sprinkle with sugsr or a cinnamon-sugar mixture. Bake on cooky sheet in a moderate oven (37$ F.) 10 to 12 minutes. y ; , . y;- rf.; f "X. . . W - - 7 Hera are three super desserts using ice cream and maple syrup for added flavor. Over at the left is a fruit compote with melon and pineapple cubes with the ico cream ami syrup, In the center is a parfait and at the right maple) sundae. S fA x -mm,f I I Grccn Ltmas 1 Join Eggs as Dinner Dish i 1 J Fresh lima beans and eggs go together in ramekins. The beans are mixed with a cream sauce, curry-flavorod, then arranged so-tho center will hold an egg. The color combination Is at tractive, too. " pools and fountains. Blue lights are disappointing for they are likely to crest an eerie and unearthly look in the night. 5. A little light goes a long way, if directly on light-colored walla, gravel BEWARE Of miTATlQHS LOOK OH THt HAfr LTUI DOO ftppf Light Touch Recommended to Give More Beauty to Outdoors By ERMINA FISHER Ceenty ExtenstM Agent. Him EeoomsUes Now that summer seems to have arrived, many families are really using their patios and outdoor living areas. The lovely yards don't have to blackout at sunset if you give them the light touch. Outdoor ilehtini eouiomenl lives you not only prolonged enjoyment of the garden, but allows you to do mors entertaining and cooking in the cool out-of-doors. ' A big safety, too, is the safety that outdoor lighting provides against both accidents and prowl ers. Here are live tips in carry ing out a lighting plan for a garden either large, or small: 1. Avoid "whitwashing" the en tire garden in imitation of daylight. 'and concrete and gravel patch The result ia likely to be flat and They all serve as reflectors of lighted garden lies in contrssts of i Not only does ouLilde wiring give "". our hollows in the tae- j of light and shadows, in highlights you another place in which to re-, r'"'c- land silhouette effects. lax and entertain after dark, youj Break eggs, one at a time, oa J. Scatter the lighlng units. Place also have handy electricity for, a saucer and slip it into a hollow, them so they illuminate a flower , cooking hamburgers, brewing cot- Tour melted margarine over hxt il.hand tree, a naih. a fee. listening to your favorite pro- rcga. Cover with iiu tmi pool, a rock gafden. jKram as well as Christmas light- Bake ia moderate ovea (330"F.) I. Conceal th light sources. Re-:'n- .oout m minutes or unUl eggs Bif or little green lima betas combine with eggs In Intriguing dishes. The flavors, colors, and textures of these two foods com plement sack other, making them natural go-togethers. - Feature this lnterestiug duo la quick and easy hincheoa of scrambled eggs witb tender limsa. Or, for a dinner casserole, slice hard cooked eggs over cooked llmaa and caver liberally with a cream sauce. Ta add appetite 'appeal, sprinkle the top of the !lima-egg mixture with grated cheese or chopped chives before beating ta blend. For aa especially taat lima beaa and egg dish, try flsvoring the limat with a margarine-rich curry sauce before adding the . eggs. The curry sauce Is superb uavorwise, and it also acta as a ban for poached eg'ga or for eggs baked oa top the ltmas. Here's how to make this unl u .baked egg and curried lima diah along with directions for elegant service ia individual re me kins. . Baked Eggs sad Carried Lima Bean 1 box frotea lima beans (or S cups cooked or csnned limaa) H cup (1 cube) margarine cup milk 3 tablespoons flour to 1 teaspoon curry powder 4 eggs Cook lima beans ia boiling water until tender (about 11 minutes). Drain. Make a curry tauea of M cup margarine, milk tad flour mixed with curry powder. Add lima beans. Stir and heat. Distribute the hot limas evenly in 4 individual ramekins, or spread evenly in bottom of a shallow casserole. : With s tsbleapoon, form a hol low ia the center of each ram. sped your neighbor s right to! un tne saieiy score, remcmner nrivpv nH olare lieht bulb and to experiment with placing fixtures fixtures so .that light is confined 1 only dry garden, for dew or to your own premises. In your own ny other moisture must be guard- garden, the prime rule should be: keep the light source out of view er's eyes. Hide bulbs In shrubbery. Or use a shielding reflector. 4. I'se white light on flowers. Colored light may be used spar TOPS IN QUALITY! wuri s;u at Rut nisi if; uku npai - , . alf itl BfllfB r"ly " white statuary, walls and unacntfmind LOW II J PRICE QLS, ,nd ls mst effecUve in Pta.nt trench yUtZf FOB C0MPUTI '2p ICFKSHM1III II ed against in handling electrical equipment. Installation costs for outdoor wiring may be a major expense item but thrre'a little upkeep after it's done. For safety s sake install wiring equipment, wire which resists moisture and rust can be buried in the ground. ' Kxtrnsion cords draped over bushes snd under steps are not recommended. about are just set. 4 servings. Serve hot Makes DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 1093 N. liberty,. Salem rhonel-ellt Eggs Make Main Dishes Simply Vood'Frl Ekks make 18 S t'SX are the main dish in this recipe with a Mexican flare. MEXICAN SCRAMBLED EGGS 2 tablpftponna minced onions i clove garlic, chopped fine 1 small green pepper, diced ' fine 2 tablespoons conking fat or oil ' cup sieved cooked or canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons water 1 tei'ponn aalti pepper A eggs, slightly beaten ' Fry nninn, garlic, and green pepper in fat or oil. Add toma toes, watrr, salt, and pepper. ("(ink 3 minutes. Add eggs snd cook over low heal, stirring oc- raMonally, until thickened Serve with potatoes, Tuna Salad on Lunch ton Mtnu . Jelled tuna sslsd csn be gar nished up for company, but It's good for families, too. r MOLDED TVNA SALAD 1 tablespoon lelatlne tablespoons cold water cups tuna cup chopped celery cup pickle relish teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika ' cup mayonnaise dressing Soak gelatine In rold water flv minutes and dissolve over boil ing water. Flake the tuna ia Pieces, add the celery, relish, ' papnua ana mayonnaise. Add the dissolved gelatine, mix well and put Into individual molds (or one . large moldt which hve been dipped In cold water. Place in refrigerator 1o chill until readv to serve. Serve in nests of lettuce and garnish with celery curls snd rings of green pepper. 2 2 4 ELEGANT SOI P Prepare this elegant soup for eompaify. Pit and peel one large soft avocado and mix in electric blender with cup table crear.i Add 14 cups chicken hrnln mA hlrod until velvety. Seaunn oilk besjn, green salad with strip of'" r"', "eht squeese of jarlie. meat snri rhree, snd upside- ' innit-q, garnisnea with chop down cake marie .. with., fresh or I" "Ives. i stewed dried fruit. j "" jNHEPHERD'S PIE . ADD Mt siirooms . nice that small amount of ma-t Shred raiishrooms will fancy up ; beef that's left over and add to whole-kernel corn ifroten or can- mashed potatoes. Pile into a pie ned when you are having com- plate and heat and brown the top pany. in a hot oven.