i l-(3ffc ETC) S!afe jman, Sa!cm, Ore.,' Fit, July 8, 5J Gardcn-Frcsh Flavor! Dol-air Premium Quality V Galhor.'Roond'for.a Good Old-Timo DJC10! 1 Cookies All Uso Flavor Of Coconut Coconut Is in important Ingred lent in all three of these cookie , recipes. It fives a lot of flavor and fluff to the sweets. COCONUT TOA8TIES CHEWS i 4 tablespoons butter 7 ' cup brown ufi firmly ". , packed ' cup granulated sugar ' 1 egg, unbeaten -. V, eup chopped nut meat 1 cup shredded coconut B cups toasted" wbest cereal Cream butter; add sugars grad ' nail and ereara together until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat welL Add nut meats, coco nut, and toasties and mix thor oughly, mixture will be dry). Shape Into rounds by pressing mixture by tablespoonfuls against side of mixing bowl. Drop care fully on lightly greased baking sheet and bake in moderate oren (330 degrees) 10 minutes, or un til done. Remove at once from baking sheet Makes about I dot , en enews. COCONUT SUGAI COOKIES 3 cups sifted flour 1H teaspons baking powder 4 teaspoon salt cup butter or other short ening . eup augar 3 eggs, well beaten . . 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cud shredded coconut Sift flour once, 'messurtv add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Cream shortening, add su gar gradually, and cream welL Add eggs and beat thoroughly; 'then add flour gradually, mixing well. Add vanilla and coconut Chill until dough is firm enough to roll. Roll dough tt Inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut with floured 34nca cutter and sprin kle with sugar. Bake on nn greaaed baking aheet in moder ate oven (379 degrees) for 12 minutes, or until done. Makes about 2 dozen cookies. COCONUT DREAM SQUARES 1V cups lifted cake flour V cups browa sugar, firmly , pscked 4 tablespoons butter J 1 egga to teaspoon baking powder V teaspoon vanilla 1 V cups coconut .1 cup chopped walnut meats Combine 1 cop of the flour and Vs cup of the sugar. Cut in but- . tor until mixture is the eoniirt ' ency of coarse meal. Pat firmly into an untreated 9x0x2-inch pan and bake in moderate oven) (390 degrees F.) 19 minutes. , ' Best eggs until light. Add rev msining augar gradually, beat ing constantly with a rotary neater until mixture Is light and fluffy. Sift remaining V cup nour ana ine Dating powder-to- getner and fold Into egg mixture. Add vanilla, coconut, and nuts and mix thoroughly. Snread on top of warm baked mixture (n pan and return to oven. Bake 20 minutes longer, or until lightly browned. Cut In 14 -Inch squares while warm. Makes about 24, - V.y. - . -J , ) ': s-- '"iv-'.'O H--.- v-V''--j;---vCv'.; 'i,C ' y ' s '7 1 --.r v y ............. ' - "- yj a - -. 7'i Fresh Frozen 7 Garden-fresh corn at your finger tips when you stock your home freezer or locker with Bel-air premium whole kernel corn. Reg. 19c each, save Z3c. Buy 6 packages. Doi. Pkgs. I.7S 10-oz. 0) Pkss. Other Bel-air Premium Foods Frozen Peas Peas & Carrots French Fries Potato Patties Baby Limas Strawberries 20 10-ox. Pkg. 19' 9-ox. 2 V... 33 12-ox. Pkg. 19' 10-ox. Pkg. 27' 10-ox. Pkg. 27 Just arrived at Safeway! Leads and loads of thumping crisp, red-rips beauties . . . qt a special low price! Price in this advertisement ere in effect through Sun., July 8, Another Safeway Special! Here's a Real Stock Up Value! Happyy days! Our buyers have ust made wonderful .. a watermelon purchase ... and yew benefitl Carloads of Wh0l6 IllGlOriS the sweetest, reddest, most lucious watermelons of the ' season have ust been rushed to us from sun-drenched watermelon 'patches" Perfect lime to treat the whole family to e real old-time watermelon feast at price that ayi, "pnoy )t to your heart's contentr lb. By the Piece lb. 4c y mm mm mm '""nvertible" Dish is Handy Peaches with Maple Sauce Is convertible recipe; perfect for a situation where there's one dieter In a family of dessert lovers. Peaches aa they come from the can are quite low In calories, for those who can eat dessert, add the creamy maple-flavored sauce for a richer treat. Peaches with Maple Ranee to cup browa sugar (packed) . 1 teaspoons cornstarch Few grains salt to eup wster 1 Few drops maple flavoring: V cup whipping cream V cup slivered roasted on- " blanched almonds to canned cling peach ' halves Blend augar, cornstarch and salt, add water, and cook and atir until clear and thickened. Add flavoring. Cool. Whip cream until stiff and fold into sauce. Stir In almonda. Serve on chilled peach halves. Makes 6 to I servings. The Seasons Finest at Safeicay Garden-frith Uafy htxids-at a special low prict this WMktnd I ' I " .1111 I W I t, CANTALOUPE Vinf.rip.n.d f O) f Eating Every time Ib.fO) fZ, It's GERBER's of cdurse, strained fruits and vegetables. Regularly $1.09 a dozen, save 20c eJozen this weekend at Safeway. - Dozen Cans KINGAN BRAND, regularly 33c each, save 8c on each tin. Per fect for warm weather sand wiches and cold plates. 12 oz. can Save On These Excevtional Safeway Values! MID-DAY Hot biscuit and a layered fruit and cheese salad make delicious luncheon. Start with a lemon ge latine base, and mold canned cling peach slices and sliced bananas in half of K, and cottage cheese, blue cheese and. chopped walnuts In the ether. VtnWMT ' Small fry will like raisins added tj mmahvA tweet DOtatOM. -7 f r "a rt In .... :'s Very , . a i rsnd I MARGARINE r,;-'-ci4inJc!8.n Valencia Oranges 5-lb. tag Ripe Bananas Fancy quality lb. Santa Rosa Plums large sweet lb. Crisp Carrots 2 Tomatoes Perfect allien Cucumbers for Summer Salads Celle lags lb. 59' 19' 19' 25' 39' 15' GRAPES Thompson seedless, the easy way to please the family. lb. GREEN BEAtlS Local Grown Long Tender Beans- Packed with Flavor lb. Shortening (r n n fr$ Frappe Brand, Pure All-Vegetable vssing. Duchess Brand Reg. Price 59c Philadelphia Brand 3-lb. Pkg. Qt. 3f' 23-oz. Pkgs. Finest Elherta Freestone mm 21to 22-lb.Lug Per lb. 17c JVew While Rose Shatter 0 mm Chiffon Brand Reg. Price 25c Large 400's Box Harvest Blossom Sack 10-lb. mm is U. S. No. 1 Grade Trie Finest in Town, Now at Safeway 10-lb. Bag ALSO AVAILABLE IN OUR PRODUCE SECTION - Persian, Casaba, Crenshaw Honeydew Melons, Apricots, and Fully Ripened Nectarines. one i 1- j Canning Supplies MASON im. KERR JARS Wide Msuth Q,,,rU JELLY CLASSES H",pln,su KERR UDS R"uUr (ERTO Llquid Pff"" MCP PECTIN it" PAROWAX 8M"B' FREZE BOXES Kord'"-" ,it FREZE BOXES K"r,n"'5Qt- ' VAPO CANS c-"rt'11 rt YAPO (AN LIDS pl"le WHITE SATIN 8uW CAKE SUGAR r'f c SAKRIN fer,w'' L"0, Dairy Products-Coffee Dorrs $1i45 io.a $1.65 Mb. But Dotea Down S at. site 2 .far Mb. IS park 15 park Pkg. of I Pk. e( 11 25 lb. aaek $2.57 $1.03 83c 15c 29c 29c 23c 75c 98c 98c 59c leib. aaek lire 69c NOB HILL COFFEE AIRWAY COFFEE EDWARDS COFFEE M.J.B. COFFEE DHici0Ui INSTANT COFFEE Edw'rd$ COTTAGE CHEESE Woum Tim LUCERKE 3.8 MILK T quM SKIM MILKrM WHIPPING CREAM SOUR CREAM ICE CREAM 8bow 8,ir ICE CREAM 8"'w 8ur ICED DESSERT "ih" ICED DESSERT B,Bdb" 98c S5 91c a $1.03 Mb. Bsf Mb. Bag Mb. Can Lucerne $1.95 $1.81 $2.05 Mb.csn $105 ts.Jar 53C Plat 29c Halfgallpa 43c, Half gallon 33c pi.i 59c Hair pint 29C Quart 45C Half galloa 85c Quart 39C Half gaJloa 69c